Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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History Relation to Religion
Theme of Rabbi Cohni Sermon.
tsurrta !! Discovery -t Sew
Wart AIM Marked Beln of
Xew TMnaa Morally, latel-lec-tnally
and Socially.
.IOUN A. SWANSON, President.
WM. L HOLZMAN, Trrn-iiror.
"The Soul of the Centuries." a new
sertea of dissertations dealing with his
tory's relation to religion, is the subject
which Rabbi Frederick Cohn has selected
for a year's study.
In the first of these lectures entitled
The Fifteenth Century; the New
World." delivered last night, Rabbi
Cohn sal3"
"I puiposo to exomlne each century
with a view to ascertaining Its essential
yplrit or soul.'
In our study of the centuries we shall
begin with the fifteenth century, for all
the centurlos that went before were in
h manner but the preparation for this
wonderful century; this century, itself
the beginning of a great era of human
history. It Is the transition century that
marks the definite division ot the new
Irom the old. the distinct separation of
past views of life from the dominant con
ceptions of the world in which we live."
Rabbi Cohn said that aa the discovery
of America, marked the discovery of a
new world, so that same year and cen
tury marked the beginning of a new
world, morally, religiously, intellectually,
politically and socially.
with ' the fifteenth century the
medieval era comes definitely to an end I
and humanity enters positively and
confidently upon the moaorn period, the (
period in which we live, which is so alive !
and thrilling and so lnatinct with hope J
and promise for the days that are to be.
New Methods Adopted.
"What was the soul ot th fifteenth
century? It was the soul of the break
up of the old and the dawning of the
new: It wai the eoul of invention and
discovery; of mankind entering upon j
new paths and making trial of new j
methods. For one thing it was the awak- I
tnlng of tha soul after the long, ten
centurted aloep of the mldJla ages. The
human Intellect and the whole mental
life of man wcro reborn.
"Tha fifteenth century was the century
of the renaissance which, taking Its rise
in beautiful, cultured, artistic and
fascinating Italy, spread thence to all
Europe and ultimately to all tha world.
The fifteenth century witnessed the so
called 'revival of learning;' the resur
rection of art and culture, the resur
rection of reason, the general stimulation
and kindling of all the Intellectual facul
ties, due to renewed acquaintance with
the ancient and classical literatures ot
Greece and Rome, made possible by the
discovery of ancient manuscript, and Im
mensely furthered by tha newly-dts-
. . - I II i . . . lici AlMnjlt
coverea rv 01 jinming. uum wv, .ai'ai.
the very year when Constantinople fell
(1453) sending forth hosts ot ' Greek
scholars to occupy professional chairs in
the newly-rising universities and to ex
plain the old masters In the' new spirit
and In accordance with the newljr -acquired
"Scholasticism . gave way to . modern
eclentifio- knowledge. With the rebirth
ot reason '.vas ajready planted the seeds
that were to arouse and quicken the
" conscience; and Renaselance was Instinct
with Reformation that was to characterize
the succeeding century and with revolu
tion In England and in France that was
to be the dominant fact in the subsequent
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
New Idea Still Retained.
' 'In, that springtime of the human
ep!rit the life was germinating that was
to come to blossom in the succeeding
centuries and that fills with beauty and
fragrance and expanding power the ,
activities and forces of the day in which
we live. The nineteenth and the twen- i
tleth centuries are no less unoer the j
bpell and spirit ot the Renaissance than
were their predecessors; and th? new age
inarches on to the music awakened out
of the marvellous melodies of the past, .
and particularly out ot the matchless
achievements ot that century that Is
rightly regarded aa leading the van in
humanity's all-conquering progress
toward tho goal of civilisation and ot life.
"For the lesson of the centuries ia tho
lesson of progress. As a great Binger has
expressed It: "Yet I doubt not thro' the
ages one increasing purpose runs and the
thoughts ot men are widened In the pro
ven of the suns.' I
"And of hope; for I believe we shall not j
conclude these lectures without feeling,
with Senator Hoar, that today Is better
than yesterday, and tomorrow will be
belter than today.' "
i . my f i , , wywf "V ,m iM4 wewww J
ih I IvT
(Eraei CUniax Gate Week
Free Anniversary Souvenir
Saturday will be the last day of
bur Soooud Anniversary celebration
and free distribution of Souvenirs.
With every cash purchase of $2o or
more throughout the store, we will
give absolutely free a $12.50 Gold
Piece as n token of our appreciation
for the notable success you have
helped us to achieve in our new and
greater store. Accept this gift with
our compliments.
Remember, Saturday it the last day
of anniversary week and $2.50 gold
pieces free.
l.SSMllM n,t j
in a . a T HI I i - a r 7 u
- V u c u w
www- yy
Free Anniversary Souvenir
Ovcrwlicluiiug surprise is being
manifested by the hundreds of peo
ple attending our Second Anniver-
sarv muo - a great iiouuie aiiraciion
greets everybody. Thousnnds of do
lars' worth of higli grade clothing
bought at a big redaction from over
stocked manufacturers and s.dd as
bought the greatest values ever
offered in Omaha and besides we
A $2.50 Gold Piece with each indi
vidual cash purchase of $25.00 or
more throughout the store.
Thousands of Men's and Young Men's $15.00 to $35.00 Suits, Overcoats and Balmacaans
Four mammoth groups that will make clothing history Saturday:
Gray, Heather and Brown
Balmacaans -..$10
Black and Oxford Chester
field Overcoats $10
Warm Shawl Collar Chin:
chilla Overcoats $10
Convertible Collar Taney
Cheviot Overcoats. $10
Tartan Plaid and Pencil
' Stripe Suits $10
Fancy Worsted and True
Blue Serge Suits $10
Two and 3-button Suits,
all sizes up to 46-inch
chest .....$10
$15 Values, Saturday at $10
Tartan and Velvet Collar
Balmacaans $15
Blue, Brown and Gray
Chinchilla 0 'coats.. $15
Silk lined Oxford Vicuna
Chesterfields $15.
Shawl collar and convert
ible fancy overcoats . $15
Ulsters, ' Ulsterettes, Guard
Coats, Motor Coats $15
Overplaid, pencil stripe and
Heather mixture Suits. . .$15
Two and 3-button single and
double breasted Suits .... $15
Silk lined, oxford Vicu
na Chesterfields. .$20
Scotch Heather Plalrt
and Chinchilla Bal
macaans $20
Shawl Collar Chinchilla
and fancy 0 'coats $20
Black Kersey, Velvet collar
Chesterfields $20
Glen Urquhart, Fancy Worsted
and Cheviot Suits $20
Gold Fiond True Blue Serge
Suits, all sizes $20
Two and 3-button single and
double breasted Suits - . .$20
$30 Values, Saturday at $20
Skinner Satin lined Vicu
na & Melton 0 'coats $25
Genuine Worumbo Chin
chilla Balmacaans and
Overcoats $25
Scotch Tweed Ulsters, Ul
sterettes & Motor Cts $25
Pencil and Hair line Dou
ble Breasted Suits. . .$25
Foreign Worsted and Che
viot Suits $25
Tartans, Overplaid and
pin stripe Suits ....$25
Full silk lined Full Dress
Suits . $25
$3S Values, Saturday at $25
$20422.50 Values. Saturday, $15
Men's Finest Chesterfield Overcoats
Men's Smart Furnishings Galore
Largest showing of America fs best known lines
Tho special pride of this new and greater store is our wonderfully complete
stock of fashionable furnishing goods. Every well known maker has bom
drawn upon until each and every dept. in this establishment is practically
a store in itself.
Vassar, Superior, Duofold and Ritesize Union Suits, $1 to $5.
Manhattan, Arrow, Yorke & Bates Street Shirts, $1 to $3.50.
Pennsylvania Sweaters in all sizes and colors, $3.50 to $7.50.
$1.00 Union Suits. Saturday, at.... 60c
ft. OO Flannelette Night Robes, at.. OOc
91.00 Hearr Ilibbed Union Suits, at Sl.OO
$1.00 Negligee Shirts, Saturday, at.. 70c
Men's Mackinaw
(Jenuinc ob to 38-oz. fab
rics. Beautiful new plaids
and plain tones. All tho
new color combinations.
All sizes. Largest showing
in the city. $7.50 to $15.00
$5, $752, $10, $12!
A notable sale of highest grade garments
A backward season caught some of America 'h finest wholesale tailors" with
too many goods, Overcoats were a dniff on the market for weeks. We
bought right and left at our own prices and now we pass the benefit on
to you in these . t ' '
Luxurious Skinner Satin Lined Chesterfields made of
Montegnac, St. George Kersey, Carr XXX- Melton,
English Vicuna and German unfinished worsteds.
$H0.00 llieNterfirldft, at.
$10.00 Chentcrfieldn, at
.$10.00 $50.00 C'licfcterrieMN,
.$.10.00 f.'I.VOO Chedler fields,
Hat at 1
ANY $2.50 $ QC
Hat at 12E
ANY $3.00 $oiC
Hat at Lll
vn L noiZMAN.v
AH Members of the
Crooker Expedition
Well Late in August
NEW TORK. Nov. 20. All the mem
beri of tha Crocker land expedition,
headed by Dr. Donald B. MacMtllan, were
well on Aug-uit 29, according to a letter
written on that date by Elmer Ekblaw,
geolovlst ot the party. Part of Ek-
blaw'a letter waa made public today by
Kdmund Otla Hovey, chairman ot the
committee in charge of the expedition.
The letter waa written aboard K. Rae
musaen's motorboat in a i aging eca Juat
aouth of Cape Alexander. In it Mr. Ek
blaw aaya:
"By a (trance freak of luck aa Jot
Small and I were fleeing before a atorm
Feitive Birds on the Market at Two
Bits Per Found.
Price, Accord I a to the Variety, la
(rota Tweatjr-f ivc Ceati Per Peck
I'pwarda -Pork Makea
' No. 1 turkeya can be had for a quarter
a pound next week for the Thankaglvlnf
dinners, according to the promise of some
of the dealers. It ia stated, however.
that they will be none too plentiful at
that. They are being shipped to Omaha
from Kansaa City, where they have been
gathered from the tanna and ranches of
Kansas and Texas.
The dry-picked turkeys will sell at a
1 .,-
ht IS renin a puond, while lraf lard ia 12H
cents wholesale. -v.
Cabbage is abundant and cheap. While
last year it was ISi cents and 3 cents a
pound, and pood aolld quality at that
Aiies are still reasonably cheap. Choice
wlnesapa In special cratea can be had at
11.40 a bushel. Oood gano apples can be
had at 25 cents a peck.
Sugar has made a welcome drop until
it can be bought much as It was before
the European, war scared .the consumer
and gave the magnate their opportunity.
It can bo bought now at nineteen pounds
for a dollar.
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Sumney Have
Important Parts in Convention.
fcaffraflats Spead More Money la
Nebraska Campaign Tha a In
Any Other State Darts the
Repeat Election.
quarter, while the acaided will be about
in our little motorboat we met Knud , 3 centa cheaper. Scalded fowel la always
Rasmussen'a boat on lta way to Etah , cheaper because it doea not keep aa well
with our mall and supplies. Both n.otor-1 1 tock. The theory Is that when acaided
boats attempted to get by Cape Alexan-; the pores of the skin remain open and
der. but, unable to do so, we have turned I the flavor ot the bird is not aa well pre-
back to our camp. Since hla motorboat aerved as in the dry-picked.
must start back at once there will be no
chance for our lettera, cable messages
and mall to get back to you."
"Evidently." Mr. Hovey explained, "the
atorm which was raging when Mr. iik
blaw'a letter was written, and the fact
that he was going back to Etah, kept
Mr. flasmussen from continuing his Jour
ney to the Crocker land party's head
quarters. Mr. Rasmus en apparently felt
obliged to put back to North (star bay
for fear of getting caught in the ice at
BOSTON. Mass.. Nov. 30.-Dr. Sadg
wirk Mlnot. a noted anatomist, died last
night. He was professor of histology and
embryology at Harvard Medical school
and directory of the anatomical labor
atory at (hat institution. Jn 1912 and
lt13 Pr. Mi not was Harvard exchange
professor at the univeraltica of Berlin
and Jena. He was 61 year old.
Ducks are promised at 20 centa a pound
for the week. Geese are quoted at IS
Cranberries of good quality are celling
at TV centa a pound, and celery can be
had two bunches for a nickel. That
completes the principal features of a
Thanksgiving dinner within a reasonable
Beef is holding quite steady. There Is
an Inclination on the part of the buyers
to keep away from the beef market on
account of the foot and mouth disease
scare, in spite of the fact that repeated
Inspections have shown the stock la
Omaha to be In excellent shape. This
tendency has thrown a greater demand
upon pork. Pork loins are 18 centa a
pound and pork chops 20 cents.
Lambs are li a hundred higher whole
sale than they were a few weeks ago.
They sell from l! W to $17 a hundred
wholesale. Lamb chops are retailing at
a quarter a pound, while a few weeks
ago they could he had for 20 cents.
Lard ia up. Rendered lard is retailing
Cold weather is alleged to have caused
Jack Prince an.l John Clem, transients
from Butte, Mont., to break into a Union
Pacific box car and steal warm coats
and glovea from freight shipments, and
then to have remained tn the car, In
order to get warmed up. They wera ar
reated in the car at Grand Island by
special agents 01 tne rauroaa and are
now In jail under a government charge,
aa the goo la alleged to have been atolcn
were part of an Interstate ahlpment.
. Three new deputiea have been added to
the Internal revenue service for Nebraska
under the emergency revenue act paaaed
by congress on account ot the war. Their
appointment were necessary because of
the Immense amount ot extra work oc
casioned by the new war taxes. Tha
appointees are Hubert J. Tanner, son of
ex-fiute Beniitor J. M. Tanner of South
Omaha; John Borgnoff of Omaha and
Thomaa Carroll of Fremont
City Engineer Watson Townsend Is
threatening police court prosecution If
cold storage houses persist In throwing
feathers Into the sewers. The lower
Famam street aewer has been clogged
up several times recently by an accumu
lation of feathers
Mrs. Draper Smith and Mrs. Herbert
C Sumney returned Thursday from the
National Woman Suffrage association
convention held lait week at Nashville,
Tcnn. Mrs. James fllchaidson and Mrs.
E. M. Berkley of Llnroln. the remaining
members of the Nebraska delegation,
stopped In St. Loirta to spend a few days,
the Nebraska women took active part
in the meeting's procedure. Mrs. Bark-
ley served on the election committee and
Mrs. Sumney on the resolutions commit
tee. Mrs. Smith waa o-., the program
with a report of the Nebraska campaign.
Mrs. Sumney was also appointed to serve
on the national membership committee.
The Nebraska delegation attended th
breakfast tendered the national board by
the campaign states' delegations Sunday
Opposition tn Pr. Khaw.
Mrs. Sumney staled that tha effort to
oust Dr, Anna Howard thaw from the
presidency was not a concerted move
ment, but was only backed principally
by the Congi-esau hal union. "The Massa
chusetts women were the only ones who
talked it up, one ot them having ap
proached me, but even they were di
vided. They offered Dr. fhaw the posi
tion of president enr rltus, which she de
clined berauxe, ahe said, the conatitu
Hon did not provide for such an office,
and she was even willing to suffer de
feat if need he, but she would be a can
Mia. Bumney told of Dr. Shaw's public
tribute to John L. Kennedy for li Is work
in the cause. UI.e said also that in her
opinion Nebraska had not done Its duty.
by the national association. "Other slstes,
especially the eastern ones, donate large
sums to the national organisation, while
we In Nebraska always look for aid from
the natlonnl and n ver contribute any
thing to It." She said that the national
had spent more money in Nebraska dur
ing the last campaign than in any o.-er
campaign state excepting Ohio.
P. J. lloyeen, well known Omaha busi
ness man, is to be a candidate for nomt -nation
for city commissioner, according
to announcement authorised by him. He
la one of the first camMdutes to come for
ward, with the exception or those com
missioners seeking re-tlectlon, although
dlsousslon of the proepects of many ap
plicants la current.
A Piping Hot Dish 3r N.
For Wintry Nights Jr
There's sothinf finer than a teaming' hot dish of Fangt Spaf bettl
a a cold eight. It warms you up satisfies your hunger. It 'a
strengthening, and makea rich, savory meal. You can make a
meal for n whole family from a 10c package of Tauat Spaghetti.
Cook with tomatoes, serve with grated cheese.
Watch the folka smack their lips. rcmrfVti
W . J f . nn.Ly,,. fifu t4lH lTl ! - '
, f.;l.YOO
Anniversary Souvenir Offer of a $2.50 Gold Piece Free applies to all departments Women's as well as Men's Wearing Apparel
Great Sale of Men's Fall Hats ofLridLri n:t Men's $3.50 to $7.50 Trousers
tJiyVIVyjimViVMgMUyU, Thousands of mn Specially SoCA .rA .tf.nn
Priootl Saturday at 621,
. ', . AMt'BEMEflTg...
MAT, 130
ITS. 1,11
,5ssae Walters Dramatisation of
tb TBAii. or rum loxssoki
. with UabeUe Lost m Jua"
AT MAT., 8 Be a i T., tS. t. fl.go.
laaday Matinee aaa -Brealng, Her. 12,
, "OMAHA-a rvar czwtsb
r i buy th.. .m., oi ... 1 1 AST TIMES TODAY
terlal. the) best, fur uaa lu my .at. LHU I I IlilLU I UUH I g;J5
ing plat-.a aa I use tn my home. VOU OLD rt AT uni
So matter what you pay elaewbor. PRUNO. rM I WW ft I I U.
you ara not getting bettar. and ,nd THE BI3 JUBILEE KJSaoUR
seldom a. gooU food .. yo will iadius)' zm MAT,
Hun, Wk.: Andy Lewie & "Dreamland"
The Pure Food Siffn. JlfX; '
Qaickserv Cafetens EVA LANG GHAS. MILLER
And tiwIH, Hlarar In
llaaeuient City Wat! Itenk Bldg, "THE TYPHOON "
J?T sS! ph..-. .
SIB oUlh lotli hU week of Vorimbn 83, "Viae eathars."
I40Q isuuglaa 8L
' - Tonight aad gat. Mat. aaa Wight.
AHI'IEMBXTI. Tha Woodward Stock Co rreseattag
. dee. Ade'a root Sail Comely,
WaXu5VVtCCv b0D,4Q4 "Th lmm
VVW)t Poug. a7T First Apyeaieaoe of Mr. Sdward fcyaaa.
Advanced VaudOVlllo makaii fam)iTxmr
rrtcea: O.ll.ry. 0c; B..I Beats, ,.,0.7se RQLLER SKATING
HIPPii,!,""!,,, Season Open. Saturday Mght.
X.ast Time Todaj, Chaa Kiohmaa U November Slat.
ryrtB& n,U? Admlsslo, 10c; Skate. aOc
Tarpin's Dancing Academy 28th and Farnan Zh
New class for beginner, nest Monday and Thursday, t . m. Advaneag elaas
Tuesdays, t p. tn. Uy-to-dale danuaa are alandardlsed and eaey to leara,
rrlvat. tUs.oaa ally. Aaaeasnly Heat Satarday areata. KABsTBT Uti