THE BEE: OMAHA, '.' ' NOVEMBER 19U. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification muat be pre' ented before 1! o'clock noon for evening onion and 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunuay edition. Want aria n'lfd after euch boura will be under th heaolng. "oa ete to Classify." CA8H RATES. Feven consecutive times 1 cent a word arh Insertion Three timet within cne week, IV cent won! earn Ineertlon. On time t cents a wort. CHAROE RATES. Seven consecutive times. I cent a Una ejerh Insertion. Three tlmea within on week, 10 cent ft tine earn insertion. One time. It renta a Una. Count alx average word to ft Una. Minimum charge. $0 cent a. An advertisement Inserted to be run tin til discontinued must be atopped bjr writ ten order. ' Tou caa place jrour want ad In Tha Bee . TELEPHONE TYLER 1008. tt Unclaimed Answers to the Swappers' Column" Hundred of other anawera have been ailed for and delivered during the last week, it ta reasonable to suppose that all of the people below have made tha de alred swaps therefore, do not call for tha balance of their anawera. lice Waul Ada aura get result. HC. SC. SC. If. B.C. B.C. 12)3 1771 iXt 1 ) 1"40 j22i mi yxn io7 11 ' i4 12243 - 1T.4 133$ 14uft 14.0 ImS m . a mi Hit . V- w lm i:.44 Mil i i&m 12a 12 l:ST ' 141 1471 11 1247 ie 3$ I4i'4 ' lt.a i&a llt 12!7 1 1 142 1471 1M JiM VM 11 14U 141 1570 12d & l.74 14.13 146 l.r74 1.4 193 1871 1414 11.11 11.76 lr?-S JI4 1388 1441 lf.l lf77 V jw7 i.ivo 144& itii i:m :24 lMi 13!4 149 lf.1V l" 1267 1314 1403 4M 11)19 1"7 Um Nil 14u 1464 mt LJ TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROCaRAMS Exclusively la Tha lie ftnata. LIVE WIRE BUM N ESS MEN OK OMAHA LYRIC. Life Pavers. Crystal comedy. Trey O' Hearts No. IB. l-reel. PASTIME. Z4th and LEAVENWORTH". In Clutches of the Vllllan, Joker comedy, love and Baa Hell, 2-reel Klson. Klertrle- aaaallea. 1617 VINTON. I I.EBRON Wka. Flnrlata. 21ft B. Kth. P. 7. ENEZ1A THEATER, 1211 ft. UTH 8T. Tricking tha Government l-reel. A. DONAOHUE, 122 Harney. Doug. 1"01. BATH'Hflorit. 14 Farnam St. HESS 4k BWORODA. 1414 Farnam St HELP WANTED MALE BUSINESS CHANCES 1 L. HENDERSON. l'.l Farnam. Member Florist Telegraph Del D. li. Assn. Farriers, v PEN FENSTF.Tt, 1410 N. $4th Bt. Web. 7777. T eel. MONROE. KU FARNAM BT. King Itaggnt. Tarn of the ltde, t-r. Imp. An III W.nd.. - For Frtemlahlp'a Hake. Fplanda No. 1. tl.Ono.OOO Myatery, Monday. Hair lireaalaft. Harper Method. R. , Balrd PM. D. Ml. BENSON. tfM MAIN BT. Btx-claJ feature. Buffalo lull and the the V. B. army In "The Old Indian Wara for Civjiaatton," In a maaalva pu, lataacll In all. F.MTE No. 1, 64ft BROADWAY Tha Riddle of tha Oreen Umbrella. I-reel Kal. dr. Tha Kangera Ronuuice, Bel. dr. Snakovllle and tha Coreet Uemonatrator. HOPF.R, bSJ BROADWAY The Mnater Key, aerlea No. L Mia NlKht Out, Jokar comedy. Iiot'a Klopement. Bterllng comedy. Boath Omaha. BFJtRE tHEATER. J4TH AND N 8TB. Within an Ace, l-reel Vita, drama. Ham and the Villain Factory, Kal. com. Ilearta of Oold, Hlo. drama. MAGIC, 24TH AND O BTB. Tha Opened Shutters, t-reeL Mate Trimmed. Hata trimmed, BOr. p. tmberton. Web 1904 l.lve aioek Remedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co., n7 B. 1th, Red 42TJ. Violet Ray, ttllM., 4M Be Bldg D. 6111 Clerical aad Office. OROTERT Ct-ERK, Ot'T OF TOWN. V: IIXI'KHIENI Kit flltOCKHY fl,EHK. SA1J-:SMAN WITH Al'TO POK CITY hkil. IjiTiTK' iiti vrw:uiiiHH Ho cuopKRATivK rkff-rkncb c..ifer, 1 lie I, Ice and rStorapre IJur- l"1Mri'i tMTY NATIftNAI, HANK TU.PO.j. ' . ' - . , , ? . Baleaman.atenographera office cWka." I moSS, in One 01 the bOSt tOWnS See Watte Hel. Co., h40 llramlela Tha. For Sale All or a part of a Dray, Trnns- A areata, aalramra aad "ollcltora. I CAN ue two flrat-claaa aaleamen. Hlgh-r1aa proposition and a quick money-grttcr. If you are accuatomed toi lartrn enmlnca an-l are rriiilr to hln 'n.n.n. FF'.v. :n 1 r 4 work at once, call today between I " aw" ,v c 1,1 B location in city. Will consider of about 5,000 population in southern Minnesota. Working 20 head of horses ai d auto and 12, or 2 and 4. ft Mary a Ave Kaatern manager, 1S14 BAIKPMAN High grade man required. For Interview call at R State Hank lUdg. V I .1 HI Lf i IV r . , Neville Mlk., Mth Harney. Mourn, t to 9. ca'go. 111. Blt-LT SI NDAY: the Man and Ilia Mea aage; hie own book; eelln Itself; an un uanal opportunity; be flret In the field and make f 10 a day; and 20c for outfit; 30 daya' credit: biz cotnmlealon. The John Room 224 A. Hertel Co-, 11 B. UeaPlainca St, Chi- COJiA J3ELUN0Y aatlafactory enatern treatmenta; hatha; dally and evatilrtge. 107 B. 17th HL Notice: Private entrance, haaement. corner of bldg Kathleen Mack, rnaaaage A hath. D. 7uSl Clara Iee, bath and mataege. Doug. 87ul. Mlaa Brhmldt. maaa., bath, elec. tr. D. 713. Mine Flaher, maaa., elect, treat Red bUM. MAHhAUK. hM 8. 17th Bt. Mra. Bteela Vaaaerllle. ORPHEUM, 24TH AND M. BO. OMAHA. Bpeclal Feature Saturday. AXNOCX CEMENTS (iKT a V M. C. A. ticket for Xmaa. I1AKU Ueaf 1'lle Cones, beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pllea Mr poHtpald; aamploa free. . Bhermaa A tcr,onrcll lrug Co., Omaha. Wh i n. sMiio-inciiiei' I'o'H Ft. Co. DKATII AND KUNGRAL NOTICE. XOLER May, wife of J. U Koler. at her lata remence, 241s ' Hew ma aixeet, . Wedneauay inurnlng, Noveinuvr in. Fuueral rrluay at i p. m. noin Ciuaby'g pariora. am aud Beward atreeia, . Inlar nioul at forest Ua cemetery. STANLEY Abnar J., died Monday, No vember l at MlnneaHjlia, Mnn., aged ' 17 years. Funcial services will be held Friday, I 3u p. m , at Hulaa 4k Hlepan a chapel. 701 South Sixteenth street. lntexinont X'rosiHict 11111 cemetery. Friends welcome. ELKS! TAKE- NOTICE! The funeral of Brother John W. Reece of Norfolk lodge. No. , 6. A Benevolent Protective Order of i:lka, will take pluce this (Thuraday) afternon at I o'clock In tha Elka' lodge room. In aworclnnte with the ritual of the order. All h,lka ara re quested to attend. Ky order of UEOHOK F. WEST. Exalted Kuler. Attest: . I. W. TURNER. Becretary. CARD or THANK. We desire to thank tha puuilc and our many friends and neighbors, tha omalia flra department, AucUiit Order of United VVvrkuten and the police department, -iur their beuutifui Hum! oiler. ne a and sym pathy ftjid ntany kindnesses shown to us ai wie uealh auid uuiwi oi our ihl.uvmu husband and father. Mrs, Kathryn Ru.it4uid aud faiuuy. Ws datlra to axpresa our elncera thanka to our reiativea and frlenda for their klndneaa, ayinualhy and beautirul floral offerlnga at the death and burial of our beloveu huaband, father and brother. MRS. MAX MITZ-AFF AND CHIt .. I'RF.N. ALBERT F. M1TZLAFF. ... BIRTHS AND DtCATlta. BlrtliaR. A. and Zalde BUarna, MOa Jacaauu, girl; Anutuny and Jeaala Koung ren, alls Vvebatur, gtrl. leiiii i.uuui,ui torton, 71 year a, hoa pltal; Uwendoiln Campbell, years, li2i ouin Thirty-first. Lt'CK Y wcd'liug rnga i Meodegaard's. Lawn c"6verino. walnut liiw. Fall Announcement Call on us for Pleating, Buttons, Ruchin?, Hemstitching, , Picot Edging. Ideal Pleating Co., Doug. 193G. 107-10U fc. 16th. o MOlE cleaners and tailors; call and de liver. H N. 16th Bt. Phone Red g. iOUNd MAN wants alt kinds of general housework: best of referencea. Phone Harney 6302. WVE WIRE 11V81NKB.H MEX OF 0.1A11A A B C ot Omaha MAK51AOK 620 PEE ruildino. m;illUIi DOUGLAS 372. MISS JACODP. maaa.. manicuring. Phona LKug. 4237. Hrs. to , Hun. 11 to, s. HALKKMAN wanted to carry a line of motorcycle leggings as a aide line, either Jobbers or retail train. I'.laon Leg ging Co., 65 Cnrro'l Ht.. P'lffaln. N. Y, WE CAN still give employment to a dozen more educated bualneas men throughout the United Statea aa repre sentatives to supply the Increased de msnd for the New International En cyclopedia, owing to the preent Euro- Vean war. For full Information address odd. Mead Co.. New York City. AUENTH Good profits, quick aales: write Reliable Bpeclalty Co., Van Wert. Ohio. BATH and majTaage. alcohol rub. Laura TE' r,1A,i"oc'Rt'on' l:3 Cltv Wllaon. 1IW? Farnam. R. i. Douglas 75L hH Hldg.. Omaha. Neb. NO claasitli at on; lilieral contract; n w policies Mutual Benefit Health and Ac- National MlfM WALTON, bath. maaa. Phona D. tvi. lira. to Nun. 11 to i. Meaaeaarer aad Traaafe. WHITE LINE. 30 B. 11th. Douglas CT1 Ltckttna Flit area aad wlrlag. THOMAS DUKKLN Electrlo fltturea and supplies, contract ing and repair work dona reasonable. Hi CUMING. POLO I .AS 251. Maak Coatamea and Lodwe Bappltra. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of inuauerade and theatrical coatumes in tho country. Theo. Lleben A Bon, 1M4 Howard. D. 411B. Millinery. SWITCHES from eommng. $1.10. Psyche free. Mra. H. M. Rck. 3aj9 Marry. 11. K4S. Miit laa, Kturaae aad t leaala. W, C. FERRIN, 16th and Capitol. Ty. 12"0. Mafra. aad Wladow Shade Cleaaere. OLD shades made Ilka new Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4WiL Ocunata. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can, ura. McCarthy, nu w. o. w. mag. Oatriiiiutklc l'aiBleVwaa. Dr. Rerucha, 203-4 McCagua Bldg. D. $S2S. I'ateat Deyelopraeat. AMERICAN Machine Co. 119 'B. 1U Bt I'alrata. H. A. Bturg, KW Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. BarneU, Paxton Bfk. Tel. Red 7U7" 1'iiliillnii aad I'apcrlag, HUGH M'MANUB, 417 N. fth. H. 6728. Plantea Reaovated. rLUMES A flowers made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Kruger, 4ffl Paaton. u.HJiH. WANTED Several neat appearing men for -illclttr.g. Money dailv. Call at once. 833 Brandels Theater Bldg. nArtmnMM) sundries aaleaman to caii on city arug trade; muat be a bual jeaa producer. Give full details. Con i owntiai. Andreas, H 161, Bee. EAPEIil KNCKU tire sajcaman for city; one who can produce the buainess. Give full particulars. Confidential. Address, F 1M, Bee. Factory aad TraHM. . WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE. Always a good demand for our graduates, but unusual ruah juat now as hundreds of foreixn barbers work ing here have been dratted for Europenn war Employers are looking to us to fill theae Joha. w II prepare you In few weeks Earn while lonrnlng. Open to everyone. Investigate MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 B. 14th Ft. W A NTED Drug c'rk. et waea State fully experience, education, qualification, age and references. "U" Omaha Bee. Council Bluffa, la. a partner that can invest $S,- 000 in the business and is a good office man and knows something about fuel. For a full detail of the business, ad dress mo as Retail Fuel and Lro Dealer, Y 283, Bee. BUSINESS PROGRESS Is up FarDam Street The Best Location for your office la In The BEE BUILDING (Tha Building that Is Always New ) - INQUIRE ROOM 103. LOST AXD FOCKD SWAPPER'S COLVMX OMAHA OM NC1L Hl.UFFS STREET WILL trade equity In good lot for cow, RAILWAY COMPANY. I chickens, how orplg. 8. C. tat J,rlr',:n." t!?S,n J?.'1 i'riTU !wiNCHES"fER-igaiige pump gun for ou writ iv run up inc tji ; ic- ur inn "hibi'ib - u At traH fnr at 'ik rimlth A Woiituin A Council Bluff. Street Railway rorhpany d po'.ce mndef Evnlr? "nJh u swrrtHin wnt uirr incr leu iv in wie alrret cara. Many articles esch day -are. turned In aiid tns company la anxloua to reatore them to the rightful owner, fall Doug. 4ft. LOBT Wednday morning, between 17th and Farnntn and PUh and Dodge, a small Mll-bo'ik containing various re elpta and $IS In currency: finder return 'o Itayden Brof.' office: reward. MINK scarf, Monday p. m. at Hipp; ra w ard. Phone Wal. 27. 4Plft Farnam. LOST Pet wen Omaha and Lincoln, two new trri Non-Skid casings, two 7x$ rc tubea and two 3Xx44j rima. Finder return tires and rims and receive re gard. Standard Auto Tlrs Co., Lincoln Neb. LOST Hampden watch. 21 Jw'l. open face, aoaled case, site It; reward. Call Web. fiSW. barrel preferred. Adilrees P. C. .WS, Bee. WOOD F.N PLOWPLAIN-Swap for rifle or what have you. Would like repeat ing ahotgttn or kodek. Address, K C, 252. Hee. FOR RENT IjOST White Angora cat, one blue and brown ye;415l Cuming. Walnut 321K. LOST Friday, November 13, medltim Isod French poodle. Suitable . reward raid on h's return In good condition to a South 38th St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. florae ami veblclca. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagona A harness; large stock A nttrnctlve prices. Johnaon-Danforth Co. 1.1-33 N I'.th Ft. MAY. M per ton. Wagner. 01 N. 1th. GOOD work horse. l.llO lbs., $6o; l.WU-lt horse, $'0. 3322 Hnrrlaon St.. South Omaha. Telephone South 30. MEDICAL Drug store -.-si LEARN BARBER TRADE. Bo Independent; wacea and tools given. Electric maaange. Strictly modern Big demand for burbera. Call or write. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas St.. Om. 1032 N St.. Lincoln. Mlaeenaaraaa. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. Prtatlaer. WATER8-BARNHART PU. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th Bt DOUGLAS Co. Tel Doug. 844. COREY A M KENZ1E PIG CO. D. m. WAXOHS.B, uiauiuuua ud euy, actat prices, mov. and lhm. luy now, si a weaa. wsateru Walch ana jeiry co., Ituum til mjumh iw, Eh) BUiLDlNU OFKlC.rt are good uusmasa builders. Oilict-s are avau auls now. troin $i to M witn sui M.xUit ciautrlu Itaht ire. oifloe. Room lut. A fttsdU B N' 0 SX)DAY"8 COMPLETE ftlOVLti PUCrUliA14 lux clusivel in iii4 ale liasi Ttsa, CAM ERAPHON E THEA. 1403 Douglas. Tha Aluuuuda Law. s-rl Luuln uiauia. Jbronchu Uiiiy a Mutuer. Eaaauay W, dr, 'lhe bviuuuvuie Scttooi. Bioaiauii comedy. w 16th and Harney F.LITE NO. 2. 'i ho i lnes ot Lorey. $-ri Eaiaun urauia. 13U FARNAM BT. '1 ha Luiidrvaa. luaaanay conmdv. Tha Vepgeajioe of W luuaa, Kaisin drama. FARNAAl. 1416 FARNAM BT. Mulsi Uirl No. 44. olu Enough to lie liar Grandfather. An, Kedbnd vvlna. -ri American drama. lUi r XUA'iE. Ut AiD siAitNEX. Uoma of . Paramount Plcturea PARK THEATER. I'eatur program dally, Keyaton Comedlus, (1 N. 1T11. PARLOR, IS DOUULAd BT. Tha Chorus Olrl'g Thanksgiving, t-r. Rex. Llss is ' sj Ksca pe. L.-ho. corned y, PRiNCEbB, 1317-1 DOUULAB BT. A Bear Eecapa. Bturluig conieuy. The Wondrous Melody. 2-reei Eclair, tini. Boy in cuplil ana the Kuhea. imp, dr. ALU AM BRA. Nartk. Mi NORTH S4TIL The House of Troubles, bv Watson Stock Co., and 4 reels of Films. ALAMO. Hill AND i'OilT. j-lia Jrallier s Bon. l-reel Victor. Tha Close Call. Btiirllug comedy. llsr Lite's htory. Powers. CLIFTON. Military AvoT and Bunlstte. Weekly. Kikuu New Hero. Keystona comedy. Uld. t-ret-l ThanliouKer drama. 1'IAMOND, 3410 LAKE. A itari tor a urine, turning comedy. In belf-lJfrnee, s-rerl Imp. 4an vt the It tils. Powers drama. FRANKLIN THEATER. 2Kb A Franklin. Booties Baby, two-revl Edison drama. tlippry Sl.m aad tha Iiuperaonator, Ess. W. cum. Four Miuutea Late, tnt. dra. IHl'lODItOME. Si I'll AND CUMi.NU. Mothrr.eaa Klua. Beauty C 'ltie High Grailer, Reilanc drama. The W ireleas Voli'e. -rwl Rel. dram IT THEATER. 1STH AND LOCUS f. I he tiiri nom the Weat, Luu.n drama. In Old Virginia, two-reel Luuln drama. Lata, Vltagiaph comedy. LOTHROP, MTU AND LOTHROP, Trey o' Hearta, No. 11 And Complete Univeisal program. I.OYAU 2e CALDWELL BT Lnto iierselt. two-reel Kex. Vk hlta Wolf. Nestor. Bhavk Next Iuor, U'nlveraal Ike comedy PALACE. 2fl DAVENPORT 8T. Virtue Its Own Reward, l-reel Reg. The Danger Line. Neator. EW and aauond-hand electrlo fans and motors. LeBron ttsectrio vv orss, tig B. Win. Dougiaa 17s. . v maha mllow co.. ivu7 cunung. Doug, 4(. Ranovales taalhera and tuaureasea oi ail kinds. uaas RIEB-HALL PU. Co., 10 Capitol. D. WX CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. "74. HiMik Eatersalaatar. B. B. B. Roach powoer at your druggist kaiv aaa 4 1ms tntcit. fcaaerts. O A T?TO Oponed, Tspalrad, comb, H KS changed, f. E. Daiven-'- port, 140 Dodge. D. VOL feaoe Hrpalrla. Electrlo Shoe Rep. Co.. MOT Bt Mary's Av. tajaa aad kawmaarda. E. M. C1.ARK A BON, 11 BO. 1TH BT. leather matu-eases and down covers. ACUUM cleaners for sala Vacuum cleaning dun in Uis home, banilary bertka Co., Bae Bldg. E rent repair, sell aaediea and parta lor ail sewing machines. NE BRASKA cycle CO.. "Miokala," Douglas 11 WEAR-EVER aluininuin kllohsn utan bus. 4 wpuiar eclitiues, not sold In I m rum Ka.'itiri, hMiaiiiwn. VI el.. tLAim. sture. aau ulllaat la t area. DESKS, salsa, scales, showcases, shelv ing, ate Vt buy, sell. Omaha Fiatura and Supply Co., 414-1-18 B. Lllll. D. Ii4. teei lelllBftS, CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 B. 10th. '!! aapatloa. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. Uth. D. 62ft. 'Iraaka aad gaUeaaea. FRELING A BTK1NLE, ISM Farnam Bt AiHivnalaala. MELVILLE D. THOMAS A COMPANY, ui-w City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler uuo. 1 allure. CHAS. a LANDERYOU. 10t N. Uth Bt O. OlEN A tiof'successors to Olson A Jameson, m Bo. ntn Bt, 3d floor. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A., 433 Hamaa Bidg. Utiugiaa 740$. BAKER, VAVVT-li A WOLF, 431 Raniga Bldg. Douglas 74u. Addingr Maeklaea Dalton Auuuig Machlnea 411 B. IS. D. 144, Aodar Men, cc.t Waes), w.o. W . D. ItUa, Arcktleeta. Evsreit B. Dodds, 1I Paxton Blk. D. 1981. Aitcaotlaaa. OMAHA lUra ax.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture man, lime and film bargalus. Aals aad Maaraata Meaalrtag. aiagoeto rea.r work a spec. any. D, Mil. Aactlwaoera. . Dowd Auouoa Co., 112$ W. O. W. Rod 32U. stta Prlatta. HORNBY BLoE PRINT CO., $0$ Omaha nai i nana mug. Bsrsersi 11 Chairs, lOo shaiva, neck ahava. 1U7 Far. atraaa r'waaarlea. Paxton-Mitcheli Co., nth and Martha Bta, ktal. alias aad Reaalrlaaj. E. FRANTA. 11 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1167. I taiera aad Writ Diaglagr. NEED wail cr calara uuad or dugT rw.UAr noes u. rnoiia web aul lallforala Laada. W. T. Bm.lh co., 11U Cltr Nat Bk. D. ia Caal Dealers. tt fvti JohoiK'n's special, also Victor nut, f' evu. t tiuue AJ iiud t kirosiractora. L. Oeudls. D. C, f2$ Bee Bids. Doug. 4a. tkiaa PalaltaaT Ruth Lsichford, decorating, firing. R. 4341 llvll Eaglanra. M. J. LACY, all BEE BLDG. POUO. 47 IS. t reaa feraaratars. lhe bharpiea txiparator Co., Uth A Farn. Delrrtlvea. JAMES ALLAN, $11 Neville Blk. Evl- ueiica awurwi in an casa. Tyler Hoa, lilt; Hennlngs Secret Bervlce, Phona ajougiaa iou or voebaler S16I. Daarlagt Acadrsalra. Tuipln's Dancing Academy, th A Farn. CUAHbKna' Academy, claaa.o. D. U7L Mackiea Acaucmy, now oiwn. 1614 liar. LAI EcT oani-ea. pn. or rlia. Web. iiM. i-i li( KUAN THEA1EK. k4lh and Amea .The I. yn brook Trageuy, 3 r I Kaiern dra. The OraL liupeeryul Birkua, htlix cm. Broncho Billy Favorite, Eaaanay W. dra. sealk. ARUOR, CD AND ARBOR BTS. Uanm Keeper's Daughter, t-r. Ikjitc dr. . 1 ii Tuner Consclruce, Msjralic drama. Physical Culture) Romance. Komlc com. APOLLO THEATEr""C4 LvtvcnvZtlh. The Girl In tbs Case. S-reel Vita, drama. Three Bniiw.1 lHu Fables. Eas. cviu. CULI MIUA THEATER. 1710 S. TENT1L 1 lie tiublen iluix. Lubin draws. The lltket-of-Leava Mao. t-r. Bio. dr. h?Mliv lina to Swim, Eakanay coiu. Unuawklag. Tairy Dreasmak'g college SOtb A Farnanv ...--..rv,.-j aiiaruuun, avauuiig gowna, ailerauona. suits, orsseo: reJ- sunaoie; guaranteed wor k. Itu Casa a ri, i .3, H. too. Veteriaariaaa. DR. Q. R. YOUNG, 4fi03 Center. Ulara aad Liawora. ALEX JETE9, Mia 3. Uth Bt Wines. uquora, cigars, riato dinner, 11 to a, itio. Globe Uuuor house. 434 N. WLh; Cailiornla wine, 41.30 ir gal. wr.te for price Hat HENRY POLLOCK LIU U OH HOUSE. join ana ceimoi avs Ten-cent lunch. BUY your lainlly liquor at Klein's Liquor House. Ul N. lath. Douglas 1MB. UEL1' WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad uftle. CASHIER, munt have mercantlla sxpeii- nce. M Biate Bang Biug. BOOKKEEPER lor small office: soma klaiioaraiiiitc work; aood chance for ad vancement; suu, WAITS REF. CO. $40-43 Brandels Thee. Ageata aad aalaaoaaaaa. $18 WEEK, expenses advanoed: women to travel gnu aiiuoint aaeuts for cou- centraied foou flavors in tuoea. Rsllabis eng. co., i oino Miflg., Chicago. j STaafltorr aaa Taaaaa. LKARN Oppsonsim Parlors. xiaaaaaaaeaera aud Uvaaeiallaa. THE itervadt Uirl Pruuleia Solved. Tha Bee will run a Itervant U.n Wanted Ad FREE until you get tns desired results. '1 lua appuea to reaiueuis of onuwia. bouin Otuana and Council Blufis. Bring ad to lite ! offloa or telephone Tver low. GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who makes '.ilmaelf an aut) Xpert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. Go right Into the auto bualneas from here. Beat and finest enuinneil roll Opportunities best here now, ever have been. Write for list of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, B19 Farnam Kt. Omaha. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. F R. Tarry cure piles, flatuta and other rectal dlaeaaes without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. VVr te for booh on rectal dlseaees with teatlr onlals. DR. E. R TA R 11 Y. 24" Pee in western lows. Doing good bualneaa. ii... CureH In a foiar rtnva without .Mn5aJAAnV,?Ste- GOOi tOT K"PtUre p'Sl'wrlt? DrWWhrar selling Addreaa -M 'ire Bm. , Dm RM. rm..ha tr.t.hll.hed ixqi. i. GklX EKi :IUi'.r. u, ;tle. only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100. located in western Iowa. Doing good bualneaa. A part mr ata aad Flata. Special for Winter Two Weeks Rent Free If You Move Now $10-4 rooms. 1139 N. 17th St. $.'0 6-room, all modern flat. 1510 V. SOth. $10 $ rooms mod. 3P03 Leavenworth St $l0-4-room flat, br ck, 22t N. 2th St . Harry Wolf, Ware Block. Douglas WW. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with ua for quick action and square treatment. QUICK BALES COMPANY. 4H Be Bldg. Phone Red J?M. MONEY TO LOAN 4-Room Apartment Athlone Choice apartment, beaut ful oak finish throughout; large living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooma; kitchen complete with Ice box nml gas atove; convenient and quiet location at 2Mb and Douglas Ft. Call ua and we will take you to see these Rentaf. $'R winter. $) summer. Peters Trust Co. in3 Farnktn Pt. Phone Douglas 898. tight-room brick flat corner 8th and William; most dea rable in Forest Hill park. Ponrlrta tmn. OO DEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, -ooml with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 64ft. BAKERY Cafe for aale town. Almost entire trade town 3,0O. 843 Kennebeck Co.. Omaha, Neb. NEED MONEY? See us. Quick Hervlco. Half usual rate HRI.1ARI K rlil'.DlT County seat i CO. $08 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. rIG-. hiiiiiv rani. "larh Son r ITTft. THEATRRS Buy. lease or sell your the ster. machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St Douglas lftrf. PERSONAL. WANTED-Rallway mall and postal clerks; examinations soon: over ft om appointments yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No, 88 of payment after appointment Philadelphia BuMnest Col lege. Civil Service Dept.. Phllsdelphla. Pa. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile buainess; the demand Is great for our graduates; we hsve trained hundreds of men: 1st us train you. Write for free booklet- Nat '1 Auto Training Ass'n, $814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL educates yon for any automlblla position: E radical training on actual nutoulobllo ulldlng. remodeling and repair work. Day and night classes. Automobiles built and rebuilt to your deslun. Kverv repair Job guaranteed. The practical school. 14J$-1S-17 Dodge St Phone Doug las $043. HELP WANTED MALE AAU a'MALB. MEN, WOMEN Get government jobs; $b to tlMt month; l.uuo appointments monthly. Write for Hut Frauaalu inau tute. Dept 321 T. Rochester, N. Y. MEN-WOMEN Get government lota ltie to $lu0 month. Write for list of po sitions available. Franklin lustltuta, Desk NO, Rochester. N. X. TO GET In or out of business. Csll on GANQESTAD 404 Res Bldg. D. 3477. YOUR business or reU estate quickly sold. Write Jim Wray. Sioux City. GARAGE repair shop and blacksmith shop for sale. County seat town. Ad dress Y 2SL Bee; MILLINERY for sale at big discount Money maker. In town l."0O Snap. Ad dreaa 243 Kennebeck Co., Omaha, Neb. lavratmrnta. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about $6,000 In an old established general merchandleo business; will run It with my own help. A good Investment for tha man that has some money to loan out Stock about $io,00. Gorman preferred. Address Y 2M. Bee. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture rnaga tlnea. We collect We iflstrlhute Phono Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Donne Kt. . .- . , EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman College , Unsurpassed classes In business, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work tor board. For free catalogue address Mosher-Lampman College 1816 Farnam St., Omaha, Nehu YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women g Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they nil! be directed to suitable boarding places Or otherwise assisted. Look for our tiav elera' aid at the Union StaUon. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices tnaka the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x21 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75o a hundred at The Bee oftlce. Mixed grain, $1.60 per 100. Wagner, svl N.I& WASTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture uuugnt anil aoid. C. Reed I2U7 Farnam. Doug. i4$. J, BOYLES COLLEGE NIGI1T SCHOOL DAY SCHOOL Complete business course; complete shorthand or stenotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and English. Write, phone, or call for mt catalogue, BOYLES COLLEGE Boyle a Building. Omaha, Nebraska. II. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT. Wanted Second hand 3-paS, Ford. D. 2637. WE BUY id-baud ciotiies. 1421 N. Uia. LIVE STOCK MARK Ml OF WEsl SHIP live stock to South Omaha, feavs mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live Staic CoBtuiiasiou. Meraiaaata, MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Eicbanga Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN A REAL EQUITY of $430ln $1,0U0 cot tage and tow lots at Plattsmouth, Neb., balance held by B. A. L. came tenant for tour vcara. Want late model Ford or other light car, or otfers. S. C. 247, Bee. . .. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; big pay; Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of positions free. Address Y 2o9. Bee. . . Tho Van Sant School Stenography Day school, a;0o to 4:00. Night school. :15 to :1S. Ibth and Farnam Sta Douglas (647. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNu man wants place to work for board whue attending Boylox' college. Telephone INiugiaa 1&C&. YOUNG MAN. 24. will appreciate any kind at honorablo work. Oifloe ablut and xperlencw. Call Douglas 71VU RELIABLE colored wcinan wants posi tion as chanmermald.' W, 67W8, WANTED Posalun aa chauffeur; six years' experience driving and repairing cars. It you ara looking tor a good, care ful driver give ma a trial. Wul do other work. 640 W. Washington Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Phone B ack ltW. YOUNG LADY with several years' office experience des.res iiosuion tcierlcal or ofitce). T 673, care Bee. EXPERIENCED girl for general nousa- wuia: w A cer A ara Aiu xei. Aiicr 1K4A WANTED Experienced wulla girl lor gcuerai house eora Mrs. Taimaaa, 4j Caaa St. Tel. V a.nut nix. WANTED Poaition aa clerk In music store; can play piano. Address Y 27. Bra. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; can also cut meat; good references. Web. 273. DAY work of any kind. D. 8407. GOOD, strong, willing to work colored lady wanua general housework. Tel. W. 747. V A.TED Homme loicUn girl lor gen eral housework; good home for right party. W. IM. - WANTED Young gtrl going to school to help with nousework and car of bsDy. No watahing. VMil furiiinii board and room and email OooU chance. Phone Harney 7hwt WANTEIA An experienced nurse girl, not tinder 30; large lamny. 4J No. Sxth. WANTEl oman to heip wlh house work, for huaband's room aud board. $36 S. 34th Bt.. South Omaha. WANTED A girl to assist with work. 110 B Wth Ht. house- WANTEl Girl for general housework, Mrs. Warren, 113 So. Jkth Bt 11. 4A Misecllaaaaaa. YOUNG sroiuen ooiuiug to Omaha aa stranger are Invited to visit tns Young Womeu's Christian Aaaociatioa building at at. alary s Ave. ana tt, wnera they will be diried - to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. lxok (ur our travel! ra g.ihie at l.rwa station W.M bllKbV, 241 Cm. Red 7iV I-'ASIl lONBjEjdesamakliig ; IM Corby. WATSON A LUND, ml R siol Praia, , DRUGS at out prices: freight paid on $10 cruaie. calaiOauas ft a. Mieriuan A Mi Coiuia.1 Drug Co., Omaha, NaU. Deaiiaia. Dr. Bradbury Nopatn. 160$ Farnam. CoAitciivr THEATER. i.ih A VINTON. 'i be V ord of Hia Peiile. 3-r., Kay Ba. 1kid By the Bmi. Aiua.i aii. , I - ft In the Irani, Thaiil.ouaer. yAVolU 1 ETH EAT l7lt MNTONT Ittn I'll tale Officer, It. Eaaauay dratua. A 'oli.iiie Piece, V.tagrapu cciiledy. A V. onriii a F olly, p.inruf.ri drair.a. i bulla UTH. Tha Silent Peril, -r4ol Binon. 'it Couuticu Count. Jckcr comedy. Dr. Tudd s alveolar dutlatry. 4 Bravmieis hwiiey. tha Deialat 7d Cliy NaTTBank. Taft Ixntal Rouma, lall iHiuglaa. D. U Pyorrhaa. Dr. Fickea. 74Clty Nat Baak! t:vrr, thlaa far VVaaaea. Woman's Exchsnge, 43 Pax. Rlk. R. 4911 AcCukDiGN. aide, kn.fe, sunburat, box pleating; covered buttons, ail sums and tie; heiiuititchir.g. pivot edging. Ideal l'leauag Cw M Dougiaa Biwca, D, io. INTELLIGENT woman over , aa trav eling manager. Permanent 6ia) Brandels Theater Bldg. LADIES' A mieass' coats, suits, dresses A skirt samples st Wholesale prices. Hon c f I s N ow York Bampis Store. d N. lot h. GOVERNMENT Jooa lor women. . a mouth. Lisa. free. Franklin liistuut. Det. IkJ-T. .Rochester. N. Y. LEARN to play ragtime In twenty les sons, can or write cnnsieasan tmaooi. UM Cuming St. Phone Harney U!. NURSE wants position to care for In valid or children. Doug. AUTOMOBILES llnrtbort Broa.. 71 ura v Fly ng Merkle), $100 forfeit for any magneto we can t re pair Coll reiiar g O. Hayndorfer. 10 N. It Grrenough liinaha Rail. Co.. S"39 Far. FORD cara paint d $2J; other cars accord' In to slse; work gtd. 1'hon 8. KM. FOR BALE Wayne roadster, two Daa- senger. In good condition, all new gears and new tires, forty horsepower. Phone St-3, 111 B. Main St.. Council Bluffs, la, EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc, taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction ir desired. 4W4 Douglas Bt Tel. Walnut 232L FRIVATK LESSONS GIVEN IN BOOKKEEPING AND PENMANSHIP. PHONEJ WALNUT $35. FOR SALK Farattarc, Auction Sale Saturday, Nov. 21, 10 A. M. and - Lasting All Day AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains gee tne Autoinooue ciassui- catlon. ' . BICYCLE Good bicycle good visible typewriter. 301. Bee. . to trade for Address, S. C. C. J. CANAN, Real Estate and Exchange dIXMOND Will" trade diamond and pay casn difference for Ford car, runabout, or louring, or runaooul Hup, or would tiada piano or player piano for automo bile. Address B. C. 248, Bee DESK Student's deuk, $2, cost $6, or will trade for anything I can use. Address 8. C. 803. Bee. . ' t i u'.iiUT III .Kill Qiwnn fnr Viririnia land or lot In Omaha. . Kansas City, Indianapolis or Cleveland. Will pay dif- , 1 II.... o r Tiim EQUIPMENT of photo gallery; will trade or sen. - Frice, iioo. e. 314. FINE oil painting, 28x22, framed, for davenport, rugs or clothes. Address B. C. 1068. . FOR GOOD furniture, one seated buggy, new trucker's wagon. No. $ Remington, 8. C. $57. Rental Service Free We can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We enn tell you what houses and apartments each real estato office has for rent. Phone us, D.'uclas 288. FPellly Store ge and Van Co 5-R.. HUDSON, 207 S. 2fith Ave., Close In, new, I4n sum., Ii0 winter. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. Ifil4 Harney Pt. STRATFORD TERRACE. Park Ave. and Jackson. & rooms with maid's room It desired: new, exclusive; ref. required. C. B. Moser. Wal. 1756. o. S-R., 213 S. Tilth Ave., new, sun parlor. The Douglas. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 114 Harney Pt. 4-R.. 1117 N. l(Uh. heat, water and Janitor service, all for $32.50 win.. 125 sum. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Gordon Van Co. &m ng, ng. fStorat-'i. $1$N. 11th St. , Phone D ?3 or Wch. 1W 4-ROOM apartment, furnished or un-furhli-hed. 6C3 So. 28th Bt Phono Har ney 183. $15 o-room apartment, modern except neat ztian ua yen port St. walnut 43o. 5-lioom Apartment Georgia All rooms are arge, beautiful oak finish';. two bedrooms; gas stove; lea box; excellent location; at 10(0 Georgia Ave. Rentaf $40 the year round. 1622 Farnam Bt, Phona Douglas ! BE COMFORTABLE In a nice 5-r. flat, 1806 Emmet; sleeping porch, gas range; Kountze Place, $J7.60. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney S FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT. THE ST. GEORGE. In the West Farnam District, at 31s( and Dodge. Practically new, 6 largt rooms and bath. Private porches, front and rear. Heat, hot and cold water and Janitor service furnished. Very choice. Only one left. 147.60. ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY, TjrU"! State Bank Bldg. $"18 ELEGANT flat, all modern except heat Call Red 64H8 or Duug. 79. DANDY. 6-room, all modern HI. Louis flat, with gas stove and furnace, only $30; located 27th and St Mary's Ave. C. G. Carlberg, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. 6-ROOM apartments, steam heat nearly new, walking distance. Call D. 3575. Board aad Rooms. A PLEASANT room and spiendld table, West Farnam district, one block from Farnam St. Good chance for congenial young man with A-l references. Phone Harney 4181. 701 8. 18. bd. and rm., $20 a month. R.6625. BE.MIS Park, 3302 Myrtle Ave., all mod ern, room and board reasonable to re spectable young lady; a good home) to right party. Phone Harney 128. Famished Hoomg. LARGE room, nicely furnished. In private family. Phone Harney 7404. ROOM In Dundee home, half block from car line. Tel. Wal. 1228 after p. m. LA VERNA Modern furnished rooms, single or enatilte. 1812 Capitol Ave, 3s Fl'KN steam rooms by day or heat; $1.60 up. 107 FOR POOL or bllltard table new type writer, 8. C. 26. ws.: modern! B. 17. D. tttil. FOR light car in gxd shape Will trade a Ilrst-ciasa Utile cottage In good loca tion. Shuler A Gary, $24 State Bank Rlilg. Douglas 4233. Ixf GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold, era. Tha outfit In good condition and a big baigalu tor the lot at $110. Address B. C. 1511 We have excellent goods this week. Ti n barrels ot cut glass and china. Good clean l.neua and beuuiug, two leather couches, tour leather chairs, brass bed, rattan chairs aud rocker, buffet, several rugs aiid fcarpet. good im new. Mission dining table and cnaira and! LIBRARY TABLE, EiC.-Flno. up-to-mlss.on parlor set, good as new. Library dat. golden oak library table, or good tauie ana a mousana otner tilings, ail ...m cOH burner, to exehaima foe vie. FURNISHED room for rent oear CrelgA ton unlveralty. Phono Douglaa 7381. $23 8. 29TH Furn'sued rooms, p rival family. Harney 4UM. FURNISHED room for $ gonOoinea t& man and wife, 12.60 and $3 a weak. KM Cuming St. J Haasekeeplaat BLoaaaa. 726 B. 18th, mod. housekeeping rooms and sleeping rms, furnace heat. Tyler 1021 W. JACKS and HOUSE MOVERS' ROLLERS Swap for what have you. Would like WEEK viciroia or EUison talking machine or rifle. Addreaa, 8. C 264. Bee. DAVENPORT. 2018. TWO NICELY FURNISHED trio is A" nuiua, e"w needed In the nousenold line win ie sola, ) ou cannot afford to mlaa this sale. We will begin at 10 o'clock promptly, and will sell tjood stuff on the atari. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO., M S. lth St 8EVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage Co., 80S K 16th St New A Id-hand furniture, caaii or terms; reasonable. Ainer. Furn. Co., 004 N, 16th. NICE reed baby buggy and Inlaid diup leaf card table. Bargain. 13,1 Webster St Irduat.tal Gaiaue o . Jvth Ar Harney la MODEL B-e Ietro.ter touting car with aetf-etartsf, run leas than 600 mllaa; genuine bargain st $7jU. The T. G. North wall Co.. 14 Jones St. Ioug. 1707. 'TRY PELTON'B GARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. 236 Farnam St. ateiarryelee. H ARLEY-DA V1DSON MOTORCYCLE Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle M a n." 2701 Leavenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready. bsrgalna In used machlnea OMAHA BICYCldj CO.. Uth and Chicago i. 373a. BUSINESS CHANCES HELP WA!rTED--II.lLB tlrrtsal aad Offlaa. HIGH-GRADE comrssrciai positions WF-STFUN REF. A BOND ASbN, TJ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg WE have good opening for aaauataul bookkeeper. M1DWF.KT BONDING. CO., Ui bee Bldg. FOR SALE In block to suit, stock la Nye-Bchneidor-Fowler Company, Fre mont. Owner needs cash and will aell at M cents. Inquire 10U4 City National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas lw7. BUTCHER SHOP Flrat-ciaaa butcher shop in county seat town of six thou sand people for sale or trade. Address box 6a. Fslrbury, Neb: llaslcal laatranaeats. PIANO player; a bargain. Tel. II. 4711. FOR BALE-NEARLY N EWM A HOG ANY PIANO; MAY BE SEEN AT ai DEWEY AVE. NEW ss-note player received this week, tsken for debt. 181ft N 18th. Web. 34. trola In good condition. Address S. 301. Bee. C, MY L. C. SMITH HAMMERLESS NO. 12 gauge, good aa new, used one season; one No. 42 slse hunting coat; one pair sixe '8 hip boots; sell, or what have you to swap? To swap one nickel case 17 Jewel watch, Al condition, automatic revolver pre ferred, or what have you. Address S. C. 306, Bee. OFFICE FURNITURE V ill buy some good, second-hand office furniture; mut be cheap for cash. Address S. C. 1240, Bee. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. i7tn. PLAYER PIANO $6j0 player piano witn 16 rolls, used six .i.u tn. irude lor good auto or sell very cheap, or would 1 also give terms ot payment 10 responsiuic ' . t . IJU C people. rtiiUma r.. v.. .w. PIANO costing $ibo. for an auto; don't care what shape It Is In as I fix them, but muat be worth the price asked. Ad dress. B C g, Hee. BEMIS PARK 3202 Myrtle Ave.. 3 all modern rooms for light housekeeping. $20 a month; or one room and board to rewpectable young lady. Harney 2266. Faralhr4 lloaaekreplag Raasse. 1-HOOM apartment, 310 North 20th Bt fio N. 24TH ST. 2 furnished steam-heated housekeeping rooms with modern coo venlcncea; sdults only; $15 per month Hotels aad Apartaneais. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Weekly rates $1 snd up. Doug as 7083. OUDF.N HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steam healed rooms. $2 per week Phone 64s. DODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasonable RENT Rcm.ngtons. Monarcha and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougias ISA. - Rental credited If you purchase, and only very nswest snd highest grade ma chlnea aent out. Rates, three months for 16. (or understroke machlnea or U per month for latest model via ble writera. RENT An Oliver typewriter, $ months for $4. The Oliver Typewr.ter Co.. D. $B19. PHONOGRAPH Good Columbian phono graph lor trade or would sell (or II6.4O; In f rst-cNas condition. B. C. 103U, Bee. PHONOGRAPH Complete, with large cabinet for records; 133 records. 2 re producers and recorders; will exchange llouai-a aad fottasres. ITrmaoa in ull parts of the city. liouaca Crftgn 8on, & Co t Bee bunding. MODI'RN S-rooi.i house, -i-'- a iitn Ave., Vacant November 6. Inquire T. J. OB He n. Phone Harney IP or Doog. 1216. 7-ROOM house, all modern: will paper to ault right party or ill aelL Charles Ft.. Walnut 2401. NEW e-ruom bungalow, 829 S. 30th. No vernier rent free. Harney 23v)7. Van and Stor age Co. Reduced ratea foe 6U dava ! Large van. 1 men 1125 per hr ; dray, S men, P. per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. UH. Maggard's Addreaa for clear lot. diamond ring or light car, PLAYKR MUSIC Have fine library of prefer Ford; make offer, XjO, cee, g se 6146. latest popular and classical music lof nw. vjutr , uino that coat me over 3200 All makea typewr.lers rented, sold, terma. euch and every piece a good one and In Butta Typewriter. Iai Farnam ( aaul. 1 first class cuna lion; not soiled or torn. -'Want good motorcycle or could use type- xiBciiaeaas. 1 writer, sewing machine or 1 if le In ex t AA Buy best coal for the money; try change for equal value In music. Address it. Web. S48. Harmon A Weeth. C. $07, Bee. ltl'AI'01 E.ii-ti,vv uamaiiu luauiifr, very beit of condtOon. Will trade for what? Addreaa 8. C. 6. Bee. I car.IT T),.J KP- Co- rnovln B. C. I I, KeeQ packing A stores J AVVVVA M Farllllm D 61 1 -11 II laaaaaaaa a .- a. r! .Globe Van&Storage BICYCLE for sale. A bargalu; la good condition. 331 lies Building. FILM manufacturing company wants ta be represented -In this territory; good) chance for live man with 11.2ml to $LV0O. I'll la. 1-1 i b la. Pa . P. O. Box 346. FOR BALE CHEAP Pool hall and bar ber shop. Addreaa O lla. Bee. 1x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, .with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate bold era. The outfit In' good condition aud a bg bargain fur the lot at (HO. Address A 30. Bee. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom aad pocket bill ard tables and bow' leg alleys and accessories; bar fixtures ot all kinds; eaay peymenia. The Brunawlck- Palke-Coliender Co.. 407-4 a. luth tit WILL TRADE $110 equity In Apollo Player Piano and 20 rolls, cost l?6u; price $400; payments. Diamond. What have youf Address C. Bee Office. South Ornate. Stores, moves, packs, ships; 1-horse van ard t men, $l.2s per hr.; storage $2 per icq, batlsfartory guar. D. 43.18 A Ty. t). FOR RENT We bare a complete list of all houses, spartmer.ta and Hats that are for rent This Uit can be soen frtie of charge at Omaha Van A Storaite Co. So 8 lith 8u 6-ROOM, all modern; furnace, electric light. 2617 N. 2"th St. tU 50. SINGER SHOE MACHINE Used two ALL sixes. $3 per month up. 607 Paxton. $3 WILL RENT a small house ta who will tinlah Work on foundation months, cost loo; gooa inneinaaer s jacg ana p asirr tootn newi. in Miuer Fark and lasts, cost 32. win traua tor gooa. eeci on; a root horse Watch for papernangers outfit Address 8. C 261. Re. ' $-tand men. Gross Wreck Co.. $1 A Paul. SIGNS, suowcarda. Clark A Bon. D. 1X1. Douglas 2107. FOR . RENT 6 rooms and barn, large lot, $14. modern 6-room furn cotUd. 710 N. lid St CaU a. ttxd, Peters Trust Co. I VaaHHM taa ni..-. T t aV4 '