Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Proviae Machinery
To Carry on Contest
More Young Men Admitted to Prac
tice Before Supreme Court.
8T. PAUL, Neb, Nov. 19.-Pr tal.
The second annual banquet of the St.
Paul Commercial club waa held In the
basement of tht Presbyterian church
Monday evening. Annul 2iO gueata fr and Ml the lartirat mill brM conducted
present. Including members of the I'mn- affair of Its kind ever hell In the city,
merclal club ant their wives, Howard , Mr. H. H. lti-tmnnri. superintendent of
county farmers, cltlsona of neighboring ' the ft. Paul schools, toiistmnaler.
and Vrilon Pacific railroad of- Toaete were responded to by V. J. Chris-
The banquet conalated of four Couraes
and t ser$d by the women of the
Preebytertan and Methodist churches.
teaen. president of the Commercial club;
Ir. F. 8. Nicholson, mayor of the city;
Mr. Peter F.bbeaon of St. raul and lion.
Thomas J. Doyle of IJneoln. Several
musical numheia acre given.
The Pt. Paul Commercial club la a live,
Browing oi'Riinlxatlnn of about 100 mrm
tera, composed of buslnesa men, farmers,
professional men, rlerka and teachers.
Dr. I.nvell la Arqatttetl.
TORK, Neb.. Nov. 19 (Special.) In
dlatrlct court the case of the state
ngalnat Pr. Itoy l.ovctl, charged with
shooting at Kdward Ashley with Intent
to wound or malm, wu decide! In favor
of tha defendant. The trial ai the re
mit of a, controversy over tho ownership
of a horse which took place In a livery
barn at Bradahaw last June, tanvell fired
two ahota at Ashley, neither of which
took effect.
Omaha Ma Mentioned for Place on
Board of Control Not tHltle
Under the Un aa It ow
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. l.-Hpeciat-lf ex
Reprcsentatlve F. U Bollen of .Croft on
aucceel8 In getting a recount of the bal- fj)
lota cast on constitutional amendments,
which lost out at the laat election, he will
i ..fsiiM It tHmna-h a aneelal act
of the legislature and not through the Cj
usual methods used In a contest, accord- K
In to an' opinion given out by Attorney K
General . Martin todny In response to a In
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 19 (Speclal.)-Klcvcn
young men took the examination for ad
mission to practice before the supreme ; ,pttcr addr(.8SO1 to the state legal depart- ft
court yesterday and were successful. Two .,, ThB ooln)on of .,, attorney sen- Vi
bo., n... fy
There seems tni bn no statutory rro-1
vision in mis siaxe ouuinins uic prorfuuic pj
in caae It la desired to contest the result In
of an election upon a proposition auo
mltted to a vote, of the people of the en
tire state, although the right to contest
In auch caae la given In general terms.
You will note the atatute does aay that
any proposition aubmltted to a vote of
the people may be contested upon vsrl
oua ground, one of them being "for any
error In any board of canvassers in
i countinu the votes or In declaring the
A local morning paper mentioned the result of the election, If the error would
more failed in their work
were successful were:
John 1 Hyrna, Herbert J. Cornell. Km
met S. Brumbaugh and Arthur L. i'almer,
Omaha; Alfred K. Kggern. South (jmaha;
Oren A. Belser. Lincoln; K. Kemp Heath,
Cody; (i. Nelson Lyon, Nelson; Clarence
U. Miles, Bethany.
Arthur L. Palmer of Omaha la a grad
uate of the Harvard law school and will
open an office in Omaha.
tVeldetifleld ot Candidate.
1 ton con Crib Blanket
l"ast colored crib blanketa In pink
and blue; many nursery patterns
Itabbit, chick, floral, etc. Sle
30x40. Regularly priced
at 50c each. Special Friday
'II w ' iff ii an i jwn m !""!, "i" f .'.'n-V'1 ' l : " '. ' r "VT"""1 T,1"''.T"
n lank ft Heron ants, lOc Kach
Itemnants of different quality cot
ton hlanketa In white, gray and
tan color; tip to half regular alia
blanketa: uaeful In any g
nnuaenoirl. Special. Frl- I Iff
. hvmwi - Tr-"- "iTt li'aTT 'iTllff 'rtlTJ TaiftiTaniii irMfllil 1 -j T 1 Tllll Mt H I Mil Mi iltfiili 1
day, each
8,000 Yards of Silks, Dress Goods and Velvets
At Halt ince and Less Friday in Basement
name of George Weldenfield, bookkeeper
for the Board of Control, aa a candidate
for the appointment as a member of the
board to take the place of the present
member. Judge Holcomb, whose term cg
Pirea In 1915. Mr. AVcldenfleld said thla
morning that there la nothing whatever In
the story. Mr. Weldenfleld's home, la In
Omaha and he could not be appointed to
the position even If he desired it, aa the
law specifically provides that no two of
the members of the board shall come from
the same town. As Judge Kennedy, one
member, Is from Omahn, that shuts the
bookkeeper out unless he can ' prevail
upon Mr. Kennedy to resign, and the
judge showa no signs of that.
rlmnw the result.'
The general rule is that. In the absence
of a statute prescribing the method of
contesting elections, the remedy la by
an information In the nature of a qua
warranto filed on behalf of the atate by
the attorney general, or other prosecuting
officer, at the inatance of a private, cltl
sen or citlsens, known aa the re.ator or
relators. (15 Cyc. B.) But, "there can
be no remedy by quo warranto In con
testing an election on a propos.tlon, for
that remedy la employed only to test the
right to an office or franchise." lj Cyc.
K'4.) . I
In my opinion, it win ne necessary ior ,
the legislature, when it convenes in Jan-
uary next, to provide some method of
procedure for contesting the election on
the constitutional amendments submitted
tr. tha nlMors for their anoroval at tlie
last general election, if It desire to have
auch election contested or the votes on
Democratic papers that have been try ' BnlJ amendments recounted. An act. pro-
Ing to select the new appointments to be
made by Dr. Thomas, superintendent
elect, published a list this morning In
BPite of the fact that the doctor does not
himself know as yet Just what changes
he will make In his office force. To The
Bee Dr. Thomas said Just before he left
for New York that he was not yet pre
pared to give out the names of his ap
pointees, as he had not fully made up
his mind Juet who he would appoint and
how many he would need.
Dr. Thomas has rented the nice home
of Simon D. Mayer at J225 H, only two
blocks from the state house, and will
occupy' It as soon as Mr. Mayer leaves,
which he will do Sunday, on a trip to
..rihinr the procedure, could be paasea
In the early days of the session. The ex
penses of a contest of such magnitude
will, no doubt, be enormous. I do not
want to Involve the state In this expenso
unless a definite procedure Is provided by
law. I
Neuinann to Contest !
Election of Spencer !
to the State Senate pj
lne Dress boods
ihe Silks
The Velvets
a . hibj aa v wvw j m vi
The Coatings
3ti-lmh to M-imn cuit
ing. and Coatings
Hanging in lengths
Hum t to b yarnH, a.xi celling in the regular way
ut 7fe to $1.00 a yarn. I ienin and Continue egea,
Diagonal, 1-ancy Suttitigs, liroadcloths, Victoria Mix
tuieit, J'opllna. and TalietaM. Henriettas, Maniumi
Millings, etc. Choice of the entire lot fThluy, at
bto per yard
several H'midred lards or hine wika
In Remnant Lengths The accumu
latlona of our recent epeclui hmJo
on tne Maui l'loor. Lengths of from 2 to 10 yards.
Suitable lor dresnes, waists, petticoat., linings, etc.
If you are in need of silk, don't overlook this Sale.
Values up to 11.00 a yard. Choice of the lot KrMay,
at 390 per yard.
Beautiful Boulevard Fancy Vol
vets in two and three-tone coin
Vitiations, shower and ppot;
brocades In neutral eflecta, Koman and Bulgarian
dealgna; plain vein Una velvets in all the newest fall
colorings, including black. These are mill ends,
sample pieces and remnant lengths of from 2 to 8
yards. Worth up to $1.00 yard. Choice of the lot
Friday at 390 per yard.
Chinchillas, fancy Pnlmn
coana, cnmela' hair, reversible
Plaldn mvl checks, renellant
coating!", Heavy diagonals and whipcords, Peau do
Peche, Duvetlne, Velour, etc. Worth up to $1.00 yard.
Cholco of the lot Friday at 39o per yard.
5,000 Imported Samples of High-Class
Dress Goods from the Customs Hou e
That represent several hundred styles of
dress goods at a fraction of their value.
matctieo ana single Oft IrI
Values Up
To $1.00
Choice Friday
lot Friday, at.
3,000 Single Pieces of .
1 ravelers samples
In every known style and
suitable for many uaeful
purpose. Your f l'er
choice of en- I 11 C
tire lot Friday v I
Custer County Will
Hold Thirty Belgian
Meetings Sunday
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Nov. -(Special.)
Custer county, which had the dis
tinction of leading all out-state counties
In contributions to the Christmas ship, THREE DlVOnUtld UMAN I tU
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 19. (Special.)
Julius Neumann of Wyhiore. defeated
candidate for state senator from Gage
and Pawnee counties, Wednesday even- '
ing announced that he would contest the j
election of A. V. Spencer, republican, who ,
won by three voles. Mr. Neumann holds
that the election was Irregular In that
illegal votes were cast. He asserts that
in one township In Gage county the vote
heretofore has never been over 18, but
at the recent election S45 vote were cast.
He claims that laborera were sent hem i
from Iowa to work and after voting were
taken back to that state.
Silk and Cotton Dress Fabrics
Choice at
has again come to the front In the matter
of rel;ef for the war sufferers In a prac
tical way. It Is now proposed that Cus
ter county send to the destitute In Bel- ,
Itlum two or three carloads of wheat in-'
Btead of one, aa originally Intended. To
carry out this plan an executive commit- I
tee has been appointed consisting of Rav. :
W I Gaston.-. chairman; E. P. Bteen. .
secretary; D. M. AmBberry, Judge Sulli
van and Judge A. It. Humphrey, all of
Broken Bow. This committee baa ar-.
ranged to hold next Sunday at 3 p. m. '
thirty mass meetings In as many places
In the county and will furnish two speak-
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 19. (Special.)
Three, divorce were granted and one pe
tition filed in the district court Wednes
day, the plaintiff In Wh case being a
woman. Mabel McDaniels of this city
was granted, a divorce from Rbscoe Mc
Daniels on the grounds of nonsupport;
Carrie '7.90k,. also of Beatrice, was given
her freedom from Carl Zook on the same
grounds, and, Nellie A. Llchtjr of DiUer
obtained a decree on the grounds of de
sertion. : -
Matilda E. Curry of Wymore brought
action for divorce from A. J. Curry, al-
crs for each place. Subscriptions for
wheat or Its equivalent In money will be JeKlng oeBertlou and nonsupport.
muni av cm:n i u tiv, .uimun ui iwi
days it Is proposed to send the loaded cars
down the line with the legend, "Custer
county wheat for starving Belgium." The
people everywhere over the county are
enthusiastic over the movement, and with
the splendid work being done by the ex
ecutive committee the contribution will
be assembled and on Its way in a short
(From a- Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Nov. 19.-peclal.) William
Teusoher, a wealthy stockman of Milford,
was placed under arrest today by Sheriff
Hyera, charged with receiving stolen
property,- the charge being that he had
bought 8,400 cubic centlmertea of hog
cholera serum from Michael Cody, a Jan
itor at the state farm. , .
Cody waa arrested this afternoon and
admitted that he had taken the serum
and that the Milford man was the pur
chaser. His dealings with the purchaser
have been going on since the state fair
and began when Teuscber made him a
present of W cents for a thermometer
owned by th estate which the latter
wanted. Teuscher seta up the defense that
he thought that he was buying It in the
regular way and that Cody had a right
to sell It
Constipation Poisons Von.'
Dr. King's New Life Pills regulato
vnnr bowels, prevent constipation and
stimulate the liver to healthy action.
All druggists. Advertisement.
French PlayrigHt
Addresses American
Authors and Artists
Pioneer Woman of Nemaha Dead.
AUBURN. Neb., Nov. 19.-(Spcial.) -Word
has Just been received of the death
of Mrs. Gilford Lilly of Nemaha at Lin
coln, where ahe underwent an operation.
She was 73 years of age and had for
years been in feeble health. Bhe had
not the vitality to rally from the ahock.
She is survived by a husband. & year
" of age, and three grandchildren. The
Lillys located on a farm In Asplnwell
precinct, this county. In 18. coming
from Wisconsin. Their only daughter.
Mrs. Edward Thomas, died several yaru
ago. Tliey'llved for several years in Au
burn, but later moved to Nemaha to be
near the farm and their niotherles.i
NEW TORK, Nov. 19. Eugene Brleux,
French playwright author and member
of the French academy,; was the chief
gpeaker at the first session of the sixth
annual Joint meeting of the American
Academy of Arts and Letters and of the
National Institute of Arts and Letters,
held here today. In Introducing Mr.
Brleux, William Dean Howells. president
of the academy, said this was the first
Instance' In which the French ' academy
had sent a member to represent it In
Mr. Brleux reaJ a letter from President
Polncare of France, written to President
Wilson, In which the president of France
expressed regret at his Inability to at
tend the meeting and added that "the
appalling events which have taken placo
In Europe and which are of vital Im
portance for the cause of popular liberty,
of course, make It Impossible for me to
absent myself from France at this time."
President Polncare also expressed sym
pathy and admiration for the United
Mr. Brleux delivered an address on
"The Drama as an Instrument of Social
Betterment" In It he. asserted that the
gubllng principle of his work was a con
stant tendency to protest against th4
abuse of power.
President Wilson sent a message of
welcome to Mr. Brleux and expressed his
interest In the meeting.
Turks Win Naval
Battle in Black Sea
BERLIN, Nov. 19. -(By Wireless to the
Associated Press.) A Turkish fleet has
engaged a Russian squadron composed
of two battleships and five cruisers off
Bebastopol, according to an official re
port reaching Berlin from Constantinople
today. One of the Russian battleships
was seriously damaged, and the other
vessels, with the Turkish ships in pur
suit, fled to Sebaatopol.
About 6,000 yards of this aeaaon"n cholceat plain and printed materials
foreign and domestic. So much in domand for street and evening wear.
values up to toc per yarn. included are the following weaves;
av-i&on rrenon rantea gui ana cotton crape - 35c
36-Inch Bilk and Cotton Colored MarqtUaatte 30c
value i
4o-Ineh Plata Whits and Colored Crepes SOc
87-Inch Plata and Print ad Bilk Jaoqnards SOc
87-Inch Bilk Strips Bio Cloth Neat printings. 25o 1
vl" i
87-Inch Baantlfm Bilk Btrtoa Voiles 25c values
87-rach Beantlfnl Printed Orere da China J Be values
Beantlfnl Bollenne Wears Pabrloa SOc value
11 iT
( jl OV
) Per Yard
Men's Suits and Overcoats-Worth to $12.50
Choice at
They come-.
All good
sixes, it.
ho Bnita Are all-wool or wool and worsted.
in Browns, urays, Blues ana raney mixtures,
styles. . Two and three-button models. All
to 44 Choree Friday, at
The Overcoats With ehawl or convertible collars. Made
of Kood : all-wool fabrics ' About' 300 to select from
Friday, at
Men's Trousers in pure worsted and cauhmere. All neat pat
terns. Slies ti to-4 waist measure. Special, Friday
Mackinaw coats i . . j ..83. 98 I (tannine Coon Overcoats
ttiiim jaorse uoaia ........ ajie.oo I
Union-Mad Overalls
. $35.00
. . . 490
This FalFs Greatest Values
BMnWaVnanMWM nVnnannaMaMsnMnBBnBnannnBnBnnjnnnaBns nMnaBHBanannanBBnaanBnannBBna
In Women's and Children's Wear
Wom.n'a aad Miss.a' Coats Worth 97.60 to
$15.00 Take poor oholo. la thla sals,
tine winter coats of all kinds. All stylish and swag
ger couta. Various lengths. 849 splendid garments,
mostly samples.
College Coats. Cape Coats, plain and fancy Belted
Coats. Plush Lined Coats with fur collar, etc. Tho
greatest lot of rlght-up-to-the-mlnute Coats, In Chinchillas,
"""'"i iuusu aua piain cioma, rancy 1'iaias, Pioveltyi
hwmib, nt. uvng ana nnuri coats.
woman's. Misses' and Juniors'
Coats, worth no . to 810.OO. '
Take your choice la this
ale for
uver z.voo coata at these two prices. All good, prac
tical atylt a. Blacks and colors. titles 113 to 1. 11 to
20 and 34 to 44.
Hundreds of different styles In Caracul, Chinchillas,
Boucle. all satin lined Broadcloths, Novelty materials,
fancy mixtures oLng and short coats. Borne have fur
collars. Not a coat In the lot worth less than .00 and
from that tin to 310.00 choice at U 4i arnt 13 4ft.
700 Fine Plush Cot for Women and MiMeiVIue Up to J3S
Fine Coata, perfect In every way. Plain and lancy. Made of the finest
r . ' r,iui ittueis auarnaa. rin u
Other materials are Baby Lamb, Caracul. Plain Plnah .h f-'
to 44.
On Omaha Property
Have special fund on hand of $200,000.
823 City National Bank Building;.
up to 35. We have no recollection of ever seeing such fine
garments offered at this low price before. Kale. Baxeme'it
g. Other materials are Uaby Lamb, Caracul, Plain Plush and
Combinations, eta Misses' sires 1 to 20. Women's T sizes ?i
Woman's and Misses' Soiti
910.00, $18.60 aad to
$18.00. Take you 4
cnoioa . in tola sal
Here Is a value that should bring
every woman to this store In a hurry
Friday morning at the opening of
this sale- Choice of any Hult In our
Baaemi r' for $0.89.
Every suit, is a correct fall and
winter style, made of all wool
Broadcloths, Gabardines, Diagonals,
rough cloths, etc Dozens of prettv
styles. Long and short coata; Tunic
and Yoke Top Skirts. All sixes, 14
to If) and 33 to 44.
Women's and Misses' Skirts worth
from $3.90 to $4.00.
Cholo of tho lot la
this aa).. at
Over 900 skirts, made of all-wool
serges, fancy cloths, checks, plaids,
etc Hundreds of different styles.
Russian Tunica, Folds. CortMna-
I worn
Choloo of lot of about
900 Wooasa'a and
Misses' Hults. Tbsy
are worth to $10.00. . .
ine styles are not this season's,
but they are all good, practical
styles and every woman who wants
a good suit for wear la offered a
grand opportunity In this sals.
These are made of all-wool fiergea
and novelty cloths. Khort and cut
away coat a.
With pleated and tucked bottoms
Two very pretty styles. Every iiui iiu uiui'k. ah sizes.
r-iira wen made or
extra good quality
messallne. 13 50 values.
Blacks and colors. I wizens of styles
And Other Cottoa Pettiooata Worth
v .uv niacKB ana colors.
i wizens oi siyien. All
made of extra good ma
terials. Many largo alzes
hi ibch,
Fall and Winter Dresses-Worth from $5 to $10
Made Of nne all-wool Herges, Novelty Cloths, Worsteds, Corduroys, plaids
etc. Also Plaid and 8erge Combinations. Hundreds of different styles'
Home sre fur trimmed, others with various kinds of pretty trimmings!
The sale price would hardly cover the cost of the materials. With and
without RusHlsn Tunic Plain and elaborate dresses. Not -
a dress In the lot worth less than 35.00, and a few worth X All
up to 310.00. Hpeciul Friday, at....
Waists Worth to $1.75
Choice of about 300 beautiful waists
in Pilk, Lace, Chiffon, Net, etc.
Hmall lota of each kind grouped
together for one big sale. All
good styled. Long and it
short sleeves, etc. Plain OilC
and fancy v w
Waista Worth 8&0 to 89o About
i.000 white and colored waists of
every description. High necks,
low nerka; long and allot t nf
sleevea; Middle. Norfolk. Sf
Bhirt Styles, etc a-vw
Wom.n'a and Mlas.s' Wash Drosses
Worth np to $1.00 Wouse dresuns
and tub dresses of different kinda.
Uark and light patterns In Per
cales, Chambrays, Ulng- A r
hams, etc. All sixes up 43C
to 4
Warm kirte Made of striped out
ing .flannel with scalloped bot
toms. Knit skirts of va- OO '
rlous colors, 29e value . 4 JC
Magiiam A proas Women's nlng
ham Aprora, with and without
bibs. Several styles. Oood .
values at 25c, In this I
sale, at
Children's Coats
One lot of about 400 children's
coats, mostly 2 to 3-year sizes
Some 3 to 14 years coats that
were made to sell up to 33 ;5
Fine Bearskins with quilted linlnga;
aiso ciotu coals. Plain and rough
In the lot worth leaa
than 32.50. Friday
Children's $9.00 to $9 00 Coats Sixes
9 to 9 aad 9 to 14 Years Dozens of
new up-to-date styles. Cape coats.
Plush, Chinchillas, Baby Lamb,
.. j i:auilia. etc . All
wanted colors and black.
Offered at
Children' Dresses, $ to 9 aad 9 to 19
Mwmtw man necas ana long aleeves.
I tresses made of good heavy wash
materials for fall and winter wear.
Many different styl.s. trm
75c and 3100 values, 4C
Children's' Dtsssm ' ' aad ito'mpers,
Ag.s 1 to 9 Y.arMHe ut check
ed and striped flannelette. Romp
ers of good wash materials, p
etc liie to 3c values, I S
offered at
boys' Ciotiiing
J V 1
1 ux y
t ine b.viii'tikii ior iuw 11. 1
low. AKM 111 lu t )vu.a.
are till new model
oteii oaia and come in
ail 10 101 a
nvw.' mu n vim i.u..viM..h
4ivbb til aay hiuv,ii
Also aoixl iiuaty I III'VIUIH
I.uuiiHi 1111II1K. sea
H - III ID ) kl , H-
Xlva lf o Oi. lor
Ovu-ooata tut .ua, a t 4,
'1 lie new Miuiui)' aim nikdi un
lar Ctait,iuuio ui nuavy inuvlotJ,
1 weeus iveiaeya.
'J'n-y atu worm up to
35.00. Mpttciul
) eillitn, Win 1 Ii to v
In limy, Ian, hlue and inixr.i at
terna. Ail new t-iiuiLiiouiiotia of
coluis In Twcixta, Hoiiieaunn and
oiK'iIh. .Noun) Have liiietl am.
Ages 10 to IK years.
Special in our buse
inent, nt
Boys' All-Wool Suits With 8 .rs
of Paats All new winter aliaOu.
Two pairs of full lined pants. Ilelt
atrapa and watch pockets. Agea
to II years. Worth
up to 35.00, Special,
IIo'n' H cater Coats
With the new roll collar or the V
ahaped neck. In Tun. Hlue and
tlray Age 6 to IS yenja.
up to 31.00. On nitlo '
I rlday, In our
ment, at
Boys' Kuff Heck or Cyron Collar
Sweaters In Brown, Blue and
Orny. For hoys of all
ngea. Worth up to 32. 00
Sppiinl Frl'lny, lit
Boys' Maoklnaws In the new Nor
folk atyle. Patch pocketa. Shnwl
collar models In Blink ami Hcd.
Orav and Black, (Irecn ami ITiif''
Check-t. All ngea, 7
to 1$ years. Special,
Hoys' Flannelette lUoime
vhey come In light nnrt
dark shades. Ueguliir
50c values, Frl'lny, at.
Children's Olov.s, Mlttena - and
Oaantleta Made of leather Hnd
fleece lined. Fine for
wear and very warm.
Special, at
ic and
v Nor
Khnwl 1 It.-ii.
- and
pr Hnd
fl.BO Col tun llUnketa, Hc
Full sice, soft fleece, good heavy
cotton; for double beds; white, gray
and tan color, ltugular n r
value 31.50 a pair. Fri- HoC
day, at
$1.0 Winter ConiforU, OUe
Large size, heavy comforU, fancy
scrolled, stitched and tufted; me
dium and dark colors.
Regular $1.25 grade. DUC
Friday, at
75c lUunkets nt iWc
Of good cotton, gray, white and tan;
short napped blanket ior tnree-
quarter and single beds.
Special, Friday, at the
pair '. .
Bnst-Proof Dress w.a.ys Card
truod Pearl Buttons Dozen ....
(rood Mooas aim ulack
and wlilte. Card
90v-aru Spool 'a Fri
day, spool
Oood Uold-Sysd Weedles Fri
day, paper
Parnlng Cotton Special Fri
day, apool
Wash .llnff All fast colors.
Largo Pleeea of BlasUo .. 9 1, a
Ktch ' w
1 i'
Any color.
Regular SOc
value. Spe
cial Friday,
lOo Mouon BOa.s special
Friday, each
Mercerised Vroohat Cotton for tin,
Uag Any color. Special 9IAf
Friday, spool fcZw
Ohlldren'a Panoy Work Boxss onu
big lot for Friday s selling. Worlli
up to 60c. Special, Frl- I fin
100-Tard BpooU Sewing JllAf
Bilk Spool U a? U
fM Pins Any size, t doxen...6o
"1 1 is . I
I Oo
Warm Underwear
Kisses', Children's and Boys, Tests.
ranta ana uiawtn r ibul-
coiton. Gray and white.
Worth up to 35c garment.
Rneclal. ner aarment
Misses't Chlldrsa'a and Boys' V'
Suits High neck, long alcevea,
ankle length; open crotch aim
drop aeat. Worth up to
6tu per suit. Special,
Women's Vests and Pants
High neck and long sleeves Fleecy
lined cotton. Ankle lengths pants
to match. Bleached and
cream. 50c quality. Spe
rtul ner varment
Women's Part-Wool Tests H'"
neck and long sleeves. Ankle
length pants to match.
Natural color and white.
11 (in values, special, at.
Women's Cotton I'nlon Suits
Bleached only. Fleecy lined 1U'
neck and long sleeves; low neck
and sleeveless. Ankle
lenvth. t9c values.
HnM-lal. ner stilt
Msses' aad Children's T.sts and
Pants Oood warm fleecy "- -it
garments. Hegular 25c p
values Special, at, per IOC
I tilts
Men's Sweaters
IWrf'' Up to $3.00
A special lot of 50 dor.en 011 sale
Friday In Basement. All
styles. Shawl collars,
the best knitted mate
rials. Choice. Friday...
Men's I'nlon Hults
ii doxen men's medium weight;
fleeced and heavy ribbed L'ulon
Suits. Kc-ru and gray col- n
or. Worth to 31.25. Mr
Special, suit 9
19 Dosea M.n's Wool Mixed Shirts
aad Drawers In gray ggy
and tan. Worth to tlWl
31.25. Special, garment t
19 Doa.a Mea's Plseoed Shirts and
Drawers Also Iierby rib- r
bed. Worth 6O0 gar- jHC
ment. Special, each ,
Millinery Sale in Basement
Smart Trimmed Htt
All this season's best,
styles. Prac- vA
tl.-allv no two .l III
alike. Positively values up to 37 50. Ch olee . "
llntritrmprl Halt At avetuavlly less than one-fifth
Uninrrmea Hal of real value, Zlbellne Plush
" " Hats In all the new
fialloe RhnriAM Th pnlnra lni.nilA Una 111a Ull
Purple, Taupe, etc. Worth up to 12.50. tin sale at. ..
Ilctrirh Hnnrlt In t, season's most popular
" - roinrs. complete trim-
nlng for a
sold for less than 31.35 Choice
Ktlrkupa and Fancy Fe4Jiers
White, black and all colors. Some
Ostrich Hajulea in the lot A
cleanup sale of all small iA
lota and odd pieces. Val- llfC
uea up to 31; choice, for
mplete trim- . a a
hat. Never al.UJ
1 Friday at ,v
IlaU for Mlsnes and Juniors
Pretty hats in Beaver, Plush and
Velvet. Press and street hats
for girls 6 to 16 years. S A
Values up to 35. Choice J, I . 1 II
in our big sale, for yv
Shoes for EverybodySale in Basement
750 Pairs oi Men's Shoes
In dull calf; button and blucher
lace, wide toes, comfortable fit
ting, tlood styles, good wearing
and Htyllah shoes. Are s. II
worth up to 33.00 Spe- i
clal. pair
T.lvst Honss Slippers for Men and
Women Floral designs. Carpet
soles. All sixes. Bveryone ought
to have n pair, they are so -mm
comfortable. Special, per
pn 1 r ,
Pelt Slippers for Men and Women
Felt eoles. All sties. Nothing
nicer, warmer or more comfort
able for houe wear In Ifim
winter Specially priced, 1v4
500 Pairs Women's Shoes
Tan Calf. Black Kid and dull leath
ers. All Many of thorn
worth 33.00 a pair; . . 11
none less than $2.50. SlaUal R
Special sale, per pair v.ww j
1,800 Pairs of Women's Pins Dress rj
Shoes Patent Leather. Doll Calf- M
skins and other desirable leathers.
Button. Practically all
alses Worth $3.00
. and $2.50 pair........
Xnndreda of Pairs of Women's Pelt
Slippers Fur or plush trimmed.
Blacks, grays, browns and reds.
Flexible leather sites. iQ
All sires. Friday, per VQC
i.93 y
rU Warm and 'tomhrtabkGirMn-SUpjtrh-ull Mtt, 63e Per Pair
Boys' School Shoes
Button and lnce. Solid leather; will
give excellent wear.
All slsea to 6 Special
ui. ni-ii'fv tmle
Play Shoes for Children Made In
athletic atyle. Kxtremely service
able and comfortable. All Silas, up
to IS. Worth to $1 per i
pair. Specially priced, atsfC
Girls' School Shoes
r sho
id toe
Well made and fine wearing shoes
In kid and cairxkin. uroau t-oea,
neat fitting. All alios,
HM to 2. at, per
Infants' and Children's Bhoas Tans,
blacks, reds and some whites.
Hand turned soles Worth ttm
up to $1.5$ pair. All DSC
Black Shoe Poii h Regular 25c Jar for 5c
In the Basement Friday
Thea. Corsets are made of coutll, with heavy
web gartera attached. One model has wide grad
.,trf front ateels with two hooks. The other has
.i,m.. front steel Willi protector. Durabls, com
fortable and splendid fitting Coraets.
Guaranteed rust-proof. Special
Friday, at
"American Girls" Cor
s.ts Oood 31 00 val
u.m. Offered very
special Frl- i
day. In the QiC
Basement ......
Sanitary Aprons
tond and Medium
XaBngth Oorssts Me
dium bust, with tape
at top. All
alias, special
Friday, ai
Oood slsa Two
special lots
Friday, 99o and.
Up to lOcHandker
ch ef9, 3 l-2c
Men's and Women's
either plain or with
embroidered Initials.
Positively worth I
10. On sale Frl- SJ7C
day, each
All kinds of sample
stripes, H to 4-yard
lengths worm up
to 25c. Special
Friday, each
Table and Bedding Linens
8,000 Tards of Bleached Twilled
Toweling Fancy borders. Kegu
lar bo ard. tbimlt 10 k) ,
yards to customer). Per t)9C
Blsaohed Book Tow.Ung Soft and
absorbent. Made lo - sell m .
for 12tio yard. Special fC
Friday, yard Damask lengths of l'i
yards MaJe of a fine mercerized
yarn, laundered and looks like
linen. Sells regularly 76c r
yard. Special Friday, 33C
each piece
Pull Bleaohed, JJl-Zilnan, Satla Pin
lahed Damaak Scotch make. All
pretty patterns. 31.00
value, for Friday, per'
kapklns to Match, $3.49 Dosen,
Wapktna, Hemmed, Beady to Use
16-Inch slue Regular Co
quality. Special Friday,
at, each
Abont 9.BO0 Pleoes of Paacy Lin. as.
Importers' Bntlrs Sample line
Centerpieces, Dollies and Scarfs.
Scalloped or lace trim
mert. Valuea up to (9c.
DVM.v. Mnclal. each . . .
mil Bleaohsd Turkish Towsli
Hmmed or Fringed ends,
lifto value. Special Frl
.day. each
Man's, Woman's ' and Chlldraa'a
Xoalary In tan color. Medium
and heavy weight. All alses.
Worth up to 20o per pair. y
Friday, at, per JJC
Men's, Women's' asd'childro'n's' Part-
Wool atoaiery r me cuuou, nvr
llned.- Heavy weignt.
MHtrth 2So pair. Special,
'r riaay, per pair
S and 6-lneh Ribbons
Qualities worth up to 38o
All new riuiwn. r j
printa; also Koman stripes.
Chutes of the entire lot
Friday at. yard
Diamond MC" Soap Special
Friday. XO bare for........
Wizard Polleh Mop Small
ia. with handle
Uquld Tensor 2 So size bottle I "7f
for 1 1 M
Hair Goods
$wltohes Worth vp to $4.00
Will be offered Friday
In the Ilaaement. at
Largo Clnate Puffs Worth up to
$8.00. Will DO orierea
In the liasement Friday,
Poppy Pattern Silverware
Sis to a set. Prlo.
Teas worth 76o..8c
Desserts ....worth 31.00..6SO
Tables worth I1.25..690
Cold Meat Porks. . .worth S0c..9&o
nf lv" c..Bog
Uravy Ladl.s ......worth S0
Jewelry, lmiiti uoU, ttc.
Leath.r Bags Worth 3100
Choice Friday, at
On. Lot of 99o to SOo Jewelry I (1m
Choice Friday, at I U0
Ivory Top Powder Jars, OCf
Worth 60o Special Friday . . s l W
Fine Mercerised Sateens
Black only. Hand woven.
Permanent finish. 12 He
vaiuc ; rnuay, y aru .........
Comforter Coyerlng
In all the new fall designs,
floral, Persian and Ori
ental effects. 7o value.
Friday, yard
Cotton Batting
Finest bleached cardod cotton bat
ting. Perfectly prepared
Long, staple, fluffy rolls.
16o value; special, per roll....
Unbleached Muslin
19 Inches wide.' Soft finish.'
So value. Friday, off the
bolt, yard
80-inch Bleached Muslin
Extra fins quality 8o value.
At this bargain sals Frl
day, yard
Bleached Sheets
EIzs 72x90 Inches. 1-lnch f n.
hems. 39o value. Frl- .rtlT
up to
day, each
Pillow Cases to Match
Blse 42x39 Inchea. Well fin
ished.. I0o value. Friday,
each .,
Fancy Outing Flannel
S3 inches wide Fall and winter
weight. All neat designs. as
12 Ho value. Friday, per I 3C
yard w
Zephyrs and Gingliama
Beautiful dress fabrics. Tho sea
son's choicest designs and color
ings. Values up to 12 Vie.
lengths up to 1$ yards.
Friday, yard
Dress Percale
In all tho wanted light Indigo and
dark colors ana designs.
Book fold, lo value. Frl-
aay, yarn
Fancy Printed Sllkollne
Big variety of fall comforter de
signs. The moat serviceable
lengths, easily matched,
to values. Friday, at,
per yard
Domet and Shaker Flannel
Cream color. Extra warm, fleecy
nan. For cntidren s wear.
8c value. Friday, at, per
Amoskeag Zephyrs
12 inches wide. Fine for dress and
shirting purposes. Choice assort.
ment of neat checks and
stripes. i:ve valua Fri
day, yard
Dress Ginghams
The good old reliable genuine "Red
Seal brand. So nuicn in
demand. It Ho value. Fri
day, yard
Fancy Outing Flannel
27 inchea wide. Beautiful nap. Warm
and durable Neat de
signs. $o valua Special,
Friday, yard
Twilled Down Flannel
Extra, weight. Full napped
bleached. AIL perfect goods
off the bolt. Special Fri
day, yard
Dress Percale
33 Inches wide. Finest quality. All
the new fall designs. Neat stripes.
dots and figures, to hc
value. Friday, at, per
o and
. All