10 Till! TIKE: OMATTA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1014. SEVERE WEATHER I complete county figures i 1 TECCEMC ETPUTIMf iCanTassin& Board " the LDODDllO FlUniinU Count of Douelai County. Attacks by the Germ am in Flanders are Reported Curtailed by the Heavy Rains. FATE OF WAR ON RESERVES floar Fevlcr tac? Swiss Armr rotate that Straaalc Mill Be Woa tr s.le ItaTln Mml Mm to Master. NO CHANGES ARE BEING NOTED t'laarr Compiled fcr The Brr Are Brine; florae Oat hr Official Hoard la ( nmailli. rr'i Office. PARTS. Nov. 1.-The nlmlnlrhfiia In tensity of the German apvaulta 'n Flan ders la due to aome extent ti Bever weather conditions. The flooded section ia Increasing In area hi a result of the continuance of heavy rain anil tin- coun try between Nleuport inJ Plxmuo'e la a vast awamp In which Riirf anil ammuni tion waitona abandoned bv the fjrrmans lla embedded and In w),l. h flnit count less Corp net. The Oermnns have been cashed out of their tranches In several places, says an eve witness who has Just returned from the fn nt. but the)? con- I tlnue to Bend an occasional shU to the French trenchea. It la not probable that the Oormana will make further attempts In thla s tlon of the front, but a fl-rce effort is to be expected from Dlxmmle to Arrna 3a aoon a the Oerman troop have recovered from their tremendous cxertlona of Inut week and new men can 1e brought up to fill the taps In the rat kR. The fate of the war rtopenda now, Bay Colonel Feyler, an eminent BwIms mili tary writer, essentially on the reserves of men that the armiea arj alilti to bring up. And In thla reaped, according to military opinion here. Germany apprara to be In a atate of Inferiority. Not only doel the Ruaslan offensive prevent Oer many from transferring men fiom tho eastern to the western Iront, they point out, but troopa that are now bring In structed In tho Interior will nco. ssnrlly be aent against the Ilussians. Mas Blc Territory to Cover. It also la pointed out that Germany has lo operate on fronta totalling neirly l.ono mile with twenty-flv active army cons, while the allies have at tnelr dis posal twenty-nine army corpa fur a line leaa than half aa Ion. Thua (ran the point of view of available troops, It Is argued, the comparleon la unfavorable to the Germans. So far aa equipment la concerned the infantry on both aldna are equally well supplied. At the beginning the Germane were much better off with quick flrera, but tha allies now hae caught up by the Immenslve prod'itl in In the arm fac tories. In the artillery the alllea are aald to have the advantage its light pkces are concerned, but the Girnan heavy ar tillery la inconteatlbly sujirlor. They are not likely to retain that auperiorlly long, however, since both the French and Hrl tlsh arsenals are beginning to deliver big guns and the alllea have plenty of trained men to serve them. Irrespective of the Japaneae gunners, whose early arrival at Marseilles la announce! by rumor. Dr. Anna H. Shaw Re-Elected Head of Woman Suffragists Complete figures on the Douglas county vote for certain offices have been com piled In the elortlon commissioner's of fice by til's 'official canvassing hoard. The figures are the result of the official canvass of the election poll books, hut have not been given out officially be cause the footing have not been verified since totalled on adding machines. They are as follows: Workmen's Compensation. For g 472 Against 9,'uti Kort Kearney Armory. LOCAL GRAINJSSNAPPED UP Heary Receipts on Omaha Exchange Finds Many Ready Buyers. BRISK FOR NEBRASKA WHEAT Minneapolis and Dalala Millers "eek Cereal from Tala ate to Maintain Their firade of r'loar. There was enough grain on the Omaha market to that evoryboly got a chance 'at It. Receipts were ubout the heaviest that they have been any day so far this fall and everything was cleaned up be fore the closing hour for trading. Omaha receipts were: Wheat, 155; corn, 11, and oats, forty-four carloads. How ever, the heavy rccelpta failed to break the market, which held up strong, wheat selling at from 11.06 to $1.07, with corn at from til to J3 cents pr bushel. The northern demand for durum wheat waa much stronger than last week, and Against lfi,(S3 I during the session prices went to II. MH, Woman a trace tmeaif me.nt. ! tho highest ever paid here, though the , B 4sr, ' bulk of the Bales were around $1.12 per ...10.M i bushel. .... ! ... 6,va For .... Against For .... Against 1st Amradmeat. For .... Against Jary Amendment. (Joveraor. John If. Morehead, dem , H. K. SHikett, prog , It. H. Ilouell, rep Ocnrgrt r.. I'oiter, soc , Natinn Wilson, pro , l.leaieaant (jevrraoi James I arson, dim " Ia K. KiliiKliell, prog Walter V. lloagland, rep (lien H. AM, sex- Henry F. J. llockenherger. pro Heeretary of Mate. Charles W. l'ool (dem.) har.ea hkalla (prog.) iiMiiBuii nan iep,i Jonn iltner (soc.) Nelson ilsld (pro.! Auditur of abllo Accoaata Wm. If. Hintth (dem.) J. F. Hiinsun (prog) W. I..- .Minor (rep.) Guy I'hlll.i.s luiic.) Frank W. Miles (pro.) Ntate Treasurer. Oeore K. Hall diem.) . . J. Kroatch (prog.) Franklin r. Hamer (rep.) 1. J. llaldwln (soc.) Charles Mull (pro.) Minneapolis and Dututh buyers were on hand In large numbers and bid the I market up fur the Nebraska wheat dur- jj K) ' ing mo nay, laaing in tne neigni ornood .. 4.494 of 60,000 bushels for milling purposes. Ijist week they bought close to 250,000 . .13,710 litiHlu ls. and tho Indications are that their " th? ' Pl,rchasea this week will far exeel any Vi2 I vpr made during a like period. NATION'S FARMERS TO UNITE American Federation Will Be 0r ganized Here Next Month. WILL BE CLEARING HOUSE Object of the. cheme la to Have Pro. doeera Co-Operate aad Kaow Jast Wkere to aend Their Cropa. activity In the matter of facilitating lta marketing. There are some lo.OOO farmers' organisa. lions In Various parts of the country, all of which, according to the officers of the National Federation, lack adequate mar keting facilities. Receiver Ordered by Court to Reopen Arkansas Mines ..10.787 .. 1.070 ..10.WI4 .. Mi .. 2l ....10.501 . ... l.llKl ....i'i,o; .... I,r.:i4 .... iM) ifl. w i.'f.i 10,1:117 1.H40 10.1M8 , l.W7 t.Vfl 1 l.CillS 223 nprriatenclrat of I'ubllo Iastractlon l M. Whitehead (clem.)........, Wlllard T. lavla (prog.) A. o. Thomas (rep.( , Kthel J. M,H(er (soc.) Arthur D. Walker (pro.) , Attorney General. Willis fc. Heed (dem.) W. T. Will (i.iog.)... , Chsilna IV ll,iur. I...... . ' .. 9.8T? .. l.asi .. 1,740 .. 817 .. 9. 74 J 1.W9 Need Nebraska I'rodnrt. The big mills of Minneapolis and Dututh are forced to use the Nebraska hard In maintaining their grade of flour. The hard wheat of this state Is mixed with the spring soft of North Dakota and Minneapolis In order to manufacture tho grade of flour that they are putting onto the market. Nebraska wheat is rapl lly becoming an Important factor In the export grain trade, assert the Omaha grain men. Last week something In excess of 400.000 bush els started for the Atlantic ports, and the indications are that the trade this week will he much heavier. CRITISH AVIATOR DROPS BOMB INTO COURTRAI LONDON, Nov. .16. The Central News I publishes a dispatch from Amsterdam saying that a German newspaper appear ing In llrussels, declares that a British aviator had dropper a bomb on the town !!li ti0' Courtral in Belgium on the river Lys. J. r . HurlHiih (soc.) 1 rir, I twenty-six miles southwest of Ghent The explosion of this projectile killed ..10.0M .. l.fOl ..10,1L' .. 1,1)06 . .10,844 .. 1,Z!C .. .U7S Henry T. l:!ttenhendr (uro.l 5ik ! t umnilsalaner of Public Lands and and Buildings. William n. KaKthnm (dem.) W 111 am I. hencdlct (prog ) Fred Heiktnann (rep.) Fred G. Chase (soc.) Hallway Commissioner. Will M. Maupln (dem.) Julius (J. Hurpliain (prog.) Thomas I., Hull (rep.) J. T. Brlllhait (soc.) Board of Heaeats of tho lalrerslty of Nebraska. (. w. Nohla Idem.) hi 41tl Don L. Iavk (prog.) ' t'tA W. H. M.ller (prog.) l.JsS 1'eter Jansen (rop.) gtj.g Kdward lJ. llrown (rep.) s'wn C. H. Jonea (soc.) x'biiX Mrs. Anuetta Neshltt (pro.) . 'alii L. C. Gilbert tpro.) ., jjj Conaressmaa, Heeoad District. Pharloa O. Lobeck (dem.) fifteen of the local population. The formation of a fcystcm of county or district clearing houses for crop' con ditions (11 America Is contemplated by a national farmer's orgarlxstlon that Is to be perfected In OmAha at a convention Decemlier 1, 11 and 12. The organisation was temi'orarlly organized In Kansas City In August. It w known aa the American Farmera" feieratlon. The plan contemplates a national bureau, or clearing nouse, 'to which all the local or district clearing houses would report regularly on crop conditions In the locality. This It Is expected would fafllltste the matter of marketing to a great extent. A typical example of the working of the nystein could be drawn from the situation In ahlch one locality might have a great crp oi highly jerlah able fruit. The man owning the fruit farm would report the approximate date of ripening to his locsl bureau, or clear ing house. The local manager would re port It to the national clearing houae. The national clearing houses would l:kely have on file a record of the market con dttiona all over the codntry. with ea peclnl notes on certain localities where Just such fruit might be marketable at the particular time. It would be the bualnens of these bureaus to get the pro ducer and the buyer together at such time, and thus aid materially in finding markets for products throughout the country. Will Be Blac flavin. Thousanda of bushels of apples, peaches and other fruits rot beneath the trees In Nebraska and other states every year simply because the fruit grower or farmer does not know where to market at the particular moment when his crop Is ripe. The assumption Is that there Is nearly always a profitable market somewhere for these products, jf It could only be systematically found at the right moment. Traffic managers of the various it. 11 roada have been Invited to attond the meetlnga also. It la expected that somo sort of a .co-operative indcrato.ndins enn be reached with the railroads In the matter. Would Help All Products. What la true Of the fruits would be true of grain, hay, live stock and oth.ir frm products In a measure. The fed-'ratlon hopes to cover the whole field it farm FOrtT SMITH Ark., Nov. K-Actlng on a petition filed by Franklin Bache, president and receiver of the Pache-Dcn-man company. Federal Judge Toumans Issued an order Instructing the receiver Immediately to resume operations of the mines conti oiled by the company. The mines have been closed for several weeks following disturbances by miners and sympathisers, who opposed the plac ing of the mines on an open shop basis. Within the last two weeks federal troops were ordered to Fort Pmlth to give force to a federal court Injunction prohibiting Interference with the work ing of the mines. No disturbances have been reported since the arrival of the troopa. Constipation, Colds, Headaches, Regulate Your Bowels! 10 Cents Furred tongue, Bad Colds, Indigestion, Fallow Pkin and- Miserable Headichea come from' a torpid liver and constipated bowels, which cause your stomach lo be come filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like garbage In a swill barrel. That's the first stop to un told misery Indigestion, foul gsses, bad breath, yellow . skin, severe colis, every thing that is horrible and nauseating. A rascaret tonight will surely straight en you out by morning a 10-cent box will keep your head clear, stoniHch sweet, liver and bowels renular and make you feel cheerful and bully for months. Ion't forget your chi:dreti-4helr little lnsides need a good, gentle, cleansing, too, occaalonslly. CANDY CATHARTIC Breaks A Cold In A Few Hours Without Quinine Don't stay suffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffing! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until ' three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either In the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages; stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves Bick headache, dullness, feverlshness, sore throat, sneei- Ing, soreness and stiffness. Tape's Cold Compound" Is the quick est, surest relief known and costs only 25 cents at drug stores. It acts .without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no In convenience. Don't accept a substitute. Advertisement. I Girls! Girls! You Must Try This! Doubles Beauty of Your Hair . . .. X7-iy 1A T"h All' ."AB"Vrr..",:.L'V; ...n.! Jrrrtam VprokT tire aaminisirauon i Thomas w. Hmckhurn (rep.). Woman Suffrage association headed by, Fred J. Warren (aoc.) tw. n Howard Shaw of New York c u. croweii. jr. (pro) for president was elected at the annual convention of the association here today. NASHVILLE. Tcnn., Nov. 16,-Thls victory In the election ot officers means that the administration will have full control In the national board which directs the work and decides all new questions of policy that may arise during the year. In addlUon to Dr. Bhaw the following officers were elected: First vice president, Mrs. Stanley Mc CVrmlck, New York; second vice preal int Mra. Desha Breckenrldge. Ken tucky; third vice president. Miss Kath-1 trine B. Dats, New York; recording sec retary. Mrs. Susan W. Fltsgerald, Mas sachusetls; corresponding secretary, lra. Orten II. Clark. Michigan; treasurer, Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers. Connecticut: second auditor, Mrs. Medill McComilck, Illinois. I'nder the association's rules the con vention must adjourn tonight. The ex ecutive council and board of directors, however, will hold meetings here to morrow. Tho convention today adopted a mo tion fixing the llrst Saturday In May as "suffrage day," for a nation-wide cele bration In the Interest of "votes for women." ,...14.070 ... l,8.vl ... 7.4r ... 1.1N0 ... V-J "(ate HepresratatlTrx. John C. Barrett (dem.) lo 445 Itlchard C Huuter (dem.) 10 415 John 1. N'egley (dem.) 10 516 Jerry Howard (dem.) Henry C. itluhmond (dem.) lo'ail 1. P. Palmer .(rep.) Io.ihiS Nels A. Lundgren (rep.) IM14 Bert Miner (rep.) a.xTiJ W illiam N. ( hauibcrs (rep.) 9, Tim J. Frank Burgess (rep.) 6.971 John Lsrsen imp.) 9.tUS Holiert C. Drucsedow (rep.) Jtlio William K. Htockham (rep.) 9.M James P. Brennan (doin) 9.4d Hurry A. Foster (rep.) 9.61H W. II. Uueenan (dam) t.4ii7 Joseph M. Lovely toem.) a. 4X7 Jerry A. I.inahan (dem.) 9,375 F.dtvard A. Hiliilh (rep.) ft.ltOS Thomiia H. Murray (dem.) 9.;M4 Franrla Morgan idem) ,IM Michael Lee (rep.) 9.0M Padlck J, Ryan (dem) 8.S7S J. W. Long (rep.) 1.873 Coaatlpatlosi Relieved by Dr. King's New Life Pills. Liver and bowels kept healthy and active. Don't gripe. Sure relief. JSc. All druggists. Advertisement. Immediate? Yes! Certain T-t hat's the joy of It. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a Danderlne hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Dan derlne and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and In Just a few mo ments you have doubled, the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle' or thin. Besides beautifying the hair. Dander-1 Ine dissolves every particle of dandruff;! cleanses, purifies and invigorates thej scalp, forever stopping Itching and falling I hulr. but what will please you most will' be after a few week's use, when you see new hair fine and downy at . first yes but really new hair growing all over, the scalp. It you care for pretty, soft hair, ' and lots of It, surely get a 2S cent bot-' tie of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet and just try It Ad vertlsenient. IT Ecello Lump Coal $8.00 Per Ton The Wonderful Furnace Coal Blue Flamed, Smokeless. Lasts Like Anthracite. We Are Sole Agents. , 1 Coal Hill Cool Co. 211 South 19th Street., . Three Phones, Doug. 978. Metcalfe Loses His Overcoat at Hotel Following la a list of petit robberies re potted to the police: Overcoat, from H. L . Metcalfo of Lin coln, while iie waa dining at the Pax ton hotel. About I00 worth of merchandise from the store of R. II. Treis, 4i(I Cuming street. A bundie of merchandise worth XS from the wagon belonging to C. C. Nelson, 1114 llrown street while it waa standing at a downtown corner. STATE AUT0M0BILISTS TO MEET IN OMAHA TODAY The Nebraska Automobile association holds Its annual convention at the Rome hotel today at 10 a, m. A large num ber of state delegates are pec ted to attend thla meeting, when matters ot Im portance to the automobile world and good roads will be discussed. Mayor Dalilman wlll welcome the delegates an1 Harry Lawrle, president of the aasocla Uon. will preside, at the meeting. All those interested In automobile work and good roads generally are Invited to at tend, beatdis the special delegates who have been appointed. Hack I llacat liak! With raw tickling thrust, tight chest ore lungs, you need Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and quickly. The first dose helps, it leaves a soothing, healing coating as It glides down your throat, you feel better at once. S. Martin. Bus sett. Neb., writes: "I bad a severe cough and cold and was almost psat going. I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tsr and am glad to say It cured my cough entirely and my cold soon disappeared. Kvery uwr a friend. For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement. $4.75 mm si.25 12 at $3.88 mwffm it' Mf-f- mm V4. I A, 'WVljlS4x, Why Freeze When You Can Buy Blankets and Com forts at Such Low Prices? Ct.ttl- lit i..l rt.t .t. Very fine pure wwivut nii-nwi vnuxu enough for largest beda. Come In-. also plain white, aray They weigh up to V r ( tr nlairfa - A 1. . nave wiae sua rionoo Dinatng. I hey lis. pair, blankets of thla quality alwaya sell for is. u to i. vu. npeciat now, per pair Betcon Nashua Blankets Tomorrow we will place on sale about 40 pairs of extra heavy cotton blankets. These are the largest cotton blankets made, be in a: full 1J-4 (lie. Manurao tured by the well-known Dea con and Nashua Mills, and are positively the very finest cot ton blankets obtainable. In white, tan and gray. Ord naruy sen at not lesa than KMnK Spe cial, tomorrow, pair.. wool blanketa. Big ana tan. Many $1.49 Fine Wool Filled BUskets An extra foe, aoft wool-filled, full-sle blanket; full 1-4 wool with a cotton chain: preferred by many to all wool, aa there Is leas shrinkage. All colors in broken and block plaids, gs.lxs value; special, pair $2.69 Dowa Filled Biky Pillows All clean, goose down filled In fant pillows; covered with the flneat down-proof while cam bric. Bias llx 14 and 14x14. ee value;. IMC special, each .... Special Bargain la Comforts We place on aale tomorrow a lot of sample comforts that were bought exceedingly. cheap. These are of all gradoi. weights and patterns. Comforts of thla quality were made to aell from 1.T3 up to SX.tve. There are just id dosen In this lot. and we will aell them to morrow, while they last, for, each Comforts at 49c Each Full else, winter weight; medium and dark colora. Many pat terns to select from. No. 1 quality of sllkollne covering. Si.ee ana sua val ues; specially priced for tomorrow, each. Auto Robes Strictly all wool auto robes: re versible and plain backs: fancy Scotch plaids and other desira ble patterna. Finished with a 4-inch wool frlngs. Sixes I4x 14 and sOxlO. These robes would be very cheap at M . Our special sal prioe, each Hanan Shoes For Women Hanan CQ Son are the largest makers of exclu sively high class shoes in America. They have achieved this enviable position by adhering to the principle that only the best of everything is good enough for Hanan Shoes. 20 different styles in all leath ers. Exclusive Agents. . Parcel Poet Paid. Drexel 1410 Farnam. EI Ie3 ED In the Lead in the Leading Places The whiskey that leads in the leading clubs, bars, res taurants and hotels is "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure" i ' Cedar , Brook is the largest 1 selling brand of Kentucky whiskey in the world. Whenever you're asked, "What shall it be?" say, "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure." . Arid then you will be sure you're right Same sure superior quality since 1847. At all leading Clubs, Bars, Res taurants, Hotels and also at all leading Dealers. - Itsull 4l km"' bo .wn.rr BRATsv' rm ioi il4 Bottled in Bond For Sale Everywhere 1,400 Square Feet Very Desirable Location 3d Floor Facing 17th Street THE BEE BUILDING "Ta laiMisf (net k aiarcraj srw" ' This is an exceptional opportunity to get a large desirable floor space in a modern, thoroughly fire proof building, located on the best business corner in Omaha. The natural light ia ample, being produced by six outside windows, sup plemented by four double windows opening on the beautiful court. Mazda electric lights as needed with free 'current. Two large fire-proof vaults and plenty of stor age space. Easy access to the ele vator, in fact a most desir able location in every way. The Bee Building Co. Inquire oi Saperifiteid'eiit, Room 103. A IB If 99 We can't think of any name but BABY (or the doll we are go ing to give away this week. If you girls want to see the prettiest, sweetest baby doll in all the. world, just come down to The Bee office this week and see ' BABY" you'll be glad you came, just to look at her. v- .Everything about her looks "BABY;" her dresses, shoes, hair, cheeks,, mouth, everything is just dear, innocent, pink BABY. Wouldn't you like, to hold her in your arms just a wee moment? And think of .It she Is going home with one of you next week, to be . ALL YOUR OWN. How happy that little girl will be. , . Maybe, that little girl is You. . "Baby" will bs riven Tree to the little girl, under 10 years ot aga, that briars or malls us the larrsst ' number of doll's pictures out out ot the Dally and Sunday Bee before 4 p. m. Satur day, Wot. a 1st. Her picture will be in j The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in i their paper for you, too. . See how many pictures of "Baby" you can get, and be sure to turn them in to The Bee of fice before 4 p. m., Sat- I urday, Nov. 21st. If you don't win this Dollle, perhaps you ran get one next week. Only una doll will be given to any one person. ' Yon eaa ae "BABY" at The Harvard Drag Store. 2ttb and Farnam, Monday and Tuesday. Sherman & McConneU's. loth and Dodge, Wednesday and Thursday. The Owl liruj; More, 16tli and Hartley, ' Friday and Saturday. See real estate columns for bargains