S A TUB OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 22, 1914. BOATS MAY SOON 1 American Princess Aids Wounded in Austria . PLY THE MISSOURI RaYigation Company Declare it " Would Be Glad to Co-OpeTate with Omaha to Open Hirer. "'JttJHHXNQ NOW AT KANSAS CITY . KflaMwri Hirer Boats Ireaowareal at Tfcat Palat ! Service. Mar R " teadetl Her. That th Katwa'a City Missouri River Navigation company would be glad to co perat with Omaha business men In ar ', ranging an extension of the Missouri . j river navigation to Omaha, was learned ' hy I. W. Gamble and Robert Manley Fri day when they were In Kansas City look ""tng Into the proposition of Missouri river nsvlgation. The two men were sent to Kansas City by the trade extension com mittee of the Commercial club to make . , an Investigation and a report on the prop- '-."osltlon. The committee spent the day with Oen , era Manager A. V. Mackl of the navt- . . sratlon company going through the wsre ,,i bouses, over the docks and even looking . over the company books for a reoord ot '.the business handled. The company has been navigating the .. - river for four years between Kansas City . and St. Louis, and although It was ex- .....peoted It would run at a loss for some -. time, the business would have been on paying basis this year were It not for . the war, which put an end. to a large flour exporting trade the boats had boen carrying. . The, boats oed on this route draw three and one-half feet of water. It was ex plained to the Omaha committee that perhaps a slightly smaller boat would ( have to be uaed on the trip between Kan aa City and Omaha, but that navigation Swo&ld doubtless be entirely' practicable.' f Kajyias Clty'has a municipal terminal and It was pointed out that Omaha boats-It "running there would be at llttlo or no ex. - pen for dockage. Th committee will make. a full report ? to the trade cxtenolnn committee next a 1 weak with recommendatiens. iTwo Autos Upset - ; ; ; And Occupants Barely Escape t V t Two automobiles were completely ,; I wrecked and several men painfully bruised In two separate accidents south- X east of Council Bluffs late Thursday j night In both incidents the cars turned rV fVimpletely over while making turns at . speed. 'A i The first accident occurred near the "I Iowa Bchool for the Deaf. The car. a big A Jrfltcheli; wa being driven by Its owner, John Flynn of Mtneola. In the car with ,; hlnx wag Herbert Deltchler, also of Mine $ fcla.' Flynn turned from the road In pass r ng a wagon and went far out toward 7 hitch. To, prevent running Into It he S Jurned his car at a sharp angle, the mo- j Jnontunv causing It to turn a. complete Somersault. . . Flynn waa caught under K tteath the car and Delter.ler was pinned u flown by the ringing board. He succeeded, "' however, In working himself loose and -' jwas trying to pry up the car to release Jj Jhl companion when Henry 8tudebaker ;1 tt Trey nor came along with a (arty of friends in, another big car. They quickly ,j firted me wrecgea car ana reieasea nr. 'lynn and provided for bis care by send- gg him to bla home In charge of friends another automobile. Neither of the -. men was seriously Injured. The car was ' a complete wreck and was left lylns by the aide of the road. - , Mr. Bttidebaker then" continued his Jour- ley, to sustain exactly the same accident at a point tw miles down the road. His t? enr took, a headlong plunge- and landed ; tpsid down la the road. ..All. of the men ; were thrown out or Jumped at the critical moment and all escaped being caught underneath. All were slightly bruised, i ': but none palnfuly hurt..". The second accl- i ,de.nt occurred near what Is known as the ! .dcad man's crossing" of the Wabash ja lioad ner Pony creek. A garage man if Treynor was called by telephone and 1 lowed the damaged car noma, ! a "Fathers Are Guests i vj; Of Sons at Banquet t . Fathers of boys belonging to Uia Bun ' day school of the First Methodist church i "were guests of their sons last evening at t the school's annual . "Father and Son' upper. About. ISO men and boys , were -present, and they all enjoyed the meal i i "aerved by the young women of the church. and the program of speaking and mrrrl-'- cnent that followed. r Nelson, C. Pratt was toastmaster, and i (following tbe singing of the song, '"Father ; and Son," this program of speaking and j ; r muslo was given:- "To Our Quests. '.' Win j : :r field Koch; "Te Our Hosts," E. P. gwee i ' " jrey; solo. E. S. Travis; "The Leader I i . U j Would Follow." Glen Wallace: "Friendly l VAssoclationa," Dr. A. 11. Hippie: solo, j i ' Ixjan T. Smith; . "Father's Sweetheart." j ' J5- W- Una; response, David Cole; "The I Culfw,", T. F. Bturgess; "Uaae Pall. Now ; . and Then." Rev. Titus Low v mJ , . ...... u- i;?sr.viA ! ' ..-- . - -. 1 v -, , . ...11 1W 1. GERMANS ADYAHCE TOWARDWARSAW Teuton Armies Reported Within Few Marchei of the Old Capital of Poland. THEY FORCE WAY BY FIGHTIUQ ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED OF POPULAR TWINS. It is Believed Rasslaas Will Ca tlaae let Retire latll Plaee Flxe4 osi for Battle le Reached. (Copyright, 1914. by Press Publishing Co.) PETItOORAD. Nov. 21.-(Bpedal Cable gram to New York Wot Id and Omaha Bee.) The Germans, advancing fliiectly I from Thorn along both banks of the i Vistula, have gained points within a few marches of Wsrsaw, and are still forcing their way along by dir??t fighting. The Russians are continuing their steady penetration of Enst Prussia, and 300 miles to the south the Russian left Is Investing Cracow. This Is about all correspondents here are permitted to know. The situation is precisely that of the anxious periods which preceded the de feats of the Germans on the Nleman and before Warsaw. Where the main Russian forces are and what the strategic plan la now In course of execution can not even be guessed, but the Importance of that, which Is now In preparation, far exceeds anything that has gone before. What object the Germans have to attain by their headlong charge npon Warsaw, from a military point of view, 1 diffi cult to understand. It la a move that perhaps may be utilised powerfully from a political point of view. Germany haa aet Turkey upon the Russian rear and is straining every nerve by methods of bribery of thu press and the manipulation ot puliltc operation nd other methods to force several Italkan states Into conflict against Rus sia, but principally Germany Is suspected now of doslring to gain some advantage which, reported. In customary Germanic coloring, may suffice to bring Sweden Into the arena. Bo far as known the Russians are relying on fighting before the second German In vasion and will continue to retire until the place fixed upon by Grand Duke Nicholas for the final effort Is reaohed. When the veil Is lifted, whloh now con ceals the entire theater of war on this front, it .will once more show that the Germans have been outwlttcl by the strategy of the grand duke. What official Russian spokesmen say Is that the present aituatlon is serious, but Is favorablo to Russia, and their manner of saying quite plainly conveys perfect confidence In the result. PRINCESS FTT.KOWSKI. I-OS ANOELT FORMERLY MIS3 MARIE IXITISB FREESE OF Culls From tho Wire BRIEF CITY NEWS Lighting JTlrturss, Durgess-Grandon Co. ridsllty Storage U Yaa Co, Doug. 888. stars Boot FrUt I Now Beacon Press : Bsaatlfal All Koderm Xomea for Bale on the easy payment plan. Bankara Realty Investment Co. Phone Doug. 2 Hamilton Cafe, Hth Farnam, serves an excellent table d'hote dinner. Even ings and Sundays. Alfred Jones, Mgr. Today's Complete Hons Frog-ram"" clsssllled section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture- theaters offer. sTsw Commercial Clan Members & L. Thomas and FreJ M. Crane are the latest of the new members taken Into the Com mercial club. mAn Old ZagUsh Flam Folding-" made In the old-fashioned way and manufac tured by Hoenshel A Emery, Lincoln Neb., la for sale by G. 8. Cobb at KU patricka. , , Better .Baslaeel Is the feeling of the best judges r-ght now. You better your business by locating In The Bee building (the building that Is alway new). Office, Room 103; Ifsa Are Oivsa Work Captain Kline of the Salvation Army secured work for twelve men before breakfast Saturday morning. He Is looking for work for twenty-five mora, Qardaer Contributes to Fuad Richard W. Gardner, vice president of the Otis Klevatnr company, has given Eintl Peter son $10 to help swell the fund to be raised at the elevator conductors' ball at the Auditorium on Thankglvtng. Boaters Xave Oood Shoot Detective Eddy Fleming and a party ot friends have Just returned from a two weeks' ouck snoot at itea ueer lake, near The party made the trip In three automobiles, and after a splendid outing, returned home with the limit ot birds. 8 r V v Russian Warships Shell Khopa Port TETROGRAD (Via London), Nov. 21. The following official communication from the headquarters of the srmy of the Caucasus was Issued last night: "Russian warships on November 19 bombarded the port of Khopa, in Turkish Armenia, about eighteen miles sourhwest ot Bntum, on the Black 8ea, whence the Turks were preparing for an offensive movement In the direction of different passes of the Zatcharekh region. 'The port barracks and the custom house were destroyed, the ammunition depot was blown up and the placo set on fire." Wonderfal Cosgh Remedy.' Mr. D. P. Lawson ot Edison, Tenn., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is a most wonderful cough, cold and ' lung medicine.' 60c and 1.00. All druggists. Advertisement. Two Earling Men Injured in Crash Herman Block ot Earljng. Ia., and his son. were severely shaken up, but It Is ' said, not dangerously injured when they were struck by a fast Rock IslanI . freight train at the foot of McPherson Avenue, Council Bluffs, where there Is a i double crossing. They had stopped their car to lot a Milwaukee, train pass and did not see the other eastbound train which struck one rear wheel of the car, demolishing It and throwing them a con siderable distance. They were taken to Edmundson hospital. DsLBmaFBAiLCY, Sanatorium This Institution Is the only on In tba central west with separate building situated in their own ample grounds, jet entirely dla iuU, and rendering it possible to classify case. The one building being fitted for and devotou to the treatment ot non-contagious and non-mental disease, no other bo lng admitted, the other Rest Cot tag being designed (or and de . '! 4 .viuiivii treatmeD ot select mental cases requiring or a time watchful car and i lal nursing. v . ANNEX OPENING ...SALE CONTINUED... this coming week to emphasize increased buying power, increased facilities and increased values in every de partment. lTTf ??V Ladies' Diamond Tiffany Rings, blue white V2 carat, usual price $110.00. For quick sale this week $82.50 Scarf Pins Nifty designs, solitaire diamond mounted, $20 value, at $13.75 Gentlemen's Watches The Brodegard Special 16 size, either open or closed face, 17 jewel adjusted, steel escape wheel, patent regulator move- - 1 I w 'Vf'i'rX went; a large output mado especially for us by the Illinois Watch Co., and carrying our ) Case is high grade 20-year ir,uaranteed. Open face, usual price $27.50. Our special price ijm'S s $17.75 Hunting case, usual price $30. Special price $19.75 Elgin Open Irace Watch Small size, 20-year gold filled case, this week only $8.75 17 Jewel Hampden Movement in polid nickel case. Clial lenge bargain, at. $7.75 LADIES' WATCHES Elgin 0 sizo in 20-yr. guaranteed 14k gold filled hunting case. Excellent time keeper $12. GO Elgin movement in 14k solid gold hunting case. Excep tional value and ideal Christmas gift.. $17.75 SEAL RINGS Ladies' and gentlemen's solid gold seal rings in plain Roman gold. Engraved and antique design. Usual price $4.50 to $30.00 Special price $2.25 to 815.00 PAKTV 1JOXKS Genuine Leal her party boxes with all the necessary fittings. Usual prices $3.00 to $10.00. Special prices SI. 50 to S5.00 CAKVIXG SETS Genuine bone and stag handle 3-pltce carving set, in silk lined, plush covered case. A very fine Thanksgiving gift. Usual price $10.60. Special price $4.39 ELECTRIC HEAPING LAMPS New and classy designs in Electric Reading Lamps, from $6.00 to $35.00. Come In and let us show them to you. MONDAY srECIAL Cut Glass Celery Dish, $3.60 values, at $1.60 At the Sign of th Crown Up the Golden Stairs BRODEGAARD'S 1 6t2i?- af Let The Bee get you & good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free f Statement Issued By Mogy Bernstein Probation Officer Mosy Bernstein, tol lowing publication of reports current at the court bouse that ha will not be reap. pointed probation officer at th end of this year. Issued a statement emphasising the fact thet he docs not Intend to resign his position. Ills term , continue until January 1. Th statement follows: "I have no present Intention of resign ing the position ot probation officer. While It Is true I am Interested In other ven tures, th salary of Juvenile officer belug rather small for th support of a family, It Is also true that the affair of this position . take up th major portion of my time. And I believe those who know m wilt bear m out when I say that thjs has been a labor ot love with mo. There fore. It Is not likely that I shall rcssn what has been practically my Ufa work, unless, , of - course, th good cltlsens ot Douglas county, spesklng through th district Judges, should feel that my serv ices are no longer needed In this Impor tant position. "As 'yet I have heard no unkind criti cism of my work and I cannot imagine who la spreading the Information thst cam to The Be, unless someone who hopes to secure th position.' s atlsfied to Break Even as an Advertisement! For one week THOMAS KILPATRICK& COMPANY propose to give Five Hundred Women a remarkable Creditors of the dffunct ClilraRO La- seue blrtrl Trust snt (Savings bank, of whirls WiIHnm Larimer was prmdnt, ummaieijr win receive aooul w pt-r cenL Berths Rhoinhart, a school teacher, died , Woodlske. Neb, ii -ttiim iruro ourns rM-ivvii in rescuing her pupils froio m prairie flm. alias Khrluhait lauvht a country school bear iooy Creek, W o. Complete offlrlal returns from the 're cent -lntton show that Atisoua detoated tc inittallve tnrasiire abolihing the death penalty. Twelve men unJer sen-K-nca of death, who were reprieved tv .; vovernur Hunt so that ttie poia mlgtit .deddu their lates, must therefore hung. ; A" "."T tT ,trp ln the campslKO The Federal rleBeive board announced to promote trade Ulwetn the 1; iuie.il I a change in the redlarount rate for the r, ".J,c-n,r1 nd Bo""' America, jiosion Federal Heaerve bank of. on r .f ' f "a".on1,itr"'i" Sonferni,- thirty-day p!er. from per cent to 6V, JJh: uX!riL!.J2i.f" Putting the BoaUm bink on th. of a baiikiiia corporation to further ax- Washington Affairs t hui.K of credits and a co-operaiive trad ln ivtiit'soy . for eschangs of coininoai- tlr. Oakland or Karramento will cet the an me footing as thoae in New York and rntiaoeiphia. ' Tho Internal revenue bureau notified Internal leveuue collector that under tlie war revenue act, the stamp tax applies to oouas accompanying inortnuiiea, put V 'j t i.nventioi, ul ilia Ntin,.Ml iir.n.. . " """ ninjiin 11101 muaea, out and mortgages. The cold wave over the southern states, foicing tl niert-ury below th' freexlng point and extending north to the middle At.antio at l. a. had spent its force last niKlit and. according to forecaaters at tlie weather bureau, a reaction, with utck effect is bitnuuig h Ik her temperatures. KeKottatlon between Kir Qeorge Palsh, repreaeiiiing the ilriltah govertiuient, and federal reaerva and Ariu.rlrMn h.nk.r. ik'.uiiu liiarilik ls. met the general 'probably will come to a ronlualon next week, (uncials laminar with, the prog reas f the conferences are confident that an answer to the American auageatlona, cabled to London by Ulr tieorge. will be received either tomorrow or Monday, and while, they had no definite assurances on ttw aubjuct. they ate hopeful the reply wiil be favorable. iiiii.tt .ii. l.el . fixed the dale as the Sec- i.irl edueaday la November, but Uft the choice of eithar on or t'ie other of the io t alifuruia cities to the executive coiu'i..itle A reaululion opposing the . inn of the I'ariaina-t'acifiu exposltioa or. i-jir.Uy was laid a the table. J r'"x utlon of parents instead of tri: u, eMeiiSiuo of luotrters' penaiona, :. rehv reltekiiiK mauy iluldren of the i'a!y ot woifclng to provide for their 1 i a f-ojai nunlatiment and itn or iu-,(-aLea attending the dia- Mi.l " ootentK.n t It, Natlulial Ieaxue cf ( 'rimpuiaor y KJ'Jrauon at Xelroit. The I. t ''t.tiitnaa1. ltjna were made during d's ( ..i.n of the eiibjecl of subnortnal thil ' v 'l.-ii was led ty W t.liaui la i aJicrfi!t'ndetit of compuiaory s.lill la 1 Greatest Event ia 7cn::nfs Lifs All human expedience looks back to motherhood as the wonder of wonders. Tho patience, th fortitude, the aubllra faith during the period of expectancy are second only to the mother love bestowed upon th most helpless but moat marvel ous creation a baby. Women are quick to learn from each other thoae helpful agencies that aid to comfort, that conserve their nervous energy and yet ais perfectly safe to use and among these they roommea4 "Mother s Friend." It Is entirely aa external application dealgned to lubricate the broad, fiat muscle and skin that protect th abdomen. It haa been In favorablo use for nearly half a century and Is known to mother la almost every settled) com munity In th Untied States who highly recommend It. You wlU And It oa sal in drug stores. "Mother's friend" Is utterly harmless, contains no deadening drugs and yet Its Influence In th skin and muscles beneath aa also upon the network of nerves beneath the akin la very beneficial, very soothing and a vonderful help. Th muscles exeand aaturally and are not subjected t aaaeo. eaaary surface strain aa pata. Oct a bottle ot "Mother s Friend" to day at any urug store and write to us for our Instruct I v little book to mo La are. Address Hradnrld Heculalor Co ill Lauar Bid., At lasts, lis. if ive lairs - i Worth Or, to be more exact, $5.37 worth. Among the latest fabrics re ceived at our Dress Goods Section is a lot of PLAIDS. In the east most good dressers have one garment at least of plaid and the Dame who controls the fashion says: Trrvn AVe are going to tempt 500 women if we can to wear a Plaid Skirt. .We have 7 new models one a tunic skirt. We have done uite a little figuring. Have arranged the lengths; required for the different models based on the cost of making and the cost of the yardage not tlie usual Helling, price, mind ye. We found we could break even and pay for the advertisement if we made 500 Skirts for $5.37 EACH. Are Good Now you have the whole story the materials are all high grade, ranging in price from $1.50 to $2.25, according to weight and width. Every skirt will be well tailored and they must fit and satisfy you or you cannot have them. This offer IS for one week' only. Skirts will be delivered according to time of measurement First come! First served! First measured! First made! Now let's all get busy, Monday morning at 8:30 the fun commences. 6