TO Jeff Must Have Been a Bit Raw with It i Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher : v esTerUxvr- t wetvr evto 8eR. fVN0 -toLO 8JLYtNDeV t DiONT HAtvc (Vsiv rM m.t .. ANti HB fcen Poo it rs w- .....A, Wi MQ - THm rONNY AN'T IT t J. ' your in "You 60 in "TfVT ITf J'LU VAAtT e how tr woR.." Bill 1 " tv- 5$f j Sir YOU THC "- BTtPtDeR.,. SO ', liil! U'Ul j 'Iff YALE AND hakWKD TO MEET Climax of Eastern Foot Ball Season Will Be Staged at New Haren. CHIMSON IS SLIGHT FAVORITE Seventy ThvnMBd lulrvraltr !'" Will Help Dedicate !Sw Yalr Bwl -Itrrerd f Tram id I'larrra. NKW HAVEN. Conn., Nov. :o.-(Sp-rial.) Th climax of he eastern foot l)rli oanon will b tBKrl nr tomorrow v.hfn tlc ten ma ot Valft and Harvard ttnitertillra mwt In the t hlrljr-flftli of the Intrr-varalty aerlra which began In 1H7S. During thla at retch of forty jcara lntorrollcluta foot ball and ltd attendant faturaa hava tmdfrgotia ia;rniknlilB avolutiona. Numroua rtiansra lit (ha rlaylnc tulea have bon mada and iijni the annctacular anil apftator'a mniK)lnt. In lh rarly day a of th rontaata tha l'iin met up. in tha college giean and fought out thnlr annual Kama, riniced ly a thin frlnita ot undrrraduatrn and tewn fotk. Admiaxlon charfaa wrra llher nomlnnl 'or entirely dlpenaed wltli and the checrlnv of the f i w hundred t'oi'tatnra unorRanlird and unlmpreslv. Wonderful progrcaa In tha popularity of foot halt hna hen made a'noa tha Initial Kama and tomorrow marka another eporh In tha irnnie, for tho elevoiia of 1M will battle In a atndlum larger nnd mora lm prcaniva than any etrurturc aver built for colleaa aport in thla country. Onto tha turfed and Hire lined arena of thla Medium will- trot tomorrow afternoon tho gridiron tquadi of rival unlverx tlea while more than 70,000 eitfctatom rheor the idayra and aubntltuten. mall fortune at Gate. The advance guard of tha thouiandn, who will contribute fully IMO.Ow to tha athletk' r.imjclatlona of tha two unlvor. altlaa for lb pr vlleifo of wltneaalna tha ;l(forni radically altered. All theea turiatlona In the fame and play alnk into liirlgnlflcam e when compared with (ho tftoat tranafo-matlon of foot ball ihej theory and method cf attack andmo are already pourlnir Into thla city by train, boat and motor car. Tha nlght befnre aallit-rlnc haa taxod tha capacity of tho local hoatelrlea to an extent never before experienced her and tho overflow hna bMn nhiinted Into private dwelllnga aa a laat reaorl for the night. Thla ruah li but tha forciunner of the thronga that are aeheduled . to dew-end upon ' New If.tven tomorrow. With a new atadlum -lth a aeatlng capacity almoat twice aa rreat aa tha former wooden atanda at Yule field additional thouaanda have tnken the opportunity to wltneaa one of the foot ball claaalra of tho year. More than S4 per cent of tha apertatora will coma from polnta outalde thla city. Ac cording ta the railroad management about 35,000 pcraona will be moved by apeolal trolna, twnty-flve of which will aurt from New York City and fifteen from Eoeton In addition to tha regularly aencduled aervlce. That tha gam Haelf, aalda from the dedication featuree ot tha new Tale "howl" and the aaaembllng of a lecord gathering of foot ball anthuataata, will prove aa exceedingly intereetlng contaat. la the general opinion af the eoachea and experta who have followed tha woik of tha alavena all aeaaon. Harvard . la a alight favorite In the wagering, due to the ahowlng made In the eight gamea played to data and tha fact that ferry Haughton and hi aucccanfut coaching eyatem hold full away at Cambridge Yale on the other hand la Juat flnlahlng the flrit aeaaon of a new campaign or foot ball under tha tutelage of Frank Htnkey, former captain and end at the Yale teama of 189 and 134. Oimaon la Kavarlte. Thli alight preponderance) of an poor t In favor of tha Crlmaoq la due chiefly, how ever, to tha better ahowlng made by Harvard In tha preliminary gamea of the achedule. Tha Cambridge eleven haa won all Ha garnet, with tha exception of the! ! i VOXTVE noticed that there is a vast differ ence in "mild cigars. Some are mild only for the first inch or two of smoking. Others are mild in the sense' of "tasteless. The mildness of tha Robert Ilurns is a dif ferent kind. .Its deli cate flavor last3 from tip to tip. It has the satisfying mildness which indicates care fully selected tobacco expertly Mended by the finest of hand work manship. Tell your dealer your favorite shape. He'll have it in the Robert Uurna. Incidentally ask bim to bow you the new "Invincible" thane. We . believe that it will please you. , t RoL Burns CigarjO Liltlo Bobbie OMAHA LAO WHO FLATS ON THE CORNHTJSKER TEAM. fL P. HUSKERS IHJEDAR RAPIDS Hold Morning and Afternoon Prac tice on Coe Field. HUSKY LINEMAN ON UNIVERSITY . - OF NEBRASKA TEAM. DETERMINED TO WIN FRAY 1 ? ."i ' H... - - til , . . I -151 a It WARREN HOWARD. touchdowns, goal and field goala were accorded a point value, Yale haa won aeventeen gamea to Harvard' alx, while five reaulted In tie contcata. In the total number of polnta acored the Ella have being: Yale, 77; Harvard. 107. Tho lue eleven have uhut eut Crlmaon teama on thirteen occaalona, while the Harvard vlc toriea ever Yale In which tha Ella were unable to acore number but four. In re cent yeara the Cambridge teama have developed a atrength when facing the Blue quite .unknown to the elevens of the 'to. In WOT Yale ended a airing of alx atraight victories and In the following Spirit of Confidence and Determina tion In the Men and All Arc la Good "nap for Pray Except role and Norrla. CEDAH RAPIPH, la., Nov. 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) Filled with a grim de termination to win. Coach Stlehm'a equal of CornhuBkers will Invade Iowa City tomorrow to battlo Coach Hawley a , Hawkrvea and with the oil Nrbraaka light well entrenched within them, It will only be a mnrvotoue defense thut can atop the ruah tomorrow for Cornhimker touchdown. The Huakera arrived In Cedar Kapitla from Omaha thla morning and shortly before noen Stlehm had hia charges out for aignal practice on Coe field. Again thla afternoon the Ne braaka lada went through the algnnla and it couU be eaally aeen that the old machine Is working with the same pre cision which proved the undoing ot the Michigan Aggiea and Kansas. The team is In good shape. Doyle haa a bum leg which will keep him from the game. IVIametre, tha Omaha lad, will tart at fullback, but Doyle may get a chance. Tat Norrla la also out. Ruther ford and Potter are limping a bit, but neither expecta to be handicapped very much. Team la Confident. The boys are confident of winning. While they recognize In Iowa a worthy foe they feel that nobody in the west Is superior to them. haa seversl neat and tricky playa which he has not yet disclosed this year and he will wont them on the Ilawkeyeg If his lads find themselves In a tight position. The Cornhuskers .discount, the bear stories emanating from Iowa City. It is considered that Hawley Is working a bit a la Stagg and that every regular will be in the line up tomorrow ready to do or die, desp le sneerllona that two Hawkeye atars will be out ot the fray. Nebraikani Clattering?. The Huskers will arise bright snd early in the morning to Jaunt to Iowa City and permit a reat before the game atarta. An advance guard ot both Nebraska and Iowa alumni la moving Into Iowa City. Quite a number of former Nebraskana who make their homea hereabouts have ordered aeata In the Cornhueker gectlon to help the Lincoln and Omaha dele gation boost for the Nebraska team. The latest pont-scsnon chatter made it- O- Y-S 5--u 'by. HALLIGAN MAY OFFICIATE IN CREIGHT0N-C0Y0TE GAME Vic Halligan, captain cf the Corn huaker eleven, may be tho third official at the Crelghton-riouth Dakota game on Thankaglvlng day. Elsenmann of Sioux City and Brennan of Ames have already been selected. Halligan was approached when here Thursday evening with hie squad of huskies, and It Im probable that tha famous Nebraska tackle will be the man selected. Victory for Reaervea. BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 30-(Speelal Telegram.) The Beatrice Reiervea won from the Tecumseh High school foot ball team Tier this afternoon by the acore of 2$ to T. One of the features waa a thirty five yard run by Stoll. Maxwell. Fulton, Stoll and Beolt atarred for Beatrice Thla Is the second time Tecumseh has been defeated thla season. Sport Writer of The Bee to Cover the Husker-Iowa Game F. 8. Hunter of the Bee aport ataff will cover big Nebraska-Iowa conflict at lows City today and his account of the 'ray will be In all Sunday editions. Mr. Hunter haa followed Stlehm and his men through the aeries of victories, which have compelled recognition of Cornhueker power both laat year and again this yesr, an! he Is well qualified to furnish a coherent account of this biggest game of the year. Mr. Hunter will also wire a running story of the game for the pink sport edi tion of Tho Bee Saturday afternoon. Camercn tfptltnat with Ptftfttv State, whlrh m.iiI tawl m .. iia mt it rt li ... -I- tr tor Hlnke)'. -w w n v a iiisti evn ramM llarvjirrl ran kin s4Aiihl tim-i ure .cor.. uiehi. .inn. .m. . reatorlng Yale to the high gridiron plane hold Haughton'a pupils to a single touch down mithout tha accomnanvlnic fltil goals which have marked .11 the other! Th ftnd 't""1" " !" contests. Yale has also proved that It "bto ,,n,up 01 ,hs two t,u,d" foltow' Mfl f LtMnsi'n imtaar Ti. tnll- O.i a alx year won one. loat three and tied UliMK , MlB81url want, to ,B th8 waa a aemre lo inec inia aiump rnrnhu.ker. In Rt ir . . . I - ui s va v-ilj. The Rollo team has trimmed Missouri I two. It In Yale foot ball that rauaed the call to What the new coach and his system of play haa dona toward Result of Wesleyan Morningside Foot . . Game by Wireless , On ita own gridiron at Univeralty Place yesterday, Wesleyan university defeated Mornlngslde college of Sioux City, 13 to 0. Wesleyan made1 Its first touchdown dur ing the first three minutes of the play and the aecond before five minutes had expired. The foregoing announcement relative to the game came by wireless from ). C. Jensen, wireless operator and professor of physic at Wesleyan. Here the report was received by R. B. Bhively at his pri vate wireless station St hia home, 5553 South Twenty-fifth avenue. The meaaage was filed at the Wealeyan wlreleaa sta tion and Instantly It was picked up here by Mr. Shlvely. formerly held by Blue I demonstrated tomorrow. teams will be York Flreaaea Win. YORK. Neb.. Nov. . 8peclal Tele gram.) Hastings and York fire depart ments piayea a game or toot oau inia porsessed a strong scoring attack, bit haa played erratic foot ball, eapeelally on the defenae. Two opportunities are offered for comparative acore analysis in the gsines againat Washington and Jefferson snd Mrown. Hsrvard defeated the Pennsyl vania team 10 to t on October R while two weeka later the same eleven won from Yale 13 to T. Against Brown the hi lie 'lined up a ' tesiri of regulars and substitutes lit about equal proportions so that tho victory ot 14 to T carries greater weight than the Harvard aubatltute eleven s scoreless tie with Urown. HI a lias Many Vletorlea. . . Whatever the relative merit ef the mi teams the Blue haa a long string of vle torlea over the Crlmaon to Its credit, when the series Is reviewed as a whole. In the earliest daya of the game hen the point a'yitein of acoring waa unknown, Yale gained a lead which aha has held ao firmly ever since. Since 1SSJ, when Sept. W.. Harvard.. 44 Oct. S... .Harvard. .44 Oct. IO...Hurvera..lU I 4K't. 17. ..Harvard.. 11 Oct. 4...Hurvard..13 Oct. 3i...;irvn .. ( Nov. T. .. Harvard. .80 Nov. 14. .Harvard.. 0 I YALK'8 1914 Sept. M..Yale & tKU 8. ...Yule 21 Oct. 1rt...Yalu So Oct. 17. ..Yale St (Vt. M...Yele 7 th-t. Jl...Yale 40 Nov. 7. ..Yale 14 Nov. 14.. Yale l ARE YOU A HLOOXE1RV Nebraska-Iowa Football Game at Iowa City, la., Nov. 21st GREATEST GAME OF THE SEASON The Rock Island will run a special train of Pullmau sleepers and coaches, leaving Omaha 11:30 p. in., Nov. 20th, returning, leave Iowa City 10 p. m., Nov. 21st. Hound trip railroad fare $11.02 Hound trip Pullman fare . ' Per standard lower berth $3.00 Per standard upper berth $2.50 Per tourist berth $2.00 For further information inquire at CITY TICKET 0FTICE, 14th and Farnam Hates bpringflcld T. 8. V. aan. and Jeff Tuft I'nn. Ktate , Michigan i'rlncaton Brown , ItHl'OHl). Maine Ylrsinla 0 I-el iKh 3 Notre. Dsme 0 V -li una jelf .U Colgate 7 Brown 7 Princeton It 1 1 A It V A K I . Weight llelaht A a. Poltlon and Name. It. ft. in. Yra. UK r. Coolhlge 1T & li 21 U T. F'aroon 107 ;t I.. O.-WeHton im C 3, 30 C Wallace 174 1 11 'A H. O.-ffnnock 3Vt t )H 2t It. T. Trumbull Vl i fl. K Hardwlcke ITI 5 II 3 Cj. R IKan l."J & Mi I.. 11 M-.-.hsn li 5 It "t R. H-Hrartlee I7x i 1IV4. L'l K.U-Krancke Ml Oi 39 YALE. We'Kht HelKht Ae Name and Poeltlon. Iha. ft. In. Yi. U K. HlsulnWotham ....V.J 5 , '.'I U T. Tullott tCapt.) I O Conroy and Washington of the Mlaaourt Valley conference, and wants a crack at Ne braaka. It la not likely that the mlnera will bo accommodated, aa the contest , afternoon, 41 to 0, In favor of York woum not determine any sectional super iority. The probable lineups for the game Sat urday are: NEBRASKA. I IOWA. Howard Halligan ... Shield Cameron .... Ablwlt 0 ' t oi ey ., Palla , . Potter J ! Uulherford , v Chamberlain X llttinelre . .UE.IR.E.. ,..UT.H.T ..Uw.ilt.U C.IC ..ko i ua. Up-to-the Minute OVERCOATS Do you want a Balma caanf "We have just the right kind with velvet or self collar, $15 to $25. Maybe you want a form fitting double breasted Overcoat. The reast, s&ys ,. it is the dope. Ours is as , dressy as any son Broad way, $20 to $30. If you want to dress wanner yet we can give you the best Ulster, 52 inches long with shawl' collar for $15 you ever saw. ftmmrty Magmt at XWaaer 4I S. I6ih JlJYH " 1 --.' -vl-- nr mm wu m ..RT. ...ii.n ...y.B. ...UH. .It.H. UT.... UE..., .H... W.H... I..H... ..I'.B.IFH CarberryJ ivira . Bruckner! Houghton! .... W:ion' .... Barron i Qunderaon I Gross i .... Parson : Garretaon ' .. Donnelly C.-Wlley R..-Waien .... R. T.-C Sheldon. U. K -W. Wl'son Q. M A. Wllmi . U II. Alnaworth " . Vrw'es ... F. B. Ue Oore ....y.x ....l.V ...14 ....ta ... lsj ....1M ....ITS ,...17 i 1 1 2 5 It v i x o 6 0 14 .t y -X w ?i :i si :'l GRAND ISLAND RE-ELECTS ITS OLD OFFICERS GRAND lSIAND. Neb.. Nov. 9D (Spe cial Telegram.) At an enthusiastic meet ing Of the Grand Island base ball asaocta atlon tonight Jamea Rourke, prealdent; Henry Schuff. Phil Glade, Dr. Sneller and KmU Wolbach, directors and George Cowton, eeretary. were given a vote of thanks tor pulling the Grand Island team from the bottom to the top In one short season and were re-elected by unanimous vote to serve next year. Henry 8chuft nJ Phil Glad were elected delegate to the atate meeting to be held Jn this city. were taken looking to the purchase of the grounda If possible and Pied Hurrlaoa waa chosen chairman of a committee to hold a fair. ' Uvlrat for Yaiklta telle.-. VKKMIMAV, . IV. Nov. V lSiM-iul Telegram. M'uth Dakota dafatrd Yank ton c. liega. CI to I 1 oucluio n: Mc cormick U. Ktrstvnon. euranua. Hraua 3j Field goal: k'levenson of Vaiikton. Soccer Teams Will Play Thanksgiving At an executive committee meeting held In the city hall the following representa tive teama were choaen to play the exhi bition game of eoccer at Miller park on Thanksgiving day. The kick-off will be at I p. in. : Klinwood Park. Goal Meullk . . H. P. R Holmqulst U f . B Kaaborg .. !C H. B Dai vllle " i' J" V I-Undquiat U H B Ei r nx.on .. Rt. Wing Anderson ..Rt. Wing Baldwin ..Center. For..Brlx (capt ) . U Wing Corey ,. U Wing Rogeraon .. Reserves Hurwood ..Reserves Skow ,. Raxerves Henderson .. Reacrvea... Brig Mt'Tasaart Measra. Watson and Lund. Miller Park. Rlch l. Mil Cocayno Pike1 lowden (capt.) Hoyle Ueuchar Henderaon l'.ckard I.eltch Gunn Bcollsnd Anderson Wt-ldon E. Laurenaon . Rt feree Mr, I.lneemen The Miller Park team la corn pose J of membera ot the Omaha City and Cale donians, and the Elm wood Park team of the Townaend Gun Company and tha B-191U. rtefereea for the league gamea were ap pointed aa follows: November 12 At Miller. Mr. Dalr; at E'mood, Mr Flemlns. November 37 At Miller, Mr. Dalr; at Elmwood. Mr. Uostock. December At Miller. Mr. McTaggart; St Klmwood. Mr. Fleming Brake a Raw High Wins. RROKRN BOW, Neb., Nov. Rpe eial About "vt people watched Broken Bow lllah school klrfcat Grand Is'and Ihla afternoon. 7 to 3. The game waa hard fouvht and faet, the featurea being the line plunging of rwrgent and Irtil. ntnre ot the locale. Brok.n )iow haa woat Mven gamea fed one and lost none, mak i iw them chnmpiona of west central Ne brail .. Kv.ra Plsri tinll. Cautaln Johnny Kv.ra of the Bravea has taken to aolf playing tor the winter 11 Troy. N. Y. THIS HUDSON CAR FOR BUSINESS MEN THE 1915 mol of tL always popular'. IlnJsoa ConTertilla RoaJ-' star or Cabriolet Las g seating1 capacity ff tare. Everything that naJs last year' l car so weLoms is founJ in acLJsd cosaplstessss. Mechanically the car snows 31 improvsmcnts and aivsjiocs. Tkctop folds readily and compactly. The window drop worn desired. VitV top ap it is ka entirely cloecdl coupe VitB. top folded it becomes a standard roadster. Two distinct car in one. Tic npkolstsriii j is ia solid IcatLcrr, orsr oil-tempered springs and genuine curled Lair V- ttfueimTly invtU fA atttntion efhuint$$ nm anj pkyneiatu te tki JtJtjktftJJy-JiftfmJ cur GUY L. SMITH, 'Service First" 2363-5-7 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. n. nil ffOn 5W-S9 C.bJnj mm i mi-i . . t. Xfcaxa) i