TUB ItKK: OMAHA. FKIDAY. XOVKMMKl? JO. l!H4. O Pig-Pen Pete i Ry elrert ihrbird. Vp 4t Royrroft farm, whore guinea galore sing songs of joy and the Durocs Krow red In the klssej of the summer Bun. is a wonderful Scotch collie, known as pis-Pen Pete. Tig - Pen Pete makes It his burl ness to look after the pigs. Always and for ever, days, nights and Sundays, Pete 1 on the Job. Pete patrols the Pens, sample the food, digs up the bedding, stops fights, between malamutes by nip ping ears or less, and generally lends safety and security to all porcines. if small u n -taught ring strav too far afield Pete rounds them up and starts them for home anj mother. If young shoata. full of wanderlust and flop, try to negotiate .1 hole In the fence, Pete goes after them with a teal tem pered only by the rulo ot reason. Should a strange dug come near the pigs there Is a fight r.nd Pet.: Mways wins, for thrice armed Is he whj knows 'his cause is Just. At night Pete cuddlos close with pro teges In a pen, warmed by their pleasing adipose, and In very cold weather friendless runts find warmth In his gen erous fur. All of the hogs accept Pig-Pen Pete as the prexl of the preserve. The p'.gs ' are not exactly afraid of l'ete; they merely respect his superior Intelligence, and ara. perfectly willing to do his bidding. How did Pete conw to go into the pig business? Why, he was a pla r'i;py, that's all. And you don't know what that Is? Well, a pig dog Is a puppy that has been adopted by a ah er a mot.icr pig. Tou see, Pete's sure-enough mother was run over by an automobile and k lied when Pete was only ten days old. There were four helpless little, crying kloodles. Tr.ey were on a hunger strike, when a bright thought came to our hired man, whose name harpens to lie Pyg- msllon, and so Pyg took the oiphana out to a pig house that had five very Juven le pigs. And there you are! 1 The old pig never raid a word. The ' implies were alkiut the Flite of her pigs I'd about tt-.e tamo color Those puppies enugglM in with the pigs und were very happy. In three weeks they were blgr than the lltt'.e Durocs and they were accusing them of being usurpers, and tht little Durocs, being well br-jd anil registered, made no remarkc to the puppies, as they r.i'ght. In fact those puppies were so "fresh" that we hnd to glvo three of 'em away. We Just kept Pete, and he gn.w up a sun 01 superpig. Not long "ago I met Thompson-Seton and told him about Pig-Pen J'ete. I dis covered that the phenomenon was not new to him. Ho toll me tht sheep dogs were often brought up to protect the flock from wolves or rtogx. And the plan was to take a puppy of fighting breed and let him be kicked by a ewe; :snd such a dog will fight and d;c for I 4 KA t lr J In truth, the dog e loyalty to his owner turns on the fact that the dog regards his owner as a superior dog the family is the wolf pack. That fable ot Romulus ' and Remus suckled by the she-wolf ban a basis In potential truth. The boys grew up fighters and founded Rome on a wolf basis. An Apache Indian baby adopted at birth Into a Massachusetts family would doubtless grow up with pronounced Ideas on theology, educntlon and culture, and speak with a marked Yankee twang. Peto's fonter-mother might have aaid: "Give mo the puppy until he U two months old, and you may have him afterward." "At Hih Noon" .. -Of Life- .. By n.u Brinkicy -' 'onvrlcht. 1111 lntern'l N'avi Rarvlr. For the Children's Sake By REV. MABEL M. IBW1N. Kmerson has said: "Infancy Is the per petual messlah, which comes Into the arms of fallen men and pleads with them to return again to paradise." It would seem that at last this "perpetual mes slah" was beginning to be heard, and that Its pleadings were no longer to be in vain. In the study of eugenics the newest of the sciences we find that Its Alpha and Omega Is the welfare of the child, and that, too, of tho child not yet conceived, the child of the future, the race tnat Is to be. When children were believed to be ar bitrarily sent by God to whomsoever He willed, the parent's responsibility begin ning only with the advent of the child, the parental duty was thought to he done if nourishment and the proper environ ment In the form of education was given It. But with the coming of eugenics Ints the thought arena of the world, fathers and mothers are beginning to understand that not only are they responsible tor the nurture of the child, but for tho na ture or kind of child born of their union. That though they may truly say, as In the past, God sends the children, they can no longer assume that Ho drops them from the skies, or that He alone is re sponsible for their coming. And society the social order of which they are an Integral part, will in the f J ture hold them responsible If the chil dren come to the world other than sound of body and mind. Kir Francis Galton, and those who have followed hlin in their devotion to this science of life's beginnings, have forever! removed from the mind of the world the idea of parental Irresponsibility. Hence forth, despite the scoffs of the ignorant and vicious, the ribald Jokes of the crude and unthinking, and the misrepresenta tions of the well meaning, but misin formed, the science of eugenics has come to stay. From this time on, every growing lad and lass, every young man and maid, every man and woman intent on mar riage and family life, with It will have to reckon. Failing this, society will call them to account. In the definition given eugenics uy it dfrfrdd$ddddj$ddddddddddd An Old, Family Cough Remedy, Home-Made T Easily Pr epo red Costa Very T .iuci KOI la rraapi, put and Effective By making this pint of old-time cough ! svrup at home you not only save about '. (2, as compared with the ready-made kind, but you will also have a much more 1 Frompt and positive remedy in every way. t overcomes the usual coughs, throat and chest colds in 24 hours relieves even whooping cough quickly and is excellent, too, for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, hoarseness and spasmodic croup. ! Get from anv drug store 2M ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth), pour it into a; pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated .ugar syrup. Full directions 1 with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and taste . I iou can feel this take hold 01 a cough or cold in a way that means business. It ?uickly loosens the drv, hoarse or pain ul cough and heals the inflamed mem branes. It also has a remarkable effect in overcoming the persistent loos cough by stopping the formation of phlegm iu the throat and bronchial tubes. The effect of I'ine on the membranes Is known bv almost everv one. Pinex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Korwav pine extract combined with guaiacol and other natural healing pine elements. There are many worthiest imitations of this famous mixture. To avoid dis appointment, ak v""r druggist for "2'4 ounces of I'inei," and do not accept guy thing els. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, trr money promptly refunded, goes with thia preparation. Tie 1'itiex Coi, it. M sync, Xiid, - - already illustrious founder, "A study of those agencies under social control which may Improve or impair the racial quali ties of future generations, either physi cally or mentally." we find not only the study of heredity, but at the same time a study of all of those things and condi tions which go to make up the environ ment, including the physical and mental conditions of the parents when a child is conceived. In this definition, for the first time. heredity and environment, nature and : nurture, eugenjes and euthenlcs are fused Into a single, causal unit. No longer need wo 88k which is the more Important horedity or environment for we see that they are one. Though "the life be more than meat, and the body than raiment," yet neither can be postulated without the other. "Produce great men and all else will follow" Is true; unless the "all else" Is somewhat already there, neither great men nor anything else can follow. It la seen that the environment of today Is the heredity of tomorrow, and the hered ity of yesterday the environment of to day. Eugenics as "the science of tlv Im provement of the human race through proper breeding" holds within Itself every other science In solution. Whether we approach the subject through biology, physiology or pathology, through philos ophy, ethics or religion, these are bat approaches, and their final value to the human race will be determined by their several contributions to this all-Important norm the "how" of a higher, finer and more perfect race of men and women. At the International Eugenic congress held at the London university In 1912, tho president of that congress, Leonard Darwin, son of the great Charles, said In his opening address that that nation which first successfully deals with this question will not "only easily lead In all International competition, but will make for Itself a place of honor In the history of the world " At hat time he niuy have had In mind his own England; but, fo those who knew what was going on this side of the sea, It I was evident then, and It la now, that It is America that great mother with the ' children of all the nations at Its breast' that leads and must continue to lead in the solution of these difficult and other- , wise Insoluble problems that have vexed ' society from its beginnings. Indeed. It is only natural to expect America to ac complish this stupendous tssk. , That this must be done In a careful spirit, clearing the way a ith aclelitlflc acrutlny and experimentation, is clear. 1 First, in all the kingdoms below man, ! in order that he may have a safe i. lasting foundation for his race building. And when the realm of the human man himself Is to be considered, when the rlKht of men and women to' marry and bear children be examined and chal- lenged, then. Indeed, la a more careful. ' even reverent, spirit to be Invoked. It Is then that we begin to glimpse tint ! the subject relates itself not only to phy sical and mental fitness, but to the ethical and spiritual concepts of parenthood and I human kind. '1 trsmW din jnx 1 wm. saw I , . MI W WW. fV iff m wKmmm iLHW my$Jr III' A beautiful old man I know, beautiful and big, with the load of seventy year on bis broad nhoulders, but not bowing them much, with a crown of hair like drifted now above his twinkling; es, a type of old age that we find in verse and the back of our own minda when we think of what we would like to be when we've waved our last at Youth going over th, hill. Thia beautiful old man rapped his cane on the floor and aaid: "It's all nonsense this book in my hand written by Youth or some old chap who' trying to fool himself with the sound of pretty words 'for it welcomes old age! And who that tells the truth wants to be old? No one. Not Youth; even while it squares it self and looks valiantly into the years it has a chill up its back, with the thought of lines and drifting snow on its bead! "Who despises age as we do, who can never find our boy-days again? Oh, I pretend to believe that you think I'm as nice as I could ever possibly hava been when I bestrode an Indian pony in the buffalo days but, oh, my dear it's the high-noon days that bold all that's best looking ahead to thqm when we are bablea looking back to them when we are ancients, and reveling In their golden glare when we are there where the clock points Bharp at noon! "There is the instant that holda our dreams, there for a breath the homeliest maid takes on the ghost of beauty, there is all laughter, there is the best love! If we could Just hold the black hands there 'til the end. Who cares about dying? I would not care how long or how short a span I lived If it could only Just be at the high-noon of life! Never have I admired the frqsl; summer's the luring bait that brings this slow old trout to the surface. And yet do you know?" (and her I twinkled, while he straightened his high, broad chest), "do you know that I never felt fitter than I do today and a man never knows what eplce there can be in the warm wine of life 'til he's had a few years plied atop of him!" NELL BHINKLEY. Science of Workers By EDGAR LVC1KN LABKIX. Question "Is it not true that ether waves would in time decrease In Intensity In space to such a degree that movement would be infinitely less trouble of an Infinitely less degree of Intensity?" P. W. Lessard, Oakland, Cal. Answer There Is no proof that radiant energy lessens Its speclflo speed of l!t.S miles per second in cosmic space. All Impu'sca that come under the general name ot radiant energy, as light, heat, chemlsm: all electro-magnetic wave un dulations known, move with this set and fixed space-speed. If speed la not di minished In traversing vast Interstellar distances, the wave frequency Is not di minished In Intensity that la, rates. Tho well known rates of undulation of energy waves do not change when meas ured front stars to vast distances apart. The most sensitive and delicate spectro meters and refractomctcra that can b made by a man like Brashear cannot de tect differences In retraction and dis persion of light-energy waves from Plrlus or Canopua. But Cnnopua Is at least five times farther away than the hugo sun, Slrlus. Refraction of their light la tho same for both suns. Then wave lengths and amplitudes ara Identical: the extra hundreds of trillions of miles additional traversed by energy from Cnnopua and other stars beyond Plrlus are without effect. This for tha visible or light waves. But still more refined researches have been made In that wondroua region, tha ultra-ultra-violet energy band in aolar and other stellar sectra. Waves tar too short to have any effect on tha nerve fibers In the retina ot tha eye, and therefore Invisible, ara readily senaed by tha quarts lenses and prisms ot modern ref Tactometers. And even these excessively short waves,' from ISO. 000 up to KO.OOO to the Inch, ara not affected by their flights through dis tances ot 81,000.000,000,000 miles or from five to ten tlmee that unit distance. Question "What Is an ohmT" C. I,., Alameda, Cal. Answer I was' In a room In the Art Institute at tha time of tha World's Co lumbian exposition In Chicago, In 1893. and heard tha first world law passed, by vota of delegates from many na tional "Resolved, That the several govern menta represented by tha delegates of thia International Congress of Electri cians be and are , hereby recommended to formally adopt aa the legal Interna tional ohm tha resistance offered to art unvarying alectrlo current by a column of mercury at tha temperature of melting; Ice, 11.421 grama In mass, of a constant cross-sectional area and ot the length of IOU. I centimeters." RESINOL HEALS RAW, ITCHING SCALY SKINS No matter how long you hava been tor tured and disfigured by Itching, burning. raw or scaly skin humors, Just put a lit tle of that soothing, antsapUo Reainol Ointment on the sores and tha suffering . tops right there! Healing begins that very minute, and In almost every case your akin gets well so quickly jwi feel ashamed of the money you threw away on tedious, use less treatments. Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Bonn clear away almples. blackheads, end dandruff. Prescribed by doctors for 19 years and aold by all druggists. For trial sli of each free, write to Reainol, pept 40-R, Baltimore, Md. in1 ' ll v Wedded to a Red Flower Vase 1 Thn, and not till then, may we dfs- i cover that eugenics Is worthy of berom- 1 Ing the religion of life Itself. Household Hints Stale bread crumbs mixed with a very small quantity ot washing blue can be use for cleaning embossed velvet. A piece of white flannel should be used for applying the bread crumba, which will finally require brushing .oft with a clean soft whisk. Perspiration atlns may be removed from white blouses without any trouble If they ara steeped before washing la cold water, to which a Btt's carbonate of soda, baa baea addad. Ut Umoi aoak for a Uxca axtd the sua la Lb nauaJ wax. By IXJROTHY I)W J In China, whore' civilisation was old before ours began, and which Is there fore correspondingly Bdvarued In many particulars, they have kolvcd one phase of the matrimonial problem. According to a re cent newspaper dis patch, a young Chi nese lady, iHonging to one of the most aristocratic families, has Just been mar ried to a red flower vase the vaac being a substitute for the young man to whom she was betrothed and who died Jut before the wedding. The prospective bride wished to enjoy the (lignites and free dom that belonged to a matron, and that are denied to a i maid, but her heart was In the grave with her dead lover,' and sue couldn't bear to think of marrying another man, I so the ted flower vace was substituted fur the bridegroom and the marriage celebrated wilb all due pomp and cere mony. For many years America haa been send ing money and missionaries without stint to convert what we call, In our fatuous folly, thu "heathen Chinese." It Is now China's tuin to make n. courteous mis sionary retort and put us under eternal obligation by Introducing In America tbe pleasing custom of marrying a woman to an inanimate object when no animate object appllea for tha Job. In thia country there Is not enough mm to go around, even If all would wed, and every year pllea up tha deficit In tha truUiimra'al buresvu. What should be dona about tha aurplua woman problem havt berai a gueUoa that seemed onan swsrsU acta thai acuta Chin a came wttk e4ATfcas so ttmpfa) and sa direct that it leaves us wondering we didn't guess the answer to the conun drum long ago. Just popularise the Idea of marrying a flower vase, and you have dono a ay, once and for all, with old maids, girl bachelors, and all the disad vantages ot sp.nsterhond. A fur greater number of women marry Just for the sake of being married than we ever suspect. They are not lovers at heart. They are not Irresistibly drawn to particular men. Their Instincts are for celibacy, and left to themselves they would far rather be free than burdened with the cares and responsibilities of husbands and children. Hut they want to write "Mrs." Instead of "Miss" before their names. They want, the status cf the married woman. Above all, they want the liberty of the married woman, for we cling to the absurd tradition that a single woman, though she be SO years old, Is still a debutante, and that she must be chap eroned, and that It la Indelicate for her to hear or speak of any toplo that Isn't dressed up In white muslin and girdled with a blue sash. Also, that the aingla woman must, per force, live with her friends or her fam ily, no matter how much she would like to set up an establishment of her own. To this large set of singlo women, rich old maids,' and business women earning good salaries, a red flower vase husband would fill a matrimonial Ideal, and they would espouse It with an enthusiasm that no mere man ever evokes. In reality, the led flower vase husband Is not as startling an Innovation aa it seems. Many a woman haa discovered, to her sorrow, that who married a whisky bottle Instead of a man, and sho would bn glud enough to trade him off for a red flower vase If she could. There are men so full of vanity and Advice tO Lovelorn v hkatiuck Fairfax It la Improper. Lear Miss Falrfux: la It proper for a young lady to kUs her escort good nlvht after they have returned from an entr lalnmeiti or the like? L It is highly Improper. Don't cheapen your kisses by giving them lightly to whomever chances to be your escort. Have them for tha man you will some day love. Ask fr mm Kplaalo. Dear Miaa Fairfax: I am a young man of U and In love with a girl two years younger than I am. We did not ae each other for some time, and whan we mat we atoppod to talk to each other. Now Wl winner she) pesaea mo abe looks ma la tha eyes and woo t say a urd 10 me. Hbould I wait uuUl ana startr v talk to me, or should 1 start In u talk to her? H. A. U. OP UKOO<N. Toa have gJrea her aoam offense of which you are unconscious. Write to the girl and ask her If you have done any thing to make her wish to discontinue your frlenlablp. Goodness Wlaa. My Pear MIhs Fairfax: A said there are more bad girls than good on earth. B said thxre were mure good than bail. Would you kiuoly dec.de tbls question? F. l. t. I have firm faith in the goolnesa of womankind. Unfortunately there are wicked women on earth, but tbey are In small proportion to the vaat army of noble and splendid womanhood. And never forget that even the Magdalen re pented, so there la hope that the few "bad" women who exist- have In them the spark of good or ss ready to be rekindled. conceit and self-importance that their wives had just as well hava united them selves lo a balloon or any other sort of gas bag. There ara husbands who are so silent In their own homes that a store dummy could be substituted for them without their wives aver finding out tbe difference, and there ara other women who believed that they were marrying tender Romeos who ascertained after marriage that they tied up with surly bears that growl whenever you speak to them. There are husbands In plenty who ara so sour and tart that their wives would find a vinegar Jug a sweet companion beside them. There ara other man so Immersed in their business and profes sions that their wives would hava had Just as much sympathy and companion ship if they had married a ledger, or a law book, which they could have shut up when it made them tired. Also, there are men who wouldn't find many Ing a red flower vaae instead ot a wife such a bad Idea, for there are men who have found out after marriage that Instead of a living, human woman they have led nothing but a faahioa plate to tha altar. There are other men who have ascertained to their sorrow that they married talking machines that aever run down and that they can't shut off. and still other men are married to weep ing women who are nothing but hydrants, with the tap always turned on. Of course, there are some disadvantages In having; a flower vase spouse. As a husband be might go broke, or get full, like a human huaband. Aa a wife ahe would never bo anything but a parlor or nament; but tha advantage outweigh the dlsadvantagea, and tho Chinese plan Is eai neatly recommended to thoae socio logists who are disturbed over our dimin ishing matrimonial rate. As a happy expedient for the superflu ous woman, and the eld bachelor who would like to be free though married, the red flower vaae substitute for a hus band or wlto takes the wedding cake. Firai in Ftnt in QaaBty Firt in Rmtuitm Firat in Parity Firit in Economy and for these reason Calumet Baking Powder it first in the hearts of tbemilltona of housewives who use it and know it. RECEIVED RICHEST AWARDS WwU's rr IF EapMiUM, rrtTT mi, Fraaca, ktaca, MIL N . aix , M SHI OT BAKING PCtftf J Pi PI TBAKmGPC CHICAGO