Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1914, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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Omaha Daily
War News Cables
In Addition to
VOL. XLIV NO. 134.
On Tralae sad at
total Haws Standi, So.
Work is Besumed on the Fontenelle
Hotel and the United States
National Bank Building.
How the Difficult? la Settled la Not j
HeTealeid, Although it la "aid
the Bricklayers Were
Made Arbitrators.
The thirty plasterers who struck on the i
fontenelle hotel job last Monday went
tack to work at 10 o'clock yesterday.
Just how the difficulty was settled Is not
known to the general contractors or sub
contractors. "It was a difficulty between the tile
setters and the plasterers as to whi h
Shbuld be prlvllened to do certain work.
said Charles Anderson of Anderson Bros.,
contractors, who have the plastering Job.
"Now they have settled It some way
and are all back at work. I did not In
quire Into the details of how they set -"
tied It I only know that they arc back
at work, and so long as they are all
working, that Is the Important tiling to J
we." I
Bricklayers Arbitrators. !
It Is known, however, that in a general
way the matter was a few days aito sub
mitted to the bricklayers' union for arbi
tration. The question was whether tho
plasterers or the tile setters should spread
the coat of cement thafniust bo put on j
the tile wall before the marble facing is j
set. The tllo setters declared the spread
ing of this cement was their work be-j
cuuse It was a .part of the tnak of set- j
ting the marble. Tho plasterers asserted
It was their work because It was praotlc- I
ally the same as plastering. Tho tllo set
ters came back with the argument that
If they should let the plasterers put on
this coat of cement and then follow them
up with the marble, the cement would I
be hard and dry before they could get
to it, and thus the marble could not be
made to stick. They held this was un
reasonable. When tho matter camo to the brick
layers for arbitration, they rather took
the view that the tile setters' side of the
contention and circulated papers getting
the views of the unions in other crsfts
on the matter. The result was that a
largo list of signatures was readily piled
up In favor of the tile setters' sldo of
the question.
Tho plasterers are back to work, and.
as tho contractors agree, that Is tho vital
Issue with the man who Is trying to
finish a Job by a given date or pay a
Omaha Invites the
State Teachers to
Return Next Year
Secretary E. 'U. Graff of the Nebraska
ritate .' Teachers' association is mailing
8.000 ballots to school teachers to vote on
association officials. Ballots are also be
ing mailed for voting on the place of the i
next meeting. With these'ballots go tho
invitations of Omaha and Lincoln, the
only two,. cities in -the race for the con
ventlon, V
Suffrage Campaign
Expense List Filed
The suffrage campaign In Nebraksa. 1
beginning December 20", 1M3, cost 16,824.17,
according to a statement filed at the
court houso by John L. Kennedy, treas
urer of the local suffrage association.
Contributions amounted to S0.S4XS0, lcav- 1
Ing a balance of 119.63. Mr. and Mrs.
Kennedy have rontrlbuted 12,500 to the
cause- of suffrage, according to state
ments filed.
Warmer weather has returned to Ne
braska, according to the reports to the '
ntllroads and throughout the state, tern- '
pcraturea ranged from 10 to 48 degrees
above ro. Axhland, with 10 degrees
ubove, was the coldest point In the state.
The waim spots were out In the western
portions, with corresponding high tern- .
eratures over In Wyoming. ;
Generally it Is clear, though the re- '
ports from the far west portions of
Wyoming and Montana Indicate that out !
that way a storm Is brewing. i
A. Silvers, SMI Heward street, a peddler,
received several severe cuts and brumes
when a wagon in which he was peddling
apples overturned at Thirty-fifth and
Boyd streets as he was turning the team
around. Silvers was carried to the home
of Floyd Knee, 8345 Boyd street, and
later taken home In the police patrol. His
partner, A. Wlltken, escaped Injury. The
horses, after running several blocks,
were stopped by John Beall. -
Foley's lloaey tit Tar Compoaad
(or Crais.
Croup scares you. The loud, hoarse,
croupy cough, choking and gasping for
breath, labored breathing, call for Im
mediate relief. The very first doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will
master the croup. i It cuts the thick
mucus, clears away the phelgra and
opens up and eases the air passages.
Harold Berg, Mass. Mich., writes: "We
give Foley's Honey and Tar to our chil
dren for croup and It always acts
quickly." Every user a friend. For sale
by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement.
Funeral services for the late John W. i
Reese, Omaha pioneer, who died Mon
day, were held at the Elks' club rooms
Thursday afternoon. Rev. T. J. Mackay :
officiated at the ceremonies and burial '
was in West Uwn cemetery. Brother
members of the Elks acted at pallbearers.
Barklea's Arlaca Halve
-ured Ben Pool of Threet. Ala., after
elng dragged over a gravel roadbed,
(toothing, healing, antiseptic. 26c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
-Phone Doug. 137
1Mb Paper Us FaMy BAtMniig With MwBet There Is Menu
More Hp(0)rtainit t Ym Thanu That M(gMd TMs Fag
Sample Line of CREPE DE CHINE UN
DERWEAR. Including Values
of $6.95 to 119.30a Choice $4.95
OUR .representative who was recently in
New York was fortunate enough to pick
up the lot at a big reduction from thr whloe
pale price. The lot includes the samples from
which the maker took his orders, including
Chimin Petticoats Combination
Bloomer Gown
Petticoat and Bloomer
Combined, Etc.
Made In a great variety of exquisite strips
from a fine quality of rrepe de chine and
flimsy laces, and in a range of new shades to
suit every fancy. The regular selling prices
would range from' $9.95 to 119.60, but we
offer you choice Saturday at $4.03. Just
this thought further Early selection la beat.
Burgess-Bash Oo Second Floor.
:i 1.
These Gloves at
95 c Are Broken
Lines, $1.25 Val.
BUT the assortment Is excep
tionally good Including wom
en's tan cape gloves. 3-clasp style;
also white and dark long gloves.
When you see them you'll agree
they are extreme values.
Kid at Bc
Two-clasp kid. broken assort
ment of sizes, slightly soiled,
worth $1.00 the pair.
Children's tJloves.
We specialise on gloves and
mittens for children, featuring the
famous "Panforth" make Includ
ing all styles and colors, with new
stltchlngs in fact. Just like moth
ers. The. price, 60c to $1.50 the
Burgess-Bash Co. Mala rioor.
With the First Real Cold Wave
Come these- Splendid Coat Values
News For You Who Need A Few Pieces to Complete Your Supply
Women's I'nlon Suits 50c
Fine white cotton, fleece
lined, high neck, long
sleeves and ankle length,
mill soonds, but extreme
values at &c
' 50c Corset Covers 35c
Just the garment for this
kind of weather; high
neck, long sleeve, tape
at waist, fleece lined,
extra sizes.
Wouiffn's I'nlon Suits 75c
Regular or extra sizes,
white cotton, fleece lined,
long sleeves, ankle
length, low or Dutch
neck, elbow . sleeves,
sizes 34 to 44- .
Women's I'nlon Huits
at $1.50
Heavy weight spring
needle rib, ' all wool,
white and natural.' slight
ly Imperfect, ' but very
Men's Union Suits, Worth to $3.50. Saturday $ 1.98
Here's one of the biggest underwear values we've offered this season and right at the time you want
It most, too. v. ; . i
It's an assortment of men's union suits including such famous makes as "Wright," "Cooper," "Mosco"
and others, natural wool and silk,. heavy mercerised; cotton, etc.. cvory one a perfect garment, but not
all sizes in all makes. Taken from regular lines, to $3.60; sales price Saturday, garment . ..$1.08
"I.evis" I'nderw ear $1.25 to $5.
The tailor-made kind that fits,
regular and stout sizes, medium
and winter heavy weights, prices
range $1.23 to $5.00. . .
Men's Underwear, $2.08.
with double front and back,
made of fine wool mixture in
natural, . gray and flesh color,
with the elastic rib; price. .$2.08
2-Plece Underwear, $1.50.
Heavy 2-piece .underwear, nicely
made with re-inforced seat, in.
natural, gray and fawn color,
per garment $1.50
Drugs and Toilet Articles
shampoo, 60c
size 29
Java rice pow
der, 60c size,
for 3G
Almond Lotion,
60c size,. 39
malted milk,
$3.60 size
for ...$3.1U
Pompelan mas
sage cream, 76o
size 49
Pinaud's lilac
toilet . water,
at 54f
Monoxide tooth
powder . . 14
B a be o c k
Corylopsls tal
cum powder,
at lHt
K o n d o n.' s
catarrh Jelly,
60c size, 2t)c
.AH 60cAbonlta
preparations, -
for 20
Bell's pine, tar
and honey, 60c
size ....20.
Beef, wine and,
.iron, $1 size,'
if or- ... .'42
Scott's Emul
sion, $1 size
for 64
Pape's diapep
sln, 60c size
for 34
Denver mud,
60c size. -20
36c size. .24
Llsterlne, 60c
size - . . -2ff
Several hundred 2-quart combination fountain syringe
and water bottles, regular $1.50 values;. Saturday, at...
W t 1 1 1 a m a'
shaving soap,
cake 3
1 quart house
hold ammonia.
for 13s
Sanl flush,
can .... 17t
T o 11 e t paper,
crepe finish, 7
rolls ....25t
Toilet paper,
crepe finish, 4
10c rolls. 25
20-mule team
borax, lb.
for . .'. : . :)g
Liquid Veneer,
60c size, 37
Chamois, $1.10
values . .08t
' Gloria' cushion
brushes, $1.60
'values ,180c
Lee's hospital
cotton, 1 lb.
'or 23
Men's 50c to $1.00 Handkerchiefs at 19c
T'S an assortment of men's high-grade hemstitched handkerchiefs;
linen with V, and H-lnch hem; band embroidered initials.
Slightly soiled rrom display and handling. Other assortments 6c to $2.
Women's 2Rc Handkerchiefs, 13c.
Pure linen, hand embroidered corner.
Women's Handkerchiefs, 6 for 45c.
Fine emerald lawn, with initial.
Ieave Your Orders Now for Monogramlng and Initialing.
Burgess-Bash Co. Kain "floor. '
American Be a u t y
Were $15, $18.50 and $20.00.
BEAUTIFUL : new creations, all
... trimmed - within the past ween.
portraying all the very latest ideas, In
eluding the new "American Beauty'
and "Putty" Hats.. Stylish,. Individual
hats that any woman will take pleasure
in wearing.
Burgess-Bash Co. S.eona floor.
Girl s 25c Books. 21c
ALL new, clean books by Mrs.
Mead and other celebrated
authors of girls' books, Sat. at 21c
.V (Shelf Paper, Two for 5c.
White, pink and green, scalloped,
fancy pierced border. Co. Mala Xloor.
40c whipped
offer regular
cream choco
lates at lb., 25c
Penochl, horns-made, lb 25c
Yucatan Chewing Gum. 2 pkg. 5c
Cocoanut Brittle, home-made, lb. SSo
Bargees-Bash Co. Basement,
Men's Ultra Fashionable
Shoes, Special, Pair, $5.00
rPHE shoes we are offering to men at this price are
positively the best shoes that can be built for the
money. Button and lace styles and a variety, of
shapes, including both staple and ultra fashionable
models. Mahogany, Russia Calf, Patent Colt, Black
Vlci Kid and uunmetal leathers.
Women's Dress Shoes, $3.50
Newest models in button styles made from
patent, vlcl kid and gun metal leathers. Black
cloth and kid tops, recede and stage toes
These shoes have the snap and finish that make
ttntfn very desirable.
Misses' and Children's Shoes i
Button shoes for school and dress
Mr. In natent anri ariinmAtal loath
' rAmfApt.h U m wl A ..... ,f.. CkA..
that give service. Misses' sizes. 11 to
I, $2.25 to $2.75. Children's sizes. sv to 11. $Z.O0 to $2.50.
Bnrrsss-Bash Co. stain Floor.
Fresh Cut Roses and
Carnations at 2c Each
Frrsh cut. Ions; stem, assorted colors
and whit, epeilal at Cut rlower sec
tion, tacli
Burgees-Bash Co. Mala Hoot.
I . : If.';
' - - ' '(
W. V
liest You Forget
A Sale of Rugs
Next Monday
That will afford saving possi
bilities of
33 t 50 Per cent
off Regular Prices
Heet Sunday papers
for full
RIBBONS for Fancy Work, 15c
FANCY prints, satins, taffetas,
etc.. five inches wide. Very
desirable for making fancy work
for Christmas gift giving.
Bnrrsss-Bash Co; Mais moor.
REPltHSKNTINCVa timely offoririK
a splendid gathering of good
warm eonts in a great variety of
styles, materials and coloring.
Mixtures, broadcloths, vicuna cloth,
zebiline and Curltex, sonic finished
with plush collar and cuffs, others
with large shawl collar of same ma
terial. Ijoosc fitting and Kedingoto
i l rri i i
siyies. me values are really un
usual at
$10, $12.50 $15
and $19.50
Beautiful Vclour, Broadtail
and Broadcloth Coats
$35 to $95
An exceptionally good line for se
lection, all beautifully tailored and
finished. Some with larire fur collars.
.The dresses represent the season's very newest ideas in style, materials and colors, and the range
of selection affords vry unusual opportunities for buying a handsome dress for street or afternoon wear
at an extremely low price
Fine serges, silks, velvets and satins have been employed In the making of the plain or combina
tion effects. Some have full flare tunic skirts with panne velvet vest and fur trimming; others velvet
and satin combinations. Scores of pleasing styles in the most favored colors.
This Is FurWear-
ing Weather For
a Certainty
BUT it caught many un
prepared. How about
We are prepared with a
splendidly selected ejtoek ot
standard small furs and novel
ties, with fur and fur lined
coats all guaranteed.
Though it is generally known,
there In no harm In our remind
ing you that all furs In the Bur-gess-Nash
Store are true to
And now Is time to take advan
tage of the splendid selection
for these cold days will make
many of the most attractive pieces
Burgess-Bash Co. -lcond Floor.
Boy's Long Warm Chinchilla
Overcoats Saturday at $4.98
Bargees-Bash Co. A.cond rioor.
Mothers Will Welcome This
Coat News For The Little Miss
JUST the sort of overcoat the boy wants. Made
of good quality of Chinchilla, in sizes 9 to
17 years. Ulster style, with shawl collar and
belted back. Bluea only, very special.
Children's Overcoats, $3.45 to $12.50
Chinchillas, . Cheviots, Tweeds and Imported
Homespuna, in the latest models and colorings.
! Boys' Winter Suits, $3.45 to $16.50
Latest models and patterns of the season. Single
breasted 'Norfolk! in cheviots, tweeds, homespuns
and worsteds. Every suit guaranteed to give satis
faction. Boys' Warm Sweaters at $5.00
Boys Shaker Sweaters in blue, brown, Oxford
and bottle green, pure worsted; special at 95.00.
Burgess-Bash Co. Fourth Floor.
IT tells of splendid assortments and unusual values good
warm, stylish garments that appeal to the little miss and
mother alike.
Girls' Coats, 6 to 14 Years, $4.95
Good heavy materials In brown, navy or green, with plaid collars,
cufte and beltB.
0 iris Coats, 6 to 14 Years, $5.95
Smart little cape coats ot fine aebellne, in brown, blue and green.
Girls' Coats, 6 to 14 Years, $7.95 v
: ; "Military cape coats, trimmed with velvet, or. buttons, '.In blue,
brown and green. . , , , . t l-
Misses' Coats, 14 to 18 Years, $7.95
College coats in plain colors, heavy winter weight materials. In
navy, Copenhagen and brown.
Child's Coats, $3.98
to ases Is to years; Chinchillas and corduroys, gray,- navy and
Child's Coats, 2 to 6 Years, $5.00
Kxtra fine quality chinchilla cloth, corduroy and velvet, some
belted eflects.
Children's $1.25 to $1.75 Hats, 79c
A beautiful assortment of pretty little styles, In velvets, cordu
roys and plush, splendid assortment ot colors.
Children's Sweaters, Special, 98c
All wool coat styles. In a variety of colors, sizes 0 to 14 years,
extreme valuea at the price. Co. taoond Floor.
Marabou Sets. Muff and Collar, $12
A BEAUTIFUL selection in gray, brown and natural,
very much in demand and specially priced.
Dainty Neckwear Novelties, 50c to $3.50
Including the doublet collar, fancy lace clover leaf collars, new
maline neckwear and novelty Tilings in a wide range of selections.
Burfss-Basa Co Main Floor.
Big1 Reduction Saturday
Truck's bass burner has a double base which fives
It twice the hot air circulation of any liase
Burner on the market This causes it to dolKer
twice the amount of heat with the same amount of
coal. .
Duck's Base Burner, regularly
MO.00, Saturday
Buck's llaxe Burner, regularly
' t5.00.'8aturday
Buck's Base Burner, reg-ularly
170. 00, fcaturduy
Buck's Baae Burner, regularly
176 00. Saturday
Buck's Red Oak Heater, recularly
118.00. Saturday
f - Inch Stove 1 Lare Japanned i Oood
pipe, clear blue, I coal hod a. Hat- I scoops,
Saturday ,to I urday SOo I day . .
Savory roasters, ovil. , Large slse Savory roast
seamless, self baa tin if er. oval, seamless, aelf
and sanitary Se 1 basting and aanitary PBo
Women's Good, "Warm
Winter Coats
... ao
That Were Priced $10.00, $12.50
and $15 00
THERE'S moro than twenty-five dif
ferent styles to choose from. Made
of good, warm serviceable materials, in
cluding chinchillas, heavy coating mix
tures, melton, etc.; all desirable dark
If you have need of a good, warm
serviceable winter coat this is your op
portunity. Coats that were formerly
priced at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 of
fered, at your choice, for $5.00.
Boys' $1.50 Sweaters, 48c
Boys' and Children's Sweaters in all colors and aizee from
Many of thebe garments are all wool and are worth up
to $1.00; very special for Saturday
Boys' Gloves and Mittens
In buck, reindeer and home hide, heavily fleece lined, also
gloves and mittens; Special for Saturday, at 15c, 23c, 3Wc and 40c
Men's $3.50 Shoes, $2.65
Broken lines from our entire stock of men's $3.50 tan, Kussla calf
shoes, In both button and lace styles, rock oak and Goodyear welt
sewed soles and leather inner back stays and top An C
facings, at, the pair P00
Women's Dress and Street Shoes, $2.45 .
Button styles, made from patent and gunmetal leathers, light or
medium weight soles, plain and tipped toes, cloth or kid tops,
Spanish or Cuban heels, fine fitting and very com- Jr Mr
fortable; Saturday, the pair Jae4r
Children's Shoes at $1.33
Button stylo, gunmetal and patent leathers, sixes 8ft to 11.
Misses' Shoes at $1.69
Button styles, gunmetal and patent leathers, sizes 11 to 2.
!4 to 34.
Burgess-Bash Co.-
1osessMash team
"everybody's store"
J .....
Free Lessons in ART
Embroidery for Children
Are given by a competent instructor
v.ry Saturday morning, from to 11:
adults, 13 to I p. lit
Burgess-Bash Co. Third moor.
i i
1 1
I 1