UKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. NOVKMRKR 5 From Our Near Neighbors lllalr. Attorney lieiman Aye of Omaha was In lllalr Ian Saturday. John Kelly of Nlckerenn. Neb., visited relatives here on Thursdsv. J. C. Lon aa In Red Oak, la, and visited his pitrenta over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Htacken left this week for a visit to Johaxtown, Vit. Clvde Mariner and Harry Plata f Arlington were Blair visitors on Tuesday. T. F. Miller of Nelifrh, Neb., ivaa a, Ituest at the home of .1. A. Moore last i'ridsy. Mlas Eunice Killlnn returned Hundnv from a several weeks' visit at Coliini uus. Neb. A b-iby Khl was born at the home of County Commissioner James Maher ou " eunesday. Mrs. ."W. W. Foots of Missouri Valley, la.. Is visiting lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ttodsjers. . u. Taylor of St. Joseph. Mo., spent last Monday with hfs parents, Mr. and Airs. A. J. Taylor. Bernard Haller was In Fremont last minrtny and was initiated Into the KWnhts ol Columbus. Mrs. I,. Ij. lantrv returned this week from vteHiiiK her daughter, Mrs. E. . H. isrooKs of pawnee City. Charles Ostermsn of Central City, father or Postmaster Toin Osterman ot Blair, Aimiea nere over Tuesday. I'M Tlsnnen, for several years with the Mlatr NaUontrl bunk, has none to Maplo- ion, is. o accepi a. similar position in a hank of that city. Mrs. P. M. Nellsen, mother of !r. Morris Neilsen. died In Omaha on Mon isy night of rheumatism and neart fall lire, Ir. Oscar Newell of Plalnvlew. Neb.. oft his way to Croatia, visited Ins parents "on siaicr. mrs. jonn .McKay, last Satur day, . i AVI11 Htrode, Kd Grfnim, K. .. Peterson and Arthur fiross lett Tuesday bv auto lor a hunting trip up In the Wood lake fliis. curls Frnhm of Chicago nrrlvnrt ims weeK to visit lie.r parents, Mr. end M,ISA- Jarae, and her sister. Mrs. W. D. Gibson. inirty-two members ot the Women's Ke.llef corps went by automobile to Her man last Thursday and were entertained uj jnemoers ot me Merman corps. The Blair public library will bo opened to me puotic free of charge today. This move Is made throiiRh the efforts and nld of the women of the Monday Afternoon Sirs. Klchard Allberry Is very low, be IriR unconscious, at her home In this city. 8ho Is the mother of Donna Allbcrry. one time editor ot the Blair Pilot, now or I'enver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Tlmineruian of Omaha, Mrs. John I,ull of Chicago and Mrs. II. A. Bennett of Havid f ltv autoed to i.lalr Sunday and took dinner with Mr. end Mrs. John McKay. . t ArllaKton. j Mrs. F. A. Heynolds wan a business vis itor at Fremont Friday morning. tr. Taylor, Henry Rump and Krneat I'lank weie Omaha visitors Saturday. J. J. Wllllson of Fremont circulated among his many friends nere Katurua. Frank Rosa of Chicscro -was the sucst of his mother, Mrs. Lucy Rosa, over sun day. Mrs. Dr. DeBell or West Point visited with W. S. Hartley and family over Sun day. - Koss Blackburn and family of Chicago Melted J. C. Blackburn and family over Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Baker of Tabor, la., was the truest of her sister, Mrs. KUa Wilson, last week. Miss Bello Glover of Aurora, Neb., was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Glover, over Sunday. - B. H Dunklan and P. M. Johnson each shipped a carload of hogs to the Omaha market Wednesday. Mrs. A. J. Jeffreys and Mrs. P. K. Pehrolner of Omaha visited with Mra. W'lllHm Hall Friday. J. i,l Marshall and E. Tollman each shipped a carload of sheep to South .Omaha Wednesday night. - Mrs . Jrwtn Jewis left , Saturday -for 'tilvascs. Neb., after an .extended visit with her mother, Mra. Ualnee. ' Miss Cordula Rink arrive Friday from Kcribner and was the Kuest .ot her brother, Frod Borcher, until Saturday. Mrs. A. K. Whltelowr gave a w,eZ loast Tuesday evening In honor of her cousin, llaUour Baker of Fargo, N. D. Mrs. George Rutton and daug hter, Geneva, were the -guests of Mrs. Aottie Heltfer In Omaha the last of the week. '-Mf. and Mrs. J.' L. Hammel made an overland, trip to Lincoln Thursday, being ailed thcrtfby the sickness ( Mra. fam ine. Mr mother. ani Mrs. Ben Bohren and son of Omaha camo' Saturday nwrnlng to visit Mrs. Bohren'a tnotner. Mra T. Osterman, "The MiiseKella' T.udwlg and Jennie Towns left Friday for Omaha to at tend a banauet given In honor of Dr. Sheridan, general secretary of the Kpwortlt league. Sprlaarflrid. Mrs. U A. Bates Is visiting In Wayne. Mr. Mike Dlggln has sold his farm and wtll return- to Bouth Omaha. Bert Dili has gone to Couth Bend to live with his father, Blon Dill. John Saas of Tekamah was here tha first of the week calling on friends. District Superintendent Brown was here 1 ait Sunday and held services a". Plutt ford. . Mrs. !. Tabor of Ulysses Is here, ca led by the Illness of her father. Mr. N tlliam McClaln. i Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Dunn of Omaha were guests of Roy Whltnes the fore part of the week. J. C. Miller attended the funeral I of his cousin. rO. W. Miller, at Friend, last Thursday. ' Frank McCamley and wife and Lester Ball went by automobile to Glenwood last Bundsy, 1 W. T. Roberts hss resigned his place at the creamery and Bin tichobert will tako charge aimr wi A linen shower was given Mlss Klwell at the home of last Tuesday evening. John Glvlns. who has been In a hj pjul in Omaha, was a guest of his hrothir. James, last Sunday. The msrrlBgfc of Miss Ruth Klwell to Mr K. N. Chrlstlunson Is announced to take place Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. K.NJ. Smith, after a resi dence here of thirty-two years, left Tues day for Lincoln, where they will make thofr hume. The members of the Women's club met with Mrs. L. A. Kates mursaay noon. Readings from Hlley was a part of the program. At the Harpy-CaKs county convention of the Roysl Neighbors. Mn Boll Minium and Mis. A. O. among the officers elected. given trill's nmn Miss Eula Bates Kieck. Mrs. Hiiikie ver ebawka. Mx I-incn was In Weeing visiting rel- a r'"M ridun'.e n-i:rre in ttv- st hixil of l'tirmay. I While driving rattle Morris Pollanl f"lli and wr-n.-hed his les. after which an t-j tif-k of rheumatism set In anil he Is quite a sufferer. i ailltlii. Miss lfortha Mllner of Bellevue vUlteil Papilllon friends the first of the week. . Miss Eva Kennedy entertained Satur day evening 'or Misses Zella and Esther Dowllng ot Messetia, In. Mr. and Mrs. H. I). Patterson left AetnesdHV iir Yankton, S. 1., for a visit with Mrs. 1'iilterson's mother. Mrs. Tlnime Brown left Inst Saturday for a several weeks' visit with th fam ily of P.ev, sthula, formerly of this pmce. Mr and Mrs. Frank Dowllng and daughters, Iceils mid Esther, oi Ms sena, la., were visiting old friends here the first of the Wfek. Amos West.iver. who roently pur chased the Papiliion roller mills, has opened tn tpl.i. Air. Westover expects to move his family here in a short time The entf rtalnment tl en at the Proa. byterian eliurcn Wednesday nlpht under I .no nii-iira ,,j me t nilsuan r.ndeavot was of excellent quality und well at tendfd. ihe pei-formers were all stu dents in the Omaha Conservatory' ot Muslo anil Art. Miss Zcroqua Petty was reader. Mr. Will Hethcrtnn viottnjrt ana Mr. Nielson baritone soloist. Mrs. William Maxlield entertained the Woman's -lui Wednesday atternooti lit her horn,- south of town. An exullent meeting vug ted by Mrs. .lames Davidson and Ails. Ij. A. '1 hompeon on "i'he Story Hour." Three new members Mrs Koy Bonnnm. Mrs. O. Sharer nil's Mlas l-klna Wilson were takni Into tne cluo. Ihe ne:t reg.llar meeting has been ikjsi-pon- d until Uecernl.t r i and win oc hid at Mis. C. D. Brown s home. Vlle. Mrs. Susan Lewis has Improving. Irs. Martha Stulo. who has been llli for several dsys. is better. j me Rpwor.n lesgue gave a parcel post sale at the home of Miss Shepard Thurs day. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. 0. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whit mote motored to Fremonu Saturday. Miss Lillian Morrow enterlaind th Kenslpgton club at the home ot Mrs. ft. M. Erway Monday evening. $Ir. Oaniugton of Deoa'ur, la., spent the week with his daughters, Mis. Fitz gerald and Mrs. Monahon. Dr. 11. E. Byars, who 'vas called here! tsi w-eeu ny me lllnees ot his nnulier, left for his home Saturday. Mrs. Issae Noyes und Prlscilla csme out from Dundee Saturday and are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner this wc-ck. Mr. and Mrs. Webster of Omaha, came out Saturday evening to snend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whltmore. The Mothers' club held Its regular meet ing Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T Resum. A splendid program was given, with Mrs. Caldwell as leader. The Busy Bees held their regular monthly meeting In the Doherty hall Wednesday. . Mrs. Warner. Mrs. Roy Hlckson, Mrs. Irving I'resba and Mis. McDcrmott entertained.' Tho Methodist. Episcopal Ladles' Aid elected the following officers for the coming six months: President, Mrs. E. Erway; vice president, Mrs. O. E. De Land; secretary, Mrs. J. S. Kennedv; treasurer, Mrs. C. K. Byars. BERG SUITS ME i '.ts....'. i ..i . j :ii.,'t i - m a hee'i ill, but' Is I Elk horn. Mrs. John Oreggerson was an Omaha visitor Wednesday. Mrs. D D. McLean visited Mrsv Cal vert Wednesday afternoon. Miss Trlla Chamberlain Is visiting thl week at Falrbury with her sister. Mrs. B. B. Baldwin Is at Dunning, Neb., visiting her son Robert and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Paul of lenver, Colo., are here visiting relatives' and friends. Adolph Otto is putting In the founda tion for his new house, which he will be gin to erect at once. Mrs. J. A. Gibbons visited In the court try two days this week during the ab sence of Mr. Gibbons. - , Mr. and Mrs. Hans Holllng of Morri- S?i?;'K aI?.. Uer? visiting Mr. llol ling s brother Claus and family. Mrs. James Walsli of Benson visited Tuesday and Wednesday with her sister. Mrs. Charles Witte, and family. Air. and Mrs. Oscar Holmes of Colo .heT? ,v""tlnK Mrs. Holmes' father, Chris Rolfs, and other relatives. . uuinn entertained ti, la. kensington Wednesday afternoon a nice dies mere was a gooa attendance and iwr. ana Mrs. P. o the home of Air. and' Mr. JoV".1" nnrl ' Ik I i... , ' I'arty - "oavi m. Water V oney. Edgar Murk of McCoolt Is , live, here this week. CtHirze Edscn of York is visiting hia old-time friends this week. Mi'sKronle Klnca has Just returned from a visit to llockport. Mo. Hans Stoll Is having a very severe at tack "of Inflamatory rheumatism. Mrs Pratt Is suffering severely from a threatened attack ot pneumonia. J S Eaton of Omaha A-lslted his sister, Mrs. Thomas, the f.rst of the week. The Booster club gave Tom Mason, Jr., a reception ou his birthday Tuesday. Hasel Cssper entertained twenty of her little friends on her birthday this week. T. P. Sheldon got a couple of cars of feeders from South Omaha Wednesdsy. Mesdainea Humphreys and Carroll en tertained their young friends at a kerfM sington Friday. The Misses Hubner were at Ragle the first of the week visiting their sister. Mrs. West lake. Mrs Clayton Roeemna of Plattsmeulh vUtted ber parents, Air. and Mrs. Wun dcrllch, this wek. Paul Jones of Benkleraaa, Neb., grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, was In town Tuesday. -, -, Charles Adsms came home Friday from Council Bluffs, where he baa been taking . Beanlnajton. foJohn Steinert spent Sunday with home - r".' 0del1 returned Sunday from a visit with relatives at Ashland. Allss Roche has res.gned her position as teacher of the Intermediate room. The basaar and luncheon given by the Roj-al Neighbors was very successful and enjoyable. Mr. and Sirs. Hans Iebbert recently re ceived word of tho arrival of a new grandson at their uaughier Lena's homo at Oklahoma City. Mrs. and Mrs. J. P. Kover and fa unh and Mr. and Airs. Tobev were out from Omaha Sunuay evening for a short visit with thOrau family. The eondit.on of Airs. August Witte, who underwent a serious operation about two weeks ago. Is very favorable and hi-r speedy recovery is expected. Two basket sociats are announced for the near future. Aliss Alexander In district 2 give one November 20 and Air. Nelson at the liornacker school has one billed lor November The new Oit hall was opened last Sat urday evening. Guests were present from Omaha, Calhoun.- Millard. Elkhorn and other points. Over ou tickets were sold and over 6o0 were served with supper. . Tekamah. Attorney Herbert Rhoadrs was a busi ness visitor at Logan, la., on Tuesday. Mrs. Abbie Flfleld returned Saturday from her visit with her brothers in Okla homa. Mrs. McCue lias returned to Tekamah after spending the summer on her Kln cald claim. ( Airs. Nancy Ketchum and daughtor. Mr. Carrie Crispin of Sioux City, are quests at the home of W. B. Culler and family. Dr. and Mrs. Dunshee and R, K. Han ccik and families motored to Council B ufffi on Sunday afternoon to call on friends. Mrs. L. If. Ouren entertained a few women frienda at iiim-neon on Saturday to meet her friend, Mrs. 8. II. Coop- of C'ouucll Bluffs. Miss Dorothy Anderson entertained an even dozen of her schoolmates last Tues day evening at a o'clock dinner com memorative of her birthday. Airs. M. R. Hopewell, Mrs. E. W. Bry ant, Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. J. P. Aler ritt were tne guests of Mm. Arthur Bailey at Bancroft on Wednesday. , A. O. Howard returned the first of the week from the western part of the state, where he has been In the Interest of bis patent telephone registry attachment. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Asa C. MrMullin entertained a numlier of guests at a 7 o'clock dinner at the AlcMuliin home last Saturday evening. Mrs. L. H. La Rue and Airs. D. W. Greenleaf were Joint hostesses to a 1 o'clock dinner at the IaRue home on Tuesday afternoon, the guests being forty Tekamah women. Mrs. It. D. Mason and daughter. Mis. Clar Swanson, of Athens, O., are visiting at the homes of A. it. Dixon and Csn L'arskadden, the women being mother I Kir 4 Iii 1 ma it 1 iofa mm 8 m III-M-astl. :l-n i; ii'lM li "il k V- mmm. 3 nr-i All the favorite fabrics, of the season (see windows) to meet any man's taste; all the popular shades and mod els a host of smart mixtures, checks and staple grey and blue. Selling lore Clotiiiii Tha'n any other store in Omaha, nat urally we have more and buy more, and on that account we have first choice oi all finest makes of clothes in the world and we particularly emphasize the' superb clothes of the House of Kuppenheimer, Stein-Bloch, Schloss.Bros., Society Brand, Adler and others of world reputation that liere contribute to our peerless ex hibition of men's and young men's ready-to-vear hand-tailored garments and for convincing example of Jour superior mer chandising we have taken every broken lot of suits that sold at $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 and marked them at a small fraction of their value for quick selling. Saturday- See Windows $ 112 50 It,, iii i i i i iffnij 7 Select Your Hat As you select your clothes one that becomes you. - And if you'll come to us we'll see that 'you get ike style that becomes you. ' S2-$2;50-$3 . STETSONS $3.50 to $5. Swell Caps for young fellows $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 BALMACAANS Today, this frtonv offers hrtter, coat s.t ban . at any time duringits business. Tlie fab rics put into the Oveiats re.tho host the. world uf fords. Yoir iiv choose from all models from great coats to the sinall. Bfll Skirted velvet and 'convertable collared ,Balmacaans, so popular and fiwagger for all builds of mow. 1 - t'V-" .. $7.50-$10-$;12r$i5 Every material worth wbjla repreientod and the greater number are ahower-proof. SHIRT SALE Men's high grade shirts' in madras, per calo and Russian,, cords, noft arid 'pleated bos?-ms, laundered 'nnd pofit cuffs, iu stripes,' checks. nnd figures; .''Htihdreds; to choose irom. jjon't ovoviook mis greai cnonce 10 buy some mighty. goot sh'irts for ' a song. 5i.uu values . . 79c UNDERWEAR We know of not. other lines, of Underwear aa good as oura at $1.00, $1.25, l.S04up. , Union and two-piece. "' . . . ,. Kpc-lal for Saturday Medium and. heary, weight Egyptian ribbed cotton union. suits that old for $1.00, for , ..... ., 1 ' V r " '.- I ' ' J. I . t ' 75c Here You Are--This, Is; the Store for the Kind pif Cloth ing Boyis Like To Wear ' yv .This store uuderstands' the (t requirements of'th boys of ! h thecitv. When you come-here Spt' unlay ask to fiee thft great special we have for : P Aft that day at. :. : ' yvVv Norfolk nd D.; B, atyle in. blue, fancr mixturee, Tartan. checCa' and atrlpes, and. made with .two pairs ot pants. Splendid ,!Valuea 1 that hare alwaya ROld A ft IV up to $7,60; Saturday dtfeVU at . , r . . .. Boya' Flannel W?alts.' $1.00 values Boya Hannel WaUU. ; I0ekiue.-k Boya' Caps ind sister of tha matrons In the two homes. Jacob Bskr Is sliowln aome fsnoy wbltn corn that h tokes prldr In Irom the fart that the rs are largo awl so nt rfcrtlv developed rlesr to tho tips. Me will have about iOM bushsls on his farms. Nenman Mai-Greor. oldest son of Rev Mr. MacGri-itor, pastor of the Tekamah Methodist Episcopal church, wss married t St. Kdward on Wednesday morning to Miss Winnie MscPay. The younx propls expert to make thoir home In Kentucky, where the groom has a kooU position. Got to Go Deep to Cure Rheumatism . Liniment Help Locally, But the Disease is Way Down Inside. i To set at tbe sonrca of rheumatic pains It requires tbe deep, searching- In fluence of 8. S. f., the famous blood pur ifier. Kbeumstlsm Is ' primarily a blood dlsesss thst, since It is In this vltsl fluid i .!. .Il.ll n. . A A n .1 ... I . I . . i iutuwiiii: ir.urutiri an t 1 1 r i, Ivdsvs In the JoIdis and muscles, there to Irritate the nerves and produce pain. And In order to drive ont tbese pain In flicting polscns It requires 8. 8. ft. to sink deep Into Ibe tiny plead Imbedded In the Innermost tissues. U. h. 8. -travels vrheiever the blood goes and never loses its medicinal Influence. This erpialna vrht It OTercomes the most chronic forms of rheumsttsm, why It dislodges those bard I deposits that thicken tbs Jolots, for It acta l ai a solvent and assists tbe blood to pro- ride In the tissues those natural elements fnr which tbe body building process con tinually craves and must have. If you have sever uied g. 8, 8. for rheumatism, get a bottle today ot any druggist. I'm It as .directed and with some slmple home helps you will soon dethrone the . worst and most painful forms of rheumatism. Writs tbe medl al di'psrtment, Tbe ftirlft Fpeclflc Co., 03 wlft ' Ild., Atlania, Os., for addi tional advice. Yours msy be a ease lii-re. a silent help from a speclsllst whose sdvlre is free, will solve the mys-t-ry tlist has been making life miserable fur you. When you sak fur H. H. H. In- .1.. unnn It .n1 mfiia all .nkafltnlAa Uo F.:oncy Till Cured V?!l Ft. Oleaaaaa ..res) Hh-"u",1."- Pa-rasanent our.. arateeel. DlMMM tntf t HumOrl af cures aatleats U Kekra.ha aael tvwa. OR. E. R. TARRY . 240 Dee Cfde.. Omahs, Neb. Moire: faVataeBBMsS Jk BSlaalBlSl PaaiSlaMaS am IP Be e4 S ATLJRDAY' Next Saturday, commencing at 9 o'clock in the morning, we shAll give to tho first 500 cash customers at our stores ft nico collection of sample, as shown helow. Satur day and every day in the year you save time and money by trading at any one of our four Rexall Drug Stores. ' Each Free Box of . ' Samples Contain . 1 Bample tub of Kolvnoa Tooth i'asta. ' 1 Hample bottla of l.sGrlppe Cough Hyrup. . . 1 (Sample tuba of Colgate Shav ing Cream. 1 Sample box of B. A B. Ab sorbent Cotton. 1 Sample envelope Ttexalt Or derlies. t Only sample Imported Manila' Cigar. W&l'r SOAP Fairy '"' 5 Cakes SATi niUY. for 10t Free Hair Tonic Coupon To such purchasers as do not, care for collection of samples mentioned above, a 25c bottle at HwI.ihco Hair Tonic Willie given free on Bsturday if this coupon' is presented. RUBBER COOD6 "Good Blilh Syringe, gte , Household filoves . .30 Two-quar.t P'ountsln Hvrlng. 4S Atoniliera. sso to Ice HMrs, Sfte ,to ... l'-q.- Wster Mass ...Eio .Nearly l.OUU articles in . the IliiHber .Goods line. K'iperienced sales ladies In this department. TOILET GOODS AND DRUGS At Lowest Pries ffie Outlcura" ftoap i ... .XTo Kc Carmen Towder a Sio 4T11, White nose Hoap ....... llo tie Woodbury's Facial roap ...lie tie Hyilrox pefosMe Cream -. .. .10 c Maivina (Veam- .So tl to oriental cream, Oomaud's Mo tie. frhr's Tar tooao 0c I'lecca Tooth I'sjita I'io Maasatta Talcum .. io Mennsn'a Talcum, I (Uu l anttifox l&o Caiter'a l.Ker Mils kinds We aere til bent au fountain drinks and slione-rs' lunches in quirk, rlean and rurteoits man ner. The HodtMMiN, downs! ulrs, 16th and Itodge. The Owl's Nest Down Stairs 16th and Harney YELLOW BOX Prophylactic Tooth Brush- f es. Use. nuallty. all style IHr liamllrs and textures, f or . . . tl.nA iJatiderlne , son Penver Mud ... i ... ! It Oreen MotintaJn Renovator it.Ofl Mayas- Hair Health He Hill a Caacarii Wulnln .... It 00 ritorllrk's Milled Milk.... KOo Kortdon's Catsrrh Jelly.... 0c Lee's hhutarb I-exstlvs... 500 Listerias iu Uinta lied Kidney rills... 0c Ivortv .-. . Ho Mentl.olatnm . . . tie Nature's Rvmedy ......... , sOc f'spe's iJl a Pepsi n .'. . 11.00 Plerre'a Golden Me covery . .- ton Ploan's hlnlment.. 11.00 f si Hepatlea. . . . i 1.00 Scott's l-Jtnulrlon. Mo llo ISO to ...1M . . . eo . . 6ao ... . ..l-u . . . ess .. . . Mo . . .ata .'..14a ...Mo .'. 040 Medical lis- .7o . .09o .t40 - a , h Jap Itose goap or I'altn Olive Ktiap,- (Saturday for Qc HotiblRant Imported Rice Ton dPr, whlt or flush, 83c paek. age, Saturday -. .... . ,X4t Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. riiOPIUKTOHS OK TIIK FOl'Il OMUIA ItEAALLi STORrW. . Khtriuai) . McConnell Drug; Co., Cor. 1U and Dodge.. ; . . IiOal iniarmacy, Hotel Ixiysl Illtxk . Owl Drug fo., Cor. loth and Haruey. ' ' The Harvard I'harinacy, Oor. illh and Faruatn.' ' " ; Tht Pre xcl KIJ ays i rr wear, Dm ssra, ewa't beat Uteri laej , thaeal" ' ' See Windows , I c. . . .. . , , s 1 8 Besit Boys' Shoes The fact that one a parent ' bnya them they aJwxyi buy them proyea TEEL SHOD HOES are the best , shoes ?o boy.a They outwear two pairs' of ordinary shoes. Boy', 1' to 92.50 Little Gents 7 9 to 13 Vj, at $2.25 ' . - Drexel G?t into business via the ."Business Chances? I - 149 Faraam St. v jj1 ' niiaar m ' snT'aZs J ,-,L. r. - ' 0 - , ' T ' i - ' ?; .-' ' .'','. - "V.. , fs- I'Uliw IHHiini Mm .a.MiH.MW'sll'J i' iiai .maa.ia COMMERCIAL j j ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS : ELECTROTYPERS ALLUNDER ONE ROOP OMAHA -DEE I ENGRAVING'DEPT OMAHA-NEDR. j J - 'V .: , : J .1 a I l.i - ..- Jk I