THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. XOVKMHKK 27. 1P14. rrmo. Iso'bcWa Turkish CI 5 Bath Oil MME. ISE'BELL'S Turkish Bath Oil is so different, and so much better, than any aoap or cleansing cream that it stands absolutely alme. It removes a!l dust, dirt and Rrime a-.d keep the complexion tmonth, clear and healthy. Use usher rm.tcrinr. puhng or other outdoor sport, and you wi.l fce delighted. See the Display of Cesutlf u! Packages r) Sale at Leading Stores Mme. Ise'bell's Exquisite Face Powder, 50c j I -a Vivian Face Powder, fct Fare l'rvwckr in Cako Form O ede, Snr: Cold Cream. Wr Turk wit Kath Oil. XV: Skin Pl atid WrlnH !"' fc- Natural Hluah Uoii.Vc: K Hluah it' f Use Reni Whitens. 2V: Flh Worm Rrxd. t"!or ll. r C DepMsto.y rw.ti I "h Penetration P-wrtw. i"c: powrter. rn HestherUoum lak-um l'uwder. OSc; NoU I'eM, i i r 1 r. szm. sno a S5v iiT' .n r r -1 xua i rvu By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, November 26, 1914. w HILE happy family reunions, with bountiful Thanksgiving spreads. ar the rule today, the less fortuaate have also been abundantly provided. The school children have been especially active this year In bringing cheer to worthy Institutions. TRADES TO BE REPRESENTED Kris Kringle to Arrive in Omaha after B of All Profmions. ; KEW SYSTEM OF BALLOTHCG JohnKon-Burnell Wedding. The wedding of Miss Matilda Edna Burnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- - ard Durneii. end Mr. ciarenre w. John- Commercial Club Director to Here- on was celehrsted this afternoon at 4 o'clock at fit Andrew's Episcopal church. , Rer. F. V. Tyner officiated. The church was decorated with fern a, palms and pink and white chrysanthe mums. Miss Helen Msrkln played the wedding march and Mrt. Don Adam sang Ouy d'Ardelot's "Becsuae." The bride wore a gown of whlta char-! meuse, made with tunic of chiffon and i elaborately trimmed with tare. She car- urratUr the Commercial club will rled an arm bouquet of pom-pon ehrys- make sure that representatives of all the Caadloate Are t Be Caoaen trans tke Tra Principal Brnrhr of aslar la and Around Omaha. Friday Morning ime 01 me prettiest ceremonies was Staged s.i tne House or nope tins anthemume. principal lines of business In the cltr are morning by George H. Payne, who took a party of seven little girls from; Miss Irene Burneii. aistar of the bride, ,i,cte4 to ln, board cf director of the Tslrarrea to Visit the old people I m,1 of honor ,n'1 wor p,nk thar" eluh. This was arrana-ed when Tuesday r.s ih. li.. i - n-i-t . t untu iv.iu,. w m,"M wlth vrdr'''" of l,c- h the executive committee finally decided Each of the little one bad an especial gift. Uttle Ruth Wallace wajC(irrd plnk chry.-nthomums. iupon . chanire m the by'atvs which the celery girl from Michigan, Constance Perley the orange girl from: j,U, mi Alice Hurneil carriM the elM tn, itn trcui linea of business Florida, Dorothy Nolan the grape girl from California, Ann Perley th cran-'rin in a rail luy. 8he wore whlta silk activity from which the candidates for berry girl from Wisconsin, Helen Nolan the apple girl from New Tork, ! ,r:""'- Mr. Chaunocy Johnson, brother Of the o be choten jthe places on the board of directors are Orrins for Drink Habit THY IT AT out l-.XPKNSK We are In rarnctt when w htk yon to tiva OKR1NE a trial. You havu nothlns te rbk and everything ti. n'n, for jour money will b relumed !f after a trlnl rou fall to get result! frmi ORIIINK. This offer alvea the whoa and mother! of thoee who drink to coa an oppor tunity to try the ORKlNK treatmant. It ta a very simple treatment, ran be given In th home without publicity or lose of time from buslnees. and at a smaJl price. ORRINS Is prepared In two form: No. 1, awcret treatment, a powder; OH RINB No. I, In pill form, for those who dealr to take voluntary treatment. Coats only fltt a bos. Come in and talk over the matter with ua. Aik for booklet feheman McConnell . Drue Co., lot Beuth ISth.J Owl Drug Co.. ZiA South 16th; Loyal Pharmacy, 307-209 North lth; liar era rharraacy, Mth and Famam, Oma ha; Oeo. 8. Davla, Council Bluffs, Iowa TatiMl i (Kd Kt.a oriel ffMm rnKi Vn,t 11a IK. eattrtv vl1 tren . , . -..w ... , I groom, wae het man. i They are: Fairyland nnd Uncle Charley the cigar boy from Panama. : Th, ceremony followed by a r-J Rankers. The old pnnple were made exceedingly happy and the young folks alaojrrption at the home of the bride's par- )onnnrj"b" enjoyed their hovel geography lesson, tempered with sweet chnrlty. ! enta for feventy-flva KUeau. following hr"".,,. mereantlle agencies, ' Inauranco 1 which tho young ceuplo left on an eastern companion. TliankEivlng Dinnerg. irresMent of the Junior club. tlr. Koliert I wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will, Oralnjoalers. Mf. nd Mrs. K. W. Mxon will enUr-!?urn V,M P'e". Mr. C. J. make their home In Omaha. Manufacturers. tain at .l.nrer this evennt St their frd. ''retary. Mr. Ray Low and Mr. - Railways aud public service corpora- home. The table will he decorated with a Ko,h are al members of the , For Mr. and tfrg. Yonng. tln- low mound of ferns snd greea-shaded f "" wlr' " h srrnff.ments . Mr. Conrsd Voung will give a Bran-1 ;:?Vrs,fe. in ennrge. . theMer party Friday evening In Stock yards, packing and live stocit in- ' honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young dnatrles. Brawford-Hateni Wedding. ; of Now Tork City. Mrs. J. J. Bullvanj Wholesale and eommlaalon houses. On Wcfln-sday evening at II : o'clock, j will give a luncheon at the University Old Syste.ia at Raadain. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I ! Hub Saturday In honor of Mra. Voung. Under the old system a nominating Havens, their daughter. Marguerite Hor- I committee of three was appointed by the , ence, became the brlle of Jmn Louis Children'! Party. chairman of the executive committee, and Prawford of thle city, formerly of Spirit; Mrs. U K. Harding entertained at a these made up a list of at least 1M at Lake, U. The Rev. O. A. Hulbert or l,rthUy party Tuesday afternoon In random from among the active niemocra candle Hick. Covers will be placed for: Menars. ' Meanrs Ltither Prake, C. W. Hull. Fillarnf In. W. O. Urtdgos. t'omicll Hluff, Mr. and Mri. K. M. Fairfield. Mr. end Mrs ' etr ( )n!ou, Mrs. Victor F. Coffman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weketcy are en tertaining at a Thankaglvlng dinner party Ran La .nus will arrive In Omaha this morning and will be met at the Union etnJron at 10 o'clock, where lie will hold a short reception, to wklch all the little lads of Omaha aro fnvltcd. He will h ve a present for all the little folks. Toytown at Burgesa-Nash company's store will be ready for him. After the roep'.Un at the depot the procession will move north on Tenth to Itouglaa, wott to Sixteenth, north to Capitol avenue, west to Seventeenth, north to Chicago, west to Nineteenth north to Cuming, west to Twenty-fourth, south on Twenty-fourth to California, west to Thirty-third, south to Farnnrn. weet to Thlrty-etxth, south to Harney, eaet to Seventeenth, north to t.'nlcuxo, west to Nineteenth, north to Famam, east to Plxnretith sind tho store, wbere he will swine: open the gates of "Toy town'' to everybody. Bante Glaus will hold receptions st the following points; Union station. JO a. m.; Twenty-fourth I Farnam, 11 a. m.; Twenty-fourth r.nd Leavenworth, 11:30 a. m.; Twenty-fourth and Farnam. noon, EurKc-NeU "Toy Town," 12:30 p. n.. Rub Rheumatic, Aching Joints and Stop Pain rsssssmm. Hhevmatlcm Is "pain" only. Not one case In fifty require Internal tredment. Stop drugging! Rub sooth Ing, penetrating "St Jacob Oil" right Into your sore, stiff, aching Jo'nts, and relief cornea Inotantly. "St. Jacogs Oil" Is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and can not burn th skin. LJraber up! Quit complaining! Ct a snvill trial bottle of old. honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drut; atore, and in Just a. moment you'll be free from rheu matic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don I suffer? Relief awaits you. "St Jacob Oil'' Is Just as pood for sciatica, neural gia, lumbago, backache, sprains. Advcr-tljement. Bee Want Ads Am Famous as xtKUlt Gettera ITIIE OMAHA BEE TflF HOME PAPER this evening. An attractive centerpiece M'try.. Avn Congregational church honor of the third birthday of her son as candidates from which sixty would be or fruits and r owers will le used ana forme4 cr,m(,y. Albert. The decorations were carried out elected by a popular vote of the club for a.llX 1HHP "i sill liiw lialLU'iiai win iiiaai n . eneh lar. Covr will b placed for: RESINOL CURED AWFUL ITCHING IN ONE NIGHT New Tork. "Th akin on my hand got red and rough. It itched and I bngsn to scratch It It Itched to that some times I could Hot sleep all night. I was Buffering very much. I need salv and , but they did not seem to help me. This went on for six or seven montha Then I ' tried Itealnol Ointment and Real no! Soap. I ued them one night. In the morning, to my surprise, my hand waa all wall and the trouble has never returned. Thle Is the absolute truth." (Signed) Miss Cella Klelnman, 61 Col urn bla St, April It . Nothing we can Sav of Ret lnol equals what others, such as Mlas K'.eihmtn, say of It It does Its work quickly, easily and at Utile cost. If you sra suffering from Itching, burning akin troubles, plmpletv dandruff, ulcers, bnl's, stubborn sores, or p!U, try tteslnot Ointment nd Reslnol be p. Sold by all druggists. f "v. i aa I4S 'BH PI c-i. :mx: i'A Misaea iLllsaheth Black Mesdsmee B. Wekelcy. J M. Metcalfe, Mm,- Luclus Wakeley .-ae- J" LUXUS MERCAITILE CO., v Distributors. Vheae Seoglaa 6aa and bare a eass seat home. Tho Pink of Health Is every woman's right: but many are troubled with sallow complexions, headaches, backaches, low spirits until they learn that euro relief may be found in IwU Tdaa H Vaaaa w!4 Irf tea, 4 !. la Watai, lak, tie. IF Int bABY 13 CUTTInii itETn use Krs. Winsloiv's Soothing SyTup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE- NOT NARCOTIC Hotel iBraslm BroeolwrAtj oi 29 St. -Am HoUl Where Coest are Made te reel at tlutno Not too large, yet large enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible) tOt JUeau JrWrrals finfaansaf Clrfe Siagl lmt with Buaolnf 7atc f 1.00 in 12.00 ecrsay Slagla Boookt vtta Tu or 5bewr ll.SOtalS.OSpwdaf Doublt Reous villi Runalni Wawr Si. 00 iv $4.04 pr day Dwuble Kooata vlik Tub or Showtr li.00 i 14.00 ser any EDWARD C. FOCG, Uammgima DiraSr HUT L. bEOWN, KuiW MMr Mlaaea Nellie Wakeley. Mesdamea C. K. Manderson, Thomas Kilrstrlck. Mesars ThomiMKn M'akeley. 'r. and Mrs. John C. Cowln. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wakeley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountse will have as their dinner guests: Mr. and Mrs. l.uthee Knuntae, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Fastman, Mr. end Mr" Samuel Hurna, Jr.; Mr. Roliert Bums. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Bald rise wilt entertain-at dinner In honor of Mrs. Bal drige's father, Mr. Benjamin F. Smith of New York Clly. Covers w II be placed for: Messrs. Mesar Benlamln F. Smith, Dudley Wolfe. W. Famam Smith, Mlas Minion Macrae, Mr. and Mrs. .Toeeph Baldrlge. With Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keellne will be: ' ' Mr. and Mrs. George Keellne of Council Bluff. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Featon, Mlsa Anna .Tan lleatrn, 1 Mr. Roger Keellne. Mr. l)or rtohlnfon, Master Oeontf Ronton. Mr. and Mm. Isaac Congdon will en tertain at a family dinner In honor of snas Clara Bull of Pasadena, Cel. Later tbls psrty will see Raymond Hitchcock at the Brandela theater. Mr. Frank Burkley always entertains the members of the Burkley family, and will have hla usual Thankegtvlng day dinner at Ma home on North Thirty, eighth avenue. Dr. and Mrs. George Alexander Young will entertain a Thanksgiving dlnnsr In honor ef Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yeung of Nsw Yorfc City. Yellow pom-pon chrysanthemums will be used In the decorations and cover will be placed for: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young. Mr. and Mra. William F, Baxter. Judge and Mrs. J. J, Sullivan. Mr, Conrad Young. M '- M laser Katherlne Baxter. Keatlna- t'leanor Baxter, Ann Young. Masters Masters Richard Young, . Alexander Young. For the Future. The Flattoma club will give a dancing party at Jacoba' halt Tuenjay evening, lermber 1, Messrs. W. J. Bartlett. W. J. Tully and J. A. Cirnuby are the com mute In charge of arrangements. The bridge department of th Fldelua club will entertain at Its hail. Fortieth and Webater streets Friday 'afternoon between S:W and I o'clock. For Foot Ball Team. The Coronsdo club will entertain at a dancing party this evening at Chambers' academy In honor of the Crelghton col lege foot ball team. The hall will be beautifully decorated In red and white. At the Brandeii Theater. The members of one of the line parties at the Brandela theater this evening have made supper reservations at the Omaha club, follewlug the theater, and will re main for the dunce. In this party are: Mr. and Mra. William Hill Clarke, Mr. and Mra. J. Clark Colt. Mr. and Mrs. panlei Hnum, Jr.: Mr. and Mrs. William H. Taylor. ThanksgriTins; Tea. Mrs. William F. Box tar entertained at a I o'clock tea this afternoon to honor Mra Richard Young ef Nsw York City formerly of Omaha, the guest ef Dr. and Mr. O. A. Yeung. About thirty-five old friends called. The hostea was aaalsted by Mradnmea Jack Rlngwalt, R. Ceaoher i Howell. Kdgar Bcott, O. A, Young and Miss Nsnnl Rlrhantsun. Cannou-Kawitxrr Weddin Th woddtna cf Mrs. Leonora Mary Ranltser. daughter of air. and Mr. Wil liam Keellne of Council Bluff a, and Mr. J. Muit:n Cannon was celebrated this morning at II o clock st the Sacred Heart church, Rev. Father Judge, assisted by Father Collins, performed th ceremony. Th brld Wore her traveling suit of navy , blue broadcloth. With this was worn a velvet toque, trimmed with S Urd of paradise. tfic carried a bouquet of violets and lilies of the valley. Mrs. E. J. Von Ulllern of Nebraska City, sister of ths groom, was the matron of honor, and wore a ti:t ef brown velvet with hat to match. She carried pink chryt fenthemums. Mr. K. J. Yon U ill cm was bst man. Mr. J. K. RKn, th groom's slstsr, played th wedding march. f After the nuptial mass, breakfast was I served at the home ot the groom's mother, ' Mrs. Ellen Cannon. Mr. and Mra. Cannon will visit New , York. Washington end other eastern 1 points, end will be at home after January ,1 at "Ellen Lodge," on mile north of J Florence. I Junior Cltb Announcement j The director of the Junior club held a meeting Wednesday noon at which time It was decided to admit young married people aa assoclat members. Contrary te the usual custom ot giving several smaller dancing parties, the young bach elor have decided te give but two large dancing parties during th sea, eon. Ths rirst party will b given at the Rome hotel. Tuesday evening, December It, and th eeoond affair It la planned to have at the new Fontenell hotel after the ejxutog. Mr. Charles B. Met la I Cecil Berrymnn, cousin of the bride, In a color scheme of red and white. played the Mendelssohn wedding march. These presont were: for the brldnl procession and Ruben-j Misres Misses ,,.- M,.i. i r I Luclle Weirs, Morris Frledmsn, steins Melody In T. .! Jeanette Lltrey, Council Bluffs; The bride wore an attractive gown of L,illlnn Llpey. Milton Frohm, Ivory crepe de meteor, with overdress of lioldle Frl.-eman, Mark L Natlianson, .... ,nfc . hnriio nt thn ''earl Abrshamson, Council Bluffs; rhantllly lace, made with a bodice of thn Hardll)K' jRrk K.teln. lace finished with a De Medici collar and Helen Harding, Sidney Epeteln. a flnanlah alrdle of ereoe de meteor. Tho : Arthur Friedman. Lester1 Harding. bodice was made square neck, with long! Little Miss Ida Sldman celebrated her possible sccording to the line of business lace sleeve. Her tulle veil wae held In ! tenth birthday anniversary at hef home followed by such members. This will bring all the members under one or tne other of the ten broad general heads above specified. places on the board ot directors. Under the new system the .chairman will appoint a nominating committee ot three members, but these, shall at once nominate one representative of the traf fic bureau and one from the bureau ot publicity of th club, and Shalt then group the namea of the active membere of the club In good standing as nearly aa place with llllea of th valley and brlle's j H's afternoon. The guests wsre a group roses. of school friends. Ribbons were stretched by Miss Ellsa-1 beth Berryman, oousln of the bride; Miss To Honor Oueit. Kstherlne Sturtevant. Mark Havena j Mrs. George Kcebler entertained at brother of the bride, and Jack Spencer, luncheon Wednesday in honor of her Chronic Constipation. "About two years ago, when I began Miss Berryman and Miss Sturtevant wore gueet, Mrs. R. McLaughlin of Oalesburg, using Chamberlain's Tablets, I had been white crepe de chine gowns with corssge III. Yellow chrysanthemums were ueed suffering for some time with stomach bouquet of Mrs. Taft's rosebuds. j In the decorations and Thanksgiving trouble and chronic constipation. My Mrs. Paul Havens was matron ef ! favors marked the places of the guests, condition Improved rapidly through tho honor. She wore a gown of lavender bro- Covera were placed for: ceded crepe de chine, with lavender bro- Mesdames Mesdames caded velvet tunic. She carried an irm ftrUl5.h "' R- J?cum' T. Melchlor. M. Schmltt. U I. Blckard, T. Klewls. E. Reed, (Jeorge Keebler. bouquet of while chrysanthemums. Miss Alice Dayls was maid ot honor. She wore a gown of lavender satin, with a princess lace overdress and carried an arm bouquet of whits chrysanthemums. Lloyd Bertsthl was best man. The Jeeoratlons throughout the rooms For Creche Benefit All but a limited number ot tickets for the Creche benefit dance at the Rome were In lavender and white chrrsanthe- hot'1 Bturdar evening have been sold, mums, excent in th. , , The remaining tickets may be had of airs. 4 arts roses were used. Assisting In the dining room were Mrs. Lloyd Bertschl and Mra Homer Shearer. Mr. and Mrs. Brawford have gone on an eastern wedding trip and will be at home after January 15 at M2 Webster street. v use of these tablets. Bine taking four or five bottles of them my health has been fine," writes Mrs. John Newton, Irving, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Window Smasher Gets Thanksgiving Meal The only out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. a. Brawford ot Spirit Lake, parents of the groom. Sew for Church Bazaar. The I'srish Aid society of Trinltv ca thedral hss boon sewing every, Wednes- Mrs. T. U Kimball, president of the Fannie McCoy, living- at Seventeenth i Creche association. i and Clark a tree La, plead guilty to having Elaborate docoretlonfl will be used smashed four windows In William No- for the ball room and Mrs. Louis Naah, land's lunch stand at Twentieth and Cum Mrs. Arthur Rogers and Mrs. Lou Clake lng streets, and to carrying away a roast chicken. Fanny Imbibed too freely, she declared, and, growing hungry, took drastlo means of getting something to will peslde at the punch bowL ! Pergonal Mention. WE ARE THANKFUL That Tomorrow We Will Be Located In Our MAGNIFICENT NEW STORE . AT 220 SOUTH 16TH STREET . U. S. Xnt l Bank BUlg. , Open to public Saturday morning with the finest Silverware, Diamonds, Jewelry and Cut Glass' dis play ever shown in Omaha. C. B. BROWN CO. 220 S. 16th St. TJ. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Miss Ella Marie Atkins Is entertaining eat. She was discharged by Judge Foster, Mlsa Margaret Borahelm and Miss Gladys and, being a vagrsnt with no home, she waa treated with a Thanksgiving dinner by Police Matron Ellen Gibbons. Atkins for the week-end. . l n III VJ 1 1 1 1 1 , T, VUUBVU day between the hours of 10; o'clock ,he winter In the city. In the morning and I o'clock In the after- M!ss Mary Burkley arrlv, In and Out of the Bee Hire Mr. R. A. Malransa of New Orlesna rived In Omaha Wednesday and will HPARTS TRF.ATED FREE noon ror the church baxaar, -which will be given the first week In December. Mra Martin- Is ths president . Mra George Voss Is la charge of the altar guild, which meets the first Friday of the month, and Mrs. Leigh Leslie ' hss charge of the auxiliary branch, which meets every Friday. Among the members of the Par ish Aid society are: Mesdames M1airu. Amy narsr Martin, A. L. Reed. M. t. Barlow, laaac t olee. Henry W. Yatea. Chadwlck, Thomas Bruwn, MISS VOOk. Byron Reed. .1. A. Taneock, Bartlett. George Barker. Herman Kountse. For Miti Epler Miss Helen Epler ef Rocklord college. Roekford. III., arrived this morning to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Crawford will entertain ths Vassar club at tea In Miss Epler' honor Friday afternoon. MUs Epler wss formerly professor of romance languagea at Vassar college. ed home this w.vua miaa. ths (treat emeetaUst, morning after a several weeks' visit In Beads a New and SUmaxkahls Treat Chicago, where she waa the guest of Miss ; soeat. Tree, a a Trial. Gertrude McCarthy and Mis. Alice Cud-j .Tlagerou.. hundred. drop dead who could have been saved. MUa Elisabeth Black Is a guest at the Many have been cured after doctora fall homa of Mr. C F Mandnrann ed. To prove the remarkable efficacy ol il w 1 n" . , hie new Special Personal Treatment for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young of New heart disease, short breath, pain In aide, York City arrived this morning and are ahoulder or arm, oppression. Irregular aueats at the home of Dr and Mra Pulse, palpltat on, smothering, puffing or J I, v aakles or dropsy, also nerve, stomsch and George Alexander Young. rheumat c symptoms. Dr. Miles will send I to rniMaA Mrvih, & I2.S0 Frs Treat ment. Bad case usually soon relieved. These treatments are the result of 35 years' extensive research and ramarkable success in treating vsrlous ailments of th heart, liver and stomach, which often complicate each case. Send for Bamaxkabl Curse la Tour State. Ho wonderful are the results that he wishes every sick person to teat this fam ous treatment at his expense. Afflicted persons should avail themselves of this liberal offer, sa they may never have such an opportunity again. Delays are dangeroua. No death comes more sud denly that that from heart disease. Send at one for his new Book and Fie Trial Treatmer.t Describe your disease. Address Dr. Frunklln Miles, Dept HF, 706 to 7U Main St. Elkhart. Ind. WIDOW OF VETERAN UNION PACIFIC ENGINEER DEAD Mr. Adeline II. Myera. widow of Goqrge W. Myers, veteran Union Faclflo nglneer, died Wednesday afternoon after a short illness. Mrs. Myers had been a resident ot Omaha since 1871 and Is well known In Methodist church circles. She leaves a son. Will C. Myers, and three sisters, Mrs. I. H. Stevens, Denver; Mrs. J. M. Sklllman, Chicago, and Mra M. L. Van Arsdale, Beatrice, Neb. ffl ( Cnilyif r ? I ft BIST lEACHED BT THI IUC30FlCEJrT TIJUJI SEXVICZ 0T THE Louisville & Nashville Railroad Through electric-lighted drawing -room sleepers from St Lotos to Jacksonville. UnsnrpassaJ a la carte) dimng car sarvic. ResoacI trip ticket on tale daily at low far. Greater variety rosrbse than any other Enet tli versa routes if desired. Attractive toure to the beautiful Golf Coast resorts Panama, Cuba and Jamaica. For full particulars, illostratod booklets, sleeper reservation, etc address, GEO. E. HERRING, D. P. A. 312 N. Sth Street ST. LOUIS, MO. 3 i . i a V Just the ordinary knowledge of baking requirements and a little Calumet that's at. No great skill, experience or special directions for use are needed. Calumet will do its share and more. Ik will produce the lightest, tendercst taatlest pastry you eer ate you can de pend upou It tbselutily. It will gave you oatcrials and disappointment because it it certain. It will save you money because It is moderate la cost. One test proves tt'g best. Guaranteed pure. Grocers recommend it. RECEIVED HIGHEST AV1IM WaWirwtM r laaikUw. ChUaea, 10. UCI Such a stylish,-dressy little doll you never saw her equal sho has a pink dress, pink shoes, pink hat, pink cheeks. She's just a little pink dream, and sweet enough to eat. X. nolle will be glvta Free te the Uttle girl, under 18 years of age, that bring or aoalle ns the largest number of doll's cat out of th Sally and Sunday Be bafor 4 p. m. Satur day. XOTmbr aa. Iler picture will be in The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures of Lucile you can get, and be sure to turn them in to The Bee office be fore 4 p. m., Saturday, November 23. -''""..iail'?.. .fir? y-,Ti r"i. ,...y : .' " i - M h. , - v; .. i VI 1 T-vi!v- it you don't wtn this Doll I a, perhaps you can gst ons next week. Only one doll will be given to any one person. You can see "Lucfle at Myers Dillon's Drug Store, at 16th and Farnam Sts. i