Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Pony Hose for
They arc the bcit hosiery
made for children's wear be
cause they are practically
Light, medium or heavy
weight, 25c a pair.
' Silk Lisle, 35c, 3 pair for $1.
Silk Plaited, GOc, a pair.
Whit'eMisle or cotton, 25c a
A Few Special .
Offerings of
Women's Heavy
Union Suits
9 11.00 All Kilk Union Hulta, $0.03
We only have a few of these.
$9 heavy silk and lisle Union
SulU. $4.95.
$7 Silk and. Wool Union Suits,!
$3 75.
$ 4. 7& heavy ; mercerized Union
Suits, $2.5. -
Alio separate garments.
UndorweaT Third Floor.
Muslin Gowns and
Corset Covers
Women's Gowns t- muslin,
nainsook and cambric, high
neck, long sleeves, plain or
trimmed, 85c, $1.00, $1.35,
$1.50, $2.00. '
Nainsook Corset Covers,
trimmed with lace or em
broidery, some with short
sleeves, 50c, f5e, 85c, $1.00,
. $1.50 and $2.00.
Third Floor.
Shift Men Rapidly on Eastern Front
to Meet Exigencies of
Russian Attack.
Ir. Klrby, on th stand for th Wonw rnTTAT1 (VP TJ ATTT T-1
In th momln. hnl testified to seeln J J. LLLJ U DxlXXUlJ
Women's Knit
Made of cotton, cotton and
wool and all wool, medium
or extra large sizes, white,
black and colors, 5ta to
Women's flannelette gowns and
pajamas, llBht, medium or heavy
weight, In white and colors, 69c
to $3.
Undermuslln Section
TBlrd Floor.
The Store for
(Coatlnued from Pas: One.)
of Unrl Do ilaudhul extended from
this point to the south of - Ull. Further
on we had cavalry, territorials and marine,
fusllllers, This force was not sufficiently'
strong to enable General Koch', called by
General Joff re 'to 'take command tofithp
atmlea In the north, 1o break, the Will of
the enmny. Reinforcements were thero
fore sent him.
How the Mora EiradrJ.
"About the JOth of Octpber our front
Waa ' outlined as "follows: - From Kleu
port,to IMsmude, one of our divisions of
infantry and our marines held the rail'
road line, while the Belgian army waa
reorcrantzlnir Itself in the rear; to the
aouth of Mxmude we were inatalled
along the canal and from here our line
estended to the aet' making In front of
Yprea a vast aenil-clrcle held by four
corps of the French army and one cor pa
ef the English army. The line then
dropped to a point to the aouth of Mee
ainee and Armenttera forming two seg
ments, the first held by the remainder of
the British army, and the aecond by
ourselves. . u
"The Oerman attack was an effprt first
to occupy Dunkirk and reach Calais or
Boulogne. They tried to flank us and to
cut the direct communication- of the
British with the ere coast All the heavy
Fine of his adversaries. This double sat
f action was refused him. If. Dunkirk,
filial and Boulogne had been taken.
Great Britain would have been hampered
)n oommunlcatlnfc with Its army on the
continent. Finally, France In maintain.
Ing Impassable the front of Jts armies
from the sea to Arras, adopted the beat
and most efficacious guaranty against a
Return to the offensive movement of the
enemy on Paris:" '
Rasalaa Troops Appear to lie Within
Twenty Mllea ef Crarow Hal
aria Holds 1p rla
BETROOHAD, Nov. U.-iVin I-ondon-
The Russians, according to dependable
news reaching Tetrograd, appear to have
halted the advancing Oerman right wing
along a line stretching from a point a
few miles to the northwest of Laods to
the southwest of that city, at the same
time forcing the evacuation of five towns
In this locality.
In addition to the battle fronts already
established, ono to th north of the
Vistula river and the other between the
Vistula 'and the Warta, the Germans are
developing a third attacking column to
the sntjth of the Warta. Along this bat
tle front they are advancing from the
direction of Valloun. It la Impossible to
estimate the strength of these three Oer
man columns for the reason that behind
the Oerman frontier and a short distance
from the rear of thee forces there Is a
constant shifting of troops over the rail
road running north and south between
Thorn and Cracow.
The Russian general staff is silent as
to the reported surrounding of Cracow
and the commencement of the bombard
ment of that position. There are no re
ports here showing that the Russians
have approached nearer than twenty
miles of Cracow or that they have had
sufficient success between Cracow and
Csonstochowa to make It possible to en
velope the city from that side.
Medical supplies and winter clothing
purchased in Moscow at a cost of S50.000
for the Sent an army have been held up
by the Burgarian authorities and re
fused nassaga through that country.
The purchaser wss the Archimandrite
Michael, bead of the Servian church,
and vice president of the Biavio society
In Russia. The Servian minister hers hss
appoatod this Incident to M. Sasonoff,
the secretary for fore'gn affairs.
Stock Exchange Will
. Be Opened for Sale
of Bonds Saturday
NEW YORK, Nov. M.-The New Tork
Htork exchange will reopen on Saturday
for restricted dealings In bonds for essh.
The governors so voted this afternoon.
The following official statement was
issued on behalf of the board of gov
ernort: "The committee of five rules
that so much bf rule 21 as applies to
dealings In Hated bonds through the
clearing house be rescinded, to take ef
fect at the close of business on Friday,
November 27.
"Beginning on Paturday, November 28,
dealings in bonds listed on the exchange
Win be permitted on the, floor of the ex
change between' the hous of 10 and 3
o'clock each day except Saturday, when
i desllnss shall eeasa at niuin. Snrh t..i.
artillery of the enemy brought from An,na, to be. uneer tho supervision and
..r w.. ... u, vo "" regulation-of the committee "and to he
Attacks Repulsed, u
"Beginning, the fifth of November the
attacks were repulsed. From the"- railroad ,
we marched toward the the Yeer. rolling
up the enemy who had succeeded in
crossing to the left bank of this stream
snd drowning his rear guards In the
floods. One can still see pear Rama
cappelle German cannon half burled In
the mud and the corpses of German
soldiers tialf submerged.
"Then the enemy, finding It Impossible
to get around our flank, endeavored to
cut through. Thl was the battle of
Yprea. an engagement desperate, furious,
relentless and unsuocesfful.
"For close n to three weeks we stood
pp against repeated frantic assaults.
Kvery one of them was repulsed. On
October ao the British troops had been
.obliged to withdraw for several hundred
yards before 'a powerful onslaught of the
enemy. Our ' troops, attacking In con
junction and at the same time with our
allies, were successful In re-establishing
'the impassable barrier which closed -the
approaches to Yprea.
for, tnt o. 'regular way''eiily and not
below minimum prices, as' authorised by
the committee from time to time.
Transactions at prices other than those
allowed by the committee are In evasion
of the comm'ttec's rules and are pro
y "All rules of the exchange governing
delivery and default on contracts covered
by this resolution shall fee enforced on
and after Friday. November 27, but the
closing of contracts under the rule shall
be subject to the foregoing provisions.
The committee of five Is empowered to
permit the dealings In bonds on the floor
of the exchange under restrictions pre
scribed hythem.'
done here 'by our army corpa, working In
close harmony with tha Kngllsh corps, is
worthy of a flace In the finest records,
or military history.
F.siesar Succeeded at Ystres.
"On the 111b of November the enemy
had succeeded at a point north of Yprea,
In crossing tha canal.' By the Win he
had been driven back. Also on the I2th
the enemy succeeded In occupying a cer
tain territory In the region to the south
of Ypres, but this 'territory waa recap
tured from Mm. On the lfith tha attacks
of the enemy were less Intense and our
position became Impregnable. This re
sult was obtained bw the Belgian army,
under the orders of General DTrbal, to
gether with the participation of the
armies of Generals Ie "ilaudhul end le
These thre armies constituted the
group of armies under the command of
General Foch. The two last ment'oned
contributed brilliantly to our auccess by
repulsing all the attacks directed against
them and by occupying between the Oise
and Lys several positions of Importance.
"The decisive assistance that we were
gblu to lend under these clrcumslar A
to the British troops tightened furtht-rj
me Donas uniting; int aiues. rinauy me
energy of our resistance inspired the Bel
gian army with confidence. -This army,
which had reorganised on Its own terri
tory, is now ready for the engagement
of tomorrow,
"The losses of the Germans have been
considerable. They undoubtedly exceed
ljO.Ouw men. In certain trenches 120 me
tre rs long there have been found more
than i,W0 corpses. This In spits of the
fact that wa know that the Germans,
whenever it is possible for them to do so.
remove their dead from the field of bat
Host tkt Crnsass,
"It wss all an indication of the Impor
tance of our success. The greatness of
the result obtained by us becomes partic
ularly significant and striking It one will
realise that the Germans Uiemservas al
ways regarded the -breaking of our- line
at Ypres aa most Important- 'in check
Ing their offensive movement w Inflicted
upon them a most humiliating defeat.
"We furthermore have obtained results
the importance of which should be 'sot
fori!.. Tbey are: The Belgian army hav
ing been driven from its own land, ttn
petor William was not only on the point
of realising his project to proclaim at
Ypres the annexation ot this courageous
nation, but ho was also 09 the point of
glorying iu the annihilation ef at least
YANKTON. 8. D., Nov. 21-(8peclal.)-
The announcement has been made here
of the marriage at Omaha on Saturday
That which was of Miss Fay Plerson of Yankton and
George F. Jones of Pioux Falls. The
bride Is the only daughter of Mrs. Fran
cea Plerson and one of the most promi
nent young women of the city and mem
ber of the Four Leaf Clover elub. Mr.
Jones, formerly secretary to Senators
Ktttredge and Gamble, will - remove to
Yankton to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Jones
will be at home here after December IS.
Delhert Smith near the postoffloe the
night of the rolibery. t'nder rross-ex-smlnatlon
Klrby denied positively that
he had ever been known as M. T. Klrby
or Martin Tupper Klrby, or hsd ever
been convicted of a felony, or that he
had ever served time In prison.
.1. B. Patterson of Boone, la., was celled
by Mr. Howell and testified that In l.
In Boone county. Iowa, he as a deputy
sheriff had taken KJrby, the defense wit
ness, to the Anamosa penitentiary. He
positively Identified lr. Tupper Klrby na
Merlin Tupper Klrby, tlie prisoner tnken
to prison.
Certified copies of court records from
Bonne county. Iowa, were Introduced as
exhibits. They showed that In 1W M. T.
Klrny hod been found guilty bv e Jury
of blgnmy. had been refused a new trial
and had befn sentenced to serve two and
one-half yenrs In the ! state peniten
tiary. Other certified copies of court rec
ords showed thnt M. T. Klrby In the yeer
l1 had pleaded guilty to two charges
of liiiel and to one charge of nuisance in
selling llfiuor without a permit. He was
fined $.40 and 1300. respectively, on the
two different charges.
Arthur fcmith, fireman at the Kearney
postofflce, was culled to refute testimony
by Walter gammons, to the effect that
thi latter had not returned to his home
fter going down town the morning fol
lowing the robbery. Smith, who was then
a meter reader for the water company,
testified that he had met Summon) within
a block of the Bammons home, and that
the accused had been going toward his
home. Tho witness also testified that
the Sammons house .was locked up and
deserted When he called to read the meter,
aitnough aerense testimony was to the
peror William are trained and clothed I work behind their advanced pesttlrmS.
for Just such an emergency, while the I The sinking of a German submarine eft
troops of the elites, from the south of I the const of Fcotland reminds England
of the Oerman defent waa not known
hore. the very fact that Ocneral von
lllndenburg had been checked, was by
far the biggest feature of todsy's war
news. The same dispitrhes thst tell of
hie reverses, however, eay that the Oer
man reinforcements were being brought
up so thst another great battle Is likely
to develop on a line near to the frontier
of Tosen, where the Germans will have
the same chances of ret.ewlng a vigorous
offensive as had the Russians In the
j.rep?nt instance.
General Von lllndenburg has about
400,000 men. but if the Petrograd report
ran be accepted, they have been sep
arated, badly cut up and thousands
taken prisoners, so these Oerman forces
will require reformation and rest.
More (asoosillsg In West.
In the western arena of the war the
present lines of battle seem to be frozen
Into position as if In conformity with
the wintry weather conditions. Rheims,
fkileaons and Ypres continue to suffer
from the cannonading of the Germans
that has been going 6n for weeks, but
there has been no renewal of the con
centrated German attempt to break
through to the coast, although all signs
seem to Indicate that they may under'
take this movement again at any mo
ment. Still more troops are being
brought, and It Is now said the plan
Is to reach the French coast by Decem
ber 10.
The Germans show few signs of being
staggered by their enormous losses In
Flanders, and dispatches from Berlin set
forth that the German troops are far
better able to stand exposure to the cold
than are the allies. The forces ot Em-
David MeWIUIanis.
DENMSON, la., Nov. 24.-Speclal.)-David
McWllllams. for many years a
prominent business man of Charter Oak.
died at his home In that place on Sunday.
The funeral will be at Drnlson Wodnes.
day forenoon, the Masonlo order having
the arrangements In charge. The de
ceased was a brother of Dr. J. J. McWll
llams, mayor of Charter Oak. and was
engaged In the drug business there for
many years.. His father was the first experience and observation that the oioer
generation should Impress upon tne
younger. Among them Is the fact that
scrofula tand other humors are most
successfully treated with Hood's Sarsa
parilla. This great medicine Is a pecul
iar combination of remarkably effective
blood-purifying and health-giving roots.
barks and herbs, and has been tested for
forty years. Get it today,
Scrofula and All
Humors Give Way
There are many things learned from
doctor In the vicinity of Den I son and the
fnmily one of the most prominent end
Influential In (ho county.
(Continued from Page One.)
clear me of this charge, which Is ruining
me and my family."
Sammons asserted that he had never
received any keys or safo combination
from Smith, and had never seen the
stolen package of money before the rob
bery, at the time, or since then.
Sammons' further testimony supported
that of his wife and father-in-law, tend
Ing to establish a complete alibi. He
denied practically every material allega
tion made against him by Delbert Smith.
He explained those which he did not
deny, and told a straightforward story
with coolness and marked self-control.
' Tells tame Story.
The accused man told the same story
as ether defense witnesses concerning his
actions In a general way the afternoon
and evening preceding the robbery.
Explaining his efforts to assist in In
vestigating the robbery. Sammons said:
" "It was fhe biggest Job ever pulled eft
In tyuffalo county, and aa I 'had frevl
ously untangled many cases as sheriff
and deputy sheriff. I wanted to clear up
this one and get the credit for It"
Under cross-examination the aocused
man said Del Smith had been almost his
constant companion and one of his beat
friends since boyhood, and that he had
had great confidence In him and trusted
him. . Sammons said he had sought out
the other poatofflce Inspectors upon their
arrival In Kearney, but he admitted that
he had not sought out Inspector B rower
when he came, and als3 admitted that he
had heard that Brower was one of the
best men In the service.
Sammons proved quite proof against ef
forts ot the prosecution to shake his tes
timony. When asked by Mr. Howell If
Del Smith hsd not looked leas worried
and nervous since confession Sammons
"He has always looked bad, ever since.
and he looked bad on the stsnd telling)
his story."
"Maybe he looked bad to you," Mr.
Howell said, "but I refer to his physical
"Oh, ha is looking better now he has
got used to his story," Sammons replied.
The toature of the prosecution's re
buttal testimony waa the terrific ripplng
up which waa given Dr. Tupper Klrby of
Kearney, It Illustrated the extent of the
Strong arm of government prosecution.
. Sloekrilen Ask Question.
LOGAN, la., Nov. 24. (Special.)
Though a few cars of stock are reported
as passing through Logan yesterday
afternoon In connection with the fast
through freight, yet the destination of
the stock is not known here. The ship
ment. has given rise to the question among
local men. "Can shipment be made from
states not quarantined across quarantined
states to the Chicago market?"
Department Orders. I
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-(Hpeciul Tel
rgram. Nebraska pensions granted: Cor
nelia K. Howe. Ml, I2: Anna B. Nash. Kx
eter, $12; Matilda itork. Tekamah, 12; j
Adelaide L. Burbank, Omaha, $12. !
The pnstofficn at Houth Bend, Laramie I
county, Wyoming, has been discontinued;
mall to LaG range.
' Use Blanchard's Eczema Lotion
SO Tsars 01 ths Market.
B. B. Brace $1 Co., Supply Drug Stores
Wrlte for free Booklet describing
SXlsT BXSXAfcXS and their CAUSES.
Address Prof. J. G. Blanchard, 8811 Cot
tage Grove ,Avs.. Chicago. . ;,
. ' ' ' "'
I boy the same quality of ma
terial, trie beet, for use In my eat
Ing placet as I use in my home.
No matter what you pay elsewhoro
you are not getting better, and
seldom aa good food aa fou will
get at
The Pure Food Sign.
Quickserv Cafeteria.
Basement City Natl Bank Bldg
Or Boston Lunches.
210 Houth 10th St.
1408 isouglas tit. '
140H Farnam HU
France, from Morocco and from India
must necessarily suffer greatly.
More Grmasi Seat to Flaaiers.
The fourth contingent of fresh Oerman
troops Is now said to be In Flanders, and
this week should see a renewal of the
violent German offensive somewhere Be
tween Arras and the sea. If this fails.
It Is argued that the germane will aban
don the attempt and fall back on the
trenches, which everywhere form a net-
once more that it must expect these
raiders to bob up anywhere. What lids .
submarine risked In the water British
airmen. In their Frledrlchshafen raid,
risked in the air.
Beat for Skin Diseases. '
Bui-klen's ArnWa Balve is soothing,
healing and antiseptic. Best for burns,
sores, wounds, bruises, piles, ete. !"'.
All druggists. Advertisement.
LomrBooimteoir :
whenever you are troubled with minor ailments of the
digestive organs, that these may soon develop into
more serious sickness. Your future safety, as well
as your present . comfort may depend on the
quickness with-which you seek a corrective remedy.
By common consent .of the legion who have tried them, '
Beecham's Pills are the most reliable of all family medi
cines. This standard family remedy tones the stomach,
stimulates the sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels.
Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks,
brighter spirits and greater vitality come after the
system has been cleared and the blood purified by
CThe Largo Safe ef Aay MedicfaM la the World)
Sold Everywhere, fas bases, 10s 25c.
' JSth and "
Cass Streets
, 2'Jth and
Harney Streets
Cold weather starting is difficult with or
dinary gasoline. Fill your tank with Red
Crown the "quick starting" gasoline for
winter use.
Red Crown is a straight distilled, hijh
power gasoline. It atomizes readily at low
temperatures. It is all heat and power.
The mfles-per-gallon gasoline.
Ask for Red Crown by name it costs no
more than the ordinary kind.
Your car will run better if you use POLARINE,
the standard oil for all motors.
, At any garage or supply store.
Standard Oil Company
y Omaiia
18th and
Cass Streets
29th and
Harney Streets
You consider the
health of your children-
You see that the bath
room is the proper tempera-
turc for the kiddie's bath. But what
annoyance and labor that so often
entails. Most portable heaters de
vitalize the air are dangerous, dirty.
Here is a safe, sure and con
venient little heater for cool cor
ners anywhere about the house. . . 1 .
The Luminous Electric Heater
The youngsters will enjoy
their bath by the warm, cheerful
glow of this little Electric Radiator. If
your house is wired . for , electricity this
convenience is yours at a slight cost for
..: ' ' . ii ! ' :
! . . ' . ' . '" ' '.' . .
Omaha Electric Light and Power Co.
I "' .'WSUSS.MM...HI. i..i.......'.;m ii. mn UBJgJSj, S
E - 11 m ii win " f-j hnitu' fitr Jirr-n' rr- V 1 1 in 11I
Advertising is the pendu
lum that keeps buying
and selling in motion.
Everybody Is Going to the
Elevator Conductors Onion
November 25th, 1914.
IBth and Howard fits.
24 Prices. ' Experienced Help in
Check Itooms.
kaoot mvBixir oicniTii ;
Tickets on Bale at Box Office and
by Elevator Conductors.
bOTJ THEATER Tel. Douglas 1119
Katlnsss ThsaksftTlns; and Saturday
tva UKbrVilLLEk Charles
And Associate Plsjsrs la
Fries SBe and 600.
X.ast Vsxformanes Saturday Vlfht.
voTsizaxB as ta aa. urciusiri.
n-lsss Olvsa ratroaa BTary Hlht.
"OHsJU'i tht omwxsm-iy-virir
irn. i&-aa-eo-78o,
In two funny satires. "Dlvorceland'' and
"Whlrl-o'-Fun." Ines de Verdler, Fred
Ireland. Ralph Rickus. Nolna Cat to. Al
pine Pour and Beauty Chorus of Dreams
ThanksriTlas; Matins at 3:00.
m wmm m m mm
IBth ij Harney
jjaaiei rronswi rrsssnts
TYKOOT rowia
la ta r amons Society Orsjaa
y Broaeon Howard.
Trlday "ih Circus Mas." .
ITCHCOCsMa. "Th. Beaut Bhou"
Mat., sool-$l.SOj Svsntafs., Oo to
: itiLnnN ana
-enuiuar Bandar. 1
The Greatest of AU Musioal Comedies,
D.lly MllM. t.U; Nljht. I IS
I Oth.r act thli nek: Th.
TEE BEIiIi I Prhwar. Co., Young A jt.
1'AUIi.T I -ot, Cliffy ft Lommo.
lile.ner a tor., Bjrd i n.
w.n. Col. a Dohanr. Orph.ura Trav.l Wrklv.
Prlci: M.I., galf.ry inc; bcrt hmi Licppi
Pat nd sua.) 81. N1M. 10c, 16c. toe, 7Sc.
Tonlgrbt, Ka Tues Thurs. snd Bat.
Hlstats, 3 So aad fioc
Hsxt Week ST. ELMO.
Owlna to th BaoeUent Barrio of Bradford-Kennedy lamber Company
WILL TIiiih4mh ri.s a-kfi Thanksgiving
PROGRAM 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M.
WUl IVoop tha Loop
I Will
& PETERS 1 111
In National .
Auto -Against
Motor Cycle
Will Try to
- "
Turpin's Dancing Academy 28th and Farnam Sis.
' New class for beginners Monday and Thursday. p. m. Advaaos4 elaat
Tuesdays, s p. in Up-to-date daavea ar stanuardJscd and easy to learn.
PilTate lessons Bally. aULBVXY