THK HKK: OMAHA. KM DAY. XOVKMMKK -0. 1HH ron ufxt llnaaea unil I ntliiri. NICE -room fl At newly psperel and ln!ntd; bah. gas. hot and cold atrr. electric light; IK c r month. 31h-!S l.ea fn worth. Elegant 9-room hiodei-n brick Snart ment. newly decorated, l.rf) per month. 84'i 8 291 h St. Modern -rooni d'lf hM dwelling; oak finish, beautiful ard. newlv decorated. 6ii per month. 1022 S. 29th St Nice little 6-room cottatc, bath. loilt. cleotrlo light, life per month. ?H4 Vinton St. Eleaaht 9-room, houre. f.X) per month 112.1 g. 21Hh St. 6-room cottage. 2044 Vinton. ga, etec. Tin light, hot and cold sArr; Inside toilet. 8)5. J. 0. 1SH, Executor, Tf-3 Jlst Ave. Phnn- Harney 24.:. ATTRACTS OF TITLE, Kt KH Title Ouaramee and Ahatract Co., mosera iMitd office. JUfc 8. ITtb Et rhone iKinglaj i4'7, Rt- Eli" Abstract CoTIlTab7rract of fice io Nebraska. 1'ianitt Theater. KKAL KSTATK. 1OAXH CI TT and farm loan- J. H. Dumont Co. 1 Fi -i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET !rv; no-' n:;;;. V.t-W'.V1-'; OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET'' at Ml if 4 71 mam, umana, WANTED City loan. Fclcre Trut Co OMAHA liimiri East Nebraska farme. O K4iKKU REAL. ESTATr. CO.. 1'1-t Omaha Natl. , lxmlaw "Til. HAKUIHUN 4 MOhTOM. sl Um, Natl. UAUV1N BliOS Vtri?aSt Importing Countries Continue to Absorb American Grain. DO NOT KICK ON THE PRICES Warrlat oanfrle A re IMrklna t Alt the Aralliklr Foodeteffa at tke arloaa tiotatl Frnlaree f Trading. I Fix !'!( - l i l itnard PA tll.KV-VW UTt-V II n-MJi m URAN-C.V. t'tiRX-Xn, 'I yellow DATS-Nn. 1 white, FL.Xl.44il.M. .".sunil 46viv 1MIH tiKNKKtk M.HKKI 1-lh cartons. .-; No. REDUCED from I7..V to M.V) for winter. small bungnlow on ti' of town. Kxtrul lota for garden tins f V n. fi'i Paxtou i Wit. EIOHT-ROOM dwelling, s'rictlv modern. low rent. Call nt IOC.) Si -th St. Phon Harney 2316. For Kent . A pretty R-room b'inBlow. all tnoUern. located rlOFe to far line and arhool; fur nnce heat: full cement bnaement. Call Walnut 682 after p. m. tonight. v 1 ut arm loan Kloka Ins A o. Omaha WAX rK7.:Uy iona and aarranla. V, Tarnam omitli 4r Co. l.t) Karnam. C1TV piotHTtv. . II. Ke loans a srerlalty. Thoman, I.'N Stato Hank Hldg. H io Ik.OV nifiur tirimpt:y. K. l. W ead, Hd Bld(r , ISth and Karnam Sta. 'i . ' UOM, on Pand lor city and t rm loana. Hank Kldf. i.OAKS. Hernia. i:ar!lxra Co.. S1K-312 Hrnn.lrls Theater llida. H. W. Bmder. Ctty Natl. CITY SKK us firnt If you want a farm loan. Urited ytatci Trust Co.. Omat.H. Neh. KKAIi KSTATK NORTH SIDK 41S no noi Tatrlrh. -4 rtKima modern. A. 411I Itee IHila;. T"l. H. XM. fed rates. mod., nr., lis. Warm hoiif, a for winter at red WIS Woolworth Ave.. S rooirii, lfin JC. Crtth, rooma, mod. ex '.tllf? Jteward, rooma. U. 2T0S Karnam. S loomr, mod. hri'k. IjO. 14 N!. ?4th. 10 room, mod.. 3S. RINOWAI.T. Ttrandelii TheHter Pldir. BRAfTIFl'TI home. ?-r. lWT:n7mp7. ruaa and draperies will be left, strictly modern. 133. HASTINGS ft HEYPF.N, 114 Harney St. CT.OSK in, IA.TIVOS MKTI'KN, rooms. mod.. 1S14 Harney Pt. (MILl.tll PARK H(Mrrino, new, -loom and batti, modern, t loae to car land e hoot, cement cellar and walka. only K.a. terms, from ownT. I'hone tVrhater 94.1. RKAl, KSTATK SOUTH SIDK Fine Home For Railroad or Wholesale Man Only five Fidelity Storage Q)!ttsv"Vu,-'-s t. . , In a flrat-claaa n Storaae. movtmr. natklnc and ulilnnlna. 1th Jackson Pta. Phone rounta Ss r-TKAM heat, alo 4-room all modern. 7-rooni house; flat. K0 No 23d. never o-nipled. minutes' wulk aouth from union stations, V block i rroiindod by fine homes, i nelRhhorhood. This In a, well-constructed. 2-atorv. s-room mrnlern hoiiFe, having hot water heat and a Hudd Instantaneous hot water heater; attract ive llvlna; room, library with brick fire place, dlrrtna room, kitchen, butler a pan try, etc., first floor: 4 attractlvo comer bedrooms, complete bathroom second OMAHA, Nov. IS. 114. i Importing count ne continue to absorb !e-ry nriii of wheat available, and. ao , corUina to the hHiinlcrs of this ttrain they ( arc not balkinai on Ilia rico tlicv ai la.-ke,i to pay. i Tim cash wtieut trade was reported at nno.ixio . at the seaboard yesterday. .. 1W bit. In the northwest and 4t0.Ot bd. at .Chlcoa-o. Theae transactlona, while lib eial, were claimed to be out of line bv 1 tha head of one of the export concerns in the trade, who said thai the total export business yesteiday amounted to at least 1 i.omi.ftut bit. more than mada public. It la expected that th amount oi ton nage on the ocrnn will be Increaaed so n, as nineteen steamers arrived at Haltl morn Tuesday ami yesterday, and these. It as said, would W loaded with grain and flour and be shipped out of this coilntrv as uulcklv ss imsslble. all the wheat sold vrsterday will go to the seaboard nil rail. The lamer flour markets reported good-slied salea of that commodity on export account yesterday. Kfports came from Minneapolis, ft. Ixuils. Kansas City and Chicago mlll'rs that business on export snd domestic ac count was quite liberal, with the fueling firm. The corn market was strong and U hifcher This strength rims largely from the advance In whest and oats and the smaller offerings In the pit. Oats showed advances of -SfiSe yester day on oecreaeed country oitcntiga and an Increase In the inquiry, although the cash transactions ware, only ltS.Orti bushels. Hogs at the yards were off sharplv In price and the run In the west was 1:4.100, compare 1 with 10ti.W a year ago. Wheat was unchanged to higher. Corn was ("i'le higher, v Onts were unchanged to Vie higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, ncTTi'.n-No. 1 1, ao-lh tubs. :ile CHFKSIv-lmported Pwlas, c; Amer ican Hilss. block Swiss. :?c; twins. tt,i ; daisies, tutjc; triplets. 1V: Young Americas. blue label brick, l.c: llm- burger. !b.. V; 1-1 b . XV; New York white, l-ic; Imported Frenvn lloquelort, 4.V. IU:FF CCTS-rtlbs; No. I, lc; No -. 1V: No. x. H'c. lxilns: No. 1. l'c No. I. 16Vie. No. Chucks'. No. 1. )0'y; No, 2, 10e: No. i, Ho. Rounds: No. 1. l:tc; Nc. I. ISSc; No. S. II1- Tlatcs. No. I. !c; No. J, Vc; No. 3, V4e. Flftll Trout. 14c; large crapples, Wcj salmon. me: halibut. llHc: channel cat fish. I Jo; pike, 14c: pickerel, 10c. roi'l.TRY -rtrollera, 14Hc; eprlngj chick ens, lie; hens, 1lc; co.ka, so; ducks, loc; geese, 8c; turkeys. Irte nlgeona. 1r do., Wc: ducks, full feathered, liv; geese, full feathered, c; squabs, No. 1. II.W; No. 2 f6' Market quotations furnished by Qlllnskl Fruit company: Hil l l -Oianges: Hvtra fancy Y alen Ias !s lt?s. liMs. ISrta. 17fia. !Ws. M.OO per Nearly 1 box; Red Hall Valencies, all slaes, .L7S per box. Imons: ancy .th's, ,is, ..; per box; choice Red Patl, . DO per Ih. Orapefrult: All sises, t2M per box. Apples: Kxtra fancy Ortmes Uol den, 1. 7S per box;' fancy Washington Orlmea, II. W per box; extra fam-y YVash- incton Jonathans. 11.00 per 00a; inncy . tl sllKhl'-Tlirn was a deildcdlv better I'ebng In the sheep trade this morning. cicialiy In the cane 01 fat lambs. Yhli iiottnng strutlv toppy of any kind was la statu ihe nualltv on tho whole wua I fairly goo.1, with the bulk of the offer- Mngs from the range, I tab, Wyoming and hogs steady to ten higher ! ,J;r:.!!,nJ:.l:r.r7Bp;!!J,r;,.,."v, IK I higher than vesterday. Top paid for I'al l.i.h. t I'iritrs I eats , sucn oiierings aa were on ma marnet lllgaer ia Aetlre Ka( gkeea Cattle Receipts Light and Trade it ! Slow with Tendency Lower. i MASONS TO CLOSE REUNION Festivities of Scottish Rite' Order Ends with Banquet Tonight. THIRTY-SECOND DEGREE NEXT aad Work Meeneii Only to Ike lllehrst la tlie Fraternity t II Re Aelaaln latere This tfternooa 1m m Large Class. SOCTH OMAHA. Nov. Is. li'14 corn 2,000 bu.; oats, Vheat, unchanged: NEW R-room coltsge strictly modem-fz.fiO. r ir-i win ' un.,r, iiiiii'-'i ' 1 ' " , ' . , , . - ... 1 . tionally large rooms, strictly modern, I "oor; ."VI T "L . ui .-i.t-near caf line and near school-$?2.Ba ' room finished; oak finish f rst floor, plate. New five-room cottage, modern except ! glass windows throughout: south front. li-at. finished in oak. near car llne-J.. ' J"l ft., al ey In rear, on paved street Reven rooms, parlor extending across I with fine shade trees. This Is a I, OoO tha entire front of the house, oak finlBh. 1 property, priced ,0(-but WANT AN, colonnade openings, four bedrooms and 1 OFFER. Muat be sold. Reasonable! bath; fine neighborhood, near car 10. terms, see us at once. 1 AMERICAN 8BCI RITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglas Pta. Douglas 5013. t-ROO.M, a, I modern house, excellent con ditlon, WO I"ewey Ave., two blocks from Farnam car; pos session Nov. 23, H0 per month. THK BYRON RKED CO.. T'hone Doug. 237. 212 H. 17th Ft. o -I! George & Company Phone n. 7fri, 302 City Nit. Bank Bldg. FINH lot in Hansiym park district, one block from car; has nice large terrace, sewer, set out In trees. H. 4111, OOOD HAKOAIN. In a strictly ft-room modern house, 3574 Spalding, Al furnace; good condition. s-Ve tnle at once. 122. so. .HASTINGS A HKYHKN, I14 Harney. o equal to' 3HO.O0O bu. ISln.KIO bu. Liverpool opening: corn, 'fal'id higher. 1'rintarv wheat recelpta were bit. and shipments 1.M7.000 bu.. against re ceipts of 1.SR3.000 bu. and shipments of 87".0O0 hn. last year. Primary corn recelpta were ".M.flOO bu. and shipments W1.000 bu.. against recelpta of MO.OO bu. and shipments of 231,00.) bu. last year. Prlmarv oats recelpta were. ll,0tn bu. and shipments P94.OO0 bu., against receipts of 537.0W) bu. and shipments of 13,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Receipts were: Official Monday ... Offh lal Tueedav..... oifuinl einemlav Fstlmate Thursdav Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 4.70R . t.l. . !. .7T K4PI t.jioo I'our dsys this week .1l.o;l ,44 4.1' fame daa last week . .H.4.'i 2H.I' W.4XI 1 fame Unys 2 wks. agn.1.4,) , Tl r4.4t Knme days ;t wks.'go.:V.iV, U',71 M.41W fume daya 4 wks. aao.lV.m I7.0K". IM.xi.". came days last vear..:M.SM 41.201 MM Tha following table shows the racelpts or cattle, hogs and sheep at tha South Omaha live stock market for the year to dale, as compared with last year: 1914. 1!MS. oec. Cattle S7..1M 4...,t:l! 1 log hs is.,, both lalrlv goo fed westerns 1 and wheatflel, grades irom Jdaho bring ' Ing this price. The bulk of all lamba on ' sale sold around It ."Atil..!. While any. I thing In the mutton line seemed to be In 1 better demand than on the last two days the movement was none too active at that 1 and prb-ee were no better than about ateadv. There were still Imilcstlona that we..: eaes only nan warmrn up toiino a poor 14 WS outlet an.l at present even the beet grsdes 1 "1.V4 . r ro' much sought after. Taking the 1 trade In general the market waa falrlv the packera was cleana.1 up In fair seaaon I ttT m I'eraong. It following the conferring The Masonic reunion held In connection with the dedication of the new Scottish Rite cathedral ana brought to a elofe last night wlih a banquet I nthe cathedral banquet hall, where covers were laid Although the bulk of today's recelots was from the range the proportion oa the I feeder order was very small. The demand for something for feeding purposes was 1 much like It has been all the week thus ' far and what lltle stuff changed hands on that account showed no material cl;snee from yesterday or from the close of lst week. A feature of the trade has I been a ersrolty of right good feeders of all kinds with a large share of the offer lne being on the medium order. On Colorado Jonathans. 11. per box; fancy'" Jonathans. l per box. .23 .4) ,3:'l . US .247 20 l.M H 21 RKAL KSTATK WKST SIDK Stores aat Utflora. OFFICES that are verv desirable FOR RENT "Well located and easily access . ibleinThe ' BEE BUILDING (Tha Building that Is Always New.) : rj0ug 1223 OFFICE, ROOM 103. j TWO steam-healed stores, very low rent, i .v ; near postof flee. U. P. Stebblns. I " "- FINK LOCATION FOR GROCERY RTORP;. Own corner lot. north purt of city. Will build modern croccry store to auit purchaser and sell on easy terms. BANKERS' REALTY INVESTMENT COMPANY, round Floor, ttee BulMing, Omaha, Nebraska. I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern house recently purchased by me. This house Is located In the . West Fainam district, one bloclt from Leavenworth oar and four blocks from Farnam. Oalc finish downstairs, white enamel hath, sleeping porch, beautiful Inwn. You can buy .this house at a big sacrifice. Address, M 21. Bee. or after 6 p. m. phone Webster HMD. Chicago Minneapolis liuluth Omaha Kansas City 1 St. Lou s ' Winnipeg WW These Bales were reporte.I todny Wheat : No. -i hard winter, cars, l.0. No. ' hard winter. 2 cars, 1.07; 2 cars, ll.O.'i No. 4 h.-iid wlnnr. i car, turn; ' rf. II.OS'V No. mixed. 2 cars, J1.07Vk; $100 Down I Buys a brand new. heat cottage In good location. About two hundred dollars less ! than you couW buy It for next spring. Shuler & Cary, 234 Btate Bank Bldg. ear, 11.07; 4 cars, i.wv ear. 11.14 No. 3 durum, car, II. IS; S car II. Ov durum, 1 cur, 1.0s. No. 1 car. If Me?, uye: rio, No. 2 durum, 1 1 car. 1.13Vfc; 1 No. 4 mixed 4 durum mixed, 3, 1 car, Wasbinvton extra fancy Washington Hoovers, per Ikix; choice Colorado Jonathans. 1100 per box; Oregon Ppltienburga, l.4 per box; Oregon Winter Bananas, 11.78 per box; extra fancy Washington Delicious. 12 00 per hnx; New York Oreenlngs. SS 00 per barrel New York Baldwins. 12.7 per barrel. Pears: California Clarglens. 12.1.1 ter box; extra fancy n'Anjous, -.M per box. (Jrniwa: California Kmperora, 13.60 per barrel California Fmperora, 11.75 per crate; Malagas, lfi.00 per keg. Unnanas: IVr bunch, 1.7r.ff80O. VF.tlETAm.E8 Cauliflower, per crate. Cabbage: Per pound, IV- Cu cumbers: Two doaen box, 12 50. Celery: Michigan, SSc per doaen; Ilenver Jumbo isr per iloien. Teppers: Per basket. &c Tomatoes: Per basket, 11.28. Lettuce: Heiirt, fOcll.SO per doaen: leaf. 40c per dozen. Onions: Shallots. 10c per dor.en. Radishes: 1'er dosen, Wc. Onions: Yel low, 2Hc per round; red, lHc per pound. Horsersdlsh! Per ease, II. t. Oarllo: Italian, per nound. !0c. Potatoes: Idaho, 5c rer bushel; Red River Ohlos, c per bushel; Minnesota whites, 0 jer bushel. Hweet Potatoes: Per barrel. S3.00: Jerseys. ! 11.7. per hamper. I NVTS-Walnnts: No 1 California. lo I per pound. Pecgna: Far pound, 12ic; I Sumbo, IV rr pound. IllKerts: Per pound, Vic; long naplea, lao per pound. I MISCELLANEOUS Popcorn: Phelled, per pound, 4e. Dates) Sugar walnut, ' 11.40 per box. Almonds: rer pound, 20c. I Limes: Per ho, 11.75. Cracker Jack: Per case, IS.S0: pet" half case. 11.71. ! Checkers: per caae, 18.50; per half case. 1 1175. Dates: Dromedary, 13.00 per cas. Honey: Per case, 3 50. Figs: Twelve nee per case, Sac, Cider: Per keg. per half barrel. tSOO. Cocoanuta: j j per sack. S4.0O: per doxen, J5c. Squash: -cr pouna, i'o. 1 ! ftMl T,l i',' MUM Vt rfu.'a m.rlrl the tilllk n( (h fheep I.w!71 2.T7.s4 'M,h I feeder lambs moved at S7.00iHT.iln. There Tha following table shows the average I were no feeder of consequence on price for hogs al the South Omaha 110 yesterday a market, but somo sold this sto. k market for the few days, with inornlna at It 30. romparlsone: quotations on sheep and lamha: l.ambs, ""tiale i im imi i--. .... , l",'. 'n,v' ' -boce, x.ii.Vf.fO; lambs, fair 10 i 'ate I ISM (T'M.I 1S12.,1 l.ilsul. Man. . m.i tr. ....a tn -i.Aica I in v,7.40: feeders, common, la Sfma.W; good to choice n.isKqi.w.; year. to good. ga.Ti.TO; yeaning". ii k :i r n vo. feeders. I.,.aoj). 10; wetnera, goon io I I tl ll T 00 1 choice. M.0Ort.?X; wethers, fair to good, Nov. 1 , . I gi T 7l 04 T 87 T 72 I fti.i.4: Nov. 2. TlS T 7i 10! T all T S 73 yearlings, g rov. . T , J (Ml a 101 S Qo! T bft & S I tings, fair Nov. 4. 1 T 1MI T M' 7 l t 111 (Wl 7 ',4i 6 si feeders. Nov. .j T v I J7; I 241 ) fll 1 T 00 choice. s.O Nr"'. T. 7 tvl 1 at T a til 1 no: I r eaes. aood Nov Nov. 7.1 7 M 1 Mi 7 7a. a 141 1 no: 1 71 l I T ail 7 Mil ti 1 oil T ti vrj j 7 77; 11 T mi 7 7t 8 al Nov. W I tOW 7 721 IS III 7 Ml T 73) I M Nov. U. J 47! 7 641 7 4W" 6 27 7 Ml 7 7! 6 1 Nov. IS. I 1 4n',. 7 an, .? a,, 1 T N, 7 Ml 1. , Nov. 131 T 7,1 1 7S T S.T ll 371 I 7 S i 71 I 7 W 7 l l 7 M T B7 Nov. Nov. Nov Nov. Nov. 10: 7 si 171 7 M14 1SI 7 i 191 7 MS IU1 7 iw 7 7 79, T il 7 VI I 111 7 W 7 9,i & M 8 S3! 7 4II 7 H.1I 8 54 6 SO 7 Ml T W 5 f I T 20' 7 ( 5 TO Sunday. rtecei us and disposition Al ! SfAlf St the t nlon stock yarda, Kouth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at o clock . m. yesterday: KK' Elf'Te-CARn. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. Missouri Pacific.... t'nlon Pacific N. W. N. W'., St. P.. M. B. Q.. east.. .. W-eat.. 20 O.. 2 west.,, 6li 1 31 23 2 Total receipts.... as y, j DiSOBITloN-Hh,AD. Cattle. Hogs I 12-oiiri I itOO; RKAI, KSTATK IX VESTMKXTS 14 Investment Two Fla's Close In $4,500 Nearly new double building, contaln- 1 ing two modern n-rcKim apartments, rent- SG00 PER MONTH for one-h .lf .if evcel-I for Per "'""th and always occu- I around. WAJSTK'J TO HEXT Farm for Rent. Dairy Farm For Kent On West Dodge paved road, beat lo cated dairy farm near Omaha; 4'- mile from city; 110 acres; 40 acres pasture, 4) acres alfalfa and 30 acres farm land; large barn accommodating 47 head cows and with large hay storage capacity; H.'JX) per year. George Hi Company, Phone D. 7."s3. 903 City Nat. Bank Bldg and fine Lot 00x135. Two blocks from Farnam car and easy walking distance from business district. Heal small In vestment we have for oale. Armstrong-Wfalsh Co. State Bank liidg. Tyler I53t. Close-In Investment -Rents $360 Price $2,300 with everything furnished. Ccppock. lloiep- e, Neb, Address a wantkm to pf.nt'-a farm on .hares ' Flic Just reduced for quick sale on ,(. R.VI V MMI'W... W.IU .VbOl. -mini dlstsnce; on paved street, full lot. ana renting to one tenant at 130 a month; 11.000 cavh to handle. This Is an excellent stnay investment.. Glover & Spiain HEAL ESTATE l ASLM A RANCH LAJMU8 FOR SALtO Misaowrl. " 15 DOWN nnj a monthly buys 40 acres. Grain, fruit, poultry land, near town; prioo, 1220. 110 monthly buys su acres. VVrUe for list cheap land Box 425-Vt. Carthage. Mo. rhrsika. FOR SALE-Eighty acres of Irrigated land In tne most prosperous county In the state of Nebraska, all In alfalfa; good house and bam, and good well. W iir sell tot 10 per acre if taken at once. Write or Inquire for 8. e. Morrow. Mitchell. Neb., for terma. 91S-20 City National. Douglas 3W2. FENCED valley farm for sale. Level coutitry. Fine deal. Three m.les town. Close school. Jesse Hopsall, Sootla, Neb. North Daketa KKAL ESTATK MihCKLLANEOUS MAP OK OMAHA PTUEETS, Indexed also Omaha red hook, vest pocket aise, free at our offlcei two stamps by mall, Charlea E. W illiamson Co.. Real EsUta. Inaurance. rare t( Property, Omaha. o. ' ' Hi- '! , ; iky-. rrgV I - i- Jr " . ... -S-m :' i - - - ae... ,. ' E "1 t - :.-''i;', 1 AH CERTAIN bentvolmt jMitloa have recently donated a splendid property well locate! In Omiha (consisting of houses and lots) to a worthy charitable Institution in another state, those rep. resenting the same desire to sell this estate at once, and If sold within the next ten days the purchaser will secure a bargain that Is only possible a few m in a life time. This is no 'Sharper Real Letate Deal," but a bona fide offer from the persons authorised to bell this property at once, that t lie needs of the charity for which it waa so generously given may derive the benefit that the donors of thla fine estate intended. Phone Rol 6'Wt, and you will be called UJ'On leearding tl i at one. Harlev: No. 4. 1 car. fte. No grade, 1 car. u6H" Coin: No. 1 vhlte. 1 car. ti2'e. No. '.' white, 1 car. cars, 82 '40. No. 3 white, 1 car, 62Stc; 1 car, 62,. No. 5 white, 1 car. 61c. No. 2 vnllow. cars, kjo. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 62c; 7 cars, fi'J'.ic; 2 cars, 62c. No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 'SlMc No. 3 mixed, 1 car. Sl"c; 2 cara.,Slc; 8 cars, ic. No. 4 mixed. 1 a.V Ja.. N. 5 m.xed, 1 car told), fl'ie. Oat: No. S white, 7 cars, 4S'4c."Ho. white, 4 cars. 40'ie; S car. 4T.c. No trade; 1 ear, 44V- ' t. Omaha Cash Pricea Wheat : No. 5 hard, Sl.OTHifil.OO; No. 3 hard. Sl.ofiVMtl.""! No. i hard. ll.02sjl.0ilH: No. S spring, 1.08H (81.08; No. 3 spring. 1.06Hfl 07; No. 4 spring. t1.016I.Hi No- 2 durum, l.13(Ji 1.14; No. 3 durum. J1.0gyi.13H. Corn: No. 1 white, 2'if624o: No. 2 white. MQHWl No. 8 white. OJ-ffH': No. 4 white, til 1c: No. 6 white. 60sift1c; No, 6 white. 0"&30V: No. 1 yellow, !8i'grT2ie; No. 2 yellow. 6ifi2Ho: No. 8 vellow. mVV; No. 4 yellow. eiHWio; No. 8 yellow, 1W ;iuc; No. 6 yellow, WiiMlo; No. 1 mixed 6laW. No. i mlxoa, lilHc; No. 3 mixed, tHl". No. 4 mixed, lie No. 5 mixed, MHaOrNo. mixed. 604i MW: Oats: No. 2 white, vvgw?: ",a" daTd, 45Ht6; No. 3 white. 4fiV?4f.Hc; No. 4 white, 45G4M.C. Barley: Ma ting. lW72e;' NO. t feed, WVirtOe, Rye: No. 2, HcUI.0l; Io.TS, KSfiWHC. '. , ( CHIt-AUO tiRAIX AND PROVISIONS Feat area of tha Trading: ana 1 losing Prleee oa Board of Trad. CHICAOO. Nov. 19. Sharp falling off In recelpta at western primary points helped to rally wheat today from a aetback due to lower quotations at Liverpool. There was a steady close. Corn lost Vn'e tu 1'iiN.H net and oats l-lrtc. Provisions fin ished at a range varying from 30c down to a ot 17HC . . Lest prloea for. wheat today , were reached In the lust hour,' when tue mar ket went Ho above laat night, largely be cause of attention to statements showing that western primary arrivals for. the seven day just ended were .800,uu0 bu. less than for the preceding seven days. At the aame time the fact was pointed out that export clearances gave no sign of any letup. On the other hand, there mere continued complaints that business with Europe was hampered by scarcity of vessels, owing to the high rates ob tainable on the other aide, chiefly in the service between Scandinavia und Ger many. Heaviness In the wheat market early waa accompanied by assertions that de mand at Liverpool had been noticeably checked by yesterday's advance here. It waa a! ho sam that rears or a wet veat in Argentina were discounted by knowledge that the region where the bulk of the crop la raised 'Sae in excellent con dition. Cold weather had the effect of Increas ing rural olfera of corn and of bringing about a good deal of selling pressure on the December option. The May delivery was bought by commission houses on rest ing orders. Prleee for "als held comparatively steady owing to the smallnees of receipts. Domestic shipping oalr Improved. For the most part provisions were stronyer as a result of covering by shorts. An exception waa November lard, which wis apparently being unloaded by one of th Mr packers. Grain prices furnished by Logan Ic Bryan. 31,1 South Sixteenth street; Artlelel Open. I High. I Uw. f Close. ITes'y. New York fleaeral Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 19-fiUO AR-Raw, ateaty: molasses. 3.3M3. 42c; centrifugal, 4.0&4.07c. Refined, steady; cut loaf, 6.00c; crushed, 590c; mould A. 8.5Aoi cubes. S.Sfio; XXXX powdered, 1.35c; powdered, 5.20c: fine granulated, 8.10c; diamond A. 6.10c; confectioners' A 6.00c; No. 1, 4.3j. Bl'TTF.R Weak; receipt, 4.833 tuba; creamery extras (91 acore), 34c; creamery (higher scoring), 84Hf38c; creamery fliate, Sofisac; ladles, current make firsts, 22'S23Hc; eeconJs. 2)Utv22oi oacklna- stock. current make. No. X 31c, CHE'ttHE-Staady; recelpta. I.joo boxes: .state whole milk, fresh colored specials, 15f15He! state whole milk, white, lGlie; state wnuKj mux wniie, I4')r loc; skims gfrUHc. HUQS Irregular: recelpta, 5.293 rass; fresh gathered, extra fine, ."WMle: extra firsts, 3iri:iSc; firsts, B4)Mo; seconds, 27 r3?e: state and nearby hennery whites. tuvmiwic; state anq nearoy rresn gsthernd whites, Wittc: state and nearby gatnered browns and mixed colors, ,S2f4Sc; state u. ..c.iroy hennery browns, 4Ka44:. POCLTRY Dressed, firm,' vestern roasting chickens, 17Hfi'20o; fresh fowls, 12M.lSc; froxen turkevs, lS22o. POI I.TRY-Allve. firm: western chick- , ens, l..tij".c: fowls. 14qiI6c; turkeis. 18 'silSc. 1 I Kansas City Oral si asl Provlaloaa. 1 KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 19. WHEAT 1 No. S hard. 1.07Hn.l it; No. 2 red, 81.08 LH;: lsi-ember. I1.07T4; May. II. ! I C()RN-Vo. 2 mixed t'lHc: No. 2 white, j 64H'Htrc; December, 63Hc; ilay, W.c. OATS-No. 2 white. 47Hc; Nu. 2 mixed. Morris A- Co.... Swift Co Cudahy i'acklng VoY.'.'. rtniiimr at 10 Srhwnrtg A Co .', Lincoln Packing Co.... S. o. Packing Co Hill A son..". F. B. twla . J. M. Root Co L. F. Htiax Rosenstock Bros Weithelmer & legen.. H. V. Hamilton.... Sullivan Broa Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlgglns Huffman Mevers Baker, Jones A Smith John Harvey Klein 293 Ml 678 f2S 5HS 20 1 4lt 27 4!l 14 146 .'! 10 3 30 8 18 6 11 39 9 6 71 rat? 919 H82 1.274 Sheep, l.asfi 1,847 i.e:ta 2.4.17 A v. Pr nv 7 30 0 7 90 108 4 "i 72 8 72 8 00 67 8 Ml 112 4 76 6S 8 00 65 7 8 6 T ST. 56 6 so an 7 30 62 7 80 J , SO 7 8 78 113 4 80 71 S 80 66 7 6" 87 7 ) 102 4 SB 90 S !'o 111 4 Ttl 10 4 70 69 8 38 77 3 78 77 8 75 72 S 88 73 S 60 42VV-6 44C Bt"l TTF-R Creamery. 31c seconds, 2fc; packing, 21o. FXJOiS Firsts, 2c; seconds, SSc. POCLTRY - Hens, 12c; roostets. turkeys, He. firsts, 29c; 10c; nom. Si.7i1iti.0n; wethers, feeders. 14 304. .; eaes, good to rholce 4.71T.00: ewes, fslr to good. I4.cW4.T3; ewes, feeders, S3.8nj4 50. Representative sales: No. 12 Idaho feeder lamba ft9 Idaho feeder lamba .n0 Idaho ewes on Idaho lamha 300 Idaho I iitnbs 241 Idaho lamba 61 Wyoming ewea 181 South Dakota lambs 120 Wyoming lamba 1W Wyoming lambs 1S9 South Dakota feeder lamha.. SID South nekota feeder lambs.. 327 South nakota feeder lambs.. Mir. South Dakota feeder lambs.. 23 J fed lambs 177 fed ewes wig Montana lamba 28 culls 49 Wyoming feeder lambs 131 Wyoming feeder ewea 13 culls 140 Wvomlng ewes 130 Wyoming ewes 93 Wyoming lamba 261 Idaho lambs 3M Idaho lambs 6K9 Idaho lambs 1026 Idaho lambs CHICAOO I.IVR BTOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoc lllgra'r "sjeef) StroasT. CHICAOO. Nov. l.-OATTL-necelpts. S.trno head: market stesdv; beeves, SS.T6(ft I0.W- steers. 16. 404.oO; cowa and heifers, 3.tavrrt) 20; calvea. SH.ILW- , . . IUMIH Receipts, 23,) bead: market 5fl ion higher; hulk of sales, 7.2.fl7.48; light, S7.00i'7.5O: mixed. r iO155; heavy, r omft 7.56; rough, 17.0llffJ.16; lags, 4.tf0.40. SHEEP AND LAMBrt-RecelPta. 10,000 head; market strong: aheep, i.80f.20: yearlings,; lambs, S6.tXsV9.t3. Kanaaa City Live glock Market. u- ANfi AS CITT. Mo.. Nov. 19. -CATTLE tl',1 lii.ini. IMI bead: market, strong; were prime fed ateera, 10.flu10.75; dressed beef 8W): stockers and feeders. !6.2Mf.00; bulls. S5.350i7.00; calves, 86.50-H 10.60. H)( rieceipts, ii.uvu higher; bulk, I7.404r7 60; V? J - packers and butchers. S7.4O4tr.0; light, 17 HMf7.63Hl Plat". S8.50irW.25. 8HEBP AND LAMBH-Recelpta J.OOJ head: market higher; lamba. .'.; yeavlTViga, IK.SOffJIO; wethers, SV75ii.t0; ewea, l?i.O0.T5. YVheatl J I 8-R00M MODERN BIUCKI iSii tHJLKfj ' J t J. il 'Corn I 1 320 Acre Farm Only IS miles to town; rich bibek loam soil, with clay aubaoll, practically all under cutlvatlon. (Cut shows.) The house, a new H-ioom daeiling, which cost S6.0U0. Owner hun instructed us to sell for 144 per acre. O'jod terms can be had. Will be glad to bave you call at our office or write THE VUOEL LUALTY AGENCY. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldii. Omaha. Neh. WIMaaill. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the Union; aalUers wanteu; land4 for sale at low l lices oq itasy terms. Ask for book let 34 oa Wisconsin Central 1-and Giant, aiata acrea wanted. Wrfti about our graaiag lands. If interested In fruit lands, auk for . booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Iand Dept.. boo Lla. rty.. Mloueaiolis. MI110. $2,750 Hard wood flobrs, nicely arranged, cor ner lot on paved street, well located. r if niTTOfi ' 017 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. REAL ESTATE KOU TXCHANuK Faraas. HIGHLY improved l:ed RUcr vslley farma; ran accept some tradea. Write for Hat. Huxly-Brown Barneavilla. Minn. i'6R fcALE or part trade, alfalfa farm In Beaver Valley, Neb. Box 3i. Uead- Uy. Nb. Washington Affairs To reassure consumers who are afraid to eat meat on account of the foot and mouth diaeaae, the Department of Agri culture issued a ststement that If prop erly cooked even the meat of an Infected ar.lroal was not dangerous. Warning was given by officials of the Federal Reserve board and the Treasury department that the south muat learn diversification of crops and make a re daction of cotton acreage next year. If It Is to get the full benefits from Lie llii. 004.000 loan fund lust completed, and In sure a material Increase in the price of raw cotton for nest year's crop. Final solution of freight rate problems. i a ell as the questlcn of government j ownership, must wait for the completion 'of the phyalcal valuation of the railioadt, I in the opinion of Charles A. Prouty dl 1 rrtor of valuation of the Interstate Com imrrre commission. Judge Prouty ad dressed the National Association of Hall way Commissioners, telling the members that the treatment of railroads probably was the moat Important practical ques tion before the oounuy and doclartng teat tha question of government owner ship mast Boon be meU 80 150flfH 18 6JH! 18 1 18 67H 19 02Vi 19 17Vil 19 00 10 15 10 12H 10 J7H'10 2-2i 10 OS 1 10 00 10 32H! 10 KH Dc..;ti7HHHit7H4'SI May. I 714i 71H! Oata I I D c. . loOH'rnVi 60Ha H 1 May. I l'3'i! 54 Pork I I I Jan.. I 18 62H' 1 75 May.J 19 00 J 19 20 Lard I Jan.. I 10 12HI 10 17U 10 10 May . 10 22.J 10 27H 10 22-251 Riba ill Jan.. 110 (rMW 10 07HI 1 I May. II J 27-25I 10 32H! 10 25 I Chicago Caah Prices Wheat: No. S red. Il.lt4l.l6; No. 2 hard. Il lMil.m. Com: No. t yellow. 7:g72,i: No. 1 yellow. 71Jti'(I'T2c; new, .7c. Oats No. S white: tHi49c; standard 5iol4e. Eve: No. 2. l 0HH Barley. 61ift0c. Reed: Timothy. S3 7ii ti; clover. 10 0iii4 00. Peov'stons: Pork, 117 iu; lard. 810.51; ribs. S9.7MI10.Ti. ,. .,.. i nr. - - 'Tier. 4nirV EOGS Higher: receipts, 77 issea: at mark, chss Included. 211 2"ic: ordinary flrts ffflc: firsts o''eryue. lon-r Tnru-l "naeti'd . Mlcbin end Wisconsin. SMitso; Minnesota, 85045c. Re ceipts, 84 tars. I'D'. 1.1 111 .snve, lower; springs, nve; fowls, lie; turkeys. I5'4c. Liverpool Krala Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 19.-WH EAT-Spo. eav; No. 2 Man'toba. 9a d: No. 3. 9s 6d: No. 2 western winter, 9s td. .Fu tures unquoted. CORN Spot, dull- American mixed new. 7s. Futures, firm; December, 6a7Hd: January, oe vi. Ulssrasells Gratia Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Nov. It. WHKAT-Deceinber, SI 14H; May. tl; at. LoaU Grain Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. I8.-WHEAT-N0 2 red. I1.1UU1.13; No. 2 hard, 1 13l 14U Decemlier, l.l2H'nI12H; May. II lW .,.nu..HT. k - A a . vun, w. , dici ro. z wniie Inal; liecember, 660; May, 70'47Ui, OATS-NO. -8 48c; No. S white, 50c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. COFFEE The market was more or less unsettled here today. Braslllan exchange on London waa higher, and the few offers reported in the cost and freight market were generally steady at unchanged Prices, but recent Importations hy Canadian Interests are being put on the market for sale her at comparatively low quotatlona. and the spot situation was easier In consequence, with Rio 7a quoted at 6'-io and Santos 4s at 10c. Liquidation of December in d. vance of the notices exMctad of a wet har-! continue through the voluntary commit. tii rnponea sales of 4T,B(10 bags December closed at I . Sue; March. 6.61 QitWc; .May, j.8l!Q6.sic. 1 Cotloa Market, NEW YORK. Nov. 19.-COTTON-Kuot fjtii.t: middling upland. 7.50c pot LIVERPOOL, Nov. 19.-COTTON-Spot In fair demand; nrlces steady: American middling fair. 5.41d: good middling, 4.74d middling, 4.42d: low middling. H.Rld : good ordinary, s.ljd; ordinary,; sales. 8.10 bales. 1 The cotton market today ruled generally steady with the close steady, net un changed to I points higher. Omaha liar Market. OMAHA. Nov. 19.-PRAIRJK H4T Choice upland 811. la); No. 1. I10.0ifll0.50: No. 2, D.(XVIi 10.00; No. 8. HOOtff&.On; choice midland. HOW: No. 1. 0u10ivi- v 8.0vy 00; No. 8, 16 OJVftg.uo; choloe Inw- land. 8.on; No, i. s.ui; n0 s 6.0iV7 00 Straw: Choice wheat. tr..5Of.4.00: hr,ic oat or rye, S.X)tr6.B0. Alfalfa : choice peg green, fine stem, second, third and fourth i-Miuna. u.hbmw io. I. 112 ootii.i.00 No. 2, 10.Kui2.00; No. 8. S8.00a'10.00. ' New York Moaey Market. . NEW YORK. Nev. 1I.-MERCANTILK PAPER 1 ''i6-i per cent. STERLINO KXCUANO E Bteadv alv. day bills, 4.V.i0; for cables, 84.8875; for demand, 4.877o. SILVER Bar. 4sjC liONDON. Nov. 19.-flILVBR-Bar. 22!id per ounce. DISCOUNT RATES Short bills, 3Ji3H per cent. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 19 MET A LB Tin apot. weak. S-a-rtViiTJ IO- London, spot, a" 136 1. ; futures, a.l3Ti. Copper, electrolytic firmer; 112 25; casting, U0ri; n London, spot, fi 17s td: futures, 54. Lead. UNO u4. Spelter, SJlfs9.t5. Iron quiet and unchanged. ST. LOn, Nov. 19. METALS Tad. hirher; 13 litfJ 0. Speller, higher; gSOtxji) S.OT'x. Totala 2.6.18 4.4H CATTLE Receipts thla morning very moderate, in fact, they have been light every day thla week, so that tha total for the four daya la only 11,977 head, being 8,500 head smaller than last' week and 8.500 head smaller than for the same period a year ago. In spite of tho light receipts the market as a whole waa none too good, iieef ateera were very slow, with the -tendency lower, and the same waa true, of cowa and heifer. Feeders owing to the extremely light supply were not fur from steady, a I' though the demand waa moderate. The reason for the market being In the condition noted abova was to be found in the demoralised state of the trade at Chicago. Yesterday's Chicago Drovers' Joiirnsl described the market at that point aa In a distressingly weak situation, with good heavy and cholon twevea prac tically unsalable at a decline of 5ot?40ct since early Monday. Leas desirable kinds were ft flat dollar lower than the high tlino a few weeks ago. Reports of that kind emanating from Chicago naturaly make tne traae less active man 11 oilier-, .J.iv 1 mha lHOOfl00 wise would be at this and other Missouri S...U-i, lamos. sa-wsu river markets. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice yearlings, SD.OOtff 10.M); good to choice corn fed beevse. 88. 75Cfj 10.00; fair to good corn fed beeves, 8H.OLUH.7&; common to fair corn-fed beeves, 86.75)1.00; choice to prime range beeves, lH.WuH.6n- good to choice range beeves, I7.Kmb8.uO; fair to food range beeves., 6. 7ovT.4u; eommon to air range beeves, I8.uu-fjis.75: good to choice heifers, IH.&mQR.tiO; good to choice cows, 85.759141. 76; fair to good cows! ,6.l.d9 6,76; common to fair cowa, S4.(Otu.2; good to choice stockers and feedere, i.20 to.6i; fair- to good Blockers and feeders. I6.6iyif7.8u; common to fair stockers and faedsrs, Si.80$6.60: stock halters, 64 7M 6 25; slock cows, M.5OI&6.50: stock calves, 5.bAas.uu; veal calvea, 17.7610.1; bulla, stags, etc., 14.751)6.75. Representative sales: Ut EF STEERS. , K.. Av. Pr. So. At. Pr. a M IS IS 1IU I so .. I I U - nt. Loals Lira Stock Market. ST. LOUIB. ' Nov. 1S.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 5.800 head: market ateady; native beef steers,' S7.601(X75; oows and heifers. 6.-i.oartj.Si; southern steers, liTTnqli; cow" and heifers. 84.0x86.00; native calves, 86.00 (1IO.50. HCKIS-Reeelpts. 7.100 haad: market higher; pigs and Hghl. M.Uj-9i mY& and butchers, 87.WJ;.; ood heavy, 87.2) i'HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.J09 h.rt! market steady; native muttons. 10'.!'..'. it!!!.. .... K ....loso .... v .... 4M .... Kl .... 940 .... W8 .... 10 16 ,.UM ..14W Us) 7 M ... lit 10 SO FEEDEK. Ks) T so I I 16 I 1 16H! . 21H I SJtiHI I 71 I I I 22 H 67 WhH Bank rieariaa. OMAHA. Nov. 19. Hsnk elearlnga for Omaha today were iz,s77,072.k7, and for fhe corresponding day last year I3,9i,- 222.83. Evaaerated Apples aad Dried Frails N KW rOIlK, Nov. 19 -EVAPORATE!.! Jtl-fl.tT! Stesriy. DRIED FRl'lTS-Prunes. firm. Arr. tots and peaches, steady. Raisins, quiet Dry tieods Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 1I.-DRT 300D8-lai Cotton good steady. Yarns active. Raw) Ilk ateady. Men wear dull. u BTKEH8 AND HEITERS . .... TU I M II (M 9 71 COW . 4 4 1 104 I IS 4 ft 1 1210 IN 4 4 1 11 1 HO IK I i7 M 4 K 1094 I 7t W . Wl 7 04 4 4t I Kl 3 i I 6 1 I 6 M I S ... 1 W T U ItUI.US. I 24 1 1IM 8 I". 6 & 1 HIS 78 1 '...Mi f U I 71 1 ll.-O I t 6 b CALVEB. 178 4 00 I.. no lu 1.. STOCK Eltn AND J & 4-) I.. I ill) 7 ! NEBRASKA. 6 bulls. ....124 6 76 6 rows 915 6 40 i cows 110 60 18 feeders.. Ml lb 11 steers.. ..1178 7 10 HOGS Receipts were only fair, and, with Ihe exception of Monday, the smallest of the week. Shippers had Very large orders ant tbey bought thu big end of the supply, In fact, everything that they could possibly use. at prices that were strong to aa much aa )0c higher. Packers had made their early bids at flgurea that were fully a dime lower, nnd In a good many Inatancee more than that, but with shippers buying so freely st stronger prices, there waa very little chance for killers to fill thnlr or ders. When the shippers finally atopped buying, only the big heavies were left, and with their rholce ao limited, packera war furred to pay fully ateady price, for the small ehare of tha supply that they auoneoded In getting. Summing up the general trade, prleee ran be quoted a steady to a dime higher. Heavl., which shippers coull not use and which were sold largely to killers, got the worst end of the deal, being In most cases no more than steady, while llghla and butcher commanded etrong to 10a higher figure. Trade was lively, and In spite of the fact that one train load did not arrive until pearly every thing else had been sold, a clearance waa mad In good season. Bulk of the supply iold at I7.aoft7.40. with heavle around 67.1)037.26. while desirable shippers reached WiM. Receipts amounted to eighty-four rara, or 6.60O head, putting the week'a total at 35.944 head. This Is allgbtly smallxr than last week, and U more than 13.000 short of last year. Receipt today show the effect of tha heavy decline earlier la the week. Represent at iv saies Sloiig City Live Stack Market. SIOUX CITT, Nov. 19. "ATTLK Re ceipts, 611O head: market (Vri25o lower; na tive steers, S6.rfr.f6; butcher, S.SMF7.2S: cannera. Si.ovui.OO: calvea, S6fca7.60; bull, slags, etc., 8S.0aii.0. HOOH Receipt. 8.601) head; market 60 lower; heavy, Ir7.00fc7.10; mixed, 87; light, 6.96n7.00; bulk of sales, 87. SHEEP AND LAM BB Receipts, 8,500 head; morket steady; lamb, 7.2fi8.00. Live. Stock la Slaht. Receipt of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday 1 Cattl. Hog. Sheep. Chicago U.OuO 34,000 18,000 Kansas City ll."0 20,000 6.000 St. Iuls 4, 10.800 J.TOO Sioux City i 9.0TK) 1.500 South Omaha 1.700 7.000 10.000 of the thirty-second degree upon the members of the class. At the banquet B. F. Thomas, venerable master. Knights of Kadosh, presided aa toaatmaster. The dinner wa served at .. and following It there wer speeche hy Oeorge W. Schoonover. past grand master of Iowa; M. F. Funkhouser, Omaha; Judg Wilson, Lincoln; J. I'. Fltxgerald, Omaha, and Rev. O. Q. Bu ton. Council Bluff. The banquet was served hy Mrs. Scott, ttho for twenty year has been caterer to all of tha Ma sonic grand lodge meeting. An orchestra of twenly-four piece furnished the music. Lodge work yetrdy commenced at 10 o'clock, the thirty-first degree, that ot the inapector-lnqutsltor, being eanferted upon tha member f the olasa seeking entrance, to tha Scottish Rite. f ast of Setting:. The asttlng wa the Hall of Kquity, with this cast: Confucius, John R. stlne: Minos, John K Simpson; Mosea, Sa'.i Ivy; Hermes, Frank B. Randolph; Manu, Nathan Bernstein: Zarthustta. Charles L. Shook! Numa. Fred Rogers; Alfred. Edgar U Hdag; Chancellor. ohn It. Qrosaman; Subehaneellor, XV. i3. Shriver. Tha work In thla degree wa followed by taking the candidate to th Hall of Justice, where B. F. Thomas presided aa Osiris; Chart Lt Shook. Atum; John R. mine, Ma; Frank E. Randolph. Tttth; J. W. Dlsbrow, Anupu: T. L. Combs. Horns; Saul Ievy, Kebhaenuf: John K Simpson. Tau Mutef; Fred Roger, llapl; C. II. T. Relpen. Amset; Ouy L. Axtoll. Isis; E. F. leaven worth, Nephthy; Dr. Zora D. Clark, Dr. Lea VanCamp, A. P. Rutherford, T. K. Sudborough. Frank K. Randolph, Jame It. Bttne. E. L. Hos snd Leo Rosenthal, Vedlc poet, and Dr. Clark. O. L. Shook. C. It. Walrath. Jo aeph Barker, II. P. Hase, John T. Tate. J, ft, Davis, Loul F. Etter snd Bgul Levy, Zend worshipers. Ta fllve Thirty-Second Decree. At I o'rlock ths thirty-second degree, thst of the master of ths royal secret, the highest that ran be conferred outside of the city of Washington, was given the members of the class, B. F. Thomas, sit ting a venerable master of Kadoh. as sisted by John H. Grossman, prior; John R. Stlna, preceptor; George F. Writ, minister of atate; Joseph P. Davis, gl moner; C. H. Walrath, master of cere monies; J. W. Dlsbrow, prelate; A.. C. Pancoaat, camp orator; Zora Clark, vr rilo hymns; Dell F. Lough, commanding camp guards; Earl Sterrlcker, ninth Unt; J. O. aiaeshoff. eighth tent; W, II. Miller, seventh tent; W. C. KatsensteJn, Ixth tent; Fred Btrlffler. fifth tent; -A. C. Kttgel, fourth tent: 8. F. Pollock, third tent; L. C. Jenaen, econd tenti C. S. Huntington, flrat tent, snd C. O. Wilson, A. R. Kelley and Oust Martlg, guard. Ths thirty-third degree I that of the Knight of Kadosh, a degree that Mason all over tho world seek to attain. During- the week tho Oathsdral has been visited by score of high de.Tee Mason from sit over the country snd forty-three who have taken the thlrty econd degres and live In state other than Nebraska hsvs been present st the reunion. They assert, one snd all, that ths Scottish Rita cathedral here, while not so largo ss some. I tha beat sp polntel for doing work and. st ths asm time, 1 ths moat elegant ot any they liavs aver seen. Among ths visitors, nearly evry state In tha union has been represented. Totals .27.100 89,809 37.200 Ha. it. . . T... I,.. 4. . 41. . til . ll ,.t1 . M ...') .MI .: . ... ..U .. il Sb. rr. K. agar Market. NSW YORK. Nov. l.-f4UQAR-Raw, firm; eentrlfugal. 4 01ti4 7c; . molaseea, 8.88cf3.42c. Refined unchanged. Labor Federation to Aid the Copper and Textile Strikers PHILADELPHIA. Nov. IS. The an nual convention of ths American Federa tion of Labor today voted to gis sup port to the men "who were arrested In Michigan In connection with ths copper strike, snd to aid tha textile striker at Atlanta and ths glove makers striker at Oloversvllle, N. T., who hav been out fourteen weak. The dispute between the International Typographical union snd ths book binders' organisation over control of ths mailers employed in tha printing business ass referred le ths exacatlv council for adjustment after much debst. The convention endorsed ths action of the executive council la refusing to give ths Order of Railway Telegraphers ax tended Jurisdiction over certain classes of railroad employe. Tha executlv council had rfued ts gtva thla Jurisdic tion on tha ground that it wa not con ducive to the bast Interests of ths gen eral labor movement to grant the request at this time. The agreement by which the Assoc la tad L'nJoa of Steam Bhovslmsa sad Brother hood of Steam Shovel and Dredg Men are to amalgamate, was approved. The aaTseraeats for amalgamation of tha cigar , maker and stogie makers, brew ery workers and cooper, aad ths plat printers and printing pressmen, also were favorably acted upon. The convention instructed its officers to mak further efforts to bring about amalgamation of tha 6tov Mounter' union and the sheet metal workers' or Billings Stockmen Protest Against Quarantine Order BILLINOS. Mont.. Nov. IS. Mors than 40,000 sheep and 1.009 eattls, many of them ready for market and all In shape for shipment within four weeks, are being held lit ths local yards. It is estimated that more than 80,000 mors head ot sheep and several thousand cattle are being fattened In neighboring valleys. None can be shipped under the present federal quarantine order. Unless this stock can b moved shortly stock men of this region sy they facs a loss estimated, as high as s& They arranged today to protest to the state veterinarian, asserting that it Is unnecessary to maintain the quarantine when no trace of foot and mouth disease nas oecn found within 300 miles of Billing. WASHINGTON. Nov. lS.-Warnln i., cattlemen to beware of men postsal aa representatives of ths federal government in its ngnt against foot and mouth dls ease, went out today from the Depart ment of Agriculture. Report) to to de partment say persons who claim to repre sent the government sre sppeaiing ta in -footed statss with so-called cures. Offi cials ssy there Is ao epeclflo curs tor the disease aad that the only way to prevent lis spread Is to keep well herd from eon tact with ths infected one, at. aa. r j ... 11 '.-is no T 40 1 to : 17 ... T ii ... IS 74 t 4 T 40 Sin 46 14 ... 7 is 18 11 ia ... 1 u mo t tt iu . . T Iw ... T 40 a IM . . t ta is iu ... 1 u U T JJ'j 17 1 ... 7 ... t r. it 111 . . 1 to ... 1 u Pins. ... SO U 96 ... 28 W. C. T. U. WILL MEET IU SEATTLE NEXT YEAR ATLANTA, Os.. Nov. lt.-fleettla today was selected by the executive committee as the place for the 1915 convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance union, The date will be decided later. This con cluded the business left over by the gen eral convention, which adjourned last sight. Bee Want Ada Are tha Belt Business Boosters. Culls from the Wire Railroad presidents, vie. hhiUuii. .,.i general mauagera from over all Nurtti America are at Chicago for the eon ven tre of the Amerlcaa Hallway aasocia. tloa. The federal grand Jury at Pittsburgh found an indictment conUlnlna thirty. on counts aaalnat Christian Schaefer, former cashier of the United State Na tional bank of Pittsburgh, charging him with ambesselment of Sll.OrtO and making false reporte to the comptroller of the currency. Schaefer waa relesaed on S6,(a ball. Woman, for the first time In the hi.. tory of the Protectant Episcopal church. was toaar recognise en eat 01 trie im portant boards of that denomination when tne svnoo or tne Third province al Pittsburgh decided that the provincial board ot social service shell hereafter be composed of one bishop, four preebyter. four laymen and two women. - Tha American Federation of Labor in annual convention at Philadelphia oni mouely adopted a resolution celling it pen the prealdent ot the United tslatee "to IfiBlet that the Colorado coal operators immediately comply with the federal plan of settlement in the strike in that state" and "in the event they refuae. tha be take such tep a are necessary to hat a receiver appointed for the mine f. f etd end operate them in tha Interest of the people under federal anpervfsie i until au-h time aa the civil and optical right of the peTl are established.