Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Pain Gone! Rub
Sore, Rheumatic
Aching Joints
Hop "dniilrm" RhrumHtlrm.
If patn only: not o:i ess In fifty
riulrs Internal treatment. Hub sooth
ing, penetrating "t. Jacobs Oil" rtnlit
on the "teniler spot." and by the tine
you say Jack Rohlnnon-out Comes thj
rheumatic pain and distress. "St. JacoUs
Oil" Is a liarmloes rheumatism liniment
which r.ever disappoints and doesn't
burn the skin. .Jt takes pain, sorenetij
and stiffness from achtnir Joints, mus
cles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago,
backache and neuralgia.
Llmhep up! Get a small trial bottle of
old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from
any dru(r store, and In a moment, yon II
be free from pilns. aches and stiffnesn.
rion't suffer Rub rheumatism away.
Beware of
Mineral Compounds
as they pit your Boiler necessi
tating new tubes. Why take
chances? You can buy a rellabl-j
compound, sold on a
to remove scale and prevent pit
ting. It will prolong the life 01
your Boiler and
Saves Its Price in Fuel
It will pay you to personally
look Into the matter. A Boiler
filled with scale gives poor ser
vice and increases your cost of
We Send Trial Order
We refund cash If you find our
Compound does not do all we
Nebraska Compound and Oil
306 South 12th Street
rhone Douglas 2064.
L, " i
Thousands of wives, mothers and sis
ters are enthusiastic in their praise of
ORRINE, because It has cured their loved
ones of the "Drink Habit" and thereby
brought happiness to their homes. Can
be given secretly. ORRINE costs only
$1.00 per box. Ask for Free Booklet
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 102
So. 16th; Owl Drug Co.. 324 So. 16th: Loyal
Pharmacy. 207-209 No. 16th: Harvard
Pharmacy. 24th and Farnam, Omaha.
Geo. S. Davis, Council Bluffs. Iowa.
UtfcMaf nttutl, tturgess-Orannon Co.
nasUty tnorag h aa Oo Doof. MS.
a moot MM t Now Beacon Trets
antlfnl All Hossr for Bala
n tit easy paymant plan. Bankers
Realty Investment Co. Phono Doug. :tf.
Too Hamilton Oaf, at 34th and Far
nam Ft., sorves an excellent table
d'hote dinner. Evenings and Sundays.
Arthur Jones, trianttfter.
Today CoMploio Mono PropsA
classified section trvlar. and appears In
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY." rind out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Bettor Snainosa In the feeling of the
rest Judges rent now. You better your
business by locating In The Bee building
(the building that Is At ay new). Office,
Room lto.
Soldiers Moving Wait A special train
Of seven cars, filled with soldirrJ en
route from Columbus barracks to San
Francisco, will para through Orr.aha Sat
urday over the Northwestern-l'nlon
I Ooldsr In Band Kills Out In the sand
bill region t the state the weather has
been much cinder than In Omaha, accord
ing; to T. J. p Mrlen of the Henshaw. He
has just returned from his McPherson
county ranch, north of Sutherland.
Korastsln la Bankrupt Emit Horn
ste.n, a grocer, who Uvea at 2423 J street.
South Omaha, has petitioned In federal
court to be adjudge! bankrupt. Ho lists
hlsllantlltles at over $,000 and his assets
; ut 1 9S0, of which fTOO Is exempt, ho says.
Bsrrooa Plan Charity Bail A charity
i ball will bo given by the colored folks
of Omaha thin evening at Washington
. hall. Eighteenth and Harney streets, for
the benefit of the Old People's home of
the African race. Reserved seats in the
; gallery will bo sold .to spectators.
i Will Talk ea Parka Dr. Cyrus F.
' Stimson of New York City and Park
; Commissioner J. B. Hummel will address
' tha Monmouth Park Social center Friday
, evening at Monmouth Park school on the
' need of parks an.1 playgrounds In Omaha.
. Tho meeting will begin at 8 o'clock.
Sr. Sodfo Bays in Konntso Plaoo Dr.
I Roy A. Dodge purchased from Hastings
! A Heyden an $8,000 home In Kountzo
place, located at the northwest corner of
Nineteenth and Spencer streets, whero
1 he will make his future home. This
property was formerly ownel by E. T.
Bollsr Skating- Saturday The roller
skating season will open at the Omaha
Auditorium Saturday night. Indications
throughout the east are that roller skat
ing Is coming Into favor again very
rapidly and the big rinks are receiving
very heavy patronage. The Auditorium
floor has all been resurfaced ani put
In fine condition for this healthful In
door sport. There will be skating every
Saturday night, Sunday afternoon and
Sunday night. Good order and correct
deportment will be maintained, a usual,
so that all who attend will be assured of
a good time.
.. . . ... . .
Every Druggist Carries Me in
I'm known as the "Little Doctor." 1
drive out pain, I minister to the sick
and suffering, without charging big fees
and without pain, burn or blister.
I am used by countless thousands. I
daily bring ease and com'fort to the rich
and poor, the young and old alike. I
have brought hundreds from the shadow
of the Valley of Death. My name Is
MacXaron's Mustard Osrato, and my
motto la tnultum in uno, meaning many
one, because I take the place of many
You will never regret it if you keep
nie handy, some day soon, when you
least expect It, you will need me.
I bring rcliet to sufferers of Rheu
matism. I. II in h . .
LjUi!?:) Lame Back, Sore
V?i Muscles, Sore Throat.
Pleurisy, Bronchitis, j
Neuralgia, Headache. '
C o I d and p. !
SaV"T"'f tions. Chilblains,
V t A fpralna and all kinds
f I Vjr ot Aches or Pains;
Vi1? Pneumonia.
Jj! At your druggisti
"I'm the
LittU Doctor'
in 25c and 60c Jars,
or mailed, postpaid,
by The MacLaren
Drug Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Get the
original. Nothing else just aa good,
tiold by all Sherman A McConnell Drug
Rheumasalts Insures Quick
and Safe Relief
Tho safest, most pleasant and quickest
way to relieve constipation and all the
misery and Ills that go with it. is to dis
solve a little Rheumasalts 'n water and
drink it while it is effervescing".
Ki.euraasalts is a scientifically blended
and chemically pure carbonated lithia
drink that cleans out the stomach and
intestines, eliminates toxins and poisons
and leaves the Intestinal canal clean and
If you are bothcod with constipation,
headaches, sallow skin, coated tongue, bad
breath, indigestion, bllllousness. neuralgia
or rheumatism,, then you need Rheuma
salts. Fine for both adults and Infants.
It la a uric acid solvent as well as a
aline laxative. Instead of "doping", your
el. drug-hatlt-fcrmlna:, heart-depress
ng "laxative'' pills and tablets, take
Hbeumasalts It Is delicious to the Unto
and acts quickly without griping or nau
sea. Rheumasalts Is as pure as the nat
ural laxative salts from the Mineral
The next time you need a laxative, ask
your druKfint for about five ounces of
Kheumasaas. If he hasn't the original
Kheuii -salt", writs to the Rheumabath
Com' any, Minneapolis, Minn, who will
be glad to see that you are supplied.
Austrians Defeat
Servians and Take
Prisoners and Guns
'. BERLIN, Nov. 18.-(Vla The Hague and
London, Nov. 19.) The Neu Freio Presse
correspendent 'gives details of the capture
of Valievo; fcervia. Tho Austrians ad
vanced in five columns, three of which
arrived; within -cannon range early Sun
day, but the attack was delayed bee a u so
of the slow progress of the other columns
over' a different terrain.
The attack began at 11 o'clock. Tho
Austrians, despite vigorous resistance,
enveloped tho Servian left wing and
drove It In. The right wing1 was simul
taneously threatened by an outflanking
movement from Rolubara ahd a devastat
ing artillery fire completed the discom
fiture of tho Servians, who by fi o'clock
In the afternoon were In full re' einent
on Arandielovats, abandoning K Jflca
tions on which they had worked for
years and which were considered Impreg
nable, it Is doubtful whether the Ser
vians will mako a stand at ArandielovaU.
Tho Servians had no time to bring off
or to destroy their guns or supplies, great
quantities of which fell Into the hands
of the Austrians. More than C,000 Ser
vians were taken prisoners.
For the first lime since the outbreak of
the war the Germans spent the day with
out their newspapers, the publication of
which was suspended because of the re
ligious day of repentance The daily re
port from war headquarters appeared as
uslual but there was no means of cir
culating It except through bulletins posted
In shop windows and by means of a' tele
graphic extract displayed In tho post
offices downtown.-
Tho streets of Berlin today were
crowded with tho customary throng-, the
crisp autumn afternoon having brought
out a host cf promenaders. The crowds
were scarcely different from those seen
in ordinary years and there semed to be
almost ar many men an usual. The spirit
of the prcmene.ders was confident as a
rusult of the Russian defeats reported
yesterday., ,
Nebraska Manufacturers Working;
Oat Flan for Mutual Insurance
Under the New Law.
era a0 that the Company May
Re Oraanlaed at Onre to
Renin Operations.
Fatal accidents happened In but five
Instances to employes of tho hundred
manufacturers of tho state who were in
session at the Paxton hotel yestcrady.
according to the number tit hands raised
when the question was asked. Tho ques
tion came up In a discussion of tho work
men's compensation law. It was sug
gested that accidents resulting in fatali
ties seldom occur to employes of the
manufacturing establishments of the
state. The chairman asked tho hands to
be raised of those who had had a fatal
accident In their plants. Only five went
Practically the entire morning was
taken up by a discussion of tho compen
sation system by George Wrlghtnmn of
I'es Moines, secretary of tho Iowa State
Manufacturers' association. Ho insisted
Hat tho mutual Insurance company or
ganized by and composed of tho manu
facturers themselves Is tho only proer
and efficient company to handle the lia
bility Insurance of tho manufacturers
under these laws. "The stock casualty
companies are doing all they can to flirht
us," he said. "They will fight your mu
tual company and try to put It out of
business, but they might as well get out
of tho way, because tho mutual company
Is the coming thing in this case, and It
is bound to come." I
. Mutual la the Beat.
A. R. Kinney of, Ravenna brought up
some Interesting points. He reviewed a1
case in which a man had soma defect In
out that In a sinud town the (t round and j
building rents are so much cheaper than
his arm. He had his arm broken later
while employed in a factory. The doctors
discovered the old defect In the arm and
told him tho only way ho could evei be
entirely sound would be to have an opera
tion. He hurried to the hospital for the
operation. "Now," said Kinney, "if I
had been handling that case I would
have had to pay It no doubt. If an In-,
surance company were handling that kind
of a case they would not pay for tho
doctor bill on a case they had not been
responsible for."
Over twenty of the manufacturers have
signed in favor of the organization of a
mutual insurance company. Tho twenty
represent an aggregate of 4,000 employes.
The law requires that the signers must
represent at least 6,000. They expect to
get them before night.
Kidney and Liver Troubles
quickly relieved by Electric lillters-lwrt
remedy for Indigestion, dyspepsia, heart
burn and. most kidney troubles. 50c and
$1.00. All druggists. Advertisements.
Deserter Shot Five
Times After Crossing
to the American Side
NACO, Arts., Nov. lfc-Soldicrs of the
Carranza garrison at Naco, Sonora,
fired five bullets Into the body of Luciano
Herei, a deserter, today after he had
crossed the American boundary. In an
effort to escape further service as a
soldier. Ho was seriously wounded and
was treated by American soldiers.
Maytorcna continued firing upon the
Naco defense. today, but seemed to have
withdrawn the greater part of his forces
further away from tho town. General
Hill, commanding the garrison, declared
a force from Agua Prteta would attack
Maytorcna from the rear.
Another Mexican was shot last night
on the"Amerlean side of the boundary.
AH told twenty-seven persons have been
wounded y stray bullets. Nine were
American cavalryman on border duty,
two of whom died. Four were American
civilians and the remainder Mexican men
and . woman refugeea. One woman died
of wounds yesterday.
Four Persons Killed
When Train Hits Auto
FORT WAVNE7Tnd.. Nov. 19-Four
persons were Instantly killed at Convoy,
O., thirty mllps east of here, when the
Pennsylvania flyer struck an automobile
In which they were riding early today.
The victims were Dnrbln Leslie, mayor of
Convoy; his .wife and Dr. and Mrs. De
Hayes, parents of Mrs. leslle.
Rid Stomach of
Gases, Sourness,
and Indigestion
Tou don't want m alow remedy when
your stomach Is bad or an uncertain
one or a harmful one your stomach Is
too valuable; you mustn't injure It with
drastic drugs.
Pape'a Dlapepsln Is noted for Its sped
in giving relief; Its harmlessness; Us
certain unfailing action In regulating
sick. sour, grassy stomachs. Its millions
of cures In indigestion, dyspepsia, gas
tritis and other stomach trouble has
made It famous the world over.
Keep this perfect stomach doctor in
your home keep It hanay-gct a largt
fifty-cent case from any drug store and
then If anyone should eat something
Which doesn't sgree with them; if what
they eat lays like lead, ferments and
tours and forms gas; causes headache,
dizziness and nausea; eructations of acid
and undigested food remember aa soo'i
as Pape's Dlapepsln comes in contact
with the stomach all such distress van
ishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease
In overcoming the worst stomach dis
orders Is a revelation to those who try
it Advertisement.
Several buyers for tho Burgess-Nash
I company have returned from a New York
and eastern buying trip. Among them '
were Miss Margaret Butler, buyer fur
; laces, embroideries, neckwear, ribbons
and handkeichtefs; Mrs. Rogers, buyer of
j muslin underwear, Infants' wear, no- j
Iltteea, etc.; Mr. Hunt, for rugs, draperies j
and toys.
They all report that there la plenty of I
merchandise to bo bought and that prices
are low. Mr. Hunt attended the Alex.
Smith & Sons auction sale of rugs during
the week of October 26 and says that ha
bought rugs at the lowest prices he ever
Miss O'Malley. buyer for the glove do- !
partment, and Mr. Kelley of the men's
furnishing department are now In the
1 east.
R!rs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Owes Her U Health te C'ksaiker.
Inlsj'a Tablets.
'I owe my good health to Chamber
Iain's Tablets," writes Mr. R. a. Neff,
Crookstnn, O. "Two years ago I was an
Invalid due to stomach trouble. I took
three bottles of these Tableta and have
since been In the best of health." Ob
tainable everywhere. Advertisement
Hotel $raiim
Brosulwtuiivt 29JSi
"Aa Hotel Where Guests are Mad
to Feel at Homo"
Not too large, yet large
enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible
$09 RmmtUodtni KuUmnml Cerf
Sisfle looms with Roonlnj Wtter
f 1.00 ii 12.00 per oar
Single Rooms with Tub or Shower
I.S0 loSi.OOpcrdsr
Doasls Rooms with Runslns Wtter
12.00 to 14.00 per da
Double Rooms with Tub or S hover
13.00 to $0.00 per Uf
EDWARD C. FOGG. UanmtUm Oirecror
ROT i. BROWN. Httidmmt Mmmmgrnr
:Stor Hours, 8:20 A. M. to 6 P. M. -Saturday Till 9 T. M.:
Burgess-Nash Company.
"everybody's store
Thnrsday, Nnrenibfr 19. 1914
rhone Do aria 137
Friday Notions
Remnants silk
and cotton elas
tic. to 1-yard,
all colors,
each ic
Sanitary (elas
tic) belts,
wh 12Hfl
W-yar spool silk, spool
Needle books..
...25r to tXW
Children's work
. boxes, '-. to 9Sp
rancy round
Warren's girdle
foundations, all
sites 10c
811k ftniRh cro
chet cotton,
spool if
Nickel plated
safety pins, 3
cards &c
Rarters 2S
to U
Slip-on dress
shields, pr., 2C
Slipper trees,
pair ...v..7Jie
Lanre hair net, all shades.
& tor 11
Hickory hose
supporters, all
sizes, pair. . Ahc
13-Inch Olrdle
foundations, all
sizes, black and
white 69
t'e. Mala Floor.
25c Coin Purses. 10c
Odd lot of leather coin purses for
men, women and children.
, 25c Thimbles, 8c
Sterling Mirer, limit of one to a
25c Lingerie Clasp, 10c
Gold plated, assorted designs.
BOo Hat Pins, lOo
Novelty top, special, each 19c
' naratoaa-Naafc Co. Mala Floer.
ImpoFtam! Feature
At an Average Reduction of One-Third O f ;h Regular Price
ND rigrht in the face of a senrep market, too. Th purchase
embrace out a limited quantity, so early solection la a t
Black and natural. This iiloa:
rJl!iJ?fM pHoef 70, Friday's Sale Trice g 5.00
raradlne, regular price $19.00, Friday's Hale Trice 87.SO
faradUry regular price I12JW, Friday's Sale Price 8.75
faradUe, regalar price 115.00, Friday's Sale rteeiiii.J 10.00
Farad I e, regular price 17.f0, Friday's Sale Trice 8 1 ,75
Taradlsejjvgiilar price f2.00, Friday's Sale Trice 813.50
faradl!et regalar price f 240, Friday's Sale" Triceil:.817.50
Paradise, regular price ias.00, Friday's Sale Trice. ... -822.50
Paradise, regular price 940.00, Friday's Sale Trice 827.5Q
raradlne, regular price 94A.OO, Friday's Sale Trice. . . . .830.00
Pjradlse,regttlar price $50.00, Friday's Sale Trice" S35.QO
Hirru.)k . trMi Floor.
Mi " f
rHREE special price groups that will appeal to the average housewife who gives a thought
to the beauty and convenience of her dinner table.
$1.05 Silver Bread Trayi, $1.33
Sheffield bread trays, 8-Inch size.
nickel sllrer, assorted edge pat
terns, a rare val
ue at the sale
price, Friday
1 iu curb pal-
Win. II. Rogers Tea Hpoona Friday at, each.
$3.50 Sterling Cold Moat Forkt,
Sterling silver engraved handles
also salad sets, fork
and spoon to match
server, soup ladle
and pie knife
Bo&rera' Silverware, 18c, vr 6 for
Win. H. Rogers' celebrated silver
ware. Including knives, forks, des
sert spoons, sugar , a g p ,
shells, butter . 0 Jlllli1)
)srt.H-Nuk Co. Main S'fowr.
Bleached Muslin, 3Va0
36-Inch Bleached Mualtn, from the
bolt at, Friday, J J. n
yard U"JC
Dress Prints, 4VaC
Full Standard Dress Prints, light
and dark style assort- AXf
ment at, yard
7Va0 Robe Prints, 4c
Fast color Tacific Robe Trlnts, will
make serviceable comforter cov
erings, 7c values i.,
at, yard
Ginghams at 30
Dress lengths, fancy plaid ging
hams including Everett Classic.
Remnants, will be sold II
at, yard 0"jL
Dress Percales, 20
Mill ends yd. wide, light and
dark percales, yard
Men's $1.00 W06I Shirts at 79c
Traveling salesmen's samples, good
wool mixture, low collar or Tll
military style, worth $1,... "t-
Men's Underwear at 45c
Assortment of Men's 2-plece Un
derwear In wool, heavy cotton, rib
and fleece lined, slightly i r
soiled, garment ,ti7C
Men's 25c Wool Hose for 17c
Men's wool hose, well made, a mm
will wear, 25c qual.. pair.
Men's 89c Jersey Sweaters, 45c
Jersey Sweaters, with turtle neck
or snap fastener, In blue, gray, navy
and black, 89c AZn
quality .ivt
Women's $1 Union
jsUll S at 69c
long sieeven,
WOMEN'S white cotton union
suits, Dutch neck, elbow
sleeves, ankle length. $1.00 values,
69. women s wnue cotton union
suits, high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length. In
regular and extra
sizes. 1.00 val
ues, at
Women's $1.00 to $1.50 Vests,
Women's natural or camel's hair
flat wool vest and pants. l-l.b0
ralues, 60. Women's silver gray
ribbed wool vests and Of
pants. $1 to 11.60 values. . . . VC
Women's 50c Vests and Pantf,
Women's white cotton fleece lined
vests and pants, and women's white
cotton fleece lined union suits, in
rerular and extra sizes. Slight Im
perfections. 50c 'JO-'
values OVt
Children's Vests and Pants, 25o
Children's white ribbed wool rests
and pants. Most all sites. Val
ues tip to 75c. )Cn
Choice ZOC
OUR Coal Department, with aa
entirely fresh stock of modern
coals and modern prices, is meet
ing a long felt want of the econom
ical houHckeeper. You can order
by phone Douglas 137 and It will
receive prompt attention.
F.XCEI.L0 Lt Br Near Anthra
cite blue hydrogen flame, no
smoke, holds fire over trO nrv
night, ton JO UU
?o'?c.r: 6 50
aols), per ton 30 UU
(Illinois), per ton ?t).oU
per ton 7.IU
fJ.tT.c.0. $450
KEMNANTS of 75c to $1.50 DRESS GOODS in
Lengths of 1 1-2 to 5 Yards Friday, at Yard, 49c
THERE'LL bo (Treat "piekinjr" here Friday, but the first ones will secure flf
the biggest. values. Short lengths of 1 to 5 yards of dress goods that ZAf j
sold regularly at 75c to $l..r0 the yard Air V
M-lnrh Skirting rialds.
4-lncb. Whip Cords.
CO-inrh Vf ool Brocades.
SS-lnch All Wool Serges.
BarsrH-N.ii fRas
oVMnch TTeoI Plaids.
40-Inch Fancy Wool Goods.
40-lach Mixed Saltings.
$5 North Star and St. Mary's BLANKETS, $3.98
pHEKE'S that something about North Star and St. Mary's wol
blankets that appeals to those that want the warmest and b-jst
wool blankets obtainable. The finest grade of wool and the
highest class of workmanship enter into the making of thee
celebrated blankets, bine and , white, gray and white, tnn und
white, red, black, and black and white,. 2-in.(fr fQ
block checks. Also fancy plaids, as well aa the whrteJ) JsO
with pretty pink or blue borders, sues 66x80 and
70x80, regular $5.00 values, pair v-r
$4 Blankets, $2.95
Wool filled and eid
erdown finished
blankets, white, gray
and tan, also plaid
and checks, size 66x
80 and 72x82, regu
lar $4 val- dj ye
ues, pair. . 'O
$3 Blankets, $1.50
Extra heavy wool
finished blankets,
soft and warm,
the best cotton
blanket made for
double beds, 13.00
$2 Blankets, 98c
Heavy cotton fleece
blankets, white, gray
and tan, also checks
and broken checks
with pretty borders,
double bed AO
site, palr..M.yOW
Pillows, 35c
Fancy art tick
covered pillows,
filled with sani
tary feathers
purs and JZr
clean, each."
Blankets, 38 .
Cotton bed sheets,
full slxe, white,
gray and tan. soft
and fleecy, worth
11.50 pair,
Friday Bargains in the FLANNEL Department
25c Robeland Fleece Flannels, 12Vo
Robeland fleece flannels, in the latest dark color
ings and styles, manufactured by
the Pacific Mills. They will make
warm, stylish lounging or bath
robes, 25c quality, yard
10c Outing1 Flannels, 6)
Oullng flannels, large assort
ment of light and dark styles
that are good values at .i
10c yard, Friday at, yd...
15c Duckling1 Fleece Flannels, 74 o
Duckling fleece flannels In the choic
est styles and colorings, sold regu
larly at 15c yard, from the bolt here
Friday at, yard.
75c to $1.00 Baby Flannels, 48o
Silk embroidered wool baby flan
nel, patterns thst are neat, new
and pretty, scalloped and hem
stitched edge, 75c to II.-
values, sample bolts, yd..
10o Shaker Flannel, 5o
Shaker and mottled flannel, la
a variety of good designs, light
and dark colorings. 10c f
values Friday, at, yard...... OC
SIICK-UP ATl ACHlii), S2.70 VaLUH Al . . .
hat. trimmed with ostrich bands. Hats of small st.
and medium shapes, in black and a new lino of winter ? X
colors, and there are an equal amount of these genuine V f jp J
ostrich bands, with fancy ostrich stick-ups attached. i ?
The Untrimmed Hat is worth 51.25) ALL FOR -'J?-f f
The Ostrich Band is worth. $1.45l?1 . .
AiA.n nig m vvmm v . . ...
Ostrich Fancy Feathers, 39c
In all the latest designs, large as
sortment of colors, and values as
high as $1.25, none worth less than
75c; in this sale your q-,
choice for.
..... .S2.70
French Flowers, 12c :
Three medium sisa roses, made of
velvet and muslin and branched
with foliage, in the French color
combinations, regular 29c X'Jn
yalue, special w
rarMa.Nash f
WOMEN'S Shoes for both dress and street
wear, made in button and lace styles,
patent, gain metal, kid and tan CflQLZ
leathers, flexible sewed soles, kid I yO
and cloth tops, these are ex- B:
treme rriaay at, pair..
Women's SHOES, 89c
All leather, button and laee oa
styles, sizes 2Vfe to 4V&, pair..OVC
Women's Felt Slippers
-Ribbon trimmrd, with hand turned
leather soles, all sizes, Qfiv
Pair OVC
BaraTa-RJajMB Cv BlwsMst '
You'll Need These in Prepay
ing the Thanksgiving Dinner
Carving Set Knife and
Fort, worm sja.
IL60, Friday.... VC
Aluminum Perculator,
2-qt. slse, worth $2.60.
a'. ....$1.89
Savory Roasters, seam
less, self-basting.
smooth as glass, no corners, strictly sanitary.
Two sises Small ovmt size. In t
- , ,09c
Largs Oval QQn
Steel Roaster... VOC
Enameled, all sixes and
styles, op- Cl
ward from..
S a a a r s Aluminam
Roaster, worth (Q
11.50, Friday.. ..VOC
Brownie Roaster f
worth. 40c, at... 1 V C
C a s r o 1 e, Oenntn
Guernsey Dish, wortk
Cast AJomteom SklUet, c ri
Friday $I.iV
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