'Jilh. lih'r;: OMAHA, tutuAi, NiVE.iir,u Iw, llU. THOMPSON. BELDEN & CO. Orders Taken for All Kinds of Hand Embroidery, Hemstitching, Crocheting and Knitting Do not clelay. Place your orders how if you wish work finished in time ; for; Christmas. First cdme first served -:;;:Axt Dept. Third Floor. ; ; - ! New 'Fxxf.. Trimmings Xbe best quality vf rblack Marten,, black and brown coney, Pitch, o.poi&nm, chinchilla hare, seal "monkey and'raink. -VsMncli to 3 inches vride. - Prices right. .-' Black Sateen Aprons Indipensiblo for office, wear, because of the pro tection they afford. Hade of a good sateen, long or short styles 3C and 50C . . . Third Floor. ' TRANQUIL PLACE Head of. the Trench Army Never Hear Enough, to Firing Line to Hear the Heary Gaaa. t EVERYTHING j 13 SYSTEMATIC ftmtf W"iis tl'k,WU of Claek , la UItUm and Receiving; Jafor, ' jmaK ta Behalf at Army at ! Front. (Correspondence of the Associated I'resa.) GENERA I. JOFFRB'S HEADQUARTERS,'- Nov. ' 7. The nerv center that .move, mor than 1,000.000 . men la In a, villa acbool house sevent y wile bcr kind tha firing line. , Tha rra observer who la permtttel to learn It whereabout ana approach find an absolute eontraat between Uia tranquility hr end lb In tense action near lh trench.. No an noa, machtna (una or nil lira can d board bar. t , , . , Tha commander-in-chief ' c-ordnaU bis Information arid arrives .a hi. a ellon not only far- front tha disturbance of actual conflict, but In th dPU of th country away from th flrat S4 eoa4 )!n of, roMrv.a, th. Incessant movement -of motor trnport,nd th dislocation f civil life. ;Aa, air of WW surround tha headquarter, but .llf .ta intense. Jr else, a. tw,e,nty-four-hour-day. of atudy and acta ot Judgment - ' 1 tsa Yaans Colenels. '( . ' "What young colonels you havt bete." remarked the correspondent to amemner of tha staff. .. ' ; "Ttifr are the1 men ot tha future" b are at their -desk at 8 , In tha morning ind goMo thetr 'quarter ln pleasant, prtvat dwelling wearby at 10 at night Tbey ara relieved, by othara and .work coca r throughout tha night, General. , Joffr ha al . subordlnat nerv center In tha six arm lea Into which tha flail forces are divided. Tha ls general commanding thee armlra ar Pan, Foch, Palsleln, EVanch !' Ksper ray. Casteliau and Manoury, aach with hi taiieral alaff, ar eonnactad by dlraot tlcrapn and telephone wlra wit head quarters. ' dtneral Joffr often talk Over alDialluna by telhotia and rec.lv. tug sentloha'and give order,' which ar con firmed and reof .led by1 'telegraph. II ta 1o fn' dlrVrt'and 'frn"!nt commuhl eatton with Field Marahal French and Belfrtan haadiiuartera, and wlth Uordeaux ana Parta. ' ' ' 1 ' Oaly Gaarda Aro'aad. ' A'ahirl Irnflntl ntl in frnnt th' entrance. Except for a ' few foreater guarda, thero artjio' goldlera In Peroral Joffre g village cept ihe, youngish mon on hl ataif, picked for tlielr Utenla from, mqrif the. 60,wq offlijerg of, Franc. Tha r4 of approach ara watched by aol-' dlcra, and It la Impotailile to enter tha place except by a p.a cigned by th 'hUf of General Joffr' ataff or by on - of tt Jaw peraona In th military ad ttiiiileuaUou autitorlxad to alga aueh a Iea. Tli bca3qartr af commanding genoial used to b dUUiiguiahe4 by tha !rlerllea and .hornea in front, and hta rank could b pretty wU determined bJ thai. V i . -1 iuw n ia me numDer of motor ear. Some fifteen or twenty Ion. Nirh-power runner ar uaually UnJ up ia- mi piaygrounq or the acaool bouae. The rejrtinUUvor-the lirltiah war offiua. Colunel IsuUer. arrivee. or the nula)mmiw:y,ar,nt.--r an .officer . from the innvMUato fron. or a delegate tt(m the government, but. tor the tnoet , pert, there 1 tittle coming and going. The vat bgaiii is iranaocted-by wire. The "jnnt and algnlflranc of It all c$n.t n!y be datermiped by evente remote from here. . General Joffr.. when -U gor to th headquarter of on of .th armUa, baa with him an automobile fitted a u of. fiie. U l(Kka irmtee very morh lik tha IHllo drawing roint aiuchad to ateamer .A wrtung k Ida down from one end. Two dlvana ar along th aldea - and. there ara convenient device for . llocktltig,tb ppr. - N , General. J 0f fro fclmMif appear In a rv. calm moud and In vlgoroue bcaJth. SWEDES ODJECT TO PLACING WOOD CM CONTRABAND LIST STOCKHOLM. .-Vla LowJaa') T.',e GtrnuLQ declaratlog that wood, l ea- , w.i.u. v. w.r jjaa urougui out ronaid' comment In the ewedUh trea , Kva Cwedlah ateamera ladtn wiih wood, it la recited, have recenliy be0.topped itc me ecuin iiie by armen cruls aj.d u.d to:.reluro to Kdii,, port. Vi.. i J ... , . i, now mn in the prew U.at fc,1i.-t c-ruira convoy Swedi.h cofnrrrt-rciil retatla loaded witlt' wood pait ' nee oi utmiw aarst.lpa. Richard Croker and Miss Edmondson Are Married in NowTork NEWTORK, Nov. .-Richard Croker. on time leader of Tammany Hall, waa married in the homo of Nathan Rtraua hero today to Mlaa ' Bucla Benton Kd mondaon, th granddaughter of a Chero kee Indian chief. Mr. Croker le 71 year old and hi brlda, who la a alnger, U 23 yeare-old. 'A large crowd aaaemMed In front of tha Straue horn when It became known that tha Announced 'plana - of a church wddlng diad been changed at th laat Wionwat ' . . Mr. and Mr. Croker left thla afternoon for Talm Beach, Fla., to apend thalr honaymbon at Mr, Croker a winter home. In April they will go to Mr. Croker' ae tata In Ireland. 1 ' . V ' ZAPATA AND YILM IN FULL ACCORD Southern Leader it Expected to Join the ITorthern Leader in City of Mexico. ROY MILNER KILLED :. OH HEW SPEEDWAY 1 - .'(Continued from Pag One) "H better than ileachey." aald a' thouaand apectktora. , i . 'Mr. Smith watched her huaband'a fllghU with brcathlea Intereit For th, flrat, flight the. aviator had to borrow a g tank from a fellow airman. Th tank; did not feed properly and a cylinder ralaceo; an with ae'n mla tha pulae or th gpoetator bat out ot tuna r , ''r: jMTakea' fptral' Olldea. ' Not only did Smith loop th loop, but hla aplr&l glldea and aide-aomeraault aur pasaea' anything ver aeen her In bird man performancea. fie would begin aom eraaultlng at a helnlit of aeveral thouaand. feet and would wind up with a gwoop but a few hundred feet above tha head ot th .crowd. A he turned, backward and the engine jSl.d the alnglng ot the machine' planea wa perfectly Clatlnct. Several huudred automobile, loada ot apectator ruahed to th aerodrome when the newa that MUnr had been killed waa flaahed over th city. Th cpeedway oftl- elal announced that 'no ticket would be enld unla th patrona . underatood that th motorcyrl race had been called off. A targe number bought tlcketa anyway. "It an Omaha enterprise and Omahana interested In th apaedway af backing It with . tlfactory patronag," aaid UernaUln, as a party of thr agtomobile load Inalated on paylni for tlcketa and driving onto tha aviation field. V Aaothrr celeat Avert. A second aerloua accldeht waa narrowly avertod'by the rapid work of Art Bmlth, the daring aviator, PmUh waa In the air for the avoond time end - waa looping when hla engine went dead ot him. H waa 10B feet In th air at tha time' and hla -machln atart.d to 'drop to the ground. Quickly Smith set hi plane and yelled warning to th crowd below, . It teemed a It ha wouU aurely fall to th ground and atrtke tha large crowg ot anactator. but Bmlth obUtned control , ot ! ma- in:n juat-aa he. perlloualy approached th ground and.fae'eUd aafely over th head of th people and mad a neat landing without Injury, Smith, tinker! a nit with hi motor and ac?t)dd one, mora Inta the air and flew upside down tor quite a while and also turned aeveral loops. HalliganjGuestiat DoLamatre Home Victor llalllgan. captain and atar ef th. famou Cornhuaker foot ball team, la a gueet during hi Tbankeglving boUdaya at th horn of Mr, and Mr. C. W. i l-mtre. Hit 6pener atreeU Tha bril liant Nebraska tackle I a fraternity brother of Harry and Howard p L me tre In Phi Delta Theta. Harry De Uma tre la also a player on the ehmpioi)hip eleven captained thla yar by Ualligan. Foot Ball Player . ' ; ' ; is Killed by Kick 6 ANT A CRCZ, Cat. Nv. S.-Kloked In the head laat Saturday' in a Rugby foot ball gam. Ruaaell Peace, member of a ranta tru HigU achaol team, died laa night from cerebral bemorrhag. .Prin cipal Bond naa declared that there'ahall be ro more tnterocholeatlc foot ball la Eaata Crua - CAPITAL IS REPORTED QTTTET Meaaatjea Received la Waablactea purred It orr that Xaaata lla Dewnaared Agrwa Cal eatea Caaveatloe. WASHINGTON. Nov. tt.Ord.r la be ing maintained In Meilco City by the Zapata force, according to unofficial but rellabl Mlegram today reaching th White Houae. Prevlou meenagea from. both th Braalllan roliilater and American. Conaul llUmaa eUted that th city be came quiet on tha entry of the Zapata troop, .who are commanded by Colonel f-'aldana, and that arrangement wer btng made for th entry of th northern force.. No mention waa mad of th whereabout of iZapata himself, but It was believed h will Join Villa In th capital. From prevlou advice aa to the atti tude ef Zapata delegate to th Agna C'allent convention, tha chotc of Fulalllo Oullerr a provlnlonel preat dent was highly atlfactory to that faction, i Administration official expect that a soon as th forces of Villa an) Zapata get complete control of the situation In th Mexican capital Uutlcrre will go there to be Installed Into ofIce on th reconvening of the national convention. Oeneral Carranta at Orlaaba laat Bight telegraphed hla headquarter her today a follow: ' ,f ' "The new relative to the rapture of General Ohregon, VllUreal and Hay by General Blanco la utterly falan. Blanco wtth hla entlm 'f ore haa united with the troop under Oeneral Obregon and Mexico City ha been abandoned. 'tJen erals Vlllareal and Hay ar now on their way to Monterey. Th greater portion of th troop under Oeneral Buela hav deserted and' joined the rank of the troop loyal to th government.", Report of Cayraaaa Aa-eaey. EI, PA80, Tex.. Nov. Zo. Oeneral Zapata Personally haa entered M.xlco City and haa denounced th Agua cailente convention, according to a message from th capital given out today by the Carranaa agency here. It waa stated also that Oeneral Blanco, with hi troop, had reached Orlaaba, midway between tha capital and Vera Crua Juarea official conferred by telegraph With Oeneral Villa, who wa at Tula, two hour by train or automobile from Mex ico City. Villa wa quoted as having said that h had received no word of dis order at Mexico City nor Of th change of government. Villa Intimated that he would hasten to the capital with cavalry. Hunters Invited To Big Game Hunt PIERRE, B. D., 'Nov. l.-(Spec!al.t-Th fence hiving beerf completed around I h stat gam park, located between Custer and Hermosa. It ha been decided to hold a hunt In thla llark on Monday, December 7, 1914, to extermlnat as far aa poeslble,- all predatory animal In the park, of which titer ar reported to be mountain llon.,bobou. Wolves and coy. otea 'All hunter holding either big or mall gam license for th year 1914, ar Invited to Uk a part In thla hunt. All hunter who wiaFi to tak a part ahould report aither ' to Captain Gorg W. Resklo, at Custer or Kermosa, or to K.' P. Ed holm, deputy gam warden at peadwood, a these man will be In charge of the hunt. Alt hunter who can should provide- tl)me1vea wtth horsea and hounds. A soon as this hunt 1 com pleted, th thirty-six head of buffalo which hav been purchased from . Ui Philip herd will b placed in th park. Motorcycle Rider Killed During Eace SAVANNAH. Ga.. Nov. it arm r tww.n of Mooreavllle, N. C- on of 'th com petitor in th suo-mlle road race here toasy, wa Killed when hi motorcycle crashed Into a tree. 8Iood's nark Va'k were broken. ' Road to Warsaw is Now Open to Invading German Army BERLIN, Nov. .-By Wlreies ti) Payvllle.) "Newa from the et and west eaya a aeml-offlclal announcement made her today, "la considered favorable tending to show thst th German ad vance le proceeding steadily, though slowly. "The Mors on poet think that the check administered ta tha. Russian reinforce ments near Lowlcs is proof that ther? are no Russian troops north ot the Vis tula iivr. Thla would mean that the Runalan previously In that territory have been driven back across the river by th Oem-.ane. Thl again would mean that th German army In now fairly on the flank of th Russian, with the road to Warsaw open to It. "From (.allele com an offlcist t port to the effect that the Russian are being driven back through th Car pathian pnsees. "While no detailed account concerning the operation In the district around Plllra snd WoMrom h been received, It 1 report?! that the Atintrians hav taken 29.000 prisoner and forty-nine ma chine erun In Ui last few day. Thl seems to ahow that their advance la continuing. "Advices from Constnatlnople state that tha Turkish force hav won further suc cesses, but that bad wenther I hinder ing operations In the Caucasian." GERMAN BOUT IN EAST COMPLETE, : SAYS PETEOGEAD (Continued from Page One.) la subsequently the method of announc ing that th German troop are on the defensive." 1 Illaderherc'e Pokltloa Hopeless. LONDON, Nov. 2, Th correspondent of th Chronicle In petrograd. In deacrlb Ing the reported German defeat in Poland, say a: "The weakness of General Von Hlnden burg's position waa that be waa isolated from the crown prlnce'e army, which was fighting South of Caepstoehowa, with the object of keeping the main Russian force engaged,- wlill Von ' 'Ilndenburg operated In th north, but the Ruaslan resources were equal to both armies, and when Von Hlndenburg found himself hard pressed he ordered Into th gap at Wlelun the Austrian troops, wlto were Intended to turn the Russian left. "The Auetrlsna shared th fat of all Austrian who have been made to fight th Prussian battles. The Russian grenadiers foiled their turning move ment and put them to flight, capturing t.Oot prisoner and several scores of ma chin guns, "Oeneral Von Hlndenburg' position la now hopeless, and tha thousands of pris oner streaming into Warsaw speak elo quently of hi fallur. . "In th battle with th crown prince' army th Russian, ar teadly winning. "The Russian army, advancing- west ward from th river San. ia now within twelv mile of Cracow. Th civil popu lation, fearing th destruction of the city, demanded Its surrender. In reply the military governor ordered th wholesale expulsion ot clvlilana" Oersaaa Corps Captared. PETRCXJKAU, Nov. 2-(Vla London)-Semi-offlclal advice received from Po iend show that the Oerman defeat at Lods, culminating In a capture of a German army corps, was th result of a Russian maneuver by which th Ger man were led Into aa Inextricable trap. Th Russian left wing- resting on th river Warta and th Russian right wing on th Vistula, both lying along th Warsaw-Kails railroad moved forwiri In unison In th last two day. Slmultaaeoualy th Russian center gsv ground and th German followed., ap parently relying upoa a Oerman column from Wlelun to repulse th Russian left wing and to form a Juncture with th main German fbroear,..' ;:t .. .. Tb plan. ..failed, as a result of thVbat tl on November X, when tb foroe from Wlelun wa. repulsed... Thereafter th Russian, wing- .advanced and closed th gap through which th Oerman oen tar had passed. Iq tb meantime Russian reserve had come up and they aurroundad tho Ger mans, thouaand of whom surrendered. Other fought their way north In aa ef fort to Join the German left wing In th vicinity of Lowlc. a town forty-four mile southwest of Warsaw. OFFICIALS AT PAH- i . ' AMERICAN MASS latea Aaksrs, At BUHN. Neb.. Nov. at-iMped. -Frederick Trauenicht died at hi home, in hi 77th year. Monday nlu-ht. M. a natlv of Germany and bad lived her tor flv years. Funeral services will be held at jth German . Lutheran church, Thursday. Ha 1 survived by a widow and several grown children. Mr. Karah A. McKntght, an old-time rr.inoill ana aoout 9 vears old I. v.r. sick at her residence. 'Dr. P. R. Woodring. veterinary ' sur geon, haa moved to Talmage. H sold hla livery bam and llvry bualncaa to rana ai. uaiiy. Word haa Juki been r.r.iv.rf .k. w - - w v aaj death of John r. Murphy, an old-tlm rwarni ot (ma county, at Rapid City, S. D. .where he owna a !sr-e nnrh . John O. Evan, vjng near 6 Lei la. j. mai nia tntrty-acr apple orchard produced eight carloads t riMi.. apple, beside th cider tuff. and. netted inn ff(ivu. harltr-elect Alvab R. Roger haa an nounced th appointment of Charles Pa. via as deputy. Pavla waa chief f rn of Auburn for two years. - V y. bnow, county clerklect, wUl ap point Charle Lechltter as hla deputy. Lechllter la a school teacher. . v ' Foateaellra ' ( oaat1 MieMANPpAH. la. .Nov. 2L- " " ii minute cr play U. runtsnellrs ef Oiu.ha rmowrr.i punt and scored their only eount ssnlnet the AU-olara, luaiug th same, bottr, H to 6. Mh.iiando.li, the champlona of roiitlv WMirrn iova, rl'jsed inn Huta by m umg from Cicatua. U to . Fleaslaar Uraaal.ca Al Star. .r.m 1cln,n'i cout of the Buffalo Fed erals is orgsnlting kn alU-etar amrrega- ,, - , Mi.iii'nfin oe tne rl . 0" v ed"' nd Vllcler George Le . .... v . nvtmi.. rieniing is In Ro- ton rompteung arrangements for the tour. Xehraak City Wlsi Baatly. NEBRABKA CITT. Neb.. Nov. X fSpevtai.) Over i.Ou peopl wlloesiied the foot ball same at tha driving nark be tween Nebraska Citv and University Temple liish echool Uara. It was a many featured gme, won by Nebraska City, II to 7, I . . . - XUi Ove-f helsa.d. NEL1GH. NeU. Nov. rpi Tele- ?ram ) Nrligb Hish wound no a svicceM nl foot ball sea.oa by defeating Madison Hlsh. 13 to a Neiigh scored at will. Mad ton. niakln tc dowis but w.ce and never havtug a cti.ni-e to cui. ,e Huh'. only defeat tills season waa by nui iuir iv i ui un mil team. . I. leader Overrwot Hav.aaa. ORAM) ISLANP. Neb , Nov. :a-Fpa mi iriifi.ni i-vinm nu won from To loui hd.n in the firal blf and ene in the Ul ((Oarter, with a dron kUk. " " ."" " 7 ivtai. in me 1MB. Hinf iiiiiu KQixq uoe levicaaewa. (Continued from pg On.) president at the United Statea mA a trlbut te the president and th secre tary or atat for their effort, to m.i.. tain peac in the midst of th present worm warrara Becratary Bryan In re spons to th toast to th president, re ferred to th Strong spiritual faith and purpose of the chief executlv. Which had guiaea mm in th many serious responsi bilities presented of late, imhuuitn. rv. Gama of Brastt, Monslgnor Russell and L'lreotor Barrett of th Pan-American Union were among th other speakers. President Wilson was represented at th celebratloa bv hla iMntr Me Tumulty. Cardinal Gibbons.' klonaimnr Boman. the Papal delecate. and cainoiio clergymen asalsted t the mass. wnicn was oelebrated by Rev, Michael J. Rlordan. Tha thankKlving aartnon was preached . by Rev. John Cavanaugh, president ot Notre Dam a university. After the mui th. nuan talned at luncheon by Monsignor Russell. paetoy or et, ratrick a. A silver medal, bearing a flgur of th "Chriat of Peac." waa pisented to each of th diplomats and ether guests. - The flgur on th models is a r.r..- tion of the atatut. of rhn.t .... th Andes mountains en ' th boundary between Argentina and Chile ta Mmm.m. orat th pear between those two countnea What tha Preeldeat Did. W1U4AMSTOWN. M... m at; President Wilson spent sn old-faihloned New England Thankaalvlna- t.v ..k hi. daughter. Mra Francea B. Seyre. her lousy, tut program Included church in me (orenoon, an automobile ride la th afternoon and a Thankrrlvtna ai,nr .i th aayr home In the evening. Mr, and aayre, I'rof. Ktocktoa Axson. brother of th late Mrs. Wilson, and .Dr. Cavy T. Grayson, Mr. Wilson's naval aid and physician, were th president' uly com panions during th day. Bt, John's Episcopal church, wh.r. tha president attended a union Thankaalvlna servic. was filled to capacity with so li irorn mile around, who cam te Wll llamatoan for a sight of tb natlon-e chief executive. . Censtlpattaa Cared. John Suspio of .Sunbury, Ps,. writasi tr. King's New Uf Pills are tba best pill for constipation." Sc. All drvg-glsts.-AdverUsment. . BRITON BATTLESHIP BLOWN UP WHILE BAND IS PLAYING (Continued from ,Pag One.) I heard a a explosion and went on deck. My first impression was that the report was produced by th firing of a salute by one of the ships, but the noise was quite exceptional. - ' "When I got on deck I soon saw that Something awful had happened. ' Th water and the aky wa obscured by dense volume of amok. W were ordered at one to th seen ot the disaster to ren der what asslstsnc wa could. Islnsrk Goae. ' "At first wo could see nothleng, but when the smoke cleared we were hori fled to find that the battleehlp Bulwark had gone. She seemed to have entirely vanished from sight, but a little later we detected a portion of the huge battle ahlp showing about four feet above the water. j "We kept sj vigilant lookout for th un fortunate crew and saw only two men. I don't know whether tha other boat rescued anyone. On man w saw wa dead. The disaster was th result of. an accident." . ' , Another eye witness said that when the explosion occurred a great volume ot flam and smoke shot Into tha air. The ship seemed to spilt in two and ' then keeled over and sank. It disappeared in less than flv minute. Th British batleshlp Bulwark. 16,000 ton displacement, was Is Id down in 1S99 and completed In 1901, It was 411 feet long-. 75 feet wido and drew t Meet of water. Its armament consisted of four twelve-Inch - guns, twelv six-inch guns, sixteen twelve-pounders, six three pounder and four submerged torpedo tubes. It had a complement of 750 men. Eherness Is on the Thames' at the mouth of tha Estuary of the Med way. It Is thirty-five miles down ba river from London. ' KITCHENER TELLS LORDS OF VICTORY ' i (Continued from Pag Ona) . sion. He said that about 30,000 recruits were enlisting weekly. "Th time will come when w shall -require many more, and I will then make It thoroughly well known," tha field mar sh si aald, and added that In the meantime all the gap In the British force on' the continent had been -filled. " , . Referring; to th German advancer on Dunkirk and Calais after th capture of Antwerp, Lord Kitchener mentioned that in spit of th overwhelming number of th German torcea tb British troops vlg- orously attacked and a British cavalry division extending over seven miles of trenches threw back tb fierce attack of a whol German army corps for more than two day. The arrival of tb Indian on th -scene, he said, proved to be a great advantage, and when th fresh reinforcement pushed forward tha Ger man march on Calais was stopped. ' Lord Kitchener spoke of tha splendid fighting qualities of tha French troop and ot th "pluck of th gallant Belgian army, whose fin resistance had been strengthened and encouraged by the co operation of the British fleet, which had effectively shelled tha German artillery posltiona" ' - Brltoaa Make Good Record. Blr John French' successful resistance to the German advance. Lord Kitchener told the lords, was maintained, notwlth standing that the Oerman support had been pushed up In large numbers. "In th early day of November," h continued, "no less thin eleven army corp were attacking' the British posi tions. At this critical period tha Eighth division wa dispatched from England to Join th forces In' the field, and the val uable co-operation of our allies on our left materially strengthened the British position. '."'.. "On November 11 a supreme effort waa mad by the Oerman a Tb Prussian guard was ordered to fore It way through our line at all costs and to carry them by sheer weight of numbera 3ut this desperate attempt failed Ilk It predoceeaora "Strong Preach reinforcement occupied a considerable portion of th British tranche in front ot Tpres, and with their front thus appreciably hortened th Brit ish troop, which for over fourteen days and nights had never left th trenches or allowed the enemy to maintain a footing In them, were enabled to enjoy a partial well-earned rest." Territorials Maklaa- Good. Several battalion of territorial, the secretary for war announced, had joined the British forces and had made them selves felt. Referring to the latest phas la the conflict raging In Russian Poland, Lord Kitchener said; "After a hotly contested battl the rein forced Russian troops In this neighbor hood hav been able to check and de feat th Oerman with, I believe, heavier lease than they ever sustained before. Lord Kitchener also briefly touched on th Turkish intervention and said that th Russian successfully were advancing In th Caucasus, while an Indian expedi tionary force had twice defeated the TurK at the head of the Persian gulf, where they had occupied th Important town of Basra and were also in touch with a Turkish tore thirty miles t th east of th Sues canal. Fifteen Regiments of Russians Sent Up Danube Into Servia LONDON, Nov. M. Tne correspondent ef the Times at Sofia, Bulgaria, reporta that Ruaalan troop hav arrived In Servia to assist the Servians In fighting tb Austrian. "Fifteen regiment of Russian troops, with seventy bsrgeloads of ammunition snd supplies, hav arrived at the Ser vian town of Radulevati." the Times" correspondent says. '"They made the 100-mile trip tip the Danube from Rus sian territory. Tbey will be rushed to the front to assist the Servians." Ban Off Union Stock . Yards on Saturday CHICAGO, Nov. JR. Reehlpment ot cat tle from the Union Stock yards, forbidden because of the foot and mouth disease, will be resumed Saturday under certain restrictions. It was announced today. Workmen were buay on a high board fence dividing tha yard. On one side of thia fence Will b received and reshlpped cattle from state wot under the federal quarantine. On the other side will be re ceived cattle from Illinois and other quarantined states, which must be slain at once. SMMtBe iirorlflalr ieiiiroiote Shampoos and light dressings of Cuticura Ointment clear the scalp of dandruff, allay itching and irritation, and promote hair-growing con ditions in most cases of pre mature loss of hair. v Samples Free by Mail Cattanw Sows as Otntnat soM tbroucheut the ' world. lJbwls.mpl.otMt suited ImwHtWa. a. A4dr-.CuU.mrw.- Dept. fttH. BeMoa. , .. QUICK RELIEF, . PAIN, NO BLISTER Get the Little Doctor in tb? Ilandy Package. ICacX area's Xaatsrd Crate take th place of th Buny, fussy mustard plas ter. It acts quickly without pain, drives out disease and will not blister the ten derest skin, and Is clean to use. It draws out inflammation, soothes sway pain, gives quick relief, and will not , burn or blister. Countless doctor and nurses recommend th Little Doctor, for It will bring to you a sense of com fort and relief you can experience la no other way, For all cases ot Rheumatism, Lumba go, . Lam Back, Sore Muscles, Sor Throat, Pleuriy. Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Headaches. Colds and Congestions,- Chilblains, ftpreins and all kinds ot Ache or Pain, and it often ward off Pneu- w l At your druggist in d f i Ko and . 60c jars, or tJ,J 4 mailed, postpaid, by Th Lo Angeles, Cal Get tha orlalaaL Nothlna MUI Doctor eis Just as good.' Sold by gll Sherman tc McConnell Drug Store. , "i'wtV COIi'T INJURE Y03R EUCHEYS )1 Taka t Teispecnful of . Kheumasalts or lama Back or Bladder Troubla Do you occasionally hav a "crick" In your baekT Poes your back ache with a dull, heavy, racking throb T la it hard to tralgbtea up auer tuoplngt 1 U bard to rise, from a aeal or to turn quickly 7 If you are bothered this way, men your knlueys need sUenuou. No doubt your blood Is filled with uric acid, .'itus irrita ting acid haa caueed your kidneys to be com weak from overwork. It haa mama tuein alusfsa, the liver and Dowels aro rluased, and the want which sbould be drain from the system Is retained in the blood to poUun Ui entire body. Kidney diseases sUrt mysteriously and sometimes lead to Dropsy and ttrigats DtMB. At the firet "pain in the back" get from your druggist about five ouncea of Kh.u nialls. '!. two teaaountuis In a giasa ot water betore break.ast each morning and la a few days )our back will feel fine, because your kidneys ara working ritlht. Kheumasalta is a wondertul eifervea cent lunta drink, which helps the weak ened kidneys ajid liver and cleau out the siou-ath of toxins and puisous and leaves tne intestinal canal clean and sweet. U is drliebiiut t tha taste. It is aa abso lutely harmless uri acid solvent ss well as a saUa laxative. Acta quickly without griping or nausea. n if your druggist dee rot kP genuine Rhoumaaatl. remember there is nothing "luet as good. Rheuinasalla is Prepared by the famous liheumabsih Ooinpeny. Minneapolis, kiln. We've a ring for every personality Charnitnfc Httle-flDprr rlng. for the "tailor made" girl; lovely pearl for the winnom lassie; sparkling diamonds foi the sentimental maiden; signets to salt ever man; cameos for 'moFt every one and, . might go on forever llst ,ing the delightful assort ment we are ready to dis play to the Christmas shopper. We'll be only tpo glad to assist yon in making the right selection. Prices as low as tlSO in little finger rings, to as Mgh as $1,500 in the set rings. TI4.LU xIewelers L sae aouaiA r cwmw M AN OBJECT LESSOV. The fact that the eastern life insur ance companies have practically ceased making new farm loans in Nebraska ahould be an object lenson to Nebraska buyers of life Insurance. If the life In surance now carried by Nebraeka peo ple were all , in Nebraska companies there would not be such a scarcity of Insurance money seeking investment in Nebraska securities. The above point in well worth consid ering when buying Ufa Insurance. Jt Ih far better from every point of view for Nehraskans to develop local companies throughout the west than to, continue eendins; their money to the big ones t the east which close down on making new loans In this territory every time there Is the slightest stringency in the money market. Tou can get no better Insurance anywhere than, in . TheMidwestLife N. Z. 8NELL. President . A NEBRASKA STOCK COMrANY sfwhg ov-runcirATus un uoukarci orit raST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, LINCOLN. 'OMAHA AOtNCV CITY NATIONAL. BAN K BUILDING) SINttAL AGENTS! CKORGf OROCRIa. f A.riRHIT AND I.J.KIIIIC1II1K .HifSilll 'ill i i SSil COMMERCIAL ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTROTYPERS A tl UNDER-ONE ROOf OMAHA -DEE ENGRAVING 'DEP! OMAHA-NEBR. i - siiiisisiwisaewssiwisesw Tt?w"a AMUSEMENTS. -3 1 P P THEATER 18th and Hrny TODAY AXD SATCRSAY JXSSS &. 1VABXT, Presents America's foremost Character Actor THEODORE ROBERTS nr son Bmin m okeat - whits CAjrprr . "The Circus nan" rrom tha Hovel, "TH Ma XV TKX sUVO." B HAN DEIS lii,sI-' . . XVA.BT Tlstn. HlTruVo?- It J5T"rTboy' ravortte, ITCHCOCIu 'Tka Beauty Shop" Prices i Tonight, BOo, gi, gl.so and tM. Saturday ,-d.,Kov.2W9.y. Ta Great. of Ail Kaaloal Comedies. HAflKY PANKY 60 PEOPLE IB aTABB-lOO XAVOst8-M BKAVTXBg ZHtUatB aCATUrEJi IITVBOAT , Bvatagai floe to 91 AO. nrjEniCAN Tealfbt, Kattaee Thh. Thar, uU . MB. BOWABO ITC lrrss rcvn tmi-bus TsTB WOOD WAR 9 STOCK CO. TKE LITTLEST REEEL" - iu KATnraai ss czars sTlgbts, 84 aad eoe, Wext Week (IT. SUCO. ! "Omas't TV it OZBVSB'' 1 ' " $XUJ5Uj vlu now, AMDY LEWIS," DltKAJMLAND BIltLESQUEIUJ; iTvlT! tUtny tlre- "Dlvorceland" and Whlrl-o'-tun- lnes de Verdier, Fred Ireland. Ralph Rlckm. Nelna Catto. Al .r and Beauty Chorus of Dreams tvABzsB' uma mat, wug bul un. & Wk: "The Roseland Glrli." C3VVOVa Aaeaa Beagrlae ABTABCZD i UDITm,. IHIly M.tlnr.. t li: Nibt. . .... I O U1 : Th. IBB BZX.Xj I acliw.ir. -... twuis a J. Hlen ;t a C'efe Bytt . . vi m wnanr, ur,m. irrnvw HN1 j rrlM.: Mat.. (.Ilery lc; but mu (eseesi Set sivd SuaJ be. Mlin. luo. Jl SOc. BOYfl THEATER Tel. Bougtaa 1111 TOBTOHT. repalar Frio atattne laTarday. kva LANU-MILLEM Charles Aad Aesociat Flayer ta -riaa a-ATHs Fnoes 6o and ooo. XVast rsrienaaao Batuday Bight. AMfJIEMEMTI, POULTRY SHOW TBB XJkBOEVT TBT BASTE BB BSBBAAKA. AT DEHJiON sTOrXKBEB SS to SS, XBCXtJf rTE, AOStlSaiOB XOo. Vrtso aia Batroa Every sTlght Tcrpia's Cac:ing Acsdcny 20th and Famam Sis. New class for beginner Monday and Thursday. I p. (n. Advanced class Taeedeya, a p. m. Up-to-date davuee ar tandardised and easy to Uara. KABBJCT aiad. Bxtvaa i. see. as OrOly.