Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1914, Page 9, Image 11

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Houses and lottaces.
Globe Van& Storage South American Harvest of Wheat
Started at Buenos Ayres.
f .! His lied In login X
Soutli Sixteenth Mrcct
:JHtl, o f -
I II. .-
flee 315
Art rip OtH-n i High l.nw H'lif ' ftil'y !
stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horee un
st-d i' men, $1 25 t hr ; storage p.r
iro Satisfactory guar. P. 4.CS & Ty.
We have a complete list of all nouses,
arsrments and fiats that are for rent.
Thia ran be seen tree of chsrge at
Omaha Van Storage 'o . w S l itt- si.
Fidelity Storage Co
Storage, moving, packing anil shlppine.
lnh Ar Jackson Sts. Phone Poll Kit 2xx
Mav 1
Cereal Strengthened hy the Demand
from Foreign Countries
Corn Herejps re Morh
Miirrl anil Off lorn.
Just Now
W Offer
Two Small Offices!
$10.00 AND $12.00.,
Water. Light ami All Service Free.
The Bee Building
(Tlio Mulcling Thut Is Always New.)
Office Room, 103;
tATi sleliTii-heutod stores, very low rent,
near postoffloc. O. 1'. Siehhlns,
DESK room In desirable off !. lice
HhU. !". 32".5.
I c.
I 'ec.
.1 an.
1 lsii
I 14
-1'.' .'
I !
is 124
i .) 55
I !
1" 124
t IVx,
I :1V
ii 20 i
19 62-6.".
h 4.", 1
10 60
, n x
l '.'
1 124
19 ,o j
10 4 i
1 M'i 1 1V.P, :
i i :t'. -
4'4 li'Vc-M (
My 5-!'
li 124 11 10
i! 55 ir io
b 4;''., lo
io .v. ,1057-60
Cattle Receipts Light and Trices
Show Some Improvement.
1 i,
'at Sheep and lamina Mrtili,
Stcrnne Ipinlltt t l.ninl
Nothing Top IVrilrr
I aniha Miuilr lllulirr.
t'K mi:
0 do. k T'
V."" hi' Ml, II
Mm r I 111' !.i
1 ilk of til.
II 'i I he I .
but Tlii'i..
In ii' 1
ib s mil'
I'lllllO Hi $
bronchi . ;
W lull low I
t'-lI'MK Kl I'll
or Mio I. i',!. I
m: it i in
iliira. io nil,!
l't.t of I.'
N" If.
111 !l
t nt
iiiiI II"'
f Imnlo.
I.'in r!'
.I .hi..
l.ll'.l'M It.' I I
HOI1I.' 111. It
11 '
a u
OMAHA. Nov. Hi, l.'M
According to cablo advlooe from Buenos. May. In W 10 10 M 10 10 ,.
Avrrn the harvrstliiK of wlu-al will bo ; .Ian.. o ill I in X", io 1" A '10
ooinniencrd In the northern part of Ar i '
K-ntlna thin morning, tho harvesting of. nleano (ash 1 i too--Wheat No. 1 red.
this grain will be general next month 1 ' HVu I - .S : No. k hard. II. H, n 1 ).- V
there, and that a bin movement 1 prom -1 ''orii. No. 2 ye. low, ?:i , (i . 1 . new, vu
titod for eanv January, an wrll aa Kt. 1 .'V; No. a ye, low, 7:,.To. now. -)!
AcoorduiK i
ruar' and the later months.
to an estimate riiblislied bv the l.lvei
pool Corn Trade Ne the vteld of wheat
In that rountry will be larger than last
year, when It was IK.OOO.tmo bushes. In
l?!'.' It was lliS.4(W.00n bu.xhels.
M.inv comnlitint! ure coioinff from the
stale of Kaiifas of a lack of mark, oa-sos inclinl.d. joii;'
line of the laruer concerns tn the trade firsts. " ' 4 r e : f ruts I'ii'wh'
"tin .'rnnciies Hit Over lue sinie bbji.
that whether there haa lieen (laiuai;e to
the growing crop up to the present umo
or not the opinions are divided, l-'roin
the maimer In which the receipts ol
wheat at St. lmls and Kansas City eon-
oats: No. :i white. 4r'ih4s".c: stand
nrd. 4'iS'i4e. Hyr: No J. SI. ( I. IM.
Harlry. iilvk'. S-ds: Timothy, (Ui r.m
!.; clover. iHV'h 14.ii I'iomsioiih fork,
I1T.M: hud, Sll.4'.. ribs. $.i sTnin 7:.
Cl'l'l BK-s.i-Kilv: i rBniei'ics, !iKi'.
KutIS -Muher; receipts, ;X c isoe; a
li. Tin
47 rc
of cattle, hots and sheep at the .oiith
omnhu live stock market for the year I"
date, as compared last year.
P.M4 IKi:
Cattle W,ii41 S....i.i
I !. t ... r2-'
ISheep S.KNMH 3.i: .'iM
lleeeipts were:
I'Munat.' Monday
Hanio Max- Inst w r. k
!"ntw nivka ago
Same .1 xieeks aio..
Sam.- 4 wt eks hko. .
Same day last year
The. following table
'at Mo
s l;t7
. i.t: i
. !'.4VI
;". r..l
:!. 1
;.!'.( i
leediog I"
t can-i- and
aril ri'innin
1. 1.: dene lit",,
I . . . Il ls , . .
.' SMI ' t!oM I'll! I
'"hi Hi'ik III I
" ' r iiku c,'nH1
M.'i II K . .ul.'"
'.If lot r 11, 'li it i
.' a lll.ilket t;
"'lit h. .1 1 1 1. 1.1
mi. tin- i roe a
' II S.ltMd.'t
I ". .1, l laiol's rh" e.l r -.o'd
es H ill I,!"' bU'het Tl e l"'.k
Inillli sal' s was iivi'li' ul ?'. ''
u il l In nil I,, i! ' t niu 11 i"n
t i f , in A w e. i a!o l.' l.r
i'.t liiiol'.i loiild be had i'
lei.l.v sherf' of collie, i ' le IV t
red I .limbs at '' -cent t"l
IP, i.s. s e, ill t nine Xi'ef.llni;
.re .I'.otable at '.!!' " i'ii'I
II Hindis Hie 'I'l'Mllble at .vM
Oprnine, of Reserve Banks aiul
I Cotton Exchange Has Effect.
Tlucr.go Tickers Open ?a. After
Nini-D.iv Quar?r.t:r.e.
sti r. In
tloiids ami otes f.e.ort
"Ihrr I miiilrr" llusl-
'I'll a ii II err nil
lliuli n .ivil. Ilinronahlj Inspeilrd
Sri- Ili'i'lU'il I'rni Will
lUsliir-ol.-d I'.verj V. eeli
f,.P a W hlle.
'4 llil
h: '.
.Mir! nits,
yearllii s,
1 lit'. ee
. b ice '.
-i iMi'i : :
ewes gooi
t i good. I
i on -beep ami lambs: t.anibH,
! .Ice. ' iic'.i'.i c; lambs lair l
. ' . i1 ' fei-ilers. viM'.l l'l elio ce
lee. 'h is. .opinion, Ji "-.i .11 7.' . to I holce. $; :.01S ,1'
fair t Kod. ST.'MTi'.r year
'ers. $.. 'l,l '. '.HI. .letlOTS. gOOil to
:lS7ti. wel'iel's lull' to good.
v-ethers. Vodcrc II ;(MI
t io i h.e. e J.". 1V.1H'. '.V; w.
' is.. CV e :. '.eeilels. J..
4 .41
' 11
NI.W iUK. N'O bi - In iMgu, .itl.':i ot '
1 he federnl res. -i e system and the formal .
(.pen. nit ot I be cotton ei lininte mid thei HI'
. in b iii.ii kei .vet i' lb.- outit.'tii.liiitt t.'i' l'i s ' In o ;li
ot ltilltieui f in tin Milan, el d!i.trlt to ,t,,i .,
I'l'ini all account the new bnnkin-.
'aws wrie t lulo cfieit nt n'.l of thelli' "
luelie r.ttlotial c.nleis with a in. n I in 1 1 ti 1 1 loot
of i (infusion, 'ftic i m pot I i in e of I Ida un- ,VRS f;i, ,:liV inl;
.lei l ikciic, may l e Uidued from 1 lie f:t 1 !H)(
nun 1 lie new svsieill eruni a ' cs o-it i l. ,mmmA hv
-'il' I n linn ii I?- ii i. , i .i-.i" ... ... .
i in No-.-, b
,li Me I'llio
I .in v iiIIh i
..I by federal
(.115-e ol
loon in
rilnnght.'tlng of
i Hindi yards was
nlii'day tularin
and state nuthoi-
the prevalence of the
I sense The quarantine
at midnight last
Imilnit iihki t ile canilal and
l.'.S'.'s.V"M and iliposits ot
Ii itatii I s- steady n-
Michigan and Wisconsin,
kota and Minneaot. 4' nl."ic.
It.H'UIIV- Live, higher;
l'Jc; fowls. 11c: turke, b".
I 4'-
cars .
springs, 11Vy
to increase there is Utile fear of
LXCKI.LKNT office ipaee, Jj per month. I crop louses tn Kansas, 1 hose marKeis
ii"3U lire Uldg. I received 614,0"0 ho. Jointly on Saturday,
.. " - . - v compared with 10$, Out bu for the coire-
lA-lVTti-n m uPVT Upondlng day a year aiJo. i:eceipts of
"mi' J I wheat from July 1 to date at primary
ANTKP-To tent from someone leavini ' ,"!"r.55, were '. bu
the city for eeveral inoi.thH a turin.shed , bu' a.yar, , . ,
apartment, by re laole party. Reterences . The export trade in oats has fallen off
by the fact that foreigners have bin
The followltig table hhows t.i, aveiatf.
price for holts at the South I iiiinhii live
stock market for the few da, with
Pate, i li14 lsl l , i-l a. tt'. I . . l-.iio.
tuinl hei.. Adireas
K 184. lice.
VvANTKP TO KKHT A farm on idiarea
with everything furnished. Addrnaa C
Coppovk. Hoien-. Neb.
to I)OWN and to monthly buys in acres,
grain, fru.t, poultry laud, near town;
pf l-'e, S.;o. S10 monlhly buys SO u, res. J
write for liat cheap land. Box -iiry,
Carthage.. Mo.
t liconitii,
Upper Wisconsin
Beet umy and genet at cop slain In tha
union, avlUurs wanted: lunda for sale at
low prices on easy terms. Ask for book
let 34 cn vV leconmn Central J. and Giaut,
biaue acres wanted. Write about our
crating lands. If Interested in fruit lunda,
ask. fur booklet on Appie uictniids in
V Isconsm. Address Land Lept. iioo
, . .... .n..i... , i
i1" way of that
.'imoittits of that gram going to them and
they are anxious to clean up part of these
offerings before they make additional
fuither purchases except on the soft
spots. Week's reielpta wera e.SM.mW hush
els, against 8.7.SS noo bushe,s one year ago,
and since August 1 thone shipments were
lJi.'lV,!"!" busliels, against no.nuo.OoO bush
els a year ago.
V ith the I'uetiitig of the stock yards
today and a hog market on which to do
bi.s in the provision pit ,m the Hoard
of Trade, additional activity is i xfccied.
The ( ash trade in hog products has In en
larger than generally known, and a threat
deal of this is being ued in the way of
blni'iiienij abroad.
heat was "40 to c higher.
Coi n wan lc to 3'ic lower.
I'ata were unchunned to c lower.
There Is little doubt but what the e
port trade m wheat will continue on an
ennrmuUH scule in luct. up to the offer
ings lor immediate and future Mluptiietit,
aa well an up to the, ocean freight loom
aalaoi. Tim beaia in wheat will talk
more or less of tho Argentine crop being
of the L nited Malm,
quotation of the liny on
Com nnIIIT-a.
AV UK AT Spot, firm; No. 2 red. l.lV
No. hard. ll.hiV No. 1 northern Pu
luth. II.1HV,; No. 1 northern Mmltoh-i.
H .-3VL-. nominal o. i. f Mufislo to arrive.
futures lirmer on export aales. but ease I I
I Nov.
I Nov.
I Nov.
1 Nov.
Ss I " W' "1 IT.
W.j 7 06S 7 T4
7 11
7 71
7 !;
HIGHLY Improved Ked Hiver
farnih; can accept some trades,
for list. Huxa y-tirown. Uarnesvillc
KLRH Title UuuraiiU'e una Abstract Co.,
a modctn atai.act olfice. UG ti. litlt tiu
1 hone Pouulaa 4s7.
lil.Kl) Abatrucl Co., oldest abstract ot
iko m Ni.Uiuaiva. -iHJ Lidiiidcifi 'X'uuuter.
CITY unit ,ariu iuuuu, ', .'V... 0 per cent.
J. 11. uumoi.i 1 u. .o.o r 111 naui. (Jmana.
W ANTbLi Cily luuiis. l'c-ii ru Trust I'o.
i.idiAiIA iioiin.s. l,uh: iNcuiaahU luiins.
UJs.iiL.l-t, KLili LaT.t'iit, CO.,
M'i unci 11.1 Anil. Dougiaa :f7IS.
HAi.lvitfii.N ii MUitl'U.N, tuu old. .sail.
VJlXkV 1N UUUO v ,,.ana Nan. bairn,
.1 4 i r urn: uiiitit jvioku iui-.Lo. omuua
iVATtu-1. uy .onus uud warrants. W.
. ainuiii biuan at Co., iij rarnain.
C.1T1 pi ipcr.y. Laigu loans a apeciaity?
v . 1 1. AI10HU.S, gilte HailK Hidg.
tiuu to tiu.iim: nia.jt. piuiui.y. ii,
e, riidg., j.iiii ana l ari.Bm
11. vv.
oil 1 and lor city aim lar.n ludiis.
Uiluier, t uy Natl, uuiik Ijiag.
I'lTY l.UA.Mi, Ueiiiis-cai iberg Co.,
uti-;:i.i Hranuds theater Hidg.
but tiiose who are beM misted on rondi
EXCHANGE tions say that all the wheat in the Culled
Mutes, as well 11 s Argentina, will be
wanted, and a cablo received from Liver
pool said ttiut the larger part of the sur
plus in India has alieady been contracted
for bv (ipnt
The corn market Is In a posl- I
tlon where lower prices would '
doubtlesa be aeen were It not for the good 1
export demand ttiat has developed and I
wheh is expected to absorb all the corn
of good quality to be offered from this !
lime forward. There is a goodly open In-
teres! in the Mav future at Chicago and
It is generally believed that foreigners are ;
long not only on the futures, but that 1
they have considerable ctiwlt bought for
delivery a soon us the grain is available ;
This fall has been exrel'.ent for ciirlnir .
and hu'klng corn and the movement will
likely increase freely. Heeeipts of eorn j
front November 1 to date were 7.544 001 1
bu. against 4.4' J,0(iO bu. last year. Re- .
reints last week were HHtC.OoO bu., while
the shipments were l,4"il.0iy bu.
Clearances: Wheat and fiour fiial to
1.470,0' J bushels, -orn, 3.000 bushels and
oats.. ;lS7,ono iiushels.
Liverpool opened with wheat unchanged
end corn l lower. .
Prfniary wheat receipts wore 3.0S0.OO
bu.. mid shipments of 2.O50.O00 bu., against
receipts of 1.8i").oil bu. and shipments of
l.o.'l.iKO bu. last year.
Primary corn reee'nls were l.Su'' bu.,
and shipments of 345,000 bu., against re
ceipts of W1.000 nil. and Fhtpments of
SJsSOoo bu. last yenv. ,
Primary oats receipts were I.OOOtM bu.
and shipments of I.O.l.oOO bu., against re
ee:pts of 751,0,10 hu., and shipments of
W.0O0 hu. last year.
off tin the big Increase in the visible eup
ply: Peccmber, SI C'.l: May. $1.29i',.
1 It U'S ijulet ; states, oomuion to choice
1!'M. :4'(1b . 1'nclflc coast 1914 llf)14. ;
ll'l.l, !ille.
H I PKtS- Steady; itogolu, :'7ii:sc: Central
America, t'7c.
Wt'HUj steady : domestic fleece XV
C iiio, ;u(.i:cc.
CHUN Spot, st.adv: No. yellow. i.'c
! c. 1. f to arrive; Argentine, prime, ,se, delivered.
: OATSSio, steady; standard. tW-jo;
' No. 3 white. MV.i.Me; fancy clipped
white, vv. vr.'!Hc.
HA Y Steady ; prime. M.30; No. 1, I1.17U;
No. S, $1.10; No. 3, 95cSil.X; t hlpping. s
1(1 .of.
l.KATH L"H Firm: hcmlod; firsts. 1
j,te; seconds. 301i3lc.
I'HOVlSIt iNS - Pork, ftea ly: mess. S-'0..M
(fil'1'0: family, S4.nt; short cle.'irs, J.'IXf.o
2Voi). Heef steady; mess. S.T 0C'!-.'3 'Kl;
family. f'.'4.0ixic!,i.iiu. Iiri, steady: middle
west. $11. 7t((i 11. 0; refined, steady; conti
nent. $12 45: South America, I 1 - '. ; com
pound, firm. 7.1:M4j'n ,".40.
TALLOW Steady; city, 'f
OVIie; special, 6i
Ii CTT Kit-Wra k er ; reeel pt s,
creamery extras tH2 seore. Sic;
(higher .seorlngl, Icibiiiic;
lirsts, jn-iie- aeconds. 21 if ti SV; process
extras, aH'tJ'i'sjc; ladles, current make
flritj. J'.'Viifi 2;lr ; aoeonds, 2 1 iyij 2:'c ; tiack
Ing stock, ciirrmt make No. 2, 21fit Ur.
CHKKSK Steady : receipts, 4.'i, boxes;
slate whole m Ik. freith, eolured specials.
IV.1I.V4C, state whole milk,, while, l.'.i,e;
stale whole milk average fancy 141-0
Hue; state whole milk white, HVul-V;
sklniv -V'flVe.
Kill IS- Irregular: terelpi.s, ;'.,45ii2 cases,
fresh gathered, extra fine, :$-u4e; extra
firsts, :17'(i:'.Ke; tlrsts, liefjrwc; swonds. 27
i:1.'e; stale and nearby hennery whites,
Sf.fn'iTc; state and nearby fresh ' pat hered
whites. .".'(ifiV Htsto and nearby gathered
i Nov.
I ...ii
, Nov.
1 Nov.
7 Sf-
. 7 hi4
7.1 7 S4Vv
8.1 1
9 I 7 M 1
10; 7 ,4HVI
11.! 7 47V,
12. , , 4 ,
isi 7 r.7'
141 7 :i"si
l.v 1
1 7 81 !
S 27
7 f.l,
7 iW,
; ii4,
i!ii s :i
5 Ui 1 .ki
I l-i
h r! k 01
Ii H, V ,',
b 10! 7 !U
6 lOi S I"
ll l.t' s 'i.
I J ml
6 If! '
I'.y i 141 1 w
Sill li Ol! h IU,
,71 ii 121 1 M'
I 6 H
C" l 2.
Ox H
7 7i
7 Ui!
7 &
7 7ii,
7 M
S 2&I
1 73.
7 b4
7 70
5 .
S el
3 W
S tW
7 K. D
7 M 5 '-ii
II I I, lull. 1 mil"- '. ""'
..t fed iatoba ! "'
l'.S f.-.l , we.-- . M ;" '.'
K I S ' oil 1 1 11 1; e w i s -'2 4-
4.' VA vo-ntlia In libs ' '"
III '..1 in tubs 711 II ?0
l.! iiieitoli .'i'il"i lambs ii 7 T.
It". 1 irei; n feci. 1 bimb".. . .... el 7 2."
"N - '--eg. 11 feci. 1 I it'll s . .17
2li"i Orey.011 feed'-r hind's . .i 7 2.'i
I 11 ics 1.0 i.isr. m 01 h sishki:t
ii . 00
1 ,
fi 37.
ii 2'l
li SI'
' I
1 M
1 i.J
5 '
5 (II
ii s
Siinitay. . , b
Itect.pts and disposition ol dve stock
at the I nlon stock yards, South Omaha
lor twenty-lour hours ending at i n chwk
n. 111. yesterday:
UL' .il Tf-l .'
Cattle. llogs.Sll
I allle Irreuular llous I nellli-d
Sheep Sternly lit l.mii-r.
CIIIC.VHO. Nov.. IK - lllll'.S IJei-ellits.
P. 1 mt bead iiinrkel n uset t led eiily ad
ance of 10 t,, ic half lost: bulk. I, tkvi
M': llitl'.l, $.' (H; ; Mils o.l ; i',is..4.
leay. l.'.e.'.'iix.iH'. ro.ttih, $7, !t"'o 7 1 1 : pii'i.,
tt ll 1,(1,
CATTl.i: Hi- 1 ipls. ;,;t head, ni'iikct
iiregiila 1 : opened strong to IiOc higher,
advance uiosilx lost; beee:i, sS 2.'.-i 11 '0.
I steers. $" 1,11. i'l lio i ons and hellersi S . M
! -11H f'0; calves, $,.,oii 11 2.-
SIlKl- P It Ii'ts. .J mo bend
I 2'.c lower, sheep, V' ,".'., 1. Let',
fii.M'di 7 if', lambs. : i"ii'.i ll'
ins, tuitions
! Ill pills of
,- .-1; 1 .m i n
I In se new conditions found direct r.s, -ii not onli in lmproed senlimenl.
but in an itiereised deinaiid lor lnesl
iii. nt seciirll. s at prices gencraiH blither
I ban those recorded since .lulv .0 List. In
the uti"1.btul some inline stocks
Wile .llote.l at llgllli'S close to t lie final
pi li es of the da''.
pealers In bonds and notes reported a
laiiter 'over oountel ' business than i
1 fut 1 y and orders Until out ot town were
declined to be ill greater xoiiniie. Some
ol Hie I in 1 mr 1 ti ill f nun. ml Interests were
ni-gol utiiig for mun ipnl and state louim
on a ft per .cut busts, and new financing
stale nu. I federal veterinarians as free
from tl.e . .ntagioti and which hav hem
shipped In rem districts where th dis
ease l.a not b.-cn reported were) allowed
to bo kil'. d. Il.ii h unlmal must be passed
by nil e-iiiit'iier
He elpls for today were estimated at.
eightv -eii'hl curs. ( ontnlning 6,00(1 cattle,
l '.imo sheep and .! hogs. This estlmal
Is about oiie-tldrd the usual Monday re
ceipts lift hials .f the various packing com
panies are consldei'lnn a plan of dls'n
fectlllg the Hills iHi-o n wek.
Hogs sold 4 cents to &o cents higher
bv some of the prominent railways was
...... I (.. I... ,,.!.. .mlrfnrll.,ll TI.,'!,.
wei.i the usual riimoia of forthcoming ! hen Hie Htoek yards resumed business
foreign loans, none of which mater. allied.
I' Xi hangc in loiulotl was de.-nle.ll
easier as a result id ireer oft. -rings and
-. I t.
r en flings
1 absence of bids No fuithir change In
j tales tor long lime domestic loans and
(omnierolal paper was noted.
I In see,il lues of Inditstrx. notnblv
! steel and Iron. Mu le were signs of better-'tin-lit.
one o( lti' laiitMt plains ot the
I lilted Slates Steel ( nrpon.l on 1 esillulliK
I ( IM-riillons aitei so,. l I weeks ol nil
today atter the iiiiiirsnllne. Heeeipts were
only H,0i head, conelde ably below tho
average for Mondays. b :t more than had
been e pe. te.l in view 01' the areas un
der (iimrant ne. Mondav receipts in nor
mal limes approxl.nate SD.aoo.
He.-eipts of cnttlo nlso were below- the
svirnire. being but 7.000 head, buf prices
ccp. ll'r
Cnloti Pacific Hy... H P
C N.-W . west . ii '-''
c, St. P., M. CI.. ls
C., It. At west . .. i'l '- '
receipts Hi''
11. -
count ry,
Morris AL- Co
Switt & Co
I'lidahy Packing
I Armour Co. . .
4 SHI tulw; I Schwartr. & 'o.
oienmeryJ' W. Murphy..
i Morrell
1 .1111-0111 1 a. n ... a
Morris, S. St.
! lndeKMideiit
I Hont'in. '. S.
Hill ti Son
I''. H. I ."Wis
J. It. Hoot A- Co.
.1. H. Hulla
I L. V. Hus'.
. Kosensto. k Hros. .
Slllll 1111 l'.IOS
j Mo. a Kan -Oil
I lliiffinan
.... 721''
Kansas 4 1 1 I. lie Stni'k Mnrkel.
KANSAS CI I V, No li C.Vl'TLK -l(e-
celpt.", Ki.kii head, inarket bUher; prime
s.i fed steers, SIP." "tilt "L dressed heef sleet c..
A lil $1 .lOtliH.".'..; western steers. S, ' ixni'.i 7S; slock
3 3,eis and feeders, ii 0,ii .tn, bulls, $',.0odi
7 .. '.0; cul-v es. Jii.iiiii ln.25.
7 4, fl'hls - He. e pis. "o.ini head: market
Irg.ier. closed weak; bulk of sales, $r.t"tt(
;17 22 U", heavy, S7.7..'u 7 .xf.; ackers and hul.h
! ers, $;.7i'ts.i'; light, $;.iv .us.o,i; pigs, $7.00
Sheop. 1 'us 111.
I,l'i3 SIIKKP AMi 1 A M MS He, dids. li.'.l 1
2,111 hen. I; market higher; lambs. Jx 2.".1i 't 25 ;
1,2') yearlings. $ii .Wi" 70. wet here, S.YM'iitU.O;
1,3"m CWes, $;i.LYilii.00.
tier lust year
dlse tonnage.
Large retirements, of emergency cur
rency and clearing house 1 ertlflcales
lesiiiic.t to the earlier monetary condi
tions In the west.
Is 2.
Co. .
browns, and mixed colon. ::ifi;4i. state! Meyers
on. I nearby hennery hrowtus o' 1 Tan -tor tiros
POIT.THY Pressed. firm; western ! '"!in Harvey....
roasting chickens, 1 Tiff 20c: fresh fowls i 1 ' '''
12i,-?i1(; frozen tnrkev. I7iit22c L've' 1 K'loln
firm: western chickens. 13, He; fowlsllher buyers....
1.10 it-sc; tut lieys, IKrjlHo
iit.K iik tlibl U you wniii a furiii louu.
i t-ited Sjiuu-i '1 1 ust Co., Omur.u. Neb.
Tne Lot Free
II you iiii.c uiuuuu I.ovm (.uoti i-.j 1 ay on
' levant, in iv bungalow, ouk and .villus
-nainei flnitin, inouein. will get I on terms;
MM Sahli-r. Webster 4lHj.
Wheat. Corn.
. . .929
. . .5?r
I lata
fine of the Pisiurl, 2-ieyl
Mutitiil Pill
l-'atiy Asuin. Keystone comedy
K-M. .llama.
1100 CASH, balance like reut, buys!
it-room niodern dweliiug, West Far
nani uiBirici. t'rico rusiu. it you
mean business, tall D. -81!.
.New, modern s-iooin liouse, b'. 25th Ave.,
near Woolworlli. uuod reaaon lor aeliing.
I'riic, $4,2uii; worth S.i,i)O0.
-room new bungalow, 25th near Wool
worth Ave. Punuy unap, Vi.40u.
8 rooms clce 111, jMu ana cuss. $4,200.
ti 1 ooi. is, iiiouern, line yuru,, of
fruit, sliade; lot rjuxljii; 2J.j St., near Laird.
A anap, $2,850 Phone l. 3j07.
On account of poor heullh, I offer for
eale my property, close to depot; good
locution for restaurant and lunch room;
an keep groceries 111 connection. Will
K. Welsch. Hed Cloud, Neb.
TWO lota west L St.
minutes to car line.
Aivay, Wi 8. 24lh ft.
South Omaha, two
Hoth for SiiJj. Alex.
T. loss..
I Kansas City.
j St. Louis
! Winn'ra'K ...
: Th-se sales were reported today: Wheal
No. 2 hard winter: li bars. $1.07V4. No.
3 hard winter: 15 cuts, I1.0C, 8 cars, $l.Wi;
12 cais, Sl.Wi'i: 1 car, J.mi. .no. 1 nam
winter: 2 curs. Sl.OoV. I car, $1.05; 3
cars, $1.05. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, Sl.ufii.
No. i mixed- 1 car (white), 51.00. No. 3
mixed, durum: 1 car, $113. No, 4 spring:
1 car, xc; 1 car, Wic. No. 2 durum: 2
cars, 1. 134. No. 3 durum: 3 curs. $1.13;
3-5 car, $1.12. Kelerted: 2-5 car, Hoc. No
grade: 1 car, SU'l'v. Hye No. 2: 4 curs,
.sc. Hurley dejected, malting: 1 car,
ode. Coin No. 1 whtlu: 1 tar, o3c. No. 2
white: 1 car. 62c. No. 3 white: 4 cars,
til'.-ic. No. ti whito: 1 cur. 61c. No. 1 yel-
jlow: 2 cars, (i2Ac No. 2 yedow: 15 curs.
il'.vC so. a ouow : 1 mr, ozr; 1 i-ur,
Spite; 2 cars, l',4c; 14 cars, tile No. 4 yel
low: 1 ear, 'l'.'. No. 5 yedow: 1 car (old).
i".3c; 1 car, tile; 1 car. tjOc No. t yellow:
2 cars, lilc: 1 ear, OOvjc No. 1 mixed: 1
cur. (51c. No. 2 mixed: I car (oldl, W-jc;
3 curs. 611.JC: 2 cars, Wi'ic No. H mixed:
I car, 6e; i cars. 60',io; 11 cars, 60i-. No. a
mixed: 1 car (old), ol 4c; I cur, w, I car,
5'jc; 1 car, 59c. No. i mixed: 2 cars, W:
Outs Standard : 3 cars. 45V- No. 3 white:
b cars. 45c; car, 41Sc. No. 4 white: 1
car, 4:V,c; 2 cars, 44 '.qc. No grade: 1 car,
43i4c:. 1 car, 4:ic.
timaha Cash Prices Wheal: No. 2 hard,
$1.0.4''Jl.'i4; No. 3 hard, $1.0&'vfil.07'i:
No. 4 hard, SLOtMi 1.0T.V, No. 2 spring, i.O.i
(ffl.07'4; No. 3 spring, $1 .04 'a 1 .nfi'n; No. 4
spring, Sl.u0iril.06; No. 2 durum, $1.12'41S
I.131,; No. 3 durum. $1 .11 'ri 1 .13. Corn:
No. 1 white, 2'V,(jJ-ic: No. 2 white. 4lslj
62c; No. 3 white, 61tilVic; No. 4 white,
tFtiiiifViil'c; No. 5 while, 80'siilc; No. 6
while. tJOVifilc: No. 1 yellow, mfciUHe;
No. 2 yellow, 61'4-562l4c; No. 3 yellow,
A.i?ifi2c: No. 4 yellow. SOU'S 61c; No. 5
, ,, , ' ' 1-H cartons. Sic; No.
i, m.-io. tnrw. te
I HKESfv Imported Swiss. 3e; Amer
! lean Swiss. 2.K ; block Swiss. 22c; twins,
we; daisies 16Vie: triplets. 16V; Young
Amercas 184c: blue label brick, 17c; llm
, bur.7er-, i!b- "0c; "- ': Ne Vork
1 45c inil,ortPil I'rcnch Ho.iuefort.
nv.KF CCTS-Ribs: No. 1,'IS.-; No. 2,
!."'...N'"- 3 ,1,"',-' l-lns: No. I lli'vc; No.
li.'-ic; No. S, 13c. Chucks: No. 1, lO'-j.-;
No. 2, 10c; No. 3, Pe. Hounds: No. 1.
J-'ic: No. 2. 12e; No. 3. liy Plates:
icrW!,i-;; N,2; 8,c; :- (1'c'
tifii liout, 14o; large rrapples. 15c;
salmon. 84c; halibut. 114c; channel cat
tish 12c: tike. 14c: pickerel. 10c.
POl'LTRY Broilers. 1414c; aprlng chlek
ens. lie; hens, flijllc; cocks, Sc; ducks.
10c; pecse. He; turkevs. liic pigeons, per
doz., fK)c; ducks, full feathered. 10e; geese
'"feathered, Sc; squabs. No. 1. $1.50; No.
Market quotations furnished by Gillnski
I-ruit company:
1- Hl 'I i- 1 11 amies: Kxtrn fancy Valen
cia, Ms, Ill's, 12ils. 150h, 17s, 250r, $4.00 ier
box; Ked Hall Valencies, all sizes. S1.75
C. 1 I LE-Heeeipts
Ighlcst Mutt they hove been
on a
ipco July. Although the, range sea-
Sloiix I 111 Live SloeU Mnrkel.
81DI X CITY, Nov 1.1. -CATTLE- He
eeipts. l.rtno head; niarliel to liv
higher: nat'.x e steers $ii 7ViiX tvi; biitcherH.
I $.1 i.'yti in; cows and belters, 4 .wvim. ,,".;
1 cannets. $4 ttt'nfi.iiO. sto. k.-rs an. I feeders,
I $ii.w '(J '..'.'i0; calM'S. $7.H'(i1i.i.O, bolls, slugs,
1 etc., $ I., WiK". ik
j HdC.S Hieelpts. 7.5ofl he-id. mirkel 5e
I higher, heavy. $7.55itt7.7u: mixed, $7 :2.Kh
! 7. L'.. light, $.'.5.Kb 7.524; bulk of sales, $7.50
I Oi 7 tiO.
1 SHEEP AND LAMMS -Heeeipts, l.iOi
brad; miu'ket steady; cues, $ 1,,'iiVioi.iiii;
Inmbs. $5ii'i(S.:iri.
Ml. I.nula stock Slm-kei.
HT. I.OC1S, Nov. pi CATTLE-He-relpls,
It. !xi 1 bead; inaiket sl.'ii.iv, niillyo
heel steers, $7 Mil 10.7.i , and hclrers.
$.'. IOi'.i.l.-. ; soiithet n steers. 5.7.i'ii 7.7 ..; eow n
and hellers, JbinKo , CO; natlM- ( lives,
5(11. ne.
HDilS-HecelptH. 7.mio head: inarKet
lower; plus and lights. ti 5ifri7.)v; mixed
and butchers. $7.45'g7.!i. good heavy, $7.55
(it 7.1(0
SHEEP ANP LAMMS Heeeipts. (1201
head; market steady; nutlvc muttons, $175
In mhs, $x.miH'J.26.
I a.lvatu-e.1 only 10 eent.i as compared with
in-!.. . ,. ..... .... f
showed heavier' ll" ciosuig rn- .n.i .... ...
the yard were closed November 6. Ar
rivals of sheep also showed a decrease,
but pi ices were steady at the previous
level. Speculators wrr said to be al
most the only buyers of hogs, ths bulk of
which sold between $7 "O'iS.00.
Vontann la 4arnnllesl.
WASHINGTON, Nov. IS. -Connecticut
and Montana, today were placed under
federal quarantine because, of outbreaks
of the foot and mouth disease.
l'eld Inspectors Malay reported develop
ment of the disease In the vicinity of
Hartford. Conn., and at. filendale, Mont,
the addition of Montana and Connecticut
brings the number of quarantined states
up to sixteen.
New York Cotton Pit
Reopens with Values
Practically Steady
NEW YOHK, Nov. Hi.-The l eopcr.liiH
ef the Cotton exchange utter theo and a
half months of liquidation and adjust-
sudden closing of
a large crowd of
Old uwd new stylo
in and thia cam Hi
generally speaking.
Cold Weather Aids
Russians' Advance
Into East Prussia
,:l. e
son is pretty much over with the supply F ..!
of beef Minora on sale thia inorriina c.1.1-
I'lHtod entirely of range or grass cattle.i Joseph,. ntuek Sfarkr.t.
ihero not boms; a single ioud of cornfuls; ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 16. I IOOS Receipts,
on sale. Many of the eattic were on the $7,2oo head; market strong to Ifle higher:
I Texas jr Mexican order, the average j top. S.1.10; bulk of sales, $7.H0'if x.00.
! iiuiility of t!ie receipts being poor. The CATTLE Heeeipts, 1,100 head; market
deiiiund wui (piite brisk and most of the' Ih1f25 higher; steers. JT-Ooii 10.50; cows
! rattle on hand sold at pilots that wero and heifers, $4.5(Vu1VOO; calves. Sli.ilOfltl.nii.
I UK- and even I'c higher than last week's! SHEEP ANP LA M MS Receipts, MVI
i close. head; market steady; lambs, $S.Wmj:l.25.
l-ows no, I'orB aA,. Ii. fulr ...1 '
prices! that on an average were steady
toffee Market.
ket showed continued steadiness heru to
day, although trudiHo was generally
iuiel. To attaineiti arrived hire fiont
Hrazil over Sunday, one, of which was
( 'Oiinlde.rahly uviruue, and the aduitioii of
!i'i,.m bags to haul slocks seemed suffi
i to iirip out assortiuents. Brazil,
however, was ottering very little coffee
in the cost and freight mutket, while the
wetkly Iiguics rellected an Increusliig
business trom Europe in lite prtnaiy
inarket, and, notwithstanuing a small de
mand, tho .spot inaiket here was steady
ot t'c for Rio 7s and ln'jo for Santos 4s.
.-aies of old contrails through the liojiil
iml.tis comm.ttee amounted to only KOOo
lags. rieecniuer closed at 5.4..ii5.5oc;
March. 5 Kf,.6.mic ; May, Cincirt locf and
Juiy, 6.7.V.ij x,ic.
Kvaporn teil Apples r.nd Dried I'ralts
APPLES omtt ; fancy, 7Vp"'4c; choice,
li'at.c: prime. 5yr,4c.
PH1EP KHI.'IT.S-Piiiii.s. firm; Califor
nlas, 3Villc; WKSons, !t'v4 1 1 'o. Apri-i-oia,
cii.ei und firm; choice. ("illOc; ex
tra ( hoice. lo'-t'lb'; tun.-.v, 114fil2c.
l'enches, steady; choice, u6i4c; extra
choice, 6ivii6 ; fum y, 7''74c. Huisms.
uu.fct but itiady; loose muscatels, 6'ir
74':; choice tu fancv seeded. 7'i'o-e. fceed
lepfc, ti'-tis1:; London layers, $1 5.
Mriul Market.
NEW YORK. N'.ii-. 1 -M ETALsS-Tin.
steady; spot, $V.2 h 3i.."o ElcclroiMic
i upper, firm $11 .7Vo 12 do: castings. $11624
dill. 75. Lead. $.t.554i:i.i;:.; spelttr. $-1 1"
lion, quiet. No. i nort.'ieru. $.1 2Vfi 14 75;
No. 2, $14.wrl4 M: No 1 bouthern. $14.25H
11.75; No. 2. $14 2.,Sil4.75. At Ixindon: Tin,
fl'9; stiaitu, llol. Copper, f',2 17s 6d. Lead.
November, il7 17s imI; upcller, i24 17s rd.
Cotton Market.
oil el; middling. 7.7.V. Kutures closed
steady; December. 7.2W--; January. 7.3wi-;
January, new. 7.ifcv-; March, 7.4.ic, March,
ne.vv, 7.77c: May, new, 7. 'xc; July, s l)r
tiotoher. .:c
Kry I.ihiiIi Slarkrt.
Cotton goods and yarns, steadv. Raw
nil k. qu:t. Wool. Mrm. Wool gjuda,
quiet. Jobbers reported trade good.
per box.
Per box;
per box. Grapefruit
oox. Apples: Extra
aeri, $1... t,ei box: fancy Washington
simiiis. i.iu per oox; extra fancy Wash
uiciori jonatnans, $1 do per box; fan
a- Jonatnans. $1.25 per box:
uniiu.Kiuii joninnariN, II .io nei
i at
with Inst week h close, some sales look
ing a liile strong and some a little weak.
Shield is und feeders showed i-uin-
par.iilvelv llltle i-hunge being ut least
! fully sioady and in sisits iioshiiiIv ti little
stronger owing to the fHrt that, there
were so few on sale. The, hoiv
ever, on feeders la silll verv Hunted.
WHotutions on cattle: 3ood to iholce
y'larllngs. $h.(Kk,i in 50; good to choice corn
ted beevse, $s.'o,(i 10.00, fair to good corn-
fed beeves, t.Oi.,JjS.75: common to fair
corn-fed beeve-i, $6. ".''Its. on ; choice to
j prime, range beeves, $x.iK,s.Co; good to
I choice range beeves, $i. orris. tit); futr to
Kill V iM.SIM. Jl.n. U Mil ur n,. a.i..,. h.,., -ua .,t..r .. . .
choice Red Hall 300 ?..: So OOIf Z Z iXi ' "i 7:2 V,1 '
All sizes. $2.75 tier Choice helfera ti;."..K?: 'Jl- a,,,.. I I.. ..I,.,l,.u
fancy Grimes (lol- cows, $5.7.V(i6.75; fair to good (;ows$ ,5.2 ,c,
5. m; common to fair cows, $4.Uifju.25;
good to choice stockurs and feeders. $..20
(ii7.((5; fair to good blockers and feeders.
fancy j $ii.6i'' i.2U; common to fair stackers and
liov . feeders. Sri.klilrti.lI: utoek helrrH li T..,i
T-tnii laney ivasnington Hoovers. $135' 6 2.1; stocK cows, 4.W'b.ii0; stock
Per box; rho'oe Colorado Jonathans $1 no! S..twsips (m; veal calves. $7.7."iV 10.25
per box; Oregon Spltsenhuigs, $1.40 per ' stags, etc., S4.751ii.75.
box; Orernn Winter Hananas, $1.75 perl HeprcHentatlve sales;
box; extra fancy Washlnzinn iNeii,.i..,,M I
12 0(1 ne,- l.. K' ,. ... v... . . 7-"tr " . nar.v
f -- I'M - .reeiiings, a., Ill
per barrel New York P.uldwins. $2.7G sr
umii-i. 1 cms. t auiorniu t largleus. $:
itir win; extra laney Anions I2.M
; bulls.
New S ork Money Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. lii.-M ERCA.N'Tl LE
PAPKR-5Vo51u per cent.
day bills. SI.Kulft; for cables, $4 XXfid; lor
demand. $4.!I775.
H1LV EH Mar, K't.c.
LONDON. Nov. 10. SI EVER liar,
22Vd per ounce.
DISCOUNT HATES Three months. 24
o27 ier cent.
.New Vork Commercial,
PAPEK-riV.',si per cent.
bills. J4.S5; for cables. $1 S.X; for demand.
! $4.K735.
m i. r.u -uar, we.
Hank ( Irarlnsi.
fi.MAl A, Nov. 1fi Hank clearings for
Omnhu today were S::,(is2,5lin.4l and for the
corresponding duy lust year $l,4'i,3H,92.
yellow. ttOVjiftiilo: No. 6 yellow, tin file; No.
1 mixed, iVrijlsic; No. 2 mixed, (M-iov
614c: No. 3 mixed, S07W4C; no. nuxeo.
64lc; No. 5 mixed. 5t61c; No. mixed,
t,iji 60c. Oats: No. 2 whito, 4i45V ;
standard, 454'S454c; No. 3 white, 44Si9
45c ;No. 4 white. 'jTT-lliiC. uaney; nan
Ing. 62!ft73c; No. 1 feed. SlfMRo. Jlye:
I. K74iiWc; No. 3, 97(S7',sc.
Features of the. Tradln and t losing;
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Nov. K..-Surpr1se over un
Immense gain showed In Uie United
Slates vislhle supply gave a aown-an.
swing today to the price of wheat. Cloa-
bux. Grapes: California Emperors, $3 fin
per barrel r'allfornia l-'inperors. $1 75 per
crate; Main gun. Sfimi per keg. Ruiianus:
Per bunch, $l.7Sf3 0n
VEGETABLES -Cauliflower, $2.60 per
crate. Cabbage: Per pound. 14c. i',,.
cumbers: Two dosen box, $2.50. Celery
Mlcaigan. 35c per doxen; Denver Jumbo
e.c per doten. Pep,iers: Per basket. Sue
To-jiatcK-s: Per basket. $1.26. Lettuce
Head, &uci.i$.W per dosen; leaf. 4n,t per
dozen. Onions: Hhallots. 60o per dosen.
Radishes; Per dozen. 50c. Oii.ons: Yel
low, 24- jut pound; red, 140 oer pound
Horseradish: Per case. $).,- CtrU:
Italian, per pound. 20c Potatoes: Idaho
(...- per bushel; Hed River Ohlos. iV,c per
bUKhel: Minnesota whiles, hi per bushel
Piyeet Potatoes: Per barrel. $2.00; Jerseys'
S1..5 ier hsnisT. '
NCTS-Walnuts: No 1 California. l.V
re.r pound Pecans: Per pound. 124c
Jumbo iv rt.r pou,,,, p,,,;.
pound, lie; long naples. lo per nuund
AILSCELLANEOrK-PopcoVn: ' Hheiled
ft Io rl?J,,n1- 1 , r'hlV: . Su"r Hut,
$1.40 per box. Almonds: per pound.
I.lmts: Per box, 1.75. Cracker Jack
Per esse. $3.5,1; H.r ,,alf , .'
t hecU,rK. ,,e oaj)f fs
$I7d. Date,: Dromedary. $3 00 per case
Hony: Per esse, $350. Pigs: Twelve
L-ounce p-r ease. Hie. Cider: per keg
.''l.f '-oroanut?;
-. rm.t w, ,... .-r Ullien. 75C,
pound, 14c. '
S I OI. l r
l' i0
.1031) 55
6 10
e ru
5 stock cws
11 cows. .
1 heifers.
Si 4...
COW ..
4 (5 ...
6 1.
1 HO I . .
t 10 1 ..
h 7i 1 . . .
; 1 ...
f Hi
t i.o
X4 5 55 ii calves SIX
5 10 21 stock ows ss!l
n ..
H!',i H h.,
7:'0 wi
S'.i7 7 Ou
ST. I.Ol'IS, Nov,
Strong at S3.fjO?3.55.
$1.!K"ij I 96.
16 M ET A LS Lead:
hiellei : Stronger ut
Wrong Identification
of Body May Lead to
. Several Law Suits
menl following the
Inst July, ant acted
members on the floor,
contracts wore dealt
some cot fusion, but.
trading progressed very smoothly .ind
prices held fairly stradv after some early
irrcg.ilai Uy.
Did style December contracts opi-ti"d
In-line '. 'jc, which meant that the con- wim-n oxer liv ilia I'oi j.oi ill ion i ... ,s. I ....
..,11 . ..., ,u 1.....1. .1- .....i...... PETHOGRAD. Nov. 16. (Ma London.)
"". . .. ."" V. -The Rucslan advance In East Prussia.
anil mirr fcoui ou 10 i.c, nut new style 1 , . -
I .. - .a 1. !.., ..An 1. -A.l .... (mn
contrarts ruled generally steady, with '"""""" '" "'"
Msn-h selling amunil 7.S5c and May S.0T.. . " 'ronl, Is being- ed materially by
There na considerable trading In old old we.lher. which enables the troops to
stylo December and Jenuuiy contracts, m,,v' mn siplrtly.
hut business was ciuiinaratlvely unlet in A tan or snow- uuring me ia-i iwo w.
the inter nw style deliveries, with evl- t" reported, but not to a sufficient extent
deni es of somo Investment buying, while ' binder seriously the movement of the
thein seemed to he very little selling troops.
presnite. Relief societies tn Petrograd and other
After the flrtt hour of trading It wns Russian cities ore bantling every effort
estimated thut between 7S.000 and 125,0) to collect woolen garments. Dummlei
bales had changed hands. Heavy Ihiul- clothed with the uniforms of capturel
datlon V old contracts, which had bee; Germs ne are placed about to attract nt-
thrown Into the pool, was In progress
Tho south was buying a Utile, hut Liver
pool and (he continent were evidently
proceeding with much caution. Priori
held fairly steady,
NEW ORLE'ANH. ji.. Nov. K-The
Cotton exchange hero was opened this
morning after a suspension of almost
thruo months and a half. Klrst trading
In local options did not show much
change from last week's liquidation trad
ing, January flint transaction being T.Oec.
old stylo March brought 7.01o and the
i.nw style 7.86u on the first cull, showing
that the trade was willing to pay a
premium of 'i of a cent a pounl for the
new style.
Minneapolis (.rain Market.
ing ujiotailons were steady but HaSc to , ,,., . ,;,,.' '"noru;;"' ,' J
rsaturuuy n.s'.i. V" (MM,; .N... i.ortliern tt ti7. 1 i r
oats ui' icici-i, '""i'
f ........ nul lr.s. e.f .tl I'm". Shd
Vi4c. In provls.ons the outcome vai n u
from a 5c decline to an advance of 24c.
Wheat traders had expected an Increase
of the visible supply. ut were unpie
pared for an enlargement of S.63.VO0 bu.,
far surpassing the S record at the cor
responding time a year ago, ii.ttfii.fliiO bu.
In Chicago alono the Mock on hand was
augmented hy more than l.Ofm.OOtl bu. dur
ing last week. The aggregate of the do
m,..iii. miiKiiv bow in store Is the largest
1. .,..n furthermore, rrceilita continued!
heavy today at tho primary terminals. w.r t
leaching S.uh.imi bu., aa against, j.sjd.'s."! cxi,'fi','
bu. last year. ,
Important buying of December and May
wheat on direct foreign orders upheld the
market until the final hour of tha ses-j
slon. E'iroarun cash bids at Kansas Citv
were said to have been relatively the,
highest so far on the crop. Sl.trs here,
howeier were hampered by the'furt that!
lake freight rates were up and that there i
was little if any advantage in us ng the.
water routes east from Chicago Inntead!
of all rail.
Colder weather that favored the hand
ling of th new crop had a bearlsn In
fluence on the com market Reeen ta were
l.lieral and the export demand, whleh of
lain has been a feature, was lacking.
0ts tended to sag with torn. Resides
Micro seemed soine.ih'ng of s letup In
Hie call for cash outs.
Despite an advance '11 the hog prices
bere tne provision market averaged lower.
Pa.-ktr appeared to be chiefly respon
sible for holding the market steady.
r LOl'H-I'nr handed
PARLEY fi7ti6M .
RYE-$l H"ii1.01.
BRAN-$J0 5,1.
ColiN-No. :j yellow, f'uii.',
OATS No. 3 white, 45i.ji4,o
KLAX-Sl 4M1.4S.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 5.-(Speoiul.)
Some Intr-rcBling points or law have
arisen aa the result of Identification of
the mangled body of an unknown man
who was killed by a train nt Springfield,
lis 4 is) 1 bull 132l r. Hi' Ml., aa that of Robert Mollln of Chey-
"iHO 5 75 4 hellers. .. 6'i2 6 20 f line The cor use was nlacrd In 11 Shsl
t sioelr e-.T-IM "'K.OTA' ",frin Bml "1PP"'I l Cheyenne by a firm
ittZ.lS 575 'k rZ":::im rintm undertakers, acting on lei-
WYOMING egraphle Instruction from Williuni Mollln.
36 cows Kir 5 ,-v. jfieows.. Mo - o- father of Robert lioll'n, but before it 1 r-
cows. ... jir.i.; en 20 steers. .. .1112 7 27flved young Kollin hud wired from Texas'
IMK'ti'-V 11 7 W I"'1 a mistake had been made in the'
Monday. llo'iR eig'uy'-tw''' taaor "e Go,) ' sl,n"Kf'"1'1 M-htlflcallo d that he was;
head, comprising the total receipts 'of "vp aru' '" '.'otisequently the elder
i.r.1f.,l,wrlv" ,'"l,e drt 10 a packer. , Hollln refused to receive the corpse when'
dy-"rr.TO "'"'J ""I the Adams Express,
but is 1.300 smaller than last year. jf rnpsny promptly shipped It. on a re- i
".. iicu sun suipnera hui n turn lournev to ,snr nil I'M
llv'-'hUJiV iriV"llyJ0': . i Now has .risen the point, of who is to
In getting started n n,1 u,!.i. ....' ....... 'hav for the expense Inr Idental to nren-'
not ni icli better II,.. .(..-,(,. . ... --..,1.,., ....a -i,i....., .i. ..!
from the shlniicrs . m, r, . ..m.. ..-.1 .t-
moved values 1 charges. William imiiin declines to be
bell retiponslbl. , slating Hint ne ordered
freely at
mm n as
Russ Headquarters
Assert Successful
Progress Being Made
PETHOGRAD, Nov. 16 -The following
official communication was issued from
headquarters tonight:
"On the East Prussian front at Stal
luponen, around Angerburg and near
Johannlsborg, our troops are making
successful progress In the fighting. The
action continues In the region of Soldau
end lleldenbutg where we have prog
ressed notwithstanding the desperate re
sistance of the enemy.
I "On the left hank of tho Vistula tha
battle proceeds, developing along a front
' from Plock (Poland) to tho River Warta.
1 On the front between Kallss and Wlelun
the enemv has withdrawn. In the) neigh
' burhood of Crctistodjowa end towards the
I south the enemy baa attempted an offen
sive, but this has (ailed.
"our march on Cracow continues.
"In Golielo Mm Austrians are seeking
to oiganlie a defense on M)c River flan
111 t Mo Douns'ets region, west of the
front comprising Zabno and Tarntiw and
on the Wlsloka on the Juslo front.
'Tn the region to the so'ith of tho Ga!l
cian frontier our troops i-re sdvanelng tu
wutd the passes across the Carpathians."
tentlon. Here and there on the street!
small tables ure set tip for tho receipt ot
(oiitilliiitlons und the distribution of war
Dispatches tu Petrograd papers Indi
cate thai the Gcrmap. are making- slow
progress along the line, which extendi
from the river Warthe across the Vis
tula to the southern frontier of East
Prussia, fifty miles west of Thorn. The
new front extends over a distance of 800
miles from the Wartlie to the extreme
northeastern section of East Prussia.
The German right wing now appears to
be feeling Us way. The center of tha line
la stubbornly resisting the determined
advance of the Russians. The left wing
la protected to some extent by the broken
charauter of the country and by com
plicated artificial fortifications.
In this region the chief German re
liance appears to be heavy artillery, since
In such a country cavalry operations are
slmost Impossible.
Kansas City (.rain and ITotUlons.
city. Nov. 16 w 1 1 1." it
2 hard, $l.(,i. i 1 .07; Kit. t red (1 (;-.
Pd'ember II (n;i..i 0,1; m. , ,-.
CORN No. 2 mixed, to's',,.;,..,.: ' v,,' .
674116:14c; December (Vj-.,c; Mav
.,0-TS-Xo' " wniu'- 1:0 : -v- mixed, ';('
P.l TTER-Creamery, 32.
li conns, 2.c; pa. king stocK, 21c
FG'IB Klrsis. 27c; seconds 22e
p.'HLTRY Hens, 12,; rooster
turkeys. 14.
Strong rompetltion
1 , iJ X, V , l,p unl'1 when the
.. .... w. I,... tinier supply
" n"Kr uu and In some In
stances were quoted , m,Hll al( )0,
higher The general market I. a goal
big .'ifHOc higher, and the average shows
almost a flat 10c advance. Trade was
active In spots and a clearance wan made
In good season.
Heavies were Jn good demand, and as
there was Utile shipping demand n tho
weighty grade, killer, were able to buy
them eanv. in lu.-i o.. . .. .
Inquiry for all weights and grades, shin-' bad been Identified aa that
IW' T Mi lr mi tm .... I -t .... 1 I
-T flN'llllg, SB.K ! S 1M I If II fat I , I O P l.lilAiai . .. '
Khedive May Lead
Turkish Army Sent
to Invade Egypt
Hie body of Robert Hollln prepared for
burial sml shipped, arid that lie will not I
pay expense incidental to preparation and
shipment of some other corpse. The!
Springfield undertakers claim that they
acted in good faith in taking thu elder!
Mollln's order to cover the body, which
of Robert 1
firsts. See;
tlllln m, A Hia.i ,i ... 1 l - At. . I
Virvthlitu . - 1 1 , ii t(iuii, nu iiiscj uriunmi inn prur ji lilt1!
TZthZtUX&Z1 'heir fee for preparing the!
day, and the bulk moved at a spread ofi,l0,IV fr shipment. Tho Adams Expiess
.he"''K',lier P;charshwer,,VmadeM:To,.nUd:f0m,ttn "'B1 ,hUt Cm!
$7.75, but of course buyers paid b' ti" r 1 ""iy a "d '" oml faUh n'1 ll,at i
I'm e jor anything real .leir,.l,l., ,.,,,i somebody must Dav the comnnnv for ihr
MERLIN. Nov. 16. tVIa Wireless to1
Iondon) According to reports reaching
here from Constantinople, the khedlve of
Egypt will leave the Turkish capital
shortly to asaume command of the Turk-1
ish nitration against Egypt. He will be
accompanied by a suite of fifty persons. I
Attorney Furnishes
Clue to Placing of
Bomb in Court Room
NEW YORK. Nov.. 1.-Meyer Schlosj
sn attorney, who was in the Tombs court
lioni Saturday morning when a bomb
was discovered Just In time to prevent it.i
explosion, has given tha police their first
direct clue to the possible perpetrator
of the plct.
Schloss told detectives that ha was
walking from the front to tha rear of
tho room, when he saw a slendur,
smooth-shaven man of about 36 rise hur
riedly from the seat under which the
bomb was found a moment later and
walk, tapidly to the door. The man
seemed verv nervous, he said, and waited
s. short time outside of the room.
Scliloss said that be asked the man
what wsh the trouble and he replied
that the Judge "will git what Is coming
to him."
Sehlosa further derlnred the man waited
until ivliceinuti O'Connor ran Into the
hull with the bomb and ran down thu
corridor. The lawyer pursued the futl
tlve, but was unable to detain him.
Magistrate John A. Campbell of the
Tombs police court, where the bomb was
discovert d, la not afraid that a second at
tempt will bo mado on bis life, but the
police authorities havo decided to guard
i court rooms and
to admit no one who
cannot give good reason for being- there.
In addition the d.tor leading fim the hall
In the north end of police headquarters
will bo dosed today. A ,-ood many pub.
lie places, spi dally where Justice In
administered, will be guarded, and extra
guards will be attached to the heads of
city departments.
1 me same lime were ubie to luv
1-. minion urarleN mm ...v
as 17
21 .
Liverpool Grain Market. j'
steady; No. 2 Manitoba, s M,d: No -' I
9s (id. No. 2 western winter, Us. 64d- fu-' '
tures. nominal. j -
CORN-Spot. quiet; American mixed,!,,
new. 7s; futures, qilet; December. Osi;!'
yu, January, nt S'id.
St. Louis I. rain Mnrkel.
ST. LOI'IS. Nov. 16 WHEAT- No. 2
r-d. $1iiilll; No. i hard. SI l t 1 .:..
Dei ember. $1.10 '1 10U; M m y ti m
fUUN'-No. 2. w.'.nrr'sje; So. 2 white, ic
December. 65Sc; May, 704rrr70Ii,c.
CATS-No. 2, 474c, No. 2 white 434c-
Av. no. 1 1
14,1 tn 7 ti
"S u 7 ei
.m : 7 70
:w 7 :t
t-A ... T 71
.11 44 7 TS
A 0 7 Si
... is
m ... 7 m
.! ... tS l.
Ill ... 7 10 J7.
r'l I EEP There we.t-
poi'alit changes front
. b:
7 H',
7 Wi
7 ,
7 iS
t M
t Ol
I Oi
no new or
tne ( loso of
7 iS
7 7.1
Weill Willi the exii-idton that i'
w. re lighl and nothing good was on hhI
Owing to the absence of anything good
In the killing 1 ne, Hade dragged along
most of the forenoon. Aside from one or
two small bundles of lambs changing
hands during the early houra at $8 50 no'h-
, tne body
li biyennc. I'nless Its bill Is puid It will
df llne to permit the Springfield under
takers to hsve tie $1'j0 coffin In which
the unidentified corpse reposes.
Attorneys here incline Io the opinion
that William Mollln could be held for
all expenses were it not for the furt that
the Springfield coroner who Identified the
body as thst of Robert Hollln ,1s asso
ciated with the undertakers who prepared
and slilpped the body. This, It Is ss
( rted, places responsibility on the undi r-
takers for the mistake made In shipping
, the body of an unknown on an order to
l.lp the body of Robert Hollln
Abbas Hilrua. khedlve of Egypt, has
been In Constantinople since the out
break of hostilities. He owes spiritual
allegiance to tl.e. sultan as the head of.
ths MuhumnieiUn faith. Dispatches from
Constantinople a month ago said thej
Hritisli government had ordered him not
to return to Egypt. j
A message from Merlin rnc-elved yester-;
day said lbs khedlve had declared to the Paris.) The
correspondent of a German newspaper Itshed a long
bis loyalty to the sultan, which was dic
tated by his religious obligations. This
same message said the khedlve Intended
to accomiiany the Turkish army which Is
marching on Egypt by way of Palestine.
Many Trains Piled
Full of Dead Bodies
Arrive in Brussels
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Saaar Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 16 St 'OA It Raw,
steady; molusses, S.S6c; centrifugal, 4 01c;
rfli:ed. steady; cut louf. 6c; crushed.
5 "ic; mould A. 6.55c; cubes. S.S; XXXX
powdered, S.25e; powdered, 5.2Ue; fine
granlate.i, s.luc; diamond A, .i0c; con-1 n -1. .
U. UCIl.l,
6. lis-; diamond A. .10t-:
ft-ctiijners A, 5c; No. 1, 4 S5c,
Switzerland, Nov. IS. (Via
National Swiss todsy pub-
letter from a w1ss who
Is doing Red Cross work at Brussels. An
extract from the letter says:
"The number of German wounded ar
riving here is unimaginable. Trains,
which we call cemcteiy trains, full of
piled up dead soldiers, continue to arrive
from the front. They contain bundles of
dead; that Is, four bodies tied together
to facilitate transportation.
"The bodies are burned promptly In
speclul furnaces erected Just ouulde of