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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1914)
12 TTIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEAIHETl 2, J9H. BEW CAR IM VIS OPENED Extension to Southwest Tart of Citj Row in Operation. CEIEBRATIOS MAEKS OFEXISrG It. t. Don ere rra tar Servlre Affarle fcr rr rni7 w. wet- Tftl- af Kfferts Tha Center street cer lint Is finished to reren-elshths of mile wwt of Forty eighth street and cart ' are running. Regular twentr-mJnote service hu be gun. The first cam were run over the new extension Monday afternoon. Citt erns living along the new extension tum4 out In hundreds to meet the oar at th end of tha Hit with a brass band. T-heni of Beals school and a load of exhool children occupied tha first car that made tha run, N. P. Dodg. jr., spoke In behalf of tha West Center community. Ha praised tha sctt1o the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company In general ef ficiency, neatness and cleanliness of eara, to., and thanked tha car company In naif of tha West Center street com munity for tha new extension, which will develop tha community a greet deal. O. W. Wattles rpnke In behalf of tha rar company. Ha told tha people of tha obetaoVee tha company baa encountered In getting" tha line through. Ha aald tha company bad wanted to make tha it ri al on for tha laat two years, and that pro tests arose from ona source and another against tha we of certain route 11 pointed out that tha company la bera to anrra tha nubile and that It Intenda to do ao ta eptta of obstacles. Daredevil Aviator Tells How Easy it Is to Loop the Loop Art ftmtth, the loop-fho-loop artist, and lila aeroplane proved a big- attracttoa at tha Brandeta Stores yeiterday. flmlth had nla machine on display and. be tween 11 and 11 o'clock he lectured on tha science) of aviation and looplng-the-loop In tha air. Smith explained now aaay It can be done U you know bow and bow safe It la if you are thoroughly familiar wtth tha tricks of the air. A larce crowd waa oa hand to hear Smith'- pereonal story and ther listened In rapt attention to every word. Smith will lecture again Wednesday and Thursday moraine; and afternoon. Scandinavian Lodge is Started in Omaha Omaha lodge No. S of tha Scandina vian Brotherhood of America waa Insti tuted In tha Danish Odd Fellows hall, Twenty-fifth avenue and Ieavenworth street, Monday night by Prank Burman of Spokane, grand secretary and treas urer of the order. Fifty members are on tha new charter. The following officers were elected: Charles O. Lobeek, past president; B. A. Conteer, president; N. A. Luiidgr.n, rice president: Blrger Kvenild, recording sec retary: Carl H. Johnson, vice recording secretary: Oscar A. Helqulst, financial secretary; 8wan Larson, treasurer; Sam uel Christensen, chaplain; Robert A, Far berg, conductor,; Jacob Hansen, Inside guard; Frana Kelson, C. C. Borensoo, A. P. Hansen, trustees; bylaw committee, N, F. Toorson, John A. Anderson and Frana Kelson. Soeches were nuyJe by C. O. Loheck, Otto Nelson, C. If. Anderson, A. . Haa sen. S. A. Coroeer, N. A. Laindgran and others, expressing tha Certainty of a great future for tha organisation In Omaha. The brotherhod now has lodges In nearly every state In tha union and has a great field, admitting people of Scandinavian birth or descent. Its alma and objects ara to unite fraternally and socially the oand1navlan people and to educate them In American Institutions and history, , The next meeting will be December, 14. Many Enlist in Anpy During Last Month While the array recruiting station here, with its branch stations In nearby cities, had the largest business last month of any month since It was established, the navy recnfitlng station bad tha smallest number of enlistments recorded in many years. . A total of eighty-three men Joined the pmny and were -rt from Omaha to va rious training stations durtoir J-ifty enllted at Omaha, seventeen at! J-lncoln, nine at Dea Moines and seven ,t Sioux City. During the last three forking days of the month fifteen en. Hated at Omaha alone, so Sergeant Fred Hansen and his assistant here were quite busy. The nary recruiting station's rop . ord for the month waa not due to any' - Bpimcenis, ror eighty-two young men wanted to Join. However, sixty-alx were refused on account of physical die qualifications, ten were under are, three wehe held up temporarily for other rea eona and tly three wew sworn into the service. Big Live Stock Run Into South Omaha When Ban is Lifted With the raiding of the quarantine In Iowa, hog receipts at the Union Stock Tarda Jumped to 12.000 head, the greatft single day's receipts alnce February 13, 19U, wben a little mora than 23,W0 head were received; Jt,O00 aheep and .MO cat tle made up the other offerings today. In all 4 carloads were received to noon. Other atuff waa reported headed this way. "' The local yards are Just beginning to feel tha Incoming tide of live stock re ceipts after weeks of meager offerings, due to the quarantine restrictions placed on Iowa by the bureau of animal Indus try. Stock yards men say the market will be good now and that the beginning of a prosperous era Is at hand. ' SON OF FORMER CHIEF DONAHUE A POLICEMAN John 3. Donahue, son of former Chief of Police J. J. Donohua, was placed on the police force by the city eommlnslon. to serve the usual, six months' proba tionary period. Donahue has been firing a railroad engine. Three other policemen were put en the force: Charles . Cald well, Nleholae Herbollch and HarrySi Ask with. , v JENSEN FAMILY WILL' VISIT THE VATERLAND Ola Jensen, feu Wool worth avenue, his wife and two children, have booked pas sage on the Helllg Olav for Copenhagen. Mr. Jensen anA his family Jeft last night over tha Northwestern for New York, from where they sail Thursday. Th-y will spend' Christmas In tha Danlah capital, thetr old home. 7 ROCK ISLAND TRANSFER IN OMAHA HEREAFTER Rock Island local trams will n the future discontinue stopping at the Union Pacific transfer In Counofl Biufs, but will continue on to Omaha. This move la taken as the Rock Island has Its own depot In Council Bluffs and tha stop at the transfer merely adds to the running time of the trams. SEES VICTORY FOR GERMANS! Kiel CltTgTTnia Writes John C. EUkmer on Wix Outlook. M ARMED THE SOUTH OMAHAKS Reelplenta ef Letter fraa Aaree) ree fer la Oenaa ttty Were t !" la Matrlaaear by lllaa Maay Years Age. John C. PtahMeTr South Eighteenth street. South Omaha, bat Just received a letter from raster Man of the Iithran church at Kiel. In wht -h a great Oerman victory ia predicted. Tastor Ma'j mar tied Ptahmer and bis wife ut Kiel, thirty-one years ago. Since that time Stahmer haa ralaed a family of fifteen children In South Omaha. AH the male members of bis family In Germany are In the army. The letter waa sent to Stahmer on the anniversary of hla wedding by Pastor Maiv who has now retired from active work In the ministry, at the are. of 71 years. In part tha letter says: W are living under great excitement on account of the awful war to which especially England's politics have forced u The war Is going In our favor .and will sure end in victory for ua, if there la any Justice on earth. Do not believe any of the fabrications England Is epreadlng over the entire world connecting the German people with brutalities. They do not mention tha fact that thev have brourlit all of their wild hordes to flsht against cs. Thanking you I again for you remembrance of me. aay farewell. Ill Laughter Atela Dtareatlea. Laughter Is one of the most healthful exertions; It Is of great help to digestion. A still mors effectual help Is a dose of Chamberlaln'a Tablets. If you should be troubled with Indigestion give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. Ob tainable everywhere Advertisement. BEMIS PARK HOME IS ' SOLD FOR BIQ PRICE Hattla Ia Kays and husband have sold tha large reeidenoe and beautiful corner lot at Thirty-eighth and Lincoln boale vard to Ia C. Statu. Tha consideration named In tha deed ts tH.000. This Is in the He ml park district. The lot fronts in Lincoln boulevard, wtlh a long, grace fully curved terrace. A large frame dwelling house and a fravma barn ara on the ground. 3 ot Cut MADE TO MEASURE 3 giilgto for.. Tbla Is done to clean up short cads and keep tha giris busy during December. . ALBERT CAHN 1322 Farnam St 2d Floor. ICURSIGEJ RATES SOUTH Rdned rat, round trip winter xcurlcm tickets on gale daily to many points la the South, and Southeast, via the CHICAGO J.HL17AUKEE & ST. PAUL railway New Orleans .... $41.18 Tampa, Fla. . . . . $02.28 Mobile $41.18 Palm Beach ...,$G0.18 J acksonville .... $50.68 Augusta, Oa. . . ; 843.53 I-IiamL Hsu $72.78 Havana, Cuba .. .$87.18 Pinal return limit Tun a 1 1Q1 K , , - - v , wtwii u.b.m mj navaam, Cuba, limited to return In six months from date of sale. Liberal stop-over privileges. Attractive diverse route tickets also on sale at rates which will be furnished on application. Delightful tours to the West Indies, South America and from New ork to Ban Francisco through the racisms Canal. Three splendid dally trains provide service of the well known high standard of the Milwaukee" Road and connect at Chicago with through trains for all points South and East. For particulars inquire, of W. E, BOCK, 0. P. A., 0. M. & Bt. P. Ry. 1817 Fat-UAru St., Omaha. Neb. VOLUNTEERS TO START CHRISTMAS FUND CAMPAIGN Santa Claua chimneys" wll be placed on the street comers Saturday by the Volunteers of America. In which to re-cc-ive contributions toar4 the 0 baskets of ixj4 to be dUtrltij'.ed U wurtliy poor n Chrlatmas Aaj-. Major F. A. Wo- I Cormtck. in charsa ef the V'otuiiteera I work, lias securml permission fro.n Chlf of fulUe Iunn to pta-e the chlmmya on the corners, with workers In Bant f'iaoe onaturws t rlnj brlls near Jem. Burnt Otnahans have already made ru (nlltance to the Volunteers' Christmas dlnur futiJ. The prajoct U endorsed by the Aeeoclated lletailers and the Com tjiercial dub. w. d. sAr.sonr. hereto CGCGT CAM FRANCISCO FAIR W. D. Kojiburu, geneiai ajreut for the VurHngtnn at tan FrancUrco, is til Omaha oisnii;a- bovner talk for the Baa Fian c.Uco expijettion. Mr. Butern declares the exposition couid be Inaugurated to morrow. It la tbet iteer oomtetlin. IHir ln tb mouth of txtober, Mr. fUJibom fcosrt, 1.'..") vi,!o aeut through the il. .,urrfi crvan'la, each peytns a fee of 2i ii. The oh&vse is made to keep p-:.oia out of tbe grounds ebUe conntruo li n la urulrr ay, but even the adinlnaUm riie Jiiiiod In hobiins Uitu tie crowd. 3 Dolls for Tlis Week "We have decided, to give two more dolls for second' and third prizes, bo that if you fail to get the first one, you still have a chance to got nnaof the smaller dolls. Thtjy are v-ry swt and pretty, too, and will please you, but, of course, you would not expect them to be as big and beautiful as Priciila, who is for the little girl that brings in the most pictures. , Priciila is just too beautiful for words to describe. You must come and see Her, I l.,trl-, ttrad, Uitirrs & m rr'i f far tu.1k,'.-iUon, dyfpia. i.-.r itjd kbtury coiii;lnttit. elves ap-jt'.i.-, t. ut to si-m. 6"k: and fl uo i FrtolUa wlU be (Ivea rre a Us Utla alrl, muter is years of ee, tha brlajre et taaila ns the lavs eel somber ef doll's plotares sot rat of the Dally aaa feoaday Baa Vef era 4 s. am. stotday, Peoeattber s. Her picture will be in The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures of Pri ciila you can get, and be Bure to turn them in to The Bee office before 4 p. m., Saturday, December 5. If jo doa't wtn this DoI'la. perhaps you can get one Best week. Onlj one doll will be ; given to any one person. You can see PRICILLA r at the Dee Office ARRESTED FOR REFUSING TO PAY HIS BRIDGE TOLL A. C. Woeckner of Council Bluffs wsa arrested for refiialns to pay toll wben he walked across the Douelaa atreet brldse. Woeckner srew hostile snd an officer was called, who quickly removed the of fender and his Inclination. When it gets cold you want a quick lighting, heat producing fuel. A fuel that will make the house comfort able in a few min utes. Also a fuel' light in weight and easy for a woman to handle if necessary. s Vulcan fills these specifications. It a perfect fuel for do mestic consumption .almost all carbon, :the heat producer. It burns clean and bright .leaves very little ash ho dust or dirt is" smokeless and clean. Lasts as long as coal and saves XS of your fuel cost. . ' Pot Sale by Tour Coal Dealer Produced by CoalPnducUlUfg.Co., JoOet, TU. Dteriptw foldr and other in formation gladly furniiKtd. - Writs to ATVVIlX-MAKlliMSON COAL & COKE CO. Exeliv4 Domealio Salt AgrUt I Ta aiiiMI (ulamM aau. .1 t& 9 m nva. bv .("ssaS! M ITS 'I- i IPLU 5s.Mll Expnm Cicrjr DcdJ tcr It ms, stall as this ad with 80 eanta la atamsa or eotar-eod we wlU aend yea S full auert bottle of Hayntr Privt Stack tlJd-n-und Wh taker ta sealed eaae exprwa .harveapaKL itBotU& nBtm whiakey of the finest kind sealwl With the U.K. OevernaMiit'a Urwa P'.amp over the enrk fully asea, full proof, foil meaaure tmr to please sou la every way. Yva take Be rhaawes we are one of the larfaat Diatlllus tar America been la biinet 44 yasm eaoltei (M0.0u0.00. Order nM uom erW ant than one auart if m like aouda will so f orwsra by first mprwm. Otwe (nm Tf , HmIh Ool.., YTra Mont., eud all itaM Vi t ilnnu murt sail tm SUM far. li . Addrmt aur tumrtsi tJHot TZ2 BATNEK DISTIUING CO.Dept 105 Dtrtea.0. WaOia4ra,D.C. St. Leaks, Me. Im u. a.a, aa a mm. Liw, m SariarfUU. Utav Si.reaLin.aa. Jack tiro oria .a.pUii, kj anUe,Fla. W SI Tffsij J U kiy4 IT Toa'U Kirk IU Loeatlon a tb Below Diagram an ! Bead It la -W7iU KaU Treatmet -ES0LTJT21YIEZE. .tfouiunss irEiti cs or czxzt. The Rica Method has fcrnnsht sneh re Diarkot.le reauiis to ein-a a multitude A til former rue lure atilTarora. that t K anarorly Beela any vlber pnwl ot J lu value, iiuwer.r. we axe alwr 1 i wlllins to prove It toaor one wbo iui, oe lnteroaMtu. aaia tun riMit i truo( u aa aottuU trial. 1 list's I wQjr e uuw tjn..r you an.aiiit.iy frmi ut tlun aaxl j.oU a trinl treotuieiit to aaw waat tola onS.r(ul method ran do la j .im etM. i u.t umrk (fv. near aa jrtHi wo) tt.e kx-Mioa ol yt'ur rupture oa this dtnKraja of a tKHly, niArkit.s r la lit over ! Uie type. rnrl this 0 W 8. H1C1C tritt Main bi- Atlaiua, Malatae waria ky yia aaoeid eoattao. te euSM tbe tiMud. turt au4 tuuii. of. )u aa .Curt te frae yesraew tiwa IW alkT.ry. N.4 III I tree aal ' aoay. I sm'U se atfaaH llt.wKSj laat rtiyteiie U yea Soa't a aotne. taia aaeet It. ky But. at imu, m ekat this lies I ItMU&nt aaa Ao for ya Sta for It rlcht i away uu i Try uaate. sal Qy-Product Wednesday Begin. Oar Great $15.00 Bale of Men's - n&rt Sch&ffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats n Hn - l T Be Separate Clothing Ad pn Page 3. It Offers You Values You Should -Buy Quickly.". $3.50 Black Silk $ pfr Laces Wednesday & Wednesday Morning -we will place on sale a beautifully assorted lot of 16-inch to 24-inch Black jSilk Iace, regular $2.25 to $3.50 yd.i in two lots, 08c find $1.29 Pretty Val Laces, so popular for holiday ' -fancy work, in these special' lots, . Wednesday, yard, at 5c, TVfcc and 10c Beautiful New Nets, three choice lots, Wednesday, yard, 98c, i?1.50 l.QS. Holiday Novelties ) f c to 50c values, at A big special counter of. useful and ap propriate gifts for the Holidays, to 60o values, including Pin Trays and Cush ions of all kinds; Hat i Pin Holders, Ash Trays, Jewel Boxes, Work Boies, Candle Sticks, Paper : ' ' afW ' ra ' Weights, Etc. ;N on,- : MJf L Sale Wednesday, 'at, f choice ......... r. v . V ...... V--V : ..r w T0YLAND NOW READY and it '8 a very busy place just now, filling orders for-a host of the early buyers, and what ' a splendid , variety of Toys and w-w a . a - or tliey have here for selection. 'All kinds of Tovs and Dolls and. Oh! so pleasingly priced. Many Specials Wcdnesdav $1.08 "Handwerck's Jointed Dolls, with sewed wig, long curls, moving eyes ; a beautiful doll, at. . . v. . . . , ........ . 98c eOc Colonial Dolls, in character, I- 75c MecWnical Trains, on track, each v..."- . . . ,'.49c two cars ,49c 75' Friction Ant Par-I 85o Doll rurniturs Sets; I Other Dolls at from 2Bc cl post; on sal...404 on sale Tt& op to ....... .S14 oa , EreryUiln to please the little folks at IwtsPricet: M.U in 1 . u A Wonderful Bargain Sale of" Trimmed Hats Wednesday Hats Trimmed with Ostrich Plumes Hats Trimmed with Ostrich Bands Fur Trimmed Hats Aigrette Trimmed Hats Flower Trimmed Hats sr Regular $4.00 Values and Over 250 of them here for jour selection Wednesday , ' Scarcely any two of them alike, while the majority of them are black. Youll find a splendid assortment of desirable colors. .Trimmings are both white and 'colors.-. Seldom will you- find such beautiful and becoming Hats offered' at 'so, low a price- Blankets and Comfortables No. 0U A beautiful 11-4 Blanket cheap at 17.60 a pair; oaa day only, per pair ........... ...... ...98M So. 25f Tha beat pair of Blankets ever put on the market to eel I for K.iO; la this sals at .....H-SS No. 2(48 Ona of tha finest 11. it Blankets arer shown, full U- fine welgtit; this aala Sa.K No. I 881 A I beare wool Blanket, beautiful finish, waa made to aell for tSOO; this sals a.5 No. t81l This Blanket has to ba seen to be appreclatarf It ta very cheap at 44. Hi; In this aala S3. 49 Comforters on sale at sreatly reducer piicea, from .4fto to flO.OO Popular Domestic Room Cotton dress goods and fine wash goods must be . closed out, prices re duced to,, yard, 3C, 5c, 7HC, and. .....10c ; Worth from iwb to three times this price.' 1 case of Lonsdale, regular . Price 10c, In this sale GH 1 case of Indigo Bine Apron Checks, absolutely fast col ors, at, yard . .3,' Holiday Linen Specials 64-inch Round Fillet Center apiece, assorted patterns, worth 12.00 each.-. . ........ .gj 18xB2-lnch Fillet Dresser Scarfs, assorted patterns,. 6O0 raluee, .each ;2fa Circular Scalloped Pattern Table Cloths, all pure flax, .6.00 sl ues, each S4.23 7lxTJ TJnhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, assorted designs. $4.00 val ues, each ....7 aa.00 21x22 Unhemmed Dinner Napkins to match, pure linen, $4.00 values, per dosen v.... S3 00 Read Haydpn's Special December Holiday Grocery Opening Sale Dried Trtuls To Tour Xmaa Pud. dtua Cjuailty roods and a saving of it per-cent to 60 per cent on the root or 41vlns. ..; f 1 lbs. Pest OrantTulated euaar, 1.00 tt lbs." Best High Grade Diamond It Flour, nothins finer for bread, plua or cake, par sack 9140 10 lbs. Beat AVbite or Tellow Corn meal '. 19a I lbe. Beet Rolled WtoUe Breakf&a'. Oatmeal SSo The Beat Hand Picked Navy Beans, per lb . -. Be 10 Bars White Russian, Beat 'Km All, Diamond C, Laundry Queen or Len nox Soap Boo (Carle or Lewlrf Lye. can TVaO S lba. Sal Bal Soda lOo Veaat Foam, parkare 3e 1 4-minoe cans CVindenaed Mllk..THe I, S-cent cane Crmdeneetf Milk.... loo t-lb. cans California Peachea, for plea it The Beet Domestlo Macoaronl, Ool1ii Ka-c or hkmn.ra, per pkff Ve Corn Flakes, pk , Be R All resular 10c Coookles, per pound. .tvutinKWj ......... esS AH resular It Mo Cookies, par poun.l, Wednesday loo All rerular lie Cookies, per pound. Wednesday TT. .77. . .1S tO-ox. Jar Pur California Strained Honey , too l-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sug-ar Corn for ' t, l-lb. can . Wax. String", Green or Lima Beans ..Tiio l-lb. cans Early June Peas 10a $-lb. cans Hominy, Pumpkin or Squash tor , ..8Vi Parker Houss Cataup, bottle. . . . .SV3o Fancy large Queen Olives, quart, 3 So Chow Chow Pick I.e. quart ISo Medium 8011 r Pickles, quart lOo Choice California Peaches, lb....8l,o Choice California Prunes, lb.. .. .SS Moor Park Aprlcofs, lb ...lSV4e Cleaned Currents, lb," '.ISVfce fhe aest Creamery Butter, carton or balk, lb S4o rha bee I No. 1 Ka. dozen Ada Fancy Country Creamery Butter 8a .S5o 3ood Dairy Table Butter. lb., 1 lbs. Good. Butterine B-lb. pall Good Luck Butterine. IS lbs. best md Xtlver SCuutesot po tatoes te the peek gOc IS lba. fancy Oooklnjr Applea to ta peck ....Boo Demand your weight; the law re quires It. . Fancy Holland Seed Cabbage, lb. lUs Freeh Beets, Carrots, Turnlpa, Kaa Ishes or Bhalots, per bunch. ... .4c Wax or Green Beana ...7 Via Fancy Rlp Tomatoes, lb. .Tiao t stalks Fresh Celery .....So Fancy California Cauliflower, lb, THo I large Soup Bunchea loo I bunchea fresh Parsley loo i heads fresh Leaf lettuce. ...... .So fancy head Lettuce, head THo I lbs. fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes 100 Did Carrots, BeetH, Turnips, Parsnips or "Hutabagai, lb 1V.0 Out freak carload of Kigblaad Kavel uravagea are in ana on aJe at. per dozen ISo. a Oo. BSe. 30e ' . . - . - J j . . m 1 UUXCII. .AOO, tfUO, It Pays Try tfA.VOElMiS First I tl Pays Get into (business via the "Business Chances' bmsrl Lco'iino FooUvcar For Sniartiy Govncd Women Smartly dressed women real- jize that their footwear ia the most essential part ot their dress it inust be attractive and it must add individuality to their stylish gowns. ; Our women's shoe section of fers you the newest creations in low and high shoes in ail the newest leathers and combinations. Priced up from A. i . a Ok L C J "3 . a r a- e ww 1 1 UUUiUU I 1 V WWU "Va-N-fl f 1 ftl P? e :i i t: mmwm j V .;::