I! A TUB OMAHA SUNDAY BEFh NOVEMBER 15, 1911. Great Silk Special Monday ; Regular .$2.25 and $3.00 Brocaded Silk Poplins, and All Silk Bengalines, 40-inch, $l.:t) and $1.-19 a yard The silks are shown in our : Sixteenth street window. The reductions are made from the actual otijinal selling prices, -t at which they sold readily all . through the season. The new, i shades of blue, tans, -brown helio, French gray, are beau tiful. There are "many single ' dress lengths in the as3ort . raent. Winter Suits Fashionable, serv iceable, attractive S19.50 to $55.00. We are showing many new front lace models from $3.00 to $15.00. . . . Corset Section Third Floor. Expert Fitters in Attendance.' The Store for Shirtwaists A very popular section where the latest styles of dainty, attractive blouses are reasonably priced, $2.95, $3.75, $4.50. COL ROADS CAN SHIP STOCK TO CHICAGO t Illinois Board LifU Embargo on Consignment! Which Can Enter Yard at Midnight Sunday. TEMPORIZING POLICY FOLLY "Harrison's Reindeer Fabric" Gloves An excellent substitute for , kid since they art absolutely : washable. White is especial ly desirable, $1.00 a pair. . Visit our Olove Section. , You will find no job lots here; Just clean, fresh mer chandise; most anything that is to be had in fabric and kid.- Gloves for street and dress wear. We invite your inspection. The Fur Shop The most complete of' feAng of fine furs in Oma ha. The name of Thomp son, Belden & Co. has stood for a guarantee of the best for more than 28 years. You buy furs here with the assurance that you are receiving the best furs at the lowest prices, consistent with the high est quality. ilrail of Motrin Concern js Half. XVmy Mrnanrr Will lUHioe Yalnra Tin.KIe Per Cent. va of Hie state of low for the bureau of animal Industry, and the quarantine j will not ho ralsx until he la thoroughly j ratlafifd that every ca.e has been found! and the county quarantined. j It la thought that trade In the utot W; and foedT lln" w!l be better next week! becmiee there has been no trace of the hoof and mouth dls-ae In Hits territory. ALLIES RESUME ADVANCE ALONG BELGIAN FRONT Continued from Pni One.) Jcctivr, and diapatchrs reaching here from IVtrocrad convey the belief ijt the Rua rlnn authorities that even the resumption of the Ormnn offensive agnlnat Ruaaian Toland will not rauae a diversion. The usual absolutely contradictory re port come from the scene of the Rusio- ' Turkish front The Ruaalsns . report GERMAN ATTACK ON BRIDGE REPULSED i .. French 'Official- Report Say Move ' ment Against Nieuport Results in Failure. ADVANCE TOW AM) BIXSCH00TE Alteaapt ef the Kermjr Take the : Offeaslve la the Itnloa Kaat ad Soatheaat of Ypres -la f herkeal. PARIS. Nov. K-The French official communication laaued this afternoon aaya that- -German attack against th bridge at Ts'laujiort resulted 'in failure, ahd that various offenatve- movement of tho enemy aroumt Yprea have been checked. The Utt of. lb communication follow! r-'fin. Jsolgluun a Cartiuui a(trt against tho b"e4' of lli'a brWHa t Kloueport re- 0WteA-id failure, ilid .verloua Vf forts at of(illt movementa on the part of the taeray ln tha region to tha east and to the southeast of Yre bava .been, cbecKsiT. Orore; Thayer, Union county, Nellie M. Northrup: Waro, J'ocahontas county, Chester V. Rksrr. RUMORED SINKING OF AUDACIOUS IS NOW CONFIRMED (Continued from rage One.) token aboard by men of tha navy. After tha , steamer entered Belfast harbor one of tha wallers on board was arrested, charged with being a spy. ' Serrepy Vrgeel t pon AH. ' Tha Olympic carried about S0O- paav senger. Nearly 100 of these war Eng lish reservists. All passengers other than British war denied passage from Belfast to Liverpool, and were compelled to go to Dublin, which is an open port to take boa.tg.for England. Secrecy re garding tha loss of tha Audacious was enjoined upon' the crew and passengers of tha Olympic, who ware urged to re frain from dleeuael the tragedy- pen ln a comnlate investigation. The . crew f of the Audacious' wal removed from tha liner as aoon aa warship for the purpose were available. Tha conduct of the craw of tha Olym- I plo was' magnirioent," said one of the I - - . l. I I bava nroirrrf nn. kilometer loH tlw. Pengrs. n waranipa crew cquiu eaatv Xlatween the canal of LaBaasea and j 'v cUd w,,n ereater courage and pra- cinioo. creryimna waa in ttiuiiwh lor launching .tha boat as aoon as tha Olympic wae within roach of the Auda cious." Many of tha passengers expressed tha. belief that tha sinking of tho Audacious Arras our troops have roade minor pro gress.1 - "1ft 'the region of ls lgny and In the vicinity tha Alans, aa hr aa Berry I Au Haftha Oermane have attacked, but without guecaa "Iff ' the Argonn ' fighting "has recom meiloed1 with greater spirit. Tha enemy endeavored, but . in . Vain. to. recapture rrta JL rarla .and BL Hubert I artlc uUrly' In the vicinity of Verdun aeveraj partial' offensive movements on the part otrtBe eiwmy were checked by ha fir of iV-ur artillery before the forward mov mrn( of. the snamy's infantry could be undertaken. 'the Woevra district 'and In Lor range,' where bad weather prevalU, there U nothing to report'' v ( I '. ', ; Pepartntejat Orders. IvASIIINOTtN, Nov. H-tSpeclal Teto grrin -.NLiraka pension gi anted: Baran A. Oalllgan, Orllia. 1J. I'ostmaaiera appointed.- Ioa'aeCrom well, Union county, William A. Reynolds, vleo. U, M. Randolph i Kentun. Kossuth county,1 Jacob A. Bchwaru. vice V. B-Alley;- Lkkewood, Uyon county, William J. iiatl, . Vic Hoyr Ue'iuneil, realgned; Nvuiiway, Adams county, Utella Mlutfer, ivlco John M Inert, deceased: Rlckutts, (Yawiord county. Jdhannea II. lethlofa. vin'eur Lansholdt, removed', fhannon t. Uy.-LiUun county, k'rancea M. Farvuutoa, vh a J. K. Klnu: Tlconia. Munon counly, ''Reatiics 'Harber, vice J. Allen, the turning polnta Boon may he reached which will open a new phase of the long drawn ball la, Turklah Array Enter Raaala. The Turks, in an official communica tion given out' at Constantinople under dale of November 18, claim to have In vaded the Husaian territory of Caucaira. The Turkish official communication contained In an Amsterdam dispatch to Reuter'a Telegram company says: "Last night our troops, after a surprise attack, occupied all the Russian block liouaea on the border of Tresblionl, pene trated for throa hours In Russian terri tory in the direction of Bat urn and oc cupied the Russian barraoks of- Kur daghln. ' i ."In tha battle, of Koprukeul on the 11th and 12 to the Russians ware defeat!, loalng 4,000 dead, 4.000 wounded and M0 prisoners. Our troops captured 10,000 rifles and much ammunition, i . 'The Russians retired in bad condition In the direction of Kutch. The steepness of the grouni, together with fog and anow, handicapped our outflanking move ment and s consequently tha- ' Russian could not be completely u( off. Tha pur suit continues." (.IHfAOO, Nov. 14 An nltr lifting the embargo on live stock shipments to Chicago waa issued today by fie State Board of Live Stock t'ommlmlonera Railroads were notified they could ac cept shipments to be dollvered In Chi. r, . nrt am M,.n,1aw mt mlrfnl.U -k.rt lh.1 .. . . steady progress cri'er the old battle union moth yaroa, unarr rjuar-nuoe or- - that the Russinn armies have been rmshed bark across the border with heavy losses. From the headquarters of the Teutonic armies come . conservative statements of the activities of their armies. Vienna ad mits certain Russian successes, which moans that the Blsv power again Is In i possession of the great oil f eld of Gall- cla, but another report from Austrian headquarters claim continued success against the Balkan enemv In the cam paign to force the flervlsns behind their own borders. Allies 'Raerarte Flaarrlnsr. Berlin reports progress on the western front, accompanied by the repulse of every attempted advance by the allies. German military experts, commenting on the fact that the prisoners taken at Nleu port wero French, claim this Is proof that the BelRians have been so cut to pieces that It has become necessary for the French to take their places. They believe also that the taking of prisoners on the Ypres front Indicates that the en ergy of tho allies Is flagging. One of these military writers does not conceal the anxiety caused by the Russian advance, but sets down his belief that the German frontier has not yet been crossed. The only naval news of Importance is tha announcement that the submarine. menace off Pover haa been relieved by the dragging of chains along the bottom of the channel. This procedure la be lieved to have destroyed certain German submarines, which for weeks hav been successful In eluding the British guard-shlpa. cause of the foot and mouth disease, will ba reopened. All shippers munt file with the transportation company an affidavit that tha stock shipped in not affected with and has not been exposed to the maladv. The new Instructions of the bureau of animal Industry that only the affected animals of a herd should be killed con tinued to bring protests from persons prominent in nearly every branch of the Industry. Temsinrlalng Fatal. Thomas B. Wilson, president of Morris A Co., said that temporising with tha dis ease would 'Immediately reduce the values of live stock In th I'nlted States by 2& per cent." K. A. White, director of Armour & Co., asserted he. did not be lieve the American people wanted to run the risk of the Infection of their meat supply. The announcement of the Board of Ani mal Industry that, owing to a shortage of funds, a maximum of 2O0 would be paid to farmers whose Infected stock was killed resulted In a plan by Dr. S. K Bennett, chief of the federal Inspectors at the yard, by which the farmers may some day receive a greater amount. He ordered printed a large number of condi tional promlHSory notes, which Inspectors will Issue to farmers whose animals are condemned. They read: ' Half of Valuation. "I hereby agree to accept as compensa tion In full from the t'nlted States gov ernment In .the event that congress ap propriates funds out of which payments can bo made, t.'.... which Is 60 per cent of the 'valuation of all animals destroyed on account of the existence of foot and mouth' disease. tr. tflmon Flexner, bacteriologist of the Rockefeller Foundation, who ' will conduct a scientific search for the foot and mouth dlsase germ, left tonight for New ior wnn louneen seaiea sieei iuoes;rate. on fuhi frutS( peanuts, coffee, ccntalnlng vlrua and blood of diseased ; rnerse. canned goods, wrannlng paner. w Why Pay fifloro When Zciglcr Lasts Longer mn4 la Hotter and Cleaner Than Higher Priced Soft Coals Our $5.00 Coal Petroleum Carbon Coke I THE MODERN FUEL Any housewife am han dle the fnrnaoo where Pet roleum Coke is the Fuel. No Soot No Smoko And just think of it No Ashos A TON 1 fs Good Coal H50 B Phone Tyler 1754. 210 S. 17th St. Brandeis Theater Bldg. Grand Island and Hastings Attack Tariffs on Freight WASHINGTON. Nov. U Freight Find Bomb with Fuse Burning in Court Room in the Tombs , NEW YORK. ;ov, 14.-A bomb, some what .similar In construction to the one that wrecker! the entrance to the Bronx , . M,., V, I .... , 1 J I possibly saved tha Olympic, which mlrtt ; ir.TlV ' ".T JLT " - - v . iw. Awmvrv vunri room. otherwise hav entered, ft 'mln field Other held to th theory that a tab marine torpedoed th warship, basing their opinion on tha fact that It waa wounded astern rather than forward, which would mora likely. b th caa K It had com In contact wltA aubmeraged xploalvag. RDSS ARMY CORPS v : ISCDT TO PIECES (Continued from Page On.) Jevo, Th e'erv'lan headquarters are re ported as having bean moved hurriedly from Valjevo to MladenovM. The Ser vian loies are said to hav been heavy. The number of prisoners of war In terned in Austria la over N.ooo. lust under tha district attorney's offices occupied by Governor-elect Whitman. The room was crowded. The bomb contained gunpowder, slugs and bullet Its fuse war partly .burned. George I.. O'Connor, a policeman, saw smoke from th burning fuse of th bomb. ran to th apot. tor off th fuse and car ried the bomb rom the court room. The bomb contained explosive enough. It waa estimated, to. have wrecked the building. . Approximately fifty persona were in the I room awaiting tha arrival of Maglatrate j Campbell, to open court. It Is believed .Ms arrival waa the aignal u fire the ' f us. . The bomb waa wrapped up In a Jewish ! dally newspaper, tightly bound with j wrapping cord. I AlagiaUale Campbell said that he had no Idee who would sek to take Ms life, "The Vkrainlan delegate (from a por-J I unless It wero the writer or writers of tlan of Husslan. Poland embracing the nM threatening letters he had received dur- klngdom of Poland), who were sent to ,n ,ba rxni UUI of Industrial Workers BofU hav new left Bulgaria. They er:' the World leaders at which he rre- Mllv Ha ft ail with Ika nnil.r.t..'., ldl. T?'"1.: Yr'n ,;'onJ.V.."ft,?::..,,."l?i rachd with the Bulgarian premier. M. The police believed the bomb was placed Jtadoslavoff. and the presidents of both ,he "mo band of anarchists that chambers of me "Bulgarian Parliament. ' "r1 th bombs Wednesday night at the providing for the separation of th , Bronx county court house and last month Vkrainlan district from Ronla. .exploded bombs In t. Patrlck'a cathedral "Snow la .reported In , the Voeaea and at the church of 8t. Alpbonaus. The mountains and tn the Black -forest and Pllr recalled 'that Frank Tannenbalm the Thurglner forest. Trf tne last place it , and his Industrial Workers of the World Is twelve Inches deep." th.atiair, vtua UuruUd. blnulalr; iiorf Kossuth county, 1 nomas J Witt While, vlre O. W. Brunner. ' Mouth Dakota Keg! Butte, Iwey county. Prank R. Trover, vice Frank bowman; tlllland. Stanley count-. Martin J.' Stromm,'tce I. N. tjuiii, resigned." ', " ' .Jaiiiu Vi., .Wretfal baa brt apitojnted rurw.1 Hitter, earner at UarUand. Nt. Iowa poalmatera reaHlnled: Peave?, JivKme uuniy, Bexlon T. Anuerson; Have, lock. Poahontaa county, J. H. Bheldon; MmjHi, OUrien county. J. W. Jepaon; l'almer, Pocshontl county, Msrv Xoniaji . Plover' Pooaitonlaa-county, Soloaian T. i, . -t Sanatorium ,j ? , - ; T6U UtUgtlon Is the only on in th 4-eatraT' west with eparte bulldln Jtdat6d. ra- talr o ample grouDda, yet ottrely dla aavt, aad rendering it posalbl to classttv case. The one bulldici botDg fit tail for and devotud to lb treatment of aon-contagloua aad n.6n-uental disease, uo otitera tn log admitted, th other Kest Col tag being designed for and de- r i. . . it- vciuoiv trcatmeqi of select mental cases raqulrlog for ttu watchful, cay aad U rial ourtlng. Brtteae Kaaeet Tara f Tid (eea. LONDON. Nov. U-Th slackening of Teutonle of tensive in the west, aa noted In yesterday official nrports from the allies' baadquarUra, la regarded hare aa due to the fact that Germany la obliged to maintain battle front a far apart as sat Prussian and th Ncrth Bea. .Huge bodies of German troops hav been alternately thrown acroea the In entered Ft. Alphontms church during their demonstrations last year, aa a re sult of which Tannenbauin was sent to Jan. MANY ARE INJURED BY . EXPLOSION OF CHEMICALS NEW YORK. Nov. 14. -One man was killed, twenty-seven persona Injured .n tervenlng thousand mile, to counter any 2 lnr. i,ld, of ch"- thtng in th nature of a positive success L!..! B1rookl,,rn W" " w-Bwswa ih rafrflU lUOOMwIOIl jl I 111' )t r gained at eltber end, alnd German's eon mending superiority in number In th earlier stage of the war made piogTvee of Its force easy and effective. Military obesrvers here, hoavr, take the view that Russia-on one aide, and the armies of three nations on tha other s'de. suw having aad time la.whluh.to mobilise their force more fully, the ef fectlven of Uil prooeea of shifting large pWdlea front one UitkUr to the other la no longer so pronounced and that any thinning of the German line on either aid must mean bereaXter at least tem porary assumption of the defensive on lb part et tbe German and the resump tion of offensive by the alll. For th, moment Berlin, according to English opinion, appear to regard the Russian tnenao a of varamouat "Import ance. . . n The alllea, however, are finding the Carina defenaive aa stubborn and dif ficult to penetrat as the Germans fouad the British end French line during the deadly, but futile, effort around Ypres. The Intimation of the official iport. hoevr, wr ecu .alder ed her a et promtaing from the alll' point ef view and tbere la a disposition to think that occurred In the laboratory late yesterday, Tjur oi in injured are In a serious con dition. The cause of the explosion haa not been determined. The Want Ad Columns of The Cee Are Red Daily by People In Bearrh of Ad vertised Opportunities. - RATES UPON YELLOW PINE SUSPENDED BY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. Nov. lt-tSpealal Tele gram.) The Interatat Commerce oom mlaslon suspended from November U until March It, schedules that provide for an Increase of 1 and 3 cents per 109 pounds tn rate applicable to the transportation of yellow pin lumber tn carload from certain points In Arkansas, Iou1l&na and Texaa to . Bloux City, la. Th present at to Bloux City la 3 and 2t cents per 100 pound Th proposed rat I SS cent 0lT 0K "SltOMO ,t inc." Te get th genuine, rail for full name. Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for signa ture of 1 W. Grove, cures cold In one day, ti cent. cattle ln'"'arIoUs"stages""of development. 'Dr. Flexner said ho would Infect a pig In his laboratory until ha found some smaller animal upon -which he could ex periment. Exhibitors of prise cattle at the dairy show have begun a movement to remove the 800 animate that are quarantined In a, barn. In lb yarda to a farm near the rlty. It la feared there will be a heavy loss In the herd from other disease If It is kept in clos quarters much longer, .abject of Conference, WASHINGTON, Nov, 13.-hortfte of available funds for the campaign against the widespread llrve stock foot and mouth disease epidemic waa the aubject of long conference today between Secretary Houston and other officials of the De partment;. of Agriculture. Later It was said a statement on the subject would be Issued tomorrow. Officials fear that unless some means can be devised to make more money avail able immediately the department will be j seriously hampered in Ita work of eradl- j eating the disease. The stage already has been reached where the department will have to husband what fund It now has on hand. Orders were Issued today that not more than 1200 worth of cattle In a herd be elaughUred without special authorisation from the department unless the owner of the herd agreed that payment should be contingent upon congress appropriating the money. The question has been Talsed as to whether available funds appropriated for other purposes may be diverted to fight tha foot and mouth disease. The legal phases of this question were gone Into carefully today, but no decision waa an nounced. The quarantine against hay was modi fled by the department todity so as to provide that hay rut before August 1 last may be sh'pned In Interstate commerce without disinfection. If baled prior to No vember I. The prevloua regulations pro vided that hay could be shipped without disinfection, provided It was cut and baled pr'or to Augimt 1. The National Hav aasoclatlon had urged that the quarantine be modified becauee of a threatened short age of hay. Iowa Mare Closed. Another case of foot and mouth dis ease was discovered yesterday in Clin ton county, Iowa. This waa the latest development of the quarantine situation yesterday, but as this Is In ths eastern part of the state little fear Is felt by the local live stock Interests here. The fear of the last few days haa given way to a feeling of confidence that the worst Is over, so far as the stockmen in this territory Is concerned, and It Is believed to be only a question of a few days until conditions In this territory will again be( normal. So far no cases of hoof and mouth dls-' rase hate been discovered In Nebraska and none in weatern Iowa. However, there have been a couple of auspicious rases which wore reported by local au thorities one Friday at Henderson, la., which looked like a sure case, but a thorough Inspection mad by Dr. Ver ruillton. Inspector In charge for the bu reau of animal Industry at th yarda, and J. 8. Walters of th yarda company showed all th anlmaJe on the farm to b absolutely r from any dtsees. Other cases hav also been examined and no disease found. By tonight, at the Uteat, it la thought the Inspection in Ne braska will be completed and In western low by th first of neat wee. The authorities at Washington are op posed to dividing th state of lows, and say the quarantine will not be lifted na til they have had time to canvass tbe en tire etate and quarantine every county In which any trace of the disease baa beea found. Becretary Btryker of the South Omaha, Live Block 'excHank. who has been In Washington several day looking . after th Interest of th western stockmen before the Interstate' Coramerce commis sion aad the bureau of animal Industry, left for homo Friday night. Dr. A. W. Miller haa charge of the can-1 woodenwnrc, vegetablfs and provisions Kencrally were attacked today befire the Interstate Commerce commission by the t.rand Island Commrrlal club and the Hastlnga Chamber of Commerce of Ne braska. The complant waa directed ngalnst the New Yor't Central llnea and about 100 other railroads and systems operating in the east and middle est- Grand Island and Hastings are consid erable shipping centers and It Is alleged that the ratea on tho commodities are grossly excessive aa compared with the rates from tho same points of origin to Omaha, Neb. An equitable adjustment of tho rates was requested. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. About a "Week's Delay in Getting Into Our New Store Contrartora PROMISED that we would be in our palatial new quarters In the new United States National Bank Bldg. by Nov. 15th but it look as though there will be a week's delay for us; but all in good faith. If the contractors could have bad room ready this aaJ WOULD have been a thing of the past. Final Removal Sale Discounts In Force While We Are Compelled to Ren la Here Discounts of 10 to 20 and vn 25 are still in order cm EVERYTHING- tn this stock. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Clocks. Cut Glass and Novelties galore. In fact. EV ERYTHING is reduced save only Hamilton and Howard Watches and a few lines upon which prices are contracted. So you see you've STILL a fw days in which to secure TRULY REGAL Christmas gifts at REALLY cut figures. C. B. Brown Company Jewelers 403 South 16th S reel City Nafl Bank Bldg. linds the Bargain Then $1.00 a Week This superb Victrola Home Outfit Qg tftiRfl Complete, V uU We are going to place 50 outfits in homes of 50 responsible citizens on these remarkable terms. Pay $7.00 in order to bind the Bargain Then $5.00 a Month. itmrnmrnm lii'ifii'th'li s- i i vr-J " w i This Victrola Btyl X wtta 10 double faced rec ords, SO ealeotlona; your own choice. Only $82.00. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company 1311-13 Farnam St. Victrola and Crafonola Headquarters. Douglas 1623. You iwa It to Yourself to Sea the BRAMBACH GRAND Only four feet, eight Inches long; fits your rest room as easily as an ordinary upright; costs no more than a good upright; built (since 1823) in a factory now devoted to building grand pianos, exclusively. This is the smallest of all Grands, with an Individual tonal quality seldom equaled. The Drambach has the en dorsement of notable artists. Hear the Brambach before you decide. ' ONLY $455 TERMS Our 40th Vear. Aa HOSPE COs 1SIS Iaglas 6t Be Sure You Get DuffrsPureMalt Whiskey 1 When You Call for It Every good thing for which there is a de mand is counterfeited, and substitutes are simply "tricks of the trade" where in the dealer "tries to put some thing over on you," regardless of your health, for the saJce of greater profit. When you "Gee Daffy's and Keep Well" you're sure you are taking the game good Medicine for All Mankind that has been used with good results by thousands for more than half a century. Always demand Duffy's and insist on getting Duffy's only. Every genuine bottle of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has our "Annual" wrapped around it, and on tbe bottle itself the Com pany name ts blown in, tbe "Old Chemist" trade-mark appears on the label, and there's a seal over the cork which should be unbroken until you, yourself open Duffy's for better health. I flOTE et Berry's frern yonr local dngflst, ffvooer or eUaier 91.00 pc bottle. Jf he eauot sapply 70a, writ as, wa will tU roe where to get IV Usd toaj booklet free. The Duffy Malt Wlhsksy Co., Rochester. N. T. Swap Anything in the "Swapper Column"