THK IM-.K: OMAHA, THUKSDAY, XOVKMIU-IR 19, ION. Repose the Crown of Beauty Di..-ii'.. ?ui a ci I son-. lorry Gives Some Hints on the St Acquirement of Beauty Training Oysters to Make Pearls Why the lYarl Has lWn n Crvstnl Tear By Garrett P. Serviss. FX woman was intended to be awkward." So says the gifted daughter of the famous Ellen Terrv. The talented Phyllis is to appear in this country po."ji in "Twelfth Night. r V j & ' ' ' -. - ' - J? r ii ya . - a;- - 1-' J&yA ' ' ;ti:f : --i . .J "; :'' :' .-"T " II V X " -- S." t teWP -35? ' J? jSf Mrs. S?, p( Dy MAUD MILLER. "Repoae is most attractive when It is attained noturally, but It can be man aged through environment, too." 80 nays Mlsa Phyllis Terry, who is a daughter of the famous Ellen Terry, and who has had environment as well as heredity for her backing. "There is nothing," she said, "so beau tiful as repose, because to nie it la a mystifying kind of beauty. Any one can 1 ward, how to manage tho body properly, I and how to Indicate renose In tna verv t tallest movement or relaxation they may choose to use. "The movemento of the head are very Important. It Is important to know whether one's head falla Immediately Into a beautiful position or whether the neck angles are stiff and uncomfortable because they are not natural. The po sition o( a head on a beautiful pair of be active, and in these days of dancing, shoulders is most Important. The chin when it seems as though one simply must dance because everybody else is doing It, it is almost a relief to get away from it and do something that every one hasn't begun to think about 1 ' When you see a woman absolutely relaxed, and there are very few who really do relax and know how to go about It properly, you find a novelty among womankind. You notice her first because fche Is different, and then you. begin to notice points of beauty about her. "There is a wnole-soled . something; about her appearance, a lack of pose, an absence of trying to ape the imposs'ble, which Is restful because it Is natural, and It Is beautiful. In a beautiful statue you never see restless motion; It Is most disquieting to any tne who appreciates the natural to find n woman who Is al ways putting her different charms on parade; her best points forward, as It wore. "Of course it Is the Junoesque, ma jestic type of woman who looks most beautiful in repose. It is she who must make her outline of form count, for It la Impossible for her to be graceful and qu'ck without being grotesque. To the large woman bvlongs the wonderful heri tage of deliberate action, and she must make the beat of it. "Beauty of repose is Kained through adapting oneself to one's circumstances. After the mind has triumphed over the body In this reppe;t one can begin to how repose in smaller things also. Be on the watch constantly for pointers. One can learn more by watching and Imitat ing than In any other way. The handH end arms can be made to show this re pose almost Immediately. "The lifting of an ir.n n han.l can be made Into a poem it on desire, and the ery best way possible to study grace and poetry of motion is to practise the arm movements of aesthetic danc'.ng. Af terward one may learn how the entire body may be made to move in harmony, each part attuned to another until all Is a thing of exquisite grsre and beauty. "Aesthetic dancing is beautiful because it fosters Just this grace of movement in women. It teaches tnem to be graceful first, and gradually they learn without extra application how to be ltus iwk- Do You Know That A Taunton woman of 0 acts as tele graph messenger In connection with a local poatoffice. fche walks twelve miles day and la In excellent health. The average of members of the Jap anese cabinet Is 67 years, the oldest being Count Ckuma, 77 years old, and the youngest Doctor Ichiki. 48 years old. The largest bell In the world Is the "Oreat Bell of Moscow." It is nineteen feet in height, sixty feet round the rim and weighs 3H3 tons. "Big Ben" at West minster only weighs fourteen tons. Una should he studied and the eyes should be rolled up or drooped just as the po sit on la most becoming. "Be careful to have one's enUre body doing th same thing at the same time, so that each beautiful line seems to be a part 6f the next. Contour 1s every thing, and If one in not naturally grace ful It la 4 duty to practice grace. A woman waa never Intended to be awk ward, but she must help herself to tha attainment of large things through the seemingly little things that often seem at first without any lmtcrtance at all." ' JAPANESE WOMEN PIVER8 AND A TEARL NECKLACE WORTH 1150,00. g ill A more plctuicsdue sight than that pre- if In ! . r.:iiiTTi ii iiii'se aiiuni'nc v omen pearl a t Klv... s "Ve. '"xVS. U divers could not easily ho found, as tho '' ' 1 f k vv accompiinylng iihotngraph, taken on Dr. I ir ' '' '' K "' " - n.X i Mlklmoto's plnntatlon, proves. They wear il ' i , J f yJ , ' v l U whllo knlckerlMX kers, sliort aklrUi and j '.: . t" . 4. I I f ' i v i 11 vest waists, and do their hair up In tight J y, t . " : 1 I "' ' v; ' ;J knots. CHrrylng a ttmitll tube, tied to fj- ' ' - H 1 1.'. , " their walBtf, 1n which to put the oysters, i if ' ' ' l ( 8 ...VAry J Ui)d with their eyes protvted by glnssea, - i' ft 1 Y ) ! they dive to depths varying between vV. ' 1 B : v,.p y thirty and' seventy-five feet, and remain ' .' ' H 3 from one to two minutes, or occasionally I "- S m I I it even a lime longer, untler water. They II - ., ... t " imis tl !J vary In age from girls of n to women EI A I1S.00O PEARL. The pearl-making oyster has now been Included among the slaves of man, and It la the Japanese who have put tho yoke upon him. Pr. Mlklmoto Is the great "pearl farmer" of Japan, and he has one oyster plantation of some fifty square mllea In extent on which, or, more strictly peaking. In which, since it Is covered deep with water, women are employed to capture hn bivalves after they have corrr plctod their pearls. A more plcturcsiiuo sight than that pre sented by these Jiipunenc women pearl divers could not easily ho found, as tho accompunylng photograph, taken on Dr. Mlklmoto's plnntatlnn, proves. They wear white knickerlHX'kers, short sklrui and vest waists, and do their hair up In tight knots. CHrrylug a hiiihII tube, tied to their waiBts, 1n which to put the oysters, und with their eyes protected by glnssea, they dive to depths varying between thirty and' seventy-five feet, and remain from one to two minutes, or occasionally even a little longer, under water. They vary In age from girls of n to women of 40. lr. Mlklmuto's plantation Is the result of many years of experimentation In learning how to transport the pearl oys ter from his home In the sea and to make htm build up the precious gems more abundantly than he would do amid his natural surroundings. A pearl has been poetically described as a crystallized tear, because It Is the product, If not of actual suffering,, at least of much bodily irritation endured I mm i.t- VPVSSSBSSJ are growing pesrls are usually produced. This Is the process pursued by Ir. Mlkl moto. The oysters are taken out of water after they huve attained a certain aixe and the Irritating euhstnnce is Introduced. From three to five years are then re quired for the growth of pearls of satis factory aixe and quality. Nn-enlled pearls are found sometimes In ordinary oysters, hut they aro not lus tmus, and huve no value. The real pearl owes Its beauty to th Iridescent bril liance of Its stirfnre.' which Is due to the microscopic strlatlons with which It Is covered. These spilt tip the light rays Into their primary color waves, tike the "diffraction grstlng" of the astronomer. Thousands of miniature rainbows play In a shimmer of delicate spectra over th corusriittng surfsce of the gem. The richest native beds of marln'e pearl oyster are found In the waters around t'eylnn, and In those of the Oulf of Cali fornia, although the animals are widely distributed through the warm climates of j the globe. A species of fresh water mussels also produces fine pearls. These, too. are widely distributed, and In tha United Htatci are especially abundant In the Mis sissippi valley. Many are found In Ar kansas, Tennessee, Kentucky,' Iowa, Wis consin and other states. A few years agn there was exhibited In New Tork a necklace valued at llso.OOU, consisting of Arkansas pearls, forty-three In number, the largest not exceeding thirty grains In weight, but overy Indi vidual pearl perfect In form nnd brll- I llance, without a perceptible flaw, all ex j qulsttely matched In color and graduated in slso, the entire string being juei lanre enough to go easily around a woman's neck. It; took more- than ten year to select the pearls, of which this necklace consisted. 1 , . '.Flngls pearls often command great prices, but a perfectly matched pair Is worth four or five times' the price of either of the two taken singly. While thero aro millions of perl Jw" elry and hundreds of costly necklaces, 1 there aro said to be only four Individual pearls that have a world-wlda slcbrtty. These are the shah of Persia great pearl, perhapa unrivaled, which has been valued at tiftO.000; tho Isman of Muscat's semi-transparent pearl of twelve and one-half karat, valued at M75.O0O; the pearl once the property of Phillip II of Hpaln nnd now In possession of the Rus- slan Princess Yousoupoff, for which Philip paid 1180,000, and wMeh may bo worth twice as much today, and the pearl in the pope's tiara, which haa descended from an early pontiff nnd Is rnluod nt MO.tioo. A CULTURE PEARL, by tho oyster that glvea birth to It. It la a growth consisting of suocesslvo lay- era or crystalline carbonate of limo formed around some Irritating particle, such as a minute grain of aand or an In ternal parasite, or an undeveloped egg celt in the body of the animal. If small, solid particles are purposely put Inside the sheila while the animals1 Head and-Nose Stopped From a Cold? Try This! Your cold will break and all grippe misery' end after taking ' a dose of "I'ape'a Cold Compound" erery two hoiit'k until three doses are taken. It promptly opens rlogged-up nos trils and air passages In the head, stops nasty discharge or 'nose running, re lieves sick headache, dullness, feverish ness, sore throat, sneexlng, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay atuf fed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Kaae your throbbing head nothing else In the world gives audi prompt relief as "Papa'a Cold Com pound." which coats only 25 tents at any drug store. It acta without assist ance, fasten nice and causes no Incon venience. Accept no substitute, Advertisement. There should be music in every home on Christmas morning Wfflth mom .ere O be a Vldbrola is Constat Jsra a j. jJsisj The following Omaha and Council Bluffs dealers carry complete lines of Victor Victrolas, and all the late Victor Records as fast as issued. You are cordially invited to inspect the stocks at any of these establishments. ScSiisolIcr & Hue PIANO COMPANY 1311-1313 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Victor Department on Main Floor I Her Branch at ' 334 BROADWAY Council Bluffs Corner 15th and Harney Geo. E. Mi 1st. Cyde 0 There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $200, and any Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate them to you. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. 1 1. yi h ; I L f Ul . 4 ihhMmv. J (; Ul -' Victrolas Sold by A. HOSPE CO., 1513-15 Douglas Street. Omaha, and 407 West Broadway, - Council Bluffs. Ia. iBranicis tFe Talking Machine Department in the Pompeian Room 3 r ' 1" T f I I ' ; v '111 . 1'. ! M 1 I k f 1 ' 111 it ' .!'...' '''' ' y VictroU XVI. $200 The instrument by which the valua of 11 touaical loatrumeata U mcaure4 Mahowojf or oak' i 6 II