Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 17, Image 19

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    THK HKK: OMAHA. SATl lfPAV, XoVHMHl'.R J1. liM l.
First Class of Scottish Rite Masons Initiated in the New Masonic Temple
rr$P,; ItfOii -IA k j!V rtTV-S:V i!s A-.h'A rvfoVi M 'Ar.M tt.
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1 -t-f ' ' , .,- , , , ,1 i,,',',,, i T. m iT ,i,V,V.V7,'i-,' ' nimin.i ii , 'T ','irr..
Ilayn Photo.
Illini-Badger and HuskerHawkeye
Games Headlineri Today.
NrbrMka'i C'lnlm for Wtrrn
Ckamplonalilp to l ook Weak or
Strong Arrsrdlns to Oat
rome at Iowa City,
Omaha's Greatest Store for Mon and Young Men U
readr for you Saturday, offrrfnR rou rhotoe of the
highest srade CJothtng made Htrsch-Wickwlre & Co..
Society Hrand, Adler's "Collegian." brand. Srhlosn
Bros., I Abt. Sons. We carry complete Hues In all
sizes of these high grade makeb of men's and young
men's Suits and Overcoats jOn d A f
at from 3aU to Jp4U
CHICAQO, Nov. V) Tomorrow' mid
dle wect foot ball games and laat yeax'a
At Madison Illinois ( ) against Wis
consin ( ).
At Iowa City Nebraska (12) against
low J). I
At Chicago-Minnesota (2) against CM-
rago (U.
At Iafyette Indiana (7), against Pur
dun (4.').
At Lawrence Missouri (3) against Kan-
sao ()).
At Columbus Northwestern (0) against
Ohio Stato tbft).
At Dps Molne Drake (3) against
Amra (26).
At Uberlln Oberl!n (36) against Casa
At Bclolt Lake Forest (23) against
Belolt (14).
Western foot ball, so far aa Its chief
exponents are concerned, will end Its
ason tomorrow. Of the half dozen games (
ot Importance on the card, the Illinola
Wlsconsin and the Nebraska-Iowa con-'
tests stand out aa having hearing on
championship claims, while because of
traditions surrounding them there will be
widespread Interest in tho Chicago
Minnesota, Kansas-Missouri and Indiana
I'urdue games. ;
In the Badgers, Illinois meets the last
obstacle In Its path to the championship
of the conference. . A clean slat against
both weak and the strong Is the boast of
the llllnl to date and mi performances
l her should beat Wisconsin tomorrow and
earn a clear title to leading honors of the
Big Nine. They have' beaten Minnesota. .
which trounced Wisconsin, and Chicago,1
which played a tie game with the Badgers. :
The Badgers, however, are a 'lighting
crew. Against the dashing Illinois backs
the y will put a strong line and a coursge
f ma 'group m thc?r-tcBirderei(M. Tt la
likely Zuppke'a men will be forced to use
some of tho fanciest niayo to overcome 1
ih determined resistance of which Wis-'
i onsln Is capable. ' ...'!
Nebraska's claims for the wester.;
championship should !ooU weak or strong, :
according to the outcome of the Corn- '
huvkera' game with Iowa. The lowana, i
while not clnlming second t ank r.niong
the Big Nine schools, were surely factors i
In the race. They Rave ChU-ago and I
Minnesota terrific battles holding each to
a 7 to score.
The Cornhuskers, aside from the tie
came with South Dakota very early in
the season, have been uniformly success
ful, taking beyond question the highest
honors In the Missouri valley, ' Of course,
their game with Iowa will not settle
definitely their standing, but comparison'
of the M'.Hboutl vaUVy game with that of
the conference, ko far as tomorrow's con
test mskes them possible, should be In
teresting for lcvlewcrs.
With the odds on their side In nearly
every point of the game, the Mlnneaotans
tackle Chicago tomorrow, favorites by a
slight margin. Coach Stagg will oppose
to the onslaughts of the northerners only
the wreck of the team that defended gal
lantly this season the title won last year.
i.iIiiiiiii m li'iM ri u'liriiiiliiiiitii tun " iiininaa mimlr inn iiiAaiiiiaf- j iiinmiiS iiilnniii m hi ms i hi i iniiiiiiiiiiniy .
... il .. i. i I i m in .iiiri.,il, . I I imi
Let Us Show You Men's Suits and Overcoats
That You Cannot Equal Elsewhere for the Money
Men's and Young Men's
Suits and Overcoats,
Worth Up to $15.00, On
Sale Saturday, at
M e n who
don't want to
pay over $10
for their suits,
but Insist that
It be a good
suit. This pur-
r chase enables us
to offer jou sulta
of splendid Wor
sted fabrics in
all the new col
orings. The new
est models for
Men and Young
Men's and Young Men's
Suits and Overcoats,
Worth up to $20.00, On
Sale Saturday, at
All-Wool Wor
steds strictly
hand-made In
English models,
2 and 3-button
soft rolled. Also
c o n s e r vatlve
models. All pop
ular colors. Lots
of fancy mixtures
Sizes to fit every
man of regular
build, also EX
TRA sizes for
short stouts, long
stouts, as well
as sires for men
of slim girth.
Men's and Young Men's
Suits and Overcoats,
Worth Up to $30.00, On
Sale Saturday at
A Fine Overcoat, Prosperous Looking. Is in Keeping With Thanksgiving
Th Greatest Line of MW Overcoats in America at $10.00
we want to give a treat to the
man who expects a good but in
expensive overcoat. Come straight
to Brandels Saturday and see the
bargains we are offering in this
sala in Overcoats, at. ,
sl I0-0
A Lot of Fine Overcoats in Scotch and Fancy mixtures,
fancy back coats, single and double
breasted and Ulster effects. A quan
tity of Balmacaans also. Overcoats
that were made to sell for $18-00
and up to $22.50, offered Saturday,
Wilson Chinchilla In the newest models; single and double
breasted; short and long overcoats.
Shawl, convertible snd regular col
lar coats. About 200 Balinacaans
included. Coats made to retail at
$25.00 and $30.00 some worth as
high as $35.00 offered at ,
me r
For Mea Jffl
Mostly ono
and two
suits of a
kind. All
sizes Lota of
full silk lined, Tartan
Checks, (I Ion Arquhart
Plaids, Grays and
Browns in autumnal shades
and Gray in many hues. AU
kinds of stripes are here
from close Pen Stripes to
wlde-apart chalk lines. Scot
ch y Hlt-and-Mtss effects.
Distributer fv
in Omaha M
Austrian Velour Hats
Are about the swellest head wear for men that has been shown
this year. Saturday we offer about 20 dozen of the genuine
article, all bIIK lined and all the very latest models. The colors
are Brown, Gray, Blue and always-dressy
Black. We were fortunate. In thij purchase
for these hats are worth $4.00 to (5.00 and
wo offer you choice Saturday, at
Here Are the Leaders In Men's Fine Headwear
J. 1J. Stetson 8oft and Stiff Hat, at 4.1.30
"brandeU Special' Koft and Stiff Hats, at 42.00
The "Sterling" Soft Hat, are winner at 41.00
CHICAGO, Nov. 20.-ltoger Eresnahan,
who today assumed his new duties aa
manager of the Chicago National leaei'e
base ball club, announced he is planning
a series of trades In an effort to
strengthen the team's Infield. The new
manager said he expects to reduce to
twenty-one the squad of thirty-four play,
ers now carried by the team.
Rumors that Zimmerman might be
traded because of his at'?red unfriendly
relations wltn flretnahan, were denied
today by Hrewiahaii. who slid he thought
too much of the third hnsrmnn to let
him go.
Eastern Font flail flames Toda.
Harvard at Yale.
lart mouth acninst Syracuse at Boston.
I'rs.nua at Nuvy.
Ppring'lld el Army.
WaunliUjSlon and Jtfferson at George,
THckinson at Carlisle.
I-eh'gi at I afnyette.
Rutgers t St"'nv
8 a'thmore at Haverford.
Wesleyan at New York I'nlversity ,
' Fed fipb Lltf Wire.
Pill J?hl"l", r.fh"l'v a'",e"d the s'sr
slahman of the W',hlTnn BtM l.u In
Hubs Ie'ffers. who won h's lone srt as
a Hoofed vm r.onhr i-e--
for the Kansas City Hluen. b-it I'Tlpi
stenrd (n and tux' ''Id nt" -tn q
tho lndepend ntr. A- rdlng to all corre
Kpnnri, nt o'eni' " e M'.-ii"ran State c r
cult tha r ih l-m in) i Just ahuut the
best prospect thereabouts.
FAIRBt'RY. Neb.N'ov 20 (Kreclal Tel
egramsThe H l..vl", Kn.. Hieh srhnol
font tall e'even tr mined l'airhurv eleven
here this arttrnuon by a score of to 0.
Foot Ball Results
South Dakota, .11; Yankton col
letre, 8.
Klce, 14; Bavlor. 13.
Veleyan, 11; MorninKtdde, O.
Oklahoma, H.i; Arkna, 7.
nuai school.
Heatrlce llterve, 28; Tecuiuaeh
HUh, 7, . . . J
Urokea Dow, 7; Grand IsUnd.3.
Men's Fur Caps- Very Special j
s worth to
Hudson Seal Caps, at $5.00
Alaska HealKkin Caps at 45.O0, 40.50. 47JW.
$10.00 aii.i S15.00
Detroit stylo. All sizes.
$4.00. Saturday in two
at 82.45 and
Men's $1.00 HATS at 48c
About 150 dozen sample caps, every shape,
every size. Kur inside bands. Values AQ
to $1.26, Saturday, at tOC
Boys' $1.00 Chinchilla Caps, at 48c
Hoys' and Children's Hatn and Caps In
cluding Chinchillas, Black Velvet and all-wool
materials. All new styles. Values
to $1.25, Saturday, at
Balmacaan or Polo styles. The hoys want something
to be thankful for also. Bring them in f?N f jm rn
Saturday nnd get them into one of Vv I A U
these, swell overcoat's worth up toptjy1-, UO b)
$7.50, which we are offering, special.
Balmaraans in the new Tartan mixtures. Button-to-Neck or Con.
vertlole t'ollars Every coat fully lined with flannel. Also Chinchilla
roats in Balmacaan styles or plain styles. About 100 of these coats have
Kah Kah raps to match In Grays, Blues and Brown shades. All slies
for boys 2 to 10 years
s Chinchilla UvercoaU
A very special lot that is well
worth coming to our Second Floor
for Saturday. These overcoats
are made of splendid wool Chin
chilla in Oxford Gray shade;
made in the Colo style. Good
$4.00 values sell for J0 QC
Saturday, at 4a7D
Boys' Mackinaw, $3 to $7.50
These Mackinaw coats are great
for wear, and there is nothing
better to keep a boy nice and
All kinds of Overcoats to fit
boys of all ages up to 18 years In
the Boys' Section on the Second
Boys' Suits With Extra Pants $
Some in This Ixt Worth Up To $7.50 Strictly All-Wool
Tartan checks; heavy weight blue Serge; new shades in
Tweeds and Cassimeres. Choice of all the new models.
For Big Boys
Correct In S yle, and Yon Sare
Up To $5.00 On the Price
We have just received a big lot
of long pants suits in Tartan
checks in Blues, Browns and
GreenB; also Blue Serges; di
agonals in Tweeds and Home
spuns. These are the newest
models Kngllsh patch pockets
or Semi-English models. Many
$15.00 values in this lot of
fered on our Second Floor, in
Boys' Department, special, at. .
Men's Sweater Coats. Gloves, Underwear, Etc.
Many big purchases of seasouablo wear at mere fractions of actual valne enable us to offer
really remarkable values in our Men's Furnishing Section Saturday. The backward season has
compelled many manufacturers to sacrifice prices and we have been on the alert to take full ad
vantage of these conditions. Corno to tho Big Store Saturday for all you will need in Furnishings.
- to Biinii
of good
Boys' Extra Pant Fuits
Many worth $5.00. None worth
tnau m.uu. Made
Tweeds and Cassi
meres in vsrlous
models of Norfolk
rants are fully lined.
All ages, U to 16
years. . .
Beys' Extra Pant Suits
Strictly hand tailored model suits that
equal the best $11.50 to $16.00 suits to
be had anywhere else. New English and
Scotch Tweeds and homespuns; Shadow
riaids In Cassimeres; Green and Brown
mixtures; smart light and . mm s
dark Gray effects. Satur- V
day at 410.00 and Vw
Boys' Sample Sweaters Worth To $2.00
In this lot are plenty of those large ruff-
necit sweaters that ail ye
boys want. The colors fill
r. flruvs nines and It l
Reds. Sites to fit all
boys, 2 to 15 years.
Choice, Saturday, at. . . ,
Men's Sweaters
One lot of about 850 samples and
odd numbers of fine Wool and
Worsted Sweater Coats, V-neck
style and large ruff-neck collars
also Byron collars. In all tho
latest shades
and styl
Worth uj
$5.00 choice. . . .
Hand-Made Sweaters
Like illustration. Worth up to $7. 6o
On sale Saturday, 85
All-Wool Sweaters
Worth up to $3 00 your di OP
choice Saturday, tor J X tOO
Men's Sweaters Worth Up to $3.00
All different styles. Shawl collars, ruff
neck collars, etc. Made of the best
knitted materials. Choice Friday (in
the basement),
Men's S Four-in-Hands
llero is a bargain that every man
should take advantage of to buy
a supply for himself or to buy for
Christmas gifts. There are 200
dozen in this lot both narrow
and wide ends PURE
31LK made by the
Phoenix Knitting Co. All
the new fall shades. They
are worth 60c and 75c.
Choke Saturday, at
Men's New Fall Shirts
One lot of about 125 dozen shirts worth
up to $2.00. All neat patterns. They
go on sale Saturday In two fg
lots at 81.50 "d ipiaVU
Men's Flannel ShHs
One lot of samples of shirts worth
$1.60, on sal. Saturday. 4 ((
Choice, at V X UU
65 Dozen Men's Hose
Woola and worsteds. Qualities that al
ways sell for 26o a pair. Buy i i j"
supply Saturday per pair. ... IOC
1750 Pairs Of Men's Sample Gloves On Sale Saturday
These gloves were made by two of tho best Qlovo makers in America Adler's and D. & P.
These are tho select and high-grade gloves from both of these makers. The entire purchase
goes on sale Saturday, in three lots.
All the fur and fur lined
gloveB lined with squir
rel, musk-rat, lamb and
coney; also silk and wool lined and
unlined Dress and Driving Gloves,
worth up to $7.50 per pair
Lot 2
All the lined and
unlined Capes, Mo
chas and Kid Gloves
and Mittens, worth up to $2.00
a pair. On sale Saturday
choice at
Lot 3
All the lined
and unlined
Dress and
Street Gloves, worth up
to $1.50 a pair choice
6aturday, at
Samples of Meis Underwear
1,000 Union Suits -
quality mercerized and
ton yarn. Union suits
lots as follows:
- Samples and odd lots of fine silk and wool, fine
wool and worsted mixtures; also fine combed cot
worth up to $5.00 each. On sale Saturday in three
Ail the fine wor
sted and wool
mixtures, wool
and mercerised union suits
worth up to $5 00 Choice
Saturday, at
Lot 2
ton union
to $3.00.
All the fine wool
and worsted and
fine combed con
sults, worth up
Choice Saturday,
f O A" tn medium
I fir a n d winter
-,UL weight cotton
and fleeced union suits,
worth up to $1.60 -choice
Saturday, at
We Are Omaha's Exclusive Agents for MUNS1NG UNION SUITS. Wonderful Values at $1.00 to $5.55