Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1914, Image 1

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The bee is The Paper
r Ml fori If yen. pla to te
esses am Uea a f.w aya,
kaYS Xbe oe xoallea e yss,
he Omaha Dai
VOI XL1V NO. 137.
Om Trains aaa at
totals Maw Stands, Bo.
as mn RESULT
! largest Field Ever Sown to Ceral
Will Be Planted Next tear Be
cause of Bloody Strife.
Europe to Utilise All Its labor Be-
sources to Seed Its Soil to
i Crop.
I Prisoners, Soldiers Disabled or Re
lived from Serve, Must Work.
! Iteporta from Ofrminr and Other
I Countries of Central Earope
i;1 Show OrrnOmi Are
j' Well Aloaar.
WASinNOTON, Nov. 14. The greatest
I wheat are In tha world'i history will
be planted for the 1915 harvest aa a re
ault of the European war, In the opinion
;f Charles M. Daugherty, statistical -'
rtqrt of the Department of Agriculture.
P, a report made public today Mr.
eriglierty aayas
, "Aa a reault of the war In Europe a
"world-wide tendency exists to Increase
he aoreage of wheat DoubUeee the
most extensive area In the history of
the world will be seeded during the pres
ent autumn and coming spring.
"A prospective heavy demand for this
important food grain by the Importing
countries of western Europe la likely. If
seeding conditions favor, to give ex
traordinary stimulus to sowings of both
winter and coring varletloa In the two
great exporting countrlea of North
America and to thoae aowlnga now being
flnlsed under auspicious circumstances
la British India.
Condition In Sooth.
Tn the southern hemisphere, seeding
;Was completed before the war began and
the effect of present economic conditions
upon extension of areas there will be
manifest only in the spring and summer
of 1313.
"In Europe, where .ordinarily more
! than half the world's wheat la produced,
the Indications Ire that all available
labor resources, in both neutral and con
tending nations, will be utilized to tho
utmost for getting In full or increased
I areas. In Italy, whose wheat acreage is
ordinarily second In extent to that of no
state in Europe, excepting Russia, 1,000,
000 acres, it is said, will be added to the
i crop.
Women and Children Baay.
"In the contending countries extraor
dinary efforts are being executed in au
tumn seeding. The services of women
and children, men exempt from military
service, refugees,, prisoners ofwar and.
.soldiers temporarily relieved from the
ranks - are ' being utilised in the fields.
. . Because of strained labor conditions ami
of the occupation of certain territory
i during seed time by contending troops.
, some local contractions of area seem In
evitable. The reduction, however, is
, likely to be compensated by increased
'sowings in neutral nation.
in. western Europe, particularly, in
'England and France, the autumn sow-
1 lngs of wheat are somewhat In arrears
jbut as a largo part of these countries Is
I favored with a mild climate, making
'powlng operations possible at times dur.
J lng the entire winter, little anxiety Is
; expressed over the present delay. Re
(porta from Germany and other countries
,ot central Europe Indicate that seeding
over the Aisne river destroyed by French and Belgians,
i1 tjlsb: 1 i
Nl.'lS lM.K)is!ii i"W; . f
1r-- it,
p jt r; - - -
Final Results is Delayed by Move
ment of New Russian Forces
from Warsaw.
Official Fress Bureau Looks for
Eventual Victory for Teutonic
Minister Van Dyke Says Standing of
America in Europe Bettdr Than Ever
Give Several in Carpathians Up to
Superior Numbers.
Maaeorlles Driven Dark from He
aleared City by llr and Are Not
la nanae of t'annoa of
Ihn Forts.
Accused Man Asserts Principal Wit
ness Confessed Story Suggested
by Postal Inspector.
Trial of Former Sheriff of Baffalo
Coaatr Approaches Bad, Attorneys'
Argameata BeriaalnsT Today
WltnejMes Impeached.
Commissioner Thorne Discusses Ef
fect of Freight Rate Raised
Asked by Western Lines.
! operations have been carried
on with
WASHINGTON. Nov. 24Captaln Wal
ter N. Hill of the marine corps may have
to answer for any remarks upon the
American evacuation of Vera Crux and
the Mexican situation, even though he
made them In private and did not intend
them for publication.
In a telegram to Secretary Daniels to
day Captain Hill said he ventured the
private opinion to a personal friend of
his father, that there might be disorders
when the troops left Vera Cms. Secre
tary Daniels Is disposed to regard private
critlclam of the ad ministration policies
" ny service officers as Improper.
Tpstlfying in his own "behalf under
direct examination. ax-Sherlff Walter
j-ammona of Buffalo effunty" on trial In
federal court on the charge of robbing
tho Kearney postofflce of a 5,009 reg
istered package last Christmas, made
charges that Delbert Smith, the postof
flce clerk who had confessed to being
an accomplice and had alleged that 8am-
mona actually committed the robbery
had testified falsely. Aside from gam
mom' testimony, the feature of yester
day's session was an attempt at Impeach
ment of witnesses for the defense by
the government.
Denying that he had gone to Smlth'a
house to search it for the missing S,000
last February, Sammons testified as fol
lows: "I went out there to confront Del
Smith and talk over with him his story
that I had taken the money. I said to
" 'Can you alt there and look me In the
face and continue that lleT
"Smith started to cry and exclaimed:
" 'Don't! Don't! I can't stand your talk
ing that way. They made me tell that
story; I'm afraid to change It now, for
Heaviest Increases Asked on Meats,
Grata and Farm Implements
Contention of Roads Regard-Inn-
Loans ia Refated.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vidnlty
Fair; no important change In tempera
ture. Tempera terra at Omaha Yesterday.
5 a. m....
a. m....
7 a. ,m....
8 a. m....
a. m....
10 a. m..
11 a. in....
12 m
1 p. in....
2 p. m....
3 P. m....
p. m....
6 p. m....
p. m....
T p. m....
p. m.
New Vision of Smith's Share.
fear they'll hang me.' "
Continuing, Samomns testified that ha
told Smith he had called on him to ap
peal to all that was good In him to
exonerate Sammons by telling the truth.
"I'm afraid to change It now,1, was
Smith's reply, Pamomns testified, "It
woul druln me. It's awful the way that
man Brower. (a vostofflce inspector)
went after me. Those Inspectors haunted
me and walked past my home and In
the postofflce and accused me. Finally
Brower said;
" 'You didn't steal that money. You
gave Sammons the key, and he stole it.'
"And finally they convinced me that
that story waa true. I wua told that waa
the only way out of lL"
Smith continued crying after that, gam
mons testified. The latter then explained
that he thought that to face Smith would
cause him to change hia story and tell
the truth, "which," be declared, "would
lift this burden from my shoulders and
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
CHNCAOO. Il., Nov. 2l.r(f!peclal Tole-grajn.)--;'If
the 4raifwayj,et.j;hp,CneTal
Increase In t western., freight rates. that
they request it will increase tho cost U
the ultimate consumer by over tTO.Ouo.OOO
ter annum of almost all manner of west
ern commodities,", said Mr, Clifford
Thorne, president of the National Asso
ciation of Railway Commissions and
chairman of a committee selected from
the railway commissions of fifteen west
ern states to protest against an In
crease in western freight ratea whlcn
the railways have requested ef the In
terstate Commerce commlusion.
"We filed our protest last Frida
said Mr. Thome, "and we confidently
hope that the Intersate Commerce com
mission will, In the face of the evidence
we have presented to thern, grant a
suspension and make a thorough In
vestigation before any definite action is
"In mixed grains) alone of various sort
In the sone affected, which is two-thirds
(Continued on Page Three, CoL Three.)
Scores Perish When
Hanalei is Wrecked
Near San Francisco
SAN FRANOIBCO, Nov. ' 24.Forty
inree survivors had been rescued to
night from the wrecked wooden steamer
Hanalei, which 'went ashore yesterday
In a dense fog on Duxbury reef, nine
miles north of the Golden Date.
Eighteen dead had been either washed
ashore at Bolinas. lust east of the
dreaded reef or brought to port by the
United States revenue cutter McCulloch
and the navy tug Iroquois. How many
are missing never will be ' accurately
known, for the best available passenger
list in the' company's possession gives
twenty-eight paaoengers and twenty-six
crew, , a total of fifty-four persons,
whereas the, known dead and saved num
ber sixty-one, seven more than are shown
on the company's papers. These figures
do not Include two life savers wished
ashore alivo and three missing. Their
boat waa swamped;
HICKUX. Nov. ?4. (Hy Wireless
Sayvllle.) Tho following Information
was given out today by the official press
"While nn eventual victory for the
Teutonic allies In the eastern theater of
war Is expected as confidently as ever,
official reports from tho' Oornian and
Austrian military headquarters make It
appear thai a decision will not be ronched
as soon as had been expected. The final
result has been delayed by the advance
of new Russian forces from Warsaw.
"The Austrian announce that they
nave abandoned to superior foroos sov-j
oral pasrrs In tho Carpathian. The
Russian troops, which are Investing
I'rxemysl have been driven back by a
sortie and are not within range of the
cannon of the forts.
"The Russians who crossed the lower
Dunajec are i,ot able to proceed further.
"The tremendous extent of, the battle
now raging in the east Is apparent from
the fact that contests are now In progress
along a front extending over 400 miles
between the position on the exereme north
and south.
"No important reports have hoen re
ceived recently from Servla from the
scene of the Turkish operations or from
the western theater of the war.
"There was a slight snowfall In Berlin
early this morning and the temperature
fell below sero, centigrade.
Franrr After Italy'a Trade.
"Dlspatchea appearing In Italian news
papers are to the effect that molesta
tion of Italian shipping by the French
Is part of a systematlo plan of the
French to divert the maritime trade of
Oenoa to Marseilles.' Word comoa from
Rome that In northern Italy there is
much feeling against England In conse
quence of .the fact that several metal
ToU"dr r oloae because of . the
elnwof opper' and lead. British Im
ports In October, according to reports
fronT tome decreasei) X20,000,000, or 40
per cent, and the exports lfl.O0O,MO, or
0 per cent, aa compared with last year
"Swltserlanl has lodged protests at
London and Bordeaux against the viola
tion of Swiss neutrality by British
aviators, and demands satisfaction.
"The Copenhagen Politlken states that
English reports that Germany wishes
peace are absurd, and that their only
aim Is to keep to England In good humor.
Oermany has no reason for wishing
peace, slncp lis arrqles are on foreign ter
ritory and Its navy Is uninjured."
French Defeated In Morocco.
The French losses In the recent fighting
near Krenlfra, Morocco, during the attack
on an encampment of mountain tribes are
given today In reports from Madrid, pub
lished by the German official press
bureau, as 23 officers and 000 men killed.
The fighting resulted, according to these
rporta, in a defeat for the French, who,
it l said, Ion two batteries.
The official press bureau made denial
today of the statement of the secretary
of the British admiralty yesterday that a
German submarine had been sunk off the
coast of Scotland by a British patrollng
"British reports concerning the destruc
tion of German submarines." says the
bureau, "are unfounded. No submarines
are missing."
NEW YORK. Nov. 54 -Henry Van
Dyke, American minister to the Nether
lands, reached here today from The
Hague aboard the steamalilp Rottonlnm.
The auggestton, published originally In
Amsterdam, that tho time was ripe for
the t'nltod States and The Netherlands
to act In concert to bring about peace
In Europe, was brought to his attention.
He refused to comment on It.
He was asked If the report were true
that he was the bearer of the siiKReaUon
looking toward such action from the
government of Holland to the flitted
8tntes. To this also ho declined to reply.
Mr. Van Dyke seemed to bo thoroughly
conversant, however, with tho sugges
tion and the report. Apparently he an
ticipated being questioned by reporters
on the subject, for when they boarded
tho ship at quarantine and sought him
out he had ready for them a statement
which ho had prepared In advance. This
statement read aa follows:
Had Prepared Statement.
"An ambassador's first duty Is to Ms
chief, and I am compelled to respect my
instruction not to talk. For the last four
months I have been having a strenuous
time. Mv eves have clven wav under
n I the Ktrnln ,,f ilnv an.l tttirht w-urk ami 1
have obtained a leave of absence to come
home and see mv oculist. As soon as
my eyes are patched up, 1 hope to return
to my post and continue working for
my country and for the cause of peace
in the spirit of our president's declara
tions." Several Interviewers attempted to
question Mr. Van Dyke. but. raising his
hand In a gesture which forbade them
to pursue the Inquiry, he said:
"Not another word; that Is aTI. It I
am given permission to talk I will do so;
until then I can say nothings"
Then, after an Interval of silence, he
"When the mndness that started this GERMANS
war has spent Itself, I hope that America I
win have a great pan to play in the -Tjnofficial Report Says Von Hinder-
lwatrrtln ,,f luatlnir neai-o wherein
all the peoples of the world, great and
small, shall rejoice together. Then the
nightmare of blood will be over and the
palace of peace will have lis oppor
tunity." Holland's I'o.ltlon.
The position of Holland. Dr. Van Dyke fl.---- TTn
It was "still I r
and Next Clash is Expected in.
Dispatches from Petrograd Say the
Russians Have Won Brilliant
and Decisive Victory.
burg's Army Has Been Broken
Up Into Several Farts.
Ilelglum, he
Vicinity of Fosen.
said, has been unchanged;
neutral firm and friendly.'
kindness to tho destitute of
said, was beyond praise.
"What nbont the standing of America
In the eyes of Europe?" 'lie was anked.
"With all reasonable people. I believe
that it la better than ever." ho said. Germans Probably Will Make An-
I in YiniiiuH iiniiuiia lino u w 'v
fair and they know that we will be
generous to help In tho spirit of human
ity. Tho work that tho American com
mission for relief In Ilelglum la doing to
save the women and children from
famine la proof of this."
Comparative Local Record.
de par-
it M Inches
(Highest yesterday..
Ixweat yesterday...
Mean temperature..
Temperature and precipitation
turea from the normal:
Normal temperature
KlCCU fn. .h. Hu
Jotal excess since March 1...
formal precipitation
3eficlency for the day
Total rainfall since March 1
Deficiency since March I...
unc ency tor cor. period, 1913.. 7.5S Inches
deficiency for cor. period. 1U.. 3.60 Inches
Reports from Statloas at T P. M.
Station and State. Temp. High. IUin
of Weather. 7 n m -.i ..n
iirjnutv, clear. .44
3avcnport. partly cloudy. .M
Denver, elear 4ft
iles Moines, clear
North Platte, clear 4
t'maha, elear 14
Rapid City, clear 44
rtiertdan. clear 44
rloux City. .clear i-
valentine, clear 44
Christmas Ship Jason Making
Speedy Voyage with Load of Gifts
(Coryrlght. 1914, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Nov. 24.-(Special Cablegram
to New York World and Omaha tee
1914. 191J. 1912. 1911
61 lu 1
37 a Ik 14 1 A wireless message from the commander
9 2.; 2sjoi the collier Jason to Captain Symlng-
.w ww ,iv ,UU'
United States naval attache In Lon
don, this evening conveyed to the Amer-
34 j lean embassy the first direct Intimation
15 j of the early arrival of the Christmas
V Ot Inch6 i ,tlD According to this message the
' Winch ( Jason should reach Devonport Wednesday
.24.40 inches j morning, which Is two days earlier than
It was expected.
Consequently preparations for disburs
ing to British youngsters their share of
the yuletlde cargo are being hurried for
ward at the highest speed. At a confer
ence today between the representatives
of the war office and the local govern
j ment board It was decided to bring all
the gifts designed for tbs children 1 f the
' I'nlted Kingdom direct to, London for. dU-
ui ; tribution.
, 'M Owing to the present governmental coo-
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. 1 Uo1 of railroads it will be easy .to pro
vide a special train for transporting the
hundreds of thousands of packages from
Devonport pier straight through to the
Until Earl Beauchamp and his asso
ciates of the leceptlon committee confer
with officials aboard ths Jason, It will
be difficult to draw up .any. complete
plan of distribution, as the exact size of
the Hants Claus consignment Is not
known here. His majesty's government,
however, is determined that every possi
ble attention shall be shown Kris Kr In
gle's delegation from across the sea; that
every neceasary channel shall be used to
bring about the most efficient handling
of the big proposition.
It is by no means easy to frame a com
prehensive list of little ones ia every
corner of the British Isles to whom
presents must go, but with tho assistance
of the war office the local government
board Is certain all difficulties can be
overcome long before Santa's sleigh Is
due to arrive.
Aged Couple Killed
When Train Hits Car
Give Out Official Report of the Op
erations of the Allies in the
Northern Part of Europe.
Gauls Drelere that Kalsrr'a ly.t
fli'henie Was Kf'ertlvely Frus
trated by tbe Help of the
Combined Armies.
PARIS, Nov. 24.-The Hullelln
Almeos in Its Issue of November 25
publish a aummary of tho military opera
tions of the last six weeks. Thin article
was given out officially for publication In
Pails this afternoon and It la aa follows:
"With the fresh success of tho allies in
tho battle of Flandcra, the moment has
como to reclto the accomplishments of
the Inst six weeks. Theso may be summed
up as follows:
"The formidable effort undertaken b,
the Germans during this time, nai .0
turn our loft wind, and second .0 in-iie-trate
It, has resulted In failure. By this
effort the enemy was endeavoring to
make good his defeat on tho Marno; In
stead, he only added another chock to the
one he suffered in Bejitertber. ' neverthe
less. In order to flank us In accordance
with Its recognised method, the Oornian
general staff neglected nothing along that
portion of the front extending from the
l.ys river to the sea. It mussed between
the beginning of October and the begin
ning of November, four corps of cavalry
and two armies, comprising In all fifteen
army corps.
Iaanes Appeals anil F.ahorta tlnn.
"The crown prince of Bavaria. General
Von Fabcck, General Von Dcmllng and
the duke of Wurttembiirg, to stimulate,
the morale of their troops, issued several
appealas and exhortations. Wo found
their orders on officers who fell In battle
or who were taken prisoners. All these
documents agreed that It waa a question
of a decisive action against the French
neft. It was necessary to pentrate to
Dunkirk or to Ypies, for the reason, ac
cording to one of these orders, that the
decisive blow was yet to be delivered.
And this blow must be decisive, delivered
with all speed and carried through at all
cost. It Is desired to obtain a decision
In the western arena of operations before
again turning toward the adversary In
east. These various orders reelted
furthermore that Emperor William was
there to animate his soldiers by his pres
ence. He had announced that he wanted
to be in Yprea on the first of November
and everything was prepared so that on
that date there could be proclaimed the
annexation of Belgium.
Underestimates the Allies.
Tn short, everything was provided for,
every single thing except the victorious
resistance of the allied army. To make
.this resistance possible It was necessary
for us to oppose to tho enemy forces, if
I not equal to his own, at least sufficient.
"What was then the situation at the
Beaming on ucioner. nit Belgian army
had come out of Antwerp intact, but too
exhausted to take part In any maneuvre.
The English army was leaving Its front
.. HHRNANDOAIf, Ia., Nov. 24.-PpecIal
Telegram.) When a speeding train struc
their automobile at a dangerous railroad
crossing this morning, near Payne Junc
tion, la., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilton
were both Instantly killed. Mr. Hilton
was a wealthy farmer who lived near, on the Aisne for a field of operations In
Farragut, Ia. They had started to Have-' the north. Transportation and the mpve
lock. Neb., to visit their daughter, Mrs. ments of supplies occasioned the long
George Stabler. j delays. The army under General Do
Mr. and Mrs. HUton were about 80 years ' fastelnau did not extend Its left wing
old and are survived by three married yond a point south of Arras. The army
children. Will Hilton and Mrs. John
Hemphill of Farragut and the daughter
In Nebraska.
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
The Day's
War News
If the official reports of the
Russians are correct, the tide of
the great battle In Poland has
turned In their, favor. How Im
portant the change lg and to what
extent It will Influence future
operations In the struggle between
Russia and Germany was not ap
parent. The RuBdtan war office bag
made Its firat definite announce
ment concerning the crucial bat
tle. It stated that between the
Vistula and Warta rivers the Ger
mans had retreated. Germany's
latent official statement gave this
partial confirmation by saying
that the arrival of Russian re
inforcements had postponed the
declaton. There, was, however, no
hint In this statement of a re
treat. In the war with Turkey, also,
Russia clalms-the advantage. The
forces which pushed down through
the Caucasus Into Turkey, which
Petrograd admitted a few days ago.
had been ."compelled to 'retreat,
are now said to have resumed the
offensive and to be pushing on
toward Krzerum, a Turkish city
near the eastern end of the Black
Sea. A Turkish column was there
put to rout, the general staff of the
army of the Caucasus announces.
It also sates that the Turks were
defeated In two engagements In
northern Persia!-
In the west the opposing armies
still held to the positions which
they have maintained, with few
changes, for the last two months.
Here and there along the 300
mlle line notably at Ypres and
Bolssons, and tn the Argonne
there was spirited fighting, but
apparently with no results other
than momentary advantages for
one side or the other.
Rockefeller Motion
to Be Argued Monday
NBW YORK, Nov. 24.-Federal Judge
Sessions today set next Monday morning
as the time for argument on the motion
to dismiss the Indictments against Wil
liam Rockefeller and four of the twenty
men Indicted with him on charges of hav
ing violated the criminal law ip connec.
tlon with their duties as directors of the
New York. New Haven & Hartford Rail
road company.
Claims of Immunity made by John U
Blllard and Thomas De Witt Cuyler will
be argue! on December 4, Judge Sessions
decided. Messrs. lilllsrd and Cuyler en
tered pleas in bar to the Indictment, al
leging that they were Immune because
they aided the government by their tes
timony previously.
No date was set for hearing argument
on demurrers filed by remaining defendant.
other Attack on Line Soon.
Troops front Africa aad ladla Jlot
Aeeastoaaed to Rlgroroaa Climate
of Belgium tlermaas Are
Clothed aad Trained for It.
LONDON, Nov. 24. An official
communication given out in. Petro
grad, according to an exchange tele
gram, announces a German retreat.
The statement continues: "Between
the VIsula and Warta the Germans
have retreated from the line run
ning from Btykog to Slglers, Szadek,
Zdunska, Wola and Woznlkl."
The line from which the Germans
have retreated, according to the dis
patch, runs from the northeast of
Lodcdown past that town to. the
PARIS, Nov. 14. The corres
pondent at Petrogray of the Matin
"The Russians, after having
checked the German offensive on the
Plock-Leczyen front, gained on that
side a brilliant, decisive victory. Tbe
enemy, who had heavy losses, Is fly
ing with all speed toward the Ger
man frontier. An entire German regi
ment surrendered to the victors.
"The Russians are energetically
pursuing the enemy. ' '
""The" Russians are afso'Vigorously'
attacking along the Csenstochowa
Ilne. This days seems to mark one '
of the most Important, and, perhaps,
declsire phases of the war.
LONDON. Nov. 34. -The Times' retro
Brad correspondent. In a dispatch sup
plementing one declaring that private
""' receivea tn the Russian capital
had confirmed the reports of a Russian
victory over the Germans In Toland.
"According to unofficial Information
reaching here, the German army of 4O0.OHO .
which made an Irruption between the
Vlatula and Warta rivers hss been
broken up Into several parts, one of which
was compelled t divert Its course south-"
ward and another northward.
"Apparently In each esse the Russian .
forces succeeded in getting behind these
disjointed corps and Inflicted upon them
great losses.
The Oor maris are believed to have suf
fered very heavy reverses at Breseslny
and Tussyn. It Is Impossible as yet to '
give even approximate figures."
LONDON, Nov. 24. General von Hind- '
enburrs army, which last week was
sweeping toward Warsaw, In Its second
advance through Russian Poland, today
Is reported from Petrograd to be In re
treat, after having experienced serious
reverses Inflicted by the Russians, who.
with reinforcements, made a brilliant
stand between the Vlatula and Warta
While the extent and the completeness
Cloud of Smoke is
Covering Arkansas
. UTTLE ROCK, Ark., Nov. K-The
trrai v imnk rlmirl ftvim hiinAs-aavf '
est fires, which lifted In Utile Rock last i AMSTERDAM. Holland (via London),
nleht a..ln .ttit ,w, .h- -., .0 c,. I Nov- 21 -Captain Aye of the AuxllUary
... rruintr
Little Human Interest Stories of
the Big World War Now Raging
Caets Iron Cross.
and it was Impossible to see more than I
two or three blocks even on well-lighted
Re ports Indicate that similar conditions
prevailed all over the state.
The only hope of extinguishing the fires
is a general rain, and the weather offers
little hope of this.
WANTED Man with experience aa
a salesman. Man familiar with real
eatate preferred inuat not be under
iu years of age and must be a resi
dent of Omaha. High grade applicant
ran expect to take position Immedi
ately. Oive reference first letter.
Tot farther Information about
this opportunity, the Waat Ad
aeotlea of toaay'a Bse.
Kaiser Wlihelm der Groaae,
which was sunk of the coast of Africa by
a Hrltish cruiser the latter part of August,
has been decorated with the Iron cross.
100,000 Amerteaas Volaateer.
OTTAWA, Canada, Nov. 24. One hun
dred thousand men In the United States
have offered to enlist in Canada for serv
ice in Europe, according to Major Gen
eral Hughes, Canadian minister of mili
tia. Hundreds of Americans, he asserted,
are already with the first and second
Women aad Children Killed.
PAR1.S, Nov. 24. A dispatch to the
lln . -oa agency f r ni Petrograd says:
"Advices received here from Libs are to
the effect thtt the Germans have opened
a second bombardment on the city which
was especially directed against ths most
open and populous quarters. A great
many Inoffensive persons, principally
women and children, were killed."
Sklddoo for t.rac of Cod Kings.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 24.-That the war
would result In the overthrow of auto
cratic government in Europe and also
produce a democratic government similar
to that of the United States for England
and Its posseaslons was predicted by Rev
Newell limn, pastor of the Plymouth"
church. Brooklyn, N. T.. In an
.tonight before the World s Bible confer-
tierntaas Ksar Warsaw.
LONDON. Nov. 24. The Daily Tele
graph's Petrograd . correspondent Inti
mates that the German crown prince'
army during the last five days threatened
Warsaw, but was severely repulsed. The
correspondent says, however, that his
forces arrived alarmingly close to War
saw before thty were finally checked.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Five.)
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