i-n TIM; OMAHA SUNDAY liKK: NOVEMBER 22. 1914 What Wonlen Are Doing in the World re-elected to head office FOR THIRD TIME. " Clan Calendar. FUNDAT Touna Wonffl'l Christian potation vesper aervU'e. ." p. m. rilo study club. Miss l-llllaan Chrmlss, hostrs. HONDA V Membership committee. "Om aha Woman club. Ip. n; focia! r. w diartment, Wnirwn'l Hub, 1:30 p. in.; Trnnyann study circle, Mia Era ron prnfdiot hostess. TI'KSDAV oratory, French, rurrent top Ira and philosophy tnd ethlie d-part-mnti of the Woin'i'i club rwet; li. a. Orant Woman' Krlief rorp fcenslng ton. Mr. K:iahth 1onastreth hostess; Dundee Woman club, Mr. J. B. Jonra hnrfm; lUnimrn Iart clrrla, Child Conservation league of America. Mr. Fred t Ilaynrs hostess; Prairie Park N IfiK-raft tlub, Kralrl l ark club house. WKUNPJt'AT Mil Flsma rltib, Mr. C. M. Ralttt hostess: musl- department. Woman club. Ml Helen flsdllok leader; Htory Teller' section. Assorln llon of olUalate Alumnae, Mis Pauline Rownberf. hostess. I'KIliA Y J. K. W. Huh, Mr. Martin Burhler hostess: West Omaha Mother' Culture club, Mr. AV. W. Carmlcrmol hostess; Mm. N. If. Nelson, president of the Omaha Woman' club, t hintw to club member; Imnde Woman Missionary ewlety, Mr. N. K. Hype hostess; Women auxiliary. Episcopal diocese, of Nebraska, Jacob hnll: Omaha Women' Christian Temperancs union. Mr. C. C. Van Kuran, hostess; Km ma lioafland Flower Mission. T HANKBOIVINO day ha changed th club calendar for tha wek. Club regularly rneellnc on Thursday havs announced their meetlne; date for Wednesday or Frld m In order that All max nJor this day at horn with their famine and friend. Tha young girn of th Emma rioasland Flower MlFsion, who carry flower to th hospitals o tha city every Thursday In the year without fall.- have also changed tha date for thl week and will carry the, flower on Friday. - ' A miscellaneous program will be (Ivwn by tha oratoty department of tha Omaha Woman's club at It 'meeting' Tuesday morning. Each member will gla a read ing of her own selection., Mrs. Grant Williams Is leader of the department. The state regsnt of th Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. 'Warren Frry, of Falrbury, reports ten chapters la the process of forming In Nebraska. Fol lowing are the town with th organising regents of the chapters: Crete, Mrs. Eleanor Murphy Finlth; Alliance, Mrs. Capltola Sklles Tully; Chadron, Mrs. Elisabeth O'lJnn Smith; Scott's Bluff, Mrs. Mabel Raymond; Red Cloud, Mrs. Jessie Kellotrg; Morrill. Mrs. Leona Craft; lloldregs, Mrs. Alice Dllworth: Wayne, Mrs. Clara King Jones; Bhelton. Mrs. C M. Wallace; Gothenburg, Mrs. Catherine W. Foley. i J MISSIONARY BACK FROM JOLO ISLAND Miss Vir ginia Young of St. George's church, New York, who, with Mrt. Lorillard Spencer, left wealth, the highest social standing, home, relatives and friends to do settlement work in the Philippines last December. A . " . I'll r -T. V'SW " IK . asawW - , fcj. ' y, M plSSf ; o vvaawBJBBaBaraaaBBaaaaBaaaaBaaai I M 1 . ar 1 " -M z 1 Oliver of the chool. gave vocal numbers. About fifty-five mother were present, and refreshment were nerved Under the direction of Mrs. J. C. Bailey. The sec ond Junior mosUale of the club will be given Peoemiier S, under the direction of th president. Mre. C. R. Thlem. Mrs, Thlem, toijether with Will Hetherinirton, will organize a Junior orchestra at the school, Monday. Mr. Thlem also plans to nrrange a double quartet for boy and girls. Mr. A. L. f'atrtck la leader of the pro gram on "The Kaith of drowning," which will be given by the Mil Pigma club Wednesday at the home of Mr. C. H. Halllet Mr. Patrick will have as her subject "Browning's Own Word:" Mrs I. W. Carpenter, ' Taster Day;" Mrs. Fos ter. "The Kxperlence of Karshlsh. the Arab Physician." and Mrs. Payne will read "Jtabbl Hen Kzra." "Do We Tend i to IJecome Less Religions with the De-i velopment of Our Intellectual IJfe?" will j be the subject for discussion. ! "V. V.'s Eye." by Marriaon. will he; the aubject for study at a mertlng of th Dundee Woman's club, which will b held at tha home of Mr. J. B. Jones, Tues day. The change from the regular meet Ing day, Wednesday, Is mad on account of Thanksgiving. Mr. W. T. Johnson I leader of the program. Miss Olive Ferguson will give the plot of the book; Mr. E. A. Beardrley, the setting; Mr. H. K. Morton, the characterization, and Mrs. Johnson, the philosophy and th tory. Strlndberg ' Miss Julia" will be studied by the Clio Ftudy club at It meeting Sunday afternoon at th home of Mis Lillian Cheml In Council Bluffs. Miss Mildred Rubel will give the story snd an analysis of the play; Miss Pauline Rosen berg will' talk on "Tli Scandinavian Drama and Miss Klla Flelshmso has her ubject "Complex Tcrsnnallty of tho Author." Mr. Martin Iluehler will entertain th J. F. W. club at her homo Friday after noon. Instead of Thursday, on account of Thanksgiving. Mrs. Guy fhlpherd will read a paper on "Art." following which there will be an informal discussion of the subject. The afternoon will b spent In sewing. The National Vocational Art and In dustrie federation held Its convention In Chicago November 19-21. Among th rep resentatives at thl convention were members of women' club and board of education as well u business men. The regular meeting of the Dorcas Sew ing club on Friday has been postponed one week on account of Thanksgiving. Bee Want Ada Proertce Hesults. Jlrs. (fcorfc E.lXickcl -Tres.T&therJ CWiw ChJ Th regular Wednesday meeting of th France Wlllard Woman's Christian Tem perance union will not b held this week, but th member will lend their energy for th annual Thanksgiving dinner pro vided for needy famlll. Donations will be received not later than Wednesday st th Dalsell lo cream factory, U31 Cuming street Mrs. J. A. Dalsell Is su perintendent of th mercy and relief de partment of this organisation. Th West Bid Women's Christian Tm- peranoe union will hold kts meeting Fri day afternoon Instead of Thursday at th horn of Mr. B. E. GanU. 21 Masoa street. Th .program will b on "Mercy and Relief," of which department Mra GanU Is tf superintendent Cyrus F. Stlmaon, field secretary of th riayground and rtn c rt on Association of America, and Comrc ner 3. B. Hunv mel will add res the roclnl science depart ment of th Omaha Woman's oiub Mon day afternoon on th subject of "Play grounds." There also win be musical number. Mrs. T. Q. Cralghcadts la charg of th program. The membership committee ef th Omaha Woman's club will meet Monday afternoon at S o'clock In th parlors of the Metropolitan halL The French department of th Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday after noon at 1 o'clock at th residence studio ef the Instructor, Miss May Mahoney, Following th grammar lesson there will be eight reading from th French tnaga sine "Chose et Autre," and Mis Ma honey will read) frc.m th drama'. 'IV Pervler." , ; J Th Monteasori system of child training will b dlscuaaed at th meeting of th .current tojic department of th Omwh Woman's club Tuesday afternoon at l:M o'clock. M s Margaret Guthrie, secre tary of th department, will tell a story and tho usual Item of current Interest will b dlscuss-d, under th leadership f Mr. Mary I. Crelgh. , Th philosophy and ethic department of the Omaha Woman 8 club will mee Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss ' Claudia V. Gallaway, Instructor of the department, will lecture on "History of Mental Development," following which th r wil( I" dlsouasfon of the subject noon at th home of Mr. Fred J. Adams, 1722 Faclfio street "Music and Drama" will b th subject of study this year. Mrs. J. O. Detweller read a paper on "The Tier of Muslo and the Drama In Education." Mr. J. F. Beard gave Items of Interest and Mrs. W., H. Ind eon ducted th roll call, which Included quo tations from famous authors "on music and drama. Mr. George K. Mlckel was re-elected president for the third term, other officer being , a follows: Vic president, Mra C. R. Cameron: secretary, Mrs. R. W. Koch; treasurer, Mr. J. F. Beard; critic, Mra T. I Comb. Mr. W. II. Indoe I chairman of the program committee, Mr. W. XV. Fisher of th membership and Mrs. F. J. "Adams of th courtesies commute. The Pralrl Tark Needlecraft club will meet at the clubhouse Tuesday afternoon. i mis win be "gueat day," each member being privileged to bring on guest Th members of the riunilu Wnn...-. club, who sr to take part In the masque, "A. Thousand Tears Ago," which will be given In February under th leadership of Mrs. W. U Belby. met on Wednesday morning for therr frlst rehearsal at th horn of Mra Belby. A second rehearsal will' be haM Tn... morning at tha horn of Mrs. Frank Car mlchael. After th rehearsal and a cafe teria luncheon th members will attend um ciub meeting at th Jiom of Mrs. J. i. done. Th story teller' section ef tha liu. oiatton of Collegiate Aiumna will meet at th horn of Miss Pauiln Rosenberg in in tsarnara apartments, Wednesday aft ernoon. Th program will be on "ItaVyi' Mrs. Martin W. Dlmery la leader of the department. Mra C- W Waves tiaa Mtnnl.1 - short stay In Colfax Springs and Dee Moines, where ah visited her son. who as located there. ' Mrs. George Iredale was hostess. Thurs day of th Benson Woman's club, with Mrs. Beasley lesdlng. Roll call constated of response from fifteenth century Eng lish authors. Beveral flve-mlnut bio graphical sketches were given. A' vocal solo from "Robin Hood," given by Mra r. X Bumpus, and light . refreihrge.nta, featured th session. Mrs. Emerson Benedict will entertain th Tennyson chapter of th Chautauqua Miss Helen Badllek la leader of th pro gram on "Der FrclschuU." which will be glvt-n for the muslo department of th Omaha Woman's club Wednesday after noon at 1:16 o'clock. Miss Edith FUckln- ger will sing th ml of A rathe. Ml i:ilc Piiuat an the rote of Annchen and Mr. John MeCreary that ef Max. The opening meeting ef the Mothers' Culture club was held Wednesday after- Tie- f'mc Ise'belPo S ' Exquisite .Jj . Faco Powder TVT ME." ISE B ELL' S Ex. ATA quisite Face Powder softens and improve the akin while beautifying itj keeps the complexion iieauufully (rcsb, suit and clear, with a de Licit e and dainty loveliness cunveyc4 by no otlier powdar. Viands oarfactlr with tha natural un ot tUaeouiplastoa sod i so pur and wboiaaoma that lis uw raauy bauaAta the km. Tbr sniiss. MatureUa, bruuait aul V.ute. , , . Se tLi llhj of Ceautifu! Patkzss ca i'.s st LeacLnj Stares . Mme. Isc'bcll's Exquisite Face Powder 50cj La Vivian Faca Powder, 60e; Fac Powder In Cak Form s,de).80-: Cold Cream. SOc: Turtiaa haih C.'i. ; Miu ioud ud Wrinkla paaia, Vjl .aiorai hlub Kuug Sx; Kuaa h.uh HKc V.uo. t1: I 'i y Kuu &UL-; Kouie Paala. Lliac Un i V iiiianef. KUU Wonu EraJ .r. J. i A I. C. Dcpiiatiry Powder, f I uui FrrwiiiratH.a puwder. - t txquiatte Tai unt l i.w.ir.r : llettiitertiitMUt 't nr1 '1 PwwUw, elrcl at her home, Monday afternoon. Mrs. P. M. Prltohard will tell the story of "Th Coming of Arthur," and Mrs. O. A. Bammls and Mra. Allen Koch will lead th program. Th Dundee Woman's Missionary so ciety will meet Friday . afternoon, at the home of Mr. N. K. Bype, 6108 Burt street. Mrs. A. C. Crossman will b leader, ot th program on "Latin Ameri cans and Mexicans la th United States." Dr. Newell Jones will speak on "Bac teria and Its Relation to Infant Mor tality," and Dr. R. W. Council, health commissioner, will talk, on "The Milk Bupply of Omaha," at a meeting of the Hanscom Park circle of the Child Con' servatlon League of America, which will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home ot Mr. Fred C, Haynea, 1L3 South Twenty-Hfth treet. , The West Omaha Mothers' Culture club will meet at the horn of Mrs. W. W. Carmtchael, M4S California street Friday afternoon. "Benjamin Franklin" is th subject of the program, and roll rail will be responded to with suitable quotation. Play in "The College Hero" for Charity Mrs. C. D. Hutchinson will read a paper on "Why Franklin's. Reputation Was So Universal:" Mrs. J. E. Dugan, a paper on "What He Accomplished a a States man, Inventor, Author, Economist and Reformer," and Mrs. P. F. Bonorden, a paper on "Why His Life Appeals to Boys and Girls T" This Will be followed by an Informal discussion. Th musical pro gram will Include a vocal duet by- Mr. W. W. Carmlchael and Mr. R. C. Dosier, and a piano solo by Miss Beulah Trues dell of Lyons, Kan. An Informal reception for , the presi dent Mr. N. J. McKltrick, who returns Monday from the national temperance convention at Atlanta, will . be .given Wednesday by the' Omaha Woman's Hon will be held at the home of Mrs. C. C. Christian Temperance union. The recep Van Kuran. in South Thirty-elxth street. Mra MoKltrlck will give a report ef the national convention. An invitation has been extended to all Woman'a Christian Temperance union women In the city to attend. Mies Neva Turner, In charg of -the aomestic science department of the umsna High chool, spoke on "Domeetlo Selene and Sanitation" at a meeting of tho Miller Park Mothers' circle, which was held Wednesday at the school. Mis FREF coupon rivILJC FOR CTOT VTWS APT U V V iLfllLa li li iiiLfliiiii li Present this coupon to your grocer or dealer ami receive a cake of tlio CELEBRATED SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP, ABSOLUTELY FREE. By signing my name arid address in full certifies that I have received ymo cake of Sweetheart Soap free of cost from the grocer or dealer. Name . Address OmaJiaBee.. Nov. 1 1914. FOR RETAIL GROCER. My signature below certifies that the above party presented this coupon, for which I gave one cake of Sweetheart Soap free. . . Grocer's Name. Address. . WARNING Any merchant turning this coupon in for redemption, who has not actu ally given away a cake of Sweetheart Toilet Soap in exchange for this cou- pon, commits' an act of obtaining money under false pretenses, for which and for any other fraudulent use of this coupon in any manner whatever, that person will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! by the t' MANHATTAN SOAP CO., ;' , : - New York. "i.r v c - '.in, ) r. ,4.. :'' ' .? "s.. . ..'i IT 4 ir . , . - . eMr i t-..-tv.'- ...-.. ). - - i To the Grocer This coupon is redeem able by j'our jobber or ourselves at full re tail price if accompanied by the diamonds at the end of the box as cut here shown and srigned by tho grocer or dealer and con MANHATTAN SOAP CO., NEW YORK QBE f M i i -.- - . - - ... . j ylillE mUM II ilflllL bw Lucy uarvirt rotixy 24th and L Streets South Onaha QUALITY HIGH-PRICES : LOWNOT' ONE DAY BUT EVERYDAY e Ery thing is ntsriay th point of pr" feetloa in th:Mc production, "Th Col ics Hero," which. will bs prsnt4 at Urandela thatei foj Utrea nUihts and a matin, commnclnt' November M, for th enaflt ot tit phlU Savins InstltuU. Friday nit lit th antlr! aacond set was rehetr4 at th "Metropolitan, and last night th first. act was rher4. So near perfection have th group booin In their various suuti . and dances that they ' could , many cf ' hen go ca th Us before the 'Vi over and glv a good, sihooOi perfurniancs. Th general comnient of all who wit nessed the-rehearsals JTrklsy and Satur day evenings was. "Isn't it going to be wonderful?" "Why, most of th ama teur could go on tho, MM jao,' they are so well , trained loth choruses." Tlil Is all perfectly tnie.T' AU of ths groups know exactly, what to. do and -artly th right tine to It. ' Thla last week ef rshearaals will put- th luishlng tuuqhea. on that msk . Vte, pex f ormanc look Ilk a professional roduotloav 8om unusual peialties - liav beea planned for tha second" act which repre sents ths restaurant of a big hoteL Tha an la so arranged that It la lik a raba ret aliow, and Omaha's best talent will be seen a cabaret entertainers. . alias Franc Todd and Taylor Belcher will do m novelty specialty and Misa Gretchea Langdon and Thompson Wake Uy will danc a clever Lulu Fado. Lit tle alls Eleanor Kounti will dance at th matinee on Wednesday, December a, and Dickie Stewart will be on ui th mall ' cabaret entertainer for all four performances. Mis Uarle Etewart snd J. Ewihg Forbes have consented to do a Texas Tommy la tha cabaret set, which ts sura to make a decided ''hit." I Ths group of cafe guest. Including Misses Kllsabeth Davla. lien Davis, afr. Harold Prltchott. Mrs. Jack Webster. kflaa.Daphn rUr. Miss Mary Burkley. Mlas Mildred Butler sad Miss Mart Stewart, will danc a moat attraotlvs spe cialty. Anions th guests who will visit the rafa to help calebrat ths Bshurt foot ball victory will be Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, id; Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard, Mrs. t T. Kounts and Hubert Burns. . During ths second aet of "Th Colics' Hero" a large company of man from th First battalion. Fourth Infantry. Ne braska National Guard, will be aeen on th stag. , Ilehearsals will be hold on the stage of Itrandels theater, Monday, Tuesday and. Wednesday evenings. j I I i III I Yk fVfL.i-U f.: " fr MeMMjaf.-a'-'' ",mitm?m0 go ' Vernis Martin and Brass Beds Specially priced during our great November Clearance Sale. Kegular $20.00 Brass. Bed, at Kegular $24.00 Brass Bed, i f at &sfeJh4 2-inch. po6t Vernis Martin fl0 7C TOlfl ' Bed , v.. qj.iO I rii .fr Kf ik tn r.ii $12.00 $17.00 ... $5.50 our prices on Springs and Mattresses. Home Pride Range Regular" $35.00 value, set up in your liome for f27 See our line of "Quick Meal Ilanges. i November Clearance Sale of Rugs 0x13 SiuLbm Bras- An "TC els Hilars, at $Oi O PxVi Hetuulesa el- t 1 r- f nuga, at Pl't.OU vet Oil a Aurulnster Hugs, at .$15.00 er.- m y. n mu, lti i November Clearance Sale of Library Tables 25 reduction on all Library Tables during our Novem ber Clearance Sale. Over 30 styles in golden, waxed or fumed oak finish. SEE OUR MEW DAYLIGHT DISPLAY ROOM 2t