Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 16

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SOCIETY HELPS CHARITIES j, Kcturns After Summer Spent in Berlin
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leading Society, Folk Interested in
Child Savin; Benefit.
Lara-est of Tkrar 1o Br Held fndor
Aitplrn of a Scorn of Churches
l hr Lobby nf The flee
K-lal Calendar.
PI NDAT Mr. and Mm. A. R. Alpirn,
at home for their daughter, Miss (toldte
Alptrn and Mr. David P. Feder of Ht
Paul; lr. ami Mm. y. v. .luooon, din
ner In honor of Mr. J. .s. Wilcox.
MoNDAY "The CollrKo Hrrn." hrneflt
Child Saving Inrt tulo, Prandri theater.
The "1mm Auction" Bridge rlub, Mra.
K. R. Harris hapten. A. P. B. cluh,
Mr. Km nk Peterson hostess. Mondsy
Krldse club. Ml Irene iMcK sight host
ess. Origins) Monday Hrtdce club, Car
tor tswtmni.nd and Howling club
t Metropolitan club.
TrEDA'Y Debutante Hr!d-e club. "IjU--rt
I anres" club, at Turplns. "The
Collnirr; Hero," Hrandrls. Tuesday Morn
!rg tnuali-al. Mra. K. V. Dixon hostess.
Tuesday lirldgo rlub, Mn. Frank Krosii
hostess, l'laltoina rlub dancing party,
Jacob Hall
AV aUNKSIMV-Wednesday Brtdit rlub.
Hubacriptlon club danclns: Iiartjr at Tur
I In's. "The Colles: Hero," Brandola.
IJks' danrlng party at rlub room a
AHsr guild. Trinity rathrdral. Wed
ding of Mia Helen Hunter and Mr.
'hrstcr ludloy In Council tiluffa. Pub
irrtption dnn dinner, Mr. and Mra.
David Haum. Mr. and Mra. L. V. i ro
fuol, XI r. and Mra. Ossood Kaatman,
Mr. and Mr. Wilson Lowe, Mr. War
ren Itojrers.
TH I- ItiI A Y Passloo rlub dancing party.
Metropolitan club. Mr. 'V. J. rVhlu
ter, hoiteaa for W. W. club. OrlKlnal
Cooking rlub. Mr. Hamut-I Hum host
c. Father Abhnud'a bazaar. Knight
of Columbus rlub rooma. Omaha Ko-
lety of Flno Art lecture, Ynuiia; Wo
men' Christian aaaorlation auditorium,
4 p. m. Youna; Women's Chrlatlan
oclation i hrlntmaa market.
KRIUAT Qui Viva cluh dancing; party.
Chamber' ax-ademy. Nr. and Mr. John
K Webnter, dinner at their home. Parlnh
Aid aoclety. Wattle Memorial liotme.
First Prenbyterlan church, turkey din
ner and Chrlatma Bale. Flrat Connre
Katlonal church, baaaar, dinner and
playlet. Younar Women's Christian aa
Mociflon f'hrlatxtaa market.
SATl'RUAY Armbly ' club danrlna;
party at Turpln' academy. Trinity
Pariah Chrlstmaa sftlo at .laraha Hall
from 10 until p. m. First Corigrena
tlonal church, Chrlatmas ale. Youna;
Women's Christian aasoclatlon, Christ
ma market.
Keen Interest I being shown In the
'spectacular production of "The Collena
Hero." which will b staged st the
Brandeia theater ths first three flays of
the coming; week, for the benefit of the
Child's Favin; Institute.
Mrs. Charles T. Kountse snd her board
'of helpers are planning to raise a goodly
tnim for this very deserving charity.
This Institution ha been In 'exigence,
twenty-one years, and Its' object Is the
'care of humanity's destitute children.
It bs no endowment fund, whatever,
but relies solely on generous contrtbu
Hons. '
'Tlie College Hero will be an elaborate
display of aoensry, costumes and elec
trical effects. The east Is composed of
bout twenty parts; and the choruses In
clude college girls and college man.
sororities, banjo girls, varsity crews, golf,
tennis, basket ball girls, foot ball men,
sailors, soldiers, guest, faculty, bell
boys, maids, waiters and many other
groups. ' '
The production Is under the leadership
of Mr. W. Mills DavU ard Mrs. Maud
George Wyile of New York City.
Christmas Baiari. : 1 .
The women of the various church so
cieties are busily sewing these last few
(Jays before their Christina basaara.
.Antony those which are scheduled for
the latter part of this week are the First
Presbyterian ohuroh Christmas sale on
(Friday, with which there will be given
a turkey dinner at nooni the First Con
gregational church basar of rrtday and
Saturday, with ft dinner and playlet on
Friday venlnjr; Trinity Parish sal at
Jacobs HalL Saturday J the 'Youn
Women's Christian association Chrlat
mas market, Thursday, Friday and 8U
urday of this week. Father Abbou's
h.u for tha benefit of the Byriaa
church will also open Thursday avenlnc
at the Kr.ighta of Columbus oiuu rooms,
and will be maintained until "aturday
evening. 1
All of thee, beside the annual Christ
was fair for Omaha churches and Instl
inihni. 1 wKteh ia held la the rotunda
i of The Bee building, are for the purpose
of tempting the Christmas snnpper ana
swelling the coffer of U tmrtou
rhundiis This year the sale In the
rotunda of The Be building will be held
from Deoember T to is.
Pavlova-Charity Affair.
With the Creche benefit dano suc
cessful thing of the past and the hardest
work for the production of "The College
Hero" off their hands, aoclety woman
will assist the Rotary, club In making
the Favlowa Charity ball as brilliant a
ueoes aa th charity ball of last New
Th famous Russia dancer and her
ballet have always been a great drawing
card and the announcement that, the
large company of dancers will mingle
with the Omaha .danoers after the' per-
i fonnanoe la of special Interest to young
Omaha terpslchoreans, -
The proceeds of this Joint affair will be
divided among worthy local institution.
TliankseiYinjr with Student.
Miss Krna lteed and Miss Esther Wll
bclm spent Thanksgiving with Miss Kath
crlne P-aum at the J. K. Daum home at
llaverford. Fa., the former coining from
Vaaaar and the other two girls from
Miss Bpence's school In New York.
Mrs. Ernest Hart of Council Bluffs
spent the Thanksgiving season with her
daughter Clara, who la a student at Dana
Mlas Virginia Offutt and Mr. Jarvls
Offutt had Thanksgiving dinner at "Guy
Cliff," the beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Chrlstlancy at Hartadale, N,
Y. Mr. Will Millard of Chicago aad lit
eons. Bay, Jo aad Willard, were also
guesta at the same dinner.
Miss Margaret R lis tin came up from
the University at Lincoln for Thanksgtv.
ing with her grandmother, Mrs. C. B.
Mrs. John' Vf. Tpwie gave a house
party is Boston at ' the Puritan hotel
over Thanksgiving for her daughters.
' Marlon and Naomi, who are at Bradford
academy. Mlas Isabel Vlnaonhalcr, Mr.
Frits Buchols and Mr. Clarence Peters
were the members of this party.
Winter Flaai.
Mra Samuel Xats left Thursday for
the south, where she plans to spend the
winter. Mrs. Kets will visit her sister,
Mrs. Uersog, at Little Hock, Ark., and
will go frem there to Hot fipiings and
New Orleans.
Miss Grace Dooltttle will leave Monday
fur Lee Angeles, abere'she aill spend the
winter. '
Coloi.el and Mrs. 8. B. Curtis, who have
tcs at the Loyal for the last six aeeks,
1 X : : ' - 'riV ''iiS A AID
I1 . r ' " M ,r . it , S U,
J . ..!' :J .11 V -x
J 1 ; V K
i . IX
. 1 rW - '
VP . iiissi C vf 1 :1 il
.' Tranced J '
expect to return to New York to Join
Mlas Curtis early In December and later Dr. Vaughn.
piu su vauiornia oy way oi me
Panama eaaaL'
Mr. J. F, Carpenter and Mis Marlon
Carpenter, who had intended leaving for
California this week to pnd the winter,
have postponed their ,trlp, until later In
th month.
their daughter, Mra, Roger Vaughn, and
Creche Benefit Dance.
Th Creche benefit dancing party held
at th Rom hotel Saturday evening was
a vr gay affair. The hotel ball room
was elaborately decorated with palm,
ferns and yellow and whit chrysan
Mesdame Louts C Nash, Arthur Rog
er and - Loul Clark presided at th
punch bowl.,
Mrs, Thomas L. Kimball received the
Meads of th institution at th entranoe
t th hall room. Mra Kimball wag as-'
stated byl ,
Uniunu. Meadames
Arthur C. Hmltn. James C. Dahlman.
Thomas Kit Patrick, J. K. Summers,
Warren Boners, ' Bernard Capen, "
Ml Arabella Kimoaiu
Pleatnrei Put
Mrs. Robert Rrtdg and Mr. 8. A.
Fowler ntenalned th Dundee division
of th First Congregational ohurch at
luncheon at the horn of Mra Bridg
Friday. About thirty member were pres
Mra James Prawley was honor guest
at a birthday surprise Friday. Th eve
ning was spent with muslo and oarda
Th guests were, relatives and near
friends of Mrs. Prawley.
Miss Anna David was hostess at
Thanksgiving dinner Thursday, when
those present were Misses Ida Semerad,
Anna David, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Llbal,
Mesara Lester P. Westcott, Charles
Vltek, Dee O. Lund, John David.
The Al-tto-CIa club gave a danoing
party at ITalrle Park club house on Fri
day evening. Those present were:
Haiti Cook,
IaiUI Mclienry,
Mildred Hauth,
Louise Albert,
K. Kally.
Gladys sn Bant.
Evelyn Neale,
Urac Junes.
Urtrude Week,
Mary Mcb.ll.eott,
Mu.lse Klurruck.
Cecil Mon
Mra Charles Met and Mis Oertrud
Met, who hare been In New York all
fall, will be homo for th holiday Mr.
Met joined them several week ago.
At the Brandeii Theater.
Society la to b well represented at th
Bran del theater Thursday night at the
opening performance of "The Yollow
Ticket" Among those making reserva
tions for this evening are!
Messrs. Messrs.
C. O. Klbliernsen, Silverman,
A. B. Warren, J. A. Cavers.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountae,
Mr. and Mrs. A. V, Ktnsler,
Mr. and Mra. W. J. Foye.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Duan,
Mr. and Mr. ,T. E. Bummer.
Mr. and Mr. F. L. Haller,
Mr. and Mr. George Rertlrk
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kloke,
Mr. and Mr. M, F. Barlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgees,
Mr. and Mrs. George Haverstick,
Mr. and Mra Pinto,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wharton,
Mr. and Mrs J. C. Melhope,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Judeon,
Mr. and Mra W. A. Redlck,
Mr. and Mra M. Colpetser,
Mr. and Mra Mark Coad,
Mr. and Mrs. Crouns
Mr. and Mrs. Pnmuet Burns,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tukey,
Mr. and Mra Matter.
Mr and Mra J. Bpellherger,
Mr. ant Mrs. Frank T. .Hamilton,
Mr. and Mra, II. M. Browning,
Mr. and Mr. F. K Itos-en.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jeffrey,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker,
Mr. and Mra George Prina,
Mr. and Mra A, Flick,
Dr. and Mra B. A. McDermott
For Mm. Magee.
Mrs. Ulenn Wharton entertained at
bridge Saturday afternoon In honor of
Mra Jerome Magee, who la visiting her
mother, Mra Herman Kountse. The
guests were:
Louis C. Nash,
W. J. Koye,
Harry Tukey,
IR.ti K.l, hmark. Kalhl Vll Kruit.
Alice van uurgn.
tut her Anderson,
Gladys Kills,
Ijhui llditsman.
Alice Patterson,
Irene Johnson,
liens Phelan.
Vera lluatekd,
Malde Nxlsun, .
Clare Barnuin,
J, tHKHaard,
J. I. lieecroft,
Arthur Beck,
F. C. Powell.
A. E. Bwaiisun,
B. Demurest,
Jeese Crowe.
K. N. Fiankum,
O. A. Neleon.
Mark McUahon.
D. K. Turell,
G. A. Johnson,
11. M. Beiey.
Georxe Bauer,
W. M. VauKlrn,
A. E. Nelson.
ll K Anderson.
Mr. and Mra I Plainer,
Mr. and Mrs. Hotly,
Mrs. W llklna
Chriituai Plana,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B Blackwell will
have Mrs. Blackwell's mother, Mrs, Whtt
comb, with tliem for the Christinas holi
Dr. and Mra. J. P. Lord expect to spend
Llille W. Iehmann.
Holene Raho,
Millie K llian,
Oiiidt Hayes,
Johnson,- ,
J. U. Weeks,
John Rl"i,
William Stuart.
Walter Wlllrodt.
(ieorge Ose.
C ). Hhrum,
E. Wlllrodt.
11. W. Halter,
W. J. Palmer,
C. E. Eddy,
H. B. Fee.
W. J. Krug,
10 Boaell.
W. O. hhrum.
W. C Jecobaon,
H. Ia Javobeoa.
8am Burns,
A. V. Klnsler.
Edwin T. gwobe.
Mrs. Eva Wallace.
Wedding Announcement
Miss Ituth Eiell and Mr. Ernest N
Chrlstianson were married Thursday ve
tting at the home of the bride's parent.
Mr. and Mra J. M. El well, at Springfield,
Neb. Rev. R. M. Fagan performed the
ceremony, using th ring service.
Miss Helen Chrlstianson and Mr. Alois
Elwell were the only attendant.
After the wedding dinner th young
people came to Omaha and thea left tor
a southern wedding trip,
Mr. and Mrs. christlansoa will make
their home in Springfield, where the
groom la cashier of th America State
Wedding Plana,
Mr. and Mr. Jams Hunter ef Counoll
Bluffs have Issued cards for th marriage
of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Cheater
Dudley on th evening of Wednesday,
December J. at o'clock at St Paul's
Episcopal church In that city. Mis
Hunter la a graduate of Brownelt Hall
and ha many friend her aad Mr. Dud
ley I a Dartmouth man and also well
known socially in Omaha. It Is a foot
ball coach for th Cratch ton cotleg seam.
Mra. Raymond Connor of Deuiaon, la.,
slater of th groom, will be th matre
of honor and Miss Jean Hunter, slater
of the bride, will be ene of th brides
maids. Miss Nell Benton and Miss Theda
the Christmas holidays to Chicago wlthj Borsceim y( Council Bluff, and Miss
Eleanor Johnson f Oswego, N. Y., will
be the other three maid. Mr. John
Khtigart of Council Bluffs I to be best
man and th ushers will be Mr. Paul
Wadsworth of Council Bluffs. Mr. Allan
Tukey of Omaha, Mr. Thomas Kcully of
New York and Mr. Raymond Connor nf
Denlson, la. Mr. Tukey and Mr. Scully
were both classmates of Mr. Dudley at ,
Tuesday, January B, has been chosen
for the date of the marr'sge of Miss
Marlon Macrae to Mr. Clifford Wolf and
while )t will lie a Council Bluffs wedding
at BL Paul' church In that city, Omaha
ill r largely represented, as Mr. Wolfe
is of Omaha and Miss Macrae has also
many friends here.
Ml.-s Marl Ptewart of Council Bluffs
Is to be mM of honor and the four
bridesmaids will bo Miss louise Dinning
of this city, Miss Owehdollne Wolfe, sis
ter of the srocm; Miss Louise Haas of
Kansas City, who Is Mls Macrae's
ciuslri, nnd Ml Frances MrMlllen of
Fond dtt Lf, Wis.
A reception nt the home of the bride's
parents. Dr. and Mra. Donald Macrae,
will follow the wedding ceremony.
Birming-hara-Dutcher Weddinjr.
The marriage of Mr. Thomas F. Blr-j
mlngham, formerly of Omaha, and Mlse
Myrtle Dutcher, a popular young weman
of Lima, .O., was celebrated Wednesday
morning In that city. Rev. Father Blddlo
of St. John's church officiating. . ' . 1
Following the ceremony a prettily ar
ranged wedding breakfast was served- at
the homo of the bride's parents. 1
Mr. and Mr. Birmingham left at once
for Chicago to spend Thanksgiving day
at the home of the groom's brother. Mr.
Harry J. Birmingham, going from there
to other eastern points.
They will be at home at W West
Spring street, Lima, O., after Decem
ber 10.
Kooh-Sohnltz Wedding.
The marriage of Miss Dollle Kchults,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Kchults,
to A. J. Koch took place Tuesday eve-1
ring at St. John's Evangelical church.
The ' ceremony was performed by Rev.
a. Koch of Chicago, father of the groom,
aaslated by Rev. W. Schaefer of Omaha.
The bride wore a gown ef white crepe
d chin, trimmed with chiffon. Her veil
waa fashioned In Dutch cap effect and
held In place by lilies of the valley. She
carried bride's roses with a shower of
flies of the valley.
Mr. E. L. Von Behren, matron ef honor,
wore green crepe voile, trimmed with
shadow lac. Miss I tattle Schulti. sister
of the bride, waa maid of honor and wore
pink Silk voile, trimmed In shadow lace.
They carried bouquets of Klllarney roses.
The groom was attended by Mr. E. L.
Von Bohren and Mr. W. C. Ellis, formerly
of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs, Koch will make their
horn at Sin South Nineteenth street.
The out-of-town guosts were Rev. and
Mrs. O. Koch and Miss Ida Kooh of Chi
cago. Saraon-Garriion Wedding.
Mr, Horace Brayton Sarson, son of
Mra It B. Sarson and th late colonel
Sarson, has returned from California,
bringing his bride bom with hlra. 'Mr.
Sarson was married Thursday, November
12, to Miss Leah Garrison, daughter cf
Mr. and Mra Daniel Garrison of Modesto,
Cal. Mr. Sarson Is In the auditing de
partment of the Nebraska Telephone com
pany. He and his brido will b at home
to their friend after December 1 at 618
North Fortieth street.
Hronek-CreedoR Wedding.
The- wedding of Mia Nell Creedon,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J
Creedon, Mid Walter .Charles 11 ro nek of
Bchuyler. Neb.,' was celebrated at
o'clock Saturday morning at th St.
lHohn' Collegiate ohurch. A wedding
breakfast was served following th cere
mony, and In th afternoon a recaption
was held from 1 to 4 o'clock at th horn
of tha bride's parents.
Mia Mary Creadon, sister of th bride,
was maid of honor, and Miss Clare Mc
Caffrey and Mia Josephine Dougherty
were bridesmaids.
Francis .P. Hogaa ef Fonda, la., waa
best man, and th i ushsr war Lee
Fryor of David, City and Thomas Curran.
All of ths groom's attendant are
Crelghton graduates.
Engagement! Announced.
Mr. and Mra R JB. Wilcox announce th
engagement of their daughter, Marguer
ite, te Arthur M. Newell, son of Mr. and
Mra C. I Newell. Th wedding will take
plac la th spring.
Mr. and Mr. V. Culien announce the
engagement ef their daughter, .Mary Kox
ina. and Mr. Thomas F. Hanley. Both
young people ar well known la Omaha,
having always lived her. Mis Culien
attended Sacred Heart convent. Park
Place, and Mr. Hanley attended Crelghton
university. Th wadding will be cele
brated in January.
Renew London Acquaintance.
Mr. and Mra, Oeorg M. Faith of Chi
cago ar visiting Dr. and lire. J. E.
Pulver. Thea friends spent si weeks
together la London.
For Church Benefit
Among those entertaining at dinner
before the subscription dance at Tur
pln' academy Wednesday evening will be:
Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Kaatman,
Mr. and Mra. L. F. Crofoot,
Mr. and Mrs Wlfeon Lowe.
Mr. 'and Mrs. David Ileum.
Mr. Warren Rogers.
Anniversary Dinner. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard enter
tained at dinner Tuesday evening at their
home, oetebrating thetr sixth wedding an
niversary. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs, Ixmls Clarke. "
Mr. and Mrs. Uurge RedlvJi,
Mr. and Mrs. John Redlck.
Return from War Zone.
Miss Frances Nash, who has beea
abroad for the last year studying muslo.
landed In New York City th first of th
week. She wag met by her mother, Mrs
E. W. Nash, and. her sister. Mr. L. F,
Crofoot All sr expected In Omaha the
middle et this week.
Coronado Club.
Th Coronado clulj entertained at a
dancing party Thursday evening at Cham
bers' academy In honor of the Crelghton
aad South Dakota foot ball teama The
hall and lights were beautifully deco
rated In red and white. About oouples
enjoyed the evening. ,
Dancea for the Future.
The Pagaloo club will giv a dancing
party at Metropolitan hall, Thursday
Vesta chapter. Order of th Eastern
Star, will give a dancing party at Cham
bers' aoadamy Monday vntng, Decem
ber 1
The Coronado club will give It first
annual ball at the new Rom ball room
Monday evening, January 11. VUli. It Is
to be an informal affair. Hon. and Mrs.
i , y J !
3 - ' '- 'K j
James C. Dahlman will load the grand
The Delta Phi Sigma, fraternity will
giv a dance at the Rpme hotel Decem
ber 29. The following member are han
dling th arrangements:
Messrs. i Messrs.
David Caldwell. Harold McConnell.
Jarvls Offutt, Gerald EUlrk,
James Reynolds, Denman Kountze, .
John Jfanlghen, Clarence Peters.
Paul Shirley,
Mra, Webster Entertains.
Mrs. John L. Webster waa hostess
Wednesday at luncheon at her home.
Covers were placed for:
George Vose,
Henry Wyman,
J. A. McHhane.
Arthur V. Smith,
Victor Caldwell,
Clement Chase,
fl. N. Connor,
Frank Hamilton,
Kdgar K. Bcott,
Georg Prlns.
Miss Jessie Millard.
Popular Questi Leave.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young of New
York City, who have been visiting at the
home of Dr. and Mr. G. Alexender
Young, leave today for Minneapolis.
Future Affairs.
Mrs. W. J. Schluter will entertain the
members of the W. W. club Thursday
afternoon! , i
Mrs. Frank Peterson will be hostess at
th meeting of th A. 8. B. club Monday
afternoon. '1
Mr. and Mrs. John Ia Wobster have
Issued Invitations for a dinner at their
home Friday evening.
Debut Parties Cancelled.
Owing to th death of her grandfather
Mis Blanch Deuel ha cancelled th
date ef her debut dance, which was
planned for Saturday, December 26, a
the Country club.
Mlas Stella Thummel has oanoelled her
debut party for December tl and wUl
visit eastern friends at that Urn.
Debut Tea.
Invitations were Issued last week for th
debut tea to be given by Mrs. Frank
Bacon for her daughter Luclle Thursday,
December 10, which will bo followed by
a dancing party that evening at Turpln'
Alpha Phit Entertained.
Miss Virginia Leltoh of Kansas City
and Miss Ruth' Warren ef Fort Morgan.
Colo., ar house guests of Mis Etsa Haar-
mann for th week-end, all of them mem
ber of th Alpha Phi sorority of the
University of Nebraska. Friday after
noon Mis Helen How entertained at
luncheon at the Commercial club, fol
lowed by an Orphecm theater party.
Those present were.
Misses Misses
Virginia Leltch Helen Howe,
Ruth Warren, Elsa Haarmann,
Evelyn Anderson, Edith Howe.
Bernlce Nelson, Minerva Fuller,
Mary Haller, Besa Heaton.
Irene Johnson.
Miss Haarmann entertained at luncheon
at the Loyal hotel Saturday, followed by
an American theater party for the same
guest Saturday afternoon. Th young
woman leave this afternoon to return to
school at Lincoln.
To Honor Visitor.
Mr. and Mra F. W. Judson will enter
tain at dinner Sunday In honor of Mrs
J. 8. Wilcox of Minneapolis, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Georg K el ley.
Song Recital
Miss Minna Meyer will be heard in a
song recital Wednesday, Deoember at
the Young Women' christian association
auditorium. Mr. Sigmund Laadaberg will
assist Miss Meyer.
Large Afternoon Tea.
Mra Alfred Darlow and daughter. Miss
Ida Darlow. gave a tea Saturday after
noon, from t until I o'clock. In honor of
Mr. Harry Carpenter, a bride of last
month, and Mia Mlkova. who ha just
returned from four years of musical
study abroad abroad. Assisting Mra and
Miss Darlow war: .
Mesdames Mesdame
Thomas Ktl Patrick. Edgar Scott.
A, M. Burg 1 urn. Harold Gilford,
Harry Cu turnings, Arnold Borslum, .
T. M Orr, C. Will Hamilton,
Victor White. Chss.
M I usee - M laae
Jessie Millard. Maraaret Greer
Marttaret McPnerso Baum.
Carol Howard. Alice Carter,
Hasal Howard. Ktnei noimquiai.
Margaret RuUn, Marlon Carpenter.
Helen Scoble. Gretchea Williamson
Subscription T&noe Dinners.
The women of th First Presbyterian
church will giv a turkey dinner Friday,
between the hour of 11J0 a. nv and I
p. m. This 1 th day for th Christmas
sal also, beginning at 10:3 a. m. and
laatlng throughout the afternoon. Among
lh women In charge of the affair Friday
ar Mesdames Nathan Marriam. th presi
dent; J. H. Franklin. C. M. WlUielm,
Charles Offutt, Casper E. Tost. A. P.
Wagner and the leaders of each division.
Fir Mr. and Mrs. Young.
Mr. and Mra. William F. Baxter enter
tulned at dinner Saturday evening at
their home, complimentary to Mr. and
Mrs. nii-hard Toung of New York City,
who came on to spend Thanksgiving with
I Dr. and Mrs G. Alexander Toung. Covers
were placed ror:
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young.
Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Scott.
Ir. and Mrs. (1 Alexander Young.
M'ss Nannie Illchsrdson.
Mr. Conrad Young.
Dinner Before Dance.
Dr. and' Mrs. Robert HolliMer and Miss
Lecta Hcl'rege entertained at dinner
Saturday evening. loiter the guests at
tended the Creche benefit dancing party
at the Rome hotel. Covers were placed
Mr. snd Mra Hsry Plerpont.
Leutenant and Mrs. Thomas Ha
Miesee Misses
Dorothy RIngwalt, Oleason.
Messrs Messrs
Psmuel Reynolds, John Krtcke
George Flack, of Fremont. ,
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. Herbert Wheeler arrived home
Thanksgiving from New York City.
Mra Robert F. Anglln, who been east
aince last summer, returned to Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Richardson and son,
Jame, Jr., are expected home Monday
from Kt Louis.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Pollard have re
turned from Peru Neb., wher they
went for Thanksgiving.
Miss McKey and Mr. Fred McKey and
Mlas Johnson of Oskitloosa, la., are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKey.
Mr. Ernest Hart of Council Bluffs,
who Is with her daughter, Clara, at Dana
Hall, will return home about December fc
Mrs. Byrd of Salt Lake City, formerly
Miss Emma MoCormlck, waa the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. Ren Gallagher, this week.
Mr. T. F. Kennedy la expected home
today from Washington, D. C where she
has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Staun
ton. Mrs. J. S. Wilcox, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Kelley this
week, leave today for her home In Mln
neapolla. Mra W. F. Holmes of Hasting. Neb.,
who was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W.
A. McKey, the first of the week, has re
turned to her home.
Mis Frances Ptattl left Thursday
morning for Columbus, Neb., to spend
Thanksgiving. Miss Platti will not re
turn until the first of the week.
Mr. T. C. Byrne returned early In th
week from the east, where he attended
the Yale-Harvard game last Saturday
with his daughter, Mrs. FltsgeraJd, and
Mr? Fltagerald of Troy, N. T.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Garatt have taken
sn apartment at th New Hamilton.
Mrs. George A.. H.iagland Is taking
th rest cur at a sanatorium In Keno
sha, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. H, H. Spragu have re
turned from Excelsior Springs, and ar
stopping at the Loyal hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bald rig spent
Thanksgiving In Hollldaysburg, Pa. Mr.
and Mrs. Baldrlge will return horn th
first of the week..
Mr. and Mra. Nathan Merrlana will move
from their home at 212 South Thirty
fourth street, to th Beaton apartments,
about December 1.
Mies Corlnne Paulson landed In New
York City th first of last week. Uiss
The Diamond
for a Present
Because of the great
beauty and the poetic value
possessed by a diamond,
this stone has become a
mot appropriate gift for
any occasion. The Mother,
Wife, Sister or Brother ap
preciates every gift, but a
diamond of character and
true beauty will be prised
as the bent of all gifts. The
Edholm Store contatas a
wonderful collection of
beautiful diamonds in the
latest platinum mountings-
Albert Edholm
Omnlm'g oldest established
Sixteenth and Barney.
(Continued oa Page Three CoL Five.)
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Our Splendid Display
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May we show them
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Moyer Stationery Co.
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Must Vacate
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Now it your great opportunity. The fin
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