Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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thompson:belden ..s ::co.
Second to None in the
Country in
Quality - - Correct
Obsolete, shop-worn gar
menta have no place in our
showing. By carefully
watching the stock, by
thorough clearances, our
stock of women's apparel
is fresh and clean.
. Suits, $19.50,
$24.50, $29.50
Regard to
Styles - - Values
When you select a gar
1 ment here you know that
the style is authentic, that
the fabrics and workman,
ship are the test, and that
you are paying the lowest
price consistent with high
est quality.
Coats, $13.50,
$16.50, $19.50
The, Store for Shirtwaists
Ai Wonderful
Exhibition .V. J" . .
We truly believe SORO
SIS SHOES are not ex
celled anywhere in artis
tic - excellence,- beautiful
. styling, genuine exclusive-,
ness, or' superiority of
quality, so designed to be.
- adaptable to . street ; , or
house wear. '
Toilet Specials
Sandalwood Toilet Water,
at 49c
Nail Enamel 10c
Manicure Sets in Leather
For Men '
Three well known lines
of Men's Union Suits
"Superior," ,,Sing,,,
and V'RittsixeV makes in
light, medium and heavy
weight. All styles, at,.
$1.00 to $5.00 a suit.
- ROBES: We have select
ed the Brighton and Unl.
. .versal makes as the bust
on the market; high
grade in-every particu
lax, made of best quality
flannel, cut full
$1, $1.50 and $2
Women's Tina Ribbed
Cotton Vesta, high neck,
long sleeves, or . short
sleeves, Dutch neck el
bow sleeves; pants to
match 50c
: Women's Ribbed Cotton
; Union Suits, different
styles . . .$1.00
Women's Wool Union
Suits, fine ribbed, $1.25
. Women's Ribbed Silk,
and Wool Union Suits
for $3.50
We have a fine, well se
lected stock with which to,
s u p p ly ' the children's
needs for Fall and Winter.
; Third Floor.
Leathey Bags
and Party Cases
A 'ctry largt number of
. ' sfyes, most ( tktm tw errittlt.
BAGS, in Fin Seal and
Morocco, frames of Gun
Metal and - German 1 sil-'
ver, Plain Strap Handles, -fitted
with- Mirrors and.
Coin Purses. Priced from j
$1.25 to $13.50
PARTY ' BOXES: Delight-
fully new, square) and oblong
effects In rtn feeel and Saffian
leather, Mlver and Gold Fit-
' t.:.s, t v . :
Crepe Silks
Continue Popular
Surely there will be no
disappointment here if any
matching is to be done. A
new special collection for
Saturday; new navy, new
greens and browns.
Stylish Gloves
For Present Wear
Ont-Clatp Capes,
for street and general wear,
prix; seam, spear back; tan,
gray, black, white, $1.25
a pair.
"tyke Leather" Glove
perfect fitting, washable;
pongee and white, $1.25
a pair. '
Colored and Black
The Fabric of the Hour
Without doubt the most
beautiful fabric for the new
Autumn Suit. We are show
ing a choice line of all the
NEW SHADES, as well as a
fine collection of navys and
blacks, all 'sponged and
shrunk and will not 'spot
with water.
Hosiery That -
Wears "
' lisle tops, '350; 3 'pairs
for ...$1.00
SILK HOSE.. 50c: pair
! SILK HOSE with Silk Lisle
Tops and Soles, in all
j shades to match tLe new
4ho).-tops, also bronze,
navy, dark green and
black '. . . . $1.00 a pair
Special Sale of Beautiful Dress
Hats for Winter -Wear
, Twen(ty-five New Shapes: Trimmed with Paradise, Coma
Numidi and Ostrich, Fur and French Flowers. ,
Saturday. . . : . .$8.75. $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00
The New Hats of
Black Silk Velvet
- at $3.95, $4.95
' and $5.95
Are in the latest interpretations
of Picture and Sailor Modes. Somo
of them have brims which are nar
row in the front and back, but very,,
wide at the sides; others have droop
ing brims, and some of them flare at
the sidevv
V -r SIT
... ..... ,
. . .;... . ;?...! .' ..,
j Special Sale of
.Black Paradise,
"$3:95, $i95,.95
and up to $28.75
' i. iii i - ,
m . 1 1 1 i'i r
(Continues from Tag 6ne.) .
that they were real barf., bearing food,
thetr greet thankfulness foun$ reedy
"On ..U'sdnesda'y morning. Just rone
k i(lf h stitp lelt London,' w
drove vp Infront'of the American lega
tion at Brussels and told Brand Whlt
lock, th. American minister to Belgium,
that th relief barge wer safely moored
ta a pock.t or tha main canal.
All Afraid La.
"Ther waa no need for th. newspapers
to spread th report of our arrival. In
an hour ail Bruaaels knew and rejoiced.
Many people had ferel that we would
never set the food Into Belgium. . Wid
that If wo did ww would Hot get by the
wall of soldiers- surrounding, -
"W. drov. back to Holland by way of
tiOuvalM. Aarachot and Thorout to Breda
on the Dutch frontier. W' found tr-,
era! villagea In tn Umburg diitrict tiuu
had bn without aait for a month. At
almoit eery bridge we met men with
boxea aollcttlng relief from traveler,
front more fortunate dUtrlcta. . Thla
look Ilka begging, but there are ame
conditions Ju.tlfylng anything. We mot
few Belgian "mm. Eighty aer cent of
the people In country diatrtcte are
women and children. We saw them
eating green vegetablea. bvets and ap
plea ' They- had BUI !.
"There wer thouaands of children, all
afraid to laugh. Uk their mother,
they aermed apellbuund by tha nwlan
eholy fawlnatlon of th ruin. In which
they found aheltert The contraat be
tween them and th contented, aong-lov-.
Ing perrnan aoldler U appAlllny- .
f Tbt 'Oerrnana. who throoghtf u Vr.atcd
Reduced from $ 30.Q0
wool aulta, carefully
la'm- aJ tylf
We offer 100 genuine t80.0( fine m&
tailored to tneaiure and gnaranUed perfect
fn HQ rtk ir)i
sjao.vv - i : j : . . r . i .
These are new roods, up-to-date la etyle, good wearing nd
perfectly fast la color. This Is mn: exceptionally big reduction and
we believe it to be the beet clothing ttlue offered la Omaha. '
, Bee there goods before you. bay your sett suit. Let u show
you a sample of our workmanship and linings. K6ry coat tried
oa carefully before the finish.
I .ft! '
This U a genulne'hlgh grade UUorinj offer. r
Batnple and measurement blanks will be gent ypon' applica
tion to any out-of-town, address, j , ; "f
030.00 ao:-:Ol'8;00
- 304-306 South 1 6th Street
u1 with the garate.t courtesy and con
alderatton,' are clearing the debria from
th waterfront so that the shipments of
r.llef supplies from America can, be
landed iii th rarlous towns without dif
ficulty. - They are working on th canals,
and promlae ue by Kovember IT' to clear
th . waterway to Liege, . which at prea-
nt la very hard to reach."
Mr. Bell will return to Rotterdam on
Saturday to contlnu th work of rush
ing th emergency food auppllea Into dis
trict, where they are moat needed. '
(Continued from Page One.)
ntrenclimnt'trU'hlng from Zeebrugg
to th Meua..
Rniiwi Old Iateaattyi
Th fighting on th Alene aema to have
reaumed Its original Intensity atmultan wtth th German aaeault en CHx
mude, but, In thla region the French claim
to have checked all the attacks of the
enemy and consolidated their previous
Nothing further has been heard: In
LoaoVoa of th rportd naral activity In
th Baltic, of th Mvmnta of th Uer
maa fleet at KM. ar f the alleged
alakiBC of tare Qermaa cntlaere in, the
Paclfte, :,::
Commantlns oa report that.tb. Brit
Uh, government ha. Invoked th Monro
doctrine t put a atop to the ua of th
Galepasoe lalande aa a baa for the oper
ation. ,ojf th OeriAaa warships la th.
raclfle. tb TaU Mall Garnet te jolnU out
that th Intere.ta or th Tilted States neutrality falaada, which unaM. to maintain, i. jara
nxun,t. and dds: ' ,
"ir.ldent VllMn'a aroverDm.nt will
not fall to that our recognition of
this, fact at th preMnt moment Is a
precedent for the future."
among derk-akinned aoldler offer aa ef
fective "target for sharpshooters, who
realise the' peculiar'' value to these regi
ment of officer, who know how to
speakj the. lanKuag of th men. . '
, , ' anwsajesaapnanaaajajaasa
Foreign Moslems in1
Constantinople to '
... StanOy Turkey
BERUK. Nfv. ll-(By Wlreleaa.) In
cluded in the ' informauon given ta th
press today from official quarters la th
following; . .
riuperu received her from Constanti
nople set forth that th Turkish -array In
th Caucasus la attacking- th Buaalane
on tneir aecond line of defense. An ar
tuiery ;naagement near Koepryory on
November leated all day long.
"The Persian, Afghan, Egyptian, Indian
and Mohammedan element ., In Con
stantinople hav declared the community
of their Interests. Th Sunnltee and the
hilte. (two opeo.tng religious eecU) ar
new for th first tiro ready tor Joint
'The Voaslsch. Zeitung reports that
Roumanla has declined a demand made
by Russia fo th passage of Russian
troor through Roumanian, territory.
n uonaon now nas puousnaa a
statement to th affect that th British
government has undertaken legal action
against Irish newspaper for having op
posed recruiting in Ireland."
lrench Official Report Sayi Farther
Effortg to Croii Yier Were
Artillery Kehane aad Minor
Artlm la Resrea Bat e( Ar
wteatterra mmA a Fa aowta
a Uh Ote.
, PARIS. Nov. 11 The . rrench official
anrtounoement given out In Paris this
afternoon 'say that from Lys to th sea
the fighting ha. .been less violent than
cm previous days. Beveral efforts of the
German, to cross the Vser were checked.
Th text of th communication follows:
"From th seacoast a far aa th Lys,
th fighting has been ot a leas violent
character 'than on previous days. Sev
eral effort, of th Oermana to cross th
Tser canal ' at th weatern outlet from
Dlxtmide and at other point, of passage
in .the Amont district were checked.
Oeneratly speaklna'. our position's have
been maintained without change.
"To the north, to the eaat and to the
'south of Ypre sttacks of . the enemy
wet a repulsed at the end of the day, at
different points of our line and that of
the British army.
Artillery Ezenaag".
"from the region to the east of Arm
entiere and as far . as th Ols.
hay been artillery exchanges snd ac
tions of minor Importance.
"In the eour.e of the last few days of
foggy weather our troops have not ceased
to make progress little by little. They
are; today established almost everywhere
at distances Varying from SCO to 800 metree
from the network of barbed wire en
tanglements of the enemy.
"To the north of the we. have
taken possession of Tracy Le Val, but
with the exception of the cemetery to the
northea.V-of . this village we have made
slight 'progress ' to the east 'of Tracy
le Mont and to the southeast of'Nouvron,
as. well as between Crouy 'and Vregny.
and to the northeast ot Solssons.
. Oernsa Coemter Attack.
"In the vicinity of Vailly a counter at
tack by the Germans delivered againat
those of our troop who had retaken
Chavonne : and Sou pi r. was repulsed.
Equal 'failure' attended 1 the German- ef
forts in the environs of Berry Au Baa,
"In . the Argct'ne there ha been a
violent artillery duel.
"There ha. been minor progress In the
vicinity ot fit. M in lei and In the region
of Pont A Mousson.
"A surprise attack delivered by our
troops against the villages of Val and
Chatillon, near Clrey Sur Vesouze, made
It possible Tof us to capture 'a detachment
of the enemy."
(Continued from Page One.)
. . BrtlUh Le.
Thelannot&ceratnt was made effloially
today that tha British leasee tn kllleL
wounded and mining n the preMnt war
up to October tl. amounted te the big
total of 17,000 men'. All" gaps hv.
bea filled and big draft, of Iwltt.h aol
ei.ra are ready In France ' to "take the
place of the man loot from day to day.
thua enabling the British oommandura to
put freah trooue. In the. Oeld to ftHlow
up any yielding on the part of the Ger
man Invaders -
Tke proportio ; ef offloer '"killed or
wouhdid 1 very greet, parHmiuuTy with
the Indian couUngenta . It has been sug
gested that the officer, ef these r
menta stain their faces, as white
French Kxperte lay Geraaa Offea
Ive Period la Heasr Cle.e.
PARES. Nov. IS. The conviction Is
growing; here that the period of the Ger
man strategio offensive is drawing- to a
close and that the war. on - both th
western and eastern fronts, Is about to
enter It third phase, , i
The present violent effort In the Tprea
region, while It may have succeeded In
bending the alliee' line In a few places,
has not yet,' according to either French
or German reporta, susceeded In breaking
It and it seems Impossible that the at
tempt can be repeated under the same
conditions. . Even sucoeae at this point
might prove merely momentary, like that
at St. Mlhlel on the Meua six weeks ago.
But General Joffre. the French com
mander-in-chief, s fully alive to the Im
portance of this position and according
to an officer Just returned from Tyree.
that eventuality has" been prepared for.
At Tpres and Its envtrona. although the
artillery ot the Germane ts formidable
that, of the allies I still mora eo and
causes fearful carnage tn th enemy's
trenchea. The fighting In this region Is
largely an artillery . duel, with the In
fantry remaining; In'tlie trenchea. They
can only approach the enemy by boring
tunnels, which are converted Into
trenchea by piercing the roof. '
However Important the operations la
Flanders may be, they are not over.
shadowed both In extent and Influence
trjey have on the war as a whole by the
eastern campaign, uoionei reyter. euiiur
of the Bwfse Review, and one of the beat
known military specialist, declare that
Russia U now about, to bring to bear all
Its effectives and If it I realised that It
Intervene, at a mogient wh.n In Flanders
German levies of the third line, young
Midlers with six weeks' training, are be
ing brought Into action, the full ' signifi
cance of the operation on the eastern
front will be recognised.
"Three Auatro-German armies. he
continue "are advancing toward the
angles of Thorn and Cracow. The Rus
sian commander seems to be accentuating'
the defense In the latter direction. If he
succeeds th result will be far reaching.
The Austrian army will be cut off from
the Germane and forced to accept battle
with Its hack against the Carpathians.
"In addition there I prospect of a bat
tle In the center of the line from Posea
to Breelau. toward which th German
army of Btleaia seems to be directed in
retreat and at a more or lea early date
West Prussia will be threatened by way
of Thorn, "
.aulta. aiiffering lose. much heavier
than the defenders.
Battle Before Cracow. ,
rtotn the east comes reports that
I'etrograd Is expecting to hear any mo
ment that th great battle before Cra
cow has been started, while pant Kallss
and behind a screen of Coenacks. their
Infantry and artillery In force are aald
te be within striking distance of the Ger
man frontier.
Bucharest reports two Austrian di
vision annihilated along the rlvir Prtith
which, if true. Indicates that the Aus
trian opposition In Bukowlna Is at an
end and the way opened for the invasion
of Transylvania.
In the minor war theaters there is lit
tle to report except tht sever defeat
administered to General DeWet by his
Old comrade In arms, Omeral Botha.
Aastrlaa Report oa Itaatlea.
BBRUN. Nov. U By Wireless -The
only news reaching Berlin of the Rus
sian operations comes from Vienna,
whence It Is reported that the Auatrlans
In the northeast are developing without
hindrance from the enemy. The Rua
of central Gallcla, voluntarily evacuated
slans have advanced through the region
by the Austrian., and have crossed the
lower Vistula, occupying Rsessow and
th. tisco district. The fortress of
Prsemysl again Is Invested by the Ru
slana. but Russian forces In the Stry
valley were forced to retreat, with heavy
losses, by a surprise attack from an
Austrian armored train and Austrian
The campaign in northwestern Bervl.t
Is proceeding successfully, the Austrian
reports declare. The heights of Mlsar
to the south of Shabats were captured
November 10, the Auatrlans forcing the
Servians to abandon their strongly for
tified positions. The Austrian line has
advanced to the eastward of Losnltsa
aid Kroupant and continues to move
forward. The heights to the eastward
of Javlata have been captured. A total
of twenty-eight cannon, eighteen . ma
chine guns and 4,100 men wer captured
In the operations between November 1
and VL
(Continued from Page One)
country. It to felt here that the freedom
from foot and mouth disease at the
Omaha stock yards and In Nebraska
generally la to be attributed In a great
measure to the fidelity with which the
local Interests follow out the recom
mendations of the Unite States veter
inarians located here.
To Obey Ordex.
X meeting of the lira stock Interests.
Including the members of the Stock ex
change and the representatives of the
Union stock, yards will be held this even
Ing for the purpose of oonalderlna the
order Issued by Dr. A. D. Melvtn. It Is
not apprehended that there win be any
opposition to the order. W have alwaya
found It good poltoy to give cheerful
ebedlenoa to the directions from the de
parment of the bureau of animal in
dustry." aald E. Buckingham. It la not
Improbable that a resolution approving
the Melvln order win be adopted'et th
Of the 1.400 cattle reported at the l"nlon
fK-k yards, twelve loads were ebippe-i
direct to the packer here. The cattle
market was reported as steady. Bulk hogs
ranged from M to 0 cents, with toppere
at 70 cents. head being the number
received. Steady to atrotuc the aheep mar
ket waa made up of 7,600 offering?.
i strykrr Hem ftaadar. .
Indication, ar that Secretary" A. ".
Stacker of the Bouth Omaha Live Stook
exchange will be home Sunday. 8trvkr
han been In Boston and New York. When
the cattle scourge appeared he waa or
dered to proceed to Washington In the
meieresta of the western stock growers.
At Washington his service were placed
at the dlsponal of the Bureau of Animal
Iadustry. During his absence W. B. Tsgg
has been acting secretary of the ex
change. Fiaht llaiapered br Lack ef Faad.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Avallable
money for fighting foot and inouth dts
ense Is getting low and officials cf the
Drpnrtntent of Agriculture are confronted
with a perplexing; situation. Lack ot
fond. I hampering tbe department, and
w"lien congress reassembles in December
a special appropriation probably will he
The only money available is an Ap
propriation ot tCOO.OOO made by comtitiu
last year for inspection and quarantine
work. This Is almost exhausted and of
ficials do not care to riak creating a de
ficit because under the law they are
liable to heavy fine and Imprisonment.
Officials are seriously considering how
to discover some means of tiding over
the altuation until congress convenes.
Half of the expense of slaughtering Is
borne by the federal government.
LONDON. Nor. 11 An official dis
patch from Constantinople, reaching Lon
don by way of Berlin, confirms Indirectly
the recent Russian statement that a Rus
sian fleet has sunk three Turkish trans
ports In the Black sea--
The Constantinople report admits, that
there has been no news of these three
ships since they left the Turkish capital
a week ago. It adds that as the vessels
were near Songuldak on the Blaok sea
the day thla place waa bombarded, it ts
possible that they were attacked, by the
Russian squadron. 1
For years we have been
moulding the minor details
of undertaking service into
perfection. "Service with
us includes everything
which might prove helpful
to the bereaved every
thing which might help to
minimize sorrow.
JtMTT9t$P .
.' v ' -. i
Part of North Sea
. Free from Mines
BERLIN, Nov. ll-By Wtrel. The
German admiralty has declared that the
northern portion ot th North sea la free
irora mine, consequently tbe ullu' of
neutral ships along this route is nH at
tended by danger. Is danger, how
ever, for vessel sailing through th south
ern portion f th North , and an area
announced by England a being free of
mlnea The corrects of thla, th ad
miralty ay.-ls proved by th Mwepaper,
Handelablad. publi.hed la Norway, which
declare ' that during th last few days
several neutral ships have foundered
traversing the route recommended by the
British admiralty.
The Doutache Tagee Zeitung aa pub
lished an article setting forth that th
Germans, In their laying of mines, hav
respected neutral shipping, while en the
other hand tbe British have laid out a
large nine field tn the open ,
Bee reader, are too tntelttaest over
look the opportualUe ta te "want ad
eliuaaa. They're worth walla reading.
It's Dollars in Your
Pocket to Buy at
Beaton's Saturday
fl Duffy's Malt Whiskey. 83o
$1 HorlicJt'a Mailed Milk. 60o
1 Hays' Health Restorer, 59o
$1 Dandertne ...59e
60c Lants Red Kidney PlU29c
60c Listerlno 29
60c Lavorla A.... 84c
2 5c Mentholatum ....... 14o
SOc Cantbrox 29o
60c. Papa's Diapepaln 84c
$ 1 Bootfp Smulsloa. .... 84c
$1 Sal Hepatic.... Oo
76o 4711 Toilet Waters all
odors, at 43c
SOc Melliers Rosa Complex
ion Cream,' at 29e
SOc Luxor Nail Polishing; Stone
now at . .. 21o
60o Satin Skin Cream.... 20c
$1 Plnaud's LUao Vegetal. 68c
$1 Possonl's Face Powder. SSc
60e Bromo SelUer Oe
1 lb. Powdered Borax. .. . .Be
I Its. Powdered Borax... SJSo
8 5c Manicure Eclsaors .... 48c
$1 Plerca'a Golden. Medical
Discovery, at .....07a
$1.35 Gaurtorbe Facej Pow
der, at 54
85c Caatorta 2-4
6 sr. 'Aspirin tablets..! fora5e
SOc Nedla Faca Cream. ,.0c
1 5c Sanltol Bath Powder. 14c
25c Sanltol Faca Cream. . 14o
60c Wright's Toilet Water
all odors. at M.27
Beaton Drug Co.
Fifteenth and Farnam Streets .
War Costs France
Six Million Dollars .
' Each Calendar Day
BORDEAUX (Via Parts). Nov. H Th
oost of war to Franc ta November wa
US3.lM.t0t. a dally aver- of more than
M.0M.C0. Th daily arag for the first
thro month ef th war waa 17.000, (M0,
Tb navy receive, an atraordlnary
oredit ot $866. DUO.
The government will dlaburse imme
diately l&oa,Oua for repeJre to the rail
road system. These probably have bean
mad neoeasary by th wear, and tear
due to th transportation of troops. The
sam of tl.SM.0O hae been eat asMa for
the relief of the unemployed, while va
rious smaller sums will be used to re
llave suffering tn loeahtiee Invaded by
tha Oermana, but which are now free
of tb enemy.
WASHINGTON. lov. . Prealdent
Wilson plaas to go to New York to
altht to atay over tonoay with Colonel
. M. House, his. personal frtend. He
probably will return to Washington
Monday. If pubilo bustnea permits, Mr.
Wilson will mak another trip next week,
going te New Tork er te on of th.
Virginia resorts.
Torpin's Dancing Academy 28th and Farnan Sts
Now class tor beginner, n.xt Monday and Thursday, p. m. Advanced elasa
Tuesdays, S p. m. Up-to-date dance, are standardised and easy to learn.
Private Xsssoai XaOy. Assembly Heat Batoraay Kvealag-. UAMMB a.eS.
Te-alg-kt. Matins , Tn Tha, Bat,
Za Oee. SS. Cohan's Comedy,
BText TT. Te OoUere Widow."
warn r494
Advanced Vaudeville
Prices: Gallery, lee: Best Beats. iS-.s-Tes
ff f I licatrc
1U aad Sarasy.
aVast Tims Toeey DASrm TMOK
start. is, una. lSiSo, ii4S. a, sas,
S;o. sets, a. sas.
Charles Cbspiia and Uabsl Rcnnand
A. Twe-t Xeyeton Oosaady Waloa
Ws Oaaraate Is la Beet Tea,
Corns Prepared a Xaagt
BRAIIDEIS Jodat Jvtr'.!
MAY B08S0N Xa ai-
aaattnae. Bft to tt Tonla-ht. loo to 1M
B Days; aeg1aala( Sunday ataa, sToe. 16.
Hs Fell ia Love Kith His Wife
Bam. stat, sao-SOot Bvtv-.. ga-so-TS-gl,
ostAw-ei rvii czarrxB-
Bmjcaj ass viaa;:
Wot, a m -fM wmte as Ue St. JahtUa
1 AU 1 I I III li
pflin Jli e&4 lue
Wk nf sovemrwr 1 &. "The Tvphvrn"