Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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lb "Xour
Shop early, in-1 tUy. nnii
early in the season. Jt.Viirorc
convenient nvrylm'1y
concerned. " .
t.; k & co.- :
The Store for
Shirtwaists "
Is deservedly popular be
cause of the great variety it
offers' in dainty tfnti Lnrl
blouses for wear at homt, on
the. atreet, during business
hours, and for every dress
occasion..: ' - ' -,".
A JReal Fashion Service
Mr. Vtohvrl Niooll, npparcl buyer, has returned from New
, ,York, where he has upent almost the entire season.
Wc invite the women of Omaha and vicinity 'to consult
him in all matters of correct dress.
N'otber person in the city has such a complete and nc
curat knowledge of what is fashionable.
:lle has watched tlie ever changing styles on Fifth Ave
"' huo that you may profit by his service.
. For his selections, now displayed in our fpparel section,
"ard the newest fashion has created.
Exclusive New
Coat Styles
$24.50, $29.50, $35
. At, these prices we . as.
sure women who desiro
.distinction in dress that
they will be gratified.
Am Important Special Sale
of Finished Model Pieces in
The Art Needlework Section
k A clearance of embroidered j center pieces, pillows,
scarfs, dressing, sacques, caps, cases for night gowns, cor-
sets, etc.; besides many other; novel ties, all of which have
served as models in our needlework classes, and for this
reason have Tcen so eeveroly reduced in price.
Quoting a few reductions;
Two Famous Makes
of Gloves Sold Ex
clusively byT.B.&Co.
Harrison's Reindeer
Fabric Gloves
If you are looking for a sub
stitute for kid gloves, buy
Harrison's Keindeer fabric,
because if you once try them
you will ' be as pleased as
hundreds - of -other Omaha
Particularly attractive
white, $1.00 a pair..
Craft from Tennessee First Signalled
that it Was Approaching
Mine Field.
One $G.0O Centerpiece $2.00
One $6.50 Centerpiece $2.50
One $7.25 Centerpiece $3.00
One $10.00 Centerpiece $2.75
One $12.00 Centerpiece $3.75
One $15.00 Centerpieco $5.00
ou will appreciate their valuo more upon neeiug tliem.
This offers a fine opportunity to secure highlv desirr ble
Art Department Tliird Floor.
The Fur Shop
Where a moderate price
: insures true to name furs
of the best quality.
In all of our extensive dis
play you will not find any
furs masquerading; under
assumed names. Neither
will you find a price
which is not fair and
u right.
Sets $7.50 up
Coats $27.50 up
; Furs Second Floor.
shoes;: ;
J.t" $8485 Tv. jr.
$5 and $G vaMj vftyHsUj"
Sorosis shoes,' intended
originally for the export,
trade; also many desirable
styles from our vegular
stock. . ,
Anticipate your "wants. ' ""
1 . ..."
$5 4 and
$6 :
, Urn
' I THOMPsnxr rfi nvM x ml
....--.... ;- - - - - ' I - ;
" - t. m "1 . :! ' " I : ,
hau&iu nciAninj RLaLiiuto. - u
Offered iri New Winter MfllineiyV
i rffW' Trimmed Hats that represent every Smart
fa-iWin- vogW' The best' values we have ever
rr;rfemi.!-Vt.T';i,-.'-'-, v.. ... t,
; $8.75; $10, $12.75 and $15
Specially Priced Flowers
For corsage, fine gowns, hat trimming, 25c. 39e, 50c,
75o j.iid $1.50.
. . i .. . . c
Millinery 1 Apartment Second Floor.
Toilet; Goods
Saturday Specials
. "Freuchi Powder Book 10o
tJoraplcxion Brushes. o56"
rear! Manicure Sets. 50ks
Separate Skirts
A stylish skirt in combi
J nation with a dainty
"... blouse-Ame of the sea-'
son's best fashions. $7.65
to $25.00. J
Trefousse Kid
The best made in France,
the bevt sold in America
Trefousse 'kid: glove are
made in all finger lengths.
A glove for all hands.
New Silk Crepe . -de
Beautiful and dainty in rill
manner of charming new
shades of new, maize, wis
teria, taupe, four shades of
blue, plum, ivory and black.
Woolens, Now
in Demand
Fashion favors broadcloth,
gabardines, French serge,
wool crepes,' Canton crepes,
in all colors and black.
AVhatever your, needs, we
can fill them, such is the va
riety of weaves nnd quali
ties, all moderately priced.
?iS a 4t
UM it r
tinn r.mpUr in Other Dlrwloa
Than Oh Boat Cil, Arrart
In ta laformatloa Rrarh
Img Rryaa.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 77.-Th
launch from the Amrriran rrtiigcr Ten-
nentrc. which attcmptM to enter the
rlowl harbor of Smyrna, w alftnalled
that it was approarhln a mine field be
fore hot were fired aa a warning to the
little craft, according to the explanation
of the Turkish minister . of war to
American Ambassador Morgsnthau. This
was announced by Secretary Bryan to
night Mr. Bryn said he had received from
Mr. Morganthau a note addresaed to
the latter by the Turkish minister of war,
recording. previous conversation with
reference to the Tennessee Incident
Rot la Direction af Lsnck.
"The note," said Mr. Bryan, "contains
the statement from government officials
that the shots were fired after a signal
had been given to prevent the launch
from approaching mlnea . and that they
were not fired In the direction' of the
Mr. Bryan said he could not telt from
tha massage whether the Turkish minis
ter of war made the formal explanation
In response to- the repressntaUons. wHIch
Mr. Morganthau was Instructed to make,
but he believed further dispatches would
clarify thla point It Is not thought pos
sible, however, that the not trans
mitted to Mr. Morganthau could have
been the formal answer of the 'Turkish
government to- the representations as
ordinarily that would be made by tha
grand vlsler who Is in charge of the
Turkish foreign office.
Messages Garbled.
Some recent messages from Constanti
nople have been eo garbled In transmis
sion, however, that officials thought the
note might have been-; transmitted
through the Turkish foreign offlca 'from
the Ottoman department, which Investtr
gated the matter. ; ,
In any event Washington officials are
awaiting further information before mak
ing reply, though it Is understood the
explanation Is regarded as satisfactory
and the Incident regarded aa practically
closed, .. ' . ".
(Continued from . Page One.)
We have in our hair goods
section a completo line of
human hair doll wigs:
Size 10 $1.00
Sizo 11 $1.25
Size 12 $1,50
Size 13 $1.75
Size 14 $2.00
Size 15 . , $2.25
Size 16 $2.50
Third Floor.
TriaJ Called for February 1 by
3 Judje Ff e Morrii.
Dele a' Aslta Coatlaaa Vatll
PHI Tna, W Wl Uatmmtm
aaa Craata Baart Delar '
far wa B . ;
After aa all Jay flaht Ui fwlsral oou. t
for aaother continuance of the govern
ment'a raw against Tuonias' II.. Matter4
an ebt.a of aUltrg and abrtting Former
rretlSsm Luben of the wrecked First
nation! bank of Button, la Issuing. eer
ttfleatts of deposit wKhou authority,
counsel fer Matteia were deiud their
motion for postponement until the April
term t court. However. hea they al
leged fhat the case would cover at least
six wnkl of Judge Morris' time,
he reset the case for trial February 1,
as he will be unable to give that much
time ta thla district now. '
A special centre of jurymen was called
for VSt date, .' .
Ia denying the mot 'on. Judge Morris
clar4! that Proas utor Howsll bad
dona averythtng possible for the defense.
. Jadga Tires af Delays.
"I gtv aotlce that no more'' eontlnu".
anoea will be granUd by me in this
ease inaer any ctrcimstanees, exoept
posskbly tbe acrlobs Uln of the de
fndnU" Judge Morris said. "Not even
tbe tilnee of .deesdsAt's attorneys, will
ba oonsidered a valid ax use; If hy got
Kk, tt fan get kiwi more laayurs.'.'
Attorney W. J. Connell of Omaha and
a-eanavr Morris timer i. Burkett of
Linoola ar now ' af-ifcred for Matters.
Attwaea Ben f. Bsker and Irving F.
Raster were pravtoualy ' retaHned. bat
lis fvVMr wiUidrew, and the lultcC is
Aiattera Ave-aaea Mawvll.
' During the hearing. Matter, jumping
to hi feet and advaucing toward Dia
trlct Attorney lioweli. sliook his fist la
the tatter's faca and shouted to the oourt
that llowill was making faise statemenU
and had trld to suppress evidence. Judge
Mori is called the court to order and de
clared that he believed Howell, and that
tha latter in his estimation had done
the right thing. - Later, oounsel for tha
defense remarked that they made no
charges against the district attorney.
Attorney Uoel said thst failure to
go to trial with tha case Monday would
cost the government considerable sum.
as witnesses frpta Maine ta California
had been sumswued ,Qr that date, and
some were ajredy . m their way to
Omuha. ,11a Immediately tried to wire' all
witnesses not Ui come. ....
lews Nates at Wee alas; Water.
WEEPING WATEH. Neb., Nov. r.-Rpeelal.-M!ss
Vlnnle laoune. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Damme and Will
iam Weilmau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Wellman. both of Usage township, were
married at the bride's home Thanks
giving day.
Miss Mlna Hall and Ilichard Q. White,
both or Palmyra, were married Wednes
day, November ts, at the home of the
Thanksgiving day. at the home af tbe
pride's parents.' Mr. and Mrs. I. y. Hud
son in Nebraska City, were married Miss
Laura Hudson and Albert Rhode.
At tha country home of tbe bride's par
enta. near Murdock. Wednesday. Noveio
ber M. occurred the marriage of Miss
Hattla Thlel to M O. Roaertow. the
Rev. Edward Hagaa officiating.
(Continued from Page One.) .V
pruggUU refund ewwy if Paaa Oint
ment fails to cure Itotung. . Rllnd, Bised
lag or Protrudiog Ptlaa, lint appUcatioa
gives relief. ' M eeata
ta run," the chancellor of the Exechequer
continued, "but w were an essential
part of a machine that ran the interna
tional trade of the world. W carried
half the produce and provided the capital
that movd Uila produce, from one part
of tha world to another not merely for
ourselves but for other eountrlta."
Giving Instances he referred to the cot
ton trade and said that all the move
meats front the plantations to tha ulti
mata destination of the ratten were rep
resented by paper signed either at Ixa
don. Manchester or Liverpool. When the
I'nltd Htates bought cotton or at Ik. or
lea In China payment was made through'
London by means of these documents.
That shewed. Mr. Lloyd George said,
how complicated the system was. The
paper Issued in London had become a
part of tha currency of tha world. Into
thla fine delicate paper machinery had
crashed a great war, affecting two-thirds
f the people of tlie a hole world, and con
fusion was inevitable. It was as If a
violent kick had been given to an ant
heap and for a moment there was con
fusion and- panic.
Mesalttanctea Da Ket Came.
Ths deadlock which existed, tha chan
cellor pointed out, was not due to any
lack of credit In this country. It waa due
ta the failure ef remittances from abroad.
Mr. Lloyd George told his hearers that
the action which tha British government
had taken was to aave Hrtttsh trade,
British commerce. British labor and
British Uvea. Tha government ha said
bill of exchanga had been maintained.
It was vital to the good name of this
country that this type of British paper
which had become curranejr for tha whole
of the trade of the wo rid had bean un
impeachable and that no one should aay
hereafter that in a day of oriels It had
been dishonored.... . .. . .
Baalc of Englaaa Basy.
Ona hundred and twenty million pounds
sterling ($000 WO.00O) of bills. Mr. Uoyd
George continued, - had been dlsconnted
by tha Bank of England and that showed,
he staid, that out of a total of between and 60u.oue.uog pounds sterling of
uiiis out at the beginning of tha "war a
greater t-t was disposed of In the or
dinary course. The total amounts of
bills which had arrived at maturity said
for which the bank of England had found
money waa It was estimated
that at the end of the war there would
be 'about fM.OuO.Oit) of bills In what we
would call -cold store" through their
belonging to belligerent countries or for
Other reasons.
There would not be a penny lost to tha
great aoceptlng houses and the total loss
npon the whole of these transactions, he
estimated, would not be equal to the cost
of a single week of carrying on the war
and In addition Br'tlsh commerce and In
dustry would be saved from one of tha
worst potstbls catastrophes.
to break through the allied lines on their
way to the coast.
Tnrks IV ear taes Carnal.
Thirty miles to the east , of tha Sues
canal British forces are In touch with the
Turkish invaders, but there Is no sign
of a general action In this vicinity and
It la' expected that the invasion of Egypt
probably wUI be postponed, for. the rea
son that. the Turks would appear to be
'hard pressed in Armenia And arountTtne
iU-erslaa gulf,, ... , -
- Additional details concerning the loss
ott Sheorn"ss yesterday of the baetrshlp
Bulwark and Its entire crew, with .the
exception of fourteen men. make the ad
miralty theory that it waa blown up by
an internal explosion more and more
plausible. An official Inquiry, which Is
being held in' private, was op"l in
Bbarneas thla morning.
i Part of Villa Army
Enters the Capital;
Chief Stays at Tula
' EI PASO, Tex.. Nov. ST. A part of
General Villa's forces have entered Mex
ico City, but Villa remains at Tula. A
train,' the first 1rr many weeks, left Mex
ico C3ty today tof Juarei. This waa
learned when rail and wire communica
tions were opened between the national
capita! and. the border. A a official .Villa
report-today said that Geinsral Canaltaro,
the Carranse leader, whose troops hold
Tamplco, had recognised, the .convention
The Spanish ambassador, Mr. Rlano, re
ceived official dispatches from Madrid
today saying several Spaniards had been
killed and their homes had been pil
laged, when tha Zapata forces entered
Mexico City. Mr. Rlano had no original
advice an the subject from Mexico City
and Secretary Bryan, upon whom' he
called for information, had none. '' It
was assumed that the Spanish minister
in Mexico reported to the Madrid foreign
General Carranxa today established his
temporary capital In the lighthouse build
ing. He soon win Issue gome of .his long
promised decrees of reform' end especially
that on relating to tariff., , It Is his desire
to reduce the Import duties on necessities
and proaslbly Increase them on luxuries.
VERA CRUZ, Nov. tT.-Jobn R. BUI
man, the personal representative of Pres
ident Wilson in Mexico, Is finding dif
ficulty In Joining General Carransa. Mr.
Slllman Is In Mexico Ctty while General
Carransa is here. The railroad line be
tween the two cities is rut. Mr. Klllmon
has received instructions from Washing
ton to continue with Carransa and It la
believed her that ha will have to under
take a lengthy automobile trip to. carry
out his orders.
Bohemians of U.S.
Would Free Brothers
From' Dual Kingdom
CHICAGO. Nov. JT.-TO free Kohemla
from the dual monarchy I the object
of a movement started by Bohemians
In America. It wss announced her todsy.
The Iradors of the Hohemlans will, at
the rroper time, prewn't ' to the world
powers a proposal to restor Bohemia
Its Independence.
Behind the movement Is a group of
prominent Bohrmlan-Ameri ans who
have been holding frequent meetings In
Chicago to work out their plans. When
the diplomats of Europe meet at the
close of the present war to redraw the
map of that continent the Bohemians will
select on of their number to appear
before them and make his plan. If the
allies are victorious the representative
will ask the creation of a free confedera
tion .embracing the Csechs, Moravians,
Blieslons and filovka.
Petitions outlining the plan and re
tting alleged instances of tb oppres
sion Bohemia has suffered tinder the
Hapaburgs are being prepared by the
Junta and will be forwarded to Bohemi
ans in London, Paris, Brussels. Petro-
grad and To io.
Wilson to See Van
Dyke Concerning
. Prospect, of Peace
WILXJAMSTOWN. Mass.. Nov. 37
Presldent Wilson. whr spent Thanks
fttvlnf her at th horn of his daughter.
Mr. Francis B. Sayre, plans soon to
se Henry Van Dyk. American minister
to th Netherlands. ' who la reported to
hav a menage from Queen Wllhelniliia
relating to means to bringing about peace
In Europe.
It was stiggttrted her" today that the
president might stTp over In New York
on the way back to Washington to se
Mr. Van Dyke, but members of Mr. Wll
son'g party said the preaidont expected to
get through to Washington and wouKI
not meet the minister until after his re
turn to the capital.
The Wgnt Ad Columns or Th Bee Are
Read Dally by People In Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities.
BOONE. Ia.. Nov, ' Zt. Cfp ial Tele
gram.) This city' Is- greatly wrought u:
over the mysterious disappearance of
Editor P. D. Swlrk of the Boon Inde
pendent, a socialist publication. Every
effort to locate him since yesterday aft
ernoon la of no avail. Relatives tele
phoned to Newton, Marrhalltown, Tama
and Perry, but no word waa re elved.
Swlck was known as one of th wits of
tha Iowa newspaper profession.
Offers High Grade Dresses for
Saturday Selling
68 sampl Dregses from (
a dressmaker whose dresses are
being sold for as much as 175
and $100. Owing to the ridicu
lous prices at which we are offer
ing these dresses, we are not al
lowed to use the name for adver
tising purpose, but you can see
the name on every dress ticket.
Some are mussed, but every drcis
has met with the House of Men
agh criticism that each dress
must pass.
These dressea are worth regu
larly $25, $40, $60, $100. Your
choice tomorrow
200 coats, r including cordu
roys wth fur .; collars silk
lebeling broadcloths and. ail of
the novelty fabrics that are
"sh ion able. .,
Coats worth . Coats worth
to $35 at . to $45 at
$15, $19.50
Saturday Millinery Sale
Choice of any Hat in (tJC ff
the stock Saturday at tyJJJ
rx.rncs K4tb xzcrrTZO)
"The Store for Gentlewomen" 1613 Farnam Street
Car sdd Bridge.
WKEP1NQ WATER. Nb.. Nv. f7.
(SpoiaL Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Peaner of
Blanchard. la., narrowly escaped seriou
Injury on th O-sUert road near Klin
wood, last Tuesday. While approaching
a bridge at a very iuadarai rate of
speed a spot In on of th front wheels
f their auto broke, throwing th car out
of lis course and ever th win of the
had hypothecated tha credit of th staU 1 brldg. Th rear of tha -car caught on
in arder to rtor these exchange upoa
which th eomiuaro aad Industry af the
country depended for their dally life.
br this step, tha r-sker said, ta un
impeachable character tt th British
th wing of the bridge, and white tha
oupnt were thrown aut and quit ae
varc'y Injured, their lives were undoubt
edly saved by the fact that the car re
mained suspended on th brldg.
Boest Man Ship V let I at.
BOONE. Ia., Nov. r7.-(6peclal Tel,
gram ) J antes A. Hutchison of this city
was among the drowned when the Hane
lei waa whipped to pieces after striking
a reef off San 'Francisco Tuesday. His
brother, A. U Hutchison, has Just re
ceived word. Interment plans were not
Pure, Rich Blood
Prevents Disease
Uad' blood Is responsible for more ail
ments than anythiug else. It causes ca
tarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism, weak,
tired, languid feelings and worse trou
bles. 1 rood's Sarsapartlla has been wonder
fully successful in purifying and enrich-
Jnc the blood, removing scrofula and
other humors, and building up the whole
system. Take Itgive It to all th fam
ily so aa ta avoid lUuee. Get It today.
Omaha Auto Speedway
East Ormha '
ART SMITH will Loop the
Loop 18 times and do otli-
?r thrilling stunts.
Program, 3 to 5 P. M.
Sunday November 29th.
. Admission 50c
The Automobiles can drive
right into the Arena.
aad STTWBT irte-h.
Ths Ore test ef All Kasleal OesasalM.
15 Btara 1000 X.aagaa 00 Beautla
atatiae. aa H Brag, SO t Sl.SO.
Coming Boon "TMM nUOW TICKST"
aomaia as t a. imcz.xtkttm.
AsauaaiOBT 10.
VrUes Slvsa Vatroaa Bvery aTIgM.
Tealglit, atatiae Tin, Tbnrs. aad Ba
. Bights, aso aad 600.
sTest Week a T. tmo,
DHala'l t CBWTBbT-
tADIEg' 9 1KB SCAT. Will PATB.
Tuinorrew & Wk. fl! Kose.and Olrls ;.
ff AM Si ass a am a a a a
buih intAiti iei. Bouciat 1111
rppolar BTloa Ustla Voaay.
Tarewell Verfenaaaee Toaigat.
And Aasoolat riayar ta
rrioes SS aad sOo.
Advanced Vaudeville
Prices: Gallery. 10c; Best Seats. Is-tO-TS
Turpin's Dancing Academy 28th and Farnam Sts
Ksw class for beginners Monday nag Tburaday, p. m. A4vanc4 rlaaa S a. m. UB-ta-Ual Hin i are ataaaaxaised and eaey to learn.
hlftu Less Sail. KABBIT tlVa,