Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    TllK IthE: OMAHA, WKPNhNDAY, M KM liKIt -J. U14.
Pcruna has
; Saved
1 ' "W '; Doctor
wife, !lh A., of mlscon-
Mm. Emma Stolt, No. 697 Atlantic St.
Appleton, Vis., write: "Feruna has
done me a great deal of good since I be
gan taking It, and I am always glad to
speak a good word for It.
Tare, years are X was in a wretched
condition with backache, bearing- down I
pwnit ana ti nmts w du ww
that I could not move about. I had in
flammation and Irritation, and although
I used different remedies they did me
no good.
"A neighbor who had been using Peru
na advised me to try It, and I am glad
that I did."
In a later testimonial, Mrs. Stolt
says: '
"Allow me to express my lasting grati
tude for the good your valuable reme
dies, Peruna and Manalln. have done for
myself and family. We have used Peruna
for the past twelve years, with never
falling results, and could not get along
without them In our household. They
have saved us many doctor bills."
Those who object to liquid medicines
can now obtain Feruna Tablets.
Would You
Believe It?
Iiu you see a few
WtieAift bfcu a nuuce
In una paper ot Ad
vice on UchIiicss,
to be given fiibCi
by a pi o.miieut
iwir fcpeciaiisl'
lou wuuiu i curdy
believe It, but tne
requests have sim
ply poured In. This
1M true 11 01 ouiy u,
readers of this pa
per but of ottirr
papers where the
offer has been
made. From every
part of the United States many of the
people who received advice have followed
it and are now entirely cured of this
most pitiful of all atflictlons; many
others are well on the road that leads
to that happy ending.
One man says. "Your method worked
like' magic on me." Another writes, "My
head is as clear as a bell. I can hear
every natural sound distinctly. Those
ear noises have left me." And so the let
ters come, one and all. telling of the
benefits receded.
Here is YOUR opportunity! Deafness
Specialist Sproule (Graduate in Medi
cine and Surgery, Dublin University, and
formerly Surgeon of the British Royal
Mall - and Naval Service.) 192 Trade
Kullding, Ronton, Mass , who made the
previous offer of a Book and Advice on
Deafness FREE in this paper, now offers
again to Omaha Bee Readers
Advice Free
You can also have his famous Book on
Deafness FREE by Just asking for It. All
you have to do anyway Is Just to get a
postal card or a piece of notepaper, with
a pen-or even a pencil, write "Advloaand
Book on Dea.ncss-Wanted,. atiarcun lue
card or letter and mall It. ''
Join your neighbors in taking advan
tage or this generous offer. Iearn for
yuurbe.f uivout tula iifiw methou. Many
people right around you, whom you n.yver
suspected, have written. They are on
the Road to Good Hearing. Why don't
you Join them?
Don't wait, therefore, or hesitate, but
write for FREE ADVICE and a BOOK,
If you wish It. . Remember it won't cost
you a cent and many of your acquaint
ances have already accepted the offer.
They are very grateful for the help re
ceived and you won't regret it either, If
you wr te rlKht NOW.
Deafness Specialist Bpronle,
198 Trade Building, Boston, Mass.
Lighting- Fixtures, Burgesa-Orandon Co.
fidelity Storage ft Van Oo, Song. as.
Have Boot FTint It Now Beacon Tress
eaatifnl All Modern Boms for Sale
en the easy payment plan. Bankers
Resit Investment Co. Phone Doug. !
"Today's Complete Moris Frogram"
classified section today, and appesrs In
The Bee EXCL.USIVELT. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
"An Old English Flnm Fnddlng made
In the old-fashioned way and manufac
tured by Hoenshel F.mery, Lincoln,
Neb., Is for sale by O. S. Cobb at Kll
patrlck s.
Better Business Is the feeling of the
best Judge. rlht now. You better your
business b locatmg In The Bee bullrtlns
(the building that Is always new). Office,
Room 103.
Thieves Steal from Tlashop Thieve
irnlnori Mtranrn Mondav evening to Leo
Baroch's tinshop. 1217 Howard street, anl 1 m nis having become
carried away solder to the value of 18, j Poisoning.
besides 3 in cash. for Singing In Bis Head Be-
Auto fer FoUoe Oepartment-Clty Coin- Jim 1-abchu.h. a laborer, alleges
mlss.oners wl.l purchase a Cadillac auto- h has "a rinsing In hi. head" sin. a
mobile for the Police department. An old , bk Ml on hi. head while he wss aa-
pM ! be Iraded. tl.000 being pal i h construction of the Fon
In addition. The Cadillac Company was
accuses his
duct. Mm. Iollle Srhevaller charges j
lypoll'e Fohrvaller with cruelty and non- j
support. 1
"Borai Black Fruit Oak," manufae-
! tured Py Hoenshel Emery. Lincoln,
Neb., Is the most delicious fruit cake on
the American market and can be pur
chase 1 t moet of the leading groceries
' and delicatessen counters. Iten Biscuit
j company are the distributers In a whole
, sale way for this territory.
1 Wests Fireman's Widow Fer.slon
' Rome Miller hss asked the city council
to grant to Mrs. Thomss Rorhford a
widow's pension. Mrs. Rochforl's hus
band was for many years a member of
the Omaha fire department. The request
has heen referred to the city corporation
Verdict Aral a white lead Company ;
Howard Wiseman, former employe of the 1
Carter White Lead company, was '
swaried a verdict of J2.W0 by a Jury In j
Judge Leslie's district court In his suit ;
against the company for $10,000. resulting
victim of lead ,
considered the lowest bidder.
Oold Fish for Fublio Schools rark
Commissioner J. B. Hummel Is giving
the principals of all city schools a big
bowl of gold fish. The fish are taken
from the Hanscom park pool and other
artificial lakes In the parks.
Steals Sennits' Turkeys A. Schultx.
434 Leavenworth street, brought four
fat turkeys to market Monday afternoon.
and while his team was standing in front 1
of an establishment at Thirteenth and
Jones street some one made way with
the birds.
Elevator Conductors' Ball The first i
annual masquerade ball of the elevator
conductors of Omaha will be given at the
Auditorium this evening, and
general Invitation has been extended to
the public. For those who do not dance
the balcony has been reserved.
In the Divorce Court Mrs. Emma
Clmes has been granted a decree of di
vorce from Charles B. Cllnes on grounds
of cruelty. Mrs. Tillie Armstrong charges
Meyer Armstrong with desertion and
tenelle hotel last summer, ho has brought
suit In district court for $2.00rt against the
Selden-Hreck Construction company.
Butt Hears Three of
His Nephews Killed
in the European War
non-support. Mrs. Louise Jonnls names
William Butt, who has been greatly
concerned since the outbreak of the war '
about, seven nephews who are all In the .
kaiser's armies, has just received word j
that three of them have been killed. The 1
three killed wero all Uhlans. One was
killed In the frightful charEcs on the
j fortifications at Liege In the early stages
, of tho war. The other two were killed I
while charging with the Uhlans on tho '
allied lines at Nancy some time ago. One
or the latter two lingered In a hospital I
some weeks arter the battle, but finally
succumbed to his injuries.
Mr. Butt receives letters only at long
Intervals from Germany, and he says he
has no doubt that others of the nephews
Jonnls in a suit on
and non-support. J.
grounds of
H. Calvert
Do Christmas
Shopping Early
Get Pick of Fall Assortments.
Help Out Hard Worked Clerks.
Give Your Children
Nutritious Food
Children should eat meat sparingly.
A great many mothers give their little
ones too much meat, under the mistaken
Impression that it makes them strong.
It might surprise you to know that a
10c package of Faust Spaghetti contains
four times as much nutrition as one
pound of the finest tenderloin steak.
Easier digested, also. One of the finest1
meals you could give a child Is a big I
plate of Faust Spaghetti and bread and
butter. '
Here's a chance to cut down the high
cost of living by eating more Faust Spa
ghetti and less meat.
Send for our new recipe book and find
out how many fine, appetizing dishes
you can make of Faust Spaghetti. Buy
a package today 5c and 10c.
St. Louis Missouri
I have been killed even since the last letter
was written, for they are all a part of
the Ninth Hanoverian corps, which has
been In the thick of the flshtlng from the
very beginning of hostilities at Liege to
the Present time.
Wheat on the Omaha
Market Reaches the
High Mark of Weeks
With a heavy export demand, the
Omaha wheat market was tho strongest
in weeks, though the receipts were but
normal. Cash wheat sold at $1064 to
J1.09, with all of the traders feeling con
fident that prices are to be higher, In
stead of lower.
Durum wheat continued to gain In
favor among traders and again topped
the market, this time at $1.15 per bushet.
There were five carloads on sal.
Rye again reached the dollar mark,
while corn sold up around 62 cents. Re
ceipts for the day were: Wheat, fifty
nin cars; corn, foity cars, and oats,
twenty-ono cars.
A Great Sale of Men's Overcoats
Manufacturer made us a very low price; we, thinking
to attract more men to our new Men's Shop, took them on. .Our
saving reverts to you. No such overcoat bargains elsewhere in town.
Sizes for big and little men. Styles extreme, conservative or mod'
erate as you prefer. Fabrics the best rest assured of that
Wednesday, Nov. 25, is the day appointedour store the place. Don't forget.
Balmacaans, Chesterfields, form and semi
form fitting models also big, warm Ulsters
and Great Coats.
worth to
$20.00 for
worth to
$30.00 for
Remember these coats are good through
and through stylish, new and not a "chest
nut" in the lot. Every one the kind that
this store unhesitatingly stands back of.
This sale is the answer to your Overcoat
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
The Same Day, Wednesday, Nov. 25
Choice of any man's hat,
stiff, soft or Balmacaan,
rSfor.nn anrl S51L- rtatt ATZ-PntoJ) 5' '
Vw.vvu uw wain vvv,..vU,
hhhlttOL HEALS
How This Wonderful Ointment Ends
Itching and Heals Skin Eruptions.
The .soothing, healing medication In
Reslnol Ointment and Resinol Soap pen
etrates the tiny pores of the skin, clears
them of Impurities, and stops Itching
Instantly. Reslnol speedily heals ecsema,
rashes, ringworm, and other eruptions,
and clears away disfiguring pimples and
blackheada when many treatments prove
worse than useless.
Reslnol Ointment (50c and $1.00) and
Res'nol Soap (25c), are also speedily ef
Madden Decides to
Contest Election
of Judge Foster
R J. Madden, defeated democratic can
didate for the office of police Judge, has
employed Attorney Ben S. Baker to con
test the election of his opponent, Charles
E. Foster.
Judge Baker will allege that ballots
were Improperly counted and that marked
ballots were also counted.
The official canvass of th votes gave
FoBter a majority of 302 votes over Madden
Funeral Service! for Well Known
Pioneer from Masonic Temple.
At Grave rrvlees Will lie la Charae
f G. II. Thumniel, Reprr.e.n
lnw the Ancient Craft or
Blue Lodge.
fectlve for pimples, blotches, dandruff, T'ttta f!nfl1"PC!l"Q A T0
m.nv fnrm. of nllen. Preacrlhed . J- W U VUli LOO tO XII O
Filed for Places
sores and many forms of piles. Prescribed
by doctors for the past nineteen years,
and sold by all druggists. For free sam
ples, write to Dept. 85-R, Reslnol, Balti
more, Md.
Funeral services for the late Harry
Porter Deuel will be htla at the Masonic
temple, Sixteenth street and Capitol ave
nue, at I o'clock this afternoon,
with burial In the family lot at Prospect
Hill cemetery. It will be Masonic In
every sense of the word and will be
strictly in accordance with the plans of
Mr. Deuel, arranged more than two years
The body of Mr. Deuel will remain at
the late home, 1906 Dodge street, until
10 o'clock this morning. At that
hour It will be taken to the Masonic
temple in charge of a special guard of
Knights Templar. It will be placed In
the larg lodge room on the third floor,
where It will remain until after the serv
ices. At tho servloee Francis B, Whllo
past grand commander, will be In charge,
with Hev. T. J. Markay acting as prelate.
Joe Barton will sing. There will be nn
sermon, the services following tho form
laid down by the Masonio ritual,
la t'harae of Masons.
At Prospect Hill the services will )
In chargo of George II. Thummel, he
representing the Ancient craft, or Btuo
lodge. Representatives from all the Ma
sonic bodies are expected to attend tho
services, word having been received that
there will be a number from out In the
state and from Iowa. '
Mr. Deuel was a thirty-third degreo
Mason, being one of but eighteen In Ne
braska. Ills Masonio record Indicates that
In 1867 he was elevated to the rank of
first grand high priest of the grand chap
ter of Royal Arch Masons. He was tn.
first grand commander of the grand com
mandery, Knights Templar, having been
elected In 1R7L In addition he wis
among the first grand masters of the
grand lodge. Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons, of Ncbrcska, having served fol
lowing 1.
Manufacturers All
Ready With Mutual
Insurance Company
When the governor Issues a proclama
tion declaring the new workmen's com
pensation law In effect, the Nebraska
Manufacturers' Casualty association will
be ready to do an Insurance business for
Its manufacturer members In the state.
This mutual Insurance company devel
oped rapidly following the meting of the
Nebraska Manufacturers' association last
week. J. Stelnhart of Nebraska City
and J. W. Towle of Omaha as a com
mittee of two finished gathering the sig
natures of the requisite number of em
it r. Klna's Kew 1,1 fe Pills
cured Mr. E. W. Goodloe, Dallas, Tex.,
of malaria and biliousness. Best regu
lator of liver, stomach and bowels. 26c.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Qooch, Lincoln: W. C. Shinn, Lincoln,
and Lieutenant Governor S. R. McKelvie,
An Attractive Calendar.
liy far the most attractive calendar
that has been brought to our notice this
year Is Issued by the Pabat Brewing com
pany In connection with their pupular
malt tonic, sold and known everywhere
under the name of Pabat Extract, Tha
"Rest" Tonlo.
Everyone km s the Pabst Extract
Calendar Girt. Each year eh. appears
In a new guise perennially young al
ways more and more beautiful. One year
she is the "Jewel Girl," the next year
ahe blossomed forth as the "Rose Girl."
But, for 1915, she hss chosen a very
timely role and one that Is sure to appeal
most forcibly to all The "Panama Girl."
ployers In the state to make It possible TEN MARRIAGE LICENSES
undor tho law to form a mutual Insurance
The directors of the new casualty com
pany are J. W. Stelnhart. Nebraska
City; J. W. Towle, Omaha; C. B. Towle.
Lincoln: F. B. Keyes, Beatrice; Charles
C. Hmlth, Exeter; George W. Pumner,
Omaha; H. G. Kelly, Omaha: F. S.
Knapp, Omaha: Lewis A. Kinney, Hast
ings; Frank Hammond, Fremont; C. L.
Aller, Crete; C. C. Mair, Fremont; H. E.
Applications of ten couples for mar
riage licenses during the morning com
bined with the bright sunshine outside
caused "Cupid" Btubendort at the court
house to imagine that this was a June
day. Consequently he forgot to tak. his
overcoat when he went out at noon for
Such a stylish, dressy little doll you never eaw her
equal she has a pink
dress, pink shoes, pink
hat, pink cheeks. She's
just a little pink dream,
and sweet enough to eat.
Z,nolle will be given
Tree to tha Uttls girl,
under 19 ytsrs of ags,
that brings or mails aa
th. largest numb.r of
doll's pictures out out of
th. Sally and gunday
Bs. bsfor. 4 p. m. Satur
day, KOTember 88,
Her picture will be in
The Bee every day this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures 'in
their paper for you, too.
See how many pictured
of Lucile you can get,
and be sure to turn them
in to Tha Bee office be
fore 4 p. m., Saturday,
November 23.
If you don't win this Dollle,
perhaps you can get one next
week. Only on. doll will b.
given to any one person.
You can see
"Lucile' at Myers-
.Dillon's Drug
Store, at 16th and
Farnam Sts.
fy, ' k it
K n x
PS.' .
... M
on County Ticket
Two contests for seats in the Douglas
I county delegation to the state legislature
have been filed. Quecnan and Brennan,
democrats, who were declared not elected
as representatives by the official count by
Election Commissioner Moorhead, have
filed protests against Larson and Druese
dow. Dr. Harry Foster has filed protests
against three. Brennan, democrat, and
Larson and Druesedow, republicans.
Thiese Takes Charge
of the Millard Hotel
The management of the Millard hotel
has now changed hands. M. M. Thelse,
who has leased the hotel, took charge
Sunday. He began to make some changes
Monday. A section of the large dining
room Is being prepared with proper deco
rations for jt. formal opening on Thanks
giving day. The barber shop will In the
i future occupy th. room occupied by the
Members of The Bee's mechanical de
partments have presented to Thomas F.
Doyle, former superintendent of the me
chanical department, a olld gold chain
and a locket, set with diamonds, as a
token of the 'high esteem In which they
hold him. The dates of 1892 and 1914 were
Inscribed on the locket, depicting the time
that Mr. Doyle worked on The Bee.
He will take charge of Th. Budget,
Douglas, Wyo., which he recently pur
chased, on th. first of December.
On complaint of Herman Prlbernow,
druggist at Twenty-fourth and Vinton
streets, Walter Slomllsky, aged 14 years,
was arrested by the juvenile authorities
on a charge of disorderly conduct. H. Is
alleged tc hav. called an auburn-haired
young lady "redtop."
for ladlif-Btloa.
Never take pepsin and preparations con
talnlng pepsin or othrr digestive ferm-
ents for Indigestion, sa the more you take
the more you will have to take. What Is
needed Is a tonlo Ilk. Chamberlain's
Tablets that will enable the stoma' n to
perform Its unctions naturally. Obtain
able everywhere. Advertisement J
The. Last of the Mohicans!
Who of us who read James Fennimore Cooper's story
forgets the thrill of the wonderful tale.
This story would be just as good a thriller if we could only bring before your eyes a clear and intelligent
description of what the story refers to. If we can arrest your attention sufficiently long so as to impress
upon you that justice to yourself demands that you should investigate Look and examine this ad will riot
have been in vain.
THOS. KILPATRICK & CO. will place on sale several
hundred Trimmed Hats on Wednesday morning, No
vember 25th, when the doors swing open at 8:30 a. m.
We Lave held some wonderful hat sales sales which have been discussed and commented upon from
Bar Harbor to Oakland, California, and from (lalveston to the frozen north. In point of variety I In point
of style! In point of merit! Tn point of value We feel like apostrophising
"O Wondrous Sale, All Sales Excelling"
The price Thousands have viewed the hats in our windows and unless all signs fail,
I II I because of the dry weather you will find an immense crowd on hand at the opening
hour. The attendance promises to be so great that we may find it necessary to hold the
sale on the main floor If ye have hat needs, prepare to fill them now.
A regular Thanksgiving Sale and probably the very last of our hat sales for the
year 1U14. leu your neighbor, please, and mention it to your side partners on tho
streetcar. "The last of the Mohicans."