Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Llf fetlmff Ustnree, Durgess-OTandon Co.
fidelity fttorag s Taa Co Bong. Ml.
ave Moot Prist XV Now Beacon Ptm
saatlfo All Modern Ioaut for Bale
an the easy paymant plan. Pa.nkers
Realty Investment Co. Phone Doug. H,
A Better Zioeatlon for your office can
not bo found when you select Tha Bee
Building, tha bultiing that la always
new. c if fire room 103.
"Today's Oompiata Hon rrogra"
classified wrtlon today, and appears tn
The Bee EXCHTHVELYk Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Vasaeag-or Man to reaat Monitors of
the, Omaha Passenger club wUI give a
banquet on the evening of December 5
Marked Increase in Attendance at
American Universities.
service tti h'rt at tre Methodist l-pisco-pal
i hutch.
The art department of tha normni haa Hospital Board to Give Ball and Hold
pnrrnaet two. ongmai wiiri-romr i-m-
Professional Prawnl Steadily Moving;
Toward Higher Mart
Delaae In Searay
Tho prediction made lute Iset summer
that American unlvereltlo would enow
gains In students owing to the disruption
of Europe by war la confirmed to mmc
extent by statistics compiled by the
In tha Rathskeller of the llenshaw hotel. J Boston Transcript. Of more than slxty
olid Mahogany Kail Clock, with West
minster chimes, latest dcslgna. w,rth
on sale) ut Brown's for $;t0. If sold before
we move. C. B. Bra-vn. )3 South Six
teenth street.
Cuecadsa does, to Hospital John A.
'Cuscaden. who looks after tha lock boxes
at the postoftlce. went to the Nicholas
Bonn hospital yesterday for a week's
rest and recuperation.
representative American universities and
college only nlno show a decreased en
rollment this school year compared with
the preceding year. Harvard. Rostou,
Brown and Tuff report considerably
larger attendance. Yalo's gain Is slight
but aattefactory. Columbia, counting the
summer sessions, Barnard college and
other affiliated schools, has passed the
1 lo.OtW mark and Is today the world' larg-
Mellaa on Taoattom General Agent ) rri university. California. Illinois.
John Mellen of tho Northwestern rail- : Cornell, Pennsylvania. Michigan, New
road has gsno on a threei weeks trip , york university and Wisconsin are
through the weat. He will make all Im
portant points on the Pacific coast.
Btr. and Mrs. Oleland Stop ta Omaha
A, M. Clcland, general passenger agent
of tho Northern Pacific, with headquar
ters In St. Paul, accompanied by his
wife. In In the city, tin route to Denver.
utes, by Herbert.
Prof Kanru Kohuvashl of the Valvar
sltv of Japan, now of CMeaan university,
le tured In ihapel test Pi Hay on the
"Moral Kducntion of Women ti Japan."
A special rr was chsiteivd for the
Kearnev tr'n. nnd the andiron warriors'
I hand boys and friends went to Kearney
i Thursday morning, for the annual foot
ball game.
The ruraviitlon for the row adminis
tration hulUllns is completed and, about
Tuesdav. the. contrrctor Intends to start
the foundation. He is getting the ma
terials ready fcow.
lean K. I Bouse aent (o Ames Inst
Thursday to act ns Judse of debates. On
Wednesday the hand nnd orchestra gave
an entertainment to provide money to
I pay the way of the band to Kearney.
The Phort Course will commence No
vember 2. The bulletin is now out. A
large numler of the students are expected
to enter at that lime. Special nine weeks
courses are offered In manual training,
homo economics, commerce, agriculture,
and common branches.
Tho faculty are to have for their dis
cussion during tho three special meetings
of the year the sub'ct. "Measuring He
suits In Education." Pean lordyie of
the university, will lecture to them at
their first meeting, op this subject.
Miss Anna Mundcll or'Aurora, a tu-
w i'm state Normal, acci
dentally fe'l downstair and hit her head
Tag" Day DecembeT 12.
( en a re Mama l.nherW I in
formal Meeting of Bareao of
Animal ladnatry Employes
t Library Hall.
lCra. Tuna Soma Batter Mrs. Louise I a,, ot Ufl college of law. One year f
Meti Funk, who underwent on operation I liberal arts work Is now required for en
at Clorkson hospital last Tuesday Is got- i trance to, this department I in 1513 two
years of college work will be demanded.
"It Is apparent," comments the Tran
script, "(hat the requirements for ad
mission to the professional school are
gradually becoming standardised and
that, as far as the undergraduate, college.
Is concerned, we are steadily, . even
rapidly, moving toward an equalrzuUun
of educational opportunities. TVith the
opening of this, year half a dozen uni
versities mostly located In the west
, wi..- j i, i.lnn the cement l'ooilns. This was lant
ih.n,J.iv.. vJTei. ...iveeait. .hew. I Monday evening, and on Tuesda? even-
a gain of forty-one,. Its total enrollment
being 3.TS3. The number of new students
is 903; last fall It was 741.
The State I'niversity of Iowa this fall
takes the first step tn raising the stand-
ting alopg nlrely, but will probably not
1 abl? to leave the hospital for a week
or two.
Blvoro PevrtioBs At Jlled Divorce
petitions Tiled in district court follow:
Mrs. Zora Scott Maliory mralnet James
H. Mi.llory, non-nuppott alleged; Ger
trude Tucker ugalnat George C. Tucker,
non-support alleged.
Reeking atlsstag rsople Th Oinaha
pollco have been asked to locate two
missing persons. J. Paulson wants to
find Mabel Jackson, blue-eyed blonds. In
order to settle up an estate In. Sioux City,
and Mrs. H. S. Dawson wants her hus
band, a hardware man.
Parker foias CaTalry Herbert Par
ker, an ex-cowboy of Cody, Nob., joined
the United States cavalry at the local re
cruiting station Saturday morning and
will be sent at once to Fort Liogan,
Ins. she was jet unconscious Her con
dition la very serious, yet tha doctor in
charga thinks the result will not be fatal.
Fee moat College Motea.
THe senior classes of the various de
prrtments make a splendd showing in
point of numtie-rs and quality.'
Miss Kntheiyn Unton, graduate of Ihe
college, was elected president or the
primary section for tho coming year.
Prof." J. V. Pwlhart favored the stu
dents with two vloPn selections. Inter
meixo" from "Cnvallotla RusMcana," by
VraKnl and "Scherxo" by Goens.
A large number of new students regis
tered at the opening of the winter term.
November 10 and oon fottnd themselves
reclrtere and adjusted to the program
and settled down to business.
A sres of vesper services heglnnlna
with ThMnkssivlnir Sunday. November t.
Is ' "tomethlns' t, look forward to
services lsst year were larcely attended
hae put their law or medical achoola on i-,,,.. u m.Mfc.ed in this
a higher plane. Hereafter, they will de
mand st least ope year of college work
aa a prerequisite for entrance to the pro
fessions! departments."
As an Initial rtep toward buildiiip, a new
South Omaha hospital the boar I of di
rectors has decided lo Rive a grand ball
on I'ceemhcr 12 at tV l.lve .-Hick ex
change. They have a".o dechled to make
the same day "Tag tViy " 1u J'otith
The purpose of the lard Is tu use the
money from such work t't build an addi
tion to the present hospital or possibly
to erect an entirely new hospital. It be
ing conceded that t retinde the present
structure would not be very advisable.
A special committee consisting of (?. R.
Waters. W. B. Ch-ek and W. It. Tsgg,
was appointed at tlie last meeting, lo
taito the matter In charge and te er
rSnge for h time anl place. The ccm-
mlttee has decided "in Snturday tvenlng,
tVeembcr 13, for the ball and Mr. Buck
ingham of the fltook Yard. i company, has
donated the use of the exchange hall for
the purpose.
More committees will be appointed this
week and further arrungements made,
and everyone will te permitted to lielp In
this good work by vlther buying a tag
or a ticket to the ball.
School Kntertalnnienl.
In order to raise money with winch to
huy a phonograph, for the Madison school,
the Southeast improvement club will give
an entertainment at ihe high school In
the near future. This Is according to
the statement of P. J. B.trett. a member
of the club. The ilhonojrraph will cost
t2H if that much money enn t raised
be nothing u.oie dangerous tlisu .1 lier
In the (ensue i t a coa. When the sliver
removed Ihe symptoms vanished,
ta Knrther Quarantine.
Alevander I'urr wa In confereni-e with
J. It. Hi lla. head of the State !,lve "lock
fanlfary board, here yesterday over Ihe
ecabbles stoat Ion atnong Hie cattle of
Nebraska. Tor some time the I'nlted
States snvernn'cnt has maintained a quar
antine srjbblea In ten counties
of N'i'htatl.a. With the apiesran,4i of the
foot and moulh d sease the government
veterinarians were rderel to release th.-.
coMnties front Rovernment supei vision as
far as ecabbi go. The national govern
ment authorities now want the state l.i
maintain he qijarentlne avalnst sesh- brink, M, A. Martin. 1. V. Ktler.
ponfetence with Bulln 'ln'1' - ""nr" K'
hill at
.1 Unll Mis. i:d ' shl;l, Mrs M.e Mc- I lodge rnnios in the MeCrsnn h
i'i,t-,.,n n.i 1 j ! Twriitv friiirlh .nit f) sti-eefs. M
n.1,,.1... ti. ,... r ii. i ., .1 o' Ihe (iron 'in foun' ils. Nos. ?M and 2S,
The christian Knde.vor society of the
West Side interdenomlnnlinnal church
will give a plav i-e- t Friday evening St
the church hiil'. Thirty-eighth and Q
fiitrlcd, "The iicscms t-econa
pnlelitf. on tlie eemul; 01 ,o .ctuhiT 13.
The evening wrs i.lensnnMy sp-nl 'th
iikisI.. snel lnliis. Tti" followui v.ire l.,.l...w M ,'!.. I,- I
W. Hodg.-n. . si ' il i.lcen ;' .1. Km. I "'!'" '!",
.,n t. i ',- .. r w, 11 i' i!,.,.. 4 l.e.
J It Baker. N. .'. ia-lei. T. tl. Allen. ! Jst.ies Anderson, n bns:ness man ef
Charles tioue. Ainv Vanrw, .1. '. lion- 1 Kcuth Onish.4, gave a:i Interesting lecture
rlrk.. Kail llccls u; fis-s Mrnvden on "t.unirer as 1'one In Michigan"
Msuaan. Tttilla Vame. Kmma ftloom. I ,n'" Frlilay afternoon to the pupils of tht
Clemn Uenin ks; Messrs .t. . Mnden. (Outral cho.l at the g,.,ool on TweBty
Oscse llodKon. ! J. Swanson. I.. I. Wav. , fifth nnd I. streets.
(. It Wav. (. K. Bruce. .1. 1'. P-iker. i Fifty tons heldlrg hev free. Hull It
N. I'. Barker, T. ('. Allen. C. I. IJowe, s-.y'frotn Pirquinfs yard st th and
it lv. Muiitln. Clmrh'S . -rn.l. t . Tom- i I, Ms.
' " The t.efler eontli Plrtn Aid society will
Kail, 1 m T.rlr MemnHal
llodscn ' church, at Fifteenth and Madison streets,
tn. i. i.L.., I next Wednesdav evening. November 2.V
t s-i l . . ' :0'" I A short program. hsJir and baking and
The Thankse-lylng Issue of the Tooter . a icsular lhilrh lunrh will be served.
tt edn'Td, "Xrnoon r1l," n'M i Teehln at the First Christian church,
uenncsrtsv afternoon. , Twent v-t hlrd ami 1 x'rrots. will be made
The ttavel club of the hih ai-hno gave ,v rstor J. K. AIIxt of the church,
a masq-.ieradn party In the scliool gym- m n-iirnlna tonic will h. "Tiansflgured
Grand Island College ewa.
Tho Young Women's Christian assoelg
tlon girls have been observing the world's
Three recruita are reported to week ' Prayer, from November t to 14.
have joined the army at the Sioux City j 'Hhe meetings
branch and will also be sent to Fort The two terary aoc,etles, the Athenian
Lcgan. I and tho Amphlctyon, have live, interest-
. Sarrett and Irrln Baok on Job j"- program; each Saturday night. There
-w tj., j i .,-. t-,.i , 1 is enough of a spirit of rivalry between
James Barrett and Lawrence Ervln. coal , the two aoclelles to keep up enthusiasm,
rasaers. have resumed their winter duties Tne week,y ,tudent.. priy)tr mf.-Ung
af tho Federal bulldlni? in transporting 1 was held on Wednesday night this week,
coal from the shutes to the engine room. I instead of Thursday, to give the atudents
Fitra men are always emDloved at this a" opportunity to hear Hon. Malcom R.
fcxtra men are always employee at wis i PaUerson ex-governor of Tennessee, who
building from November to March. These j spoke on the latter night on the subject
two men have had tho positions for a of "Temperance."
number of years. Rev. C. J. Pope, a former pastor of the
irtcAOlsoa Horns Bobbsa-The home of ' Baptlst . Wf
. , ,, . . . . . . m now Baptist student pastor at the Unl-
John Nicholson, chief deputy clerk of i varsity of Nebraaka, spoka In chapel
the tJnlted States district court, was en- Thursday morning on the subject of
tered and looted Friday night and "Friendship."
jewelry and nelrlcm. valued at over $200 J Both tha mVc"Vnai
ware -taken. Mr. Nicholson, who lives at Mt There is enough material for good.
SS20 California street, was down town slrona teams. Prof. Morrow and Herman
when the thieves entered.. They got In j Benjamin of Grand Island act as coaches
.through a cellar door. .V7 -I".. n ,. v.. v
the church and their friends at 6 o'clock
Tuesday evening at the church. At V:45,
on tho same evening, Prof. Ivor Thomas
will give a piano recital, with a few
organ selections and .Vocal numbers. . Ad
mission to the program is free. ;t
Entertain for Miss Sage Mrs. James
Hodge entertained the U I club of the
First Methodist church at her home
Thursday evening ln honor of Miss Mars
garet Sags, who Is soon to leave Oinaha
t6 make her home at . Chadron. The
i evening was spent at 'playing games and
ln music and readings. The club pre
sented Mies Sage with a silver fork.
Saga Karble Table Top The largest
single slab of marble ever seen tn Omaha
has been made Into a table top for the
lobby of . Hotel Rome. It Is another
specimen of home Industry, having been
made and polished at the Sunderland
marble mill at Walnut Hill. The piece Is
q- Paronazza Italian marble, with ex
ceptionally beautiful markings. It' IS
seven by twelve feet.
. Wast Oases Transferred A large
number of attorneys appeared before
Federal Judge Page ,'Mcrrts Saturday
morning asking that a number of per
sonal Injury suits against the railroads
and the stock yards be remanded to the
state courts,' the attorneys asserting
that the federal district court ha no
Jurisdiction over Much cases. Federal
Judge Morris continued tite argument un
til .next Saturday morning.
A Torpid 1,1 vex
gives s sallow complexion. Take Dr.
King's New Ufe Pills and rid the system
of Impurities. took healthy. 38c. All
druggists. Advertisement
W. J. Fischer, general agent for the
Northwesters Mutual Ufa from St. Louis
addressed the Nebraska Underwriters'
association Saturday at a banquet given
in Parlor B of the Paxton hotel. Mr.
Fischer, formerly represented the New
, England Mutual Life In Omaha, preced
ing G. W. Noble. He will remain today
. as tha guest of the local Insurance men.
Tho Shakespearean readings, conducted
by Mrs. A. Kate Gilbert will this te-ni
rend the tilnv ''Kin Henry th Fourth."
In the colleR.- end has a hlrh cultural
This la one of the most popular classes
value, which tho students greatly ap
preciate. Trof II. W. Munson. dean of the ex
ipreeslon deoartmrnt. gave a splendid
reading in ehanel Thursday rooming. He
chose for his first number "The Courting
of Dinah Phadd," which Is an interest
ing romance in Irish dialect. Responding
to an encore he read "Reflection."
The concert given Thursdav evenlns.
isovomber 12. by the chorus class, under
me uireetion or John W. Phillips, was
an attractive feature of the music de
partment. Aside froti the special work,
Prof. Phillips' solo work t him
self and his pupil, John Frost, were
eminently meritorious.
Miss MIer, who wss chairman of
the primary section at tha State Teach
era association was responsible for a
superior program in thot line. Her years
or experience aa Henn nt h .
training department of the college has
o.-i nr ncn experience. Which she in
out 10 ner students.
Mellevae Collesre.
iMffl v' D- G,,mr of Mondamln, la.,
visited hor son. Raymond, this week.
M'; Paul Cummins of the Junior elasa
fvnliiTt,l.""jr. BlKht Bt hl homo In
i S,-l. .
by the club through the entertsln.nent P "iV;'-"- nuvM
propoeed. The date of tho entertainment Reading ,i .....,.,?...'.'.
Mrs. John Mullen.
'Twas April Nevlu
' Mrs. Iieo Hoffman.
Violin Polo
Frank Mach.
Humorist Storlea
OeoiBo F. Hughes.
Polonaise, A flat major Cheoin
lgniund landsberg.
Tha Hour nines ....Burleigh
1 Hear You Calling Me Marshall
John McCresry.
Hot-let y Notes.
Miss Helen Brennan and Mlaa May roe
Mullsn delightfully entertained the X. L.
cluh on Wednesday evening, nt tho home
of Mlsa lirennan.
Mra. T A. Hunter, assisted by Mrs.
Frank Iee, will entertain the Woman's
Heme Missionary aoclely at the First
Methodist Kr.lecopal church next Friday
afternoon. Novemlr W. at the homo of
Mrs. Hunter, 1J3) North Twenty-seventh
Mrs. Henry Wilson entertained tho
Elllen club at dinner last Thursday noon
at her home, Twenty-seventh and Boule
vard. The guests were: Mrs. James
Byers, Mrs. H. Pehults. Mrs. Henry Pal
sell, Mra, Del Johnson, Mrs James Car
rr.nti, Mrs. Kden. Mrs. McElgln, Mrs. B.
btea and Burt's eon
wa.i along this line.
Burr loA iaHt evcnlf.g for Lincoln, where
he expected to confer with Governor
Moreliead on Ihe matter. The govern
ment men say the situation Is mw In
stii'h ah.xiie that tl.n slate ni'thnrllliM r.n
kep it under control.. The counties imr- nsnluni of tlie high school last Pr. day Church Continued," nr.d his evening
anlned are: Dawes, Box Butte Sheridan r,r",n -topic will he, "Toe Conversion of a nool
Cherry, tirant McPhersnn V.thur ..r',',ol, of the Omaha KcIiik1 of Man." fundsy school wtll be called at
r,.rt. r ii,n A Z 'j ... ml MuMe and Art will be here during th. . this morning nnd the Christian Po
parts or Morrell. Garden ai'd Keith. ' vonitna week to lve the seniors sn Inlt si fleavor will he held this evening "t :.W
Oat fn ' I In Sendoff In their class play, "Milestones." . o'clock at the church.
.... llnr , oi'r.,Vi! VMl ,l The foot ball season of the hlKh school 1 Culled States Senator G. M. Illtrhcoek
'r "nr dnwn Sixteenth street in ls pri.etlc allv over. There remains, ac- will address a labor meeting this after.
South Omaha was the live topic, dis- j i-ordlng to t' oach J. M. Patten of Ihe noon at McCrann's hall, Twenty-fourth
cussed Friday nlKht by J. J. Breen at a ' learn, but two games to be played, one and rtrecta. The meeting Is cslled for
moetltia of the N'orth.sst I, ' ' Plattsniouth at Plattsnmuth next o'clock. A committee of arrange-
ct,, Th. I . u , r r-. T,, "-(l.ty afternoon and the annual game ments has planned to mnke the
club. The meeting was hold at Garfield with Ashland at Ashland on Thsnksgtv- a big success. It la called for the special
school. Uievn advocated the extension i lug aftenvion. November rs j benefit of the laboring men out of em-
of .Spring Mke Park to fourteenth and i The first debating team, consisting of , "'.eVlus'' BeorV.7nt" u'veV-'je'r
I streets, aa well ss the hulldlng of a i froadwell and Goldberg, will meo, ft,
street ear line .Inn. Hr.nth . r, : the grsduale ilchatlng team, coiirIsiIus f' ' r u " 1
". ., "on" J,xtnth street In , of (,rw0od lllchardson. Karl le and ln'
the aiaglc City. Kmmet llovtor, In a d. biite on the ques- i "
At the next meeting of the cluh August i tlon, "Itesolved, That the of linn lo Prevrat t rosp.
Miller will detail his experiences as a ,h rnU1' States should Be owned and it mnv be a surprise to you to learn
city official of 8ou,h Omahs. I 'nextVrn'Thr h.'h sK '
one of the choicest musical programs auditorium. The debaters are making an ventn.V Mrs. H. M. Johns, Ellda, O.,
of the season has been arranged for Fit. endeavor to get permission to held the relates her experience ss follows: "My
-"- io'n i me v eniurion eiun cNcnlng, JJovemher 17, the puhllc being, last, winicr i sriJi . it, ui numwi-
ior tne rjenettt or the Sisters of Ft.
Bridget's schoot. The entertainment will
begin at Mft sharp.
The program Is ss follows:
Andante and Variations Schumann
niKmunu uandsoerg, Kuth Fiynti.
rrs Dinner The men of tho i having a contest for the last month. The Some of the boys In Hamilton Hall .r
,urii'. xicBuiiion vnun.ii win prepare
and rerve a dinner for the ttembcrs of
class waa divided into two sides, having! arranging tor a temperance oratorical
as captains Mlsa Ona Bchaper and Mel-, contest, to be held some time durlna the
fin II v class work, examination BTadea. etc.
The losing side waa to give a party ior
the winners. Mr. Cramer's side won, so
Miss Schaper planned a most enjoy sine
affair for Monday evening, at which the
winners were honored guests. Miss Clara
FOree, the stsdent teacner or tne ciass,
has secured the most enthusiastic Interest
of her pupils.
A recital was given Friday evening at
the college building by the college
students of the conservatory. A piano
mnn was .ivn bv Miss Buelah Larson
of Grand Island. Vocal solos were given
by Miss ona Bcnaper oi aisson nix w
by M'sa Lillian Benjamin, Casper wood
and Howard Ege of Grand Island. Read
ings were given by Miss Myrtle Hewitt
on.rtnn I. Mli Josechlne Miller
of Superior and Mies nuvn anute oi
Golden, Colo. Prof. Ctiamberlatn of
Chicago- has charge of the vocal branen
of the music department of the conservs
tory. while Miss Helen De Laubenfels has
Charga Or ins aramauo an uo.iuc.n
Hastings College Notes.
The November Issue of the Outlook,
containing the report of President Crone
to the Synod of Nebraska, Is now being
mailed to the friends of the college.
The Christian organisations arc observ
ing the week of prayer, which began last
Sunday, and will continue till the fol
lowing Sabbath. The week of prayer for
the college will be held some time in
.The recent election resulted tn the
choice of Miss Eva Moroland of Imperial
for nountv superintendent of Chase
county and Judge Button as county judge
of Adams county, now are tormer stu
dents of the college.
The students of tha academy held their
fit social gathering as an organization
lsst Monday evening. The freshmen and
sophomores of the college and a number
of - the literary organisations nave al
ready held their first social gatherings.
As a result of the action ef the Synod
at its recent meeting, we learn that the
Young People's conference is guaran
teed for Hastings next summer, as more
than 100 members were pledged. This
insures a splendid attendance and a good
Miss Ruth Fltehett, who has charge of
the public school music and assistant in
piano, goes to Blue Hill on Wednesday
of each week, where she has a large class
Two new students have registered In
the last week, Mtss Margaret Herman
of Omaha, a graduate of the Omaha
High school and a member of last year's
freshman class at the University of Ne
braska, has enrolled In tho sophomore
class here. Miss Mae Klener of Bellevue.
who graduated from the Union High
school last year, has entered the fresh
man class.
Wednesday evening, November 11, the
students and friends of Bellevue college
heard a lecture by Count Alexander M.
Lochwhitsky, a Russian nobleman, who.
for founding a school for the peasants on
hie estate near SH, Petersburg, was sen-
ni'iJuto,.four.year"- " n the island
of Blghallen. It was through tha klnd-
no una interest ot one or the college
trustees, John D. Hsskell of Wakefield.
Neb., that Count Lochwhitsky came to
Bellevue college.
Don no Col les;e.
Next Frldsy evening Mlsa Mae Randall,
soprano, anil give a recital In Lee Me
modal chapel.
Rev. G. R. McKelth, pastor of the
ongregational church at Exeter, vfaited
the college Wednesday, and made an ad
dress at the chapel hour.
The toot ball banquet committee here
announced that the annual Tiger banquet
will be held st tha Congregational church
on the evening of Saturday, November 1.
Miss Beulah Wledman, who went to the
ii " AT . .nurenoc or the Young
- v.n, io.iri unocisuon curing tne
uuinisrr, win give a report or the confer
ence at this week's association meetlns.
President Allen is planning a series of
miumni lectures Dy prominent men
during the year. The first of these will
be held Sunday morning, November 15,
in the Congregational church, when .
Dr. F, M. Sheldon of Boston, sscretary
fni Cojnres-stlonal Education society,
Xebra.ka Wesleyan.
u. renoarsais en i nc Messiah are
continuing regularly.
The wireless station has succeeded in
Unc of Itt) miles. In daylight.
PrcJ. Burns, who ha. been um aiov
tor tne iaat two weeks Is making but
little Improvement and Is still unable to
In piano. This class, alone with the-e: Ki c.aases.
which Mlti Fltehett has in the college Ladles' Faculty club met Saturday
uciiiuvti i tun nuine Ol SITS. l. U. Jen-
Food Souring In
Stomach Causes
Indigestion,' Gas
Wonder what upset your stomach
i . which portion of the food did the damage
do you? Well, don't bother. If your
' stomach la la a revolt; If sour, gassy and
- upset, and what you just at has fer
mented Into stubborn lumps; head dizzy
. and aches; belch gases and sclds and
- eructate undigested food; breath foul,
tongue coated just take a little Fape's
lxapepstn and Id five minutes you won
. der what became of the indigestion and
Millions of men and women today know
that It Is seedless to have a bad stomach.
. A little Dlapepsin occasionally keeps this
delicate organ regulated and they eat
. their favorite foods without fear.
If your stomach doesn't take care ct
' your liberal limit without rebellion: tf j a program In the chapel on Friday even
. yoor food Is a damage Instead of a help, 'n- November IX There was an Interest-
remember the Quickest- surest. most ' ." ?" """0". . Keeolved.
' harmless relief is Pane's IMa penal n which
coats only fifty cents for a larre esse at
during the remainder of the weekv gives
nr (amy iyu pro grans.
Among the faculty members who led
choficl the last week were Mtmi Fltehett,
Prof. Carpenter and Prof. Cunnlnghsnt.
Mlsa Htchett gave a short talk on the
history of music. Prof. Carpenter gave
an autumn poem from an English author,
and Prof Cunningham an interesting talk
on the experiences of a man while in
college and after he left the Institution.
Wayne State. Normal Notes.
The normal foot ball team vein close
the season Id a game with Bellevue col
lege, which Is scheduled to take place
on the normal field on Thanksgiving
day. "
Miss Franc B. Hancock of the depart
mint of domestic science, spent Saturday
and Sunday In Lincoln While there she
was the guest of Miss Alice Loomlg and
Mlsa Kthel Killen.
At the last meeting of the Normal
Cathollo club the members had the pleas
ure ef listening to an Instrjctlve talk
by Rev. William Kearnz, who, explained
the Mexican situation. '
Miss Elizabeth Bettctier writes that
since the death of her father, she has
been at her old home st North Liberty
led. She wilt resume her work tn the
I'niversity of Chicago after the first of
the car.
For nearly an hour Colonel Alexander
M. Lochwltsky held the -attention of
students snd faculty, last Friday morning
at convocation, while he told ef his thril
ling experience in Russia and of bis es
cape from Siberian exile.
The Crescent literary society rendered
I That the Present Kuropean War fhnnl.l
I Cause the Vnlted States to Enlarge Its
Army snd Navy." Special music wss
drug stores. It's truly wonderful-it dl- r"'" Dy tn orcbestra.
... . . , ...a, ,a nuir iiun-i r.,rojoi in noeor of Secretary K J
sen, A social hour and a business ses
sion comprnea tne program.
Lincoln Wirt Arctic axnlnrer nm
travelogue aa the second number of the
luuug men s v nrieuan association lea.
ture course. Friday evening.
Next Friday. In the morning, occurs
tho senior breakfast and the senior recog
nition exercises. In the afternoon m big
foot bell rally precedes the Wesleyan
Mornlngslds contest, and In the evening
the foot ball banquet It Is "Home Com
ing ' day.
Cotner University.
Dr. 'WUmet gave a short chgpel talk
Chancellor Oeschger was working
among the churches in the south part of
the state last week.
i . c?rtfi,an E""vor convention
bcld at the First Christian church In Un
coln was well attended by the students
from here.
The "World's Week of Prayer" has
been duly observed during the last Week
&JhJ Youn" Mn " Young Women's
Christian associations.
Mrs Samuel Cotner ef Omaha, wife of
tne one tor whom Cotner university was
named, visited here Thursday and gave
a very Ir tertstlng tslk at ehspel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray K. Rice atten-led the
Joint suasion of the Young Men and
wmw. nriMian associations
prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Mr
Bice gave a very Interesting address on
atlona ta Celejaratts,
When the National league men held
their annual meeting at tha Waldorf
Astoria in December the victory of ths
h raves will be celebrated on a big ecaie.
The Boston players will be dined and
President Teoer wtll extend invitations
to ovary baas ball mas of prooiineiuie In
has not been fixed n yet.
Haiders Seek Osmrtr,
Chief of Detective Janie-s Sheshsn snd
a squad of police raided an alleged
gambling Joint In a ;ool hall at Twenty
eight and R streets. The game ts .said
to have been conducted In the same place
where so many shootings snd crimes were
committed last year. Nick Dssovlch
was arrested an was Ore S tames
Mexican Mobbed.
Ignaclo Kamerala Calderon, who came'
across the Ro Grande a few weoke ago
to determine whether Carratisa or Villa
la the greatest thief In ths world, baa ex
pressed the opinion that Einmett Mstlox,
colored, of South Omaha, has a bit of
odgo on either of the two Mexican ban
dits. Ignaclo landed In town Friday
night with nothing In tha world except
$10. He did n6t have a word of English
snd could not find sny one who could
Jargon "Mex" with him until he mot
Mattnx, who, having lived across the
Rio Orando. made out that Ignaclo
wanted a room and had money to pay for
It. Mattog, took Ignaclo to Twenty-sev-enth
and Q streets, where he got him a
room. Ignaclo gava Mattog tho $10 to
get changed. Matt'x forgot to return
with the money and Ignaclo Is in Aguaa
Callentes. as you might say. The gen
darmes were notified and dlplonistlc
notes will be exchanged later.
Lnberlc Talks to Inspectors.
Congressman C. O. Lobeck had a little
Informal meeting with the employes of
the local station of the buresu of anlmel
Industry at the Library hall Friday night.
The congressman gave a history of his
political life ana accounted for what he
termed his sobriquet of gumsnoe con
gressman. ' Taken by and large he spoke
kindly of himself and his efforts in na
tional legislation. He advocated that the
local men of the bureau get together. He
also said that house resolution No. K93.
which ts the bill to raise government em
ployes' salaries, will get along nicely
one the cotton situation has been taken
care of In the south.
incidentally there Is some curiosity
among government men hers as to the
meaning of the new order which chsnges
the denomination of meat inspectors to
that of lay Inspectors. A year ago the
meat Inspectors and the x-eterlnsrlans hsd
some disagreement. Under ths WU. 9282.
the meat Inspectors get a raise as wen
ss the veterinarlsns. Now that the meat
Inspectors are no more and the bill does
not provide for raise ln salaries for lay
Inspectors, the men are wondering Just
what the congressman s bin win mean vo
ths men who do not belong to the vet
erinarian class.
asanle New Lights.
As i demonstration of the new lighting
.vatam Droooaed for the business dis
trict of South Omaha under the light J
contract bow la committee or tne city
council, two new standards were Installed
near the South Omaha city hell yester
day. The lights were turned on last night
and hundreds of people pssslng by
stopped to comment on the Improvement.
The standards are slmllsr In many re
spects to the otyea adopted by Omahs.
The lights are not as high as under the
old system, but they give better light in
view of the fact thst they come more
frequently. The number of standards de
vised for a block runs from seven to nine.
Each light hss two W0-candlepower
masdas with a reflector. It Is probable
that the matter will coma up before the
council Monday night for final action.
Hot Laneaes far Cllen.
Mr.s N. M. Graham, wife ot the super
intendent of local schools snd president
of tho' District Association of Women's
ctuh. i. leading in tha movsmsnt of
providing hot lunches for the children of
th. Weat Bids school, Kach day ths
children are served with a hot lunch
which Is prepared at the dotnestlc science
n.nartment Of the BOUtn omsns Jn
school. The meals cost sbout $ cents
apiece, three meals , being sold for a
In the West Side school there are many
children who would hsve to walk a mile
or mora to get lunch at home during the
.n hour. Many of these cmioren are
poor and the lunch obtained at home la
nn alw.vs substantial, it is
urlea of the mesl served now places It
In the reach of ell the children.
Miller Utoek gltnatlon.
Dr. A. W, Miller of the United
Ciate Bureau of Animal Industry and tn
charge of the work .f the bureau In Ne
braska and Iowa, passed through Foutli
Omaha yesterdsy. Dr. Miller sxpressed
himself ss pleased with tho situation
generally as regards ths foot and mouth
disease in r-ebrasxs and Iowa. Nebraska
has to sign of the disease and lows Is
clear as far ss ths west half of the elate
Is concerned. Most of the infected lows
cattle have been killed and infection ten
ters quarantined.
Doctor Miller visited more than 3M
herds. In which the foot aitd mouth dis
ease had made Its appearance. All of
then herds wars killed an4 tha carcas
ses destroyed. The herds ranged ln num
ber front four or five head to SbO. Tha
government gives a not to ths farmer
Mnalr City Gossip.
Office spsse tor i-ent In Bee office. 2.1IK
N alroot. Terms reasonable. Well known
locution. Tel. (Jouth 'Ji.
The Mystic Workers of the World will
hold their regular weekly meeting In the
odd Fellows' hall at R o'clock.
leaving city, modern house for sale.
11U N. ::d. Best block In city.
The Independent Order of. Odd Fellows
111 hold a meeting next Monday evening
at their hall, Twenty-fourth and M
streets, at $ o'clock.
' 'hdroker coal, unscreened. $4.Sfl; screen
ed. K7&. South T. Holland Lum. A Coal.
Tho local Southeast Improvement club
Is planning to stage a piny at the high
school auditorium some day this week,
probably next Friday evening.
The local Merrymakers' club -tll give
their weekly dance next Wedneadny
evening at s o'clock In the lyal Order
of Moose home. Bnagy Rtihin's ,hand
will render several selections.
For PaleTwo new cottages, Sl.SW each;
r.l' lawn, shade trees, well cistern,
water In house, electric lights, cement
walks; ? blocks from eighth grade nchool;
terms, $00 down, bul, I2 per month. Tt?
Jackson St.
have left for prompt delivery, IM tons
of hard coal at t&fti; 60 tone or Bernlce
at $;.r. slightly stained br water. Order
before It In too late. A. J. , Bergqulat A
Son. Tel. 80. tt.
Tho South Omaha eonntll No. K,
Loyal Mystic l.ealon of America, -entertained
Its friends last even'ng st the
1, i
loin's Cough Remedy In the house, and
when he begin having that croupy rough
I would give hlin one or two doses of it
snd It would break the attack. I like
It better for children than any other
medicine, because children take It will
ingly, and It Is safe and reliable." Obtsla
able everywhere. Advertisement.
Observe I nlverslty "aodar-
November 2S hss been designated as
university Sunday by the university au
thorities, and Invitations signed by the
chancellor and the regents- are being
t.rut to atl students of the Institution to
make it a point to attend some church
on that day.. This oustom waa started
last yi-ar, and met with such eucoees
;tt other universities as well aa here
hat It reema probable It will become an
nunual custogi. Dr. Ilamk Presbyterian.
Ktiulent pii.tor. ln speaking of the plan,
said t hi. t the 1lea was not meant to stsrt
and end on that one Sunday alone. It
ts merely a formal expression on the
pait of all the churches of the oltv
showing their Interest tn the student
body, ln most churches the sermon for
the day will deal with topics of Interest
to students especially. Last year th at
tendance of students throiwhout the year
waa notabiv Increase! after the ob
servance of I'niversity Sunday.
Me.nteneed to Die.
CHICAGO, Nov. 15. Roswell C F.
Smith, formerly a choir singer, who con
fessed to killing 4-year-old Hasel
Wetneteln, waa found guilty of murder
today and sentenced to be hanged.
rvini rTa n ri
Delicious Peppermint flavor blended into
wholesome chicle resilient, smooth,
chewing, mouth-watering. -
Doubly pleasing because the flavor is
1-o-n-g 1-a-s-t-i-n-g: lots of "Pep!"
Double wrapped and then hermetically
sealed to keep the goodness in and all
impurities out
Double value, for with each 5c package is a
good fox many valuable presents.
the country. Gaffoey and KLaJlin.. in
receive the formal congratulation of all i 'or half his kiss sad tha state guaran-
tfh'nc. please, for your sake, don't go f momis whe vlaiud the school for a few the club owners, who realise that the tees the ether half tn most cases.
, am apj on with a weak.
disordered stem- f aT'' C" J s'ternoon Mr. Hlmonds capture of the world's championship has C.M B too, .,, addreeasd a Joint roosting of the two woa macn-needeft irestlse for th parent L reported case or root and mouth
ach Ifm s nimyirr.llr.Mini "r"1 jwu. rawiut ot tne two woa m
acn. hss unnecestarr. Advertisement, cieties, aoj ia tb esealng a union dnilt.
disease at lUialereuri, lx, turned out to
M5 by th
ol th famous
, United Coupon
J now with' both
"twin mints.
.IZiMiMnl E"l L3 C