Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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By MELLIFICIA. Friday, November 20, 1914.
I HEARD a good story th other day which is very much apropos to all
this talk of cotton going about.
The place was a celebrated cotton affair held In Washington and
sponsored by Mrs. Clarke and daughter, Oenevleve, where everybody
was wearing a cotton dress, and the chatter highly recommended the ad
vantages of this homey product. Everyone Insisted that cotton was just
the prettiest fabric ever, and always made just the sweetest sort of a gown
Imaginable, don't you know. (You know the lingo.)
This was too much for a certain solon's wife, who suddenly ducked
and, too flabbergasted for words, tore madly to her modiste, who was In
the midst of fitting her out In a winter wardrobe of silks and Imported
materials, with not a trace of cotton In them, and countermanded her
entire order
But why go to Washington for cotton talk when we are In the midst
of a young cotton Industry here? Dr. L'ggett and his son, Mr. Guy Ltg
gett, have twenty cotton plants which they planted last spring In their
garden, and now any number of the bulbs have blossomed. This Is one
of the prettiest sights Omaha has seen In some time.
Fashion Hint
Mrs. Webster Entertains.
Mrs. John Le Webster wan hostess
today at luncheon st her homo. Covers
were laid for:
John N. Haldwln,
Herman Kountic,
0. W. Mnlnser,
j. w. wnnnftii
. J. Brown,
Henry W. Yatos,
John C Cowin.
.lames MrKfnnn,
Thomas Kllpetrl'ck, C. f. Mandereop,
Benefit Mniicale. '
The women of Rt. Bridget's church
will give a munlcalo thin evening for
tha benefit of tha slitters of tha school.
It will, ha given at Centurion hall.
Twenty-sixth and F streete, In South
Omaha. Among those taking part from
Omaha are:, Mr. Plxmuhd ' I.ndberg,
pianist; Frank Mack, vlollnlet; John
McCreary. tenor; Harry Burkiey, bari
toae; Mrs. Lm Hoffman, soprano, and
Miss Ruth Flytui. pianist,
j Others on the program ara: Mr. Oeorge
N. Hughs of Council Bluffs, Imper
sonator, and Mr. John Mullen of South
Omaha, dramatic reader.
Elk Dancinir Club.
Tha Else Dancing club gave Its second
ilanoe of the season In ita club rooms
Wednesday night The next party will
be held on the evening of December t.
Thoae present were:
Mr. and Mra. Paul Themsnson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. MrMahon.
I'r. and Mra. A. W. Fltinlmons.
IT. and Mra. Orant Wlilinma.
Mr. ani Mra. Harry Brandt.
Mr. and Mra. Ralph flln-pard.
Mr. and Mra. I'harlra Dnttman.
Mr. mid Mra. Karl Ward.
Mr. anl Mra. Hoy Fesau.
Mr. and Mra. Kdward Uralley.
Mr. and Mra. William Iorranre.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maloney.
Mabel Houseman,
M if
Maria Kuns,
Hflen Hrady.
fclele Houarman.
Irene HI(Iim,
Mary Knsllah,
Kd Hauler,
. heynolda
liora Hnnrman,
Helen Kratlns,
Edith Maloney.
Jack Krost,
)ra. ford Freeman, Clarence Hall,
Claud Rife. pert Le Bron,
J. A. Rosibach.
fColleg-e Hero" Rehearsal.
The acts for "Tha College Hero" will
t reheareed this evening for ths first
time. All of tha groups in tha second act
will rehearse together at T:U o'clock In
tha Kail rrwim nf tha tmnnlttnn ettitv
and tomorrow evening ths entire first
art will be reheareed.
More than 840 young people will re
lira rue each evening.
' Monday, Tueaday and Wednesday even
ings of next week, big stage rahearials
will ba held at the Brandela theater.
Pleasures Put.
atlas Ruth Simon gave a surprise party
at nor horns Wednesday evening In honor
of her brother, Edward Simon. Deoora
4lon wers carried out in a color scheme
of red and green and the evening was
spent In playing gama. Those present
Atuia Kulakofsky,
Hose t'uhn,
Hoa Itlulok,
Ida Zavlunaky,
Kannlr Kartiain,
.ena Meyereon,
tk-lnia VVoKaoni .
Meaara .
Ruward Hlmon,
Henry Newman,
Ju.en Newman,
R. Newman,
Mas Kulakofeky,
Alia ZuvlUnsky,
Ktm tiotib,
Nathan fcHmon,
Ji n ii In Keinirk,
Uertha l.evine,
lna Hlsel.
Moll.e Lscvovlts,
Martha ltbovlts,
Jennie Mnser,
Ruth Hlmon,
Arthur Hmon,
Harry Himon,
Jack tlKl.
Jark lauaceon,
Arthur Moyeraon,
Raymond Colin.
Charlea London,
Theater Party.
A theater party was held Thursday
evening at the American by ths T. P. F.
H. club.
Thoae la the party:
Misses Misses
liese Jnnnenn France l.a parts
Hull) Um.uufl. : Rowille Card
h'W Itajm . Catherine Knrlnmr
hv hnwa Br .1 ... u
iKirothy Hoyce
Agnes tieuo
Kllna M,W'l.ui.4
Kather Urautord
For the Futnre.;
Mrs. W. Yf. Kerr will entertsla the
members of Maple Laf chapter, Order
of : the Eastern ftar. at a kenaington
Saturday afternoon, at her home, 3711
Worth Nineteenth atreet.
Weddintr Announcement
A quiet wedding waa celebrated Thurs
day In All Balnta' church rectory, when
iiev. t. j. aiackay unit-id In marriage
Mr. Henry Hanaen and Mias Clara Hav
Ilk. both of Omaha. The attendants were
Mlas Mary Hansen of Fremont, a alater
of the groom, and Mr. Reuben A. Faulk
of Omaha.
Jolly Twelve Card Club.
The Jolly Twelve -sard club waa en
tertained Thursday efttrooon at the home
of Mra. John Huffman. Prlsas for the
Came were awarded to Vieadaiuea Ida
Brown. W. E. Lane. W. E. Jonee. Fred
Fero and P. Haaford. Ti.e members sre:
Meadamea kfesdamea
Jila Vluail, ' John Huffman.
ufi cirvwn,
1. Nye.
M. Ked.
H Wheler,
W. U..i.o
P. Haaford.
W. E. Lane.
W. K. Jonea.
Frea Kcro.
La Icoi Dancing Party.,
The La Icoe club will give a dancing
party at the Prairie Purk club house
tills evening.
Benefit Luncheon.
The.womea of the Firet Presbyterian
church gave a benefit luechoon today In
i the tburca parlora.
To Gire Sancing Party.
Ths EUrlrp club wtll give t dancing
party at Chambers Tueaday. November
Wedding Announcement
Th wwldlng of Ulii Kditb Thotnas and
Mr. Waytana Magee will take pla'ie Tuea
'iy cvtrning at bait after ocUk. at
the home of the bride s parente, Mr. and
Mra. J. W. Thomas.
Ths wedding will bs very small, only
the Immediate family preaent There will
be no attendant Rev. T. J. Mai kay of
All Saints' Eplecopal church will officiate.
For Mill Oifford.
Mra. J. E. Summers estertained the
seeaon's debutantes at luncheon todsy
In honor of MUs Ann Oifford. A Japa
neae garden decorated the table and cov
ers were placed for:
MineeK Mlnnee
Ann Oifford. Rlanehe Onset,
Krancee Horhntetler, Janet Hall,
Kleanor Markay, Aboei Ja'i'Hth,
Lurllle Hacnn. Harriet Mots,
btelia Thummet,
Dancing- Party.
Ths Pasalca club live a dancina tiart
Ihuraday evening at Metropolitan hall
ihoao present were:
Aitaaei- Mlaaea
Helen Hahn. F ti,i s, ulholiand,
V ilnia Meiotx, Irene Baker,
Ueaaie HouRann. Oenivee
.eiie Cowriiiey, Caimnan,
Boardenander, Frame
Kvelyn Wileon, Mulholland. .
IjOiilae Freman, Iila Mamh.
Ilaanl Oilbort u...
Alma Brorierdorp, Blanche Craiich,
h.thel Jfirnsninn am... t.'i
MareuetiiH I.OKen, Irene, p'ltter,
CUre Hrcdrrdorp, Alma Hon,
. V. "w rf.rrinne nHiinoera,
AnnaJ Maher. Agatha Oawald.
iryMaher,Me Wlleon.
Flora Itenaelti. triih iim
t loaiile Martin, Iria Ormnby.
Tearl Steveneon, Kate Luther.
Mel Jordan, MuM A'rl mrmott.
Ball. VarV
lere BhBfrr, viola Henrtrra,'
llArtha Keff u... i i
Maud Parker, r-eiiilr Itorera.
Bertr-a, Peterson, Ruth Ivron.
Fthel Lerimn. r-..u t ...i.
Claiee MfKenns, T.urv 1-win'
Woae rWron. Iuhl Poberta.
Franree Pwnnka, l'ntiire Dow
Beth Rnrahoff. BUnrh "-aiding.
Madre Moliimhv. Parol Wlllla.
Irene Atnltenhaeer Xf -. 1 1 - a - .
- . i" niinuur,
Ph'lomlna Perk,
Vefffrv. Vn, A (In
Fwnw Wrtlwn, T.'Hv Miiirn'v
Caroline Ftward. t(in t .i,:t
FVe a. M, Wmliv Vtierw '
I'lien Tellnek, WeWer.
Wfhl Peeka. .. ij..i
- I iifivnw Un.v ',
eanele T.lvlnewton. CsbHn ravl
Mesars. Mesirs.
mrou O. Shrum, Clyue a. Brown,
VV. hi. Vauaim. K,mi,i, a.
fcaward tooai, J. I. Alan in.
vviiaam boeuer, C. w. Biiu-abseh,
Roy Hhanks, . . W. C Meuea,.
H. HwaiiKOn. O, K. I miner,
Oeorge Kreemsn, J. E. Peicraon,
J. A. McOrath, T. M. CarllMia,
red B. Butt. Fraj)k W. Cilengsr,
Charle H. Verity. J. J. Whlta,
It. J. Blange. H, a Ruffner.
Ray Horvnaen, J, H. Nelaon.
Parker. a. W. Jarvis.
W III Pareona Itarry Iatsod.
of Chloago, m.l Oscar like,
P. L. Kelley, J. Holden.
H. R. Miller. F. HX Overman,
F. Hannasan, , Carl Southard
CP. Marvin. H. J. Lameroux,
K. V. Swaneon, F Whitman,
I. eo Ilannnn, will Cullen,
Walter K lager. T. I tlordon.
Paul H. Mac Crone, j. r. Kv.-rett.
J. M. Wallace, .lame DMlrn.
Theodore Heuck, W. T, Lincoln.
It. A. Mlbbler, .Tpbn Slovene.
H. U. Hammond.' A P. K'mbull,
J. A. Hwanaon, T v. Tindall,
K. V. Kelly. V. U Hawklna.
J. A. Ruslewlca. Otto lourlea.
Frank K. Averholt, Lynn Hiimllton,
r. ,1. Oarnett. ., Samuel Coonar.
William NIMler, c rll Ambroae.
John McCaffrey, Tnomaa R. lxinox,
C. J. Mcnof aid. fl. It, r-nrtlr.
Fdward T. Rellly, R. A. Witter.
Hrrr Cnltt. W F. S'nll.
T. H. laeke. Charla I udlow.
M. 1 Clevett, 1". v rBer,
K M. Mar. W. Ik Ie Voe.
Me. anA Vea. C W Fnnts
Mr. s"d Mrs. William Toung,
Mrs. Ellas.
welfawsta.Allwweaw VT7,4mwo,
The wedding of Miss Anns Mary An
nundien, dauahtsr of Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Annundaon, and Mr. Leon Roderick
MscKensie. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
snder MacKensis or Omaha, waa cele
brated Wedneaday morning at I o'clock at
Holy Trinity church, Hartlngtoa,. Neb.
Rev. Dr. Schuetwn officiated.
Ths bride were her traveling gown of
nsvy blus broadcloth trimmed with lyn
fur. with hat to match.
Mlas Blanche Suing of Spokane, Wash.,
wss ths bridesmaid and wore a brown vel-
I Vi)
If It's In Stytt J3er&b Bavt It.
Have You Been Waiting (or a Really Big Reduction on Women's Suits?
Then Be Sure to See Us Saturday. It's Our First Big Sale of the Season.
( i roup No. 1
Any $20.00 Suit
(Jroup Xo. 2
Anv 'J.j.OU Suit
Group No. 3
Anv $35.00 Suit
Tailored ault of navy cheviot, wids
front psnel to skirt formed by deep
crease. Three-quarter length cost, seml
fltted above waistline, with flaring
skirt. Plain belt, with pointed ends held
In place by a single button of dark blue
bone at each aide.
vet gown with hat snd muff to match.
Mr. Eugene Kohn of Omaha was ths
best man.
A wsddlng dinner was given Tuesday
evening to the family and very near
friends and the ceremony Wednesday
morning wss followed by a wedding
break faet at the home of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. MacKenils will be at
home after January 1 In Berkeley, Cal.
Mr. MacKensle is In the construction
bualnree In Berkeley and until two years
sgo resided In Omahs.
The Omaha guests attending were:
Meadamea Meedamea
Alexander Mac- Donald MacKensle,
Mlaa Norma MacKenxle.
Meaara. Meears.
Herbert Kohn, Eugene Kohn.
For War Eelief.
Miaa Daphne Peters entertained one of
the sewing relief clubs Thursday after
noon at her home. Those present were
Meadamee Meadamea
Jack Webeter, Ben Wood. .
Harold Prttehett.
Miurt- Mleaee
Katherlne Thummel.Menie Davla,
Mildred Butler, Kltiabeth Bruce,
Kllcabetli IMckena, Klliuheth Davis,
Louise Dinning, Carotin Barkalow,
To Honor Oueitt.
Mra Oeorge Brandels entertained at
luncheon at her home In Fslracres Thurs
day In honor of Mrs. Bosworth and Ml si
Lillian Rogers of Chicago. Covsrs wers
placed for Blue,
Goei Eait for Wedding".
Mrs. Israel Marx left Thursday for
Philadelphia to attend the wedJIng of her
niece, Mlas Marlon Summer, and Mr.
Jack Newman, which will be celebrated
Thursday evening of next week at the
Standard club In Philadelphia.
Parish Aid Society.
The Parish Aid society of All Saints'
church met this afternoon In the Wattles
Memorial parish house.
In and Out of the Bee Eire.
Mr. A. K. Woods and Mr. J. J. Morley
of St Paul, .Minn., will be over-Sunday
gueats of Mr. F. 3. Bloaky of this city.
Mrs. J. L. Batchelder and Mrs. Max
Barrett, mother snj sister of Mrs. Isaae
Carpenter left Thursday evening for
their horn In Chicago, after having been
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter.
Mrs. C. M. Peters, department presi
dent of the Grand Army of the Republlo,
anl her secretary, Mias Cajnlllla Elliott,
left this afternoon for Lincoln, where
they will Inspect the Oeneral Custer
This sale is offered while our as
sortments sre still complete. All
slscs and all colors, in all the de
sirable materials and all gar
ments are In the very latest mod
els that are being shown In New
Women's Fall Coats
Odd Garments from Stock
Values to $15.00
Women's Fall Dresses
Silks and Serges
Values to $17.50
New Winter Waists
Silks ami Laces
Values to $4.75
Messaline or Jersey
Silk Petticoats
Worth $3.75
Don't miss this opportunity. Our
suits are marked so low anyway
that reductions like these on our
regular prices offer you a rate
chance to be economical without
sacrificing quality or style.
Women's Fall Coats
Our Latest Models
Saturday Special
Pony Fur
Coats, $25.00
Women's Fall Dresses
Choice of the Stock
Up to $25.00 For
Black Chinese Wolf
. Large Scarf and Muff
Per Set
Lingerie Waists
Worth $1.50
A Chicago advertising man Is to be In
Omaha Tuesday evening to talk to the
Omaha Ad club on street csr and bill
board advertising. The occasion is to be
the monthly dinner of the Ad club at 8:15.
The talk Is to begin at 7:15. On these
occasions some member of the Ad club
acts as chairman, handles the arrange
ments for the speaker to suit himself
and gets who he pleases and on what
subject appeala to him. Robert Manley
is to be the chairman of this meeting,
and it Is Manley who has selected the
Chcago msn to gfve the falk. '
I'if 1'' a
e I m
Jh'OR tnt woman who desires
quiet beauty in ilk Hosiery
there is no more satisfactory
stocking m the world than
McCalW. No. 113 or No. 122.
These arc black silk hose of fine,
even weave, rich nncl delicate in
their leautv unusutl in their
wearing quality. Mending1 yarn
with every pair. "
Sil Heea ia aay eolor to sietea (owa'or
alipBrs taoy U oWeea on Inr dsvs'
aotiee if jroa eak lot MeCaUam's No. 153.
Sold at the Best Shops
Si foe DooUet. "Yes Kaew SVa
iHtanum Jailer? Compatr? x
j Weetaaisl.a. Msea.
method that Omaha people have for get
ting In Instant touch with such oppor
tunities. . '
Everybody, reads
Bee; Want Ads
( mm Coach Rejaedr.
Dr. King's New Discovery gives almost
Instant relief: first dose helps; best rem
edy for coughs, colds snd lung trouble,
too and H.00. All druggists. -Advertisement
a .
t - - - - i
f 1
Try a pair of Walk -Over Boys'
t i tits . .
tMioeg. j Ley -wear and look well
Two More
New Ones
Overgaiter Patterns with
Black, Gold and Peacock
Blue Brocaded Cloth tois
with the new Patent
Colt, short vanin
lasts. A
large dia
play of
Fawn, Grey
and Brown
tops. A 1 1
S3.50 to S7
the new
ones at tlie
317 South 16th Street
- t t :
VV'? J
awV '
Thomas A. Edison
When Edison says: "I have found what I have been look
ing for since 1877," will you take the trouble to find
out what it is? The things Edison spends 37 years
hunting for are worth knowing about. The
is an entirely new sound-reproducing instrument that
reproduces music just as it sounded when the music
was recorded. The machine tone has been entirely
You Should Hear this New Edison Invention
There is only one place in Omaha where you can hear
and get the real tone producing qualities of the new
hdison. A place where you are courteously treated
Come soon as you can stay as long as you wish
313 South 15th Street
SHULTZ BROS. Phone Douglas 4622