TTTE BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 1914. WANT ADS Went ads received at any time, but to TODXY'S COMPLETE j MOVIE PIMHAMH ' l:oltiRlTeIjr In The 1U- Month. live WIRE IIIKIXESH MEN OF OMAHA ' llala Trlramrit. edition and 1:30 P m. for morning anil J fal- "". 'Xi,,1'"? ,"",- an- Wlrl... I-under editions. Want nds received after 'rnrHeryui rK ?,. Nll ron'- rrnwci tMTDLMxr vch hour, will be undrr thi heading, j ?''' w Q"dland Shadows, Ita drama. THOMAS DUKK1N "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. Beven consecutive times 1 cent a word teach In art Ion Three times within cne week, 14 cento worj earn Insertion. One time i centa a word. CHA1WB RATES. Pevefi consecutive time. cent a line wh Insertion. Three times within one week, 10 cent a line earh Insertion. One time. 1 centa a line. Count tx average words to a Una, Minimum charge, tn cent. An advertisement Inserted to he run un til discontinued must be atopped by wrlt Un order. Tou can place your want ad In The Bee toy telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER- 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the Swappers' Column" Hundreds nf other answers have been called for and delivered during the last week. Jt t reasonable to snppcwe that all of the people below have mtule the de aired swaps thesefore, do not call lor the balance of the.r anawera. Bee Waut Ada PC. AC. 8C, SC. 121 mi liii 12?l 171 I3.T 1407 VlA 174 1W 1 r. vim 1.M2 mi ViM L 1344 1411 M 12'J 17 Ml l;'4J J2-5 MM 14V4 im i2n7 11 it; jai i vmz i i liJ 12! l:74 4tl tj lol 1378 I4:t6 J2M J.TO 11SS 1441 J2A 1J1 I, WO 1445 J24 1311 l.T 1449 1314 1403 14M LAI lkl 14o6 141A 8.C. 14,9 14H2 1470 im 1471 147J 141 14S4 1311 I'.ll 1&1S lf.17 1M9 1W4 SC. IMO 14 COMFORT, 24TH AND VINTON STH. Jimmy. 2-reel Domino Bad Alan Meson. Reliance. When Vice Hhaltera. I'rinreaa. FA VI RITE TIIF.A TE H, 1716 VINTON. In did Virginia. 2-ree Lubln drama. F.srirrman Kate Vltagraph comedy, t Swaml Ham. Lubln comedy. OEM 12o8 8. 11TH BT. Thnae Were the Hippy Day. 1-reel Neat Her Ufa's Story. Hex. LTRIC. Electric fixtures and supplies, contract Ing and repair work done reasonable. i4l t'UMINU. !-! OIS 2.'1. 1617 VINTON (ST. The Tenth Commandment. l-tee Imp. The Fntal Marriaae. I,. Ko. comedy. FABT1MK, 14TH LEAVKNWOKTH. Trapped In a Cloaet Plerllna; comedy, ripe of I'an. t-reel He. VKNKZIA THKATEK, 12U K. UTH ST. Trlcklnir the Ooernment. 1-reel. Beaeoa. B ENRON, M MAIN. Hhadowa, with Klna; BagRot playing ten different parte,. In two reele. Uolly'a I ellvranre. Frontier, Sterling comedy. Wtit, MONItOB. Vf6 FAR.NAM. J. Warren Kerrigan In "The Laun." The How Ktrek, 1-r. Eclair. The Ufa Havera, Crystal Com. loaarll Hlalta. RUTR NO. 1. 644 11 ROADWAY. The Mountain I-aw, t-reel I.ubln drama-', Ilunny kallilea, Vltagraph comedy. Hroncho H.lly a Mother, Eaeanay 'V. dra. IM4 BOPER, M7 BRoAUWAi. V&i i Churua Olrla' Thanksgiving, 2-real Ilex. 1667 1M1 IM 1.S70 1574 1t7t 1..77 lfH5 VM 1.JI7 Lliay'a Earape, U-Ko. comedy. Her Own Home, Kclitlr. aoa f a uaiaaa. BES8B THEATER, 24TH AND N. In the Kil.e of Kentucky, 1-r. I.ubln dra. Rivalry and War, Eeaanay comedy. The Cnol'-e, Vltagraph dtama. MAIilO THEATER; 24TH AND O. Terrance O'Rourke, 1-reel Victor. The Olrl From Texae, Frontier. Vivlan'a Tranaformatlon, Cryatal comedy. DEATHS 1RD rUJIKRAt WOT1CES MARTIO Miae Bmma. aged M yeara. at Omaha teneral hoapllal,. November H. 1914. 11 I p, III Funeral arrangementa hava not heen made, but will be held at family real dence, 1J outh Twenty-ninth atreoU , BIRTHS AND DEATHS, Rir4-,.a I W. and Marie Adama, tit Fouth Twenty-aecond. boy; Kenneth and Norma Balrd, "arlton hotel, boy; Carl and Anna Bcnaor. 4020 NlchoUa, girl; Harry and Bortha Headley, VKl North Thlrty-alxth. loy; A. K. ana Merle John rn, 1310 South Thlrty-ftfUi avenue, rirl; Oscar and Francea L,lehen, MHO Dodge, Mr); Michael, and Maud MuiUn, 4227 Bur dotte. by. . Deatha Harry Jonea, 1 year. 9631 Corby; Arthur O. Jonea, 8:1 yeara, 2411 .Hartman avenue; Joeph Wr.ght, 69 yeara, M J'lnkney; Nela Iaurlteen, 47 yeara, hoa pital; Emma Eva Martig, 22 yeara, hoa pltal; Edward I'ark.tieon, 2 yeara, hoa pltal; W. A. Ruasell, 7S yeara, 601 Clil- ago; John Robertson, 63 yeara, lioepltal; Jttlclget Hwlrt. 70 years, 2MU7 Webater; Albert C. Wlnkel. yeara, 1701 bouth sixteenth. MAHR1ACE LICENSES. Ucense to wed have been Usued to the following: Name and Realclence. Age. Chariea uoou, tiuiaiia V4 Beuian F, Lavlngaloue, Omaha J. Roacoe Fitch, Herniun, NvO i 24 Ethet rieralg, .oiencj. 114 'Waller li. Cunningham, Omaha 2i lloeno 8. Uoyd, couiitli Urove, Kan.. 21 dward Blahop, Uucoln 4u Mra. Hoae oroihora, l.tucoln 21 'William A. Sweet, Omaha 11 ldafuaitue Eamovlc, CViiaoa li Benjanun Harrlaon, OtnaJia 16 aycli Keiiy, Omaha m John K relet, Omaha ft! Josie fronaaka, Benaon 26 John M. Bauer. JPIttiUmouth 41 Mi a. Name Juajor, A'lallauioulh U Vladyalaw Uiogowakl, houih Omaha.. 2 Xaty Koxal. bouth tnnana 10 Joavph J. Fredrlckaen, Mouth Omaha.. 22 Uiara E.-New ion, Muuth Omaha HI Charleg Hchwarlx, Omaha tl illume Baaa, (.imaba IV MODEL, and tallora; call and de liver. 101 N. 16th Ht. I'hone Iftd 4232. ABC ot Umaha A LI. WATCHES, dlamondg and lew. elry, a(i-lal prlcea, Nov. and Deo. fCnv nnmi XI a iveek. Weatern Wltrh and Jewelry Co. Room il7 Karuwch uiock. N 0 BUILDINU PERMITS. R. Bloaana, Houth Twenty-fourth, frame uwtuing, H.iuu; u. W. Aeipin, buU North Eoriy-nrai, uupiei bnk, X4.4cw; 1'h.lip KriDiii, l,lu Bouiii KlfitHjuiU, ttajn dewituig;, t.iwu; U. U ' Mt livauue, ls2u-laj-laniajii, alutraiiona, 2,vui; Olte M. Oreen, a Norm Tuirty-ioui in, frame ilwoiUoc H.OU0. TODAY'S COMPLKTK MOVIK 1'xUMxltAMd Kxciuaiveljr ia lus M Dowat Tavrau CAMEKAPHOaU. 14ii Dnrfii.n -r 1 he Ailuiiiant tuu of Paul Kvvere. M n.4 ino numance. ioi.vv. drama, wjlliam itMory ,ioua eournnip. y na. ELIThl NO."l XtirFAKNAU XT. H.nrt-ei,g No. 7t.' In tni Lua oi Arcadia. Lillian Walker. Wlth tM.gut Variatmim. Ld.aon conkeuy. fARNAM, HUFARlSAM7iiT. The Floating Call. 2-reul Rel. drama. Que thuiu. Ihanhouner araraa. iili 4- iUaJA'lJbji. liiili AMU xiAMNXr. Home of Paramount Xtcturea. 2'Alth: THEATER, 6i M. UTH. Feature program dally. Xeyatono CuuieOlea. PARLOR. 14u LiuLULAal tlf. The (silent Peril. 2-reel Biaon. When Uie Uiria Vtaie ncii.iu.f d. Neat, c Z'IUNCKSbj, Uli-lt lXJUULAd ST. Jim Key, jsu. 1 x-rvei. Ct.. lull atuiiiuiy. Cryatal loiueily. Aniniatect Vwiy INo. Mariau ALII AM BRA THEATER 14 PARKER. Vaudeville and Vatial r'ic'tuiea. ALAMO. miii AND iutir Ilia jr Miner a bon. 2-iti u ior. 1 Urn llKH IwlLII. tiltTlltiii lOUittuy ilvr Ll'a btory. i'uwera. I'Ur lUA, K Ale at BL1UJETTE la.a ol Aurlutt UuuuicJ. 2-r. lit. W, W dure the jauuiiutuia Aievu itmltuice Dia. iMuy a lol. Am. J. ORPHEUM. 14TH A M. SO. OMAHA. ftArlea No. 11. of the Million-Dollar Mya- tery will be shown here Wedneaday. Two thrilling; parte. ANNOCS CEMENTS LET thv Eaat Way Club oook and aerve your dinner and partiea. if. smo. GET M. C. A. ticket for Xmaa. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles, Ho postpaid; eamploa free, tiliernian A lcConnell Drug C o., Omaha. Weclci ng aiiiioi.iicini'iits Doug. I'tg, Co. LUCKY wedding r um t Hrodegaard'a. LAWN COVERING. WALNUT 1191. LIVE YVIKB . BUU1NE8S BIEIi OK OMAHA l.lve ntcsek Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., 17 H. l.tth. Red VSA. Mask (oatnmee anal I-odae "appllea. MNFR. of lodge regalia and contumes. The largest atock of mHeuerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. I.ieben A Pon, ir.14 Howard. D. 4115. Violet Ray, maaa.. 411 Bee Bldg. D. till Kathleen Mack, massage A hath. D. 7W ClaraLee, hath and massage Ioug. S7M. Miss Hfhmidt, main., bath. ele. tr. D. 71.1. Mlsa Fiaher, mass., elect, treat. Red 60CM. MIHH OOI.HEN. bath, maas. Rm Ml, Neville Ms.. 11th and Hnrney. 1) 4'7. MaSwAOE. 10 8. 17th fit. Mrs. Bteele. l A KAfl R lB E E BU i LDINO. MIH.S JACOPK Maasage, manicuring Ijoug. 42H7. lira, g to t, flup.lay 11 to 6. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1112 Earn am. R. 1. Douglaa K7M. COK A 1 E LL I NO V M , r;'tv,Jc; antlafartory eastern treatments; hatha; dally and even m Ka. 107 8. 17th Bt. Notice: Private entrance, basement, corner of bldg IIKI.P WANTED MAM? tl-rloal and Ollhr. HstAsinRn. stenoRraphers and office lrrks. rVe Watts Kef. Co., H40 Hrandeta Thea. Aaenta. galeanara aaal Solicitors. I CAN use two flrt-cliss salesmen. HUh-claa proposition and a quick money-get trr. If you are accustomed to largo earnings and ere ready to begin work at once, call PaturJay between i ann iz. or 2 and 4. Kaatern manager, H14 Ht. Miry'a Ave El Tl 'HER rMloP Flrst-clsss butcher shop In county seat town of six Ihou r nd people for sale or trade. Addres box W. Fnlrhury, Neb l:.l:i)Klt aluii'. thio. chairs, work ah fiiat class; a bargain; terms; going- to California. Ed Nl' hols, Atchison, Kan. HAI.KSMAX wanted to carry a line of motorcycle Icgiclngs aa a side line, cither J ilihcrs or retail tra 1e. I'.leon Lea ning Co, Ca-ro.1 r't.. Hiffalo. N. Y. WE CAN still give employment to a doxen more educated business men throuithout the t'nllcd States :is r pro rentHtlves to eujiply the lncrncd -mund (r the New International En cyclopedia, owing to the i.renent Euro pean war. For full Information address Dodd. Mead A Co., New York Cltv. COAL BI S1NI.8S FOR PAI. flood one. l"lig and well estnlil alied. Ai wa vs pays big; rrice about S3.500, less or more. If ou nave the c.ish, or nearly so cnll on WILLIAMS. 411 McCague Bld. F1R HALK-Tn "l.i ics" "to suit. 7tock Tn Nye-SchneldT-Kcwler Company, Fre ncnt. Owner r.eeda cah and will sell at M cents. In-iulre 10"4 City National Bank Hullcllng. Teletihone Douclan FILM manufacturl-.g company wnnta to be represented I p. this territory: goot chance for live ninn with tl.21" to H.'rO'. IMi liileli hln, Vn . V. ft. I'ox Sit liFtDCEKY .-TURK lor smI-. only ex clusive one In I've town nf VJOO. l.H-sted AUENTH liood profits, qulk sales; write In western Iowa. Dn'nc good business. Reliable Hpcoiaity Co.. VanW ert, Cihlo. Will pay to Inveetlgite. Oood reaaona for NO; liberal' contract ; new !"Plng Address .-are Pee. policies Mutual Benefit Health and Ac-J GA RACJE repair shop and bhicksmlth elclent Association, City National; shop for sale. County aeat town. Ad- Measeaaier and Traaafeir. WH1TB LINK. S H. 11th. Douglas lt. Milliners'. SWITCHES from combing. ll.M. Psyche free. Mrs. If. M. Eck, imp Marcy. II. 6646. Ma Ira. aad Wladow shade leaaera. OLD shades made like new. Midwest Bhade Factoty, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 48X1. Mevlaa, Storage aad Cleaalaa-. W. C. FERRIN, ISth and Capitol. Ty. 11"0. icnilais. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. lira. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bids;. Osleopalate Paalcae. Dr. Remcha, S03-4 Mc(?ague Bids;, p. pSS, mi IJe vrJoameat. AMERICAN Machine Co., lit) B. Hth Bt l'lria H. A. Pturgea, KW Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell. Pa"xtolTBIk. Tef Red7117T falntlaar nnal Paperlaar. HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N 40th. H. 672. I'lamea Iteaovn tect. PLUMES A flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 420 Paxton. D.KCtl. Prlallaa. WATER8-BARNHART Ptt;. Co.,, quality printing. Tel, Doug. 2190. 624 B. 13th Bt. DOlio LAH Prlntng Co. Tel Doug. 84. COREY A M KENZIE PTO CO. D. 244. RI EB-HALL Ptg. Co.. ltBO Capitol. P. 1101. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 7o4. Roach Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist. Sale 'i line Lock Expert. Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Daven port, 1406 Dodge. D. 1K2L SAFES Shoe Repairing, Electrlo Shoe Rep. Co., 1S07 Bt Mary's Aw. Hlgna aad sjaoweards. K. M. CLARK A BON, lit BO. HTH BT, Stores an, of flee r'ixlares. DKSKB, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. W buy. sell. Omaha Fixture VERY ELECTRIC LIGHT la a Maxda. and Supply Co., 414-H3-18 B. 12th. D. 2724 1 VK1 In The Bee bulletins; (the bunding furnished free. For office Inquire room 10X. KW and second-hand electrlo fana and motors. LeBron Electrlo Works, 31S 8. Uth. Douglas 2174. MAHA PILLOW CO.. luu7 Cuming. Doug. 24117. Renovates leathers and mattresses of ail kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers, ACUUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning done in the home, banilaxy Bervhe Co., 90s Bee Bldg. WE rent repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machmea. NE BRASKA CYCLB CO.. "Mlckel'a.'i 16th and Harney Douglas 1861. WEAR-EVER aluminum kitchen uten sus. l-opular specduules, not sold In stores. Factory rialeamen. Web. 6J. Acreaataats. MELVILLM D. THOMAS A COMPANY. 1237-M City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler W10. tori CIUaa;s. ' CARTER Sheet Metal Worka. UO B. 10th. Towel Sappllee. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. D, 628. Trunks and Maltoaaea. FRELING A 8TKINLB, 180 Farnara Bt Tailors. CHA8. C. LANDERYOU, 108 N. 16th Bt O. OI8EN A CO., aucceaaors to Olsen A Jameson, '612 Bo. ISth Kt 2d floor. Veterlaarlaas. DR. O. B. YOUNG. 4602 Center. H. goq. Wleea aad Llqacure. ALEX JET EH, 201-t 8. 13th 8t Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner, 11 to 1, loo. Ulobo 11. ( uor house. 424 N. lth; California wine, ,1,26 per gal. Wr.te for price list hi A. DWORAK, C. P. A., JKireldg.JJouglaa 7108. BAKER, VAVVTER A wTuTfT" 4M Hmiirt Bldg. louglas 7U6. AaaiMaT Mavaiara. Dalton Adding Machines, 411 B. 15. D. 144ft. Adder Mcli. . o.,( w aies), w . u. W. D. b&AA. Arcailecla. Everett B. Dodds, 811 Pajton Blk. D. 2W1. Attrmettoaa. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion !..., .m iimnim sua turn bargains. A a la e4 alagatla stenmlrlaaT. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. MU. aUM. Dowd Auction Co.. 1128 W. O. W. Rd 22x5, Uiae I'rlallag. HORNBY BLUM PRINT CO. 2C3 Omaha U Chairs, 10o ahave, neck shav. 1417 Far. tl rase bvaaaries. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. rth and Martha Sta. ilatagr aad Hettatrlagr. E. FRAN T A, 811 Paxton Blk. Doug. JlCT. tlitera aad Hall Uigilsg, NEED well or cutern ".leaned or dugT . . unr , r. i uun iv. M none w e O Ml, taiilvrala Laada, W. T. Smith Co., 11U Cltv Nat Bk. D. Mil Coal Dtaiere. T Jfc5 f(J Johnson1! speolal. also Victor nut phone AA Uua tSiiusrsrlsn. I- Oeddls, D. C, 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4?3. Ckiaa faUllas, a Ruth 1 -etch ford, decorating;, firing. R. 4912. tlll tiltllWfi. M. J. I.ACY, 618 BEE BLDO. DOUG 4716. HENRY POLIOCK LIQUOR HOUSri and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's iquor House, 622 N. 16th. Douglas jtajw. Hi:LP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad ufflee. ' BTENOH and office clerks a specialty. ..ana ifi, v o., mi nrancieia J neater. B.xKKh.El'ER and WTENOORAPHER; niiai db auie to lase charge of aet of books. Apply 628 Btate Bank HM SOLICITORS Oood address, pleasant out door work; compensation stood. KM Bee Bldg. Ktuetorr aad Trades. LEARN halrdressipg. Oppenheim Parlors. ttoaaekeeuera aad Doateatlea. THE Bervant Ulrl Problem Solved. The nee win run a (servant U:ri Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of umana. bourn Umaha and Council II luffs. Bring ad to The office or telephone Tver 10UU. Hank Blilg., Oiniiha, Nch. WB have a number of openings for com petent snlesmen In various lines. Apply at once. ,112 Bee Bldg. Factory aad l-radr. WANTEDMEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE. Always a good demand for our graduates, but unusual rush Juat now aa hundreds of foreign barbera work ing here have been drafted for European war. Employers are looking tn us to fill these Joba. Will prepare you In few weeks. Earn while learning. Open to everyone. Investigate. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 8. 14th Bt. Dtug More k v r ! Hi1 LEARN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tnola given. Electric ma sen pre. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas Ht.. Om. 1032 N Ht.. Lincoln. Miscellaneous. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egg Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. OOOD FUTURE FOR TOU or anyone who makes ".ilmaelf . an aut xpert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. Go right Into the auto business) from here. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunities best here now, ever have been. Write for list of opening. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. till Farnam Ft.. Omaha. WANTED Railway mall and postal clerks; examinations soon; over l.OuO appointments yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No. 8tt of payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business Col lege, civil Mervice Dept.. Philadelphia. Pa. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand is kreat for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2S14 N. S:il? Bt.. Omtha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE s SCHOOL educates you for any automthlle position; radical training on actual mitoinobllo ulldlng, remodeling and repair work. Day and nH:ht claaaric. Automobilea buirt and rebuilt to your design. Every repair Job guurantecd. The practical school. 1413-16-17 Dodge St. Phone Doug las SU43. HELP WANTED MALE AND f EalALE. MEN, WOMEN Get government lobs; ft to Iluo month; 2,uU appointments monthly. Write for list. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 1-1 T, Rochester, N. Y. MEN WOMEN Get Hi to $lu0 month. anions available. Franklin Deak 80, Rochester. N. V. government Joba. Write for list of po- lnsiltuie. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; big pay; Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of positions free. Address Y !. Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work aa chambermaid n hotel In Omaha or bo uth umaha. i'ho&e A YOUNU man wants place to work (or board while attending Boyles' uullege. Tvluplione Douglas 1666. SITUATION wanted as . caretaker rooming house. Address A li.K Bee. of EXt-EUlKNCED chauffeur wishes to drive private oar; careful driver; knows cltyivery well. Address F 6G2 Bee. WANTED Cooking position by colored person; day work preferred. Web. 7U7S. YOUNG lady with two years' experience as atenographer wants position; can furnish good references aa to character and ability. Addreaa J 602, care Bee. dress Y 2S1. Bee. Just Vacated . A Choice Location. 17th St. Exposure 11x20 FT. AT $20.00. The Bee Building (The Building that is Always New) Office Room, 103.. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and square . , treatment OTTTCH: KAI.1.M I'DMPANY 418 Bee Bid. Phone Red sr.i. I.1VK NTtH-n Mir. SALE. Ilorcea aad Vehicles. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagona A harness; large stock A attractive prices. Tol.nson-I'anforth Co. N. Pith Bt. FOK IlKXT FOR BALE One cow. one IH-year-old colt, one Concord runabout. eh. 72. "A y7 IS per ton. Wagner. EH N. lit h. OOOD work horse, l.l lbs., IS5; l,0U0-lb. horse, 1322 Hnrrlaon St., Bouth Omaha. Telephone South 1029. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. F It Tarry cures piles, f.stula and other rectal dlsrasea without surgical op eraticn. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. W'r te for book on rectal .iisenses with tertit' nnlals. DR E. R HltY. Bre Apartme.nta aaal Flata. 5-Room Apartment Georgia All roemi are large, beautiful oak finish; two bedrooms; gas stove; Ice box; excellent location; at 1040 Georgia Ave. Rental $10 the year round. Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St Thone Douglas I lflintiirn Cured In a few dnvg without iiuinuit .,,. c or write. i)r Wrny. C06 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1SH. o MONEY TO LOAN N'FH) MONEY? Fee ua. Quick servico. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3C& I'axton Block. Douglas 1411. PERSONAL. THN Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture tnaga xlnea. We collect. We c'Istrlliute. Phone Douglaa 41Ci and our wngon will call. I'all and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Doclire Bt YOl'NG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th Bt and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they v. ill be directed to suitable bonding places ot otherwise assisted. Look for our tiav elers' aid at the Union Station. NEW BRICK FLAT RENT REDUCED 15 K. 8 rooms, modern, newly decorated, 10th, near Farnam t.cet GLOVER A Bl'AIN. Douglas 4-ROOM apartment, furnished or un- furnlPhed. 503 So. 2Sth St. I'hone Har- ney si':!. BEAUTIFUL modern a-rnom, steam heated basement apartment. $25. Eims. i6th and Deaey Ave. Phone Doug. 6499. 4-Roolii7Apartment Athlone Choice apartment, beautful oak finish throughout; large living rooms, dinlnu rooms and bedrooms; kitchen complete with Ice box nnd gas stove; convenient and quie location at th and Douglas Sts. Call us and we will take you to see these Rental, 115 winter, $) summer. Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St. Phone Douglaa 898. $15 6-room apartment, modern except heat 20,'tfi Davenport St. Walnut 435. Steam htd flHtM. Pn, Web Tyler toil POULTRY AND SUPPLIES SIGNS, sliuw cards. Clark Son. I 1 7 THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the- l.p muftlilna anH .nnnll.B lhmll?h Theater Exchange Co.. 140$ Farnam St " ': . STEREOTYPE matrices make the best TO GET In or out of business. Call on i and cheapest lining tor poultry houses. OANGESTAD. 4Q4 Bee Bldg. D. 1477. I They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more WOULD you Invest $6,000 in rheaibatlc'durable than tarred felt ami practically remedy that can be sold on a positive " " - w v...w. guarantee to cure every case? And In a position to show you what has been dona and what can be done This Is no fake and will atand the closest investigation. Address O 148, care Bee. YOUR business or reul estate quickly aold. Write Jim Wray. Sioux City. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE luriiilur Oooriii and sold. J. ' i . Reed liol r'HriiMrr, Doug i4ti. Board and Rooms. I WANTED Nice clean room, breakfast and evening dinner; by week by gcntlo fnun. P 19. Bce. A PLEASANT room and splendid table. West Farnam district, one block from Farnam St. Good chance for congenial : young man with A-l referenoes. Phone Harney- 4HS1. Farniahed Room a. LARGE front room, neatly furnished, modern; references required; privatu family. H. 473. . . . lavcratmeata. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about $3,000 in an old established general merchandise business; will run It with my own help.- A good Investment for the man that haa some money to loan out Stock about $10.u00. German preferred. Addrcsa Y 2M. Bee. EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman .College Unsurpassed classes In business, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue address Mosher-Lampman College . 1 1815 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE ' NIGHT SCHOOL DAY SCHOOL Complete business course; complete shorthand or stenotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and English. Write, phone or call for 1914 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Building, Omaha, Nebraska, II. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT. i The Van Sant .School Stenography Day school, 9:00 to 4:00. Night school. 6:15 to 9:15. ISth and Farnam Sta. Douglas 8647. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc, taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private Instruction if desired. 4W4 Douglas St Tel. Walnut 2327. PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN IN . HIXIKKEEPING AND PENMANSHIP. PHONE WALNUT 235. - Wanted Second hand 2-paa. Ford. D. iu37. WE BUV iuhunu ciothes" 1421 N. Uta. LIVE STOCK MARK IT! OF WL&l SHIP live atock to South Omana. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live mock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange B.clJ. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO My o-puasenger, -horsepower touting car, 1914 Auourn; electilo lignieu and all In good cuuuiUon, for sale or trade for clear properly; cost new with ad equipments about, ,l,ani. Address S. C. 246, Bee. AUTOMOBILE (Coupe) In llrst-ulajs condition: $.o0. V. M exchange lor p.anu player or diamonds. Addies a. C. 24i, Bee. AtTuMublLbs-lut olner aulomoolil bargains au Uie ' Automobile" classiff cation. BICYCLE Good bicycle - to trade for good visible typewriter. Address, S. C. 304, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE $2,IM to U.HQ stock new groceries and fixtures In South Omaha, doing strictly cash business. Will take good auto on same " Address S. C. 244, Bee. C. J. CANAN, Real Estate and Exchanges DIAMOND Will trade diamond and pay cosh difference for Ford car, runabout, or touring, or runabout Hup. or would tiade piano or player piano for automo llle. Address S. C. 248. Bee. DESK student's deuic, $2, cost $3, or will trade for anything 1 can uae. Address 8. C 802, Bee. ELEGANT PIANO Swap for Virginia land or lot in Omaha, Kansas City, Indianapolis or Cleveland. Will pay dif ference. Address S. C. 2S3, Bee. EQUIPMENT of photo gallery; will trade or sell. Price, ll.V. S. C. 214. FINE, oil painting, 28x22, framed, for ' davenport, rugs or clothes. Address S. C. 106S. y FOR GOOD furniture, one seated buggy, .new trucker's wagon. No. 6 Remington, S. C. 257. FOR POOL or-billiard, table new type writer. S. C. 268. RELIABLE colored woman wants gen eral housework,, to go home in even ing, pougiaa WHO. EXPERIENCED nurse girl desires posi tion. Call Walnut 2797. GENERAL merchandlne man and curd writer, some no wleiliitj of wlrrJov dis play. Prefer plane in Bents' furnishings. Speak no German. -ilna-le. Come on short notice. Moderate salary --With ad vancement StHte full particulars as to surroundings. Y 22. Hoe. EXPERIENCED laundress wants-work. W. 666. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; 2uii t-ccr Park Blvd Tel. 'lyior Mi. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework Mrs. Talmaga, 493 Caae St. Tel. Walnut Haiti. WANTED A maid foi general houae work; small family. - 13o B. obth Ave. Harney t4. WANTED Reliable foreign girl for gen era! housework; good home for right rarty. W IMI. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework. Clood wages. Apply with reference. Mrs. Leonard A. bpaulding, SudO llainey St. t re ia eeyaratora. The Khar pies Separator Co., Uth A Farn. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. Vt Neville Blk. Evl ounce secured in all cases. Tyler 1144. biAUuftU, Mtv LAK Aiiiuuicu vteekly No. 139. 'A lie euojii&4.r a K.e.eiiui, Reg com. -dra. iLii'uil iKiiinr Si y-l.iy No. 14. - A han. iLarlag AcacAeailea. Turpln'a Dancing Academy, 2th A Farn. CHAM HERS' Academy, classic. 1 ls71. FltA.Nh.LlN 'I'll t-A... 24111 at FRANKLIN The itupe.eaa iiauie, i'Wl. Lub. ir. k au: a atiuiiigiit nour. am. Dr. '1 lie 1 ei-u,r. .la. exun. lilPPoDRUME. 2olll AND CUMING '1 lie Only vay, B.;uly 4iama, i-tarj c.citr. t-ktouu l om. ine luiu to aim. 2-r. Dr. jauuun liu.iar Aiyni-iy, li ty. If icilt A .Mi JUtMJt'att '1 lie pcca uu lliw kali, 4-reeU ra?i. tr. '1 hey v eta Colieae Boys. Bio. Com. Ul.e Demuu ol lu liaus. Kai. Hail, Dr. Ta i iihur, it 1 'ii' a siT JJyiti nop, A Aiuiucr s ChoKe. 2-it-cl 1 liuiiuouker uia. ill A'AUli ,n iiuui.i.iy, uraiua Ki...i.g of iloimv, ivrsioi.e comedy. Uiiai. IniuAitii, C ALD fc.LL. lxive miu buifctri', 2-r. L. Ko tuiuedy, Aii y's Con v ei l, linp. Hi. Big Chance, Vict. Mack.e'a Academy, now open. 1M liar. lirvasiuaklaa-, . Terry Drrasmak'g oollege 20th A Farnam, MISS mi'KuV, 4I Cm. Red 710. FASHIONABLE dreaainakliig ; 16u7 Corby. ATTn A LUND, mil DoiTgiae. H810t Urasi. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on $10 oruera; caia.oauas liee. biiermaa A Mo Conneii tirug Co., Omaha. Nab. Drallate. lr. Bradbury No pain, iri Farnam. Ir Todd's alveolar dentistry. 'l Brandels Builey. the, iMntlat. 704 Cliy Nat l Bank. TaU lientai-Rooina. 1..17 iHiujIsa. l. ilii Pyorrhea, Dr. Fickea. 724 City Nat Bank. Uvers taiua? for Waasea. Woman's Exchange, Pax. Blk. R. 4S11. REIJABLK white girl for general houae work; good wages. Moti Dewey Ave. WHITE girt for general housework; no washing. 8-i4 IKidge St H. 1874. WANTED Good g.rl for general house work; no washing or ironing. Wages (7 per week. Cail Inoi Harney St. WANTED A competent girl for general houe work. Mrs. II. M. .McCUnhttn Walnut 1402. WANTED Young girl going to school to help with houseworg and rare of baby. No washing. Will furulsn board and room and small WL,ea. Good chance. I'hone Harney 76iJc. WANTED Good girl for general hous work. 4M1 lodne. tic H Hi. iHuiiiiclfn. maid. Douglas bi3. GOOD girt to assist with light hou woik; no washing; good pay; go home PUjhta. Web. MIDDLE-AGED lady, pest, refined, hon est, who ia employed part of the day, wishes housekeeping In small resfiectable fanihy, or oompanion for lady. Address C-K03. Bee. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; refer ence furnished; can cut meat. web. Zh.i. WANTED A Place to do cleaning chamber work. Web. 5207. C. Glover. FOB SALR ' Farnttare. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and Nome pianos. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. SOS 8. 16th St New & 2d-hand furniture, caah or terms; reasonable. Atner. Furn. Co.. 806 N. 16th. FRONT room furniture at a low price. M16 Howard St. N1CQ reed baby buggy and inlaid drop leaf card table. Bargain. 112 Webster St Maaleal Iastraateats. PIANO player; a bargain. Tel. H. 471t NEW 8&-note player received this week, taken for debt. 11$ N. ISth. Web. S3. Typerlters. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, repaired. . Central Typewriter Exchange. 207 S. iltii. RENT Remingtons, Monarch, and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12h4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three moathi for 26 for understroke machines or $3 per month lor latest mociei visible writers. YOUNG lady neat appearance desires office tioaltlon: aeveral years' experi ence; thorough knowledge of yeperal ofilce work; meaium salary, f iv. 4irwin r I u nun. wnuld Ilk cs ra n t invalid. Douglas 6509. RENT An Oliver typewriter. $ months Jfa, - k,.i ...w k ..for Th. Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. VI III.UUIV dev. tl ' Vllivvi, in;.! W erences. Address H 2", Bee. ViU'N'O. MAN. 24 will appreciate i.ny kind 3t honorable work. Office ablilt nd experience. Call Douglaa 71. RELIABLE colored woman wants posi tion aa chambermaid. W. 87!. " W A N TE D Boa liio n as chauffeur; alx ' years' experience driving and repairing cars. If you are looking for a good, care ful driver give me a trial. Will do other work. 648 W. Washington Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia. Phone Black 16V8. BAKER, A LL-A ROUND Fl R8T-C LASS MAN ON RKKAD AND PASTRY, WANTS POSITION. CITY OR COUN TRY. ADDRESS. 8 1W, BEE. DAY work of any kind, D. 6407. AUTOMOBILES M taaeiiauseaaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa Hangers are invited to visit Hie Young Women s Christian A.soctat.on building at St. Mary's Ave. and lith St, wbere they 111 be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Irfaok for our travelers' guide at Ur4on station. IAUvLI, 2joJ DAVi-Nl'OitT. little SUtcr, Ilex drama. i.otitig i!iUn, Steeling comedy. fci bL'hiiA.N THEA A Kit. 4'A it at AAic.a. 'Hi I'll vale tjJil,!'. 2-leel. Js. Dr. A Coaluina I'lcoe. i ii Coin, j huiiiti A'rinis aod Dmmoi.u.. Lub. l)r. kvata. ARBOR, D AND ARBOR BTS -o Auuurt Smiths 1 t. 2-r. K.-U. ar. ; ,n.i. at iiiiii;. Keiaioue CAitUfay. . .u i:,e tjf a 'i li.iiii.juwr oiaiua. AA'Oi-lA iiir.A.: t LliA V fc.N tV ORtIT !"h 1-i. V. t o 11 fe; S 1 $ -re?!. Kii Dr. ACCuKDION, aide, kn,fe, aunburat, box pleatnig; covered builoihs, all alios and styles; hrinstitching, pKxil edging. Ideal P leatlng Co., IMI lxiuglaa Blot k. D. iimt. aJierirle Sagslin, I.EHKON Elec Wks.. 11$ 8. Uth. D. kit I'li.rlala. A. LN'AGHUK.Jsa jIarneyJDoug. 1001. BATH'S florists. li Farnaia St. iil.BS-! 8W01ODA.141SFarnam St 1 HE NDlTtSON, 15lFarn'"inr"DlilA Member Fluiit-t Tek-Mrapti. lel. .Ass'n. V Hrrirrf HEN FENSTKR, 1110 N. 4th St. Web. 77T7 ttulr iireealiiat. LEARN to play ragiime in twenty les suiis. Call or write Chrlstensen bchool, t.'jo 'unmig St Phone Harney 137. p 1NTELL1GENT woinan over u, aa trav ellna manager. Permanent 6o0 Brandels Theater Bldg. LADIES' A misses' coat, suits, dresses A skirt tampiea at wholesale prices. Bon- t,ft'e New York Sample Store. N. 16th. iO VERNMb.N T jous for women. $76 a month. Lust free. Franklin Institute, Dept tk-T, Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALB Clerical aad uflie. HIOII-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REK. BOND ASbN. -714 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Pol' ARK PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We Hud the position thai ins you. . CO-t'PKKATlVE REFERENCE CO.. 1QI6-I6 Illy National II ink B.dK SALEhMAN; must lie pcricnid and come well recommended. ror Inlor- e-4' ikcr. . Cum- Hurl er Method. IL 8, Bulrd I'ldg. D. $611. v ew ca.l at its state Huak Bldg. fOn SALK 4-cyllnder Maxwell runabout. V.'M model, I'rcnto tank, new tires, just overhauled; it sold this week. ..Call Harney S44. l.lndborg Broa . 2S7t Leav iKIy ng Merklel $100 lorfo.l for any cmagneto we can 1 re pair, coll repar'g 1. Haysdorfer. 1:0 N. IS Greeiiouan Omaha Had. 7eii. to . '.'2o Far FRD cara t aint d $2!, other cars accord log to else; work gtd Phone B. XfJO. FOR SALE Wayne roadster, two pas senger, in good condition, all new geara and new tires, forty horsepower. Phone svJ, $11 S. Main St.. Council Bluffs, la. All makea typewr tera rented, sold, terms. Butta Typewriter. I06 Farnam. O. 6UJL 6x7 QRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case lor camera and carrying case tor plate hold, era The outfit in good condition and a big bargain tor tne lot at $110. Address S. C. Kill JACKS and HOUSE MOVERS' ROLLERS Swap for what have you. Would like Vlctrola or Kdison talking machine or rifle. Address, g. O. 264. Bee. LIBRARY TABLE.. ETC Fine, up-to-date, golden oak library table, or good liard coal burnor, to exchange tor Vlc trola in good condition. Address S. C, $01, Bee. MY L. C. SMITH HAMMERLES3 NO. 12 gauge, good aa new. used one season one No. 42 slxe hunting coat; one pair sire a nip ooots; sen, or wnat nave you to swap? . To swap one nickel case 17 Jewel watch. Al conultion. automatic revolver pre ferred, or what have you. Address S. C 3W, Bee. FURNISHED room, private family, on Harney car line. Harney 6344. 707 No. 3M St. LARGE room, nicely furnished, In private family. Pnone Harney 7404. ROOM in Dundee home, half block from car line. Tel. Wal. 122S after 5 p. m. LA VERNA Modern furnlshcd rooms, single or ensulte, 1S12 Capitol Ave. Fl'RN rooma by day or wk.; modern; steam heat: $1.60 up. 107 S. 17. D. 61133. FURNISHED room for rent, near 1 reign, ton university Phone Hondas "281. 626 S. ST H Furn 'shed rooma, private family. Harney 4o0S. LARGE, beautiful rooms, every conven ience, walking distance; gentlemen pre ferred. 630 8. 17th Ave. Tyler 1373. MODERN room, well furnished and heated, $12 mo. Phone Tyler 106Q. B1CMIS PARK 3302 Myrtle Ave., 2 all modern rooma for light housekeeping, $J0 a month; or one room and bnnrd to respectable young; lady. Harney 2J66. (tuasckeeplnK Room a. 726 S. IKOi, mod. housekeeping rooms and sleeping rmi, furnace heat Tyler 1021 W. Fnralahcrtl tlouaeltretilas; Rooms. FUR. h'k'p'g rooms. 1807 Leavenworth. Hotels aad Apartaaeais. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California. Weekly rates $2 and up. 7083. OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steam heated rooms, $2 per week. Phone 6W. DODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasonable. TTnncPQ I" Part of th clty-.... ITOllhea Crelgh Bona A Co.. Bee building. MODERN l-rooin house, o $6th Ave., Vacant November ' 6. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Phone Harney IQM or Doug. 12 16. 7-ROOM house, all modern; will paper to suit right party or will aclL 3808 Charles St, Walnut Z40Z. T.-annXM V.,,,1.. tIA nnnrlni k4 1812 N. 19th 6-room cottage, modern ex cept heat W. 1203. 2til GRACE ST 6-room, modern except heat cottage, $15 per month. : 2013 Grace St. 7-room, modern except heat house. $30 per month. 2!3 ' Pacific St. 7-room, all modern house, $'26 per month. 811 S. 20th St. 8-room, all modern house, $27.50 per month. 2021 Capitol Ave 8-room, all modern house, $26 er month. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First is'ntlonal Bank Bldg. . I Phone DotiBlae'722. EIGHT-ROOM dwelling, etrictly modern. low rent. Call at 1060. So 28th St Phone Harney 2346. NEW 8-room bungalow. 829 B. 30th, No vember rent free. Harney 2957. West farnam Beautiful 6-rcom, Just finished; com pletely modern; tiled bath; three large bedrooms and sleeping porch. 3312 Daven port St. t Rental, $45 . Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 838. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some fjood second-hand office furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address S. C, 1240, Bee. PLAYER PlANO-$cjj0 player piano with 16 rolls, used alx month. Wilt trade for good auto or sell very cheap, or would also give terms of payment to responsible people. Aod ress S. C. 249. Bee. PIANO costing $4M, for an auto; don't care what shape it Is in as I fix them, but must be worth the price asked. Ad dress. S. C. Bee. ejleeetlaaeoaa. d-r AA Buys best coal for the money; try ipJAAJ it Webi l4l). Harmon A Weeth. BICYCLE for sale. A bargain; In good condition. 238 Bee Building. 6x7 GRA FLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying caae for enmera and carrying case for plate hold ers. The outfit In good condition and a b K bargain for the lot at $110. Address A J90, Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket bill'ard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; eaay payments. The Brunswick-Palke-Collender Co.. 407-409 8 loth St . 2-hand inch. .Groia Wreck Co., II A Paul. LOST AND FOUNT OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Porsons having lost some article would do well to call up the otth-e of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company u ascertain w nether they leit It tn the street cara. Many article each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rlnhtful owner. Call Doug. 4a. IrduNMtni ilaraue Co.. ?'!ir v Itarnet ia MODEL B-i Ielro.ler touting ear with aeit-atarter, run less than 600 milea; genuine bargain at ''0. The T. G. North wall Co., 914 Jones bt, Doug. 17t)7. TRY PELTUN'8 GARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. .16 Farnara St Motorcycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargaina In used machines. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man." f. iMLeeven worth. 114 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready. tardus In used machines OMAHA BICVCl: CO., loth and Chuage ia $TU lll HIXKHS CHANCES BOX ball alley for sale. For Information wrile Tviiiy U;u, Duullian, Neb. LOST One Ma -k trarling bag) name of "J. A. Handy' of Worlln, Wyo.. on ta. Bank book tn bag gave name of Effle Handy. Return to Bee office. Re- artt - LOST On Dodtte St. road, one aide seat from auto. Reward. Tel. ltouglua 714. MINK scarf, Monday p. in. at Hipp; re . mard. Phone Wal. jft7. 48l!l Farnam. LOST Between Omaha and Lincoln, two new X7xj Non-Skkl eaa:nga. two ITxi red tubes and to S6xCi ruui. Finder return tires and rims and receive re v.ard. Standard Auto Tire Co..v Lincoln Neb. LOST Diamond ring, name and Inscrip tion Inalde; $ reward for return. Call Walnut LOST Suitcase Saturday morning on Walnut Hill. Reward. Telephone Wal nut 1M. PHONOGRAPH Good Columbian phono graph for trade or wo ild sell for tlCcA); In f.rst-class condition. S. C. lf2. Bee. PHONOGRAPH Complete. with large cabinet for records; lii records, 2 re- ?iroducers and recorders; will exchange or Wear lot. diamond ring or lihht car, prefer Ford; make offer. Address 8. C. KO. Bee. ROADSTER $1.6u0 Oakland roadster, very best of cond'.tlon. Will trude for what7 Address S. C. 90. Bee. 7-ROOM, all modern house, excellent con dition. 3308 Deway Ave., two blocks from Farnara car; pos session Nov. 23. 1 640 per month. THE BYRON REED CO.," Phone Doug, 297. . 212 8. 17th fit.' MODERN house. 10-r., steam heat. 302 S. Stith St., cor. Farnam, Repairs to ault ten ant Special tcrma. Shepard. Web. 2612. o STEAM heat, all modern. 7-room bouse; also 4-room flat 220 No. 23d. 3 N. 21 ST. 6 rooms. $18. R. 6101. age Co. Reduced rates for Ml dava. Large van. 2 men $1.25 per hr.; dray, 3 men. $. per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 1496. Maggard's J.CReed! SINGER SHOE MACH INE Used two months, cost $66; good shoemaker's Jack and lasts, cost $25. Will trade for good horse. Watch for paperhanger's outfit. Address 8. C. 261. Bee. ElciNS. Huara ,... iura Son D Hi TYPEWRITER Brand new typewriter for billiard or pool table. 8. C. I't71 Bee. WOODEN PI.OWPLAIN Swap for rub or what have you. Would like repeat ing shotgun or kodak. Address, S. C , H Bee. THIRTY-VOLUME Brittanica and oak case for lame, for any old thing. Ad dress S. C. MX Bee.' WILL trade equity in good lot for sow, chickens, horse or pig. S. C. 220 FOR KENT A pari Kir a Ib aail'Flats. Eight-room brick flat corner 8th and William; most dcsiablo In Forest Hill park . IV.iiKlas 2"4". STRATFORD TERRACE. Park Ave. and Jackaon, i rooma with maids room If uYsiied. new, exclusive: ref. required. C. B Moser. SV'al. lTaei. o. MODERN 3-roorh apu-t. 112 Capitol Ave. GordonVanCo.-BS 11 N. 11th .'t Phone D 391 or Web. nX OGDEN ANNEX, Council limits. -iiMnl with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 6W Rental Service Free We can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We can tell you hat houses and apartments each real estate 'of nee haa for rent phone ua. Djugias LOST Hampden watch. 21 Jewel, open face, sealed case, slxe 18; reward. Caii,5 icb' .T''- I VERY thoK. 6-room. steam beated apart- LOST White Angora cat. one blue and merit on Went Farnam St brown eye; 41J1 Cuming. Walnut WIS. JOHN W. BOBBINS. UUi FARNAM ST. Exp. Co., moving parking A storage An farnam. D. 814. NICE 6-room flat, newly papered and painted; bath, gas, hot and cold water, electric lls'ht; IK vcr month. 311ti-18 Lea venworth. E.eganl 9-rooin modern brick apart ment newly decorated, $o0 per month. $46 8 mh St. Modern 9-room detached dwelling: oak finish, beautiful yard, newly decorated; $o0 per month. 1023 S. 2Sth St Nice little 6-room cottage; bath, toilet electric light. $16 per mouth. 2044 Vinton St. Elegant 9-room house, $30 per month. 1129 S. 29th St. 6-room cottage. 2044 Vinton, gas, elec rlc light, hot and cold water; inside toilet $16. J. C ISII, Executor, . 703 8. 31st 'Ave. Phone Harney 243. Stores, moves, packs, ships; t-horae van ard 2 mini, fl.2i per hr. ; atorage $2 per iro. Saliafactory guar. D. 438 A Ty. FOR KE!T n . We bave a complete list of all houses, srartmer.ts and flats that are for rent This Uu can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Storaae Co.. Sue 8. IUh Bt Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping, l.'tn A Jackaon Sta. Phone -DougUa 2iA THIRD MONTH FREE RENT. 510 8. 2M.h Ave., 9 rooma. all modern, $30. 2i;l Cui'itol Ave . 9 rooms, all mod., $26. 2413 8. 2-th, 7 rooms, all modern, $20. 2216 N. ZTtri Ave., i rooms, modern ex cept heat, 81L RASP BROS. Phone Douglaa lfTJ. 211 NO. S3D ST.. a desirable 6-room com pletely modern houae, newly papered, raa and electric lights, near car line, reasonable rent. Key first house south. Call Iouilas 2oft Special 7 ROOMS, completely modern, with sleeping porch, at $3ut Puppleton Ave. Former bought homo. - Rent reduced for the winter from $U to $30.