Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Because Saloon Men
Are on the Jury List
Lifting of Quarantine from Canada
, Taken ai Enconraging Sign.
Mat erlaa laataarra of aaa"
Maath Dlmi Kilsla Are la
Oal, llllanla, Indiana a ad
' rraaaylraala.
Another affidavit In support of bin mo
tion for a change of venue from the local
district court In Ihe suit brought by
Thorn W. Marrow against Peter Ixrh
ha been filed by Thomaa Lynch, at-
I torney for Marroa-. '
j In thla Lynrh reiterate former charge
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2J.-The lifting m' y him tht he will he unable to
of the quarantine aaatnat Canaila be-!'t fair trlnl In Omaha In the ault
cause of the foot and month disease la 1 against Loch for the alleged reason that
regarded by official of the Department
of Agriculture as encouraging evidence
that they are on the outalde of the dis
ease." "Thla means." aaya a statement
today by the department, "that there are
ground for the belief that quarantine
already declared have been aufflclent to
rtop th movement of Infected rattle, and
that the disease ran now be hell within
the limits of the areas already quaran
tined. "Another cauae for encouragement la
the fact that although a shipment of In
fected rattle reached Kpoknne, Wash.,
aome daya ago, no new raaea have since
been reported from that atate. Thla I
taken to mean that the diaeaaed cattl
ff killed and burled before they lial
had an opportunity to spread the dleeaae.
In ronaeuence. It baa not been necessary
to quarantine Washington.
District !Varrava Diiwi,
"At tho present time the state moat
actional affected are Ohio, Illinois, In
diana and Pennsylvania.
"Outside of thla belt, the atate of Con
necticut, Rhode Island an! Massachu
setts are perhaps the subject of the great
est concern. Although the actual num
ber of cattle already Infected la com
paratively small. It will probably be some
time before any of the quarantines cau
be lifted In this region."
"The greatest encouragement of all,
however, is probably found In Michigan,"
the'' statement continuea. 'The out
break originated In Michigan and it first
spread fast Now, however. It Is be
lieved that all Infected atock have been
burled and th atate, it la hoped, la really
clean. In Iowa and Wisconsin th In
fected areas appear to be definitely de
fined and portions of these state may
oon be released from quarantine.
"Although the spread of the dlaeaae
Into area prevloualy uninfected seem
to have been In a great meaaur checked,
It I etlmatel that It will take at least
six months to stamp out all trace of tha
thrrt- are numerous saloon men on th
Jury lists. lie IlKts rtome Miller, who
was named as a prospective Juror on
the county commissioner' lists, as otic
of the saloon men on the lists.
Lynrh complain that nineteen men
from the Third ward whose namea eppear
on the lists are not cltlxena of the t'nlted
Ike Hart, who ahot and killed Frank
Mac O'Pay at RIO North Seventeenth
atreet Friday night, wa held by a
coroner' Jury for murder when an In
vest wa held by Coroner Crosby Man. "D 4. nn flipq fmm
nar morning. The Jury recommended 'XJUALUii lllO 11 UiiX
that Hart he held for murder and further
Investigation by the county attorney.
Wawea Seller Terribly tt-wm Kidney
. Traahle.
Around on her feet all day no wonder
a woman has backache, headache, stiff
swollen Joints, weariness, poor sloep and
kidney trouble. Foley Kidney pills glva
quick relief for these trouble. They
strengthen the kidney--tako away the
aches, pain and wearlnesa. Make Ufa
worth living again. They will absolutely
drive out rheumatism, weak back and
swollen aching Joints, due to kidney and
bladder trouble. Try Foley Kid.,ey nil
and see how much better you feel. For
sale by all dealer everywhere. Adver.
G. B. Thompson, who conduct a celery
fsrm near Hellevue, Neb., was thrown
from his farm wagon In a runaway
Thursday afternoon, but did not discover
that he had boken three ribs until ex
amined at police headquarter three daya
latnr. Since the accident Thompson put
In two daya of good hard labor on hia
farm without feeling ny III effect from
hi falL
Flynn is Hearing
Complaints Against
Railroad Tariffs
Ksamlnlng Attorney Leo J. Flynn of
Washington. D. C. ha atarted a three
.lay hearing at the federal building, for
th accommodation of lawyer for com
plainant and defendant in railroad rate
cases. He I accompanied by Whitfield
Hammls, olfUinl reporter, and they will
tnktf argunienta and avhlence for both
sides, to be submitted to the Interstate
Commerce commission for decision.
Among the attorney appearing for com.
plalnanta Is K. J. McVann. manager of
the traffic bureau of the! Omaha Com
mercial club, who will handle the cases
of several chipper who eek to block
Inn-eases In railroad rates.
Herman Peters
Brunt of Deer Joke
lltrman Petri a. proprietor of the
Merchants hotel, is UlKJiing Under the
stress of conflicting en ollons. II ano
Hud Latt of Tekamah are good friend.
l.tta raises deer and each year kills
tome and rervee venison to his friends.
Peter Was Invited to kill the deer tht
Peters made pretty shots, killing three
deer with four shots. He ram to Omaha
alt!) one of the dear in hia auto and
when he pulled up In front of the
Merchant hotel lete"tlve Murphy wa
waiting for hi in and placed him under
arrest for violating th game lawn.
For an hour lie was kept In Jull and
then released on promise that he would
not skip the country, after friend had
agned his bond. IU was asked to ace
Chief of Polk H. W. lunn about th
"crime" lie had committed. Dunn tin-
preeaed peter with the seriousness of
the offense. J-atta nnd the other con
spirator have managjj to keep Peters
'ran finding out that 't wa a Juke and
9, frame-up.
Mrs. Hall Sues'for
Custody of Her Boy
I'osoeaslon of Sherman Hall, yeara of
age, la at atak In a habeas corpua hear
ing to lie held In I'lstrlct Judge Kngllsli'
itiurt at ; o'clock Tuesday morning.
His divorced parents and the tit. James
orphanage at Benson are parlies o th
suit '
Sherman's mother, who I now Mrs.
Mlnnl Hall Riley, Informed the court
In a petition that th lad was placed In
the orphanage In 113; that the father I
lias not been heard from for a month, 1
and thai she desire to have th care of
him 1 bo orpiianage has refused to glv
hun up, abe asatrla.
"Old -Welcome Arch
Looks Like Dickens"
Muvor James ('. lahlman may recom
i:v?nd to tho council during the new year
that funds be aef aside for the construc
tion of a new we'.come arch to be placed
in a more suitable location, probably near
the I'nlun station.
' This old arch Is out of date and look
l!l e the dickens,'' said the mayor, "but so
iiimiv den-iands a. being mad upon it
that I du not think It would be wtae to
tear it down without erecting one In Its
pint sointrn here."
Wanted, a Home for
a Good Orphan Boy
Wiley Holds, a bright, well behaved, 13-year-old
bey, neuda a good home and
iour parents. IU 1 an orphan and la
now U'lng tared for at Rlvervlew home.
He has iflat ca at Norfolk, but after a
a. ort stay with them returned to Omihit
Juvrnile autliorltlt-a will be glad to hear
from pa-rsuus hj drsire to provide hlrn
wltb a home.
I mp a a t'stnah Heasedy.
tr. King' New IHacovery gjves almost
instant relief. First dose hrtpa. Beat
rwndy for couifbs. rolds and lung trouble.
torn sin! IJ. All OrUKSUu. Advej-Usetncct,
When You
Want Highest
Quality and
Absolute Purity
say "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure."
No need to stop to consider when the
cheerful question is asked. The an
swer is quick and certain "CEDAR
BROOK, to be sure." Cedar Brook
quality has been sure since 1847.
Same today as it was sixty-seven
years ago, Same unvarying superior
quality. That's why it is the largest
selling brand of high-grade Kentucky
whiskey in the world. Be sure to
say, "CEDAR' BROOK, to be sure."
At all. hading Dealer 8, Clubs,
Bart, Restaurant and Hotel
I. T J
--e i'
In Bond
Morphine Poisoning
A post-mortem examination held by
Coroner Crosby over the body of Kdward
Retten, pioneer druggist, disclosed the
fact that Krxten came to hia death aa the
result of morphine poisoning. Deceased
is laid to have been worried for some
time over domestic and financial affairs.
No Inquest will be held.
Harry Cbnovcr or Chicago, formerly
with the National Cash Register com
pany. Is the man "Itoh" Manley ha
selected to talk to the Omaha Ad club
on "Outdoor A-lvertlwIng" at the monthly
dinner at the Home thla evenlmt.
Henry Frowning of Omaha Is to follow
with a talk on "Street Car Advertising."
Dinner will be served at CIS and the pro
gram will begin about 7:15.
The old Turner home, Thlrty-fouith
and Karri em streets, now owned by Ro'
ert McClelland, Is to be converted Into a
rest sanitarium. The rontrart haa ben
let to Peter Kiewit Hon. A large ad
dition Is to be built to the structure and
a building of forty rooms Is to be
equipped. Mr. McClelland Is the man who
own the Presbyterian hospital In Omaha.
The box office for "The College Hero"
opened yesterday with a tremendous
advance sale of seats. There waa a long
line at Brandeia theater ready to secure
good seats for the musical hurrah which
will be produced for three nights and a
matinee, commencing Monday, Novem
ber , for the benefit of the Child Saving
The first act wa rehearsed In the ball
room of the Metropolitan hall Paturlay
evening and everything went through
without a hitch; every chorus was ready,
every principal was ready nnd all ran
like clock work.
Last evening at 7 o'clock there was
a big stage rehearsal tin the stage of the
Prandels theater of the entire first act.
This evening the entire second act
will be rehearsed on the stage at
theater, while Wednesday evening
entire production will be rehearsed.
Iturglars broke Into the Monmouth
Park school some time between Friday
night nd Monday morning and stole all
the vletrola records, fifteen block plane
and fifteen jack planes, all of the valus
of about tsn. They also carried away
the keys to the store rooms.
The Want Ad Columns of The Bee Am
Read Daily by People In Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities.
For Sale Everywhere
Such a stylish, dressy little doll you never saw her
equal she has a piuk
dress, pink shoes, pink
hat, pink cheeks. She's
just a little pink 'dream,
and sweet enough to eat.
..;7-::.-;.i I
mmammmmmmmmwmm'- -awsftaaajaaaj
4 f
LnoU will b given
lra t the lltU girl,
wader It year of ag.
that Bring- or mails ua
th largest anmbsr of
aoU' ptotur eat oat of
th Sally and Sunday
Be aefor 4 y. m. Satur
day, TOTaakr .
Her picture will be in
The Bee every day this
week. Cut Uiem all out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures in
their paper for you, too.
See how many pictures
of Lucilo you can get,
and be sure to turn them
in to The Bee office be
fore 4 p. m., Saturday,
November 28.
If you don't win thla Doll la,
perhap you can get on next
week. Only on doll will b
given to any on person.
You can see
"Lucile" at Myers
Dillon's Drug
Store, at 16th and
Farnam Sts.
sol- n isiiiwimwm i f
a - - tr :
Snprinl Snips ,ci
Do Your Buying Tuesday and Wednesday w
We Will Close All Day Thursday, Thanksgiving.
Our Annual Thanksgiving Rug Sale
continues Tuesday and Wednesday, offering complete
lines of high class perfect rugs at price savings seldom
if ever equaled. Be wise, make selections now and save.
Phenomenal Garment Bargain Giving in Oar Cloak Department Tuesday
After a week of the greatest November selling in the history of this store we have on hands, as a matter of course, many
broken lots and odd garments which we are going to close at a very small part of actual worth Tuesday. Every item
a wonderful bargain.
Women's Winter Coats $10.00 to $15.00 values,
broken lot and odd garments in splendid assort
ment of materials and colorings
Handsome Sample Coats that sold up to $25.00; $ 1 f
the season's best styles and materials; big as- I A
sortment for selection Tuesday at, your choice.. "
Infants' Wear Big assortment of val
ues up to 50c infants' saoques, slips,
shoes, stockings, bonnets, kimonos,
etc., all on sale at one price, J Q
only 1ZJC
Women's Wool Dresses A broad as
sortment of newest styles in most
wanted weaves and colorings, made
to sell at $10.00 and $12.00; Q
on sale Tuesday at, choice. . ,ftD
$5.00 Marabou Scarfs $1.95
$3.50 Silk Underskirts $1.79
35c Women's Aprons .... 1 19c
50c Flannelette Petticoats 35c
$5.00 Silk Kimonos $2.95
Choice of the House Sale
High Class Trimmed Hats
Paradise Hats $ F Numedy Hats
Ostrich Hats..
Goura Hats....
Yesterday's pricings from $10 to $35.
tinctive designs, $10 to $35 values, at this one price.
Hundreds of Charmingly Trimmed Hats CfO Q7 Trimmed Hats With Ostrich Plumes
Splendid $5.00 to $6.50 Values at... "Ostrich Bands, Flowers, Furs, Etc.
All colors, including a splendid assortment in blacks. Never before within our knowledge have women of Omaha
had Millinery bargain opportunities to equal these offered them.
Sale Begins 8:30 A. M. Prompt. Come Early and Get First Choice.
Fur Hats
Evening Hats
About 700 beautiful hats, all dis-
Undertvear and Furnishings
In IKmetic Room.
Ladle' medium weight Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves and
ankle length. Regular and extra sizes, 69o values, at..:.. 35
Misses' and boys' Fleeced Union Suits, all sizes. 2 to 16 yrs.. 4UC
Boys' Flannel Shirts with military collar, colors tan, blue, gray and
dark gray. $1.50 values, at 98
Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, $1 values, at O0?
Men'B Fannlel Shirts with fiat or military collar, colors tan, blue,
gray, worth to $2.00. at 98
Ladies' Cotton nibbed Underwear, vests or pants, regular and extra
sizes. 25c values, at 19
Knit Underwalsts for boys or girls, all sizes 2 to 12 years, 15c val
ues, at 9
LadieB' Fleeced Union Suits or Cotton Ribbed, regular or extra sizes
$1.60 values, at G9
Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, all sizes, shirts or drawers- Good
values at 49 d 35
Special Thanksgiving Linen Bar
gains Tuesday
Pattern Table Clothu, pure flax, exquisite assortment, values to
$4.75. each $2.50
Scalloped Fattern Table Cloths, ready for use, 81x81 inches, $5.u0
values, each 83.75
Grass bleached Belfast Satin Damask, pure flax, $1.50 quality
yard 95t
Hemmed Pattern Table Cloths, size SxlO, assorted designs, worth
$1.50 each $1.00
Hemstitched Breakfast or Tea Napkins, plain Satin Damask. $4.00
values, dozen $2.00
'Bird's-eye Huck Hemstitched Guest Towels, all pure flax, 35c val
ues, sale price, each 25
Wash Goods, Flannels,
Sheets, Etc.
tireatly I'uderpriced In Domestic Room.
12 Vic Outing Flannels. 36 in. wide ..7Vi
10c Outing Flannels. 27 In. wide 5
12Vc Amoskeag Teaseldowns at 10
12 Vie Percales, 36 in. wide, yard 10
10c Percales, 36 in. wide, yard 7
10c Percales, 36 in. wide, remnants, yd. 5?
- 18c Serpen ttne Crepes, at yard 12
18c PUsse Crepe, plain and fancy, yd. 12
Hpeclal Kliet Bargain Tuesday
72x90 Sheets, 60c quality 30
81x90 Sheets. 76c quality 59
81x90 Sheets, $1 quality -78
Fruit of Loom Muslin in A. M., yard . - GWt?
Amoskeag Apron Checks, in P. M., yard 5
Pillow Slips, Blankets, Comforts, etc., at
Special Bargain Prices Tuesday.
Men's Overcoats and Suits
$18.00 and $20.00 values;
all new merchandise. . . .
Men's Overcoats and Suits To $15.00
values; greatest values
ever, choice
at . . )1.2o
size, at.. $1.89
size, at. .$2.15
size, at..S3.1()
Wednesday a Great Sale Furs
and Tailored Suits
Friday An Immense Clean Up Sale of
All Our Great Special New York
Purchase. Watch Windows and Ads.
$1.98 Blankets. 11-4
$2.50 Blankets, 11-4
$3.00 Blankets, 11-4
$4.00 Blankets, 11-4
$o.00 Blankets, 11-4 size, at.. $3.95
$6.50 Blankets, 11-4 size, at.. $4.75
All Comforters same reduction.
Baby Blankets, 35c to $3.50 a pair.
Lighthouse Mills large Bath Robes,
worth $3.00; on sale, each. . .$1.89
Bath Robing by the yard, all colors
and reversible, yard 35c
Special Thanksgiving Grocery Sale Tuesday. For Quality Goods TryHayden's First-It Pays
It lb. OraaalaU
Saga for
4-lb. aaelt Beat High Qrada Diamond
11 Flour, noihlo ft er (or your
Thankagtvlnt cake or pi. Back.
at 91.M
lied Jackal llnappl Cider, per gal
lon , 5
The beat domeattu Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Kpaaliettl, pkt T
Fancy ljueen Olive, quart 5o
MirUrrn'i 1'eaniH Under, lb.. 1SV,0
Jarker Houae Cataupai bottle.. '
Laxc bottle Wort-eater tiauce, Flea
el ort4 kind, horearaUlah or
"il'lni m ll "i " "' i" l""
Muatard, bottle V
2-os. Jar pur Fruit Preserves. SSo
K-os. Jara pur Fruit Prrve. 16o
t-lb. ran Wax. Strina, Green or Lima
Heana for TH"
I-lb. can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn TH
I-lb. can Early Jun Pea.....
If -os. can Condensed UUk 7 Ho
S io can Condensed Milk S5
t-lb. can Pumpkin. Hominy or ttquaMi
for ',
S-lb. can Solid Packed Tomatoe SV,
1-lb. can bnyiler'a Tomato Soup, Vt
tf-oa. Jar pur California Marnialaue
for aa
20-oa. Jar pur Strained Honey... 85
L'aliioriiia beedle naiaina, lb. ..U j
C alifornia Prune, lb H
California Peach, lb
California Apricot, lb 1H
California fancy Cooking F1K 1SH
Reeded Kalalna, pkg. lOe-iaHo
Lemon or Orange Pee, lb 800
The Beit Mlxd Vat, lb 1TV
rmxsH BOUTKxmaT txoetabx.zs
ow os tki main
Krexli Carrot or Beet, bunch.... 4o
Kreeh Kliallota, 1 bunches for lOo
Fresh Head lHuce, head TH
Specials in Blankets for
Fancy Wax or VJreen Beans, lb.,.7tae
Fancy Ripe Tomatoe. per lb...TH
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. TVio
New Cheatnuts, lb t io
1 large Soup Buncliea 10c
2 8talka FTesli Celery go
large Grape Frutta gs0
Fancy Cooking Apple, peck, 80o-83o
Old Beeta. Carrota. Turnip, Parnnlu
or Hutabaga. per lb lViO
raaoy Waanlagton. Idaho or Jons-
tuaa Apple. Per box 61.35
Tow your Thanksgiving Poultry, see
llayden's quality and get our price
rirat it pay.