Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1914, Image 1

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    Call Tyler 1000
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Omaha Daily
VOL. XI. IV XO. 13:
Half Doien Persons, Three Hen and
U Many Women, Hit by Built ti
North of Boundary.
THE FLOODS OF DEATH First picture of the flooded
Ypres canal, where the Germans were caught by a devas
tating fire from the allies' shelters on the banks.
Villa Takes Leon Without Discharge
of Single Gun and Moves To
ward the Capital.
Keeps His Army in Motion While
Parleying is Going On.
Hectares Strife Conflict Ohllere.d
to Prosecute Jastlfled by
"worthy C'ondnet of
NACO, Aril., Nov. 18. Six persons,
thro ,men and three women, were
grounded by stray bullets on the Ameri
can side of the International boundary
today during- the renewed attack on
Naco, Sonora. by the forces of Joso
Maytorena. They are:
R. H. Reynolds, t'nlted Btates customs
Inspector, lea; shattered by bullet.
N. M. Bemol, fiscal agent for General
Xtanjamln Hiss, commander of the Car
ran in garrison at Naco, wounded In
A soldier of the Tenth t'nlted States
Cavalry, hit by spent bullet.
Three Mexican women, struck while
on a street In the American town. One
-rs seriously mounded In the head.
Stray bullets flying: over the border
also struck the east-bound Golden State
limited of the Rock Island lines as It
passed through Naco, Aria. One of the
bullets shattered a Pullman window,
ahowerinaT a sleeping passenger with
Villa Takes Less.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18.-Geheral Villa
lias taken possession of Leon without
the. firing of a shot.
He is now marching southward on
Ellao, enroute to Mexico City, according
to a message late today from , George
Carothers, American consular agent.
Confidential Information received by
Officials today indicated that while Car
ransa and other chiefs were parleying.
Villa was moving steadily southward
toward Mexico City to assist Gutlerrei in
Setting up a prlvlsional government aa
ordered by the A go as Callentes conven
tion. From American Consul Canada st Vera
Crux comes a report of fighting yester
day at Julie, near Puerto Mexico, where
forces under . General Jose Carbajal
changed their allegiance from Carranxa
to Villa and attacked troops under Gen
eral Jesus Carransa, a. brother ot the
drift chief. Carbajal. . who Is a .distant
relative of Francisco CarbaJJwho suc
ceeded Huerta aa provisional president
(for a brief team, was killed in the en
gagement, the outcome of which Is ua
known. ' ; . ' ' '
Governor Caballero of Tamaullpas has
aent to Cardenas troops to meet the Villa
rJ I In
.' V. J'
I '
If ' 0 I 1
x I t 'V1
mum,, -.-, .4l t.v,i "; t
Liv..) Vi . p
. . v.-. lv - 7i
Either American Cruiser of Its
Launch Made Target of Porte's
Cannon at Smyrna.
Fears Fel tfor Safety of American
Consulate in Ottoman City of
x Asia Minor.
Officials Seek More Definite Advices
Before Taking Action. '
Warship la Orderr.d to Tort of Cnlo
hy Ambassador Moranataaa
Ilnalrla Calls for Further
Heport from Captain.
Dr. Jordan Puts Blame for War on
Makers of Arms and Ammunition
Government Obliged to Place Great
Reliance Upon Man Who,' Has'
Turned State' Evidenced' ' "
I'sdersoei Severe Croaa-Kaaralnav
tioa WlthoflJgr43 Coafased on
- "re.tlBoyrfcefcjce Traced
Throaarh the Malls.
The government's 'fight to flit on ex
fherlff .Walter F. Bammona; of. Buffalo
county the theft .of a 15,000 registered
tinrknue from the Kearney nostofflce
forces moving toward Tamplco from Han . chrl)(tmaa iBht a ,.ear ago is narrowing
ILula PotosL American Consul Bevan re- to re!Unce OI, tnj, testimony of Delbert
ported todajr by wireless that conditions R Smtht tomer clerk , the Kearney
at Tamplco were unchanged. I postoff Ice, He swears Sammons secured
Ooaaales Ready to Fls;h. ! from him keys to the postofflce and the
MEXICO CITY, Nov. 18 -General A1- j safe where the package was. Smith's
' varo Obregon, who yesterday assumed i story has withstood the strain of severe
supreme command of the capital and of ! rross-examlnutlon.
the federal district last night, received a United Stales Dirt lit t Attorney F. S.
telegram from General Pablo Gonial-. ! Howell still has several witnesses to ex
in which the latter declared that General amino before the prosecution's rase is
Villa, by advancing his troops south-1 finished
ward, had repeatedly broken the trucn
agreement entered Into on November IS
between General Gonzales and General
Kulalio Gutlerres, who was recently
chosen provisional president by the Agun
Callentes convention. General Goniairx
constituted his message with .the follow
ing: "For my part I believe that I havo
compiled with my duties as a soldier and
a cltlxen. I have tried to avoid tr.e
shedding of blood, which the enemy ap
pears thirsty for, and the war which
we are obliged to prosecute with all
vigor forthwith Is Justified by the un
worthy conduct of our opponents."
Several , House Committees Lost
Most Active Members Through
Defeat at Polls.
KKW YORK, Nov. Ilt-Responslblllty
for the Kuronean war In a large measure
was laid upon the makers of arms In the
nations Involved, by David Htarr Jordan,
chancellor if Inland-Stanford university,
In an address at a meeting of the Now
York reare society today. IT. Jordan
said the I'n'.ted States should not think
of entering the conflict "If only for the
reason that on thin one great nation of
ours must fall the duly of saving all
that In to be saved from - this catas
trophe." If we get Into It, then nothing
at all may be saved. Not only would I
have us keep nut of It, but I would have
us ceano loading up for war.
"First of all aa an Immediate program,"
continued tr. Jordan, "I would have our
cwn land take out Insurance against war
by taking out of the hands of those who
make money from arms the business of
making arms.
"If we must go ahead fiKhilng and
making tools to fight, then let the gov
ernment make the tools so the private
manufncturrrH wont need to employ dip
lomatic agents to make war sentiment to
sell their goods. And this applies to
evwry nation Germany. Kngland. France.
Ruia. Their arms-makers are the fi
nancial backers of the war party In each
HERMN. Nov. l.-(Vla The Hague.)
The capital of the Krupp company which
manufactures Germans big guns and
other war material. Is to be Increased
from TO.Otm.Oim to r0,noo,ooo marks, ac
cording to the proposal of the directors
which were submitted to a general meet
ing of the company at Kasen on Novem
ber 12. The Increase Is justified. It was
stated by the demands of war and by
earlier enlargementa of the works, pur
chases of coal fields and so forth; which
locked up considerable capital. The new
stork Issue wilt, as usual, be taken by
the Krupp family. A part of the new
capital will be paid In on Ieetnher SI.
The directors also proposed a dividend
of 13 per cent aa against the II per rent
declared In the previous year. The direc
tors also distributed 3,000,000 mark a to
wards the relief of the families of soldier
employes, 3,0on,ono to the employes' fur
lough fund and 1.000,000 to the pension
nf .North Carolina, Ash-
' '..alaslppiMoraiaa of I.ealsana
ItAhklfcff betito Defeated.
Policemen's Ttraet Shoot.
Judge Psge Morris has ordered more
speed In the trial and has notified the
prorecutlon and defense that he will ex
pect the case to be completed this re;k.
Witnesses were put on the stand to
I trace the package from the' First Na
tional bank ot Omaha to the City Na
tional bank of Kearney. Bank and post
oft ice clerks were obe to show registry
receipts for the packago as It passed n.'
Droikr Furnishes Aniavemrat.
Edward L. Droske, paying teller of the
First National bank of Omaha, furnished
amusement to the ' crowd in the -ourt
room by admitting that he was accuc-
j tomed to count so much money that he
could not say Just how mucn Jie had
handled on a given day. He testified
WASHINGTON. . Nov.. lS.-Effccts of
the recent election upon the personnel
of congressional committees was shown
today in an unofficlul lift naming mem
bers who will not be in the sixty-fourth
congress. Several of the co'mmitteea lost
some of their most active members
through defeat at the polls. Of tho demo
crats on the committer on expenditures
In the Postofflce department none re
mains. Chairmanship" vacanclts were' created
by elevation to the senate of Represen
tatives Underwood, ways and means
committee; Broussard. Louisiana, expen
ditures In the Department of Justice, and
Hardwick. Georgia, coinage, weight and
Of the fourteen democrats on the ways
and means committee, six will not re
turn to congress, Including Chairman Un
derwood, Hammond, Minnesota, who won
In a gubernatorial contest; Palmer. Penn
sylvania, and Stanley, Kentucky, de
feated in senatorial race, and Mitchell,
One-third of the twenty-one members
J of. the appropriation comm.aee will be
miasliig In the next congress, one-fourth
,.Th." m,?.?.oh,I,1,51L i-l'i..?01 M..po"! that he had counted out $6,000 In oui-
noon. Sergeant Ferris took first place! rency to make Into a package for the.
among the tiret and second battalions : City National bank of Kearney,
or nisrKsmen wiin a score , or t. James Que,ton, Dy lne defense, eeklng to
Fleming third with 62.
dlrcover how sure . Uropke might have
(Continued on Page Five, Column Two.)
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair, somewhat colder.
German Cruisers
Bombard Libau City
Tempera tares at Omaha Yesterday
Hours. Deg.
5 a. ni H
6 a. in V
7 a. m 34
i a. m W
a. ni 34
JO a. m 34
11 a, m
JJ in 3X
1 . m.. S
J p. m
p. m 3a
4 p. m 34
6 p. m 37
0 p. in... "i
" p. in Ill
p. in W
;14. iw.. i!i:. lsii
... "J (U! c:i :t
... 2b .V! '
... S2 vi uu
T .) .l(i
Highest yeterday
lxweat yesterday
Mean temperature
.Compare tlie Loesl geesr.
Temperature and precip'tatlon depar-
Normal tmueratUffc... . . . . 3, !
Iteficiency for the lav 2 !
Total excess since kluvcn I i42 I
Normal precipitation "3 inch
Ileflrlencv for the dV 03 Inch I
Total rainfall sim-e .March 1. .24. 40 inches
Deficiency nince March 1 3.Uo inches
Jeflciency for cor. ixiiiod, 1913
I'ETROGKAD, Nov. 18. The following
stuUincnt was issued this evening by the
general staff of the Russian navy:
"On the morning of Nov. 17 a Gernvin
hquadron of two cruiser, tun torpedo
bocts end several other steamers ap
peared bofiiro Libau. The Germans
oombar'Vd the city and harbor, setting
fire to evtral building. ,
"The Jay, Very early, the Ruiisian
l:lick Sea fleet, which hud been cruising
off Trtbixond. steamed cUse to the town
and bombaided tho harbor and barracks
and set on fire b'lildinKs alon the coast.
"No Turkish ships were sighted off the
sr. j coast."
WASHINGTON, Nov. lS.-The I'nlted
I States government has directed Anibas
I sudor Henry Morgenthau at Constantl
', nople to ask the Ottomnn government for
j an explanation of the firing by Turkish
I land forces at a launch from the Ameri
can Cruiser, Tennessee, proceeding irotn
Vourlah to the American consulste at
Smyrna, Asia Minor.
WASHINGTON, Nov. IS. Secretary
Daniels late today cabled the command
ers of the cruisers. Tennesse. I North
Carolina, to act only on lnntructlons
from Washington and to take no step
ahlch might lie calculated to embarraaa
the t'nlted States government
WASHINGTON, Nov. W. The I'nlted
States cruiser Tennessee, or Its launch
probably the latter was fired upon yes
terday by the Turkish forts at Bmyrna.
Captain Benton C. Decker of the
cruiser, reporting the Incident today to
the Navy department, gave no details
of the firing, but added that fears had
been felt for the safety of the American
While awaiting further reports from
Captain Decker and others from Ambas
sador Morgenthau and Consul General
Morton, offlciala here have two theories.
One Is that the cruiser may have been
ending a guard ashore to protect the
consulate and Americana and other for
eigners. They draw this from Captain
Decker's statement that fears had been
felt for the safety of th consulate.
The other is that Captain Decker had
called on Consul General Horton, who
'after returning the call was being taken
back to shore by the cruiser's launch,
which may have been returning after
hours of entry prescribed by port of
ficials, which art very strict. ..
. f . . . - . ., , , . -
V U AwaUMTartA? Hart. .
Before regarding 'the firing upon tha
American ship aa a hostile act officials
here are Inclined to await further reports
and hold to the belief that It might have
been a misunderstanding or the act of
some local official wh'ch will quickly be
corrected In Constantinople.
An early dispatch from Captain Decker,
reporting the Tennessee's arrival at
Vourlah at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
made no mention of the Incident
Mr. Daniels Issued a statement saying
the American consul at Smyrna had
been anxious for the safety of the con
sulate. "The Tennessee," added Mr. Daniels'
statement, "proceeded to and left Vourlah
at the request of Ambarsador Morgen-
Itha'u, and is now anchored In tho harbor
or Chios from -which Captain Deckers
telegram was sent.
Secretary Daniels has called upon Cap
tain Decker to forward Immediately a
full report of the Incident.
Those officials who regard the Incident
as a misunderstanding of some kind, say
that had Captain Docker been convinced
that the Turkish forts were firing upon
his ship as an act of hostility, the big
fighting machine would not have steamed
away to the harbor of Chios without a
further Incident.
While there la no question whatever of
Retired Major General of the U. S.
Fighting Foroes Sees Necessity
for Half Million Men.
Katlaeat Military Aathorliy e
rlarea Panama f'aaal aad Ter
rltorlal Possessions A re
Inadrqaately Protected.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Five.)
of the Judiciary, one-third' of the bank
ing and currency, including all four mem-( th, rght of the Tennessee to protect
bers ranking next to the chairman; wnue
the foreign affairs, Indian Interstate
commerce military and public landa com
mittees all lost one-third of their mem
bership. Some of the smaller committees
lost half.
On the committees hoae chairmen
were defeated for re-election or who go to j
the senate, tne list numes as launma
democrats for the next congress: Ways
and means. Claude Kltchln, North Caro
lina; coinage, welghti and .measures,
William A. Ashhrook. Ohlu; elections. No.
1. Hubert D. Stephens, Mississippi; elec
tions. No. J. Lewis L. Moigan, Louislaua;
expenditures In Interior department, Os
car Callaway, Texas; expenditures IP
Dejartnunt of Justl.e. L.. F. Uailey; ex
penditure In of Commerce,
Henry Bruckner of New York; indus
trial arts and exposltLi us James C. Can
trill. Kentucky.
TAMPA. Fla., Nov. 18. Ten Inmates of
the State Reform school at Mariana,
Fla.. aie reported to have lost their lives
todsy In a fire which destroyed the Institution.
'Russians Capture German Positions
Around Sold an at Bayonet Point
PARIS. Nov. 18. A dispatch received
Cinches here from Petiograd by the Havas agency
leficlency for cor. period. 191!. 5. II Inches , j, a, follows:
Reports from BtatlMa at T P. M. terrific battle of unexampled vlo-
Etation and State. ' Tcnp. Hin. Balti-Jjcnie naa been proceeding for four days
OI vt vainer. t i:. in
fheyenne. part cloudy.... S4
Tenver, part cloudy 4-
Sea Molnrs. part clou 1..
Dodse City, clear &
I-andrr. clear 3i
(North Plaits, cloudy.... 4i
Omaha, cloudy 'U
I'uebio, clear 3S
Rapid City. snow.
Salt Lake City. pt. i-l'ilv, 4ti
Kante Fe, clear t M
Sheridan, clear .' M
Sioux CUy. cloudy , Z2
Valentine, anow 14
T" lndleatea trace of precipitation.
U W. WELtH, Local Forecaster.
Y.i ' around Holdau. The cannonading li
.if) ; been maintained, night and day. Th
r R isftan are endeavoring at any coat to
o avenue tbelr check at Soldau and ara
. i i throvlng themselves at the Germans ttli
'! ! Indescribable fury. They have carrlcl
X position after position by assault, in splto
.no of the infernal fire of the Germans.
iiO "The Germans at offering a most en-
!o2 ' ergelic resistance and their fighting Is
1 1 alternately offensive and defensive.
' "la spit oC the torrential rains, which
have turned the ground into a quagmire,
the Ruaslana are advancing toward the
Interior of Germany.
"They have raptured ten big cannon,
none of them damaged."
Only IS miles to loan, rich black
loam aoll, with clay subtoll, practic
ally all under cultivation. K'ut
shorn s The house, a new S-room
dwelling, which cost IS.Oou. Owner
has instructed ua to sell for 144 per
acre. Good terms ran be had.
Tor further iaforaaatloa a boat
this opportunity, aee tM Waat A.4
Section of today' Bee.
The Day's
War News
The American flag baa been
fired upon by Turkey. A report
to the Navy department at Wash
ington from Captain Decker of
the cruiser Tennessee, gave of
ficial confirmation to earlier dis
patches from Athens and the
Greek Island of Chios in the Ae
gean sea, to the effect that Tur
kish gunners at Smyrna had
opened fire when the Tennessee
was approaching that port.
On the two main battle fronts
from the Belgians' seacoast to
the Swing border and along the
eastern boundary of Germany
renewed efforts were being made
today to bring about a decided
turn In the progress of the war.
The situation In Eastern Prus
sia presented, apparently, the
greatest opportunities for a quick
and important change, although
Russian and German statements
were still in sharp conflict.
In Belgium the wearying Ger
mans have begun another of their
fearful onslaughts, In a region
which is becoming more and more
restricted. The allies have suc
ceeded In flooding a further area
so that heavy Infantry fighting Is
almost impossible from the sea
roast nearly to Ypres. A new
bombardment of Belgian coast
towns by British warships Is said
to have Inflicted heavy damage
on the German positions and to
have destroyed large quantities of
ammunition and stores.
WASHINGTON, Nov. lS.-Declarlng It
would be Impossible to defend the Panama
canal and American territorial possessions
against attack with present or proposed
garrisons unless they could be rapidly
reinforced. Major General Wotherspoon,
retired chief of staff. In his report today
recommended the increase of the regular
army to a strength of SoS.Oiio enlisted
men. He proposed that that force be
augmented, through a system of reserves
until there was created a mobile strength
of 600,000 first line troops equipped for a
six months' campaign.
General Wotherspoon said there waa
need for more forces to protect rear ap
proaches to American coast defenses and
those points not covered by fortresses,
and urged that the organised militia be
doveloped to a strength of 300,000 men.
"It Is manifest," General Wotherspoon
asserted, "that tho great waterway of
the Panama canal cannot be protected
against the operations of a first-class
military power by the present or pro
posed garrisons we contemplate placing
there without the power and ability to
reinforce It rapidly from the United
State. ' ' ...
; , V . w'
Need Philippine Prortectioa.
"That an effective defense against an
enterprising enemy In the Philippines
could be made with a deficiency of 83 per
cent of the manning details of the coast
defenses of Manila and Bublg bay, and
with a mobile force of a little over 7,000
American troops, supplemented by less
than 6.000 Philippine scouts, Is manifestly
Impossible; that wo can retain our valua-
French War Office Reports Bom
bardment Extending 'from Lys
to the North Sea.
Offensive Move Month of Yprre la
Beatea Back hy Kresck ' aad -British
Troops Rlelrnl Is
till Coder Fire.
Sudden Attack on Heart of Russian
. Position in Poland Causes, a
Advance of Czar'i Troops Toward
the River Warta Comes to a
Sudden Halt
etrograd Says Division in Center
Has Not Halted Advance Into
East Prussia.
French Reports Ineffecual Attacks
by Enemy Near Ypres.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
English Transport,
Crown of Galicia, is
Sunk by Germans
VALPARAISO, Chile, Nov. lg.-There
are persistent rumors here that the
British transport. Crown of Galicia, has
been attacked by German cruisers and
been sunk. It Is not stated whether the
vessel waa sunk by Its own crew or by
the Germans.
The crew of the transport. It is said.
waa saved and will be landed at Val
paraiso by the Germun steamer Rhakotls
of the Kosmos line.
The Crown of Galicia waa a steamer of
4.8.'l tons. It was built In MOD and be
longed to the Crown HU-amshlp company.
FARI8, Nov. IS. -The French offlslal
statement given out In Paris this after
noon says that yesterday saw numerous
artillery duels and some Isolated infan
try attacks, all of which were repulsed.
The text of the communication follows:
"The day of yesterday, November 17,
paased much aa did the day before. There,
were numerous artillery exchanges and
some Isolated attacks on the part of the
enemy's Infantry, all of which were re
From the North Bea to tho Lys the
front was subjected to a fairly active
bombardment, particularly at Nleuport
and to the east and to the south of
'Near Rlxschoote, the fcouaves charr
ing with the bayonet brilliantly took pos
session of a forest which had been dis
puted between tho enemy and ourselves
for three days.
;To the south of Tpres an offensive
movement on the part of tho enemy's
Infantry wu repulsed by our troops. The
English army also maintained its front,
'From Arras to tne uia mere is nam
ing now to report. 1 ' "
""In tho region of Craonne- our artillery
on several occasions secured the advan-
tags over trie batteries of the enemy.
"The bombardment of Rhelm has coa
tlnued. From Rhelms ' to the Argonne
there la nothing to report.' In the region
of fit. Mlhtel, In spite of counter attacks
by tho Germans, we have retained in our
possession the western part of the vll
lage of Chauvoncort.
'In Alsace, the L.ndwehr battalions
sent Into the region of Salnte Marie Aux
Mires, have had to be taken out for the
reason that they lost one-half ot their
effective strength."
SANTIAGO. Chile. Nov. 18. The Ger.
man steamer, Kamao, today was de
clared by the Chilean authorltlea to be
an auxiliary transport. It was at onco
notified that It must remain anchored
In the harbor of Antofagasta until the
end of the war.
Wilson Begins Work
on Annual Message
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11-Preeldent
Wilson today began work on bis annual
message to congress which he will de
liver In person at the opening of the
regular session In December. While
the message has not yet taken definite
shape, Mr. Wilson Is expected to dlsousa
Philippine Independence, conservation,
the Mexican queetlon, government owner
ship of merchant ships and the effect of
the European war on the I'nlted States.
LONDON. Nov. H. The "Russian
myth," the story which gained wide
spread circulation some months ago, that
a Russian force ot 80.000 men from Arch
angel had been landed In Scotland, and
thence moved to France, was officially
burled in the House of Commons today
by a definite announcement that no
Russian troops ever had moved through
Great Britain for the western arena of
the conflict.
Little Human Interest Stories of
the Big World War Now Raging
Hallrts llaiuaue. Kssatk.
LONDON, Nov. W. The war office to
niiflit irsued a statement denying Ger
man allegation that tlia PrlHsh troops
have used dumdum or soft-notted bullets,
but maintaining that these missiles have
been uaed by the Germans. The state
ment describes the Ilrltish and German
service ammunition very similar, the bul
lets being pointed with steel and the en
velope ccated with cupro-nlckel. covering
I the core except at the base, "probably
the most humane projectile yet de
vised." Trrtotallrjr Hlled.
LONDON. Nov. Is. While Chuncellor
David Lloyd-Oeorge of the exchequer
was discussing the tax on tea rf-urne the
only Interruption of his long speech In sup
pi rt of war tax proposals. He spoke of the
"elusive teetotallers" being as difficult to
catch as the Kmden. At this point Lett
Ji ncs. iiM-uit .r for North cmiiore'--t
j well known as a public speaker on tem
i perance and who never loses an oppor
; tunlty of preaching the virtues of total
i abstinence, left the house as a protest,
amidst the laughter ot bis colleagues.
oa Healer of if.alirra Ueatl.
PARI.'. Nov. IS. A illKpatvh received
here from Muntpelier relates that a let
ter reaching there from liezlrrs reports
the death of Coluuel von Reuter, tne Ur-
British Battleship Which Waa Sup
posed Have Berja Near Battle
Off Chile llaa Not Been
Heard Fr
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Aus
trian sorties from Cracow yesterday '
captured Russian fortifications to
the north of the Austrian border,
according to dispatches received to
day from Vienna to the Austro-Hun- '
garlan embassy. They also men- '
tloned Servian defeat, which per
mitted the crossing of the river Ku-
LONDON, Nov. 18. No change in
the kaleidoscopic operations in Rus
sian Poland has been more startling
than the sudden resumption of the '
offensive on the part of the Ger
mans, a movement by which the
heart of the Russian line has been at
tacked and Warsaw v again threat
ened. .
As usual, conflicting reports ar
rive from the neighborhood ot these
operations. Petrograd does not deny,
that the Germans have resumed the
offensive,', but dispatches from the
Russian capital .,deInre, nch a
movement will not cause the slight
est diversion from the Russian in
vasion ot East Prussia, which Is pro
ceeding slowly but steadily. Mean
while Berlin claims a victory near 1
Llpno, imperilling the Russian forces 1
which, according to German reports, 1
must make a stand before crossing
the Vistula river, as a retirement be- '
hind. that stream woyJd be too dif
ficult. Berlin reports that the Rus
sians are near Kutno, but Vienna
claims a victory' for its ally at this
From this welter of conflicting reports
emerges clearly the fact that a great
battle' is under way In western Foland
on the line between the Vistula and the
River Warta. It Is equally dear that the
Russian advance has been brought to a
halt In tho meantime the Rusalan prog
ress continues through the Carpathians
before Cracow and In East Prussia.
Artillery. Duels la West.
Bad weather conditions still are having
their effect on the operations In the
western arena. Artillery duels continue,
but it is hardly likely that either side
la attempting to make much use of Its,
Paris claims In an official communica
tion that the Invsiers made attacks to
the south and east of Tpres without mod
ifying the situation. t At the same time
the allies according to this announcement
have made marked progress at every
point attacked. Special dispatches an
nounce heavy German losses in fresh
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Who's Got
the Money?
Answer: The Western farmer.
Farms In the West that are being
developed scientifically along with
natural fertility and accessibility to
markets, are making their owners
Farmers In western
states are worth today
$750,000,000 more than
they would have been if
there had been no war.
This is the INCREASE
only in value of their
crops, and is itself only
25& less than our national
Just think for a moment of the
unlimited possibilities in a good
farm and the Missouri Valley la the
ln far behind, safely under cover. Our , best In the country. 8ee if there Is
leadership Is really scandalous. Enor- ! not a good farm for sale in The Bee's
"Farm and Ranch Lands" column.
If those offered today do not appeal
to you, keep U touch with this col
umn every day from now on and you
will soon be abl to pick up 'a big
Phone Tyler 1000
The Omaha Bee
srkof Jt(a e Waal Ad
man officer who waa concerned In the
Zabern affair. A priest who carried the
colonel on a stretcher declares that he
was seriously wounded tjy a bayonet
thrust In a fight In Alsace.
Wales AI4-e-aiup.
LONDON, Nov. 18. It waa officially
announced 111 London this eyenlng that
the prince of Walea had been appointed
aide-de-camp to Field Murshal Sir John
French, the commander of the British
expeditionary force a the continent
Ueraaaaa Shoot lirrsaaas.
LONDON. Nov. 18. The folowtng re
marks are taken from the diary of a
raptured German soldier: "November S,
We were sent out ia a regular storm of
bullets on the order of the major. These
officers send their men forward in a most
ridiculous way, they themselves remain
mous losses on our side are partly from
the fire ot our own people, for our lead
ers neither know where the onemy lies
nor where our own troops are, so that
we often are fired on by our own men.
"The first day I went quietly Into the
fight with an Indifference which aaon
Ihhed me. Today for the first time la ad
vancing when my comrades on the right
and left were falling, I. felt rather ner
vous. But I lost that feeling again