TIIK HKK- OMAHA VV,nvrIV VnYM.'MtliV'tJ .o mil . . T 7 H , a I, ea- p I n Hot, an a. T A VFNPOUT, M1, TWO NtCFI.T FI-RXISHEU FRONT BOOMS, $3.30 Hofele Bad A part urate. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and Cell'ornle, Weekly rates 11 and up Ihtuf s V OGDF.N HOTEL. Council bluifs, Meam n'"o rooms, u per week Phone lis. jODOE HOTEL- Modern Reasonable. ' Uoiiri aad (otlmirii, SfOniTRN 8-room houn, iCi a 36th Ave.. Vacant November 6. Inquire T. J. CBrle n. Thone Harnev too or Doug. 121. HoilSOS ln Parts o' the city. Maggard reign Song A Co.. Pea building. Van and Stor- X sge Co- Reduced rat Fab fiA Lane van. 2 men tl K nr lip hi men. - Pr hr. 1713 Webster. Pong, i49a. Co.. amain. moving storage D 6146. t .4 J :) 1 J.C. Reed Globe Van&Storage Stores, movea, parka, ships: S-tioran van sr-d 2 men. II. Jo per hr.; storage $2 per aro fratiHfactory guar. D. 4:t: A Ty. W. NICK 5-room Jiat. neyVa)eTedaiid painted; bath. gas. hot and cold water. electric ilnt; lis ptr month, 3116-18 Lea ven worth. Lieganl (-room modern brick apart ment, newly decorated, $u0 per month. 846 B un oi. Modern 9-room detached dwelling; oak finish, beautiful yard, newly decorated; $50 per month. 1023 S. 29tn bt. Nice little. 5-room cottugc; bath, toilet, electric Ught, $lu pur nioiuli. 2044 Vinton ait. Elegant 9-room hour. J30 per month. HZ) S. 2th St. b-room cottage, 2044 Vinton, gaa, eloc- no light, not and cold water; Inside toilet. 1S. J; C. ISII, Executor, 703 9. Slat Ave. Phone Harney 243. ItF.AI. ESTATE 11RM at ntni L.t.UDS FOR AL1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET iL ? 11 larcltaaeoas. 'B guarantee baraaliaa and ranches. Write Rrokrn How. Neh. The bargain Man. '".oc '"" Xxportinj Agent Quick to Snap TJp 11119 I Unwell . gf m et uucTinpi 01 tun wneai. HEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHAXOE ALL GRAINS DfCIIJiXD UTWARD GOOD ten-room modern house, close In, valued at $7,500, to exchange tor land in Douglas county. W. H. Gates HI Omaha Nat. Bank Bldf. 129. FOR SALE or part trade, alfalfa farm In Reaver Valley, Neb. Bos 36, Hund ley. Neb. tVbeat A drear from On to Tw t enia Cora tit Oats Arc In rhaaged te Oae.Qaarter teat Higher. OMAHA. Nov. 24. 1914k Those In the casta wheat business and OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET new. M.W4Vr. Oata- 4Vff!Oiv atandai.l hun- . .... . . o i. ei.w-ni 1 i,. iariey. M(i rwnw; 1 immnv, F.io4ij4?.v clover I , tlftWflU.oo. provisions: pork, l).00; lard! ,.1 rr c . ... i.i2: rihs. $s.7f.nK7 ' ' " . Cattle Very Slow and Dull, with KiWS-fllearty; re,-a.pt, 4. 191 rases; at mark, eases included, a4JC; ordinary firsts. rc; firsts, fW. ,POTATt)r!-ftedy; receipts. M cars, IM tiK laTaVlk m nt V iaimnalB aV.A. . a 1 nesota, nti4'c. I.. . . . turkeys, nun.tu. Price About Steady. , HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS OFT Who tltHnaT It tn t Ilia, Itigrkat kailaa aatrsat. . ........ .......,. , . -iiru " -- uurgar, a-ib., 200; l-ib.. .j .natu up aa- exmnera, ana . white, i?o; Imported broker acting for that Interest wllllna y m. ' OMAHA OE.VFHAL MARKET. 1 ?TrRCNl ,-lb ""-ton. 3c; No, 1, 0-b. tuba. He. CHKKMg imported gwlaa. Sur; Amr lean 8w,se. V; block 8wias. 22c twins. Ipleta. lHc; Young label brick, 17c; llm- c; New ork Flasler Cm pared with Moaday Fat Lambs Weak to Tea in Flfteea Teata Lower. , SOUTIf OMAHA, Nov. S4. 1914 Recolpta were: Cattle. Hogs. 8hee Official Monday Estimate Tuesday FOR SAI.li OR EXCHAXOR-rnr m.ll hotel or residence In town, 640 lores ' PIi an advance on the premium over j Montana land, wortn to acre. Address , .aturaay. jvet gains here ror the V til. Ree. day wera SSo. and the undercurrent was one of strength. Closing prices were at reactions and advances of lVtfWc from the lowest levels of tha morning. A message from t. Louis said that tuU.uuo WILL take good lot In part payment for a new all modern house In good location near car line and school. For BKKF Cl'TS-Rlbs: V , 1 IS... Vrt 4 !?f : fs, 1,v- Loln'a: No, L Ic; No. a. "c; no. , lac. Chucks: No. 1, IoWj; M"." Rounds: No. L L,,c: N,- ,v.12Sc: N !". riates: o. . ci No, I, Be, S.uOO Twit slsiarai (kl. I. m .., rraucn Hoquatort. . Hama dais last week.! 7!fil7 inn weeks ago ll.it Same we. ka atto n.41 4 weeks ago 13.2M rijme aay isM year....la.r fu.l intormatlon call Walnut (i ifteV IbZS?? 'h'Vr.T ..1fI8H-J,outt o; lirga cfapple., ISc: p. oa ou. sott wheat were taken there by ex I salmon, gfeo: halibut. 11 .h.m.al i t ; - , g.Porttrs. and Omaha reported lW.OtO bu. ,,h. Uo; pla'a lii; Ploheral it fheat as having changed hands' lJlJLTRYBroTlar, HSc: spring chick- T-ROOM modern, except heat. 2127 Doug las St..' Doug. 1A08. N cW 7-room atrictly modern. 2S;'9 farker Bt.. per month. I'ong, 15i8 FOR RENT 7-room house. In good con dition, modern except electric lights; large corner lot. 1502 Ohio St. Rent 23. Key at iKIO N. loth St. 6TEAM heat, all modern, 7-room house; aleo 4-room flat 220 No. 23d. NINE-ROOM, strictly modern. St Doug. 1B98. 3216 Burt MODERN brick house, overlooking Curtis-Turner park at 31st and Fa mam Sts., new oak floors; new and modern plumb ing, heating, wiring and fixtures; house guaranteed easy to heat, and is at a con venient distance from the center of the city; rental )25 per month for a house worth 140. By taking one roomer tenant could out rent to almost nothing. Apply THE BYRON HEED CO.. Phone Douglaa 2St7. 212 S. 17th. til N. 83D ST. A desirable 6-room com pletely modern house, newly papered, gaa and el ec trio lights, near car line, $30. Key first door south. Call Douglas 200. 3401 Jackson, -r., modern, (22.50. JI16 S. 28th St, 6-r., modern, $26.50. 2923 S. 4th St., part modern. $14. 2924 Dupont, 6-r., part modern, $8. 3X10 8. 16th St., ,4-r., cistern, '$S. 3033 8. 16th St., 4-r., city water, $7. 2228 S. 6th- St., 3-r., city water, $6. 2315 S. 29th t, 4-r., city water, $7. 2112 Elm, 4-r., well, $S CRE1GH, SONS ft COMPANY, DouRlaa 200. 608 Bee Bldg. THIRD MONTH FREE RENT. BoO 8. 26th Ave., -r. mod. $30. 2il Cap. Ave., 0 rooms, all mod. $25. 2416 South 2oth, 9 rooms, all mod. $20. 2216 North 27th gt, 6 rooms, mod. ex cept heat $13. RASP BROS. Douglas 1658. FOR BENT We have a complete list of all houses, spartments and flats that are for rent This ll.it can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van A Storage Co . 808 S. 16th St 11-ROOM, all modern; furnace, electric llaht. 2iU7 N. 20th St. $22.50. ALL sizes, $3 per month up. 507 Paxton. A NEAT 5-room bungalow, all modern, close to car lino and school,- furnace heat, oalc finish. This house only- five Nlocks to Sacred Heart Parish school on Rinnc-y. SU Tel, Walnut 683 after to night ' ' o ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. mere and sold to foreigners. Italy took ens. Ho; hens. WiUo- curk an- rtn.Vk. 1.000.000 bu. in all nosltlons since the close loc? i iST c? : . u". KERR Title Uoaraniee and Abstract Co.. of haturday. and the eiu.ra saiea tor ex- nog., Hoc; !uck'e, fun feathered loc" aeesa niuuem aosiiacT. oiuce. juo a. mn B(. . pr in an positions late nunuay ana yes- run leathered. Ho- auunba. Nu i u iJ.iJ Fhone Douglas 6447. ' teruay were lu.ly I.OuO.UK) bu. Milwaukee la, otto. ' ,u"l'" -lx reported lio.owt bd. as loading tnere to go , Marks t quotations furnished by Olllaskl all rail for export. In addition to the ' Fru.i company: y bit; export takings of wheal local news ( FKUITs orange, extra fancy Vaien waa less favorable. Kansas wheat plant claa, Mia. 112s aiiu liis, lvtsk I7ta and Kus. badly in need of rain and stand la only Him pvr bom; Red Ball Vale'aclaa au about 26 per cent of normal. Springfield, atses, $17 per bog. Lemons, fancy 'wa. Mo., reported hoasian fly and with osses M, I6 W per box; choice Red bail MUs probablo. Vessel room was chartered to 3s, lA.oa Grapefruit , 64a, eta and Ws' K'on.'nlte 'nter Pearmlnea, all aises. ff:.f'",J'.. Washington wh.te winter Pearmlnea. $1.76; extra fancy Washington i7 ?P7P- '-75; tra, fancy flptlsenburg. I , ,a ,.T,.; P'tanbur. $1.; Oregon Baldwin, $1.50; Colorado unwrapped, fancy Jonathan. $t.85; Washington extia fancy and fancy Hoovers, $1.40; choice Colorado Jonathana, $1.10: fancy Colorado Wealthys. $t 16; fancy Coloralo Mc Mahons. $1.10; fancy Colorado Titer. $1.10: fancy Colorado Maiden Blush, $1.1A; Idaho fancy Grimes Golden, $1 60: Idaho choice Grime o- Men. $1.26; Washington fancy Grimes Golden, $1.60; Idaho fancy Jona than. $1 : Idaho fancy Fulton, $1.26; Idaho fancy strawberry, $126; Idaho fancy Wolf River. $l.fc: Washington Wagners. $1.SR; New York Baldwin, per ..,J;78i N,w York "reenlngs. per bbl., $3.00; Kansas Black Twigs, per bbl., $$60. Qraies; California Emperora, $.1.60 E'rlb.; $1.6 per crate; choice Malagas. .00 per keg; fancy Malagas, $6.60 per keg; extra choice Malagas, K1.36 per keg; extra fancy Malegaa. $.oo per keg. Pears: Anjou, $2.60 per box; Jersey, $2.26 per box; Sheldon, $160 per box: Lawrence, $1.00 per box; Boaco, $3.50 per box: Esster, $1 26 per box. Bananas: Per bunch, $1,764 $.60. Llmea, $1.78 per box. VEGETABLES Cauliflower, $3.50 per crate; cabbage, mc per lb.; vucumbera, 2-dos. bog. $160; celery, Michigan, $fo per doi. ; California jumbo celery, T5o per doa. : peppera, 60c per backet: tomatoes, $1.26 per basket; California head lettuce, $1.00 per dos. ; onions (shallots), 60e per doa; leaf lettuce. 40c per dos; radishes, 60c per dos.: onions, yellow, So per lb.; red, ivio per lb.; white, 2Ho per lb.; horseradish, $1.66 per case; garlic, Italian, 20c per lb. Potatoes: Idaho, 70c per bu.j Red River Ohloa. 66c per bu.; Minnesota whites, 60o per bu.; Kansas sweet potatoes, $2.60 per bbl.; Jersey sweet potatoes, $200 per ham per. Squash, IV40 per lb. Pumpkins. lHo jer lb. Cocoanuu, $3.76 per sack, 76c per i MISCELLANEOUS Nuts: Niv 1 r.il. fornla walnuts, 18c per lb.; filberts, 12Uo UK ED Abstract Co. oldest abstract of fice In Nebrnska. 206 Urandels Theater. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans. S. 5V. i per cent J. H. Dumcnt ft Co.. 1603 Farnam. Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina. O'KEEFE REAL, E (STATE CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2716. HAKltltaJN t MtARTON, Hi Om. Natl. GARVIN BROS Loans. $600 and un. umv 1JliV7 Omaha Natl. Bank. WTD Farm loans Kloke Inv.Co. Omaha WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, t State Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made uromutlv. V. D. W Wead Bldg, Hith and Farnam Sts. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. CLOT. CITY LOANS. Bemla-Carlberg Co.. v 1 810-312 Brandeis Theater Bidg. SEE us first if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Reduced Below Cost New Bungalow $3,250 $500 Down $35 Per Month unload and !ac to hold for the winter. Advices from Argentina were mainly unfavorable. According to a apeclal mes sage the trost damage is more pronounced than looked for, and there are fears of black rust because of the recent rainy spell. The exportable surplus Is estima ted at sa,DNi,iioi bushels, compared with previous estimates ot 110,000.000 to lllOno.. 000 bushels. India is expected to become a laoier shipper of breadstuffs, aa the crop there haa been safeiy gathered and the producers are ln need of money. ln France seeding is malting fair progress. Liverpool millers' stocks of wheat are re ported as large. Corn was Vn'flHc lower, after some re covery from the lowest levels of the ses sion. The weather is all that could be asked for husking and moving corn, and the receipts at primary markets are ex pected to imrease still further. Cash sales here were 800,000 bushels, ot which 200,000 bushels were for export Oats closed with losses of Vttftto yes terday, and while the May showed reactionary power, the December rested at the lowest point of the session. Fractonal losses were shown in the provision market yeaterday and this weakness was occasioned by the larger run of hogs at weatern packing centers, coupled with the heavy average weight, as the result of recent enforced holdings of hogs on the farms. Wheat was lfi2c higher. Com was unchanged to He higher. Oats were unchanged to 4c higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour. equal to 448,000 bu.; corn, 80,000 bu.; oats, $66,000 bU. Liverpool closed nominal. Primary wheat receipts were 2.251,000 bu. and shipments 2,463,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1.620.000 bu. and shipments of jl.SMi.OOO bu. last year. 1 . Prlmirv corn recelota were 1 177 000 btl. This Is the best bargain offered In aland shlnmenta 616.000 bu.. against receipts D-room house In Omaha today. Rooms ' of 684.000 bu. and shipments of 432,000 bu. conveniently arranged. Hardwood finish : last year. and oak floors; best of plumbing and' Primary oats receipts were M3.000 bu. lighting fixtures: dandv furnace: lum. . and shlnmenta 815 OHO hn . ajralnst receipts fully decorated; fine cemented well lighted of 4C6,uUU bu. and shipments of 662,tw0 bu. casement; nign attic; south front lot 40x last year. CARLO T RECEIPTS . Wheat.Corn.Oats. Barley.Ryo. m 670 424) 4.V9 7.700 1 2.519 14.0M 8.1.19 7.SO 6.42 18.IIT& 14.216 23.7K5 3S.M7 32.KI1 47.8J6 Il'l, 181 .ce 87. .177 . 1P4 .. 4 . .117 T 5 t K 7 M t mi l-IOS. 7 w l 1 t 47 11T SMKhT A little Improvement in quality, a normal run ot sheep and lambs tor a Tuesday at this tlmo of the year, the best fed lambs on ale selling up to $!0 snd prices generally weak to 10tp Ii"o lower on lambs and steady tn essler on aged sh.ep were the outstanding fea tures of the general trade. The decline w-as on the bulk of the lamba, the quality of which was not much better than has been the esse for several days back. There was little, if any, chanae In the feeder market, with the trade largely a ratcha-catch-can affair. The receipts Continued to run of very moderate pro portions, Including few right goot feeders. Demand was still strons enouah to take lllimO ! anything that comes at steady prices. iimmw i inuny s receipts was MO head, against 14.939 a week ago a ill It-.OTS a year ago. Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and Nebraska were all well rep resented. guotations on sheep and lambs: Ijimbs, good to cholco, $8.n04r$oo; lambs, fair to A' -k,j-wi" '"i teeoers, good to choice, louowing lame shows the receipts ' "',,'iY Mi leeoers, gooa i rnnice, "attle. hogs and sheep at the South -fcir7.4i; feeders, common. $6.60'JiS.85 '"" " aiocK market ror the year to ."anuigs, gooa 10 cnoice, .(nvtn.af,; yenr- aate, aa compared with last year: lings, fair to good. KfrdiLOO; yearling, ... 1914. )HJ. Dee. f " i1""' ., $R60fi6 l0; wethers. gootl to V,n 842.W 8X2.966 40.81 'holce. $5.75416.00: wethers, fair to good. 'J"' I,0l3,tW6 2,292. m 278.446 $V60r6,,6; wethera. feeders, $4.30N .86; npP 3,IC0.(Wt a.O0O.2u9 79.M1 Itood to choice, $4.6Mi6 00: ewea. fair lhe following tabio fchows the average V?. JFood' $4.30if4.66; ewes, feeders, $3 86 prue ror hogs at the South omalia live L " ,r" r the last few days, wltta xmpaHiwins: ii Jim. jiia . 1 wu . 1 iYo7i9v7 ikosT Nov. 6.1 7 10, Ui t fill 1 1, u i 1 7 .! x ri I I j 7 6 6 08 W T 7 ' w AVI I Otl Nor. U. 47 " WW 7 741 7 ail X 7 li I i5'. . I 7 6 7 91 Kb 7 M 7 t7 .I.,.V,J.V.'J'. nor, Nov. Nov. 16 T m rsov 171 7 rj)U 1 CI Nov. 18 T T ft 7 79 6 80 Nov. I 7 M-V 7 n! T 71 C.ov- ? 7 44HI 7 711 7 731 16 C- Si1 7 7 H 7 '! M "I 7 67 Nov. aa: 7 go Nov. 24 j 7 4!) 7 , I 7 IVI 311 7 J. 7 al 6 6) 132, on high ground, oa paved street, just norm ot uemis park, two blocks from Harney car line. Call ua up and ar range 10 inspect Armstrong-Walsn Co. Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE (106 DOIK3E 6 rooms, modern. $22.60. A. L. 1'u.trlcX. T-4J.T Bea Bldg. ftl. H..3364. Fidelity Storage Co If tor age, moving, packing and Shipping. l.Uh ft Jackson Sta. Phone Douglne 288. -ROO.Vf house. $16. D. 884. ,- stores aad Offices. ., ... OFFICES that are very desirable . FOR RENT, t Well located and easily ac cessible, in THE BEB BUILDING The Building that la Always New. OFFICE, "ROOM 103. j OFFICE ROOM. Have gmall private room off our large if flee, will rent reasonable to right party. HO Bee JBldg. . - Uaragee. IMALI barn, suitable for garage; $4 per month; 26tb and Dodge, phone Red 6047. WANTED TO BUY kiLJj buy second-hand davenport if cheap. Address K-227, Bee. ILIGHTLY used pianos. 2726. Phone Web. F1CE furniture bougnt and sold. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. i4. K'E BUY 2d-4iand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. ILIGHTLY used pianos. Webster 8726. WANTED TO RENT Farm and Haach Lands, 87ANTED TO KENT A farm on shares with everything fumlahed. Address C. Toppock, b ioien-'e. Neb. r . , . 3 REAL ESTATE FARM at RAMI! L.4.MIH FOR SALE Six Rooms Modern PRICE $3,750 - ONLiY $350 CASn, BALANCE $36.75 ' ' 7 PER MONTH Located only two blocks from 24th St. car lino. South side. Oak finish and floors. Tiled bath. East front lot, 55x120 11- 'parage on aiiey. owner leaving city reason for selling. . George & Company 904 City National Bank Bldg. Pbone Douglaa 766. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 4-ROOM cottage, In good neighborhood, in a desirable part of town; $1,500, $60 dovn, balance easy terms. SHULER ft CART. Doug. 4233. 224 State Bank. 8-ROOM modern cottage, 31 Webster St. $5,000; term. Write A. J. Thomson, Crcsco, Iowa, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Diades, Dundee Cash Bargain Think of It $2,600 buys a large (-roomed nouse in tne neart or uundae a best homes. This is not a new house but Is modern. The lot alone is worth $1,600. Some of the attractive features: Large 50-foot lot. Beautiful shade trees. Street paved. Cement walka In front and leading Into bouse. Large stone front porch with cement floor. One block to car. tine block to church. Just the home for a large family. A very liberal loan can be secured. Owner needs cash. Must be seen to be appreciated. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064. o Mlsauarl. I DOWN, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres (Train, fruit, poultry land; near town; mce 220. $10 monthly buys 80 acres. rite for list chiap land. Box 426-y, ,'arthage. Mo. Montana, tENTEKS and numeseckers usa youi Carey r.ght and secure a Montana furni low. l)g you realize that farm products idl command extremely high prices uur jg the next few years? Tins is yuur op- itunliy to get started on a farm of youi wn. The Vailer lands produce from 31 a 65 bushels wheat. Ml to 10U of oats, 40 to ) bushels barley, 4 to 6 tons alfalfa pei fre. Lot us ud you booklet and tell ou how eniiy it Is to get started. Val.ei 'arm Sales Company, Box So, Vaiicr. lout. Nebraska, OR SALE Best large body high-grade medium-priced land in Nebraska; very itle money reuulied. C Bradley, Wol ach. Neb. ,o. i.NE OF THE B'F(J4 2EST BARGAINS IN WESTERN NEBRASKA. 60 acres smooth, rich, valley land. In lonld county; must be sold quick. Write a for price. HICKS LAND AGENCY, Omaha. FOR SALE OR TRADE 4,100 A. Nob. ranch In Niobrara Valley; ood harl soil; will trade for Iowa. or (stern Neb. PiO-A. farm and carry bal nea back. . TRAVER BROS.. f Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. Douglas 11G3. Wiwinna, ; Upper Wisconsin Beat dairy and general crop state in the liion; StililiTs wantud; lands for sale at iw prliea on easy terms. Ask for book It $4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant lab acres wanted. Write about our raxing lands If interested in fruit lands, k for booklet on Apple Orchards la futconsin. Address Land Dept. toe lae Hy Minneapolis. Minn. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Three Houses for $4,000 Close in, corner lot, two paved streets, paving all paid, 9-room all modern house and two small cottages; total monthly rental $49. We want an offer. Glover & Spain 919-20 City National. Phone Douglaa 3962. VACANT LOT BARGAIN. East front on 17th at Center St., 4 Mix 132 feet; only $; $10 down and $10 a month. W. R HOMAN, 331 Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 1 Am Forced to Sell a new iive-rooin, 4i modern house recently purcnased by me. This house is located in the , West t-ainam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four -blocks from Faruam. Oak finish dottnktalrs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautfu! lawn. You can buy this house at a big sacrifice. Address, M 218 Bee, or after 6 p. m. phone Webster M4t. New York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 24. MERCANTILE pAPER-twaMj per cent. STERLING FXCHANGB Irregular' sixty-day bills, $4.txi6u; for cables. $4.9036' for demand, 14 9ji. Ml,' i--'l Lr, 4wHc. LONDON. Nov. 24. SILVER - Bar 22 lU-16d per ounce. itl.n PR KM H 'MS Madrid. 405 DlSCOl'NT RATES Short bills. 2T4 Der Chicago .... Minneapolis 294 Duluth 269 Omaha 69 40 21 Kansas City ....237 18 .12 St. Louis 96 63 30 Winnipeg 714 ... ... Tnese sales were reported today Wheat: No. 1 hard winter, 1 cars, $1.09; tj -, ii r 41 iaarr . t a- I1.0H. No. littrd winter. 1 ciur, l.08; 4 can. y.tn1; 7 cars. Vi.iK-Hi cars, 91.UB; 1 cars. fl.Wtt- No. 4 hard win tar, 1 car. 4 cars, li.wvi. no. s mixaa, 1 car, tl Avf ... 4tt m Xl A avtfraw4 t n-a 7 , g v , ay ar. aVU 1 iUiaOa av $1.06. No. i durum. 8 cars, $116. No. J durum, 1 car, $1.16. No. 2 durum mixed. 1 car, $1.08. No. 1 durum mixed. 1 car, $1.01 Hi. no grade, 1 car, $1.01; 1 car, wo. Rye: No. S. 1 car $1.00. Barley: No. 4 malting, 1 car, 64c Rejected, 1 car, 67c. Corn: No. 2 white, $ cars, 60vtc; 1 car, Idle. No. 8 wh,te, 6 oars, Jc. No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 6oy.c; 4 oars, 0c. No. 3 yellow, 1 car. 604c; 7 cars, 60c; 8 cars, 6IH.C. No. 2 mixed. 1 car, 69c: 2 4-6 cars, 690, No. $ mixed, l car, 69Jc; 1- car. Wic; 1 car, 69c. No. 6 mixed, 1 car, 69c, Broken ear, 1 car, 69 Vic- No. 6 mixed, U cars, 69c; 1 car, 68Hc. Data: Standard. 1 oar. 4Cc; l car, 46c. No. 8 white, 10 cars, 4oc. no. 4 white, 1 car, 46Vc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 4oV.c, No grade, 1 car (wheat mixed). 46 Vic; l car, 44Vc; 2 cars, 44 He Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, $1.07ifrl.lO; No. I hard. $LO6Viftl.O0: No. 4 hard. 2L0im.O7V4: No. 1 snrina- tl Oaw, a.09; No. 8 spring. $L06ViSH.: No 4 spring, $ctb$1.06H; No. 2 durum. $1.14 1.16: No. 3 durum. Il.13ffl.16. Corn: No. 1 white, Wfric; No. 2 white. 60tfi04c; No. 8 white. 69ti0c; No. 4 white. W'itu 69Hc; No. 6 white, 69tgo9'ic; No. 6 white, 6Wi(9c; No. 1 yellow, 6oVii830V4c ; No. 2 yellow, 600Vic; No. $ yellow. 6l1iuovic : No. 4 yellow. 69U669M.C: No. 6 veTlnw ri 59e: No. 6 yellow, 68VMj-5c; No. 1 mixed. 6&S0c; No. I mixed, mifii&cj No. i mixed, E9(&o9Hc; No. 4 mixed, MV-StalUc: No. 6 mixed, 6ifj6c; No, mixed, St 3'59c. Oats: No. 3 white, 4!i(4ve: standard, 4ti.ij-40c; No. t white. 4&VYa46Vc; No. 4 white, 46&&-4C. Barley: Malting l(&T2c; No. 1 feed, 60(96Oe. Rei No. 2 .OoaLOOVi; No. , ttHintdlOO. CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Featarea of tha Trading; aa Closing; Prices o Boar of Trae. CIIICAGO. Nov. 34.-AsserUona that the inaaequacy of the number of vesaela available tor exports had uecome so ap parent that sieps were being taken to obtain government aid in the acqu.sition of va.seis bad a bearish Inliueuce today on wneat. After an early advance the market closed weak at V,.c to vio under laat night Corn suffered a net loes of Sf o and oau Vic ln provisions the outcome varied from $2V0 decline to a rise of 2Vic. It was current gossip among wheat traders that although a large number ot foreign ships had recently taken Amer ican registry, the aggregate had proved altogether Insufficient to meet the neces sities of the situation and that the presi dent was canvassing the possibilities of the government purchasing numerous vessels now tied up In American ports. Another bearish report that accompanied the late decline in wheat was to the ef fect that since yesterday the weather In Argentina had turned favorable again for tne iiRrveat. Falling off in receipts northwest to make the wheat prices firm ui last hour of the session. Temporary help wan riven to tne duiis tv the fact that total primary receipts had dropped Well below the amount ot shipments from the principal terminal points. Selling by cash houses owinf to liberal acceptance ot bids from here to the country had a depressing effect on the price of corn, especially In the December apt on. Demand for shipments from here waa light. Oats were steadied by advices that Canadian dealers had been attempting to buy freely in states northwest of Chi cago. Bear pressure here was chiefly due to the weakness of corn. Provisions turned down grade 1n line with prices at the vards. Except In lard, however, the losses were overcome throush covering bv shorts. Grain nrices furnished by TLogan ft Brysn. 315 South Sixteenth street: Artlclel OpenTj High I Low'. I Close T Yes' y. Morris ft Co. Swift ft Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Schwarts ft Co J. W. Murphy. IJncoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co. Cudahy, Kansas City... W. B. Vsnsant Co Benton, Vansant ft L.. Hill & Son F. B. Lnwls Huston ft Co J. B Root ft Co J. H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros McCreanr ft Kellnair... long Naples. 18c per lb.: pecans, 12Hc per l Ji'S" ,l""i, Degen... lb.; jumoo pecans, pic per lb.; almonds, i ,,f ""on 20o per lb. Miscellaneous: Shelled popcorn l'i'l'van Bros 4c per lb.; cracker lack. $3.60 per case Kothschlld ft Krebs.... $1.76 per half case: checkers. $3.60 per 1 Mo' Kmn. Calf Co.... case, $1.75 per half case; Dromedary i Christie dates, $3.00 per box; sugar walnut dates, JHIggins i.4c per pot. noney- ss.tn per case. ngs. riuriman. 12 13-os, wo. Cider, per Keg, $3.00,; half barrel, $6.00 7 441 7 Ml & 64 7 8I 7 99 6 6J 7 201 7 4I 6 70 1 7 til 6 69 7 98 6. 6 7 0i 6 18 4 891 7 8 7 671 6 IWl 6 931 7 89 5 87 I 6 241 7 871 6 7 Sunday. Holiday! " ' . .K!'l:".na """"Won of live stock fi. 1 "'on stock yards, South Omaha. yesterdny' hUr" rndln" 3 o'woek RECEIPTS-CARS, C .. M. ft St. P. Missouri Pacific Liilon Pacirio C. ft N. W.. east., & N. W., west.. O., St P.. M. A O.. C.. a. ft Q we8t.. C, H. I. ft p., west, Cattle.Hogs.Slieep.irses. 19 (0 89 7 32 1 26 29 46 26 14 2 19 1 106 61 Total receipts ..128 DISPOSITION H EA D. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Representative sales: No. I"6 Idaho feeder lambs.. 30 Idaho feeder lambs.. 258 Idaho feeder lambs.. 211 Idaho feeler lambs.. 88 Idaho feeder lambs,. 117 culls !. 80 Idaho yearlings 4S2 fed lambs , 1 033 Idaho lambs , 63 Idaho Ismbs , 111 Idaho la i n Its , 78 culls , 47 culls , 3) Idaho ewes 411 Idaho ewea Ar. 66 M 86 66 64 43 77 72 71 71 68 68 on in 113 TV. 1 25 7 25 7 7 25 26, 6 76 8 56 8 50 7 26 7 26 4 60 4 66 NEW YORK STOCK ' MARKET Roth Meyers OlaMaberg Baker. Jones ft Smith. Tanner Bros John Harvey ., Kline ....! " D. ec F Other buyers 27 671 792 403 .1 550 73 126 39 126 73 6.1 23 40 41 10 18 81 1 9 13 15 24 24 4 100 27 120 113 3 627 701 1.534 1,287 3.046 627 1,0!IO fX 8.K4 Kansas City Live Mtoek Market. tSN.8A5 C1Tr' Nov' 84--Relpt, 19.000 head: market weak; prime fed !;?''". 10.0iMW0.86; dressed beef steers. $i.7Mt1).r; western ateers, $7. Of 9 60; jtockers and fenders, $; 007.75; bulls $." .SMiT.aS; calves, $ti.VVf 10 60. ' 1I(HS-Recelpts. 24.000 head; 'market, lower bulk of aales, $7.46417.70; light $7 46 JrTa'i,; heavy, S7.rtoqj7.74i: packers and butchers, $7 50fr7.724.; pigs, $6.W4i7.J5. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 7.600 head: market strong; lambs, $7.76rSW; at. I.oals Lire Stork Market. . .5.T- J-01''8- NO"- 24-CATTLE-Receipts. .KW head; market higher: native beef steers, $7.6fl!0.76; cows and heifers. $. ft".25; southern steers, $5.76f7.75; cows J"!' Do""""' ' Olti'00; "t'v calves, $0.00 HOGS Receipts. 9,800 head lower: pigs and lights, $il.504Y7.W; mixed and butch ers, $,.3'.&7.75: good heavy, $7.50(1(7.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 Decision of Exchange to Eeopen Main Development. MONEY EASE BIO HELP Financial Inatltatloaa aad Bankers with Forelan Affiliations Report Farther re.n-thealnsj of Credits on This Side. NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-The decision of the stock exchange, to reoiicn next Sat urday for restricted dealings in listed bonds ovefrehsdowe.l all other develop ments In the financial district today. The movement gathers more than ordlnarv Importance because of the fact that It J'Hd the approval of the foremost bank ing Interests, who. It was understood, were ready to give moro than their moral support to the resumption of operation. In this Important branch of the securities market Apart from the action of the exchange, the greater ease shown by the local money market helpej to stimulate senti ment to an unusual degree. Call monev was offered In ahundnnt nuantltles and 41 per cent and ninety-day loans at t- per cent were readily effected. Renewals or one and two-month loans were made at an average reto of 6 per cent. There ws a decided Increase In the supply of cseh for all manners of accommodations.. Including mercantile paper. Financial institutions and bankers with foreign affiliations reported a further, strengthening of credits here by several of the nstlons now at war. and this was accentuated h that niHn i - ii.i.,i 8 65 ,,r,,or," for WBr materials, general mer- '? n'' finished Iron, and steel. An- ,n me quoted price or con fhat "rnetM Ul " ,ncreo,,'(1 lna"lry for Kxchange on T-ondon moved In an er ratic manner, opening a full cent above the preceding days close, thereby glvlnsr JV'. th4- nrohh'l''y of another gold put now-. The early quotations were jol lowed by a,i abrupt decline and then an- 2ir iiv"'e no,lt h"'f InltUI gain, fonslderabln of the activity wan traceable to the day's hesw exports of cotton, which attained record-hreaklnir proKrtlona. The entire export move ment from this center for the last weeR was somewhat under that of the preced ing week, but for the calendar year It exceeds 1913 by almoxt $7,000,000. London advleee Indicated greater cheer fulness in financial circles, becauee of latest news from the ess tern war arena, and the prospects of a heavy subscrin- ;? n"",,w "r oan of 350.00o.ooo pounds sterling. I Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business. Boosters. 2,190 head; market steady; native miittona. 3,336 New York General Market. NEW YORK. Nor. 24. SUGAR Raw, firm; molasses, 3.39c! centrifugal, 4.04c; aales, 16.000 bags. Refined, steady; cut loaf, 8.00c; crushed, 6j80c; mould A, 6.86c; cubes. 6.16c: XXXX . powered. 6.26c; powdered, 6.t0c; fine granulated, S.lOo; Diamond A, 6.10c; confectlorua-a' A, 6.00c: No. 1. 4.65c. BUTTER Bteady; recelpta. 9899 tubs; creamery extras (02 an rei, M iW4c; creamery (higher scorlna). 3fv'X&u firsts, swssvic; ; second. 2a29c; process the very light run of last week, and Totals CATTLE Receipts 4,207 were 7,185 very 6,110 16.i04 light $6.50t)6.3f; lambs, $8.001119.00, extras, &Wlii; ladles current make firsts, 223T22Vic; seconds, tltmvtc; pack ing stock current maae rvo. x, JVstC21c. CHEESE Firmer; receipts. 920 boxes; state whole milk, held specials, ltio; state whole milk - average fancy, 15Vi 16c; state whole milk colored spe cials, 164j16Hl state whole milk white specials, UPo; state whole milk colored average fancy, UQ1io; state whole milk, average fancy white, 14Vi 15c: skims, il3Vc. EGOS Firmer; receipts, ' 12,700 cases; fresh gathered extra fine, 41943c; state gathered extra firsts, S9Q40c; state gathered firsts, Jtf38c; seconds, 2ftCrt06c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, 664f0c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered whites, 36956c: state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery browns, 431345c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered browns and mixed colors, SRiffHSc. POULTRY Dressed, steady; western roasting chickens, 17ff90V4c; fresh fowls, 13Hdrl8Vio: turkeys, 17ift26o. Live, steady: western chickens, ltftfl4c, fowls, 13Vk9 15c; turkevs, 18 19c. Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 24. WHEAT No. hard, $L09S1 10; No. S red, $1.08Vim.08; December. $1.07; May, $1 ,18l.lS. CORN No. 3 mixed. 66(&6Vic; No. I whits, 639624e; December, 61 c; May, 670. OATS No. 2 white. 48Vr; No. 8 mixed, 44tf'-e. BUTTER Creamery. 81e; firsts, tto; seconds, 86e: parking stock, 21c. KGGS Firsts, R0c; seconds. 28c. POULTRY Hens, lie: roosters, tie: turkeys, 14c. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. M. WHEAT December. $L14V4: May, $1.19; No. 1 hard. $119Vi; No. 1 northern. $1.16V4S'l 18V4; No, 8 northern. $1.12!frl.l6V4. FIXUR Unchanged. BARLEY f.767c. RYE$101'l 02. " BRAN $22.00. CORN No. 8 yellow, fJfMaV. OATS No. 8 . white. 4iVt4tlo. BEEPS Flax, $1.46Vtitl.48V. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 24. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 2 Manitoba, SslOd; No. 8. 9m 7d; No. 2 western winter, ts 7d. Futures, firm; December. 9 4d CORN Spot, dull; American mixed, new, 7s. Futures, easier; December, 5s7V4d; January. s7V4d, St. Loata larala Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 24. WHEAT No. 2 red. $113'a 1.144: No. $ hard, $1.1449 I niornlng, only 97 cars being repotted in. ihe total for the week, however, shows a gain of almost 2,0u0 head over smaller than a year ago by over 6,ouo head The offerings of beef steers were largely on the common oiuor. there being very few really desirable beeves in sight The demand waa far from urgent, the cattle being tne kind not espec.aily attractive to buyers: the trade waa slow from start to finish. The prices paid did not look much different from yesterday. There were a few cornfeds good enough to bring $8 75. Cow and heifers were slow snd weak so far as the best grades were concerned. Canners sold somowhat more freely at steady prices. The whole market was. however, of an Indifferent and uninter esting character. Feeders did not show any material change, being as a rule steady at yes terday s prices. Quotations on cattlei Good to choice yearlings. $9. 00010. 60: good to choice corn fed beevse, $8.753110.00; fair to good corn fed beeves, $8.00tQ8.76; common to fair corn-fsd beeves, $6.7541.00; choice to prime range beeves, $8.00tr8.60; good to choice range beeves, $7.4048.00- fair to food range beeveo, $J. 75477. 40- common to air range beeves, $6.00igi6.7&: good to choirs heifers, $6.607.60; good to coolce cows, $5.754.76; fair to good oowsf ,.2.-',ai 6.76; common to fair cows, $4. (Ogle. 26: vnnd In rhrtlca .1 wl, . a A f , a tf7.85: fair to good stockers and feeders ' IIer father. Morris Yost of South $4.J7.aO; comiiion to fair stockers and Omaha, was notified. In South Omaha Ch!eno Live Stock Market. CHICAGO, Nov. 24. CATTLE Recelpta 4,onn bead; market slow; beeves, $S.75,Vt i iv. m. sieers, su.iutgv.w- cows and heifers. $3.6(Vf,9.20; calves, $8.40fl11.60. HOGS Receipts, 26.000 head; market weak, 10c under yesterday's average; bulk of sales. S7.30(f7.riO; light, $6.9O.i7.50; mixed, $7.15i7.66; heavy, $7.0OJT7.t)0; rough, $7 0ili 7. 15; pigs. $4.50(1(6.76, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 head; market weak; sheep, $5.ii4t.i0; ycnrllngs, $U.35df7.C0; Isfmbs, $6.&O(ti9.O0. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo , Nov, 24. CATTLE Receipts, 2.800 head: market slow and dull: steers. $7.010.50; cowg and heifers. $4.iiOli9.60; calvea, $6.00(ii9.00. HOtJS-Recelpts, 13,600 head; market dull and lower. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,600 head; market slow; lambs, $8.0049.00. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 24.-METALS-Iad. quiet, $3 8OIU4.00; London, A: 19 bs. Spoiler, steady. $5.2iK(i.80: London. 26 6a. Tin. firm; $3J.nU(jMH.ii; at London, spot. . 140: futures. 138 in. Conner, e ectro- 1 lytic, firm; $12Ji7Vil2.75; castings, ia.tvx9 12 67H; at London, spot 66 fs 6d; fu tures. 66 12s 6d. Iron iulet and un changed. ST. IX1T7IH, Nov. 24.-METAm--I-ead1 firm, $3.80(ir3.834. Selter. firm. $6.25. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-DRY GOODS Cotton goods snd yarn market dull. Wool very dull. It waa reported that about 50 per cent of the normal business on silk piece goods for spring had been booked. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails 1 NEW YORK. Nov. 24. EVAPORATED 1 APPLES Quiet. DRIED FRUIT-Prunes, firm. Apri cots steady. Peaches firm. Ralisns quiet' Chicago Police Hold South Omaha Girl on A Charge of Stealing CHICAGO, Nov. 24.-Florence Urlss, a student at the school of oratory of North western university, was held In custody tonight, accused of having stolen money and trinkets from other students. Ac cording to the police, she confessed she tookthe articles to pay for hor education, WORCESTER CHURCH EXTEND CALL TO OMAHA RECTOR WORCESTER. Mass.. Nov. 34. (Special Telegram.)-Rev. Geoige 8. Southworth of Omaha, rector of St. Matthias' Ei!ico pa! church, was tonight given unanimous call to Worcester to become rector ot Ft. Matthew's Episcopal church by the mem bers of the congregation at a meeting In the parish hall tonight. During the summer the Omaha rector filled the church pulpit at different times and each time' left an Impression with the mem bers of St. Matthew's which gradually grew Into a longing for his services to replace those of the late Rev. Henri Hague. St. Matthew's church has among Its members some of the wealthiest psopls pf Worcester and tho late Rev. Henry Hague acted as rector of the same tor nearly thlrty-flvc years. Rev. Thome Mackay of Omaha was one of the first rectors of St. MaththeWs. Water Power Development TRAMWAY V1MES. AJT-RAXSE. MJBMV. CIXROT REPORTS. ' It's ' XOl- ' lars la youx vooaea To Sin 1 ploy Real Teohnloal Knowledge When Ton Jrlaa Steam Power Stations ZX.KOTR10 r au ALTS t axiuns, 1 easinT- TATIOKS. feeders. $5.8014.60, stork heifers, $4.76 slues cows, et.PVQ'a.ou; stoOK Calves. $5.6OO8.00; veal calves, $7.7Mj)0.2C; bulls, stags, etc., $4 75(S.76. Kepresontatlve snles: HEEF WTEFRS. 1 144: December. $1.12trl.l2i; May. $1.19 1 tended fc1 lfi. i ntll the ! CORN No. 3. 3?ic; No. 2 white, I OATH No. 2, 48Hc; No. 2 white, 60c! I Wheati I Dec.. I 1 164.1 1 16 I 1 May. 1 UVli i 22 1 Com Dec. 66W4 May.K0V Oata J Msy.MVU'Hi1 . fork 60 63, 1 Jan May. Lard Jan.. May. Rlba Jan.. Mav 18 C U 92V 9 97M 10 17 V 9 90 10 2!4 15W r-vil C5M4TiMt6 1$ 4TV4 14 92V 9 90 10 10 9 90 I 1 16V4! 1 15 1 21V. 1 21 HH 68 70V a 18 W 19 06 10 OS 17', 9 96 10 26 63Vil li 18 87 J 1$ 68 18 96 I 18 97V, 9 904392 10 09 10 12V4 10 17V, 9 M 9 92U 10 to. 22' 10 20-22 10 90-22 Chieavo Cash Prices Wheat: No. I Iraa. , i.iiwo i-io?,. 00. s naro. 9i.uty Corn: No. 2 yellow, 7lVo; new, tKc; Ka At. rr. No. M 1C4i 1 t n 17 Ul 8 1 17 4 un t u cows. fll 4 46 I 1 ... MS 4 75 It 3 Ml 4 H . 9....,, I. 1034 I ft) I 1 Hue 1 to 11 "IF I-.K8. L 740 4 9C I 1 Ml IM ' I 8. 12U aa t i ... t u WU.H. 1 Its IK I 1 IW IM J 1 lino 1 K, 1 t 1141 I SO 1 1 MHO I W I 1 W IK 1 , CALVES. Ill IM I I ISO I 00 1 I IM 7 00 t , 1 290 I 00 BTOOi . AND FEEDFH 1 110 I 00 7 404 71 1 7M 6 M 7 177 I 10 7 HI 10 II Ill I 16 M 71 7 II Ar. fr. 1IU ISC I 9 71 ..HIT I 14 ..MH III ..1010 171' ..illl I 00 . lum (11 .. 110 T 19 .. 744 T 71 .. W7 I if 120 6 80 1440 I 00 i4m 1 n 140 I 88 i;i 1 71 1 04 lit 1 ri IM 1 00 Ut 10 00 111 4 M IM I W, pel m M 771 TO NEBRASKA. 21 feeders.. 11:40 7 60 37 calves. .. 431 8 60 10 feeders.. 8811 14 feeders.. 807 6 50 SUok aa4 tD auataUssa fatmtihal or Bsrsa. 1 "" IS i I S tl Brlaser A C. 4 Onaaa Katleaal tank bullslai: " .. " leeuers.. i I W locks Bid. Aak4 I WiOMING- tMatrlea Ormoierr, annoa 144100 1 calves... 290 C " feeders.. (SO $ 60 Beatrice Cmiiwrr, arelarrM ft 00 M.I0 j 12 feeders.. 710 (00 Fairmont CnMuMry T par sent (.. H 00 IM 00 I 84JUTH DAKOTA. iuo k steers... .ik sou is cows 1109 140 I7.M at 00 t 9 cows 1138 8 40 11 steers.. ..1309 7 90 " 1 COIXJRADO. " 2 JJ 108 feeders. 883 8 76 64 steers.... 799 $ 06 4 00 ss'n' HOGS Supplies were more slxeable tMa lot.M 1&8.14 rnomliig, but shipping demand was nut so brisk as on the last few days, and M M M Tl with other points reporting lower prices 4.no M 00 tha local trade oiiened out very dull and to 00 M 00 sharply lower. Shlpiiers bought a very 1. 1 lew 'oaas on tne tirsi rounds that were II ,m no lnor tnan wea" to nl kel lowe Fairmont Cnanwry I r cant gaar, fxKM-WIIa Blaralt 1st M Molina PI o lal pfd Omaha, A Oo. nhiffa R. B. p44... Omaha A Cb. Blatf. 84 Ry. pM.... ITnlna Hax-k Tarda staek, a-4tT.... Bm A Oo Boads Armour A Co. 4tya. Ittt. nilraao Itallvay la. 1WT Ctelumhua Nab.. L A P. 6a. 1S4 .. Iowa Rr. L. 1 at rat. U. 181.. Onmaa C. B. at. Rr. Is, IKI ... rinuha Branolt 4a, net won ;-r - mm vm rrv - . . : . " L . , ltT' she was known as Florence Yost. "I wanted to get an education and 1 worked hard last summer and earned $85," she is said tn have told the police. "In the fall I came to Evanaton and entered school. The money would not so far enough and I wanted to keep up with the other girls. At home we wera not wealthy, so It was hard for ma. I wanted to dress like the others and I had ambi tion." She told tha police she had bean prom ised work ln stenography by the unl venlty, but no such work had bean given her. A year ago Mis Urlai. then a stenog rapher for a South Omalia justice or the pence, was arrested In an Omaha depart ment store by detectives on a charge of WHY! 'la tha first aU k. 1 raa contractor ku 111,1. ..1 r no knowladio -t .1 niwDinir, in, mm, ,,- . 1 foftas oll.ra aOvloa tku'am..! ' arr co.tiy sag an an,u. ... 1 lw la Ua balldar 1. 1 1 mam, nw .Din n, n. , - rknowledio la althar m iT rtuch aa I am abla to .iv. .... 1 rallmlnals many eoatw .in,wtiiu ' aurh aa hlua to Inatoli . . r plant after a rear or ii ot uu V ' ' rauaa of Inaufflclont anr.rvi.in. 1- .k.l urn Diaca. Bo hv e.L. .h.. tk. 1 enai la comparatWalr small v..r 1... ' thor Information rail or wrlta 809-15 W. O. W. Rlflg., Omaha, Hob." uvua jonria ausj. will rcdtit-s Intlaoted, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Punches; Ileitis Boiig, Foil Evil, Qulttor, FistnI.or any unhealthy sort) quickly at it U a iMUIra sadacstk n4 fenaldda. rieaaani a uhi does not blister aodcr ban4ia or ra awrs tits ka!r. an4 to eaa work ika kerae. 81.04 rar benls, sollr. oral. Book 7 K free. ' mtn1Hlwm A t.-.. i , . a ... I AH8OROI IS K. JR.. aoalaealla linlmaa ,.U,J .r. ,u- u, . .. 1 Stoaeat ralaiul. Iwolka Vdna. Oolira. Weoa. Ilraina.! cers to the Toung V omens Christian a- i Srnlaea. Maa pals aa4 ialaaiawioa. fries 91.0U par bowls sociarton, where a large quantity of stolen ; I ft E . II stuff was concealed. Victory of Russ Seems Confirmed LONDON, Nov. 24 A dispatch to the Times from Petrograd says: "The expected victory between tha Vis tula and tha Wart a has been confirmed by private advices. Largs bodies of the enemy's forces were surrounded and cap tured near Lowicg. The enemy Ig re ported In soma eases as abandoning his guns. "It Is expected, however, that General von Hindenburg, who has been rein forced by a new reserve corps, will at tempt an offensive at another point on the Polish border." . ort ot Seattle sa Pan rranrlaoo. Col., la. lltl'lKt Hwirt At ra. fa, 1M4 Warrants Kmi -t' Ma., tas bills Dosase, fiaa. H; loiso i.0"" a dime off. while one shipper YOUTH ENDS OWN LIFE a no im aa buyer was ouotina some of his stuff as IWVIM a-iiuaj will! a-U l l W M 64 1 much as l&c below yesterday. KUlara i I . -l v K1H. w. foil- - l l . " "J uiiiiv iv.ri, . 1 1 VJ .. aa so tea aa aitnoujtn seuers held On for a whle they were tin M M lot. W ' Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 24 COTTON-Bpot, Irregular; prices steady; American mid dling fair. 6.47d; good middling, 4.79d; middling, 4 47d; low middling. 8 trld; good ordinary, 3 22d; ordinary, 3.77d; sales, i.OuO bales. Bank C learlaaa. OMAHA. Nov. 24. Rank clearings for Omaha today were $i,7",57.96 and for the oo ires ponding lay last year $2,K9.-486.48. ally forced to sell on that basis. Movement waa more or less draggy mrougtiout. Today's receipts totaled 116 cars, or about 7,700 head, putting the total for the two days at 12.639 head. This la 10 smaller than last week and almost 8,000 head ahort of last year. Representative sales: No. A. h. Pr. No. A. Ba. Pr. It 17 IM la) IT .14 ..7 16 M 104 .. 1 ii, Ti I4 14 7 IS 10 00 .. T40 II Sl .. 7 4 71. 1T Ik Tl R7 .. 7 Tt I4 lit T tl M3 .. T 41 171 .. 7 40 171 MO 7 4J, 110 124 T 4a 11 7 4a WMPN CARTRIDGE EXPLODES SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Nov. 94. (Spe clal Telegram.) Harold Todd, 11 years old, son of William Todd, restaurant keeper, accidentally shot and killed him self at his home her tonight while play ing with his 14-year-old sister. He took his father's revolver from beneath his pillow and, thinking that It was not loaded, pointed It at his sister and it did not discharge when he pulled the trigger. at acalcts ar aaUnroi, WU1 kill ran nam if you wtke. Rianuiararea only ay W.F.YOUN0, P.D.f ..KMTemll $L.SprlnllU. Halt. RIKER-HEGEMAN Backed and managed by ths brains of the freatest retail store organiia tion in the world. Controls 100 retail drug stores. Future plans contemplato a chain of itores from coast to coast. Big proftti for those who taks ad vantage of lbs present market price. 10 was pa'd as a stock dividend November 1 6th. Complete data free on request. Ask for 2S "Nothing; ta aell bat aarvlca.' JONES & BAKER STOCK BROKERS Bank Floor, 39 So. La Salle St CHICAGO New York Philadelphia Diracl prtrala c4r Is all ata'Aaia. 7 Stock for Sale An omaha corporation In active busi ness for twenty years offers for sale H. then pointed It at himself and the ' f'r'oV for.,, bullet plowed through his chest. Death j owners. No agents. Will sell direct, occurred Instantly. j A 1ST Care of Bee. i i -r :t 1 .1 : a MI V ,1 A T .'I -. 4 T oa -R -ei tL a r !.- n i: T .T ' l r ii