Till: HKK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVKMBKU ID, 11M4. 11 FOR RKNT Hawses and (llirt, SflCR l-room flat, newly papered snd pointed; bath, gas. hot and cold water Irctrlc light, 110 scr month. SUb-18 Lea. ven worth. Emiinl 9-room modern brick apart ment, newly decorated, Sio per month, m 8 29th 8C Modern -roerrl detached dwelling; oak finish, beautiful yard, newly decorated; $50 per month. 1023 8. 29th NIc little t-room cottage; bath, toilet, electric light. $16 per month. iOI4 Vinton st Elegant -room houie, PO per month. 1129 8. 29th St. 8-room cottage. iW Vinton, gas, elec rlo light, hot and cold water; Inside toilet. $16. J. C. 1SH, Executor, T03 P S1st Ava Phone Harney !U REAL EST A Tit LOAS8. WANTKO-C.ty loon, fetere Trust Co. OMAHA homes Kaat NebrasKa farina! O KEEFK REAL ESTATi. CO.. 1014 Omaha Natl. Donates mi HARRIS N MOHTON. 914 Urn. Natl. 0AUV1N liliOS Jcffii rsttt WT1 Farm luana Moke lnv.Co. cuniht WANTlJlv-otjr loans and warranta. w7 Farnam Smith at Co., iro Farnam. CITT property. La'ge loana a specialty. w. H. Thomas, I Btate Bank I'.ldg. lli to Sio.ouo maJ promptly. F. D. Wead.' Wead Rldg., Ifrth and Karnam Sts. KIAVI V h. 1 ... i . , EIGHT-ROOM dwelling, atrlotlv modern. low rent. Call at 1060 Bo 2Sth SL Phone Harney 2344, FARNAM. 0TH IJNE. S-H., 8QCARE. Close, to Saunders school and cathedral. Big lot, south front. O'KEEFK REAL KSTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat l. Doug. 2715. BEAUTIFUL home, 7-r .. 12 Emmet, rugs and draperies will be left, strictly modern, $5. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1fil4 Hamey St. HOUSES' FOR RKNT. Seven room and hall, strictly modern, hardwood finish on first floor, three bed rooms upstairs, one bedroom and bath en first floor. $.10. This house fronts on a paved street and boulevard, 2hi blocks from car line, Seven rooms, sleeping porch and sun room, pew and desirable, exceptionally fine vWw. quiet neighborhood, $., or $06 with garare. Five rooms. Bt Louis brick flat, close In, $30. Eight-room, modern. 422S Harney, $35. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 1908 Farnam Kt. Phone Pong. MOVING t&XPENSF.S PAID. 8o 8. 2ith Ave.. 9-r. modern fiat.. $30 W17 Capitol Ave.. S r. modern flat.. 2.' 114 8. 29th, 8-r., all mod. house it 2414 S. 20th St., l-r., new. mud. house. 20 221 N. 27th St., B-r., mod ex. heat.. 15 RASP EROS. HOi;tUA9 VS. CI.OSK in, MiV) H. 2iat. rooms, mod.", $20 50. I1APTINQ3 & HE YDKN. 1611 Harney St. MONKY on hand for city and farm loana. . w. Minder, i:ity Natl. Hank Bid. CITY IOAN8. Hemls-Car!lerg Co., Slo-312 Brandel Theater Blda. BF.K us first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. 6 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Exporter! Slow to Keport Volume of Business, Said to Be Large. ALL GRAINS MAKE ADVANCES Wheat I p fraaa Oa tm Or mm Halt (eat., Cora Oaewtfalf la Oaa aa Oata Oar-Halt Caaatry "klaaaeats Kali Off. REAL KSTATK NORTH 81PE Bargain We have a practically new house, with reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and entry on first floor; two nice large bed rooms and bath on second floor; large closets, good furnace, full basement, shades, water meter, etc.; paved street; one block from school. Only $!.hW; terms. 8260 cash; balance very low monthly payments. S331 Ames Ava. Norris & Norris 400 Beo BIdg. Tel. Doug. 4270. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. lth Jackson Sts. Phone Powrlaa 2XS. fcTKAM heat, all modern. 7-room house; also 4-room flat. 22t No. 23d. NINE rooms. Hteum heat. Iheriuuatat, Hurt St. Douslaa 15M O Stores and Ufflcea. $6.P0 PER month, half of excellent office. SCOH Bee Bldg TWO steam-heated stores, very low rent, near postofflro. O. P. Stabbing. WAXTBtt TO KENT WANTED To rent from someone leaving the oity for several months a furnished apartment, by re.laule party References furniahau. Adurfbs K 1M. lieo. WANTKD iu KENT A farm on shares with everything furnished. Address C Coppovk. I loren'-e. Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM 4t RAM4.H LA.NUI K'OR SAIK Fine Home Cheap For Railroad Man Only 5 minutes' walk south from I'nion and Burlington stations, V block from tar line. Surrounded by fine homes In a nice, quiet neighborhood. This la a well constructed, 2-story. d-rooni, modern house, having hot water heat and a RuJd Instantaneous hot water heater. Attractive living room, library with brick fireplace, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry, etc., first floor; 4 attractive cor ner bed rooms, complete bath room, sec ond floor; stairway to floored attic, with one room finished; oik finish first floor; plate glass windows throughout; south front lot, Nixiao ft..: alley In rear; on paved street, with fine shade trees. Rea sonable terms. Price, $iV00. This Is a very good value. Investigate. George & Company 903 City National Bank Bldg. Doug. 736. South Side Bungalow Just finished, 6 rooms and bath, living room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor, oak finish, full basement, fine corner lot Wxl.13, street paved, closo to school and west side Hanscom park car line, Will make terms or take vacant lot as first payment. Rasp Bros., 10o McCague Bid. Douglas 1U63. Colorado. FORCED BALK. 820-AC HE FARM. Colorado, ureciev district, farm that cost Juo. for fcu ier acre. Only 8 miles from town and R. R,,; W0 acres alfalia; 0 acres native hay: lair improvements; I undr one f the beet ditches in northern! Coiorauo. Water stock vaiue J6.u60. Price 118.0UO. Terms t.6O0 cash, balance liberal mortgage. Good title. N. K HAIL, 41 Denham Bid", Denver. Colorado, Kansas. 180 ACRES, near Kansas City, well Im proved; good house, barn, granary, fenced and cross-fenced; living water, orchard, 130 acres under cultivation, bal ance pasture. Might take part payment in umana income. W. T. SMITH CO., Phone Douglaa 2819. 1111-1$ City Nat l Bank. Omaha, Neb.- . Mlaaoarl. . $5 DOWT and $5 monthly buys 40 afcrsa. grain, fruit, poultry land, near town; Price, $220. $10 monthly buys Ml acres, write for list cheap land. Box 425-J. Carthage. Mo. Montaaa. FOR SAL.E-3-0 acres in the garden spot of Montana that will he worm 460 per acre in i years' time; Improved, and yields the best crops In any part of the state; full particulars. Write I. IT.. Salxmao. 4li E- Cheatnut St.. Bloomlngton, 111. Kekraaka. FOR 8AJ,K Eighty acres of Irrigated land In the most prosperous county In the state of Nebraska, all In alfalfa; good house and barn, and good well. Will sell fot $.0 per acre If taken at mice. Write or Inquire for 8. B. Morrow, Mitchell. Neb., for terms. FOR SALE-Best large body high-grade medium-priced land in Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. o North Dakota, 4? 320 Acre Farm Only 1h miles to town; rich black loam oil, with cluv subsoil, practically all under cutlvation. (Cut showa.) Tha house, a new C-rooin dwelling, which coat $5,0U. owner has tnstructel us to sell tor (44 per acre. Clood terms can be had. Will be glad to have you call at our office or write THE VOEI. REALTf AGENCY. IQlS-lt W. O. w. Hldn. Omaha. Neb. laniMts, er Wisconsin Field Club Bargain, $12,000 Rlegant residence seven rooms, taste fully decoaated, good sleeping porch, fire place, delightful sun parlor, modern In every particular, located on the corner of 83d and Lincoln Ave.. Just four blocks from Field club; south front, large lot. 50x150. This place la positively worth $15,009. Can bt purchased with $6,000 cash, balance monthly. GALLAGHER & NELSON 644 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglaa fttftl. FINE lot In Hanscom park district, one block from car; has nice large terrace, sewer, set out In trees. II. 4111. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE OMAHA. Nov. 1. 1!14. One of the big grain men of the Duluth market who was on the Woard of Trade yesterday on hia way to tne vast Krieu tne stocks or wheat at Dulutn ' Pretty well cleaned up. It was said that I 700.1M bu. of wheat were sola to Import ing countries by Duluth houses yester 'dsy and that considerable wheat was sold to go out via the gulf gateway. A round lot of this grain was reported as having been taken Juot before the close of 'change which Is to be snipped all rail to the seaboard. Kxpoiters nere, as well as elsewhere, were slow to report their actual business, but It was aald to be very targe, yet only 2M),vuu bu. were made public, it was given out on semi-oUiciai authority 1 yesterday that the stocks of wheat In our own northwest are mucn sinatier tlmn generally believed. The beet autnnr.t in tha winter whc it belt yeaieraay said Uiat the movement of wheat will show a furtner fading 01 f. as the holuera ueiieve wheat must sell to a mucn hlsiier level. V heai news irom abroad was mainly helpful to CT.e L'u.U. A special cable from B ociiiiiuii says that l.uOu.UM acres of lh ftne.it aiii Icuilural portion of Franoe la overrun by the Oerniaus. In tho oaiance 01 r ranee the government is reported to be furnishing seed and permitting farm laborers to return fiom the army to seed as much grain aa possible balore winter sets' in. This same report was denied when circulated a month ago. In Rou mamn and India conditions are generally favorable and Italy will have an In rreatteu acreage In wheat this year. A Liverpool messaKS aald seeding Of wheat In Germany is progressing favor- .M,i j Montreal reported vessel room chartered there for X,uu bu. of wheat to go to tne Tn.ted Klnadom at l,'al7V per bu. boats for November or December loading out of Montreal continue quite strong and are sparingly offered. The weakest six in the corn market was early on Increased offerings. With an increase In supplies the export trade is likely to become more active. Liver pool was ttd higher for futures, while spot was VI lower. Argentine offerings of corn are liberal, with the feeling weak there. Oats closed stronger because Vountry shipments are falling off, while the cash inquiry continues of good proportions. Receipts of hoKS at the leading western maraeta were liberal, 1,60 head, com pared with 71,500 a week ago nnd 183,400 a year ago. Sharply lower prices were scored not only for hogs, but for hog products, with heavy selling by longs, In cluding some offerings from packers. The buying was scattered. Cash trade was quiet and a smaller demand was reported for both meats and lard. Wheat was lc to lHc higher. Corn was c to 1c higher. Oats were He higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour. equal to 816,000 bu.; corn, 3,0f0 bu.; oata 675.000 bu. . , l'nmary wheat receipts were 2.0fi9,ono bu. and shipments 1,757,0(10 bu., against re ceipts of 1,861, ouo DU. ana snipmenui 01 1.115.0110 bu. last year. Primarv corn recetnta were 1.271,000 bu. and shipments 4KS.O0O bu., against receipts of 634.001) bu. and shipments of 3U.0U0 bu. Is st year. . iMnin nala roceiDts were 989.000 bu and shipments 918,000 bu., against receipts of 671,000 bu. and shipments 01 om.wi mi, last earCARLOT RECEIPTS. W heat.Corn.Oata. Barley.Rye Chicago 420 SSI 16 .. , Minneapolis 367 t ... I ... L. ... ... . . ,, Kansas City ....222 2 1 St Louis 108 14 IS .. .. Winnipeg 304 ... These sales were reported today . Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. $ ears $1.08; $ cars $1.07. 1 car .v.; ino. n. gained net and oats Nr4e. la pro visions the outcome i 6i;s.(i..V decline. One of the best known authorities In the wheat trade pointed out that the wheat now at the snboHrd, at Hut fain and on the lakes virtually rrpiesents wheat bought for export, that tha amount at western points, where the flgurca for the most part mean actual available supplies, has dwindled to M.lM.Ono bu., aa asalnst 61,081,01 bu. twelve montha back, notwith standing that farm deliveries since July I show an Increase of 7,34?.Om bu. It was added that the wheat hna passed from the farmer to the exporter at rate never before equalled, and as yet not appreci ated by the majority of dealers. Wet weather : oiling the Argentina har vest tended today to make the wheat bulls confident from the start, and so also did adverse conditions In western K ansae, where the latest yield waa of record slse. Kxporters showed esgerness for all rati shipments from here to the seaboard. In addition today'a prices for cash wheat In Liverpool were said to be the highest on the crop. Co n la It.-d when the bulge In the wheat market became pronounced. Previously cold, clear weather that seemed to prom ise larger receipts had somewhat eased off the price of corn. Oats showed from the outset sympathy with the wheat strength. Consignment notices were meager. I'nexpectedly generous receipts of hogs throughout the west made provisions heavy. Many stop-loss orders were un covered on the ensuing break. Oraln prices furnished by Togan A Bryan. SIS South Sixteenth street: Artlclel OpenTnigh.r Low. t Clos.Yes'y. Sixty High Class Residence Lots Bold by Shuler & Cary In Poppleton Park Addition In a two days' sale. Eighty good lots left to select from. Sale continues today and every day until 11 lota are sold. Office on Ground at 44th and Chicago' Sts. Salesmen will take care of you when you visit the property. Phone Douglas 4233. and our machine will call for you. Many good homes are planned for Immediate construction. Call at our office for map. and price list Shuler & Cary, 224 State Bank Bldg. Best ualry and gsnerai ciop state In the I Hnlim' iu.1 rli.r. n . i , . , . - I -uiou, minis lor aaie el low pricea, on aasy terms. Ask for book let 84 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Klate acres wanted. Write about our graalug lands. If interested la fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wkaooosin. Address Land Dept. boo I.ln Ky.. Mliuteapolia. Minn. REAL ESTATE FOB KXCHAMuE WANTED Omaha cottage and two lota In exchange for good HiO-acre Colorado land. Will pay small cash difference. QUICK SALES CO., 418 Bee Bldg. ElGHT-ROwM. mouern house, corner lot. la Went Farnaro district, subject to en cumbrance of $2 750; I3.0U0 equity to ex change for land, cottage or lota Might take automobile. Glover & Spdn Sl- City National. Douglas 8a. V' ANTED Omaha property in eMhangt for farm lands and merchandise slocks QUICK SALES CO., 418 Bee Bldg. Farms. IlIOHLT improved Red River valley farms; can accept some trades. Write for list HuxKy-brewn. Barneavl.le. Minn, FOR BALE or part trade, alfalfa (arm in neever v alley, ley. Neb. Neb. Box ii, liend- AB8TRACTS OK TITLE. KtRH Title Ouaxaoiee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, ft 8. 17ln BL Fhone Douglas Ut7. KhED Abstrict Co . oldest abetract of Ike in Nebraska. M LrandeJs Theater. REAL ESTATE LOANS C,TT. "ind turoi loana. 6. :. 4 per cenL J. U. D onion t & Co.. Mot Farnam, Omaiia. Three Lot Bargains 1 Block to Farnam Car, or Will Build to Order, Small Pay ment Down Facing on Forty-first Ave., between Page and Burt Sts. Lots range In price from $7W to $o60, or you pay down $500 to $60 In cash and we will build you a homo to order. Two corner lots and one Inside lot on paved street, with paving paid. These are the best valuee offered In the west end at this time. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. J.I0 Omaha Nat. Bank Bidg. I. . I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern house recently purchased by me. This house Is located In the West I-ainam dHtrict, one block from Irfavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beaut ful lawn. You can buy this house a at a big sacrifice. Address, M 213 Bee. or after 6 p. m. phone Webster 8140. $10 Now-$l Week for building lots CLOSE IN. Only 19 blocks from postoftlce; 1'4 blocks to Far name line. Only 7 lots left. Phone now. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1014 Omaha National. Doug. 271S. REAL ESTATE -INVESTMENTS 14 Investment Two Fla s Close In $4,500 Nearly new double building, contain ing two modern 6-roont apartment, rent ing for $53 per month and always occu pied South front on high heaithy ground paved street and fine dwelllnga all around. Lot 60x136. Two blocks from Farnam car and easy walking distance from business district. Best small In vestment we have fur sale. Armstrong-Walsh Co. t-tat. Rank B.ug. Tyler lOStf. ter. cars ll.v.,. cars i.irjt, ' -$1.07, S cars 1.H! No. 4 hard winter. 1 car $1.04 1 car $UM'4; No. S durum. 1 ..... ti i!v. relected. 1 car $L01. 1 car c; - ruri, i ear yoc. V-car (spring) Wc Rye: No. J, J'4 cars 99c; No. 3, 1 car c, V-car 9Sc. Corn: No. 3 whlto, 1 car (part old) 62S4C, 3 cars 62c: no. yeuow, i oar 614C, 2 cars 61Vc; No. 3 yellow. 3 cars mc; No. 6 yellow, 1 car 61c; No. 8 yel low, 2 cars 6l4o, I cars 61c; No. 2 mixed, 1 car (near white) C2c; No. i mixed, 8 cars OOMjC; No. d mixeu. I car nir- vf. 3 white. S cara 43Hc. cars 46Vc; No. 4 wh te, 6 cara 43c, 1 car Ua; no grade, Ornaha'Ottsh rrlcea Wheat : No. t hard. $107i(hl.08; No. 3 hard, $1.06V,il.O7H; No. I t.-i iiiuuml (UV: Nr.. I sorln. I1.0C WlOtt; No'. 3 spring. $1.04W?10I; No. i spring, iicti41.0bS: No. 2 durum, $1.1214 6i l lzV : ISO. J aurnni, i. i.(t. v.vi u . No 1 white. 24i3c: No. 3 white. . 3tj ffi'o- No 3 white. 6232'4c: No. 4 white 61'Ci'2c; No. 6 whIU. lH1Cj No. i white, UHMlVtjc; No. 1 yellow, Slliiiic; No. 2 yellow, elWnltc; No. 3 yellow, SSeeiVic: No 4 yellow. 61-44W1V4C; No. I vellow, lWlVc; no. veuow, "i ti-. No.. 1 mixed. KUWA?;. No. 2 mixed 61 Jc: No. 3 m'xed, vwW. J"- mixea. . No & miii. trownr o 9 mixed. iOtmic. Oats No. $ white, 464l 4c: atanriura. 'w; t45ac; No. 4 white. 44i4Se Barley: Malting, SlfflTJe; No. 1 feed, 60040c Rye: no i w: No- we"- CHICAGO GRAIN AND PBOVHIOM reatarea of tha Traalaar mmm ClaalasT . . Price mm Board, of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 18. Assertions that ex porters had already reduced the available wheat siiddIv In the United States to within about 1,000.000 of the total a year ago had tnuib to do today v'th giving prices a decided lift. The maAet closed firm at Vftlc above last night. Corn REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Uaadee. $1,750 Cash Buys Jieautiful Dundee Home Paved Streets, Strictly Modern Never Occupied Among f ne homes. This home Is full two stories, oak finish on first floor, has vestlrulo coat clcset, large living room, dining room, den or sewing room, handy kitchen with bull;-fn rupbosrda, refrig erator room, three good bedrooms, five cioseis, sun parior, sleeping porcn, (ilea bath on second floor, all decorated, easy stars to attic, full basement, with cellar drain, fruit room, coal room, water meter, cement walks, heal furnace and plumbing, screens, window shades; everything thst makes a home complete. Don't talk terms, talk cash. If you want a good home. Phone Walnut 716. B. K. frioe, owner. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS CATHEDRAL DISTRICT $600 cash for a modern home; reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen first floor; three sleeping rooms and bath on second floor; full cemented basement, with laundry; hot water heat. Investigate this. North Side $2,400 will bur coiy home of 6 large rooms, with bath, electric lights, gas, good lot. set with fruit trees. Will make easy terms. W. T. 8MITH CO., 1111-13 City National Sank. Douglaa o AS CKRTAIN benevolant parties have recently donated a splendid property well Im-ateJ In Omaha (consisting of houses and lots) to a worthy charitable Institution In another state, those rep rtsentlng the same desire to sell this estate at once, and If sold within the next ten days the purchaser will secure a bargain that is only possible a few times In a life time. This Is no "Pharper Real Kstate Deal." but a bonaflde offer from the persons authorised to sell this property at once, that the needs of the charity fur which it was so generously given nisy derive the benefit that the donors of this fins estate Intended Hhone Re '.'J. and you will be called upon regarding this at unt-. Wheatl May 71 WAb 71 iMfcTi Tl'ita 71 C ' i ' ,0 t T To 4 10 T 1 7 I -a '. . '. I Nov 4 7 1 1 7 ,.i 1 II . in . i I 1 is 1 2 OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Extremely Light and Pricei Generally Steady. HOGS AROUND QUARTER LOWER Kat beep la ralr Receipt aad teady a Little Raster Orders ef All Klads Knlly steady. SOt'TH OMAIIA, Nov, IS, 19H. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Ofiitiai Monday 4., o.m Orilc.al Tuesday w S.T7H 14. Kit. mate VV rdnei-day.. t.ioo 7.i k, Th re d s v s t h I. week .ITa77 M. 7M Hsnie dsys last week. ln.IM 1.77 4..!t Same i,as I weeks ago 1.... si.OM 42,if jame oa a .1 itu aao 17.KJ M. Same days 4 weeks ago Jl.i.Sii 1S.S4 111.4SM oaliio days last vrar..lW IH.NL'l 4i..ssl The fo, lowing tahio snows tne receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at the Houth Omaha live stK-k market for the year to date, aa compared w.th Uat year: , IHM. lll Dec yaltle ..v6s r:.llO 4.Uvl v'gS l.lM.I.OM) 2..I4.1.) ii.3. flieep i.Si3i a.SWd.ii. KUMu I lie following table shows tr averag prh-e for hoita at the 8outh Omaha live stock market for the few days, with comparisons: lal. I loit nu iiiij..iHii.,iie.i!M.ilM. Oats Dec...) 4V May.&3HH rark 50TH 4!'tfH 1 h)i i 4 5 W rk I I II I Jan.. IS K 1 II S 1 18 MHI 1 S7H1 IS "0 May. 1 WS4l 1 OS I II 97"! li 00 ID 12-U Iard I 1 1 Jan.. I 10 17HI 10 IS I 1 10 ) 10 ItSI 1 t?4 Ma) . 10 t& 10 2o 10 ISH'lO ti-3i 10 UVtj Bibs fill I Jan.. I 10 00 I10V3 I ) 10 O'-f 10 OH 97HilOOO 10li7Vi May. I 10 ?" 10 ?7l 10 atvn 10 i-'H' 10 S" ( hicniio Cash Fnoes v heal: No. 2 rxl, W.H'0 1.16; No. 2 hard, ?1.14'ul .1. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 7?H6.7Sc; new, HMiwtc; No. I yellow. 7:".r2c: new. 4llt4i7 H-'. lats: No. .1 white, 4SVkTNc; standard, 4Htn BVc. Rye: No 2 l On. Karley: nmii. Seeds: Timothy, a.7MWl : clover. JlftOi 14.00. Provisions: Perk, UttO; lap, 10.6; libs, t9.SZH 10 .to. Ht"i Ti'Jti lAiwer; creamery, 54ff32c. IvOCtS Higher;, receipts. 4.W cases; at mark, rases Included, i&q; ordinary firsts JH'trUc; firsts, 20VVc. ROTATOFrf-t'nsettled. Michigan and Wisconsin. abQHflc; Minnesota, S8p46c. OULTRT-Allve. lower; springs, IlHc; fowls, 11c; turkeys, 15Hc T III 1 U ''. . ( I i Mil 7 . b Ui K 6. 1 T : t T! I W I I 411 1 s. 7 SMil 7 Sl T 7, 4 11 I I hi '1,1 4Si I S T 7S 4 141 T W ;Nnv. .Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. 5 71 t M 4 6 fHKKr-1t was another very slow deal In sheep and lambs, with the packer buy era very Indifferent all the forenoon. The receipts were est rusted at some in.Ofl head, and like yesterday Hie bulk of the stuff aa from the range, there bang, however, a good sprinkling of fed west erns on hand. Thia waa a very fair run for a Wednesday, as a week aan only 07l head were yarded, but a year ago 1H 40H head were reported in. There as little or no good killers on sale. Th packers were slow buyers of such offer Iniis sa were on the market at prices generally steady to easier on both sheep and lamVm, or W to so.- lower than the close of last week. It waa late In the day before the hulk of the offerings had rroseed the scales. The bad cond lions on the eastern dressed mutton markets con I tinned to exert a bear sh Influence There wss no material difference In feeder prices from Tuesday's trade, while tlie supply waa fairly large for the time of the year and the demand waa go.d. Trade was a little slow In getting under, wry, hut later improved and most every thing at all suitable for feeding purposes cleared In good season. On Tuesdays, market the bulk of the feeder lambs found an outlet at l7.0Oirf7.SO, wtth a lond at J7. 4rt, rioine feeder earlings brought . 7;ii.10 and feeder ewes sold at $4 OiVii 4 M, with a few rarrylng a Ptt'e flesh, going to a nearby feed lot at t.7 j Quotations on sheep and lamb: l.amba. good to chol-e, SA SMiS "0; lamlM, fair to good ts.irtfTft.eft; feeders, good to choice,, K.vrV7.aO; feeder, common, i.Mi.s; W. tumii. Mi; yearlings, good to cho ce. 47 Hi) , 7 .60; yearllnKS. fair to good. $il.7fiH'7..); yearlings, feeders, KvWtH.10; wethers, good to choice, $.3iVfil.Ml, wethers, fnlr , to good, tfi.WIH 30; wethers, feeders. II..HI 4r4 k.; ewes, good to Ciolce, t.'i 4lV . .4 ; ewes, fslr to good, t3.O0tr(.4O; ewes, fend-, ers, I1.7N&4 SO. j Hepresentatlve sales: No. Av. Tr. 1 tiM Wyoming feeder yearMngs... 4 4 OR 1H3 Wyoming feeder yearllnaa... 77 i !W KELLY TRIAL BEGINS AGAIN Mn. Edmund Sterling Takes Wit ness Stand Ag-ainst Doctor. CONVICTS BACK AFTER ESCAPE Frank Johaaoa (ilrea Five Tesvrs Addltloaal tor Msklsg (ieUwtr While Kan ployed la Cea vlet tamp. S. 7 u 7 Hoi 0i, 1 7i HIM I J T 771 4 1il7 7 7 $ lvj 7 t 711 I 4 111 7 Wl 7 711 I I 7 so ,w Wyoming feeder yearllnaa... 77 4 lu 1 TJ 10 Wyoming feeder yearllnKS.. 7S 4 10 I ij I il Wyoming feeder lambs 41 7 ! I a.- 1 . it ft. 1 ,w Nov. 10, 7 HKil T Nov. II. 7 7 II s t 44 7 44 4 27 1 Mi 1 7(M 4 41 ivnv iv . . At t.. .. a. . n . . 1 ... a I Nov, 131 T 674! 7 751 7 SSI 7t 7 SSI 5 71 I Nov. 14 7 70S,! 7 741 7 i 4 ;i 7 74 I I 4s I Nov. 16 7 ,) 7 vi u 7 M! 1 B7 !Nov. is 7 SI I I 7 J il i ' W 7 I1 Vt ' MIV 17 7 7 1 IS 11. t Ak 7 ul r. SI Nov. 1S 7 g"! 7 on) 7 7i 4 'j 7 i 7 Wl i Sundsy. Rereipis and disposition ol live stock at the I'nion stock yards. Mouth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock P. m. yesterday: RK Klf TS CARS. Cattle. Hoas.Hheep. H'r's C, M. tc Pt. P ., .. i Missouri racttlo t I'nion Pacific 14 si ti 2 C. N. W.. west.. 14 4J 15 C, Ml. P.. M. at O.. S I V., U. ft Q., west.. 21 2i C, H. 1. A. P.. west. I 3 Total receipts ... 70 89 47 ( DlU-OuITION-HliAl. gs. Sheep. ;s S.iw 1.420 l.tui OMAHA OE.MCRAli M.KKET. BUTTER No. 1. 1-ib cartons. J2cj No, t 40-11). tuba. 31c CHEEKfc-linpurted Pwlsa, 8Sc; Amer ican Hwias. Hc; block Swiss, 22c; twins, lti; daisies. lVtc; triplets, lHo; Young Amer.cas, lSVjc; blue label brick, 17c; llm burxer. 2-1 b., 20o; 1-lb . 20c; New York white, itc; Imported KrcncU Roquefort, 4uc. REEF CrT8-Rlbs: No. 1. 18c: No. 2, 10c; No. J. IKK. Doins: No. J. I9!4d No. 1, lSVtc; No. S, 13c. Chucks: No. 1, 1'W". No. 2, 10c; No. S, 9c. Rounds: No. 1, IS'ic; No. a, I2c; No. S, HSc Plates. N. 1. We; No. 2. SVC; No. J. 84c FISH Trout, 14c; large crapplea, liVj salmon, 8Hc; halibut, llkc; channel cat fish. 12c: pike, 14c: pickerel, 10c. POULTRY-Brollers, 14Vc; aprlng chick ens, 11c; hens, Ufa lie; ciH'ks, Sc; ducks, 10c; geese, Sc; turkeys, lo pigeons, ir dos., tOc; ducks, full feathered. 10c; geese, full feathered, 8c; squube, No. 1. ll.to; No. 1, 50c. Market quotations furnished by Olllnikl Fruit company: tRUl 1 Oranges: Wxtra fancy Valen claa, 90s, 112s, 120a, 150s. 176a, 260a, $4.00 pet box: Red Hall Valencies, all slses, $.1.76 per box. . lemons: Fancy SHOa, S4Us, $6.(0 per box; choice Kea liaii, wm, b.uu per box. Grapefruit: All slses, $2.7fi psr box. Apples: Extra fancy O rimes Uol den, $1.7 per boxi fancy Washington Grimes, SI M per box; extra fancy Wash ington Johothans, $1.60 per boa; fancy Colorado Jonathans, $1.25 per box; fancy Washington Jonathans, $1 3R per box; extra fancy Washington Hoovers. 11. SC per-box; choice Colorado Jonathans, $1.00 per box; Oregon ftpttsenburgs, $1.40 per dox; urrron winter rtananaa, i it per box: extra fancy Washington Delicious. $2.00 per box ; New York Greenings. $3.00 per barrel New York Raid wins. $2.76 per barrel. Pears: California Clargleus, $2.26 per box; extra fancy D'Anjous. 12.60 ner box. Grapes: California Emperors, $3.60 per barrel California Emperors, $1.7$ per crate; aieiaras, d.w per Keg. Bananas Per bunch. I1.7WH.00. VEQETARLE8 Cauliflower, $2.50 per craie. peonage: rer pouna, ivic. Cu cumbers: Two dozen box, $2.60. Celery: Michigan, S5a per doaen; Denver Jumbo 75o per dosen. Peppers: Per basket, too Tomatoes: Per basket. $1.28. Lettuce: Head. 60crjt.6O per dosen: leaf. 40c per aoaen. unions; nnaiiots. son per dosen. Radishes: Per dosen, 60c. Onions: Yel low, tic per pound; red, lVtc per pound. Horseradish: Per case, $!.. Garlic: Italian, per nound. 20c. Potatoes: Iriahn 76c per bushel; Red Rlr.r Ohlos, 06c per ounnei; minnrauia wnues, ou per bushel, Bweet Potatoes: Per barrel, $3.00; Jerseys, $1.75 per hamper. Nl'TS-Walnuts: Ne 1 California. 19c per pound. Pecans: Per pound, 13He; Jumbo, 10c per pound. Filberts: Per pound, Vc: long n aides, ISo per pound. miji-i.LiL.ntuuB-ropcom: Hhelled, per pound, 4c. Dates: Sugar walnut $1.40 per box. Almonds: per pound 20c' I.lmes: Per box, $1.75. Cracker Jack Per case, $3.10; per half case, Jl.76. r.h-ickCr": r"- ; Per half case. $1..,1. Dates: Dromedary, $300 per rase. Honey: Per ease. $3 SA. K1M: Twelve 11-ounce per case. 86c. Oder: Per keg, $3.00; per half barrel. $600. Oocoenuts per sack $4 00; per down. 75c. Squash Per pound, l'4c ' ew York General Make.t. BUTTERITnu.tlw. i. .M . . cream.. .,.;.. .ii.ri' rr; ",D": f?r!i?- ac36ci .creamery flrsia. v"' '9- ..aw.r., tun r-ii 1 nuu firsts, af.jr; Betoi.dH, 2llnSlc; packing stock CHEESE Steady ; ' recelpu, ' 4,24 boxes f-jtiri",f .ml,hV trt,h clrd apecials. lu1514c; auta whole milk, whitei it,' huh, whole milk white, l4ifrlGo; skims EOOS-Irregular; rece'pta, $.246 cases fr.n t,btiieied, extra una. Xmic: extra flrsu. 7Wc; firsts. 24 J4c faeconds 27 J.,t!l.,0.nd.nerbr '"ry whites TiSlt."? .nearb5' gathered J ''" 5Mc: sta'e o"d nea-hw gathered browns and mixed colors, S2&42C; state POTTlTHT.ill,,. , ..." .'J . . . ens. I416c: fowls, 13l5c; turkey. l r"",',.,t,",v: trn roasting chlckl fns. 17lSc; fresh fowls, 12&lsc" froaan turkeys, 1842Ie, ' Iro"n MlaaesMla Qrala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 18,-WHKAT- I northern, $1.1 W17T," " L U r 11, n r irm; fancv patents IS US- RYE $1.0111.03. HRA N 471.00. rnan-No, s veiiow, rsnnt: OATS No. 1 whle, 4644c. FUAX-tX4Mfc4l.q Kansas Ciiw Orsls mmit Pht.km, KANSAS CITT, Mo , Nov. 14-WHFAT No. 1 hard. $1.071 (f; No. 2 red. 1 07' 1.04: December, SI OT'i; May, $1.14H31 141 CORN-No. t miej. 43U-C No. i white December, n4r. Ma' ui)ie wn'1- OAiT"-No- 1 whl' 47c: No $ mixed 48"' 4 4, BI'TTER Creamery, 31c; firsts 29c- seconds. 2c; parking, 21c. ' KOOH-rirata. the; seconds. ISc POUUTRY-Hena. 12c; rooetera. lOc; turkeys, 14o. ' Oaaaka Hay Market. OMAHA HJnv IV-PBllDim , . Choice upland l10.virMI.00; No. 1. SIO0w no"; mo. 1, tsvi-aiu v; no. I, S8vw00 Choir midland. $M)60; No. 1 f6Oil0fW: N"n. 2. Ill aM M- Ma 1 u (,u .uv . ',.' lowland. 00- KT.i 1 urn t. o T': No. 8. $4O0ei4.4O. " r ima vv 1 noic. wheat Is quoted at $B.Sn on; rhoire oat or rye, $4 OuvMl M) A I. FA I.FA Tliil... Illifi V It JO. No. t, $10.001 U.00; No. 8. 'S8.00W 10 .. aar Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 14 HITOAR u.. firm: centrifugal. 4 0Ka4.O7c: molasses' 1.3xt J 4Je. Refined un hanged. Cattle. Jloas. Morris A Co lni 720 Swift & Co... I7H 1.1H4 Cudahy Packing Co fmo 1.770 Armour ft Co 2W 1.4W) J W. Murphy iw Morrell 4 Lincoln Packing Co 4 Meniun. Vansaul & U.. 17.1 Mill Hon 158 J. R Root A Co 44 1,. F. Muss 1 Werthelmer Dcgen... 177 M F. Hamilton 8 Sullivan Hroa I Christie U Hluglns 1 Huffman 16 Roth 9 Maker, Jones at 8 2.1 Tanner Hros 24 John Harvey 7 Kllnn 75 D. & F Other buyers 241 , It fed yearlings 91 7 00 ; S2fed lambs 71 8 15 JIM Idaho lambs 90 R ; 100 Idaho lambs (2 8 W 1HI Idaho lambs M 8 fe I t.Jt Idiibo lamha "2 S M) 216 Idaho lamha SI S ' 111 native feeder lamha 42 7 C1I1CAUU HVK STOCK MAHKKT Cattle l.onrr Hon Weak, III to SO tents Lower. CHICAOO. Nov. IS. -CATTLE Receipts. 11.000 head; market 10c to 0c lower, many unsold; beeves, 8&.7tW10.4O; steers, $n.4uj Sim; cows and heifers, $:i40oivi.20; calves, 88.00VH-W. HOOK Receipts, rw.nno head: mnrkef. weak. 16c to 90c lower; bulk, $7.1 .4i; I ght, l.i7.40; mixed, $;.txvu7.c4; heavy, $s.nrr7.s0; rough, $4.9f4j" 10; pigs. $ 00 .. HHEKP-Receipts, Is.fluO head: market unsettled; sheep, .Y:ii4i tf.00; yearlings, $ti.M'i-5o; lambs, $H.h4i9l6. Kaasaa City 1.1 re Stsfk Market. KANSAS CITT, Nov. IS. CATTLE Receipts, H.01O dead: market steady; pilme fed steers. $HMi 10.76; dressed beef eteers, 87.7T4t9.76: western steers, 87.1MW 9.60; Blockers and feeders, U04f tt.OQ; bulls, $b.UVd1.76; calves, $ii fKKj 10 60. H()J8 Receb ta. 20.000 head; market lower; bulk, $7.irr7.46; heavy, r.Sn7.40; parkera and butchers, $7 3dtl 7,fvj; light, $7.2ifi7.52; plga, rt.76fi)7.0O. HIIKKP AND LAM US Receipts. S.iJ head: market lower; lamha, S7 6Ofr0t; yearllnaa H MM7 M; ethers, $6 764.60; ewes, $600416.76. b.n Totals 1,216 8,303 13.MQ CATTIJ5 Recelnts were extreme, v Hunt for a Wedncauay, and for the three days this week only 9,317 rsttle havo been re ceived in the yards, leas than haif tho number that arrived during the corre sponding period a year ago. The reason for the light run, as explained before in these columns, is to be found In tho fact that low a being under quarantine cannot ship to thla market. In other words, this market Is cut off from the receipts of stock east of the river and Is depend ent entirety upon receipts from Nebraska and other territory west of the river. As the rank, cattlo In thla territory are pretty well shipped out. and as It Is still too early to expect Very many corn-feds, it follows thst receipts are light, as noted. Parkera were out early thla morning looking for supplies, and tho offerings of beef steers changed hands In very good season In the morning at prices generally steady with yesterday. Quotations on catue: Good to choice yearlings, $D.0Ou 10.60; good to choice corn fed beevse, 88. 7fxi 10.00; fair to good corn fed beeves, 1K,"&S.76; common to fair corn-fed beovsi, $4.;64r U; choice to prime range beeves, $K.0Ouii.4O; good to choice range beeves, i;.4Ka(l.00; fair to good range baevee, S.7uii'7.4j; common to fslr range beeves, $i.lwWi.7T: good to choice heifers, $4. 60JJ.J. 60; good to choice cows, $5.7i'n4.7C; fair to good oowal ,o.2..J $.76; common to fair, oows $4.6o4iu.2i, good to choice stock.rs and feeders, t ,2j Jii.K; fair to good Blockers and feeders, .tMf7.a; common to fair stockers and feeders, $6.W(i.W): stock heilers, 44.7 4.25; stock cows, $4.bOtj5.60: stock calves, 86.0008.00; veal calves, $7. 7641-10. 4; bulis, stags, etc., $4.7S4i4.76. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Mb. A. Pt. St. A. Pr. t ny is 1 m in I tk4 1 OU 2 Ul t 0d I abt 1 it M 14.11 4-1 1UM 7 60 4 14 M II 1IM4 7 6 U 1411 I 0 20 1U I 00 16 1M4 4 71 Bie-t-Ub ANl Ha.ls s.tv 14 Ik 4S6 I 10 14.. .. 4M I 90 COWS. M III Hi) 1 m 4ao I iw 444 i ti W IN IM ih M 10 in 1 to 10 00 1 IN lit 4 Kll I II 1 4 to I Si ill I IN I4i 1 MW I W 7 Hut 4 J 4 IU3I M t V.t 4 M 17 DM 4 li it mi m 4 iih 4 Mil 4 10 I lill 4 M IHSj 4 24 8 ld.nl 4 a 1 114 I 7 1.14 I W i 14.0 I 40 1 10i4 4 76 l.lO It i.ltlt Kit I VI 2 I 21 I HU2 4 t.'i 4 TOO 4 U cALv n.9. 170 7 60 1 SM 7 H 1 Vl I 00 1 110 00 2 Ill 4 0 b'JOv. AND FEEDER.. II 10M I I.. I '. T 00 I a4 4 M 11 174 7 00 1 UU ID 44 1IW 7 K I Il'l I U t 1034 7 24 73 I as N K1JRAHKA. 7 feeders.. KXS 6 16 15 cows 6x3 6 30 31 feeders.. 810 4 so 10 heifers... MO 4 15 15 heifers... 5'i0 IJ1 4 Itockers. 4', 6 7 2 7 stockers. 65 4 70 MONTANA. 10 Steers.. ..1030 7 46 12 steers. ...ll'rf) 7 63 4 cows 1L12 4 60 2 cows 1MM) 7 00 HOGS Receipts were lighter than on Tuesday, but packers, using tho sharp drop at other polma aa a club, continued to pound prices. Early trade was very dull, but when the supply finally started to move It was at prices very little dif ferent from the early bids, that Is. ft 3tc lower. Trade waa very draggy all through. Shipping hogs, which gut the best end of the deal yesterday, were pounded the hardest, and looked to be as much aa 8614.400 lower than the corre sponding sales yesterday. The average trade is close to a quarter lower. On the extreme close competition for the last few loads strengthened values up a little and the late trade was proLably the beat time. Aa pretty nearly every thing bad I wen sold by that time the slight Improvement failed to cut any figure in the average. bulk of the saiea landed at $7.20Q7.SS, with tops at $7.60. During the last two dsys prices have declined fully 60c on all gradea, and beside this big break tha dime advance Monday looks very Insig nificant. Todays figure are fully 4Jo below the close of last week. Uuality has been very good all this week the offerings running largely to butchers and beavlea. Today's supply amounta to 106 cars, or 7,000 head, bringing the total for the three days up to 21044 bead. This la over 4.000 heavier than a week ago, bjt is more than $.6u0 short of last year. Representative saiea: N. r h Ki At. In. tt. 77 144 40 7 o M Ill ... f as M 410 MJ U M ft ... t m u tit hi 1 ui a ra te 7 40 10 UI w 7 Ti ta 41 7 40 41 in lie 7 41 1M ... 1 4 14 l- 7 UH to ISO ... T 47U 41 HI H ' 70 IM ... k U ... 7 - lmT; ' $, MtK-k Market. HIOCX CITY, Nov. 1S.-CATTLK Re eelnts. 800 hend: market steady, native steers. $H EOtrS.OO; luit-hers, $3. 264H. 25 : 1 rows anil heifers, $4.4Mi.n0; canners. $4 fl ' 4J6.10; stockers and feeders, , r..80fi4: calves, $A76trO.M; bulla, slsgs. etn., lWtf 6.:'5. MOOS Receipts, 8.000 hend: market weaker; heavy, t7flf.ti7.10: mixed. $7.04, 4r7 0f; light, $7.0(7.0,; bulk of sales, $7.00 47.05. HHEF1" AND Wiwiw-rteretnts, i.mm head; market steady: wethers. $0.0(14 76'. ewea, $3.25f 5.00; lamba. $d.Oujr3.60. St. 1 "tneiV 1feWet. PT. I.OT'IB. Nov. 18 CATTLE Re relnts. 4. hesd: market lower; nstlve bee' steers. 87.604fl0 75; cows and heifers, 16 omui.K: southe- steers $."i.76'N7.7.; cows and heifers, $4 OO1Q4.OO; native calvea, $8.00 iii'7r.. HOUR-Recelnts. 10.tV) head: ms'ket 10c lower: pigs and Hants 9.ooit7.: mixed and butchers. $7.0007.40; good hea-y 97 1677.40. HHFFP AND l.AMRf Receipts, . 7-V) head; market stearfv native muttoni, $4.78 jfi.BO; lambs. M.OOff .90. nt. Jm-k t,ti ptnek MeWe4. BT. JOSEPH. Nov. 19 CATTLE Re celnts 2 1 bead; market, slow: steers. 17 00110 Mi; ew ami heifers. 4 5O106Oi hiWm. lfi?.OI). iiomaneeeints 11.200 head: market. dull end lower. SIIF.FP AND I.AM "is neeeinis i heod; market, lOtJil&c lower; lambs, $8.26 8.75. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 11. The coffee mar. kat was generally quiet again today. Re- forts of a further decline In the rate of Uo exchange on London seemed to en courage the pol cy fit procrastination on the part of the local buyers, but only a fow offerings were reported In the cost and freight market which held steady, and local spot prices were tin rhanved at SViiVp for Rlo 7s, and 10e for Santos 4s. Tha world's supply for tha mnnth of October showed' an Inrrense of 247,r9 bsgs, sgslnst an Increase of 537. 142 last year. Hales of 27,600 bags werl reported through the voluntary commit tee with I'eeem'ier dosing at 6.2M"i.2c: March, 8446.47c; May, 5.84(ff6.ro. and July, 1. 8545.720. New York Master Market. NEW YORK. Nov. IS. PRIME MER CANTILE HAPFn-V6i oer rent. HTF.RLINO EXCHANGE rUeady: slxtv-dsy hit's 14 4525; for cables, $4.82; for demsnd, MXffi. tl,vi--H Bar, 4110. IISDON, Nov. lS.-PILVER-Rar. 22 IJi-lRd sr ounce. IHSCOCNT RATES Three months. 3' (fA ner cent. GOLD PKEMIt'Mfl At Madrid. 140. Cnllnn Mark-. ' NEW TOnK, Nov. 1 - "OTTON-Spot, qi'let: m'-'drna- upland. 7.60c. The close of the cotton market was stesdv rt a net loss of from 1 to 7 points, LIVERPOOL, Nov. I orTTOV "not. easier; nrlre unlet: Amerlesn -nlddling fa'r. 6.44d; good mMdll". 4.7ld: m'ddl'ng, 4 4'1r, low mtddllne. H7d: good orrllnary, 3 100; ordinary. 2.4fd. Hales. 8,000 bales. 4 From a Staff Correspondent) DE MOINEH. la, Nov. I.-(8polal Telegram.) Mrs. Edmund Hterslng whose hushsnd wai killed by Dr. Harry Kelly nearly three years ago, gave testimony In court In the Kelly trial today. Bhe was brought to court In an automobile In charge or a doctor. Bhe testified her husband was only temporarily In tha sa loon and had been employed In other' occupations. The state quickly finished Its case and the defense commenced by reading depositions of mme witnesses at the former tr'al. Five Yeara More. Frank Johnson, tho convict who rsped Isst sinner from the road camp at Ames, wsa sentenced to five years In the penitentiary In addition to the sen tence he Is serv ng. George licenser, the convict who esped from the Ames camp a few days ng. has been captured In Greeley, Colo. He will be returned to the state and will be arraigned In court for the purpose of having five yeaia added to his present sentence Conductor Killed in Fight with Train Robber in Iowa EAGLE GROVE. la Nov. IS. William J. Reynolds, a freight conductor on th Chicsgn & Northwestern railroad, w' killed eariy today In a battle with a train robber between Bradgate and Rutland. ' The bandit escaped Into the woods In Humboldt county, where the officers have organised a posse and are searching the county for him. Shortly afler the Northwestern freight train left Rradgate, a masked man en tered the caboose, where H. H. Dale, the hrakrman, and Tom Crana of Sioux Rapids, a atockman, were riding. Rey nolds waa standing on the back plat-' form. The bandit opened up with a shot at Crsne's feet and commanded both men to line up against the wall and hold up their hinds. They complied. Reynolds, hearing the commotion Inside, rushed rn and grappled with the bandit. Reynolds wrestled with him and pushed him to ward the caboose door, Onco on tha Platform the bandit succeeded tn .siting one arm free and fired three shot., ene of which struck Reynolds. Then ldh men rolled off the rear platform on the track while the train was still moving. Dale Immediately gave the signal for the train to stop, and when It backed up to where Reynolds was lying, he wis found dying and the bandit has escaped. The train then proceeded to Rutland with Reynolds. The alarm waa given at Rut land and the aearch began. No money was secured from either Dale or Crane, as Reynolds engaged the ba.idlt before ha had begun hla search. Four Carloads of ' Corn for Belgians FORT DODGE. la., Nor. lS-CKpedal.)-If donations of corn and cash continue as they have for th las week, Webster county will contribute (.000 bushels, or nearly four cara, of corn to the needy Belgians. The town of Dayton haa pledged Itself to give one carload, or about 1,200 bushels, of cor. L. W. Wheeler of this city, who li In eharge of the work, declares that the response to the appeal has been wonderful. One wo man living In the southern part ef the county herself gathered four bushels of tha best com on her farm and delivered It to the elevator tn a nearby town. t.lv.rrtnnl Craln Market. LIVERPOOL. Soy. IS. -WHEAT-Hpot. firm; No. 2 Manitoba. fs lOd; No. 8. 9s -d: No. 2 western winter, 9a 4rt. Fu tues not quoted. CORN flnot. quiet: American mlxnd, new, 7a. Futures, steady; December, ftl; January 6a 7' d. TUBERCULOSIS CONFERENCE MEETS IN SHENANDOAH SHENANDOAH, la., Nov. IT.-fSpeclal.) Every' phase of the prevention and the cure of tuberculosis will be taken up at the South western Iowa Inter-Countr con ference on tuberculosis of Page. Fremont, Montgomery and Mills counties that will be held In the public library here begin ning Friday afternoon. Thla Is the In itial effort of th state hoard to create a sentiment among laymen as well aa physicians to stamp out the disease by arousing Interest In the work through gatherings of thla sort. If It prove a success others will be tield In th state. Doctors from the neighboring towns, aa well as state men from tha department at Dea Moines, school teachers, house keepers, editors and professional men will take part In the two days' ses sion. A. E. Kepford of Dei Moines, state lecturer, will be the director. Metal Make. NEW YORK. Nov. H.-M ETA L l,esd $36l.f5: Ixmrlon, cU 6a. Spelter, f'-.?6- Lnrulnn f?K "s M HT. 1-OPIMJ Nov. iS.-Mr.TALR-Lad, firm; $3.403.624. Spelter, firm; $4.9&'uO.0O. I NEW YORK, Nov. 18. EVAPORATED APPLE" Quiet and eteady. DRIED FMU I TH-Prunes, steady; Call fornlas, 8Ulc; Oregon., pij'llc. Apri cots, firm. Peaches, quiet. Raisins, teady, P fls4i M.rVel, NEW YORK. Nov. U-PTIT OOODS Cotton gods. qu'et: worsted vams hlcher: cotton vain a. lacM m A v...... cries quiet. leak '"learlawa. OMAIIA. Nov. 11 Hunk clearings for Omaha today were S3,18i,SHg2, and for the corresponding day last year, 83 114. i87.M. Prof. Bekevsi Hoaae (rasa Berlla. - OR1NNELL, la.. Nov. l.-8pclal.)-. Prof, and Mra Edward B. Bcheva of the Orlnnell school of Mualc have arrived here uft.r having been delayed in Jr m&nv IVAr .Inc. th. hcrlnnlnv nf t b. ... ! Many rumors have been in circulation concerning the reasons for th continued absence of Mr. and Mrs. Scheve, soma ot them even being to th effect that since Mr. Believe was born in Germany be waa In danger of being drafted into the service of the kaiser. Prof. Scheve merely laughed when b learned of this and aald "No, I becama an America citlxen long ago, and, besides, I am too old for a sol dier. The reason Is very simple: Mrs. Scheve and I could not secure passage, so w waited in Berlin." INDICTMENTS AGAINST MORGAN ARE DISMISSED NEW YORK, Noe. U-Tb Indictment charging Daniel N. Morgan, former treas urer of th United States, and six others, with using th mail to defraud stock Investor la connection with th opera tions of Jered Ftagg, was quashed today on motion of th United State district attorney, who said that th testimony at Flagg'a trial showed that Mr. Morgaa and his six associate! were not guilty. Mora Case of Diphtheria. KI I EN AN DO AH, la., Nov. lL-fpeclat ) Two more cases have developed of diph theria In Shenandoah. Mr. C J. Carl son, who haa been taking cara of two of her children who were suffering with it, and another on of her children hare the disease In a mild form. Th school children that were sent bom Monday will be allowed to return to School by Thursday if they show no sign f tha disease. A large per cent of tha school ch ldr.n suffering from any form of throat trouble were dismissed from th schools. Th schools will be examined again Monday In an effort to keep th disease In check. CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE WILL REOPEN MONDAY CHICAGO. Nov. W.-Ths Chic age Stock exchanee will reauma bualnan Unuliii I mnrilnr Tr.ltlna- will It n. ritill 14 1 1 1 listed and unlisted stock at tha cluslng i prices of July SO. The lam rule applies iu uvuui. . it naiMAiina airigenn paying; stock trader will be permitted to deduct one dividend. it li. ,r c ,i K H , e. I .1 'J A K tt. XV if I A 4 ti ti i it ! i ; 'it H .li if it i; -'? l l T ! a A it !S ii -i ti ' e. I i tt j "f I .'it r, 1 iT ii A It i ) -t it T f r r i