Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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11 A
Real Estate Dealers and Home Builders Report Considerable Activity
TlMEIY HVW TCTHTU TnCCTD who '"'d ou Chicago, kept It constantly
llfliLLI ALAL tijlAlti UUDOIt .before the people, that they could not
Original Omaha Plan Good, but Ad
ditions Faulty, Says Morton.
Mach Good Residence Property
Spoiled by Lack of Orderly Sya.
tent Like that of Catena,
aya Real Estate Man.
"The original planners of the downtown
business district of Omaha made a good
plan, which has needed practically no
change sinoe, in spite of th great growth
the city has made," aald George T. Mor
ton, in his address to the Real Estate
exchange at the refrular meeting Wednes
day. "The mistakes came In the addl
tiona that were platted afterward. The
original plan waa made comprehensive
enough, and with enough foresight so
that practically no changes were neces-
eary In the way of widening streets in i community welfare,
plan too big, because they were going to
grow at a tremendous rate for a century
and that a wonderful city was to spring
Into existence. The result Is that little
change has beeu neceeear? In the business
district from th first," he said. ,
Speaking of Omaha'a growth, with a
lack of comprehensive plan for the real-
idence districts, Mr. Morton Said: "Omaha
has grown in spite of anything we have
done to beautify It, not because of any
thing we have done. We have been
negligent. But the city has such natural
advantages, lying as It does in the great
agricultural center, that it has grown
to be a great city In spite of us. The
country was rich In production, a market
was needed, and we Just grew In spite
of ourselves. Tho demand for homes waa
crowded upon us.
"Tho secret of the. success of the Ger
man cities Is that they plan tho whole
city from center to circumference. They
plan from the standpoint always of the
But we are too much
votes to &ccp uut
Of Political Gamo
the business district, and this has saved
the city a treat expense that many other
cities have had to meet."
Mr. Morton, aa a member of the Civic
league, most Interested in the drafting
of the city plan commlsxlon bill, which
It is proposed to submit to the legislature,
was Invited by the exchange to speak
et the bill and the needs of Omaha in tho
way of a city plan.
"The secret of the success of the Chi
cago plan was that the original designer
Get Back Your
Oldjimo Vim
Kellogg'i Sanitone Wafers Revitalixa
Haw Eerr Energy Into Ban
Down Men and Women.
Why not get out of life the best
life baa to give, and awaken the toy
ous ambitions or days or yorer ivei
loag Sanitone Wafers revitalize and
strengthen; put vim in vtmless.
played out Dtrrea, and cheer In mud-
Inclined to regard this aa free America,
and ssy, 'I own this lot. I will build
whatever 1 please on It and leave the
lot In whatever shape I please.'
For Balldlaa Restrictions.
"One thing that our bill seeks to do Is
to place certain . restrictions upon the
development of a district so that there
shall be some regularity about It. For
example we want a restriction that will
provide for residences being built a given
distance back from the curbing of the
street, so that there will be uniformity,
and so that the one man will know
whether his neighbor has a right to
crowd out upon tho sidewalk and shut
him off.
"A good city plan would perhaps leave,
some of the residence district ungraded
to a certain extent. The downtown busi
ness district, of course, should be graded.
There we must have level streets, broad
streets and rectangular lines. But In the
residence district this Is not necessary.
if' - v;
fX -'A
' ' 1
o- j
Dyron H. fas linja
Trades Following
Economic Conditions
KaUecs SntM Wafers Make Me Feel
Like a Young Cok That Won't Stand
Still Without HHchia.
died brains. Men and women faggel
out from worry, overwork or other
causes, get strong and happy right
off get quick action that puta them
right. Don't be. weary, weak and
listless, Just from sheer nerve-strain or
exhaustion. Don't live a life that's just
one pain after another. Kellogg'a Sani
tone Wafers will strengthen your nerve
vitality, nd,-with vital nerve power re
stored, you will lexperlence the courage
of perfect health. 11.00 a. boa at druggists.
Rend -your name and address today
with six rents In Stamps to help pay
postage and packing for a free Wo trial
box of Kellosg's Banltone Wafers, to V.
J. Kellogg Co. 2727 Hoffmaater Block,
Battle Creek, Michigan.
The regular $100 siae of Kellogg'a San
itone Wafers are for sale in Omaha by
Sherman McConnell Drug Co., 10 a
ltith St.; Owl Drug Co.. 224 S. 16th St:
Beaton Drug Co., laOl Farnam St: Loyal
Pharmary, 207-206 N. 18th BL; Bell Drug
Co., Ml 6 Farnam St: Harvard Pharmaoy,
llth and Farnam tits.
No free, boxes from druggists.
"As a rule the trades that are made
nowadaya have their explanation In
Aa soon as you grade the residence die- economic conditions." said Charles E.
trlcts all down to a dead level, widen the Williamson.
streets and make rectangular lines every-, "The builder, rather than carry his
where, the business district has a ten- I finished product through another season
dency to creep In. And that always t polls will take for It Borne money and another
a good residence district A residence parcel of lots with which to continue In
district has a right to have a few hills branch of business- The newcomer
and broken lines. It adds to the pic- to Omaha, having land, will trade It for
turesqueneas and gives It a more retired Income-producing property here, where
atmosphere, which Is destrabla for rcsl- he can employ himself In tta management;
dence districts and la discouraging to lit- or- Kaln, an owner of a number of small
tie stores and business houses that would Properties, or such aa are In need of
gladly creep in. "improvement to make them properly
"We have hero In Omaha seen good productive, will exchange them for some
residence districts of costly homes being lar'e ingle Investment which promises
ruined bv the Introduction of stores and t0 Pay hlm better net Income. Where
business houses. We have had to aban- deal of thla Mn ca arranged they
don mansions and turn them Into stores ar mutually satisfactory, and coot less
and office buildings. , I to both than where money la Introduced
"If we could have some of 'the hills' th medium of exchange.
back again In the residence districts. market that affords such a vast
there la none of us but could aee where vsty of elements, and that la so con
we could have saved thousands of dol- Btanl1 rawing and expanding aa Is the
lars. and we could plan streets and orlv ro" fu" marKet in Omaha, It la In
through them that would be much more ?V1V" noula " ny
t.nHfii .nil m.l. the residence dta- "animate opportunities for, such e
trlct more desirable. I have seen in a
circular a boost for Omaha which adver
tised the fact that in making Omaha 10.
000,000 yards of earth bad been ' moved
Now, it is safe to say that 1.000,000 of
that waa necessary and that the moving
of the other 9,000,000 waa waste.':
' Lots Left Far Off Grade
Mr. Morton said In his own experience
he had received many letters from noh-
Green Is Going to
Winter in California
A Dollar and Earn
$7,000 for Invalids
Any Publication
ta wm Yeaur Often Cmt
Wean's Roci'
Cos;nioi ...".$1.50
ABiricu 1.50
Ettbir Tvo Yian ... 2.00
Both to toy idirm . 2.00
COSBCOlItU .....'$1.50
Keanri 1.50
6ood Kcsjeletpiig-, 1.50
Eltbsr Two Yim .. 2.00
Eferytcffj ...... $1.50
Dellieator ...... . 1.50
Either Two Years .. . 2.00
Botitoticiiidrns. 2.C0
Tki Uilei Hcst JctTial . . $1.50
Tki Saturday tmltg Pest . 1.50
Tit Cceatry GtitUxai ... 1.50
Any Publication Help
Qa Men Oeatstbste 91
awn, I depltaate mm pHea.
Ueat sasl a ataa-fte ewee dlaaas.
OB ratOilB DVIA ris
. W. II. Green and wife are to leave In
a few days for San Diego, where they
will spend the winter. Mr. Green, one
A . l. Vw.l ' ' " " V"'
, : 7L " " " " . "everal months In California and Texas
ota put on the market. H. said he n.d ,aet H kM th) vacatlOM a.
In many cases found that these lots had w,yf rlngs bftck new Jdeall o( how
been purchaaed years ago before the Omaha oucht to trv,v. u.-if t..
grading waa done and that the grading year anfr Beeing tn, auto race, &t
01 me aaaiuon since naa wre-q i...a ten .Angeles, be came back and lectured the
feet or fifteen feet below grade. Real Estate exchange for an hour m tha
"The result to that the fellow's lot U' necessity of building an auto speedway In
onen worm leas man nan wnat ne paju Omaha to make Omaha the center of a
for It a decade ago when he thought he great activity like auto racing. Before
had a speculation. Now, that Is not good the year was out. such a speedway in
advertising for the town. When we write built here. Green modestly claims no
back to a fellow like that and tell htm credit for it. for he has Invested no
his lot la In a ditch; that It will take suo money In it. He did not even promote
to nu it in ana Dnng n to graae, no the thing, but somehow it followed on
either believes we are trying to swindle his suggestion,
him or that the man who sold him fir-1
teen years ago when the lot waa on the
level with others was a grafter. And
such a man usually writes back to us
telling us In plain worda what he thinks
of the town. Now, much of thla ruining
of lots by cutting down and filling In is
unnecessary to preserve the beauty and
value of a residence district.
' "I have looked up some figures and
Simpson to Talk
About Playgrounds
Under the auspices of the United Im
provement . clubs. Playground Expert
Simpson la to talk on playgrounds and
Omaha s need of thorn in the council
find that In the last ten years there have chamber In the city hall Monday evening,
been platted In Omaha S.3M acres , of The meeting will be called at t o'clock,
ground. That means US acres a year. It, The United Improvement Clubs la an
we should go out today and look over all organisation of six of the Improvement
of these addiUons we should find that clubs of the city. .It is extending a gen
half of those lots we wouldn't take as a eral Invitation to thla talk to all other
gift and pay the taxes on them. That I Improvement clubs L and to the general
is simply because they were platted to I public.
sell and no comprehensive city plan waa
followed. Good, available residence' prop
erty waa ruined and made worthless.
It took some tittle fight In the Omaha
Heal Estate exchange 0 turn down the
Invitation of the United Improvement
Clubs to co-operate in tho selection of a
ticket for the city commission next spring.
The United Improvement Clubs asked the
exchange to do this. At once a half doaon j
members of the exchange were, on thetr f
feet declaring the organisation should not '
go Into politics. Others wsnted to know '
whether the exehangts.wa to be a wishy
washy organisation, afraid to tackle any
subject that waa alive. Pome declared
old members of the exchantce were drop
ping out because the exchange did not
take up lively questions. The executive
committee, which was asked to report an
advisable action on this Invitation, re
ported In favor of rejecting the oftcf of
the Improvement rlubs. explaining that
the Ileal Estate exchange did not care to
get into the field of endoraiug or selecting -any
set of candidates for any office.
V. T. Graham held that the exchange
might turn down the Improvement clubs
If It cared tn, but should not go so far
as to declare Itself against endorsing a
randldate for any office. He Insisted this
matter should foe left open for the ex
change to act on In the future as It saw
fit But ho waa voted down.
Senator N. P. Dodge, Jr., asserted that
if tho exchahcr wanted to throw off tta
roat and get Into politics nnd piny a rDFTPUTOM TntfEQ UfMTrUY
leading part In every public question that VaLiUrU Uil lrLd llULlUA I
came up, he wanted to come back Into, - - - -
the membership, but if It merely wanted
to meet to talk shop, he waa not Inter
ested, and did not propose to attend the
. . it
. 7T tS.Khapp,
Fancier! and Owner of Fine Birds
Are tp Exhibit Their Specimen.
; ...... ,
Feet" ay This 'Weeti nest Fowls
of Irnwwles t oenty Will !
' r Khlblloa, lemprttag
New Addition Is
Quickly Sold Out
Over 130,000 worth of lots were sold In
the two days' sale a week ago of Phulor
Carey In their new Poppleton Park ad
dition in the west part of the city. The
firm la especially well pleased with the
showing tn view of the extremely xld
weather that arrived Just at that time.
It waa the first real raw snap of the
fall, and the weather waa particularly
gray and unpleasant. A number of
those who bought Iota are planning to
begin building at once. The firm Is think
ing of announcing another short period
of sale datea to cloae out the rest of the
lots. The time will depend on the weather
during the next few weeks.
The ready sale of these lots, running
somewhat above and some below $1,000
each, la looked upon by real estate men
aa a healthy sign la Omaha. There were
many real estate men who asserted an
attempt to soil out an addition of that
size at this particular time, and es
pecially with cold weather coming on,
waa little short of tolly. .
Wednesday Only Half-Bay Session
Will Be Held.
The,vpmt1ti'y Industry- " in t)ouglas
county Is exccte.l to receive a boost
when the Domlaa County Poultry Breed
era' 'association holds Its' first annual
show at liens'on.' Wednesday to fnturOay
Inclusive lis week. . " '
Probably there are few people In
pmnha who realize that some of the, fore
most breeders of fine poultry In , tho
nilddla wrat -have plant, bv DoukIub
tiounty. Not only is Omaha a center
, around whK-h bremleni of fine- birds, have
established their plants, but across the
river In Iowa there are also to he toun I
a-large nm.twr; of poultry farms where
;th beet of f"re 'jbred stock Is ralwxt.
Many .of fheae.Jowa tu-sednrs. havt noti
fied the association that they.v will show
at, the', coming meeting..--
The iKmKla county poultry show will
open Hs doors at' 1 o'clock VWdiwsday
afternoon. November 3&. Judging starts
at 8 o'clock. Guy Schfeff of.Mncoln
has boon chosen to n,ard the ribbons.
No Kamea t oops.
AU birds are to he displayed fii coops
owne by the association, and no name
or printing of any kind will be allowed
on tho ooops until after the Judging has
tsknn place. Heat, water and fare are
furnished free by tha association. Rib
bons and prlxce will be awarded Satur
day evening. A sales room will be estab
lished for the use of breeders who -care
incubator, packages of lice killer and a
pure bred pig.
Among the special features of the meet
ing will be the caponlxlng demonstrations
each evening by C. W. Yoemana, poultry
man of Cherrycroft farm and a graduate
of the Iowa State Agricultural college at
The Want Ad Columns of The Bee Are
Head Hally by Teople In Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities.
Rev. '. .V. MtMrssisy Will Attead . . nlsnoae nf atoflc.
CrJebratlen of School la Entry blanks ani premium lists are
Honor of Hie Same I w,nB riuuica ny tienry vnudaon,
The Thanksgiving holidays will
. being distributed by Henry
Henson, who Is superintendent of. the
l show. Ho reports that he has already
win !'r'ivcd a large number of entries. Ilc-
the ribbons, many special prutes
arte college will havo a ha.t session, and ,n "f'erpd airfrrent breeder
.u .....tss sivrt.vl lU 1114 RUVlf II Ol
the how. Anionic thcuo ara settings of
egg from fine stock, Including those of
1 in an account of an address by Dr. F.
3. Despecher at Council Bluffs before
the HammlU business college Thursday
night it waa erronerously . stated that
Mrs. Despecher . had photographs of
maimed children and women victims of
the EAiropean war.
"On the contrary," says Dr. Despecher,
"we have a number of photographs taken
around the scenes of war, but none of
any maimed victims, especially . so In
behalf of women and children."
Dr. Despecher tn speaking of the con
flict views It from the Impartial stand
point of an American even though he
has relatives tn the fight.
A bunch of some fifty local railroad
men went to Fort McConnell yesterday
afternoon where last evening they of
ficially opened the club house there,
built on the site of the old building de
stroyed by fire some four weeks ago.
professional departments will hold regu
lar classes. Hchool will bo resumed on
the following Monday.
One of the big events of the year will
take piece shortly after renewal of
classes, Kev. V. X. McMenamy, who was
raised to the position of rector of the
university thla year, will be formally
welcomed at a celebration to be hold In
the university auditorium on the after
noon of December S. The affair will bo
In honor of the rector's name's day, the
feast day of St Francis Xavier, after
whom Kev. Father McMenamy Was
named, which falls on December 8, which
will be declared a holiday to the students.
At the celebration will be representative,
of all uepai'Uuonta, who will deliver con
gratulatory addresses In behalf of each
department of the school. Tha enroll
ment of the arts college, where the new
rector oomea In more active contact with
the students, Is now 486.
Crelghtoa Notes. ' ' '. ' 'i
8aturday will continue to be the regular
wokly reoreat on day at the arts depart- T'
mem. Kev. rather Kelly, vice president
Ui,te J that (bis custom probably would
bit continued until alter the Christmas
hollu&js at least. Formerly the recrea
tion day ae Thursday. ,
Rev. Archibald Tallmadga, formerly
faculty airector of the Crelgliton Univer
sity Ulee club, and who wus so favorably
known tn Omaha, now has charge of tho
Detroit llnivera.ty Ulee club. Father
Tallmadga went to Detroit this year.' Kev.
William Uooley, K. J formerly vice pres
ident of Crelghlun, la presluent at Detroit. 1
benjamin Hennea.y, Creighton arte, "in,
Is In Omaha. Henneisy spent the sum-'
mer ss a stage dr.ver In Yellowstone park.
he will probably act aa a tutor whtie lu :
Omaha. I
Romeo La Forte, Creighton arts,
now teaching school at Campbell, Neb.,
haa written lu to reserve two of the best '
seats at the Creluhion.r,nvni .......
,, , , , . . ... v.,
i hursdoy.
ducks and pheasants, a loving cup. ar
f i R
War Time
On new homes built by Home
IluildcrN make a safe investment-
Home Ilullders' Preferred,
Shares are A ante investment.
You are Kuaranteed 7 and an
Intereat In tho gurplua profits.
Karned 11 in 1013.
No taxes. Interest paid
promptly every aU months.
Itoth elnnaea of aernrity are
anhjert to your Investigation.
Cither const! tu tea a war
time, BMfe inveatmept.
Our booklet, the "New
Way," exploiu fully Home
Uuildera' plan of Investment.
Free to any addresg.
i '
t t
, ...,l
?! V.,!
ft wtyfl
J. lauis
Heavy Hauling
1212 Farnam
Wilson of Ashland
Buys the Hudson
There seems to be a demand for first
class apartment houses and well located
investments. Hasting A Heydea have
sold to T. B. Wilson of Ashland the
Hudson apartment on Twenty-sixth
avenue, between Douglas and Farnam
street for $30,000.
The Hudson waa constructed about a
year ago and la considered one of the
better apartment houses in the city. Mr.
Wilson purchased It for an Investment
and may move to Omaha later.
Home Builders Add
. To Capital Stock
The j Home Builders' company, Seven
teenth and Douglas streets, has . filed
ame'hded articles of Incorporation author
ising the Issuance of another 1109,000 of
capital stock, making the total 1200.000.
Secretary C. C. Shi mer reports a good
business in the last four months. He as
serts that building contracts aggregating
140,000 are now under way and that other
contracts for some tS.OOO or ItO.OOO worth
of residence buildings are being negotiated.
Moving Picture
Theater Enlarged
The Diamond theater, moving picture
house of which O. 8. Finch Is proprietor,
1410 Lake street. Is being enlarged. It haa
had a seating capacity of 450, which will ' titty square feet per challd. and we want
Supervisor R. U Cams ef pubUo school
athletics ts securing statistics dealing
with playground space, which wftl be used
by the Board of Education as a basis
upon which to work when purchase of
additional grounds is being considered.
'The minimum play apace la placed at
be Increased to some TOO. Aa addition
twenty-five feet long la being built on
tha rear.
to know how Omaha comperes with other
cities,' says Superintendent B. U. Graft
la a circular to principals asking for the
information Mr. Came desires.
These statistics will also be turned over
te Dr. Cyrus II. Stlmson, field secretary
of the Playground and Recreation Asso
ciation of America, who Is working in a
park plan for Omaha.
The Creighton Oratorical aHswiuHnn
held a llvidy debate at the arts cohege
trulay evening. The question was "Ke
solved. That Kore gn-hullt Hhlps Should !
. ''.V1 -Abler ran Reentry Free
of Duty " Frank Bhaw. and Clifford i
JiOnit unhaM Ik, urri. ...... i... , . '
Fort McConnell is west of Vallv an.l In 8timk un.i t,.,i. u.-V.-T". ."" "'"'ri
- - - juauviroy mo negauve.
m vig L-oagnwgoa gmve on ine Danas oi
tlie Platte river. At the formal opening
of the club house there was a supper and
a dance, a stag affair. The party will
return to Omaha today. Fd Hennessey,
commercial agent of the I lk Island, Is
at the head of the social affairs committee.
Crawford and the.
County Dads Fall
' Out Over Some Pie
deadlock exists between the Board of
County Commissioners and County Judge
Crawford ever the question of what man
ts !to receive the appointment of con
stable -and bailiff - In his court. The
Judge haa served notice that if the board
refuses to appoint a man acceptatle to
him the appointee will not be allowed
In his court.
The Judge, who declared he bad been
Hawkins A Latham, grocers at Thirty- '
second and Burt streets, in unpacking a
crate of bananas shipped to them from
Honduras, uncovered a nice, healthy
tropical snake of .unusual sum. The snake, I
while near the atove, became quite active '
and created considerable commotion until '
it was chased outdoors, when the cold
soon caused it to quiet down. The snake
waa finally forced into a large glass Jar
and la new on exhibition in one of the
Hawkins ft Latham store windows. There
la considerable dispute aa to tbe name
of the snake, some calling It a copperhead,
while others stoutly maintain It la a boa-constrictor.-
. , ... .
tstoro Your GoowS Where They Will Oe Qafo
Where You Know They Will Oe Safe
g-'".irV-"-"' ""V'
TiNiL The
moat mod
ern, tha H m m t
equipped and the safest warehouse and
storage structure In the middle west. Hre
proof, rat and mice proof; dust proof and dirt
Phone us about prloea on separate locked rooms. Douglas 4112.
806-818 South Sixteenth St.
Dr. fl. II. Clark of the University or
fllifskaVA whn will Kd ksaaa m A Am ek.
f Vt I f w m X h , m k Palimpsest club, ha. been secured by the
of the board that his choice would I be t.hQol ,a dB,lV(Br
accepted aa a matter of courtesy to hlni. th, ; c,,, HlBh ,choo lurtUor1um on
gave the board the name of the man he th, aftcrTloon of Deemlr s.
Furnaces, Stoves
and Boilers
Omaha Stove Repair Works
1306-a Bon Has Street,
rnoae Tyler aa
desired appointed. But Commissioner
Lynch, who had Just returned from out
of town and knew nothing of the situa
tion, was the only member who expressed
himself In favor of allowing the judge to
choose the man.
Commissioners Harte and McDonald
each declared they had given their prom
ise to vols for another man. It waa then
that Judge Crawford served bis ultima
tum. Action waa postponed.
The following; sales were made by the
Vogel Realty agency last week: Blanche
Petit, tat North Fifteenth street, four-
room bungalaw, price UA; Laura Mo
George, 300 Iecatur street, five-room
cottage, price $1,&o0: Claude E. Marvin,.
(210 North Fifteenth street, four-room i ,
bungalow, price, $1.M0; Robert B. Petty. Reincarnation and Karma" will be the
sua North Fortieth street, five-room cot- ' lecture by John Eklund at the
tage. price U.IU0; Dr. J. M. Keys, six-! Theoeophlcal rooms, 701. Bee building at
teen-room residence in Bemls ark, price o'clock thta evening. The lecture will be
1,X. niusiratea py stereoptlcon views and will
consist of a beautiful story of early
Bee Want Ada Are the Best . Business
Buddhism, showing the working of these
E. S. Bexten Dies
at the Paxton Hotel
Edward B. wsxyn. pioneer druggist at
Eleventh and Dodge streets, died Friday
afternoon in hi room at the Fas ton
hotel. Relatives state that death came
as the result of quick pneumonia, al
though there la aald to be some question
as te thla. Dr. Robert GUmore stated
that It would not be ethical for blm to
give any version of the case except to
the coroner.
Friday afternoon Dr. C. B. Falts was
summoned to the Paxton and used the
pulmoter ever the dying man, but to no
Mr. Bexten baa been separated from his
wife for some time, and It Is believed
woiied considerable over domestic af
fairs. He was known to be very charit
able. A postmortem examination will be
held, but no inquest.
It tones the stomach
brings back the ap
petite assists digesV
tion and assimilation
promotes liver and
bowel activity pre
vents Bloating, Ileart
burn, Indigestion, Bill
ousness and Malaria.
Get Bottls This Very Day
In the march
of Omaha progress
if you office "up the hill"
Business is 6urely and steadily pushing west
on Farnam street; every day adds some new
enterprise to this ever popular thoroughfare.
Thm building that it always new'
will place yon in
rapid growth of
the closest touch with this
new business Institutions.
A thoroughly modern, fireproof, well equipped and well maintained
offlca building, properly located, cloae to the banks, retail atoiea
court house and city hall. In fact in the heart of business Omaha,'
17th and Fartianv Office Room 103.
:"."3 ' I
"f-; I
:s It f
,y j
' r". I
' IV
. .n
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