12 THE BEE: OMAJIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1914. THANKSG1VIHGBDYING EASY JUsentish for the FeitWe Board Are Bemonable in Price. BIRDS LESS THAN LAST TEAR barker Wot 1H, Willi Te-w taklf mm Frails Arm Pw" kl, Varieas tatleaa. Tk,kUI,( Dlaaer. Grapefruit In Glasses fcalted Pecan Nuts OIUm Celery gw)t Pickled rreehea Scalloped Ortr In Ramekins Ladyflnrer Bolls Roast Turkey, Chestnut Stuffing Olblet 8aure Cranberry Fnerbet Sweet Potatoes and MarshmaJlows Celery and Pineapple HMitd Pumpkin P1 with Whipped Cream Nuts Raisins lJaJf Cupa of Coffee The ThankaglvtnB dinner, that toplo which la bow uppermost In the house wife's mind, win not ba auch a task thla year as In previous year. Tractlrallr very essential of Thanksgiving spread la on tha market In Omaha," says At Kin of Hayden' a, "and while prices are pretty high on aome commodities, aa a whole, tha average of coat la reasonable." , Turkey of tha first irrade are selling t S rente a pound. Thla la a little less than last year, aa the acaJe then ranged from 25 to T7 centa, and tha latter was generally the price asked. Frosen turkef are cheap. There la a lance atock of froaen turkeys on the market, selling at 18 cents. Gecae and ducks are very scarce. The price of (rewMi has taken a t-cent Jump and Is new renU. pucka are selling at the same price. This Is about the same aa laat year. Both geese and ducks are very scarce. Chickens are up. Realising that many persons will select chicken for the dinner fn preference to the mora expensive turkey, tha progressive commiaalon men have boosted the price, so that the re tailers are forced to do likewise. The price today la H cents, while last week chickens were selling at 1314 centa. Pwaapkla, Are Scarp. For the person wo loves pumpkin pie comes the Information that no pumpkins are to be had. A few were on the market about Hallowe'en, but 'they 'have dlsap pnardnd stnoa then. Canned pumpkin . Is all that can be procured and, white some prefer It many dyed-ln-the-wool pumpkin pie eaters will be disappointed. Cranberries are cheap, selling at TVi ,. cents a pound. Nuts are also cheap, mixed nuts bring' Ing U cents. Eggs and butter are high. Fresh eggs 'are at tt cents and storage eggs at M cents. Butter la M cents. Teajetablea Seasonable. Vegetables are plentiful and -reasonable. Ail kinds are on the market so that the Thanksgiving dinner need not go beg Sing along that line. Figs, dates, grapefruit and such little Incidentals are all to be had at reason able prices. Rweet potatoes are on the market and selling at the low figure of three pounds for 10 cents. Cheese Is reasonable considering the conomlo conditions now xlstant which will shoot up the prices. Imported Swiss cheese Is 40 cents and domestlo II cants. French roquefort Is 45 cents and New Tork white and colored SO centa. Apples are ' plentiful and cheap. Jon athans sUlt sell at I1.8S a box; Oranges are alto on the market at reasonable prices. Apple eider is to be had at K cents a gallon. wsm ID1 Everything for Your Thanksgiving Dinner ADA CXOOKEb I Thanksgiving I MMMM 1 (1 S ill BURLINGTON'S REVENUE LOWER, EXPENSE HIGHER The Burlington's fiscal report for the year ending June 90, has Just been given to the public. It shows operating revenue of 2,7bO,34, aa compared with tM.J74,s4 during the previous year. During the last year the operating expenses were t2,ltf, 2X9, as compared with P2,M2,K1 for tha year ending June 30, 1911 The system's total net income during the year ending June to, 114. was V 4tt.SK, as sgalnst 27,Mn.&4S during the previous year. fifa..;.!-?! Hotel Loyal Will Serve TWO SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DINNERS AT $1.50 Per Plato Beginning at 12 O'clock, Noon and at 6 O'clock Evening . t, TABUS MAT II Ullins tar ADTAJrca m imm ooTTamrxx, bistbrb Xa Ipeoial Ooaeerte At IBiBO to 8)30 p, sa. te p. as. Tho Salo That Stirred The Town Empress Garden Bankrupt Sale! Theasaads of eager shoppers responded to our sale Saturday. And weU they, should, for never before have each bargains been offered la Read These Prices: A-l Sauce, bottle Lea Perrln's Worcestershire Sauce for B3o Iurkee'a 8ala4 Dressing BJo Pride of England Worcester shire sauce for ..lie K. McElhenny'a Tobaaco Sauce 8o Kamo Chill Hauce lo Imported Chutney Bauce too Major Urer'a Imported Chutney Hauce for BOo Old Monks' Olives, quart 430 Hmall bottle So Pipe Olives, large atse 43o Kamo Queen Olives 10o (Jneen and Stuffed Olives at Bo, 10O, I5o, 300, 8 So Chill Con Caroe -Bo Tuna Fish 1 Full line of Campbell's Houpa ..So liurnham's Clam Chowder Bo Burnham's Clam Broth, large size 88s Burnham's Clam Broth, small else Be Rex Potted Meats Bo, So Ileint Apple Butter BOo plum. Raspberry, Strawberry, Blackberry and Quince Pre- serves IBs Jumbo Raopberry, Strawberry, and Blackberry Preserves ...Boo Plum Pudding Small else ..So Large sis BOo ran wnrrs abd bkaxoixs .lnnessey A Co. Three Star . Brandy B8e Fine Cognac Brandy Ste Vlrgenette Sweet Wine 40 White Tokay 3So Hunklat Port Wine, full quart ...BOo Port Wine 8Bo Apricot and Banana Cordial ...4e Grape Juice, quart I0o Home made Wine, gallon ....81.00 mi XZILOW OZ.D WHISKIES Old Taylor, H yeara old, regu lar tl 2s. full quart BSo Old Crow. 8 reara obi. regu lar $1.25. full quart B8o Ponv Creek. yeara old. full quart 89o Imperial Special Whiskey, full quart To Private Stock, fine old whiskey. full quart BSo 13.60 quality, gallon S3 rura oi.d kkbttuokt H quality, gallon BS.50 13 quality, gallon 88.50 $2.60 quality, gallon 88.00 irm cn Michigan Apple Cider, gallon ..30o Satisfaotloa Onaranteed or ' Money Befunded. TXa QVAMTT lOVtl, ISTm ABTD CARTOXi AYIKTJE. Turkeys, Turkeys, 1 60 v rreati We are leaders in Poultry. guarantee everything bought here. 10,000 lbs. Thanksgiving Geese at market price. 6,000 lbs. Thanksgiving Ducks, at market price. 1814 Milk Fed 8pring Chlx ISHc Choice Steer Pot Rosst, at . ...15c, lU4c Thanksgiving Pig Pork Loins at 136 Young Veal Roast. .... 15c, lie Picked. We dress all poultry ourselves and A carload fresh from the country. Lamb Legs I He Swift's Premium and Cudahy's Diamond C ham 17fc Lean Breakfast Bacon ....82 He Sugar cured bacon lTo Sugar cured hams '. .12Hc Thanksgiving Oysters, 'Quart 40c We will keep open Wednesday evening until 8:30 P. M. 28 Pounds Best SUGAR for . . . With one lb. Tea or Cocoa ... 4$-lb. Diamond "E" Flour.... 1 pkgs. Seedless Raisins Orange or Lemon Peels, per lb. 8 J-lb. cans of Pumpkin I Be cans Milk'.... i cans Carnation or Pet Milk.. Queen Olives, qt Jars ., Toung Am. Cheese, per lb 10c pkg. Rolled Oats $1 . . .690 . IU5 . ..9SO . .BOO ...BOO ...aso ...BSo ...Sue ...lap ..7H 2-Lb. Can Pitted fltfjU Cherries, in Syrrp 30c Sliced Pineapple, per can ..19i Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb....40o Country Roll Butter, per lb 98c Roquefort Cheese, per lb ..BOo Krlspy Oyster Crackers, per lb.. .TVsO Golden Santos Coffee, per lb BOo Plum Pudding, per can, lOo and BBo Pure Strained HoYiey, pt. Jar BOo Large Prunes, per lb l&He Home Made Mince Meat, per quart 890 LPIIRI If MADFfPT 1610 Harney St """' w Phon DOUKBBI7392 Thanksgiving Dinner OH 19:90 TO B.OO T. at. $1.00 PER PLATE ' Fruit Cocktail Consomme Douglas Creamed Oyster Soup Green Olives Radishes Celery Pickles Sirloin of L'eef. grilled Bweet Potatoes or Roast Toung Turkey, Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce or Roast Duck, Demi Olace. Baked Apple Whipped Potato French String Beans Cauliflower Hollandalse Stewed Corn June Peas Strawberry Beets, buttered Head Lettuce Halnd, Cheese Halls, French Dressing I'in Money Rolls Home Maiie Mince Pie or Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie Cherry Apple Pie Cheese English Plum Pudding Brandy Sauce Frosen Eggnos- or Vanilla Ice Cream Sunshine Chocolate Angel Food Cake Tea Coffee Milk Cocoa MTTBIO 5SI MRS. RILEY SECURES POSSESSION OF HER SON Mrs, Minnie Han Riley of Concordia. Kan., was successful In her attempt to secure possession . of her s-year-old son, Sherman Hall, by a habeas corpus suit In Jildge Leslie's district eourt. The St 'James Orphanage of Benson, where he has been since June, ISIS, made no re. siatance and hla father, Louis Hall, did not appear, his whereabouts being un- . known. A Big Dollar Dinner Rome Hotel Thanksgiving The) best In Omaha for tho money, 12 Noou to 9 Evening. Maksj Reservations. 8 Act Cabaret 5 Remember oar 91 Table Hote dinner every Sunday. Turkeys, Turkeys, 1 60 Fresh Picked. Coma and visit our new Kmpress Sanitary Market. We are lead ers In Poultry. We drees all poultry to your order, and guarantee everything bought from us xresn rrom tne country ' 4 carload Thanksgiving Geese, at market price. 4,000 Thanksgiving Ducks at wholesale price . . . 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chlx 18 Ho 1914 Forequarters Lamb ..10H 1914 Hindquarters Lamb 13f4 Thanksgiving Pork Loins ..134e Toung Veal Roast ...,15c, 11c Choice Steer Pot Roast at 4Hc, 11c Swift's Premium and Armour's Star Hams 174c No. 1 Lean Dacon 23 He Sugar Cured Bacon ,... 17 94c Sugar Cured Hams 12 He Thanksgiving Oysters, Quart 40c We will be open Wednesday evening till 8:30 P. M. Specials for Your Thanksgiv ing Dinnor 6o Llbby's Asparagus Tips, can, 850 Horns Made Mince Meat, per lb. HHo 4-lb. sack Empress Pride Flour B1.4Q 16-os. pkg. Seedless Raisins. .. .1H 16o Stuffed Olives .....THO 15a bottle White Horse Catsup... lTo Dundee Marmalade, per Jar B8e Ho grade choice Mushrooms, can sso lOo cans f Blpe Olives ......... o too trade f Emprsss Coffee, lb., 83e ranoy Cranberries, per at. Be Bellevue Celery, per bunch BSo Best Mixed Nuts, per lb ITHo Large Red Jonathan Apples, pk. 4O0 Sweet Navel Oranges, doz., Boo, SBe Caaaba Melons, each BSo Irfirge Orape Fruit, each .........Bo Catawba Grapes, per baeket BOo Large Cauliflower, each lOo, ISO Large Had Lettuce, each ........ 10e Fancy Green Beans, per lb.. ., .. . .100 THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Woolworth 5c and 10c Store, H3 South 18th St. Tel. D. 2807. Tho Proof of tho Pudding S Is in tho Eating We don't usually brag as much aa we might about our quality.) IWe believe in giving you a little better than you might expect. Our guarantee of satisfaction or money back on return of goods protects each purchase you make of us. , 300 Items tower Than Any Omaha Orooer at JTo. 81, 816 K. lth; Ho. 88, , I40B T .84th Mo. 83, 1B07 Tlntoai Ho. 84, 8187 Tamam, or at Ho. 85, Jonathan Apples, box 91.14 Hubbard squash, per lb le R. R. Potatoea, 1 bu , 60 lbs... BSo In 6 bu. lota, 64c; peck, IS lbs. 17o Iowa Rurals, peck, 16 lbsi 14o 1 bu., 60 lbs. 64o 6 bu. lots, . .6Bo Cube or Powdered Sugar, lb. 9c, - S for 8 So New Orange or Lemon Peel, lb. 170 New Citron, lb B3o Raisins, bulk, seedless, lb lOo 3 lbs. for 8SO Raisins, 16 os. pkg., seedless, Pultans 18e 16 os. pkg. seeded ISO Mince Meat, pkg., Re; 2 for . ...87o Cider Vinegar, gallon .....ISO 10c bottle Bo Pkg. Figs, 8o; 3 for 89o Peanut Butter, lb Ho Piimnliln. 1 Aa fan. ltr X for . . . . &2C Sxperlenoe the money-eavlag powsr of oar thousands of patrons oo operating through The BASKET STORES OMASA, UXOOU, VHTTHKBrTT rUCI AHS KATZX.OCK. 1 Ws Close 11149 A. K. XhanssgirUig Bay. Coooanut, bulk, lb ISo 10c pkgs., 8c; 3 for 88o Chocolate, H-lb. cake, our No. 1 Premium 16o Chocolate, W. H'. Baker, H-lb. cake ISO Macaroni or spaghetti,- 10c pkg. 7c; 3 for 19c, and 8c, 3 for ,.88o Flour You probably never used a better flour than our Tip. Use one half of It, if not perfectly satisfied, return the other half and get your money back Is the way we guaran tee all our flour. . 8-lb. Ak-Sar-Ben 81.38 Bamember first prise cakes at 113 and 1814 state fairs were baked with oar Tip brand Bak ing; Powder, 1-lb. 8So oaa....to Make Your. Thanksgiving Dinner most complete by completing it with Palat able, Delicious and Whole some . . h- hXJrr' 1 Is What Your Guests Will Say When youserve them with a bottle of "THE OLD RELIABLE" ON THANKSGIVING DAY No Thanksgiving Dinner will be complete without that delicitus brew .J? Omaha's Favorite Bottle BEE WM. J. SWOBODA, Retail Dealer PHONE DOUGLAS 222 MKTZ lUtOS. nnElXO CXJMPANY. Omalis. Drawn For The Dee Tub beat aswspapar artists of Us osmatry oontrtbata their, beat work tor Bes readers. For Your Thanksgiving WINES and LIQUORS of the better sort, see your old friend PETE LOCH, 313 so. nth st v ' The-Home of That Great Noonday Lunch for . . Little Money. ICE CREAM The part of the meal that the Kiddies all wait long ingly for. ' Order early from your druggist or confectioner. ; ; The Fairmont Creamery Co. LOW PRICES On canned s;nods In dozen lots. Ask for our rrlce list. 10a cans Corn. t O p pel ul.cii IWU Sweet Crinkled Peas, ' 01 QC per dosen : I sOO L. Rosenblum Better Crfoeerles for less Money BOS TK. 16th . AU Phones Doe. 0883 I ' I- I . I I ' IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED: THAT YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER WILL NOT BE COMPLETE WITHOUT A FEW BOTTLES OF PURE, HEALTHFUL AND DELICIOUS A MILLION SPARKLING BUBBLES OF UQUID 'SUNSHINE IN EVERY BOTTLE OF LUXUS THE BEER YOU LIKE PHONE DOUGLAS 1889 AND HAVE A CASE SENT HOME TOMORROW PROCLAIMED THE HEIGHT OF BEER PERFECTION BREWED AND BOTTLED BY FRED. ICRUG BREWING CO. CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTERS LUXUS MERCANTILE CO