Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, November 18, 1914.
THREE of Omaha'g gar Lotharios, while Dibbling aimlessly at the
Henshaw one evening last week, vere very much attracted (and
ceased nibbling) by the presence of a stunning girl Just opposite.
She waa of the Russian nihilist type of beauty a la Nazimova
and waa possessed of a mysterious attraction.
Thece three are of a romantic strain and have read all the six best
Two of the trio began immediately to weave a fanciful story around
her, while the third was not in the least attracted and insisted that her
kind Is met lth every day, any number of times, even within the small
radios (of six squares.
A wager carried that the defeated one must return and be impromtu
Suiting the action to the word, they arose and set out on the quest.
Up and down FStrnam street they strolled, and along our longest thor
oughfare, with eagle eyes well bent, but the scoffer waa unable to point out
even one who compared with this Interesting woman, either in beauty or
The doubting Thomas returned to give the dinner and expressed re
grets that our elusive one had left the cafe.
Carter Lake Club.
Th Carter Lake Swimming ml Rowl
ing club met Tuved-iy afternoon at the
Metropolitan club. The high scores were
made by Mr. W, J. Cattln'a team. Those
present ware:
W. J. Cattln.
J. A. LMmmirk,
Henry Keating,
K. K. Brhlloy.
Hoi 8. Oo.rtntrom,
J. A. Frealand,
H. I Underwood.
R. O. Ulernian,
Alex Jetfts,
C. M. Johnson,
8. V. tstronn,
I harlen Meyer.
A. J. Plormin.
Frank Orpenter,
II. It Whllehouso,
N. M. Fssselt,
W. M. Iorranoe,
.1. T Roaer.
William It.
Gould, jr.;
Bcfcro Baby Arrives
During several weeks of expectancy
(here Is a splendid external embrocation
In our "Mothar'a Friend" In which
thousands of women have the most
unbounded confidence. They hare used
it and know. They tell-of Its wonderful
Influence to ease the abdominal muscle
and hew the avoided those dreaded
etrehJhtng pains that arc so much talked
about. This aafe external application la
gently used over the skin to render It
amenable to the natural stretching which
tt undergoes. The myriad of nerve
threads just beneath the skin la thus
relieved of unnecessary pal" -Producing
Cannes and great physical relief la the
result as expressed by a host of happy
mothers who write front personal
It U a subject that all women should
V famlar with as "Mother's Friend"
hu been in use many years, has been
given the most severs teats under most
all trying conditions and la recommended
by women who to-day are grandmothers
and who In their earlier years learned
to rely upon this splendid aid to woman.
"Mother'a ' Friend" is declared by a
multitude of women to be Just what ex
pectant motherhood requires.
Toil can obtain "Mother'a Friend" at
aim oat any Crug store. Get a bottle
todv and thea write for our little book.
AddreH Bradnvid Regulator Co 413
Lamar lildg., Atlanta, da. ,
To Kill Microbes and
Avnd Tooth Palling
Subscription Dance Dinners.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McHhane will en
tertain at dinner thin evening, preceding
the Hubecrlptlon club dancing party at
Turplo'a academy, In honor of Mla
Blanche Burke, who is tlielr house guest.
The table will have a crrterplece of Mr.
Taft roses and rovers will be placed for:
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm.
Mr. and Mm John A. Mctihane.
Mr. Warren Itogera.
MIpb Mary Muivnhoff.
Mlii lllanche llurk-.
Mr. Frank Burkley.
Mr. Karl Oannctt.
Mr. lien Warren.
Mr. J. M. Metcalf will entertain at din
ner this evening. The everts will attend
the subscription dance at Turpln'e later.
A low mound of dark pink carnations
f ml the yellow pnm pom chrystanthemus
will decorate the tublo. Mrs. Metcalf
will have seven guests.
Amateur Musical Club.
Mrs. Joseph Barker. Jr.. will be hostess
at the meeting of the Amateur Musical
club today at her home. The members
Mlre Misses
Oretrhen McConnell, Kwrene Whltmore.
Meilame Mesdames
H P. hltmore, Oerg Mclntyre,
f HI ler t M. Hllchcock.T. .1. Mahoney,
William Baxter. H. 8. Cnldwell.
J. A. O. Kennedy, W. A. Baxter.
Edgar Balrd,
To Sew for Bfr.
The social settlement section of the
Association of Collegiate Alumnae will
meet at the floclal Settlement. 231 South
Thirteenth street. Thursday afternoon, to
sew for the settlement camp baiaar.
Tueodsv Bridge (Tub.
The Tuesday Bridge club met this after
noon at the home of Mrs. Rosa B. Towle.
The members arc:
' Mesdames ..
TVnlae Bai kalowv
Arthur Keellne,
W, B. McCormlck.
John Madden.
Ixule Clarke,
' Meadamea
John Hedlck
Frank Keogh,
Walter Koberts.
Boaa B. Towlo,
George Redlck.
Diseased teeth and gums are the most
considerable, Insistent menace to health
to wlili h a person la exposed. So gradu
ally do th teeth lose their outer coat of
enamel, una may so on for months with
out' fully realising the truth. In must
oases a del-rate yellow comes over Ins
teeth; this gives the mlcrooe organism
the.r opportunity to begin boring Into tne
eiiumet, , From this condition you. get
tooth cavities, decayed teeth, sore gums,
a puling or dragging teeth sensation,
gum sepsration, sura teeth, loosened
teeth, etc on the Inside of the mouth
your teeth wl.l be blackened, you are ai
to have brittle deposits between the teeth
and the gums and la many cases the teeth
twit and distort, or are slowly oaten
away by the microbes that In lest and
lixlK In and asoiind the cavities they
have prepared. Orten Una condition la
the cause of bad breath, peculiar tooth
odors that are at once known to every
one. In many cases of pyorrhoea that
hava attacked the entire gum frontal,
one my trace as a tirat cause th yellow of the tenth.
Doctors attribute many condition as
the cause of decayed teeth, but now you
can reaally overcome these conditions by
go ng to your uruitgist and getting four
.ounces of fluid ergan (you will need no
more i, and putting a teaapoontul In your
mouth morning, noon and night rocking
the liquid to and Iro for a minute or so.
The yellow coating will Just peel off and
your own white enamel will be shown.
Tli microbes that mtest and make cavi
ties will be washed out. sore -gum and
tooth decay, will atop, and may save UxMh
that otherwise would liava to be ex-tracted.r-Advertlsement.
removed- from that gown will' make
it .look good as new. Why not send
It to uk. We. will tell you exactly
W hat our process of cleaning can do
Our trained cleansers are expert III
the handling of every kind of ma
terial. No matter how delicate the
fabric or the color Is, w will return
It to you In good condition and with
th stains entirely removed. Ulve us
a trial today.' Th result will skow
you how you may . savs many gar
ments front disuse.
Fashion Hint
y it i v V
! rani
l ki Ul I w
Dr. Stimson to Give
Instructive Talk on
Omaha Park Needs
n . r b ; . . . , 'A rsmpalsn of education for the pur-
Report of Superintendent Shows j p,e of CI.e(,t!llB ecntlnu,nt favorable to
Many Caset Being Cared For ; blggor appropriations for parka and play-
bT the Association. : ground will begin Friday night when Pr.
I Cyrus P. Httnison, field secretary of the
t'laygrouml and Kocreation Association
Rerelvlnar Mlatlon la KalablUhed at
the Hnlldlaa Formerly !- '
pled by the ladeprwdeat
Telephone ( ompani.
Frock of figured daphne silk, combined
with pa lent bluo puiisy willow taffeta.
Two very full gathered tunics of figured
silk banded with plain silk. Wide crush
girdle of blue silk, trimmed with beaded
design. High, turned-back collar of lace,
with deep cuffs of lace.
Wedding 'Announcement
Card have brn received announcing
the marriage of Miss Margaret Wilson
Mulr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mulr, and lr. Alonxo Krncst Mack,
which wa celebrated Tuesday evening
at the home of the bride' parent. After
January 1 Dr. and Mrs. Mack will be at
home at 636 Park avenue.
Parish Aid Society.
- The Parish Aid society of All Saints'
church meets every Friday In the Wat
tles Memorial parish house from 10 a.
m. to ,5 p. in. Lunch wUI be served In
the dining room. . Alt ladlea Interested
In working for the Red Cross society
have been Invited to attend.
Superintendent Hele'lall of the I
Visiting Nurre association, reporting at '
tl-.e monthly meeting of the organization,
summed up the work that had been done
dm. tig the month of November. She said:
"We made a record In the metropolitan
work, culling on forty-two patients 2!1 ,
times, which netted up 11112.
"The other work has Increased pro- j
portlonately. Mrs. Wheeler In district'
No. 1 cared for fifty-six patients, most
of them being new; 2fw calls weie
made In this district, 106 of them being
"This is the largest number of calls we
have ever made In one district.
"The doctors tell us that this ha been
sn unusually healthful fall, yet we have
a surprising number of acute cases, which
have called for dally visits. We have
also had many accident cases,
i "Mis Sweeney In district No. 2 cared
for Xlfty-elght patients. To them 2
visits were' made. . Miss Eggleston made
m visit to fifty-five patient. Miss
Klsaaser assist the nurse who needs her
"In making a summary we find that 821
calls hava been made to li patients. An
unusual demand has been made upon our
tuberculosis cases.
Have Rerelvln Statloa.
"We are busy with the Thanksgiving
offering to bo received from the school
children. This year the receiving station
will be on the first floor ot the Inde
pendent Telephone building, the offering
to be divided among the endorsed chari
ties, each receiving what Is most needed.
"Since Miss Johnson, field supervisor of
the Metropolitan Life Insurance company,
visited here we have received requests
for literature from three visiting nurses'
association. In each request It was stated
that our work had been cited by Miss
Johnson as of some ot the best in the
middle west.
"Each week we see where our work
ran be Improved, and it is a view of
this broader field that encourages ua to
go on."
of America, will make the first of a series
of "InMructlve" addrepses. He will speak
to the Monmouth Park Improvement club.
Later Mr. Pttmso.i will addrrrs the
various women's clubs of the city; also
Secretary E. E. Closson of the Federated
Improvement clubs will chII a meeting of
the clubs to hear Mr. ftlmson.
"A good work la being done by Park
Commissioner J. B. Hummel with the
funds available." said Pr. Stimson, "but
the people must be taught to know that
a big work and a necessary work like this i
cannot be carrltd on without money.
Money I the prime necerlty for aticcese."
Commissioner Hummel is lending Pr.
Stimson assistance In hla survey of the
park and playground facilities in Omaha.
He was employed by the Board Ot Edu
cation, the city council and Dr. Harold
Olfford to spend two weeks tor more
studying the situation here,' to then re-,
port plans for a more comprehensive sys
tem of recreation centers.
Foley's Honey aadt Tar CoraS)oaad
for troop.
Croup scares you. The. loud,, hoarse,
croury cough, choking and gasping for
breath, labored breathing, call for Im
mediate relief. The very first, doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will
master the croup. It cuts the thick
mucus, clears away the phelgm and
opens up and case the air passages.
Harold Berg, Mass. Mich., writes: "We
give Foley's Honey and Tar to our chil
dren for croup and it always acts
quickly." Every user a friend. For sale
by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement.
Uncle "Joe" Redman
Has Cure for Hoof
and Mouth Disease
L'ncle Joe Itedman, Nebraska I'loneer,
hits a simple cure for the dreaded hoof
and mouth disease that has been bother
ing cattle owner of the United State,
t'nele Joe recalls In the days of his boy
hood when a similar epidemic of the
same disease was rampant In this state.
"This is the way we did It." relates
l'ncle Joe. "For the mouth disease, we
wou'd get two strong men to hold the
critter and. after pulling out Its tongue
as far as possible, a third man would
shove several salt herrings, filled with
little kernels of sea salt, down the unl
mal's throat. The critter disliked this
treatment, but It Invariably effected a
cure. .
"For the hoof disease, we took a rope
and covered It with pine tar and drew
it baL'k and forth between the two parts
of the hoof. " ' " '
Bamele ef Pyramid PlK Remedy
mailed free for trial aires quirk relief.
Hops Itcblng, bleeding or protruding
piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal
troubles. In the privacy of your own
home, coo a box at all drnpglst. Fro
sample for trial with booklet mailed
free In plain wrapper.
Ml Pyramid UUlg Marshall, Mich.
Kindly send me a Free sample of
Pyramid Pile Rawiedy, In plain wrapper.
Name a
Street ...
City Ptate
Bee Want Ads Are Famous as Result-Getter.
. A total of $1,667.50 was contributed to
the l)ouKlaa county democratic central
commfttec during the recent political
campaign, according to the statement of
It treasurer, John Killlan, under the
corrupt practices act.
included were contributions of $100 by
Mayor Dahlman; $150 by Charles E.
Fanning; $16 by U J. Qulnby, H. C.
H'chmond $25 and County Attorney Mag
ney $100. Among the expenses were items
o $121.50 for banners, $91 for music and
$10 for horns and flags.
John I Kennedy ha filed a. statement
In which he admits that he has con
tributed another $c00 to the cause of suf
frage, i
Get th Habit Qt Tour Record at Eoipi'i
mm x
. n L'-t u a ba avv " m
Tor Dry or Hteam
Orie-pleca Presses'. . , ;'
Fancy presses ........
Piam Waists
Fancy Waists
1 allured Hulls
Men a Two-pieca Butts
Cleaning and to si.7
, M.oo te (J oe
. . Tie te l.oo
, . T6o ta SI. OO
i ts t sa.oe
. .. Sl.60
Men's Thrsa-pleca Hulte .,
"yVe Guarantee Our Work.
Express or Parcel Post
Charges Paid One Waj.
The Pantorium
"ttOOn CUAsrsms a dtkm
1&1S-17 foaaa MX. rfcoae XX) ag. sag.
Debutante Bridge Club.
'The Debutant Bridge club was enter
tained today at the home of Mia Janet
Hall. The member are:
Mlasea Misses
Francos Horhstetler, lllanche Deuel,
Lrficlln Bacon, . Helen Clarke,
Alli-e Janiilth, , . F.leanor Mackay,
Marlon Kuhn, Ann Olfford,
F-ugenla Patterson. Janet Hail.
(He I In Thummol, . i
Informal Luncheon.
Miss Lillian Riley entertained at lunch
eon today at her home in honor of Miss
Francea Dolan of Atchison. -Kan., the
guest of Miss Helen Beatty. Teltow
chrystanthemua were used In the table
decorations and covers were placed for
For Old People's Home.
The annual donation day I being ob
served at the Old People's home today.
Members of the board of directors have
been at the home all day to receive con
tribution and there waa an Informal tea
during th afternoon. Hundred of bag
were distributed at all churches Hunday
and at th Omaha woman a club Monday,
with th request that they be filled and
returned to the home.
Pleasure Past
' Mra. Ueulait Sinclair entertained at
luncheon today In honor of Mra H. B.
Urown and Miaa ' Btoue. The luncheon
wa followed by a matinee party. Those
present were:
Misses Misses
clone, Helen Hinclalr.
Mesdames Mesdames
H. 11. Drown, Frank Helton,
tleorg Purand. tleorge Walters,
Ueorge B. Meacham, tteulah hinclalr.
Kalph Emerson;
Mrs. C Vincent and Mra Charles C
Rosewater entertained at luncheon at the
Commercial club Tuesday.
Ensemble Club Entertains.
The 'W Enaemble club waa enter
talned this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Waldemar Petersen.
Wednesday Bridge.
Mra Ben Wood waa hostess today at
th meeting of the Wednesday Bridge
club. The members are:
Mesdamee Mesdames
Harold prltiaett. John Potter Webster
Ben Wood,
.Misses Misses
Katherlne Thummel. Fllmhaih n
' Mary tiurkley, F.llsabeth Pavte'
I 1 'upline Peters, Mania Psvls
. . ....... wvuim l ' III 11 1 11K ,
Mildred Uutlnr.
Informal Bridge.
Mr. A. V. Klimler gave a small brldse
this afternoon In honor of Mlsa Blanche
Uurk of Portland, Ore., th guest of
Mrs. John A. McShanc.
Pi?alco Club.
The Passion club & in iv .
party at Metropolitan hall next Thursday
In and Out of the Bee Eire.
Mr. and Mra. Gottlieb Stors returned
from Kicelsior Spring Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck are expected
horn from Nw York City Friday morn
ing. Mra William ' Archibald Smith left
Tueday evening for Kxcelslor Sprlnga
to be gone two waka.
Mr. and Mr, Thomas Flyna returned
Tuesday from New York, wher they
hava been for three week.
Miaa Blanch Burk of Porttant. Ore.,
who has been the guest of Mr. and Mr:
John A. McBhan for several weeks,
plan to return to her home Ftklay.
Personal Mention.
Mra Qeorge Brandeis la entertaining
her stater. Mr. Harry Bos worth and
Miss Ulllsn Rogers, of Chicago.
nam mini 'Hi' I hi mi ii Mm. " J"l I .L, ,. in. ;
- ' " " " "" - " - '
Extraordinary Sale in Our Basement
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Women9 s and Misses'1 Coats, Suits,
' Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Underwear
Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery
for Women and Children
Shoes for Everyone in the Family
Underwear for Men, Women and-Children
And Children's Wear
An event of money-saving so important that everyone should overlook everything
else to be here early Thursday morning, as soon as the store opens.
Thanksgiving Linen Saie
Offera the greatest opportunity of
the entire year to replenish your sup
ply of linens for table and kitchen
This year wa offer you bigger toe ka
and larger assortments to select from
with greater valuea than ever,
Special Sale Ladies' Laun
dererl Collar and Cuff Sets
In a great variety of all the many
.Ivl.. I)a-i1ui RAn ,m I
uea. Special Thursday,
per sei. ,
Jewelry Sale Continues fjj
In which wa are disposing of th en
tire surplua atock of a New York job
ber at mere fractiona of actual valuea
-"I ul T1 V i.A,, a M,nwlAtl
to save a third to a half on all QlfU
of Jewelry you Intend to make at
It Is Fur Buying Time-Come to the
Best Fur Store-Brandeis
We offer a special lot of Muff in Coney, Raccoon, Opossum,
Brook Mink and Marmot, in black, blended or fr
Natural colors. Large Pillow Muffs in plain II M
or hrnd trimmincrs. Snocial for TlinrKdnv. nt. VtV
Hudson Seal Coat
Xearneal Ouats
lllack Fox 8tla, Miiff atidScarf.
I...... i
lied Vox Kets, Muff and Kcarf.
Opoaaum, hkunk Hets, Muff iut Scarf
i-VenchTLyiig Seta, .Muff and Scarf .7777777777
.$83.00 to f 180.00
! $.50.00 to $125.00
;$i5.00 to $ 98.00
$10.00'to $ 63.00
$15.00 to 9 39.00
$ 6.98 to $ 18.00
Fur Sets in Mack and Kit Coney,
lied Ko and Iceland Fox With
rillow Muffs; animal or shawl
collars, 'with tails and brads.
Special Thursday, at,
I .v
Fur Scita in lllack or Kit Coney,
lld Fox, Ilaccoons and iu
la black or natural colors. Urge
Pillow Muffs with animal shaped
or shawl collars. Head r
and tail trimmings, at 4lO
Women's and Misses' Sweaters
llAln Coat or Ilclted and Remibelted
Wool Sweater with roll collars.
Red. Gray and White
colors. All slses for
women and misses.
Special at
1-7? AFiiffeTl V R
fflm y i
Women'g and Missea Silk and Wool
Sweaters In all the new models. Plain K
coat, belted or sack effects, with V neck K
or roll collors. Special at $2.98,
2.98, eon
ti&O, $3.98, $3.00 nd up to.. VU
Women's Warm Gowns and Petticoats
Outing Flannel Gowns In
fancy stripes or plain oolors.
Low neck and high collar
styles. Braid or ribbon trim
mings. A wide variety of styles
to select from. All slses. Spec al
t 50. 75e. Sl.OO ei QO
and up to... P X s7C9
Outing Flannel Petticoat a In plain colors
or fancy striped effects. Deep embrold
ered flounces.
to select from,
at ,
Several different-styles H
Knii Prtticoau Plain colon, with colored ru
iiivh iiuuuixb. in rruur or .curt
Victor Kecortis cost tlie same everywhere, so
the only fair bid for your record patronage is
HOSPE RECORD SERVICE is the result of
years devoted to a study of record buyers'
needs your needs. The result! "We have made
your record buying "easier."
The Victor Store is No. 1513 Douglas St., near
lGth and Douglas easiest to find.
A dozen steps from the street entrance brings
you into our Victor parlors. Five sales rooms,
plenty of "comfy seats and a courteous sales
force waiting to serve your every want.
Our complete record stock, its convenient, ar
rangement, and a sales force thoroughly famil
iar with it banishes all tiresome waiting.
Our deliveries, both foreuoon and afternoon,
give you ' ' what you want when you want it. "
1513 Douglas Street
One 40th
A O Y 99
We can't think of any name but BABY for the doll we are go
ing to give away this week.
If you girls want to see the prettiest, sweetest baby doll In all
the world, Just come dowu to The Bee office this week and see
"BABY" you'll be glad you came. Just to look at her.
Everything about her looks "BABY;" her dresses, shoes, hair,
cheeks, mouth, everything Is just dear, innocent, pink BABY.
Wouldn't you like to hold her in your arms Just a wee moment?
And think of it Bh Is going home with one of you next week, to
be ALL. YOUR OWN. How happy that little girl will be.
Maybe, that little girl
is You.
"Baby" will be glvsn
rrse to the little girl,
unflsr 10 ysars of ags,
that brings or malls as
ths largest number ot
doll's pictnrsa out out of
the Daily and Sunday
Bee bsfore 4 p. m. Satur
day, Hot. 81st.
Her picture will be in
The Bee every day this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures in
i their paper for you, too.
1 See how many pictures
of "Baby" you can get,
and be sure to turn
! them in to The Bee of.
fice before 4 p. m., Sat
urday, Nov. 21st.
If ua d.r t win ft.ia Dollta,
pcrhu you enr, get ona aszt
wecK. Orly nna doll wiU be
given to at.y on person.
Vo ea see UBA BV" et-. .
The llarta Trv( SI ore. 21th and Farnaui,
Monda and Tuesday.
, Shernian Jt 1 ouucH's, 1 tit b and Dodge,
Weilnesday ami Thursday.
The Owl lirii htore, loth and Harney,
Friday and Saturday.