hte r.KE: omatia. TiirusnAV. xovEMnniMn. ipm. BRIEF CITY NEWS l4g bttaf ristnres, Buncesi-Grandon Co. ricsllty Btsrage ft Tu Co, Door- BM. ave oot Frlnt It Now Beacon Press Beautiful All MoAsra Komaa for Mala on tha easy payment plan. Fanksra Realty Investment Co. Phone Poug. 2:. A Batter XrOcatloa for your office can rot ha found when you select The Bee J?ulldtng. the bull ling that Is always new. orfice room 10J. KcOormlck Tlalta Judge roster K. HcCornilck of NelBon, Nob., an old school mate of Judfre Foeter, waa a visitor In Jiolloe court Wednesday morning. "Todey'g Complete Moris VrogTam' classified section today, and appears tn The no EXCLT-PIVEL.T. Find out what tlie various moving picture theaters offer. Piping and Toola Stolaa Leo Baroch reports to the police that his warehouse. J 21 Howard street, was robbed of piping and fools valued at $30 Tuesday night. Baiaar la Postponed The Ruth Keboknh bazaar to have been held In tha Independent Order of Odd Fellowa' build ing tliis month has been postponed unl'l December li. Ksed in Chicago C M. Reed, district superintendent of railway malls, will be in Chicago until Friday making testa of new postal car ventllatora that may be adopted by the government. Woman Oats Thirty Days Grace Hunt of Council Bluffs, arrested by Special Officer Finn, was sentenced to thirty days In tho county jail for the theft of a Ifi.50 dress from the Brandcls stores. Thieves Oat Jewslry V. F. Flt patrlck reports that thieves, gaining en- trance to his noma at Twanty-flfth and Harney stieeta by crenlns; a rear win dow, cani.Ml away Jewelry valued at 'XV Prof. OaJdwsU to Address Clus The Sclioolniastei s" Clilb of Nebraska will hold a nxTting In Lincoln IVieinln-r 11. rt which Prof. Caldwell of the Sla'e ut'lvtrsity will discuss the Fnropean sit unitim Teacher V ports Kissing- Blags Mlra Margaret Robbing. &51S North Twenty fourth street, has Informed the police that during the teachers' convention she lost two rings which were left on the bureau In her room. Packing Company Wins The personal Injury suit brought by Thomas Savage against the Cudahy Packing company whs taken from the Jury by District Judge Troup. A directed verdict for the de fendant was returned. Prloe of ringar Tip K'.ghty-eiglit dol lars la the price of the tip of Lynn W. Tracewells finger, as fixed by a Jury in county court, lie considered it worth $1,009 and sued for that amount. He lost It in the machinery of the Mancy Milling company, the defendant. Po Judge to Decide The suit brought by John S. Yodls against the Empress theater. In which he asked 11.900 damages because he was ejected from a seat in the theater, was taken from the Jury and decision was left with District Ju 't-e Estclle, by agrecmeht. Oas Company wins A verdict for the defendant was returned by a Jury in Judge Leslie's district court which heard the evidence In the suit brought by Mrs. May V. Carter against the Omaha Gas company. Mrs. Carter alleged she suf fered Injury owing to escaping gas. Bauaders la Pined Twenty Dollars R. J. Saunders, 115 North Twenty-fifth street was fined $20 and cost by Judge Foster for Insulting two women at Fif teenth and Farnam streets Tuesday aft ernoon by calling them "names." The women appeared In court as witnesses. EVIDENCE NARROWS TO STORY OF SMITH (Continued from Page One.) You Needn' Be Without Milk No matter where you fco -on a picnic, boating, camping or motor ing you can always have pure, rich, sweet cream and milk if you carry a supply of Cottage SteurUlsexf Uinwsetwiea Cottage Milk can be used for every purpose for which milk and cream are used. It lasts indefinitely, and is more convenient, and economical and sani uiy than bottle milk. Cottage Milk it delivered direct f roar oar condenseriet to your erocer. insuring; freshness at all times. Thm Milk Without th, CooW Ttutm . In Two Sizes 5 ahd lOc At all Good Dealers Or ' Phone" Cullen Brokerage Company Douglas 4413. , . 115 Brandels Theatre . Bid.. Omaha. Neb AJMICAN MIX COMTAXT CHICAGO i 1" pt.v xy'tiiiiw i BUY YOUR Calendars FOR 1916 Of An Omaha Concern Our line of 191G Calendars Is now complete and represents a largo assortment of beautiful foreign and domestic subjects. We can fill your Calendar orders to your entire satisfaction, both from an AUTISTIC and ECOXOM IC.AIj standpoint. HOOST FOK OMAHA by buying your Calendars of ur. Write or phone for our salesman to call. K. S. High-class alesmea wanted. M. F. SHAFER& CO. . 12th and Farnam Su. been aa to parkins the money, developed tho fact that !roeko t'oes count lartto sums dally. "Did you count $1,000 or $ino,ono that day?" ho was a eked. . "OH. it may have been $20.000." Droske replied unconcernedly. He waa certain, however, that he made up the 15,000 ship ment for Kearney Inst Christmas eve, ' - Brown Finds ftafe Open. M. A. Brown, publisher of the Kearnev Hub, postmaster at the time of the roh l be ry, waa put on the eland by the prose cution. He testified to finding the safe open, the window up and footprints ami a handprint' In the snow about the Win dow. The footprints, he said, were. In his opinion, not made by a man Ltamllng In' shoes. ' ..... Sheriff B. II. Andres of Buffalo cc-ui ty testified that he "got sore" because "somebody was buttln' In on his rase." He didn't like the way Sammons worked "with the Inspectors." 'I saw Walter Sammons .taking a great hand In the game," "Andrews '.ostlfled. He told of the arrest of Bammons at 6 o'clock in the morning, saying: Inspector Brauer put his hand on his shoulder -and said: 'I want you.' " 'You must have got the wrong man.' said Sammons. " 'I've been with the government '.wenty years and I don't very often get the wrong man,' Brauer replied. ."Waa anything, said about fixing any one?" asked Attorney Howell. "Not at that time." -Attorney rinfrell attempted to force the witness to tell .what ' Sammons said, or la-alleged to have said, when the Inspec tor hurried him along after the arrest. Told by the Sheriff. "Did he say: 'Honvoono In the postoffice has coughed up his guts and Is trying to lay this thing on' it?' '.' "Well, I couldn't say." "Did he swear?" ' "Well, he said something about some body trying to lay " "Did he swear?" "Well, no yes." "Were there any witnesses?" "SI Funk and Phil Lambert were there." It developed that Funk is still in Kear ney. Howell asked: "Did Bammbna say: 'I'll fix the man who Is responsible for this?' " "Yes." "Had anybody said what he had been arrested for?" ; "No." ; - . Andrews sought to go Into great detail and decided to express his opinions about the case at some length, but Judge Mor ris and Attorney Jlowell prevailed upon him to answer questions and leave opin ions to the jury. A. D. Rice, clc.rtt .in the Kearney post office, and Assistant Postmaster Henry Lambert were also examined. Mr. Lambert said the footprints In the snow were "Dieeon-toed" and "una nf them looked like it didn't belong." ! Sheriff Andrews had testified that "there was no doubt" about the "foot prints being those of a man." MANUFACTURERSTO HAYE INSURANCE CO. Heads of Nebraska Factories Meet ing; Here Subscribing for Mutual Organization. PRESIDENT T0WLE SPEAKS Regards Tompenaatlon Hill a lioo4 Plere of Legislation ee I n drprndenre for Americans Itesalt of the War. RECIPE FOR BALD HEADS SPECIAL WAR TAX DUE SOON Well Known politician Nearly luld Xomt Ha Now (irovtth of linlr TcIN How He Did It. Nebraska manufacturers who have gath ered here for the two-dxy convention of their association are subscribing their names to a movement for the organiza tion of a mutual liability Insurance com pany to cover losses Incurred by the manufacturers through the workmen's compensation law which requires thein to pay stipulated amounts to employes hurt while on duty. It Is expected that they will have the necessary number of sig natures perhaps before the first day ts over. Under the law they are authorized to organize a mutual liability company to carry the compensation risks of the manufacturers as soon aa they get the signatures of a group of manufacturers representing In the aggregate 5,K em ployes or more. TonU Makes Address. Reports of officers have been heard and President C B. Towle of Lincoln gave bis address. He praised the association for tho part it took In the passage of the workmen's compensation law and de clared "Its passage Is among the Impor tant events In our history. It is one of the best and most progressive pieces of legislation on the statute books, and will be so recognized by employer and em ploye aa soon as it has had a fair trial." t'rsrea Mntnal Organisation. "Our great work should now be the organization of a mutual Insurance com tany for the proper protection of our members. Insurance rates now become an important consideration. UaUii will depend on the risk. Tbo employer who safeguard! his men will receive in the shape of reduced rates the benefit he deserves. The use )t cafety appliances and a record showing a low percentage of accidents will Justly entitle one man to a lower rate of Insurance than one who neglects to take proper precautions. Accidents in many pIhccs have been re duced from 20 to DO per cent under a com pensation law and -Insurance rates have followed this trend. In Michigan rates have been reduced 0 per cent In tho last three months. In Illinois fully per cent, partly dun to a better knowl edge of the costs by the insurance com panies, but largely on account of the de crease In accidents.'' oe ( oinnirrrls) Independence. President Towle spoko also of the com mercial Independence that is developing in tho Vnitcd States as a result of the European war which places America every day in the pottlon of having to do without something they have Hitherto been getting from abroad, when they could Just as well have been manufac turing it at home. He gave It as his opinion that Nehras kans are now to have a better legisla ture than they have had usually, and a governor who in a bualntss man. "I trust tho compensation act, at least, will not be tampered with until It Is given a fair trial," he said. "Minimum wage legislation will, of course, come up aa it always does. In spite of the eco nomic fallacy that Is buck of . it- The fact that a minimum wage woild also likely be the maximum wage seems to have escaped tho notice of most of those who are enthusiastic supporters of a minimum wage." A western politician, well known on account of his snit hi ready wit surprised his fr; by appealing with a new growth of hair. Many of his friends .11.1 nt know him. and other thought he had n wig. On being asked how he Old It. h" -isdo the following statement: "1 attribute the growth of my hair to the following simple recipe which any lady or g ntl man can ml at home. To. a half pint ot water add 1 oz." of Hay Hum. a small box of i Harbo Compound and ' oz. of llv- cerlne. Apply to the scalp two or three times a week with u-, fnKrr tips. It not only promotes tie sronin nf the jhalr, but removes dandruff, sralp l umois and prevents the hair from falling out. It darkens streaked, faded, gray natr and makes the hair soft and glossy. These Ingredients can ho purchased at any drill? store at very little -ost and "mixed at home." Advertisement. Assessments on Various Businesses Payable in Little While. FINE AFTER. DECEMBER FIRST l.eile ,. Forthcoming at That Time Mill lie aJect to a Penally of Fifty Per tent. Culavin Wins First Round in Contest HASTINGS. Neb., Nov. lR.-(Speelal Tolo!ram.)-John T. Culavin of Omah.t today won the first Important, round In his flaM for the llnO.UKi estate left by John O'Connor, the Hastings man of mys- ! tery. County Judge Hutton sustained j the will offered by him, whereupon coun j sel lor claimants In some thirty other ) separate actions gave notice of appeal. Hond was fixed In the sum of $.l,Ono for each other claimant. Culavin la the man In whose favor a purported will of O'Connor was received anonymously by the county court shortly after O'Connor died. This will was re jected because It had not been witnessed. Subsequently Culavin presented another purported will bearing the signatures of two witnesses. This was the one sus tained today. A long legal battle Is In prospect, in the district court the Culavin case will be tried before u Jury. In the meantime hearing on two other wills, one favoring Will Young of this city and the other naming Ketella Van Scoy of Cincinnati as tho beneficiary, will be deferred in the county court. John O'Connor died on August 17. last year; then his family connections were unknown to any people here. His body has been "Identified" by more than a score of claimants. It Is still preserved In a local undertaker's morgue. Hlectrlv, Brand, Bitten helps dyspepsia, aids digestion, increases appetite, keeps liver and kidneys healthy Buy a bottle today. 60c and $1.00. 11 druggists. Advertisement. Be Want Ads Produce Results, llrolieis, commission merchant), pro prietors of theaters, "movie" houses bowling alleys and pool halls, tobacco dealers and many other business men hae only a short time, left In which to pay their special wi- taxes, levied by the government to m.ike up for loss of import duties, since kh Kuropcun con flict so seriously cn;ole' the World's trade. Acting Collector of Internal Revenue V.. AV, North says that returns must be made to his office brforo !eceiuher 1 on lilt such taxes due, or a penalty of 60 per cent extra will lie exacten. Ills office Is swamped with extra work on account of tho special war tax, and extra help must be secured to ha mile the big task. Those Who Are, Taaed. Aa recently authorised by congress, the taxes are assessed against tho following business in these amounts; Hrokers. S.W. Pawnbrokers, t'fl. t ommercial hrokerci, $J0. Custom house brokers, f 10. Proprietors of theaters, museums, pic ture shows or concei t halls, to llou. Proprictora of circuses, $100. Proprietors or audit of public exhibi tions not otherwise enumerated, $10. Commission merchants. Ieslers in leaf tobacco, $ to $'.'4. Petuers In tobacco or cigars or cigar ettes, $ii to $24. Manufacturers of tobacco, t to $2.411. Manufacturers of cigars. $:i to $X4rt. Manufacturers of cigarettes, $12 to S2 4W. Proprietor of bowling alleys or billiard rooms, $." a table or alley, In addition to tho extra tax on certain lines of business much revenue will be raised, by the government by sale of spe cial .stamps, which must be affixed to bottles of wine and cordials, to per fumeries, cosmetics and other proprloy tary articles, and to various documents. The wine stamp tax Is already In (ffect and the documentary and proprietary stamp tax becomes effective December 1. I . r' .' . i ! : . a?y RAILROAD ACCIDENTS SHOW RIG DECREASE WAPI11NHTON. Nov. 1S.-A great de crease In tho number of collisions and derailments of railroad trains for the quarter ended June , 1014, as compared with the preceding quarter, was reported today by the Interstate Commerce com mission. As compared with tho corre sponding quarter of 1913, thero was a 'le creae of 737 In the number of train acci dents. Defective, roadway and defective equipment togethor caused more than 72.3 per cent of ail derailments reported. In train accidents the total number of per sons killed was 101, while 2. 157 were Injured. COTTON LOAN FUND PLAN IS COMPLETED WASHINGTON, Nov. IS.-The $135,000,000 loan fund designed to help cotton pro dueers whose great crop threatened to become a burden on tholr hands on the outbreak of war, today stood cumplete. Secretary McAdoo declared tn his an nouncement of the fund's completion that the success of the loan plan was assured He said it had been "delayed ny the selfish opposition of certain textile man ufacturers and local Interests who have tried to defeat It." "We bcllove," he added, "that the carry lug out of this plan la going to be bene ficial not only tn helping the cotton sit uation and the foreign exchange, but also by promoting the general prosperity of tho country, which now has such a happy Impulse that It would be diffi cult to retard It." Save Your Hair! If or .Dandruff Falling Out 25 Cent Danderine Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair Is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There Is nothing so destrucllvu to the hair as dandruff. It rcbs the hair of Its lustre, its strength and Mm very life; eventually producing a feverlshness and Itching of the scalp, which if not reme died causes the hair, roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Dander!n. tonight -now anytime will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent buttle of Knowlton's Dan derine from any orug store or toilet counter, and after the first application you. hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which Is so beautiful. It will-become wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of alum lance; an Incom parable gloss and softness, but what wtil please you moat will be after Just a few weeks', use, when you will actually see a lot, of fine, downy hair new hair grow ing, all over the scalp. Advertisement. Bin Sale CLOAKS and FURS f at a GREAT PEDUCTION Our entire vboleasJ stock of Cloaks and Furs at prices to move the stock quickly. A GREAT SAVING AT 1519 HOWARD ST. BILZ, SCHNEIDER, BACM CO. German War Office Tells of Successes on Both Frontiers RERUN, Nov. . Vla Jjondon ) An official communication Issued today by the German general headquarters says: "Fighting In West Flanders continues and the situation on the whole remains unchanged. ' "In the forest et Argonne our attacks continue successfully. French sorties to the south ot .Verdun were repulsed. "An attack was made against our forces which had moved forVard on the west ern bank of the River Meuse near St. Mihlel, and although lt was originally successful for the enemy It broke down completely later on. "On our attack to the southeast of Clrey we compelled the French to sur render some of their positions. The Cha teau Chatlllon wss stormed and taken by our troops. "New battles have developed in Poland in the region north of Lodt. but no de cision yet has oeen reached. "To the southeast ef Holdau (east Prus sia) the enemy has been forced to retreat in the direction of Mlawa. Upon the ex treme western wing a strong Russian cavalry forces which we defeated on No vember 16 and November 11 has been driven back through Tllkallea." Foley Catfcartte Tablets. Are wholesome, thoroughly cleansing, and have a stimulating effect on the stomach, liver and bowels. Regulate you with no griping and no unpleasant after effects. Stout people find they give Immense relief and comfort. Antl-bllioua. Wsr"en Hpofford. Qreen Bay, Wis. writes: "Foley's ' Cathartic Tablets are the best laxative I have ever used. They do the work promptly and with ne bad after effects." Try thm. . For sale by all dealers everywhere Advertisement. r mMSWM MUSE 24th and L Streets, South Omaha Quality High Prices Low Not" One Day, but Everyday November learanoe Sale Get Our Prices, They Tell the I&htire Story l I l H"k 1 kll'HSl'W, Bed Davenport, ' Massive oak frame, new style Bed Daven port with Sanitary Springs $35.00 value 8 $23.00 lJ (l i'IA 'I 1 . u.ll"! its -trv - avLaa. 'fx El i 1 r ; .i'l'Mr""!,,, 1 i I if jNtHe.'".' '. i November Clearance Sale f Rugs 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs at $8.75 9x12 Seamless Yelvet Rugs at $14.50 9x12 Aiminstsr Rugs at $15.00 rt: UOf.lE PRIDE KITCHEN CABINET Strongly made of the best materi als, regular $33 value mi w fesee Our Mew Daylight Display Room 2C IE Berg Suits Me New Styles and Patterns in Snappy Balmacaans Thorp is o:iuino luxury in ono of our drossy Halinacnau rents for young and old. I' nil, Mift wido velvet and self oollars, full baek and full kimono sleeves from one piece of cloth, without a seam. Patch and slit pock ets and buffalo horn buttons. Scotch and English warm fluffy materials that are full of style and eotnfort; and other handsome fabrics $10 $12 $15 $18 $20 $22.50 and $25 At either price we guaran tee a saving from $2 to $5. I in A mL-l H ' if) You can't relax where it's cold. You can't really rest in a "shivery" outdoors. Florida's sunny climate is the mtrjfuf thing in your campaign for recuperation. Plan to go there! . Low Fares and Excellent Ser vice to Florida and Cuba The Frisco has on sale daily, winter tourist tickets to. all of the Florida and Cuban resorts. They carry liberal stopover privileges, and are good (or return passage until May I st, 1 9 1 5. Kansas City to Jacksonville and return, $ 42.S0 Kansas City t St. Augustine and return, 44.80 Kansas City to Palm Beach and return, 61.00 Kansas City to Miami and return, 64.60 Kansas City to Key West and return, 75.60 Kansas City te Havana and return, 79.00 Correspondingly low fares to other resorts in Florida, Cuba and the Isle of Pines. The Kansas City- Florida Special An all-(teel train, through from Kansas City to Jackson ville, over the Frisco Lines and Southern Railway. Steel coaches, dining cars (Fred Harvey meals) and sleepers. It takes you through the Ozark Mountains. Totalled Inlnrmstlnn sud profanely lllimtnted Utucrlplivs litersluro may be had by addrewUic J. C. Lovrien, Division Passenger Agent, 609 Waldheim Building, Kansas City TWENTIETH CnnilSY, FARMER The Missouri Valley's CJreatest Farm Paper. OMAHA 110,000 Copies Wetlly 7S.09 Ukm IS miUt eOmaAa