TIIK BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. XOYKMBKH IS, 1!14. 11 ALL NORTH SEA IN THE MILITARY ZONE1 Premier Asqnith Declares Govern ment Has Decided to Declare Whole Body in War Arena. OIL AND COPPER CONTRABAND MlnlMrr lllttorlv Klni-ira (.rrmnitft for "onlng Mlnrft, "njinit llrimrr fo I'fipi'fnl hliplna tn Vcrr drral. CAFTAIN OF THE CORNHL'SKER CHAMPIONSHIP ELEVEN. ' LONDON. Nov. K.-PrcmUr Aiiilth stated In the House of Commons today the British government bail decided to declare tlu whole uX the Nortli eVa to be In the mtlttary area. All subjects of the m'mf found on neu tral vessels, the-prime minister alio said, would be liable to detention as prls-irer of war. , Mr. Asqiiltii also annotineed that ni' and copper would be declared .-untraiMiid ot war. ReferrliiH to mines, the premier said the tiermuns had resorted to Indioi i iml nate mine laying In the North nea with out regard to peaceful plilrpinR, nnd without warnlnx. The run-pose clearly wa the furtherance of no definite mili tary operations, but to rndanrter lirltlslr trader. These mines mifpiestiunably hud been laid by fishing vessels illsftulHed as neutrals, the premier paid. Thene mines were not co ronstrui ti d ns to become harmless when loused from their moor ings, neither were thev kept under Ob nervation. No steps htd been taken to warn peaceful Khlpplnfc of this danger. fonse(iientiy the terms of The Tl.uruo convention of 1S")7 have been violated. Forced to Act. After a number of neutral tithing in 1 merchant vessels and many lives i ; been destroyed by theso (lerman mines. Till: Asquith said, the government 'Mil been forced to adopt eounter measures to cope with this German poll' y of nine laying combined with submarine activi ties. "A mine field was therefore laid across the southern portion of the North sea." said Premier Asquith. "in such a way as to guard tho approaches to the Eng lish channel. Due warning was given In accordance with The Hague conventions. In the last week of October the Hermans succeeded In laying a mine field off tho north coast of Ireland, on the main trado route from America to Liverpool, via the north of Ireland. More peaceful merchant ships were blown up and moro lives were lost. "These mines could not have been laid hy .my Clerman ship of war or by any 'vessel flying tho German flag. They could only hac been laid by some mer. chant- vessel under a neutral flag, whl li must havo coruo along the trade route is if for tho purpose of peaceful conimc rrc. Meoaeo is tirejit. "The . menace to peaceful shipping presented by these wholly Illegal meth ods of,w;aBln5 war Is no groat that tho government, has been compelled to adopt trie only possible means of protection, namely, to declare the whole North Sea a nlllltary area und to restrict ull chip ping' crossing it to a narrow passage lpng which the atrieteft supervision can bo exercised. Access to the coasts of Ureat Britain and neutral countries Ina thus been made as safe us It Is in tho power of the British navy to make It. 'Ilia majesty's government is fully Bwai'C of the unxlety prevailing In the . I'rH ti-ttK and other neutral coun tries on these subjects, but it trusts that jt4 policy will lie fuliy understood. It la confident that, public opinion in neutral nun tries will appreciate its earnest de sire that there be no Interference wl'h neutral trade. Any Interference hy the British navy is solely to prevent goods frornVeachlng tho enemy which would increase his power In the war against the British and allied forces." 1'$ i State Motorists Ask for Highway Commission Plan make a genernl exp'anatoi y statement of the policy of h(s nm.'cstv's go eminent on these subjects, l'rctnler Asipiith lin. rromisevl to reply. 5 . ,Jr. TFfffJ N , JvJ ,.,f r .JL v,v:l : UUi$ail-LEFT TALK It ' FURTHER EASING OF MONEY Dealings in Unlisted Bonds and j Stocks Again Liberal. HIGH-GRADE COPPER GOES UP State Charities and ..Correction Conference Meets at Fort Dodge "PORT DODG12. la., Nov. IT (Special. )--The sixteenth Iowa &tat Confevnc-o of "liarltles and Corrections baa brought I.'pO delegates to Fort Podge to get pew viewpoints' of'-the causes of and treat ment for unfortunates, either through poverty or ' disease. Horace Hollings wortrt of 'Des Moines, president of the conference, Js presiding over the meetings in tho new Commercial club rooms. Heads of the various state ' Institutions have been heard Mn strong addresses, as have beveral noted charity workers from out side the state: The conference will close "Wednesday. Sun8ay evening some of the distinguished visitors, filled loeal pulpits. Iteadjnitninit of the Foreign 1S chanse Mtaatlon la Heing, Auto matically Adulated by Heavier Ksporta. NEW YOIIK, Nov. T. Further easing of iwney for virtually all periods whs the most noteworthy financial development today. For tin; longer dates-two to six months the rate was reduced to 5 per cent, while some thirty-day loans were made at a shad..- lower. A considerable part of the money pin. out at 5 per cent it 'piesntiti i renewals of loans made at 5 to S per cent thortly after the out break cf toe war. Call money ranged from 1" to fi per cent, the lower rate prevailing where choice collateral was offered. Interior financial Institutions were free, and sentl iiunt so far as it dealt with the mone tary situation, was materially heartened bv the smoothness with which the new ban! ip-i svstem of the countiy was putl imo operation. Dealings In unlisted bonds and stocks were again In libera.! volume Jjut no ad vances from the previous day were re corded. On the curb additional gains were scored by the Standard Oil subsidi aries and In the unofficial market for actn-e Ilytefl stocks a greater disparity between bid and asked prices was ob served. Another advance In high grade copper to 12 cents denoted a better inquiry for the metal by consumers, but conditions in that Industry us a whole continued un satisfactory mainly because of the Brit ish embargo on our exuorts A siirnifl- can development of the export situation was offered by the renort that a lrir amount of raw cotton wan being shipped Ut tiermativ- In American vessels. Readjustment of the foreign exchange situation was being automatically assisted hy the heavier exports. The merchandise out flow- from this port for tin; week was Jii.nno.lKtt greater than In the preceding neck and almost $7.tr0'j.iri more than in the same week last year. So far this year l'lKl'1 OX''orts almost. equalled those of The better r.-eling noted .in steel trade circles was enhanced hy the announce ment that borne of the larger manufac turers have received large orders from foreign aom-ees for steel plate. Aside from certain finished speci-iltl. s, however lnrlu'ry"" i'1"'rovmont in domestic H'sCOUntS Wr inr.tlnA 1 j . ni'lr 'rflli l,f ' final' Payment to ncrow ef n large amount of half-year trenrurv bills, which will temnori,- v 7J. Minniv monny rnarkct ot Its free Tlie .N'biasUa Automobile assoclatoin held Its annuel convention st the ltom hotel y. sterday. electetl officers for the nsu'ng y ar and enactel new legislation Harry luule of Omaha was re-elected president of the organisation. Mr. Brook of Stanton first vice president, Vi. Ovei -ai-rd of Fremont secretary, and Mr. Sbleck of Beatrice treasurer. J The association agreed to extend ef- i forts towar.1 obtaining a highway com- mission tiM this Male. A. . Bnt'-h-clder. chairman of the executive board or the American Automobile nsoe!atlon, attended the session and declared Nct braskn might be Ignored in tin- appro- j pliallon for Improving roade and high- j ways to bn pa:sel upon by congress, if J b. highway ccmmlssion plan Is not .loited. Nebraska-Is one of nine states, which have not yet adopted ttv piaJi. ' The bs9C tatlon rtwiiled to remain with j the American Automobile nsocintloit on ! a new srrile of tse which will make the feoH In Ihls etato lower. Some talk j w.is paf-sed ef drriplm; fpoin the national . orpanl.atlon because it was lelt that ' A. A. A. appropriations favoted the etet ern terrilory to tho detriment of this part ! of tho country. Tho ast-ociatlon also asks that thj- ' theft of no automobile be a penitentiary j offense. Many motor crs are Molen tn j Nebraska and tho association declared that prospects of a term In the pcnltentl- ' ary Is the only ruling which will dls-j courage that practice. Changes In the by-laws were discussed. One change was made, permitting clutvs . of ten or more members to .loin the i state association. With regard to betterment of roads the nssocjntlon will co-operate with tho Omaha Auto club In efforts to !mproe .Nebraska highways as much as nor- ' slble. . ! Mayor' T)h!Ynn welcomed the autolsts with a, eech to which Harry Laurie I repllej for-the-auto men. About fifty I Department Order". ASH INtiTON. Nov K - -tSpecl.it Tele gram.) - Nebraska rnsi.ins guint-d norence K Hhelden? I M.bvUle, $1.', Ilai rlett Lawrence, liner. In. 4I.V tn recommendation of 1 'cniocr.itV t'ont ifltte-m.-tn Wade. I Ms M li I conua and 1'. V Mm'tr haw h i li appointed peiijcon suieeiis at mien and I 'i li. K. Ali'lenson at tlltetsel, In Nebraska powtoiticcn di-., ontnoa d t'e iii. licit c"i:ni. mail to .ti tivf u. I'nli.i, Itoi k iO itt , m ill to I . Hi; line lii.'l ton, Sheridan loontv. in.nl to Kuiuhain. The Want .VI t'olumns o." The Bee Bead laily by Benpl- m Search of vrrtlsed i 'ppcrtunitlej. Are d- Warmcr Weather is Predicted Thursday AslllNiJioN. Nov. i; - With the temperature below rero from northern Miiunsnt.i to the Montana line mil a t;enerl t n I II i st of the meivuiy fi.m plains states eastward to thi Atlantio and southward to the gulf of Mesloc, weather bureau experts today predicted warmer weather toward the end of the week in the east and in the Interior val leys on Thursday. Fair weather pre vailed today and was promised for to morrow throughout the country. Some snow has fallen along the great lakes. del-gates from state attended. different parts of thi Ames High Settles Dispute with Lemars AMES,- la., Nov. 17. (Special Telegram ) After what very imminently looked to be one of the most embarrassing rows In the history of tho Iowa 1 nt'erscholastlc Athletic association the Ames and Le mars High schools settled their differ ences In Lemars this afternoon, when Le mars withdrew Its petition filed with the Board of Control to have Ames High thrown out cf the high school conference, for Ames cancelling the Lemars contract. Ames acted on the advice of a member of the state board by sending a committee of two, a lawyer and a college profossor. to make an agreement satisfactory to Lemars. The committee succeeded In Its mission and Ames Athletic association will reimburse Lemars High for all finan cial loss claimed as a result of the can celled contract. Ames plays West Pes Molncs here Friday. I Jack Johnson and Willard Will Meet LODNO, Nov. 17. Articles were signed today for a boxing bout of from twenty to forty-five, rounds between Jack Johnson, the heavyweight champion, and eJs Wil lard, an American "white hope." The fight will take place during the laat two weeks In March at some place to be chosen February 15. It Is said that the battle ground probably will be Mexico. Each of the boxers deposited tl.OCO to guarantee his appearance at the ring side. Johnson Is to receive fno.oiv) for fighting. Omaha Concerns Are Benefited by Orders For War Material! Markn Bros.' Saddlery company. lliXi i Howard street, and J- H. lianey com pany, 313 Mouth Thirteenth stree.t. ' have j received orders to supply J175.W) worth I of artillery harness and cavalry saddles for the British government. The orders reached Omaha through the St ud baker! corporation of South Bend, Ind. It is understood the local concerns have five months' time in which to fill the orders. FORT DODGE WILL LET '," nOWTRAOT pop PITY MAI I FORT DO DOE. la.. Nov. K.-fPpeclal.)-Negotiatlons havo been completed for the sale of JfcO.OOO worth of T, per cent bonds to s Chicago firm by the city to finance the building of a new city hall. The contract for the construction of the build ing will be awarded November 21. The new elty hall will house the entire city administration. Different departments now are scattered over the business dis trict and the saving in rentals after the new building Is completed will do murh toward paying the Interest on the bonds. The building and site will cost HOO.ono. SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL RP'M PPFSPNTR TIIFS04Y Contributions of school children for the Thanksgiving collection will be taken up next Tuesday, instead of Wednesday, as originally planned. The chance was de cided upon at a meeting of the advisory committee of the charities of Omuhi. The donations thU year will be handled by tho Associated Charities, City Mls tion, Salvation Army, Old People's llomt and other charitable organizations, and the collection of articles will be made at the Independent Telephone company building. Echoes of the Strife To Move lor Roberta Shaft. LONDON, Nov. lfi. In order to lose no time In providing a suitable memorial for Lord Roberts, Premier Asulth will move In the House of Commons tomorrow to King George asking the king to give di rection that a monument to tho famous soldier be ereeten at publlo cost "with an Inscription on It expressing the ad miration of this house for his illustrious military career and Its gratitude for his j devoted services to the state." j Rim Army Advancing. I LONDON, Nov. 1. A dispatch to the J Router Telegraph company from Amster dam says: "The sub-prefect cf Manlen werder. West PrusBia, lias issued a proclamation of warning that the Rus sian army is advancing between Thorn and Soldau. East Prussia, but that on the German ide of the frontier it is ex pected It will lie met with strong forces whlrh will soon force It Into battle." Aaqalth to Ulscass Question. LONDON. Nov. 16. Premier Asipuith w'll discuss the questions of neutral shipping and contraband in the House of Commons tomorrow. Blr Gilbert Parker, conservative member of Graves end, has brought forward the subject by a question, to ask the prime minister, whether, in view of the anxiety of pub lic opinion in the United rHates with re gal d' to th search for belligerent re servists In American vessels, the publica tion of ore and copper as contraband and the mining of the North sea, he will FIVE INDICTMENTS ARE jg iit.lviiritiai ni uni uij'jul FORT DODGE, la.. Nov. 17. (Special. I The Webster cpunty grand Jury at the end of tts session yesterday returned five indictments against six people. Ai.drew George;, a foreigner living in the inl'l district, i charged with the murder of his wife on the lyght of September ?a. Mr. and Mrs. Klrner Murgrum were in dicted for robliery with aggravation. They are charged- with holding up a young man driving an automobile livery between Callender and Gowrie. It Is al leged they took his watch, bound and gagged him and then took the car. When nearly surrounded by a posse they -caped. They were arrested in South Da kota ninety nilles from a railroad and were brought back for trial. Two indictments were returned for rub bery and one for pub-irig worthless checks. IRISH GUARDS SAID TO HAVE SUFFERED HEAVILY LONDON, Nov. M. A casualty lini dutei November S, Issued here iorn.'nt, gives he name of twenty offbers killed, thirty-four wounded and fttteen missing. In this list the Irish Guards are heavy auf'erara. ARE YOU A ROOTER? Nebraska-Iowa Football Game at Iowa City, la., Nov. 21st GREATEST GAME OF THE SEASON Tlif Hock Lshunl will run n fpffial train of Pullman bk'iicrs ami coaches, leaving Omaha :'.() p. in., Nov. L'ntli, returning', leave Iowa City 10 p. m., Nov. Ul st. Kound trip railroad fare $11.02 Hound trip Pullman fare IVr stand;! nl lower berth $3.00 Per standard upper berth $2.50 Per tourist berth $2.00 li eji-e iHifr ?T luriner lniormauon impure at tm m i 1 1 1 r L5J35CJ 14th and Farnam 1 1 B I M m M m Overcoats good ones! Long ones big, roomy and warm. Short ones in the latest styles that slightly fit the figure. Balmacaans the overcoat with the big box back hang ing loose and full. All of these and many others in all fabrics, includ ing the new fuzzy materials in 't?: mm ill I'M. wm-r --vt wy mm )Styioplus $17 "The mom price the wrvrUi ovw. Nearly 4000 workmen spacialire on STYLEPLUS quality. This concentration means cutting out waste and an average saving to you of $3 to $8. ANDELS STORES Exclusive Distributors for Omaha mi I f yljp t,.-i..'L.'J(-."li.fjjiJ..:.kk-l..!f'.'.V j-.vJ.-, v. . .- s - - ' -- --.M ' ?A .'-.- --J ,1' fuiA F&jrMnML No.460-StandardSet i 0$ The original Gillette St that introduced the I It i - modern way of shaving no stropping, no hrining . -.-.....wt ' ,'- - v.,. known the world over. Contains Triple Silver- '; ',' . . plated Razor; Blade Boxes with 12 double- JjfM 'fl - 1 deed Gillette Biades (34 aMWntf orfrfes). V .if, ?"2$fr - I The whole contained in MoroccoGrain Case. ifi rj-."Iv "C?.- I , 4. m.- c''ii'5''.."''i,,-. y , . KNOWN TH E WORLD OVER AND for iim, what? Why a Gillette, of course that is if you are anxious to give him a quality gift something that he will use. Gillette dealers showing full Christmas stocks. Buy early so you can be sure to get him exactly the set he will like best. Standard set with Gold-plated Razor, $6. Your dealer has it or can get it for you. Other sets, $5 to $50. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY, BOSTON