Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 15

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By MELLIFICIA. Friday, November 20, 1914.
I HEARD a good story the other day which Is very much apropos to all
this talk of cotton going about.
The place was a celebrated cotton affair held In Washington and
sponsored by Mrs. Clarke and daughter, Oenevleve, where everybody
was wearing a cotton dress, and the chatter highly recommended the ad
vantages of this homey product. Everyone Insisted that cotton was Just
the prettiest fabric ever, and always made Just the sweetest sort of a gown
Imaginable, don't you know. (You know the lingo.)
This was too much for a certain solon's wife, who suddenly ducked
and, too flabbergasted for words, tore madly to her modiste, who waa in
.the midst of fitting her out In a winter wardrobe of silks and imported
materials, with not a trace of cotton in them, and countermanded her
entire order
But why go to Washington for cotton talk when we are In the midst
of a young cotton industry hereT Dr. L'ggett and his son, Mr. Guy Lig
gett, have twenty cotton plants which they planted last spring In their
garden, and now any number of the bulbs have blossomed. This is one
cf the prettiest sights Omaha has seen In some time.
Fashion Hint
Mn. Webster Entertains.
Mr. John Le Webster M hostess
today at luncheon tt her homo. Covers
were laid for:
Mesrtnmesv- Meedarnr"
J. J. Hrown. John N. NaMwin,
Henry W. Yates, Herman Kountie,
John C. Cowln, ,, W, Unlnser,
.lames MrKennn, J. W. Oaontt,
Thomas Kilpatrlrk. C. I Manderson,
Benefit Musicftle.
The women of St. Bridget's church
will give a mualcalo this evening for
the leneflt of the slaters of the school.
It will . be given at Centurion hall.
Twenty-sixth and K streets. In Bouth
Omaha. Among thou taking part from
Omaha ere: Mr. Hijsmund Ivandabrrg,
pianist; Frank Mack, violinist; John
McCreary, tenor: Harry Burkley, barl
trine; Mrs. lo Hoffman, soprano, and
Mia Ruth Fly rui, pianist.
, Others on the program ares Mr. Oeorge
N. Hughe of Council Bluffs, Imper
sonator, and Mr. John Mullen of South
Omaha, dramatlo reader.
Elki bancintt Club.
. The Elks Dancing club gave Its second
dance of the season In Its club rooms
Wednesday night Tho next party wlU
be held on the- evening of December 1.
Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Themanson.
Mr. and Mr. J. J. MrMahon.
Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Kltsslmons.
IT. and Mr. Orant . liliame.
Mr. an1 Mrs. Harry llrandt.
.Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hhfpard.
Mr. and Mrs. charlra Dnitman.
Mr. and Mrs. Furl Ward.
Mr. enj Mm. Roy I'egau.
Mr. and Mm. Klward Kralley.
Mr. and Mra. Will lain !orrance.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlt- Moloney.
M ! Ml'
Marie Kuns, Mabel Houacman,
Helen Hrady, lnra llaarinan,
Klata Houeoman. lelen Keating,
Irene Hlglee, tdith Maloney.
Mary KngMab,
Mrasra. Messrs.
Ed Hewler, Jack Krost,
(. Iteynolila Harris.
Hra.forrt Freeman, Clarence Hall,
Claud Rife, Hart LeDron,
J. A. Rose bach.
f'College Hero" Heheanal
The acts tor "The College Hero" wilt
be rehearsed this evening for the first
time. All of the groups In the second act
wlU rehearse together at T:13 o'clock In
the ball room of the Metropolitan elub,
and tomorrow evening the entire first
act will be rehearsed. -
More than M young people will re
hearse each evening.
' Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday even
Ings of nest week, big stage rehearsals
wlU be held at the Brandels theater.
Pleaiures Put
Miss Ruth Simon gave a surprise party
at her home Wednesday evening In honor
of her brother, Edward Simon. Decora
glona were carried out In a color scheme
of red and green and the evening waa
spent In playing gam. Those present
Mlears Mtaeee
Anna Kitlakofeky, Jinnlu Kesnirk,
lioBB Conn, - Her t ha Lev I nr.
Hihm lllnlok, ctlgel.
Ida Zavltineky. Moil e Lrvovlts,
Fannie Kai-uein, Martha libovlta,
len Meyersun, Jennie Ninger,
tx-lma Wolfaon. . Huth Hlinon,
Meaara. . Meaara.
Kdward Blmon, Arthur r-lmon.
lienry Newman. Harry Himon,
Ju.ea Newman, Jack Pixel.
R. Newman, . Jack laaacaon,
Mas Kulakofaky, Arthur Muyerson.
Alia Zuvlilnaky, Raymond Cohn,
Cam Uobb, Charles London,
Nathan Btmon,
Theater Party.
A theater party was held Thursday
evening at the American by the T. P. P.
H. club.
Thoae In the party:
M tinea Miases
Iteaa Jnlinaon France La Hart a
Kmhiirtrup. - hoeaile Card
Koae Hoyce . , t'aihci I tie Hprlnger
rothy Bc.yce Kdna Mc:ioud
Agnea Redo leather liredford
For the Future.-
Mrs. W. VT. Kerr will entertain the
members of Maple Leaf chapter. Order
of the Eastern tsr. at a kenaington
Saturday afternoon, at her home, 37U
North IMnetaenih street.
' Wedding Announcement
A quiet wedding waa celebrated Thurs
day In All Balnta' church rectory, when
Rev. T. J. Mackay utiltsd In marriage
Mr. Henry Hansen and Miss Clara Hav
Ilk, both of Omaha. The attendants were
' Miss Mary Hansen ot Fremont, a sister
of the groom, and Mr. Reuben A. Fwulk
i of Omaha.
. Jolly TweWa Card Club.
The Jolly Twelve -jard club was en
. tertalned Thursday aflsrnoon at the home
of Mrs John Huffman. Prises for the
came were awarded to Madaiue Ida
Brown. W. E. Lane. W. E. Jones. Fred,
Fero and P. llaaford. The members are:
Meadames Meadamaa
Ida Wusil. ' John Hurt man.
I- Nye. Ida Hrown.
M. Ke). w. E. Lane.
M Whilcr. W. u. Jones.
W. G. Co. Fred Fero,
P. UoafurU.
La Icoa Dancing Party.
The La Icoa club alii give a dancing
party at the Prairie Park club bouse
ttils evening.
Benefit Luncheon.
The women of the First Presbyterian
church gave a benefit luncheon today In
, the church parlors.
To Give Dancing Party.
The Etevtrp dub win give a dancing
party at Chambers Tuesday. November
M. 111
Wedding Announcement
The wedding of Mist Edith Thomas and
Mr. Wayiand Magee will take plae Tues
t'sy evening at balf after o'clt-ck. at
the home of the bride's parent. Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Thomas.
The wedding will be very small, only
the Immediate family present There will
be no attendant Rev. T. J. Mackay of
All Saints' Episcopal church will officiate.
For Mill Oifford.
Mrs. J. E. Summers entertained the
season's debutantes at luncheon todsy
In honor ot Miss Ann Oifford. A Japa
nese garden decorated the table and cov
ers were placed for:
Mlaaea . Vllneee
Ann Clifford. Blanche Dnael,
Francea Hochatetler, Janet Hail,
Eleanor Mackay, A lie Ja'jolth,
Lucille Hat-on. Harriet Mets,
btelia Thummel,
Danoing Party.
The Pugalco club gave a dancing party
Thursday evening at Metropolitan hall,
i hose present were:
Miaaea- Misses
Helena Hahn, f.tii Aiulholland.
Wilnia Melon. Irene Ilaker,
lieaaie liongann. Genevieve
.ei. Courtney, Caiianan.
tioardenander, Frantea
Evelyn WHaon, .Mulholland, .
limine Fremart, l.nla .Marnh.
llaanl Ollhert, heaa Antonv.
Alma iirorterdnrp, Illanche ('ranch,
Ethel Jorgensen, Anna El aa,
Marsuerlt LnKan, Irene Rltter,
CUre Hroderdorp, Alma Hon.
Peas Pnrha, Korrlnne Haunrlers.
Elale Froatrum, Mabel Wilson,
Anna J. Ma her, Agatha Oawald.
.'try Maner. r;..rir,if1e Wllaon.
Flora Pence h. Wllh Vlltnn
Floaale Martin. Mi Ornixhy.
Pearl Stevenaon, Kate Luther.
Hae Jordan. Mlw r iermott.
Rail. t Agenla Parker.
Jare Bhnfer, Viola Hendefa.
fierthn Nerf. Mnv l-erkln.
Maud rTir. Panllr Rnvara,
Rertl-a Peterson, Ruth Ivsreon,
Khel Trron. Cam T ev.-ia.
Claire vKenno, l.urw twin
Rose Plpn. Inhe Pnherta,
Frances Pwonka, Vtinlce now.
Met ftorennrr. TOanrh "aiding.
Martre Mnliimhv, Cnrol Willis.
Irene RtoHenherg, Madeline Armour,
Ph'lomlna Perk,
VKff'rv, VV anatln.
Fmitin Wrtlwi. T.'llv Vuerav.
Caroline TMwards, Vetew T wkwood.
Vvn m, M, Wmttt.Vi.reay
t fiMf Tellnek, P.pher
Wth, parka. fin W.iln,
I ,i eiieo fUmv
Fannie T.lvlneaton. ChHnn Pavla.
Messrs. Messrs.
inrcu O. Shrum. Clyue a. Urawn.
VV. M. Vaugnn. Flank W lulitM.
Edward boat, J.I. Martin,
niittam itoetter, .:. W. uicahsch.
Ruy rhsjiks. . W. C. Meiiea,,
H. UwaiiKon. ' it. k. t aniwr. '
Ueorge Freeman, J. E. Peterson,
J. A. McUrath, T. M. Carliaie,
Fred U. Rutt. Frank w. Ulenger,
Chailee H. Verity, J. J. White.
11. j. eiange. Jl. H. Kuffner,
Ray Sorunaen, J. H. Nelson.
W. B. Parker, A. W. Jarvla.
Will Parsons Harry lrson.
Of Chicago. Ill.t Oacar Ilaa.
P. L. Kelley, J. Holden,
n. n. sillier. v. W. Overman.
F. llannosan, , Carl Southard
C. P. Marvin, H. J. Lameroux,
K. V. Bwanaon, Y. Whitman,
I.eoHannan, Will Cullen,
Walter Klager. T. I Oordon, .
Paul If. Muc Crone. J. H. Everett.
J. M. Wallace. James DHlrn.
Theodore Heuck, W. T. Lincoln,
H. A. Kibbler, John ftevena.
If. D. Hammond. A P. K'nilmll.
J. A. Hwanaon, T v TlndaM.
E. V. Kelly. V. L. Hawkins.
J. A. Ruglewlcs. Otto Pnuvlaa.
Frank E. Averholt, Lynn Hnmlllon,
P. .1. Oernett. Samuel Conner,
Winism Nlttler. Cyril Ambrose.
John McCaffrey, Thomaa n. lnox,
C. ,T. Menoeald. fl. II. Cnrtlr.
Fdwsnl T. Rellly, R. A. PIHer.
HernrT'nltt, P F. 8' Ml.
T. H. taalce, Ctisrlea l .urllow.
M. I Clevett, V. T CSer,
E. M. Mar. P. K te Voe.
Me. n f f. W Fnnts,
Mr. sl Mrs. William Toung.
Mrs. Ella.
. "
"eTfala.AnleaB WAAiwt
The wedding of Miss Anne Mary An
nundson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Annundsoa. and Mr. Leon Roderick
MacKensle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
ander MacKensle of Omaha, was cele
brated Wednesday morning at I o'clock at
Holy Trinity church, Hartlngton. . Neb.
Rev. Dr. Schuetsen officiated.
The bride wore her traveling gown of
navy blue broadcloth trimmed with lynl
fur, with hat to match.
Mlaa Blanche Suing of Spokane, Wash.,
waa the bridesmaid and wore a brown vet-
) '?
If It's In Styli J3er&b Bavt It.
If J3er&& Save It, It't tn Style.
Have You Been Waiting (or a Really Big Reduction on Women's Suits?
Then Be Sure to See Us Saturday. It's Our First Big Sale of the Season.
( i roup No. 1
Any $20.00 Suit
(J roup No. 2
Anv sf-'.'i.OO Suit
Oroup No. 3
Anv $35.00 Suit
Tailored suit of navy cheviot, wide
front panel to skirt formed by deep
crease. Three-quarter length coat, semi
fixed above waistline, with flaring
skirt. Plain belt, with pointed ends held
In place by a single button of dark blue
bone at each aide.
vet gown with hat and muff to match.
Mr. Eugene Kohn of Omaha was the
best roan.
A wsddlng dinner was given Tuesday:
evening to the family and very near
friends and the ceremony Wednesday
morning was followed by a wedding
breakfast at the home of the bride.
Mr, and Mra MacKensle will be at
home after January 1 In Berkeley, Cat.
Mr. MacKensle Is In the construction
business In Berkeley and until two years
ago resided In Omaha.
The Omaha guests attending were:
Mesdames Meadamea
Alexander Mac- Ionald MacKensle.
MU-a Norma MacKensle.
Mesers. Meears
Herbert Kohn. Eugene Kohn.
For War Belief.
Miss Daphne Peters entertained one of
the sewing relief clubs Thursday after
noon at her home. Those present were:
Mesdames Meeaamee
Jnck Webster. Ren Wood, .
Hsrold I'rttoneil,
Miaaea MiaiieB
Katherlne Thummel.Menie Davis,
Mildred Uutler. Elisabeth Bruce,
Elisabeth I'lckens, Elisabeth Davis,
Louise Dinning, Caroline Barkalow,
To Honor Gueiti.
Mra Oeorgs Brandels entertained at
luncheon at her home In Falracres Thurs
day In honor of Mrs. Boa worth and Mist
Lillian Rogers of Chicago. Covers were
placed for aloe.
Ooei Eait for Wedding.
Mrs. Israel Marx left Thursday for
Philadelphia to attend the wadding of her
niece. Miss Marlon Summer, and Mr.
Jaok Newman, which will be celebrated
Thursday evening of next week at the
Standard club In Philadelphia.
Pariih Aid Society.
The Pariah Aid society of All Saints'
church met this afternoon In the Wattles
Memorial parish house.
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
Mr. A. R. Woods and Mr. J. J. Morley
of St Paul, .Minn., wlU be over-Sunday i
guests ot Mr. F. J. Blosky of this city,
Mrs. J. L. Batchelder and Mrs. Max
Barrett, mother ana sister or Mrs. Isaac
Carpentsr left Thursday evening for
their home In Chicago, after having been
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter.
Mra C. M. Peters, department presi
dent of the Grand Army of the Republlo,
and her secretary. Miss Camlllla Elliott,
left this afternoon for Lincoln, where
they will Inspect the General Custer
clrule. .
This gale is offered while our as
sortments ere still complete- All
lses and all colors, in all the de
sirable materials and all gar
ments are In the very latest mod
els that are being shown in New
Women's Fall Coats
Odd Garments from Stock
Values to $15.00
Women's Fall Dresses
Silks and Serges
Values to $17.50
New Winter Waists
Silks and Lares
Values to. $4.75
Messaline or Jersey
Silk Petticoats
Worth $3.75
Don't miss this opportunity. Our
suits are marked so low anyway
that reductions like these on our
regular piicea offer you a rate
chance to be economical without
sacrificing quality or style.
Women's Fall Coats
Our Latest Models
Saturday Special
Pony Fur
Coats, $25.00
Women's Fall Dresses
Choice of the Stock
Up to $25.00 For
Black Chinese Wolf
Large Scarf and Muff
Per Set
Lingerie Waists
Worth $1.50
jsa eft DOUIAS
T70R tht woman who Jesires
quiet beauty in gilk hosiery
there is no more gatiefactory
stocking m the world than
McCalWs No. 113 or No. 122.
These arc black ailk hose of fine,
even weave, rich and delicate in
their beauty unusucl in their
wearing quality. Meodiog yarn
with every pair, v ,
Silk Hose Ja any eolor to saatcn gowsTor
slippers nay Ve oWaJ n I In days
notice if yoa ask let McCallam's No. 159.
Sold at the Best Shop
Sees for BooU "Yoe J. Ksew Sle
isttCanom Jjosterp Companp
Weetsiairlis. Mms.
A Chics go advertising man Is to be In
Omaha Tuesday evening to talk to the
Omaha Ad club on street car and bill
board advertising. The occasion Is to be
the monthly dinner of the Ad club at 6:15.
The talk Is to begin at 7:15. On these
occasions some member of the Ad club
acta as chairman, handles the arrange
ments for the speaker to suit himself
and gets who he pleases and on what
subject appeals to him. Robert Manley
Is to be the chairman of this meeting,
and It is Manley who has selected the
Chicago man to gfve the falk. '
method, that Omaha people have tor get
ting in instant touch with such opportunities.
Everybody, reads
Bee ;Want Ads
Cras am Coach Rejaesty.
Dr. King's New Discovery gives almost
Instant relief: first doss helps; best rem
edy for coughs, colds and lung trouble.
too and H W. All druggists. -Advertisement
Try a pair of Walk -Over Boys'
Shoes. They -wear and look well
Two More
New Ones
Overgaiter Tatterns with
Black, Gold and Peacock
Blue Brocaded Cloth tops
with the new Patent
oii, snort vamp
lasts. A
large dis
p 1 a y of
Fawn, Grey
and Brown
tops. A 1 1
the new
ones at the
S3.50 to S7
317 South 16th Street
:X -
mm I
e 1
Thomas A. Edison
When Edison says: "I have found what I have been look
ing for since 1877," will you take the trouble to find
out what it is? The things Edison spends 37 years
hunting for are worth knowing about. The
is an entirely new sound-reproducing instrument that
reproduces music just as it sounded when the music
was recorded. The machine tone has been entirely
You Should Hear this New Edison Invention
If Edison can afford to devote 37 years making you can afford to spend 13 minutes
time listening to the greatest Instrument tho world hag ever known.
There is only one place in Omaha where you can hear
and get the real tone producing qualities of the new
Edison. A place where you are courteously treated.
Come soon as you can stay as long as you wish
313 South 15th Street
SHULTZ BROS. Phone Douglas 4622