Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, November 19, 1914.
MISS Clara null nrrlrd In Omaha this niomlnn and la vlnitlna; at
at the home of Mr. and Mm. Isaac E. Congdon. Peforn coming
here Miss null visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert French .n Loulu
rllle, Kj, Mrs. French having bfen Mis Caroline Congdon. form
erly of Omaha.
Miss Bull, who, homo is In Pasadena, Cal., was a classmate of Mrs.
French at Vassar college and has been a popular Omaha guest at many
different timef.
The California girl was to hare born maid cf honor at the French
Cold Comet Quit Unexpectedly.
Diving Impression that it ii
Really Quite Chilly.
November lias In Maar Dars
(older, an Tbrrraametr r Did Sot
bet Qalle l)oa la the
Kern Mark.
reach this country until the day after the wedding
Miss Dull will spend several days here, and will then go on to her home
In California, after an absenco of several months.
Fine Arts Society Meets.
Mrs. Warren BIsrkwe'l a:drraeil tli
firrt mertlns; cf the Omaha Borlety of
Well Known Society Woman
Charges Husband with Ex
treme Cruelty.
ay Mr. t attaa llaa at oatrlfc
mtrd to Her appart aiare March
Waate C'aetodr mt
Their CklMrea.
vrmber 24. The b-arJ of director ha
ruled that all fueata at the Saturday eve.
nine danctnc partlea of the club must
Ufl mcrnni VI lira 'iimn ''7 . . ... i. ,. . ,
Fine Arts to have a Iwal speaker this,-; - ....... 1 ()
iufiii nv iir auowea eacn meaner.
mornlna at the Younsj Women's Chrls
tlan association auditorium. Mra. HiacK
well spoke on 'The Art of the Tigrls-
Eaphratea Valley," with the following
aub-toptra: "Temples of
Thtre were aome people wno thougut
that for November cold the weather nun
Congdon wedd!n. which was celebrated In Senteml.rr but .ha wa. atrandon wn 'fin to eatal.llah a record y.ater-
, . . .. . day morning. Th people have another
In the war tone, where ahe was spending the summer, and was unable to j lhlnk comnt f , r u w nothing like as
told at It had been. The coldeat of the
day was 7 o'clock In the morn, nit. At that
hour tne local weather bureau recordod
a temperature of 1 degree alxive sero. i
After that It grew warmer, and th'j
promlan la for fair weather Friday, with
liana" temperature.
What made It aoem ao cold, according
weather office, was the fart ths
heretofore the weather has been very
summer-like and the lost lrop In tent
pernture came on suddenly.
The cold record for November In
Omaha la 14 drsrees below zero. That
record waa made aorna yenra ago, an.l
November 27, 1W7. However, Isat night a
cold waa a record for this early In I hi'
I month. In 17R and again In 1M ier
temiwratures were reached during th.;
first twenty-one days of the month.
Snow Accompanies t old.
Wedaraday'a night drop I-. temperature
ram along with a anowatorm, ithe firat
of the season. For a couple cf hours
here In Omaha there waa a fairly heavy
tall of anow, but It melted about aa
faat ai It fell. In the morning, though. In'
many placea the ground waa atill whit.
However, It all disappeared before noon.
Out In the Mate, according to the re
ports to the rallroada, the weather was
eca-Group of Persia.
OrUrga. lecturer and author of New York
CMy, will apeak before thla society on
"The Early Greek World" Thursday, De
cember X.
I Will Winter in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mediation have
siren up their apartment In the New
Hamilton and have left fer southern
California, where they will be thla winter.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Moorhead and Miss
Kalheiine Moorhead expect to leave Ie
ornnber 1 far Han Diego, Cal., to spend
1h winter. Mrs. AUen, formerly Mlas
Bess Moorhead, Is In Ran Diego, her
husband. Lieutenant Allen, of the navy
being stationed there.
Mrs. 3. T. Carpenter. . and daughLor
Marlon will leave soon for southern Cal
ifornia for the winter months.
Cacti Club Dancing; Party'.
The CaoU club entertained at a dancing
party at Chambers academy Tuesday
evening. The hall nd lights wers deco
rated In purple and gold, making a very
beautiful and subdued effect. About 10
couples were present, including:
Birthday Surprise.
A birthday surprise waa given Thura-
nabvlonls.' I 1r evening In honor of Mrs. J. M. Man-
Kdvard Howard
Pelace-Temnlea of A.avrla" and "Pal- n,n ,,er ,lom " Meredith avenu.
K therm Holland,
Kathleen McOln-
Ksttver Frtcse.
Iulee Craighead,
r ianiea Kynaa,
Vera Harry,
Mabel Magnell,
Kether Connolly,
Celia Veat.
Kheia ai penter.
Uertrude r urness.
r.vallne fcaat,
Mary Wise. -Hutn
Uertrutle Malhan,
jnti Hi own,
Ktia Uarvnlssn,
lithe! yoyl:
vmUya Kewler.
iiaavi 'turner,
liMher Alton. '
Mai w b. vv hitman
t Llncolr.. .Neb.; '
Giadvs layior.
h.eiyn Upoliman,
Hiella l.each,
tlannah Tata,
Cr Good,
joaala Mi'Uimald,
Jaiicarwi Welch,
vtaunetta Datdy,
Uincom, Neb.;
(ieaue A. Wallace, ,
Nora falling,
(trace HobxrU.
Irene Tracy,
ttasei ArtvaJl,
Atargueritti KlnK,
Utnevlcve Droas,
ritwl Kobcru,
.ila High,
Mary roerrou, . . .
K. bynl,
innetta Bergman,
t ylvia Hoover.
Jtelen HoMnaon of
Lincoln, Neb.;
Mabeile Honakar,
Ktfle Killy.
Jkturgaret Urnaa,
n, O. tvaundete,
Itoger 1. Mrlowcll,
W. H. Hulaiaer,
W. V. Woodrow,
Kred Laraon,
W. is Kerry,
Klrt Retlh.
J. C. Hartnelt.
Oeorga Bergen.
Ulenn latnbi
James Itagan.
Robert Bridges,'
Karl Moore,
Rudolph Uraul,
K. A. Setnert.
AI Htcbter.
At A. Huth,
A. J. Jackson, .
K. C. farka.. v.
James Muldocn,
fart BenjamUi,
Jack Booker,
Martin Haldol),
lalnoeln. Neb.;
Harry Maen,
'karlea J. Am ma a,
A. t. Nuraa,
Paul Moere.
J M. rxelaon.
tnver. Uolo.;
Tava Kourke.
Kdward Welch.
Marshall Mclean,
ICrvtn liortou,
H. M. falling.
orse (Heveland,
ote Rennett.
Itradlord Murphy,
1 lcre Mathlacn.
Martia Hoibrook,
C. M. Ten.
C. A. riaier,
, Adrian Lund,
! 1. B. Morre,
1 Iater Uurkrnroad,
(.'her lee Kline.
i J. k Huchart
Ada iHsck,
Mildred Scott.
Helen Knox,
Clara liohllf,
Klo Hoye,
Krancea Thomas,
l'asg ifford,
oia Northrup,
Alma Harms,
Gaby Gauvreau,
t'leila Hragg,
Mai guerlte
Orayce llelig of
Council iiiufra, la.;
Myrtle Treaher,
Marie Martini,
r'snuy Kohler.
twola Uranden.
Alice Knmee,
Mary McKHtgotl,
tthei May Hetn-
hardt. Kansas
City, Mo.
Hilda Tudor.
Gladys Van riant,
Frances Graham,
Lincoln, Nob.; .
Jeenette Jaf"i'.
Fanny BalimUlt,. .
Haael Bruhn.
Iva Clarke.
KHeen Kdwards,
label Nelson,
Wlnnlfrra Foler,
Irene Jsckaon,
Hulila Armhurat,
Kathertnu K. Le-
Vera Marry.
Tlulh Kinney.
1'mma Iavla,
Helen Johnston.
Happy Martin,
Irene Walker,
Anne Mauar,
HutU Keren.
Babe Becker.
AUeen Kobblns,
Margaret Black,
' Meaam.-
Jemea E. Masrum,
Lincoln, Neb.;
Jack Biiiler,
Mas Martin.
J. F. Ormaby.
Maawell Uneda.
llany Mi Namais,
Hany Welch.
K. W. Weber.
f. M. Wheeland,
A. J. Offerman.
Kuaael Kleratein,
Stanley Wllaoncioft,
Carl Mytii,
Lincoln, Neb.;
' W. L. liainann.
Mike Arnold,
II. W, Steele. -
V. N. Moulin.
Guy M. bailing.
Joe H Irons,
Hobby Burns.
1 wren re Hraun,
Harry Gideon,
F, C. Powell.
Kelph E. Hogers,
J. B. Bavertdge,
.'ae Urore,
rranklin tlifford.
Lincoln, Neb.;
H. Wsrfleld, ,
V. J, Kendrlck,
Ilareld E. Masee,
Nebraska City;
T1d larael,
I. liuben.
G. W. Kurneas.
I nsrd ecott,
Malcolm Hadcilffe.
L'n'-oln. Nb.;
Jack Mvf'arUo',
I'aul tirake,
Howell Gteag,
lee Uowelake, i
Warien Cehi le.
It VuehaH.
WPIIam Netaon.
Uovl Toiaad.
Mrs. Manning received many gifts. Thoto
present were:
Marie (Irueloch,
t.'oiineil I'.lutfa;
Bachcl tllvnn.
hilale KohMns,
Rtella Wlckerfihnm
Cllcaheth llroushan. Allen M minim
A. Uonahur,
M'-aara Meaara.
J. M Manning, Council Bluffs.
Charles Miher,
May fculllvan,
Krlith Grulten,
Nell fi.illon,
Grnce Intra n.
Tbre Manning,
Thanksgiving Visitors.
Mr. and Mra. V. I.. Lawrence and rmatl
daughter, Jane Iulse, arrived Tuesdsy
and are the gueats of Mrs. Lawrences
mother, Mrs. Hhlreman, In the Chula ; ,lmllar to tna nrsnd tnat WM exppl.,enced
VIsU apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Law- nmb. ihnn.h . .....
Matrimonial dlff.cult;ea of Mr. and Mr.
Benjamin W. Cotton, well known Omana
society folk, have been carried to divorce
court, a petition charging her husband
with extreme cruelty Just been
filed by Mrs. Cotton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cotton, who are both
connected with prominent Omaha fami
lies, hsvc been living apart alnee last
June, according to the petition. The al
legations of cruelty are to the effect that
Mr. Cotton left his wife In June and has
failed to aupnort her since March. She
ssks reasonable alimony and the custody
of their two children.
Mrs. Cotton wss formerly M!sa Lucy
Goro of thla city. Blip Is a niece of Mtt.
John H. Brady. Mr. Cotton Is a son of
Mrs. Herman Kountie. They were msr
rled October 19. 1!04, In Omaha.
Mr. Cotton is known aa a prominent
memlier of Omaha clubs snd is popular
In social circles. He Is now employed
by the Burgess-Nsah company.
Mrs. Cotton la recognised as one of
the most handsome of Omaha's society
renc will
until after
Palmer-Batler Wedding.
Miss Florence Gail Basler, well known
Omaha vocal teacher, and Mr. Guy A.
Palmer of this city were quietly mar
ried last night at t o'clock at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Itslpli Russell, 1WS Wirt
Mrs. Pslmer hits been assoclste In
structor In the Omsha musical art Insti
tute In charge of the voice department for
two years, previous to which time she
was associated with some of the larger
musical mmtutlone In the east. Mr.
I'almef haa been Wirh the Wabash rail
road In Omaha for seven years, belna one
of the brat known pssaengor men In the
To Honor Visitor.
Mrs. . M. ' T. Bartow wss hostess at
luncheon today at her home In honor of
her mother. Mra. McCllntock, who has
arrived to spend the winter with Mr. and
tin. Barlow. Mrs. Barlow entertained
twelve guests.
Ifiuical Program.
Miss Nina Tate will give a mualcsl
program at a meeting of the McKlnley
Ladles' auxiliary to the B'nal B'rlth,
which will be held this evening at ths
Metropolitan hall.
Pagaloo Club Entertains. '
The I'agalco club will entertain at a
danclug party thla evening at the Metro
politan club.
in omshs, though temperatures were
lower. Everywhere there were snow
squalls, with a couple of inches through
the Black Hills country.
According to the rallroada, Randolph
held the N'rhraaka record for cold during
the night. There the temperoturn dropped
to degrees below xero.
Mereary Below Zero.
At O'Neill It was 4 degreea below, with
1 below at Rrlcson and t below all up
through the Elkhorn river valley and
from Norfolk through to Long Tine. It
was t below at Fremont and Loup City,
with scro at numerous points In the. cen
tral portion of the state.
Sidney came along with a temperature
of t below, while at Pine Bluff, Just over
the Nebraska line. It wss three degrees
Along the Missouri river section of Ne
braaka temperatures wsre from sero to
10 above, while out In Wyoming, up
through the Baaln country, tho range was
from M to U degreea above.
The sudden change from warm to cold
put the trains on practically all the roads
off watch, and those arriving from both
east and west were from thirty to forty
five minutes late, The quick change dis
arranged ths machinery of the engines
and the high winds made It Impossible
for them to keep up steam.
Backlen'a Amirs, Salve
preventid blood poison on Mr. O. W
Cloyd of Plunk, Mo. This soothing salvt
healed a dangerous wound. Sc. All
drugglets. Advertisements.
A portrait of Rabbi Louis Bernstein of
Temple Adath Joseph, St. Joseph, Mo.,
formerly of Omaha, occupies the cover
page of The American Jew, a publication
gotten out at St. Louis in the Interest of
ths Semletic religion and It a followers.
On the following pge is an extract from
the rabbi'a sermon preached at Spring
field, Mo., before the State Conference
of Charities and Corrections.
Send Pictures for Xmas
The ideal Christmas remembrance should
carry with it the utmost of your personality.
Nothing can excel your portrait m this
The Ideal gift should merit preservation
and whnt will serve longer as a reminder of
your regard than your portrait?
Then, there are a score or more of acquaint
ances who should receive inexpensive loFeus
and what will serve the purpose better
than your photographs?
Send your portraits for Christmas but send
only the kind both you and the recipient
will esteem.
Artistic poses and tho best of finishing re
quire time for taking pains.
Telephone at Once To Any of These Good
Photographers and Arrange an Early Sitting
Charles H. Cidy, 2521 Sherman Are., Web. 3791
Hejn studio, Cor. 16th and Howard, Douglas 481
Lamlert Studio, 1517 Farnam Street, Douglas 3004
Rembrandt Studio, 1922 Farnam St., Douglas 3548
F. A. Rlnehart, 18th and Farnam St., Douglas 1732
Rodstrom Studio, 1811 Farnam Street, Douglas 5622
Sandberg & Eltner, 107 So. 16th St., Douglas 2387
J. W. Skoglund, 24th and Cuming Sts., Doug. 1375
aczz -!-
I EOOMOTO1Y AL $6,50 ff"
Lnasjfcter Aide IMgMtlou.
Laughter Is one of the most healthful
exertions; It is of great help to digestion. I
A still more effectual, help Is a dose' of
Chamberlain's Tablets. It you should be
troubled with Indigestion give them u
trial. They only eost a quarter. Ob-'
talnable everywhere. Advertisement.
Weva Moore.
air. and Mrs. Clinton Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. McCa'len.
Wf4dia AnniYemry.
The wedding anniversary ef Mr. and
Mra r.. K. Taylor waa celebrated at
their home Saturday evening. The house
was beautifully decorated with AmerL'SI
beauty rosea and ruinations. The even
ing was spent In play ng cards, after
: mhich a five coutss luncheon was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were presented with
a dinner set. The guests wore:
Mr. and Mrs Vmll Jensen,
Mr. an 1 Mrs. '. Shifurlv,
Mr. and Mrs. Mnl lJ.rou.
Mr. and Mra. "H.
Mr. and Mrs W. tilings.
Mrs. A. Eh'ets.
Mra. Uiett eV-hocmacher.
lii-r - !..'.!
William Murphy. Pwt.
ark finyder. . . . . lAiuabl Tartar
The eut-cf-on gueata were:
Mr. and Mrs. v. K M. K.ine of Denver.
Mra. li Keller of Council iiluffs.
Huiio Section Elects.
Uies Erma Jonea waa sleeted secretary
cf tha music section o tie Association
cf Collegiate Alumnae at a meeting held
Tatdy at tb home of Mrs. I-sKoy
Havelle to tiH the. vaoancy caused by
ths resignation of Miss KsUy.
; At Prairie Park Club.
The social camrnittee of ths Prairie
, Park club Is arrant-lug an elaborate rn
urtaiRmrnt for Tuesday evening No-
Wa can't think of any nam but BABY for tue doll we are go
ing to give away thla week..
If 70a girls want to see the prettiest, sweetest baby doll la al!
the world, just com down to The Dee office) this week and see
"BABY" -you'll be gtad you came, Just to look at her.
Everything about her looks "BABY;" her dresses, shoes, hair,
cheeks, mouth, everything la Just dear, innocent, pink BABY.
Wouldn't you like to hold her in your arms just a wee moment?
And think of It she Is going home with one of you next week, to
be ALU YOUR OWN. How happy that little girl will be.
Maybe, that little girl
is You.
"asy- will be gives
ree e ths UtUe girl,
wnasr 10' yea's ef age,
that triage at nulls us
the largest aamhs ef
doll's pletures eat out of
the Pally and laaday
Bee Before 4 y. at. Sat or
- gay. Mov. Slat.
Her picture Will be in
Tho Bee every dily this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
wve the pictures in
thoir paper (or you, too.
See how many picture
of "Baby" you can get,
und lie sure to turn
them in to The Bee of
fice before 4 p. m., Sat
urday, Nov. 21st.
Mf you don't win thla Dollle,
Jpeinapa you can get one next
meek. Only one doll will be
given to sny one person.
Vnu can aee "IUI1Y" at
The HarvaM Drug Store. Ulth and Farnam,
Mwnlay and Tuesday.
riherman Ji .MK ounell'a, 16th and IKxe,
Wednesday and Thursday.
, The Owl iru htore, 16th and Harney,
Friday and Kalunlay.
Yea, Indeed he does. At least many
times the attention of "the one man" has
been caught by beautiful hair. Love
etories all tell us of the heroine's beau,
ttful hair becausti It la one of the features
which most attracts men. In washing ,
the hair It la not advisable to use a
makeshift, but always use a preparation
made for shampooing only. You can en
Joy the beat that Is known for about
i cents a shampoo by getting a package
of canthrox from your druggist.; dissolve
a teaspoonful In a cup of hot water and
your shampoo Is ready. After Its use the
hslr dries ripldly with uniform color.
Dandruff, excess bit and dirt are dis
solved and entirely disappear. Your hair
will look much heavier than It is. Its
luster and softness Will also delight you,
W'hlle the stimulated scalp gains the
health which Insures hair growth, Ad-,
Neighborhood gossip has caused the) remarkable demand for Economy Certified Coal. One user
has told another and she, in turn, has told another, and so on, until the whole town knows
about the-peculiarly satisfying quality of Economy Coal.
Under our money back guarantee there is absolutely no risk to you o try a ton of Economy.
7 ft BIO TEIili-O
PHONE I. 232.
' Oh November 22d The Bee will contain a FREE Sweetheart
Toilet Soap Coupon, which if cut out and presented to your Grocer
or Dealer, wU entitle you to a fall size cake of this world famous
Toilet Soap. IT IS FREE FOR THE COUPON. Absolutely pure,
exquisitely perfumed. MANHATTAN SOAP CO., New York.
Y 1 -Y sVY: t
HY .' '; Y,
Y ' :Y-:"-;
' . A
! .:
Y . , .
t" - ; - - y " v
The Less We Remember
the More We Forget
The manager of our Blanket department placed on our desk some items for a two days' sale. Wo
meant to prepare copy for "Wednesday night's papers and hold the sale on Thursday and Friday, hut our
plans went agley we plumb forgot.. Truth is, we are pretty hard pressed just now these are busy days
and our limited brain capacity has been crowded a good deal. Cut what can't be cured, must be endured.
It's no use crying over spilt milk We must crowd the 2 days' business into one a little keener cutting,
a little lower pricing and we trust you to do the rest.
One Day Blanket Sale, and We Want To Make It a Swift One
Thomas Kilpatnck & Co. will Bell on Friday morning, starting at 8:30
Pair, Honst Prices
Veare Selllaa Jewelry la Omaha
At 98c. per pair, Plaid Cotton
Blankets, instead of $1.50.
At $1.30 per pair, Plaid Cotton
Blankets, instead of $1.75.
At $1.93 per pair, Gray and Tan
Blankets, instead of $2.50.
At $2.45 per pair, Gray and Tan
Blankets, instead of $3 and $3.50.
At $2.98 r pair, Fancy Beacon
Blankets, instead of $3.75.
At $3.95 per pair, All Wool Grey I At $8.75 per pair, Plaids and
Blankets, instead of $6.00.
At $5.00 per pair, Plaid Blank
ets, instead of $0.50.
At $5.00 per pair, 75 White
Blankets, instead of $7.50.
At $0.75 per pair, Grey and Tan
Blankets, instead of $8.50.
A few days ago a customer related an experience
which was to her annoying but very enlightening.
She visited an establishment which blows its horn
everlastingly whether in our city or out of our city
it matters not. She looked at blankets upstairs and
got a palesman's story, and she looked at similar
blankets downstaios and got another salesman's
story. And oh, how different. One haa it that there
was a small jercentage of cotton, the other strictly
all wool, and the interesting part of it all. was
neither was right. If they knew they did not tell
the truth. We don't believe they knew. Ask any
of the men about our blankets, we have taken pains
to have them KNOW and they will GLADLY im
part the INFORMATION 1X YOU. This knowledge,
we will gladly communicate to salespeople in other
stores if they will call anv day DURING THEIR
White Blankets, instead of $10.00
At $11.25 per pair, Plaid Blan
kets, instead of $12.50.
At $13.50 per pair, White and
Jacqhard Blankets, instead $15.
At $17.50 per pair, Jacquard
Blankets, instead of $20.00.
At $22.50 per pair, Jacquard
Blankets, instead of $25.00.
Two Days of Remarkable Shoe Selling-
About 400 pairs to sell. Made by "Baker."
To those who know, that tells the story. Dull, pat
ent, Suede, tan and kid leathers, also Satin and
Cravenette; includes many of this season's best sell
ing styles. Take a peep at the window and remem
ber you get what we display and what we show is
a fair sample of the entire lot. Formerly $5.00 and
$6.00 and $7.00, Friday and Saturday $2.95 pair.
"First comers best served because of more to buy
Now there's a difference in sales, yon know it,
for most of you have been fooled more than once '
Strange is it not, how people allow themselves to be
bitten again and again fake stores all over tho
country do big business and brag about it but the
publie is awaking.