Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Flush Kidneys
Hore Than Million Bnthrli Daily
Imported by United State.
10TA1 SINCE JULY 142.CC0.C00
Trtmmrr Receipts Mare Jelr
l,T0,OnolIMe aapply
Tfclrtrea MtlHna Mors
Than Year ..
On million bushels of wheat was
worked for export at Kansas City Mon
day, Liverpool being higher. There
eems to be no limit to the export de
mand for Anvricsn wheat," says Alien
Logan of Kantas City In a statement ti
President W. J. Itynea of the Omaha
Grain exchaniie. "It may Interest you
to know that alnre July 1 of thla year
the United Statea haa exported 142,0:6,
M0 buahela of wheat. That la the export
for 13 daya, or a little more than l,ooo,00
buahela a day. It meana approximately
I71.OjC.000 buahela a year, which ex
ceeda the amount we have for export."
Thla shows the tremendoua mi rchan
oislng In wheat at thla time," aya Mr.
Ilynea, "and la a matter of the moat
acute Interest among all drain and othr
business men who keep tab on such
Mr. Logan la the man who flrat pre
dicted that Kansas thla year would pro
duce a wheat crop of 180.onO.aiO buah la,
notwithstanding contrary forecasts ly
the government and other expnrtn. , Kn
aa produced. It will be recalled, nboiit
182,000.000 buahela of wheat. Mr. Loimn
la said to be aa keen an observer and
thorough a statistician aa there la In the
"Wheat in Kanaaa haa not gone Into
the ground In nearly aa good condition,"
Bare be, "aa a year ago, and ralna are
badly needed over a large area In the
western part of the atate."
Dome Remarkable Plsrnres,
Then he givea aome comparative flgurra
of lntereat aa followa:
Primary wheat receipts alnoe July 1 to
date have reached the enormous total of
Siil.7n0.000 buahela. agulnat only IMMh !.(.i0
Kat lows moat If ynu M Ilarkachy
or Bladder trouble you Halt
la fine for Kidneys.
George Wrightman Sayi it it Grand
Success in Iowa.
Meal forma uric acid which excltra
and overworka the kidneys In their ef
forta to filter It from the ayatem. Reg.
ular eatera of meat mu-it fluah the kld
neya occanforuilly. You must relieve
them like you relieve your bowela; remov
ing all the aclda, waste and polaon, elae
you feel a dull mlaery In the kidney reg
ion, aharp palna In the back or sick head
ache, dlxxineaa, your atomach aoura.
tongue la coated and when the weather j
la bad you have rheumatlo twin Ren. The
urine la cloudy, full of sediment; the
channela often get Irritated, obliging you
to get up two or three tlmea during the
To neutralize these Irritating acids and
fluah off the body's urlnoua waate get
about four ouncea of Jad Kslls from any
pharmacy; take a tabteapnonful In a glaaa
of water before break faat for a few daya
and your kldneya will then act fine and
bladder dlaordera disappear. The famoua
aalta la made from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and
hue been used for generations to clean
and stimulate slugs: h kidneys and stop
blndder Irritation. Jnd Silts la Inexpen
sive; harmlcns and .makes a delightful
effervescent llthia-water drink which mil
lions of mtn arid women take now and
then, thus avoiding serious kidney and
Telia of Organisation of Mataal la.
snare tympanies. Which
' Lease a Cast at Isnrssre
Heavy Wind Storm
Sweeps Across Iowa
p w uiii wmra imbi year, in wmrr wuriip, i u . - . i . .
the pr.mary movement lo data Is HI.Odu.wk) I rnouin college,
buahela greater than a year ao and our ' whera he ia at
vleible aupply of wheat only 13.5,000 1 tending school.
ply of wheat of the United Btate and i oun
Canada la only W,54.00. against J,W4,mo 1 taking
a year ago. the Canadian visible being
l,lfi0.000 less than a year ago. Kansas City
wheat receipts since July 1 to date were
4t.000.000 buahela, against only S1.7.'pO,000 a
year ao, and Chicago1 haa several mil
lion less wheat In store than a year ago.
Ft Lrfuis recelpta of about 20.Oi0.0u0 bush
els since July 1 ore 6,000,000 greater than
last vear.
Last week the United fttatea and Can
ada supplied all the wheat shipped to
the consuming countries of Kurope ex
cept In 7M.O0O bushels. Europe Is abso
lute! dependent upon thla oountry for Its
supplies and there la no getting away
from It
Omaha Boy Making
Name for Himself
as College Leader
John IT. Loo mis, son of Nelson II.
Loomls, head of the legal department of
the Union Pacific, ia making a name for
himself 'at Hart-'
f - "v j
Hunter Withdrew
from Eace to Help
Election of Avery
Superintendent E. V. Graff of the pub
lic schools has received a letter from
Superintendent Fred M Hunter of Lin
coln, giving hla reasons for withdrawing
from the race for president of the Ne
braska Stat Teachers' association. The
letter In part says:
"I fee! very aura that Chancellor Avery
will accept the nomination and presi
dency, provided his election can be ac
complished by common consent, In my
opinion, no happier method of uniting the
various contesting Interest of the asso
ciation can be found than by unani
mously choosing the head of our great
state university as the leader of the as
sociation for the coming year. I feel
very sure that our own teachers and
those under your own aupervlaton Jn
Omaha, aa well aa those from the va
rious towns of the state, would feel that
the very best educational Interest of the
state had been conserved were (Chancellor
Avery to be made the head of the state
organisation. Under no circumstances,
therefore, could I allow my name to be
Bine the writing of the letter Chancel
lor Avery withdrew from the race, as did
all the other candidates except Huperln
teaSent K. J. ttarr.of Grand Island.
The ballots are being printed and will
be mailed to the teachers Friday.
Superintendent Barr, who will be the
next president of the association, haa
been In the position he now holds at
Grand Island for . thirty-three years.
Loomls Is
an active
interest In the stu
dent activities of
the school and ful
fills several Im
portant o f ft o e s.
The Omaha boy Is
manager of twq.
athletlo organixations, the foot ball turn
and tho basket ball team, and Is also
manager of the Glee club. He conducts
all the business details for each of those
organisations and he makes all trips.
To be manager of three of the most Im
portant college organisations Is rather
extraordinary, and Loomls Is as a result
almost as much of a hero to the new
students as la the star of the gridiron
Loomls is a graduate of the Omaha
High school of the year 1911. He waa al
ways prominent among his fellow stu
dents and Was an officer of rank; In the
cadet regiment
Thla la Loomls' last year at Dartmouth.
He la a senior and will receive a degree
this spring.
"Nebraska now has a good workmen's
compensation law, and you will be bet
ter off with It than before," said Oeorg
Wrlghtmsn of Pes Moines, secretary f
the Iowa Ktata Manufacturers' associa
tion win n he arrived In Omaha to at
tend the seaelons of the Nebraska Man
ufacturers' a aasoclallon. "We. have a
compensation law In Iowa, and it works
out splendidly. It has been In effect
since July. We have a mutual Insurance
company of manufacturers to cover tho
losses Incurred by Individual manufac
turers through the operation of the law.
It Is the only way. Of course. I know
the Insurance men don't like the mutual
Idea, and you can't blame them, for they
Want this Insurance busineps of the man
ufacturers. Rut-can-anything be more
simple and efficient than that all the
manufacturers club together and
up a pool from which compenHatlon Is
paid to anyone hurt in any one of those '
factories? Isn't that simple?
"The Insurance men tried to tell ut
that was a hard thing to do; that It was
t.rxt to Impossible. Hut we are organ-
Ixed Into a mutual Insurance company. ,
under the laws of tho state; wo have '
fund of 1100 (KiO In the bank, and tho '
losses from Injuries In the first four
months the low has been In operatlo'i '
were but 1.1,00. We don't need all thp ;
money we have provided for the funl.
and our rate of premium Is much lower
than It would be If each were Itisur-vl
In a Hut) Illy company." I
"You had a peculiar situation In Ne t
braska with regard to your compensation
law. The lawyers got In here and made
a fight. We didn't have that to con
tend with In Iowa. It Is strange, but It !
was never suggested. You know, ihnt j
Is largely a matter of whether someono
starts the agitation or not.- The chanos j
are that in Nebraska some one or two
lawyers made a big howl against thn
comiiensation act and Vqe rest got Into
the band wagon." . .
Mr. Wrlghtman Is to address the man
ufacturers of Nebraska on "Compensi
tlon and Compensation Insurance" at thn
convention hall at the I'a'xton Thursday
Railroad trainmen coming In from the
east assert that the wind that blear
across Iowa Tuesday night was the mot
severe In years. In many parts of the
state It took on the proportions of s
gale. Occasionally it waa accompanied ,
by light snow squalls. !
Owing to the heavy wind, trains from I
the east were a little off schedule, the. j
engines being unable to make steam,
Nick Markovltch, after working for j
two months and a fcalt on a section gang ;
at North I'latte, came to Omaha Tues- I
day evening with his savings of $75, and
while looking for a lodging house on
lower Douglas street was strongarmed
and robbed by five negroes. Markovltch
received a frightful beating at the hands ;
of the holdups and was In a terrib'e I
condition when he appeared to inform '
the authorities. I
Big; Savings in Overcoat
Pricings in Our Clothing
Department, Second Floor.
CHICAGO. Nov. 18. W, 8. Jackson, a
former president of the Chicago noard
of Trade, died here today. He was one
of the best known grain men In the coun
try and organised the firm of Jackson
Bros., with which he was long connected.
nilloaaaess ead Liver Complaint
quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Life
Illls. Regulate the bowels, keep stomach
and liver In healthy condition. c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Wellesley Girls
to Help Raise the
. Fire Fund in Omaha
Moving pictures of college activities at
Wellesley college are to be exhibited in
Omaha at the Monroe theater, Twenty
siath and Farnam streets. December 3,
both matinee and evening, as a fire I
benefit to help raise a fund to rebullJ
what tba recent fire destroyed at Welles
ley. There la a proposition to raise
liWD.OOa, partly as an endowment and
partly aa a fund, to repair the fire dam
age. Rockefeller haa given toward this
on condition that the rest be raised. It
remains for enthusiastic alumnae all over
the country to raise some $300,000. The
Wellesley club of Omaha has Jumped
Into the field and has engaged this
theater, at which the films will be shown.
. The celebrated Tree Day pageant of
Welleelcy will be shown In moving pic
ture. The various crew rsces and other
athletlo events will be shown. A Greek
play, "Medea," given by the students last
year, will be reproduced In pictures.
Captain Cline is
Seeking Work for
Many Unemployed
Captain Kline or the Bulvatlon Army is
appealing to tho cttixena of Omaha to
make an effort to provide work for those
men who have found themselves In Omaha
destitute of means to earn a livelihood,
Due to the fact that bushiest) conditions
are a bit strained in all parts of the
country this season and to the fact that
many men are coming to Omaha because
of reports of the flourishing condition of
this city and thlw state. Captain Kline
finds that more deserving men are out
of work tMs winter than before.
Already Captain Kllno has 113 men, all
of whom he says are reserving and con
scientious and anxious to earn their own
money, on hla list. They have all been
unable to find steady employment and
have been forced to resort to the odd
jobs the baivation Army officials are
able to pi o vide.
Captain Kline asks that any Omahans
who have work to be done, odd jobs
about the house or office, such as wash
ing windows, polishing floors, notify the
Salvation Army and competent workmen
will be dispatched from this army of
Disorders Checked
Not the freakish styles that
pinch your feet and make you
want to take them off, but real
-comfort shoes that feel good
and wear good. AH the new
ettt styles, all leathers, cloth
tops, etc., in SHOES FOK
other stores
at 3.50
are here at,
pair .......
The Novelty Co.
214-218 No. 16th Street
Most Enjoyment
for the Money
Everybody loves Peppermint and here at last is
the real PEPPY Peppermint!
wrapped and sealed, so
you get ' it always .
fresh and full
flavored ZZZT
Plans Complete for
Churches' Christmas
Fair in Bee Lobby
i The Christmas fair of the churches this
year is to be held from Pecember 7 to
19, inclusive, and will again be located
to the court, of the liee building. Ar
rangements were completed by women
representing twenty-one churches at a
time ting held this morning at the You-ig
Women's Christian association.
It waa discovered thai there is space
for three additional churches If imme
diate notification ia made to the church
fair department of The Omaha Hee.
ibe Sources or Vweasa are
Cleaned and Blood
Hack I Mac VI llaukt .
. With raw tickling throat, tight chest,
ore lungs, you need Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound, and quickly. The first
dose helps. It leaves a soothing, healing
coating as it glides down your throat,
you feel hotter at once. a. Martin. ias
est. Neb., writes: - ! had a severe eough
and cold and was almost past going. 1
got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar
and am glad to aay It cured my Cough
entirely and my cold soon disappeared.
Every user a friend. For sale by gll
Scalers everywhere. Advertisement.
Those who hare used S. S. B. Barrel
at the wsy it checks blood diseases. Bee
a msa tftdsy with bis skin all broken out ;
see bin SKia in a week or two after using
B, 8. B. and he is a wonder to behold, all
cleared up, skla hesltby, eyes bright, a big
smile replaces the droop. What l 8. 8, 8.
tost cm a accomplish such wonderful re
sults! First of all it is a natural medi
cine. Like Bilk, eggs and other foods that
ran aot be Imitated, 8. 8. 8. owes it to
Nature for Its power to overcome disease
just as food prevents emaciation. 8. 8. 8.
is aot a comblnatloa of prescription dru.
It Is a preparation direct from medlcia.vt
plants that retains all the virile potency
of wbst we need, what we Bust hart la
the blood to counteract those destructive
teadeaclra that assail us throughout life.
If It were lot for our natural secretions to
ustala us. aided by such knows helps as
8. B. 8. there would be small ehaace of
ay of as surviving childhood.
Oet a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today from aay
druggist but be careful te avoid the sub
stitutes palsied off oa the uawary. 8. B. 8.
la prepared only by The Swift Bperlfle Co.,
II Bvlft Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga.. and for pri
vate medical advice write briefly year
srmptosae te tbslr medical department
Ibsy will take excellent care of yon.
Chew it
Chew it some
more Chew it as
long as you like and atill
there's the same luscious, cooling,
soothing,- digestion-aiding, stomach-
steadying, palate-pleasing, lo-n-g l a-s t i-n g flavor.
Try it today!
DOUBLE value for your nickel, because in each
package you get 5 big sticks of velvet-smooth
gum ana a ucuca . loupou,
good for valuable presents.
Made by
of the famous
United Coupons
now come
with both
Sale of
uwglvlMg TMKatUABLg STOKd
S. Sternau & Co. CASSEROLES at HALF
. VMBMBUAs eVWal .
Crockery IVrpt. -Hh
$3.00 Casseroles at $1.50
$1.00 Casseroles at $2.00
15.00 Casseroles at $3.50
$6.00 Casseroles at $4.00
$7.00 Casseroles at $3.30
A splendid assortment
of these high trade goods
for selection. Bur them
for holiday gifts.
Half Price for
Quick Reduction.
if iiit i ' m mi I ii in i '
No Man In Need of an
Overcoat Can Afford to
Miss Oar Sale Specials.
Our Cloak and Suit Buyer Has Just Returned From
m m MM WVfej M .
jit -y i Ana inursaay we wiuuegin
VieW I 0T II a Series of Record-Breaking
Value-Giving Sales That Will Set
All Omaha Talking of Hayden Values.
As a Starter tor Thurs
day a Manufacturer's Stock of
Pretty Waists, in chiffons,
shadow laces, crepe de
chines, silks and fancy vel
vets in scores of beautiful
styles; nearly 500
in the lot; values
up to $5.00, at
Make your selection early.
You never saw greater bargains
In new waists.
Tailored Suits
Made to Sell to
S35.C0, at
185 of them In nobbiest new
short coat styles, in splendid
assortment of colorings and
100 Handsome Tailored Suits Made to
sell up to $50.00, on sale Thursday JiOC
25 Russian Pony and Coney Fur Coats
$35.00 and $40.00 values, Thursday. COC
Women's Percale House Dresses Made QQ I Women's Blanket Rath Robes Sam- tj0 QC
J7V pies: $5.00 values, at PaViee7eJ
to sell at 75c; choice.
Long Flaanelette and Crepe Kimonos
Made to sell at $1.60, choice
" Silk Underskirt In messalines and jt Q C
Jerseys, special at. J X eaO
Round Top Dining Table at $15
48-inch genuine quarter-sawed oak dining table; ex
tends 8 foot; solid round top. This table is d1 C
worth $25.00; on sale for one day, for eJiJLeJ
We have tables for $10.00, but this is a large, heavy
table. $30.00 buffets to match for one day only $20:
fumed or golden.
Blanket Sale
Three Special Numbers:
Our $1.50 Cotton Blankets 05 f
Our $2.50 Cotton Blankets. .. . 81.39
Our $3.50 Cotton Blankets. .. .$2.35
Extra Special on Comfortables:
69c Comfortables 485
$1.00 Comfortables f
$1.60 Comfortables 98
Large line of Bath Robes, popular prices.
Auto Rugs, each. . . . . .$2.98 to $15.00
Bargains in
Trimmed HATS
Made to sell up to $10.00 and
$12.00, on sale Thursday at-
Come in black and all new
est colors, including King
George lied, Cerese, Sand
White, Etc.; big assortment.
V TV 7 7
Every hat different, giving
a wonderfully broad assort-
ment of designs, distinctive
and becoming for selection.
Shapes are of silk velvets and
plush , in fine assortment of
style, artistically trim m e d
with Ostrich Plumes, Ostrich
Bands, Novelty Feathers, New
Wings, Furs, Flowers, Fruit,
-All . great bargains.
Here's Some Underwear Values That Will Interest All Economical
Buyers. The Quality is There and Prices Are Exceptionally Low.
Ladies' Union Suits Values to $3.50; silk
and wool, in all sizes and styles; heavy
or light weight; Swiss or tine ribbed, J
Ladies' Union Suits To $1.50 values; heavy
fleeced garments. In all styles and sizes, QO
at 69c and 70C
Children's Sleepers and Gowns at.... 40c
In Domestic Room
Best Sllkollne made, yard lOo
Best Cotton Hatting, roll, 10O-91
Amosk's; Teaxledow, best made, 100
tio Huttings tor children's school
dresses XSVie
Bath Towels, 16c valuea 100
Hath Towels, 18c values. .. .180
Bath Towels, 25c grade ISO
Xxtra peolals Toreaooa Only
Lonadaltt, bleached, 10c vala., SViO
Ho Apron Ginghams SVo
7Vtc Towels a mixed lot, ullghtly
oiled, at, each 3Ho
Afternoon Only
11 Ho Flanelettes THo
J-ln Outing flannels; regular
11 He values, yard Se
Thursday' sThanksgiving
Linen Specials
Satin Damask, pure flax, 11.38
grade, yard 91.60
Sadln Damask, pure flax; $1.50
grade, yard
Satin Damask, silver bleached;
$1.00 quality, yard ?So
Circular scalloped Table Cloths,
full else; $5.00 values, en., 3.76
Clrclar scalloped Table Cloths;
full alse; $3.50 values. ea. 93.00
Dinner Napkins, full else, pure
tlax; l&.OO valuea, dozen ... 3.74
Dinner Napkins, full sixe, pure
flax: $4.60 values, dozen.. 93.00
Hayden's Make the Grocery Prices for the People
19 lbs. Beat Oraatated agar. .91.00
48-lb. sacks Dtsmona 11 f lour, nuin
Ing like It for bread, plea or cakes,
per sack 91.40
We caution the public against
brands put up to deceive you for
Diamond H. This la our own Hjrand
and every sack la printed v.lin
Hayden Bros, name on same.
10 bare Beat-'Km-All, Lenox, Whit
Rusalan or Laundry Queen, White
Laundry Hoap Bao
10 lbs. beat white or yellow Corn-
megi for 1 c
7 lbs beet Rolled White Breakfast
Oatmeal for ti-85
Best hand picked Naby Beans, lb., Se
cans OH Sardlnea Se
4 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca. .8o
I lbs. " choice Japan Rice. 5
The best domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pkg ...... .TH
1-lb. cans, fancy aweet Sugar Corn
1-lb. cana Wax. String, Oreen or Lima
Beana, for H
1-lb. cans Boston Baked Beans.. SHe
t-lb solid packed Tomatoea. . . .9Vo
Corn lit en, pkg .
1-lb. cans Bnyder Tomato ' Soup. He
Advo Jell, for dessert, pkg T
MacLaren'a Peanut Butter, lb...l9Ue
Herahey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb..sOe
Golden banto Coffee, lb. .......
Trv a cm of rwoir's Tfn Bnuil-
lon, free in grocery department: also
sample Sims' Breakfast Food, Advo
Dainty Jellies, Loose-Wiles' famoua
cookies. Cudahy'a Buttterine and Em
ery's Devilled Sardines.
The best Creamery wuner, canon
or bulk, lb 34e
chancy Country Creamery Butter,
lb. 3&o
The Best Dairy Table Butter, lb., 88o
Good Cooking Butter, lb See
Full Cream Young America or Col
ored Cheeae. lb Sue
Full Cream, Brick . or , Llmburger
Cheese, lb 800
Fancy Domestic Swlsa Cheese. lb 8&e
Neufchatel Cheese, each So
Fresh Carrots or Beets, bunch. ...4a
Freah Khallota, 8 bunches for.... loo
FTesh head Lettuce, per head..THo
Fancy Wax or Green Beana, lb..TVie
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb Ve
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. TVi
New Chestnuts, per lb Ibe
I large Soup Buncnea ibc
t stalks fresh Celery
large Grapefruits B5e
Fancy Cooking Applea. pk, BOO, S5e
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips
or Kutabagaa, per lb 1W
Fancy Red or Tellow Onions, lb... So
raaoy Waanlagten or Make ex Jona
than Aovlee, per ben tl
Brooms! Brooms!
Another one of those genuine
Broom Bargains. It's a nice,
good grade 4-tie parlor Broom
usually gold at 35c to in
45c, Special Thursday.. le7C
One to a customer. No Telephone
Orders taken.
Big Sarriiico on
Heaters of ail kind
Thursday. Friday
and Saturday.
Tna extremal
warm fall has
toft us with an
ovsrstock. vow
la the time 70a
need them. How
la the time we
must sell taem.
or C. O. D.
ll-M Ml I I I
Base ,
$55 00 "Uar.and" Baaeburners, beau
tifully burnished '.947.60
$5.00 "Renown" Base Burners, 94a .60
$41.50 "Parlor Renown" Base Burn
ers 936.00
$40.00 "Charming Universal." ls.Ilch
fire pot 93a.6o
$15.00 "Radiant Czarina." l-lnrh
fire pot 939.60
orr coax kbatxjui
Small Oak Heaters 94.96
$10.00 Oak Heaters, reduced to. .9.6o
$1100 Oak Hfeaters, reduced to 9.7S
$16.00 Oak Heaters, reduced to.'9ia.60
Laundry Stoves 93.98
$14.00 Hot Blast Heaters, born any.
thins; $11.60
$14 00 Hot Blast Heater 918.60
Ail Oaa Heaters greatly redoes.
fry Ir3
nvpcv ?ipf it
Ladies' Part Wool Union Suits All styles
and sizes, In gray or white; worth fully - no
one-third more, at 09c and 70C
Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns Heavy qual
ity; to $2. CO values, at 60c, 98c Jg
Children's Union Suits Heavy fleeced; to
75c values, In all sizes, on sale A (.