Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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TIi Dm Publishing Coropsny, Proprietor.
V I' -m
Catered at Omaha posboffree ss second -clsss matter.
Br carrier Br mall
par month. per year.
.mtT end unday H
Tally without Sunday....' 4 OS
Fenlng ami Sunday 6.W
Evening without Sunday.. .Ko... ......... 4.00
Sunday Bn only 'J
end notice of charge of srtdres or romplslnt of
lrrulsrlr in delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation
' Remit ry draft, prM or poatal order. f'r !"
cent stamps received In payment of email ae
counts Personal checks, except on Omaha and eaatara
eiytiange. not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Building.
Poiith Omaha 311 N street
Council Bluffa 14 North Main Street
Lincoln s Little Building.
rhlcaro-nl Hearst Bui ding
New York-Room 1104. Fifth svenue.
Ht Iniils--bOi New Bank of Commerce.
Wsshlngton 7S Fourteenth BL. N. .W.
Addreae rommunlratlona relating to newa and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
6tate of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.
Pwlsht Williams, circulation manager of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly iworn. says that
the average dally circulation for the month of October.
1914. wae oft.104
DWK1MT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before
me, title Ith day of November, ml 4.
ROBKHT HUNTER. Notary Public
Subscribers leaving the city Uimporarlly
' should bare The Bee mailed to then. Ad
Attm will be chMKod aa often aa requested.
Those British war taxes are the real thing.
v ' No,, gentle .reader. '.the 'consclence-atrtckett
1 !stnaih u another .Smith, j . ,
VV -8UII; demanded a a&iute of our flag from
- ' Mexico', for lea than that. -
) . i ; . ! c ''' eijii !.J.1.J'.L
1 It looks it all that apluttering over elec
tric lighting were premature. '
In justice to the Almighty, though, the op
.' poHhtg sldce plight to be willing to stand the
. blame for the war themselves.
Thus far, however, the "prohibitionists' have
not objected, to Uncle 8am keeping on hand an
adequate ftipply of liquid money!
. Yes, there II a thought, that at the present
rate of depopulation in some countries, we may
'soon have nobody to usea big navy on.
.. ,. ' '."," -------
The .taxpayers pt Bt, Iouls neet rot worry
over the proposed central highway u It makes
.no greater1 lrogr.iH than the free bridge.
' .The loss of those roWltutlonal amendments
at any rate relieves us ot Any dispute s to the
; exact time when they would become effective.
It' turn's "put that 'Congressman .Murdock let
go of his house seat for a chance to run for the
eenate, not appreciating-t'hat "a bird . In the
; hand la "worth two In th Ibusli.'' ..' ...
s" . ' 'The defeat of the saliiry " Increase amend
ment to the state constitution 'way In part rec
oncile him. ;, To give up a 15.000 : Job for a
' $2,600 Job would have been requiring an alto
. gether too great sacrifice.. .
4 Lincoln U in the throes of excitement over
a sensational robbery and shooting affray. Some
one is due to raise the 'cry of "gunmen,' and
charge it to "a combination" ot franchlsed cor
porations and the underworld.
Before getting excited over Bernard" Bhaw's
various plana for settling the war, it might be
well to remember that Mr. Shaw earns his liv
ing with his, pen,. and Is very practical In the
selection of timely subjects of discussion.
1 .' By all means let us make as much ot a sue
cesa fit popularized grand opera in Omaha aa is
relatively made in t. Louis. That la the pur
pose ot the effort of The Bee to direct attention
to the' fine response grand opera at popular
prices la having In -St. Louie.
During the suffrage campaign we heard I
lot about garbage, and how the women In Chi
cago turned It la to an asset Instead of a liability
for the city) The garbage problem has bot been
, settled la Omaha, and will not be so 'long as it
costs upwards ot $30,000 a year to collect the
household refuse and turn It over tree of charge
to a favored private hog feeding and rendering
The first amendment to our federal constl
tutlon expressly prohibits congress from mak
lag any law abridging the right of the people
peaceably to assemble and petition the govern
xnent for redress of grievances. The presump
tion is that "the government" Includes the preat
dent, and the right ot petition to the White
house Is Just sacred as the right ot petition
to congress. .
r i
Smith's new store, 1307 Farnam street, la offering
aetounding barcalne in U aorta of Ilnea.
At the meeting of the Mlatatertal aaaoclation It was
d Aided to bold union Thanksgiving aervlcea in the
Couth went Preabyterian and Baptist churches. Rev.
Francis Blayney will preaide at the former and Rev,
' Mr. Detweiler at the other.
The Omaha Olee club baa been revived by adjuat
ment of dltferencea between members and the follow
Ing officers elected: President. John R. Mancheater
vice president. Walter J2. . Wllkina; secretary, R. H.
Vinton; uorreapondlng secretary, ti. E. Woodruff
treasurer. Charlea E. BurmeUter; librarian, H. W,
Know; executive committee. C. H Wilkin. R. W
Breckenridge. W. L. Welsh. W. J. Stevens and Charles
. iSurtneiatrr; mustcai director. Franklin p. , Bnilth.
Louis Littlrflcld, the Baratogs dairyman, ia ou
with a new wagon uhlch la a perfect daasler. It
all closed up and piste glaaa In the front and alder
making It warm and comfortable for the driver, and
wltb air chambers to keep the milk cans coul.
The street ear company now thinks it will te
Impoealble to build the line this season, -but -hope to
get It finished as far weet aa Nineteenth atreet
Great Days for America.
This Is a great time to be an American citi-
ten. Our nation stands In the llmengnt or an
enviable opportunity an opportunity of service
to mankind. Millions of men, women and chil
dren are crying for help. They must bare it or
tbey perish. War has closed, not only the chan
nels of production and supply, but those of
merry as well In all too many cases. We of all
the great powers stand In the position of help
ing. First, we have the resources, next we have
the heart to give and last we are restrained by
no entangling alliances that prevent our giving
to all alike.
Neutral, at peace, prosperous and benevo
lent, the United States occupies such a distinc
tion as has in the history of the world come to
few, If any, nations. No Macedonian cry was
ever more shrill or Insistent, no Macedonian
need more urgent, tor these are trials that
wring the souls of men. There la no question of
our meeting the test; we are meeting It, Indi
vidually and as a whole people. And the food,
clothing, money, medical skill we are sending
abroad do not measure the most of what we are
doing. That may be viewed now as something
intangible, but it will not be when the bud of
this glorious example and Influence for peace
has burst into full bloom and sent its fragrance
throughout the world. Ours Is a work of the
destiny of mankind. Not one of the nations re
ceiving our succor catches the full force of It
that does not appreciate what it means to be
able to do what the people of the United States
are doing.
One Way to Eve Legislative Time.
The legislative doctors are again trying to
prescribe a remedy to stop the waste of time on
visionary, impractical or freak proposals with
which the bill files of every session are loaded.
To shut off or limit the Introduction of bills Is
not feasible in states like Nebraska where the
constitution stand's in the way, and gives every
law-maker the privilege of sponsoring any num
ber of measures he sees fit. There Is, however,
one effective, way to winnow out the chaff that
is entirely constitutional, though Its application
would require a governor with a real backbone.
Let the chief executive, who Is a co-ordinate
branch of thai law-makine- bodv and hnu nega
tive is equal to the votes of a third of the mem
bership in each house, go over the bills as they
make their appearance, and announce at once
his indention to veto all that on their face are
not entitled to consideration. If the proposer
persist in pushing his bill notwithstanding
these odds, be will know what he Is up against,
but for the vast majority of such bills the gover
nor's elimination list would be the final word.
Diseases of Battlefields
'Mef Coming: Back.
Just as The Bee sincerely speeded "Met" on
his way and wished him success when he trans
ferred his activities from Omaha to Lincoln, so
'we now welcome him back to the local Journal
istic field.' As "Cap'n" Cuttle used to say, "If
anybody kin,' he kin," and If anybody can make
good on a democratic weekly in Nebraska, that
man Is Richard L. Metcalfe. "Met" has a host
of warm personal friends everywhere, and more
of theru here in Omaha than anywhere else.
The only trouble with "Met," if it be really a
trouble," 1 that he has an Inherent blindness to
the . faults and,, weaknesses of the democratic
party. -But that Is ..what democrats in those
parts 'want, for they never were so self-critical
or exacting as republicans. The only cloud over
"Met's" re-advent Is the threatened extinction
from the Journalistic firmament, if only for a
little while,, of the scintillations of Colonel
Henry Clay Richmond, whose place, as editor
of "The Nebraekan," Governor Metcalfe Is to
I m aorta ace of Pare Water.
Maladies that asuail an army In the field, with espe
cial reference to the present European war. are dla
cuHKd by a contributor to the Illustrated London News.
According to this writer, the British troops st the
front have hitherto been ainstilarly free from the at
tacks of auch diseases. In other campaigns, he says,
disease has slain thousands where bullets have killed
hundreds, and ho thinks It Is only too likely that be
fore long the present Immunity will reaee. Why dis
ease should attack masses of men In the prime ef life,
living In the open air, and on the whole well fed and
clothed at first slirht may seem strange. The Name
haa generally been laid upon the drinking water. But
even when thle la properly guarded, an Irremovable
source of danger remains In the myriad of fllea bred
In the carrion and filth, that Inevitably collect round
shifting and bivouacs. Aa every one now
knows, these Insects are carriers of Infection. Luckily
with the approach ot winter their activity ceases.
fold Weather a Preventive.
"Of the diseases which aaaall an army in the
field." aays the Newa, "a few stand out so promi
nently that all others may practically be neglected
These are cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, and pneu
monia; and they have thla In common, that they ars
all caused by specific bacilli. Thus cholera Is the
child, so to speak, of th dreadd vibrio, and pneu
monia that of pneumonococcus; while typhoid and
dysentery have each their own special microbe. Their
modes of attack are, however, different, for the pneu
monococcus enter the organism by the nose and mouth
mouth only; typhoid and dysentery through the a'l
mentary canal, while the way In which chllera Is propa
gated Is at presfnt unknown. All four, perhaps, have
this In commwn, that while the microbes causing them
are probably always present with us that of cholera
being a doubtful exception they seem only to assault
a subject previously weakened by exposure, bad feed
ing, or Intemperance. H Is on these facta that our
chance of successfully repelling them mainly rest a
"The first means of combating these enemies is,
therefore. Isolation. Directly a soldier Is shown to he
suffering from any of these diseases he should he
separated from his fellows and removed to a place
where his rjecta, sputa, and the like can no longer
form a center of contamination This may seem a
counsel of perfection to thoae who know the condi
tions prevalent In war time, but much might be dno
by careful preparation, and Isolation hospitals at th
base might be organised by civilians who are but too
apt to think that surgical cases are the only ones
worth attention. If It be true, as announced In the
dally press, that the Austrlsns are already suffering
from cholera, no time should be lost In making these
preparations, and the service thus rendered to the Just
cause of the allies might easily prove more vslusblo
than many more sensational."
riahtlaar Off Typhoid.
The writer next takes up the subject of prevention,
which, he reminds us, Is proverbially better than cum.
First among preventive measures la Inoculation, which,
In the case of typhoid especially, haa been abundantly
proved to be effective. Experiment leaves no reason
able doubt on this point, and Inoculation against ty
phoid Is now compulsory In the armies of several
countries. Most of the British officers have volun
tarily submitted to. It. Then comes careful avoidance
of any drinking water other than that boiled an I
filtered supplied to the men by the transport and sup
ply service. Nor Is the question of clothing to be
neglected. The soldier may be trusted to keep him
self warm for comfort's -sake; but a belt of flannel
worn around the stomach next to the skin Is saM
to have proved Ita efficiency as a preventive ef
cholera and dysentery In oriental countries. To quote
"In these matters the soldier can do much to
help himself. There la still the psychological aid
of the caae In which he must depend a good deal i-.i
his officers. A light heart will often carry Its owm r
unscathed through centers of Infection which will
prove fatal to the mentally depressed, and la one of
the most valuable prophylactics known to science.
"Hence the officer should do what he ran to keep
up the spirits of his men, should encourage them to
sing, and should take caro that they hear any gool
newa which Is going. By so doing he will be rendering
another Invaluable ervice to his country, even If he
adds thereby to the csres on bis already overburdened
shoulders. Fortunately, If there Is any faith to be
placed In reports, the natural temperament of Tommy
Atkins In war will make his task In thla respect a
light one." ,
. The. Private letter for Publio PemiaL
The president's lengthy letter on the re
serve banks addressed ostensibly to Secretary
MeAdoo of the treasury, but Intended for public
consumption, reminds us of the facility tor pre
senting matters direct to the people by this hlt-tlng-over-the-shoulder
method. It has long been
In vogue in the White House. Presidents before
Mr. Wilson have employed It. Of course, as,
anybody can see, If President Wilson really
meant to discuss these things only with Mr.
MeAdoo, his son-in-law, he could easily take
them up in a more direct, personal way most
any evening around the family hearth, but such,
of course, la not the' purpose. The private let
ter for publio perusal haa come to hold its own
place lu the relations of the president to the
people, and Instead of being a personal com
munication, Is distinctly a public, document,
generally assuming, as it does in this Instance,
the form of advocating and defending adminis
tration acta and policies.
A Prediction That Needs Revision.
Shortly before election, Senator N. P. Dodf
Jr., in a burst of i exuberance let the Lincoln
Journal In ou the ground floor with a predic
tion., which he had printed in that newspaper,
that "Howell will carry Douglas county easily."
and adding, "I have a deep conviction that 'the
republican ticket is going to 'win in Douglas
county, and that Howell will run away ahead
of his ticket." Now that the official canvass Is
concluded, the final figures disclose that Sena
tor Dodge polled 11.107 votes in Douglas
county, as against 4,862 for Mr. Howell. Evi
dently, the mistake lay la not having Mr. Dodge
run for governor, and Mr. Howell run for state
Prohibition democrats of Colorado are still
rankling over the faci that Mr. Bryan went all
the way out there to make several speeches for
Tom Patterson, the democratlc-."wet" candidate
tor governor, who, by the way, was completely
drowned out by his republican opponent. But
a little thing like that d6ea not bother Brother
Bryan when it comes; to boosting for a good
democrat ' I i'
Those Lincolnltea are certainly wide awake,
and on the Job all the time, aa witness the ap
pointment or another 'Lincoln man to fill a va
cancy on the Board 'or University Regents, giv
ing Lincoln three members as against three for
all the rest of the state. ' But If they can put
it across, and get away with It, far be It from
us to complain.
The paradox of the age Is that Mr. Rocke
feller admits paying $10,000 too much for an
oil painting. Not that he lost the money, but
that he got beat on anything In oil.
Twice Told Tales
Among the. Highbrows.
A famous bsseball man la a prolific story-teller,
and oftentimes his yarns are the source of amuse
ment to his friends. Here Is one ot the new ones:
"A friend of mine, a metropolitan merchant, who
had amassed quite a fortune by close application to
his business, 'was being entertained one evening at a
friend's house, where he encountered a number cf
young women graduates, whose conversation auddenly
turned to a discussion of the development ot the Eng
lish novel.- .
"The merchant speedily experienced a feeling
within which told hlro that he was 'out of it.' After
a few minutes of animated colloquy, during a brief
respite, one of the young women turned to hint sweetly
and asked: - . ,
. " 'What do you think of Fielding, Mr. Eliur
" 'Oh, fielding is Important, of course,' our friend
quickly responded, 'but it Isn't worth much unless
you've got good pitchers and men who can bit tho
ball.' "Harper's Magaslne.
A Pwaa Ihlllty.
At a concert on the Principe dl Vdlne, which
American refugees In Uenoa rented for their home
ward voyage at the cost of tl 15,000, George Rives
Bhelmerdlne, the Pittsburgh poet., told an amusing
"I notice on this ship." said Mr. Shelmerdlne,
"that there's a good deal of marital Jealousy. Hus
bands and wives, even the most devoted, gft Jealous
f one another on the slightest provocation. It's a
Case, in fact of hands off all around.
"I said to the pretty wife ot a handsome young
Sunday school superintendent the other evening:
. " "You are always telling everybody what a para
gon your husband Is. . Why,- then, ma'am,' do you
refuse to let htm lounge on the top deck In the moon
light with that dashing Baltimore widow?"
" 'Well, you see, the Sunday school superintend
ent's wife answered, 'George Is, maybe, ton good to
be true.' "Washington f tar. '
Wssta tloaaiaa leiealla te Meet.
OMAHA. Nov. 1. To the Editor of
The Be: fllnce It Is now officially
settle! that I am to represent Douglas
county In the upper house of the legis
lature, I desire publicly to express my
heartfelt appreciation to all voters of
the county for the confidence they have
placed In me. Including the newspaper,
for their very generous and valuable
Though elected on the democratic
ticket, I wish to confess that, so far
as my official life as a senator Is con
cerned, I ceased to be a partisan on the
td ot November. I am willing to accept
as correct the facetious remark of a
cltlsen In a cigar store the other day
who, In answer to a question as to the
division of the parties from this county
In the state senate, sal J: "There are two
democrats snd two republicans and
Qulnby, who don't care for either."
Bo far as my official activities are con
cerned I don't, further than to aid In
tho fulfillment of every pledge made by
the democratic state and county plat
forms. Aside, however, from these party
pledges tbat we democrats have made,
the voters have endorsed some pledges
the republican candidates made In the
fact that these same voters have elected
nine out of the seventeen representa
tives from thle county. I have respect
for their mandate as well.
Therefore, I suggest that, since we all
should respect our Individual and party
mandates from the people and respect to
the fullest snd the best the true Inter
ests of the people of Omaha. South
Omaha, their suburbs and the entire
county, all of us ought to set aslda
our partisanship In this service.
For these reasons, I ask the other six
teen reprsentatlves from this county to
express their opinion through your
columns ss to the advisability of hold
ing a few meetings during the coming
month to consider the best Interests of
thle community, and how they may be
served In the legislature. Also such
plans as may best serve to weld Into
closer bonds the relatione between Doug
las county and the state.
I suggest this publicly, rather than
personally, because I sincerely believe
we are publio servants, and csn have no
Interests apart from the public good.
-U J. CJUINBY, Senator-Elect.
Let Baffraae Women Bet Thankful.
OMAHA. Nov. 11. To the Editor of The
Bee: There Is only one real compliment
that can be paid to women, and that !
an expression of man's belief In her good
ness, ngntmlndedncss; that is, her high
moral standard.
The voters of Nebraska in largo, 1
might say complete, measure have nsiil
that compliment most graciously to Ne-
Draska women. Those who believe In her
and her stsndard of right and who wish
right to win have voted for suffrsge.
Shall we not thank them for that com
pliment and try to ever live up to our
best, most womanly best?
Those who believe that woman will ha
very apt to vote right, and therefore cur
tall their "personal liberty." "erlsh the
misnomer and banish, aa mut... as It ts
In her poWer. their saloons and all tlw
mean, have voted against suffraa-e. fihaii
we -not thank that class for the only
compliment It is possible for evil to pay
to good 7
Those who think themselves righteously,
anus nave aided and helned the evil
They alone know what was their lnmosL
motive. Shall we not let our Christian
tolerance help us to forset them? And
shall we not prise even more than before
the greatness of our sex? God has made
us women. Let us thank Him. '
Negro Right. m Wrun.
. OMAHA. Nov. IS To th. r
Bee: Your recent editorial arrnn. .k.
president and segregation, arouses In the
Dieasi or every race-loving negro great
joy ana thankfulness. Rurh hooithu
opinion coming from a great metropolitan
newspaper tends to awaken a Just and
nsmeous sentiment for the cause of per
secuted humanity. When an manv inrin
entlal newspapers are gradually becoming
w away rrom tnclr former attitude
of interest and defense of the great body
oi Airo-American clt sens, suoh ini
expression from you causes the negro to
have a new hope. You, sir, are carrying
out the admirable rjolicv nf tiw to
ward Rosewater, the humanitarian, whose
lifelong struggle for Justice and equality
for all American cttlsens keeps the spirit
or nu work fresh In our memories.
Monroe Trotter is one of Harvard'
most brilliant sons. He Indeed voiced the
sentiment of millions of Afro-Americans
when he confronted President wiiann
with irrefutable Instances of injustice and
numuiatron la the civil service at Wash
ington. He reminded the president that
tneie was no law providing for secree-a.
tlon In the capitol of this republic. With
animation and courage be asked Mr.
Wilson If he had a new freedom for th
white man and a new slavery for the
negro. Armed with the truth and the
ability and tearleaanees to expound that
truin, Mr. Trotter stood ' In the august
presence of the president and had hia
say, and our distinguished president la
the face of that powerful and truthful
unanswerable argument was abashed and
The greatest literary productions of the
world have been those which found their
People and Events
An Oklahoma Indian is about to enter the avia
tlon field, doubtless with a view of. improving his
chances ot becoming a "good Indian." The route la
A notable instance of enthusiasm for woman suf
frsge was thown st a recent public meeting In New
York City when llOC.OOO was subscribed for the cause.
No single contribution exceeded 11,00.0
Members ot the Paastrnaquoddy tribe of Indians
In Maine recently held an election for representative
to the legislature and elected Frank N. Francis by a
majority ot forty-one votes. Paleface newsgatherern
say their contest was marked by liberal exchanges
of firewater and wampun. thus testifying to thvir
proficiency aa imitators of the white man.
There ts nothing surprising In the appearance ot
Miss Phoehe Biiggs of Vassar college on the roll ot
Carnegie hero fund medalists. The divine gift of
rouraga Is no exclusive possession of masculinity.
MIsa.Brlggi at the risk of her own life saved three
girls from drowning st Poughkeepsle last year, show
ing not only courags, but readiness or resource and
presence "of mind.
A New , Jersey boy, who shot a rabbit found eat
ing the vegetables in his mother's garden, was fined
M) and sent to prison for tour months on nonpayment
by a petty Judge. The boy was released on ball bv
a higher court, and thua checkmated the petty Judge'a
seal in striving to force payment of a fine, half of
which would have gone to an Informer. Jersey Jus
tice has some kinks which do not work out as planne)
To Arouse A
Lazy Liver
special attention must be
paid to the Stomach and
Bowels for they have a di
rect influence on each
other. You will find it a
good plan to take .
Stomach Bitters
for a few days to help Na-'
ture restore these' organs
to strength and healthy
. ATOZ9 avanTXTirssj.
Mrth in the minds of men who were flgnt
Ing for manhood rights. That they breathe
the spirit of deep paeston Is logics) snd
natural. Prior to Mr. Wilson's election Mr.
Trotter snd a delegation of repreaei.tatlve
negroes Journeyed to Princeton snd re
ceived a sincere, apparently, promise
from Mr. Wilson to treat the negro In a
friendly and Christlsnly manner, to see
that no rights which the, constitution
guarantees to him were denied him. Mr.
Trotter, upon the bssis of thle unqual
ified promise, sdvlsed his people to sup
port Mr. Wilson. Since the Incumbency of
President Wilson a system of segregation
hss been Inaugurated. In the fare of such
flagrant repudiation of promisee could
one expect Monroe Trotter to be other
wise than passionate? Wsa It not a mo
ment when all of tho sincerity and elo
quence of the sufferer would burst forth?
We commend Monroe Trotter for telllni?
President Wilson the truth. The day of
the spineless negro is fast disappearing
and the move for aggressive and constant
protest Is gaining huge momentum.
"My sister heard that there was to he
a war tax on gum."
"So she's eot 2 cents' worth put awsv."
I-ouleviIle Courier-Journal.
pu I imv-ic a. ircvii Hum nuiiaiiu
that concrete haiee for German cannon
have been found there.
from Holland. The eeos-raDhv sava it i
a low, lying country. Chicago Journal.
"Was It your cravlnc for drink that
brought you here?" asked the sympa
thetic visitor at the Jail.
"ureal fcott. ma am! Uo I look so
stupid ss to mlstske this place for a sa
loon?" Baltimore American.
"Hear about Ferdy's hard luck? His
father told him he'd have to go to work."
well, can t he make a bluff at going
around applying?"
"lie tnougnt he .could, out hang me ir
they d.dn't accept him the first piace he
tried." Louisville Courier-Journal.
' Isn't your heart grieved at the war
now golns on, my boy?"
"Tes, sir."
"Now te;l me, my child, J-jst why It Is
you feel sorry for this dreadful conflict."
"liecauee 1 m Herman, and de only kid
tn our gang hlg enough to 1'ck me la a
Belgian, an he does It-" Houston Post.
First Reporter I usrrlbed this state
ment to a person of the first Imnortance
in the nation's affairs.
Second Ditto Why dor. t you mention
his name?
First Reporter I'm too modest. Phila
delphia Ledger.
Frank U Etanton In Atlanta Constitution.
While fall the fighters of the line
Where siege guns boom and bayoijeU
This word high o'er the battle rings
"Will Ood take time to save the kings?"
The kings are throned In castled state;
t'pon them fawnlna courtiers wait;
In purple robes they sit, snd know
The homage of a world brought low,
Their hleh-placed pride this comfort
"God will take time to save the kings!"
Far echoes of the thunder-fight
Thrill through the king's dream In the
"Your soldiers brave the bitter strife
Where winning Death throws dice with
They scorm the heights, they sweep the
Where the red wrath of battle reigns;
Their shot-rent battle flags unfurled
'er blood-drenched roses of the world.
Rest you beneath Sleep's healing wings
"God will take time to save the kings!"
And t-en the dream changed, and this
Thrl.i hrough the Hark, with terror
"The k ns save not My people; they
Weep the long lonely nights away;
""on their knees My children wait;
Their ruined homes are desolate.
And I behold through rrief-rent years;
My sunlight streaming through their
They nL-d the" shadow of My1 wings:
Qod will not save the crimsoned kings!"
m. fl Bf -i 4.,
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in tr?o srr.
tv - run u -w:
f ft 1-5, i
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-ft Hotel ofnned
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Easily accessible to
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Single reosswWwlMrkH2? fcS?,
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Every Inch of tho Lino to
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Seven other fast trains daily to
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9.-00 p. m., 9:55 p.m., 12:55 a. nx.
2:45 a.m.:7:40 ajn. and 12:30 psxu
Tho Best of Everything
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I Mil