THE HEE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER WANT ADS Wnt ads received at any tin, but to Inmrc, proier claeslflistlnn iriutt be W fnrt II o'clock noon for evening -edition and 7:30 p m. for mnrnlm end t-nndey editions. Want ads received after urh hours will b under the beaoing, "Too Late to Classify." ' , ' CASH RATES. Peven ronsecutlve time. 1 cent a word m-h lnn"rtion . ... Three limn within Ant week, 1'4 centa 'vor.l each Insertion. One time I centa a word. CHABOB RATES. Seven rontMuUrt time. cente a line firh Insertion. . Threw Umee within one wek. 10 cent! a line each insertion. One time. 11 rents a line. fount sis average words to a Una. Minimum charge, 20 ctmU. An advertisement Inserted to hJvrL"J? t'.l discontinued mut be etopped by writ ten order. You ran place your want ad In The Bee by TfiLEPHONB TYLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other angwere bare 'Jl culled for and delivered during tha .last week. It la reasonable to iupI"'"" Jbat eu of the people below have rrmde the- de sired swspe-theefore. do not call for tha balance of their answers. Bra Want AOS aura net result. p C. S C. SC. H.C liii iiTi L'Dl ITii . 1407 n1 iz4 i . jt:i i:ii imi l'i 12: K'V W4 . li 134 1?) l W K7 lati n.a H 1:'4 1?7 H- KM lfW I- H 12.3 12 , IK '4H3 J.!" l.f'J 17 !.:. ' l.T"4 i1 '41 Lt 17 IJ 145 ; lsia ism i9 12T'. 1111 1W Ut Ul 1 Hil . !'. 141 1470 1471 14,'i 141 lMti lhll 1M 161& i:,7 lii VM EC. li40 lv4 iy.s J.V4 IW ll IK 1W 1S70 1674 1!75 1&77 l.Hi 1 HJI7 DKAT1IS AT4D FfJIKllAIj KOTICBi AH4.AN Cartla F.. beloved wlfa of 1L II. Allan. aed Bl yeara Funorat fr"m renown'. frna.m atra. Saturday at 2.! 9- m. IntMTnr.t Ken-rat Lawn eenwitarr. Frlrnda Invltad. FKRat:PON-"harle B.. Nov. 12, 1914. fmaral 8atur.lay, t P nv. from real lenca. 17 Ho. ild Pt.. to foraat Lawn. -pltol lodge. No. . A. F, A. M., will havo charge of t cemetery. lIcACUKHK Mary, aired yeara. ur vlved by husband, two daughters and one son. The funeral from residence. ' Dear Park boulevard, at 8:30 Saturday morning to Bt. Brtdt'a church at a. to. In terment at BU Mary'a cemetery. WrLVIHIMWIlllam II.. at III; resi dence. 4i":i0 Farimm street, November 11, 1!14, aired !W years. Funeral frnm reeldencB Psturdey. No vember 14, at a. m. to St. Cecelia s church, Fortieth and Hnrt streets, at a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. BHULT7.B-Mslhla P. November 1U Wl. , A-d iS yeara montha and daya. Funeral Krilay afternoi at 1 o'clock from family resilience. 1737 Tark avenue. Interment Torcst Lawn cemetery. Vrtenda Invited. Automobiles. STBWAMT-James II., aced SO yeara I 'led at his rexldence liSH Brown bU, Thursday November 12, 1914. Funeral from residence BatiJrday at 8:90 a. -m. Interment Korest Law'n oametery. BIRTHS AND DEATH". Blrths-Iohn and Klliabeth Myers, hos pital, boy; Justus and Krances Kessler, ?i2 Sb"h Twenty-sixth, boy; Arthur and Cora Ns, Kill North Forty-second, (ilrl. Ijeaths Fred Ulllard, W years, Kia Korth Twenty-seventh avenue; Martha T.wlcr, 4 years, irS North Seventeenth; Theodore Pocket, K, hospltnl; Kdnit V7. Nymond, SB-yeara. I'sOi Vinton; Mary Mueller, 1 yeur, , V'2 Pouth Fifteenth: Barbara Pofhar. tSO ' years, hoapltal; i'alherlna Foster, 207 Houth Twenty-sixth hterllns nice. 37 years, 1720 California, MAHRIACB I.irUff JES, The following marriage Hornsea have been granted. Name and Residence. Age. James TlHwllns, houtb Omaha... ....... 14 Mary fimlth. tsiuth Umaha 19 Ferdlnund Krmpotlc, Omaha W Maile Volovir, Omaha 17 Ira 1. Fry. Llnwln 2 ; liaiy S. Cotton, Lincoln 21 Philip Pmllli, Omaha Hoplila hokulolvskl, Omaha 2 'harles F. I'leroe. Omalia Over 21 Frances perry, Omaha Over 11 Joseph Jenrrn. Council Uluffs St Jinn-1 Ixng, Council Blufla Jacob Mrus, Houtlt Omaha M Carolina Uava, boutli Omaha It Bl'ILDI.Xi PKHMIT9. .. C O. C'arlierg. three building on IS'orth I'ony-Xoui tli, II.UO each. TODAY'S OOMrifTIS MOVIE mOGKAAIS Uxcluvlvelj in TIio lice. Dwa Twnau ttoodbye, Summertime, S-reel Vllaarapui f V, n I .. U 1.' ..1 T hr.r Koldler Boy, Hingraph. ' JIIJTK NO' 2, Ull FA UN AM "Within an Ace. S-reel Vlttigraph. Tite tirate lmieryui Hrkus. riiig. The tJirl In the Tenement. Luitln. FAHNAM. Hli FAR-NAM iveekly Mo. Tl. ' The Terrnr of Anger, t-reel Tbanhouaer, 4'ureee. They Reinarkei. Keystone com. llirt Uiu AND HAHNEY, Horn of Paramount Picturra FAl'.K. - els N. IsTil bV. Lurd (.actl Jntervanes. Lubin. 'in i-iuuned lilt. -rei i;.uison. feilHry tohni and CirBeB-hnd Monster. r-AKLOR, I4t. nOl'OIAS ierran O Flourke. the Aarntjre Man. Ills Heart. Ilia Hand. His oanrd. t-r. Vic. AO 111 Wind. Htrrling comedy. TODAY'S rOMPLKTB lOVIR riMMiHAM.H ICkrlasiTcly in The) lie Aoetb. ARinm. ?:n and ARttort Frsnri Murion, the Kssmp Fox. t-reel war drama. The Maniiuersdor. Kevstnno comedy. A f )LU , 4l JKA V F.N WORTH The tun from the West. I.uMn. sisrtln ChusJilealL I-re Ulnars rh. Irfrxie, the !fessver. Kslem. COH MKIA. 1710 SOUTH TENTH The HiijK'ieHW Game. i-ree l.ubln. Wllllsm Henry Jones' Courtship. Vita. The Kirst lev. Ulnars ph. CoMKOHT, 24TH AND VINTON The Sands of Fate. 2-reel Majestic. The Mutual Weekly. The Itescue. Thanhoiiser. FA VruiTrT ! 171"' VINTON The tttii from the West i-reel l,uhln The TIcket-nf-Lrave, Man. 2-r. Biograph. The Peacemaker. Vlisgrsph. OEM. IS KilTIl THIhTEENTH. The Peclslon. Rex. Ixve and Burgery. S-reel I.. Ko., comedy. Best Projection In tha rtly. . Lrnic. A Redskin Reckoning. The Actress. Powers. A Neglected Wife. II. tke comedy. 1617 VINTON, t-reel Bison. MVK winr IHSINFHS .ME.V OF OMAHA for M omea. Votnin"s Krlmrr, 4VJ Ps. Plk. R 4eil A : txlmj, side, kn fe, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, ail sixes and styles; hemstitching, piiot edging. lde Pleating Co.. .no looe7aa Block. P. 1W. forrlrre. BEN FKNf-TKR, 1410 N. ttth Pt Web. 7777. Florists. A. DONAOHCK, Harnev. Dmig. 1001. BATH'8 florist lo4 Far nam 8t. L. HKNOKItHoN, 1M Fsrnsm. I. 12JS. Memler Florist Tel'gratih lcl. Ass'n. H bsTii''nH( 7f A ." 141Farnam "ft. Hair Dressing;. Harper Method. R. , Batrd Bldg. D. Mil. (lata Trimmed! Hate trimmed, Roc. f. Iimberton. Web.1904 Llajhtlna Kl stares aad Wlrln. THOMAS DUKKIN ' Klectrlo fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reaaonahle. 2419 I.I.MINO, DO CO LA 8 r19. PARTI MB, 4T1I AND LMAVENWOR1II Lucille Ixv No. IS. t-reel. A -Neglected Wife. tT. Ike comedy. VENEZ1A THEATER. 1ZU 6. UTH ST. Tricking the Oovernrosnt. l-reU Brssss.' PKVSOJC. VCR MAIN 'Warren Kerrigan In "Ilig Father's 8on," In two acta. The Close Cell, Sterling and others. 'West. MONROR, KoS FARNAM The Witch Olrl. t-reel Victor. Animated Weekly. Current F.vents. Ills fitreniinus Honeymoon. N'-ster com. Caaacll Ulalfa. ELITK NO. 1. E BrtOADWAT. The Prlvste officer, 2-reel Fsany. Kidding the Boss, Vltagraph. The Mexican, hoiig. ROPKR, f7 BROADWAY Tha Life Pavers. Crystal comedy. Tha Frankfurter Baleaman's Dream. Jok. The Yellow Hrreak. 2-reel Eclipse. oat a Umawa. PEPSE. 2IT1I AND N Jiearst-nellg 73. On the stroke of Five. I-reel Vltagraph. hllppery Mllm and the Impersonator. Kas. MAOIC, mil AND O In the Hollow of the Oak. Frontier. Love and Burgery. t-reel L. Ko. com. YaaMrlil, ORPHETJM, !4TH AND M Tha tonvlct Honor, I-reel. ANNOC NXE.M EN TS 1IAZRL Ieaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Wo potpski; samples free, bherman A Meconnell Drug Co., Omaha. Weoainx annoiinceinnnts. Dong. Ptg, Co. MJCKYwedrtltig r-ngst Brodegaardla UAWW uu v r-rt 1 r . w 11 irj. DKN'1'ls.'l MV Alt kinds of Den rat Work done, under careful euervtston. at the the Crelghton College of Dentlxtry. 110 S. lth fit. Chlldren'a teeth atralghtoned. FICK8 very moderate. Kxtractiona free. OlST a Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xmss. LBT the East Way Club cook and aerve your dinner and parties. 11. 6H4. VIVE W1KB Bt'HINESS MEM y. OP OMAHA A B C ot Umaha A" LL WATCHES, Ulamonda and Jew elry, special prices, Nov. aud Deo. Buy now, 11 a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room t!7 Karbiv'h block. VKHY KLKCTIllc UtllT ls"a Mssda In The Hee building (the building that la always newt, and current la furnlshod frea For offico Inquire room lot. N tW and second-hand electrlo fans , and motors. irUron Elcctrlo Works, is n. 14111. I'ougias iio. OMAHA IMLLOW CO.. llJ7 Cuming. Doug. :4iii. Renovates leathers and inattiesses . of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down rovers. X T ACl'CM cleaners for aale. Vacuum y clranlng done In the home, hianltary HorUcs Co., i Beo llldg. Ill" rent repair, sell needles and parts vv "cir an sewing niHcnines. ml- BKAPKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel's," llthnd JJarney Doiiglsa ItWI. EAH-EVKIt aluminum kitchen uten sils, t'opulsr epct'taiiles, not sold In stores. Factory Salesmen. Wb. !m. Live Stock Remedlra. OMAHA Remedy Co.. tYff B. th. Red Maik't'Mtssiei and LeHlgre pllea. MNFR, of lodge resell and eoatumes. The largest stock of masUerado and theatrical costumes in the country. Theo. Llehen A Son, U14 Howard. D. 4Ut. Mofra. and Window Shade Cleaners. OLD shades made like new. Midwest Hhade Factory, K Hamilton. liar. 4il. Messenaer nnd Transfer. WH1TB LINK, ,H1 H. 11th. Douglna Wit Millinery. SWITCHES) from combings, tl W. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Krk, ' H. lHih. f. 7 Moving, Klorose aad ( leanlaaj. W. C. FEURIN, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1300. Maaaeoaes. Violet Ray, mass., 42 Bee Bldg. Kathleen Mm k, mnsssge tr. bath. JtJ. B112 D. ',m. Clara Iee, bath and nituMig. Doug. STil. Miss K hiimlt. mass., bath, clec. tr. D. 71J. Mla rTsher. mass.. electrtrt7"Rod mT8S OOi.DEN, bath, niass. Itm. TU. JNevle Blk.. ltith and Harney. D. 4Kff. MASsAmO ltH.l7th Kt. Mrs. Steele. MASSAGE iBiDwa MISS J ACOPH Massage, vmanlciirlng IHjur-. 4W7. Hrs. to . Sunday 11 to V. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1H02 Farnnm. R. 2. Duuglaa 7ol. CUILVDELLINUV New arrival. Maanatla. satlafactory eastern trentmonta; bathe; dally and evenings. 107 S. 17th St. Notice: Private entrance, basement, comer of bldg Oenllsts. j Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dm. McCarthy, llll W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic l'b akev.ns. Dr, Rerucha, iat-4 McCagua Bldg. D. Mil. Patents. 1 1. A. Stnrges.e.'iH Brand els Theater Bldg. D. 6. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117T I'lKml Urvrjopntent. I AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th St. Prtntlna. WATKRfl-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality prlnthig. Tel. Doug. 21W. 624 8. lth Bt lK)UGlAfl Printing Co. Tel. Doutf. i44. CORKY & M'KENZIK PTtl. CO. D. 2K44. R I EB-H ALL Ptg. Co., 1K0 CapKol. D. U02. C.KNTHAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 8764. Palntlss and I'suerisg, ITPOir M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. tm Plnmra Heaovaled. PLl.'MES A f lowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 4 Paxton. D.R.1SK. Honch Kxtermlnator. B. B. B. Roach powder at your dnipglst. kale and time Look Kxperts. Opened, repaired, oomb. changed. F. K. Daiven port, 14X16 Dodge. D. ml SAFES ho Kevalrlagr. - Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1WJ7 St. Mary'a Ajv, tana and gbovvcarda. E. M. CtltK A SON, 113 RO. 16TH ST. tare. anC Office Flatarea, DESKS, safes,, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc, w buy, sell. Omalia Fixture and Supply Co., 414-H1K 8. 12th. V. 27:-4 Sivel elllaas. CARTER Sheet Metal Worka. 110 a 10th. Towel D. (3. a applies.- OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8.11th Trnaka and MnltoaeeB. FRKL1XU A STKINLK, lyn? Farnam St. w v Acennatants. MKIA1LLK D. THOMAS A COMPANY, U?:i7-ag City Nat. BankJBIdg. Tyler 110. 15. A. DWORAK, CfpTA 4S3 ltamge llldg. Douglas 7406. BAKKH. VAWTJSH A WOLF, ' 43 Hamga Bldg. Douglas 74. Addlagr llauklws, Dalton Adding Machines. D. 1449. AddtT Mill. Co.,(Wsles. Vv. O. W. ' p. Arcalleota, Everett Do.lcls, 618 Paxton Blk. D. H. AttraetAoaa. OMAJtA film eg.,- 14th and Doug. Motion ni ana nun oarNalna Aalu aad atunet HeiMtlrlaw. Magneto repair work a apeclalty. D. 241$. A ucitoMerx. Iowd Auction Co.. lia W. O. W. Red S3SS. U Chairs. 10o shave, neck ahava. 117 Far. Utae frlntlna. HORNBY CO-Hlue prfntlng. under new ownership, 3oj Ontaha Nat. Bk. D. Sl:7. PKlNCKbti, 1J17-1S lMJt'ULAB I'eg t the Wilds. Vrel luiprrlat. The ilioei!iaker'a Eleventh, ltex com. dr. The log Raffles. Sterling comedy. nana. ALHAMBRA. 114 NORTH I4TH Prodigal Husband. Royal comedy, 3 I W. Oiader. Rllam drama. Omn'ckeepcr'a Iaughter. 2-r. lHm. dr. ALAMO. 24TH"ANb'FOiiTT Hs r"stlier'o Sob. 2-rel Victor. The Cle Call, tit rims' comedy. i(rr Lite's btory. 1 'overs. cLUTOT M1U AVE.AbUia)fcTTE fcherlffg Ulster. -reel drams. Silence of Joi n (tordon. lifauty drama. Herrvatlon. Keystone. D! AM -iNii; uT I.AKt Trey O" Hearts No. U. I-r. Uold Heal When Their Wives Joined tha KrgimeuL JoKer comedy. lltAN K LIN Z4T11 A Nu'FRaX IvUn 1 he bond of Womanhood. 2-reet Lublu. An Ameiican Heiress. Lubln. Tiie VS sy of the Redman. Sells;. Uraaa Foaaarlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., nth and Martha Sta UalldluK aad Iienalrlsiar, K. FlLANTA.jllPaxtonBlk. Don g. 1167. litirn nnd Well Daaaa;. ' " NEED well or cistern rleanod or dug s IIAKKKH does It. I hone Web tVd. tatliuratn Lands. W. T. Smith Co., llll City Nat. Bk. D. Il. Coal Dtalera. $5.50 Jhn'un's special, also Victor nut. D. ITjS. t kirvsnurtun, I Ueddla. 1. C. r Bee Bldg. loug. 4JT1 H.i-r-jluMt;, - Z-Tii AND CLMiNU M.ilual i.itU Mutual seriba. 1-stty s lx:tut. Kt-ystone comedy. Ii-r of the i:ixhth. t-reel Uron. ho dr. r. 1T 1 lAKDiXjtJv aT Se.-1 and the Harvest. 2-ree Kalom. Ai.dy and the lLrdt-kina Kdin. 'I he Loon Shark King. Vitnsrai'h. i a t-r 1 1 kop7 ti iTx d "loti IuUp 'lie rmiy Race. Tnanliouw-r dr., 1-r. 'J'he Louridcrs. Keyvloits comedy. ll- i'f I lie Mmca. Ma.H'ntta drama. ixjl.L icvCL DWELL. The Tnlh Coniiisncloi.nt. .ieel Imp. ; ignites outing, totrlmg nuiwdy. ' palace. lUlng Mother. 1JJ DAVlivpoUT rl hex. 1 S' - bl'iiHAN. 'I t .i'l-n HoJ, I Vuret-M:iig W. 'lyv iJ McuuUiiner.r. 2-reel Kalem . iTli AND AlltS l.uiniv. tklaa falatlnaj. Ruth Letohford, deor-atlng, firing. R, 4i!. tl4 tsslsrrn. M. J. LACY. HI BKK BLTM1. DOCO. 4716. t ream aenaratura. Tha Sharpies Separator Co.. y;th A Farn. Detectives. . JAUJLH ALLAN, 311 Neville Blk. Kvi- acnirwi in an casea Tyler 11.W. Dancing Acadesalea. Turpin's Dancing Academy, SSth A Faint. CHAMBER' Academy, classic. D 17I Mackle'a Academy, now open. IMS itar 1'resssnnkiaa. Terry Dresmak'g college. lth A Farnam. bllUNiitK la city wanta day work. 1 y rs' expeilenoe. W er day. Vk'alnut 241. MlSH 8 1 1'KDY, Mi Casa Red liM FASHIONABLE dresamaklug; li.i; CorvT. WATSON A LI N D. 1111 "ixjiigiaa. R. ui. Drnaa. DRl'US at eut prk-es; freight paid on tio orders; rataiwKuas fine, tinrrnuu 4fc alc- 1 omieii lini ( o.. (iinalia. Neb. Ueatlsia. Dr. Bradbury No paid. 150 Farnam Dr. Tield s alveolar denlislrv. 4"J Li Knurls Bailey, t he 1 Vnilrt TtVt ii yNaTlH..nk Taft l-nlal Kuomi, 1717 Douglas I. 213d! -?,rJ1"vi"'- FlckesT 7:-4 City NstThsnM. I: -e.rle saviBlTM. " " I-i.JHoN Eiec Wka.. Xl a. Uia, D, i; Tailors. CIMSC. INDERYOr. ION N. 15th St. . ' . . . icicriHruu, f DR. O. It. TOCNG. 4602 Center. H laws W tnea and Llqeore. AIJCX JETES. 201-S S. Wth St. Wine. liquors, c lgsrs. Plate dinner. 11 to i, luc. iiiooe iniunr nouse. 424 N. Wth; California .jwM-Kai. write tor prlca llsL HENRY POLLOCK UOu7R'lOl!Hir lalU and Capitol Ava Ten-cent lunoh. BUY your family liuuora at L uuor House, m N. llith. Douglas m. I1EL1 WAXTED FEAIAXJ3 Clerical and Off tee. ItOOKTtPH. and ateno.. aalary according to anility. Call at i. State Bk. Bldg. aTENO., bkkpr. and inultl. a,.r f-7 Watts Rcl. Co., Md-42 Brandela Theatre. Fnelury ana Trade. . LKARN halrdressng. Oppenhetm PaSlora llaaseknenera sal ameiatioa it. is servant Mlrl Problem Solved. Tha f!r,..w'" ru" harvant On Wanted Ai I Kh.K Until you t tha rfeairerf r..,n,. 4 his applies to resiuenia of ouiana, bouia tniiana and Council Mlufla iiring ad to pee on ice or teieunooe Tyair luuu. V ANTED Ccinpotriil maid for general hoiuMwork; mail laimiy; no laundry WOlk. Ills Haiuey. H. 4;ii.t. WANTED A girl tor gsiierai housework; two Jn fanilly good waaea rs Dodga EXPEIULNCED gui for gencrajTbouae "ri ciT A'aik wivo. iel. lyier WANTED-Experienced white alrl for gt ueral huuora Mrs. 1 iim.ia m a Csa St. Tel. Wamut 2k 11 WANTED Compelaul gUI to do general housework. Ooud waaea Apply wlin referenca Mrs. Leonaid A. buauluiug, a-iu liarnry bt R1.1JABI.E, competent girl for aenerl housework; need not be good cook, Dewty Ave. iifi,p Wanted mai.k lerlcal and Office. WANTED Young mnn stenographer: must le llllns to wo: k t heip at rtsrl; future for right party. Address Res'. 500.I -11, fc'Wl'ARE 1'1-.i.e, IN lul'AHK HdLU'. We find the toelt:on thnt fits vou. CO-OPERATIVE REFEHENCK "!., I01.VK1 City Nations! Pank Bldg. RTK.NO , t7i; "st7no. end bk krr.7V T piano SRjesmsn. rlrln m ir -t mrA rnm fWatts Rof. Co.. WMI Brandeis Thenter. ASST. shipping clerk. Apply at once, u' State Rank Bldg. Aarenle, Snleamrsi and nllrltora. WANTEI Live agonls to push the sala Of FrantS Premier Vacuum cleaners. all points. In the st..te of Nebraska, out side of Omaha and South Omaha. Thla Is a winner for the rlaht rjarti.a. For full Information renrrilnir same write The Korsmcyer C-o., I S S. 10th, Wncoln, WK CAN use twenty-five ad.lltl.mel edu cated business men throughout the imlted Rtates ua representatives to supply the liwreasel demand for the New In ternational Encyclopaedia owing to the present European war For full Infor mation address Dodd, Mead A Co., Near Yo-k City. I'L'AN use two first-class salesmen. Hlgh-clasa proposition) and a quick money-getter. If you are accustomed to large earnings and sre -ready to begin work ftt once, call Friday between and 12. or t and I. Eastern manager, 1S44 St. Mary's Ave. YK are now carrying new members, un til April 1-1R, on first payment; no classification: liberal font Mutii.i non- em Health and Accldont Ass n. 4.3 City WB have opening for traveling sales man. Orocerv line. Salary and expenses. Call U Bee Bldg. Fnctorr nnd T-rn4rn. MARRIED man to work on farm. Danish Swedish or German; give experience and reference; no Catholic. Addrees K 141. Pee. Drug store nMi, ions. Kne at. Iw LEARN BA H HER TRAtlR. Be Independent; wages and tools given. Electric masaaire. Strictly modern. Big demand for bmbers. Call or write. . TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEOE. 1124 Iouglaa St., Om. NC2 N 8C. Lincoln. WANTED A first class meat cutter at onca Must be strirtlv aoher and must have had , experience in a large shop. Top wage! for the right man. THE.CEN TRAL MEAT MARKET. Council Bluff. Iowa UANTED81TiAT10XH FIRKT-CLps auto rera'rmanwants po sition; will do overhsullaa; for prlvste psrtreei. Work gtierenteed. Tel. Webster between p. m. snd a m PteITl N desired as housekeener by lady, with g-year-old oy: country P" ferred. reference. Call of answer at Mil Burt St. STENOORAI'HF.R with I years' experi ence, wishes I oitlon; best of rcferencea. Call Harney 7ffl4 MAN and wife want work: woman a good cook; man any kind of work. Ad- rTress M 1le. Bee. n ANTED Hya neat colored girl a place t.j assi.t wth housework; go noma nlan"a. W. 21"0. EXPERIENCED ence furnished; 777J. grocery clerk.; can cut meat. refer-Web. MAN and wife, all around restaurant, cafeteria and hotel people, want posi tion; lady, cook or waitress; man. clerk or waiter. F. D. E., f.40 W. Washington Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. GERMAN girl wishes position as lady a maid, prefer traveling. 112 Capitol Ave. POiTTION as traveling saleeman,; hava all attributes peitalning to vocation; remuneration commensurate with proven ability. Address A aM. Bee. ' Bllscewnneoaa. LEARN Tartaric Mirror Silvering K paya Ing closely guarded eecret of big factorle. Particulars free. Wm. Bar stow, 1)14 2.U1 St., Oakland. Cal. OOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who makes hlmwlf an aut expert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. Go rlgtit Into the auto buslneii from here. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunities bent here "now, ever have been. Write for list of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2119 Farnam St.. Omahu. WANTED Railway mull and postal clerka; examinations soon; over 2.000 appointments yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No. 81 of payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business Col Icge. Civil Service Dept.. Phlladelphts. Pa. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egga Coffee John. 14lh and Capitol Ave. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile bumneas; tha demand la great for our graduatea; e hava trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet. Natl Auto lYaining Ass'n, 2S!4 N. 20th St.. Omaht. Teb. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL . EVENING CLASS. For the benefit of those desiring a lhokuh. practical and theoretical auto- DiobfTe education, who do not hava time to obtain the same during the day. we are organising an evening clans, in addi tion to our regular day classes, commenc ing Nov. Iff. We have Just added another building, over 8,0uu square feet, to our already large apaoe, giving us a total ot over 11,000 square feet of floor space, devoted en tirely to the Auto School and auta re pairing. . Remember that this Is tha place where you can obtain the practical auto edu cation, gotting your training by doing ac tual repair work, finding trouble, etc. Juat the same as you will do when you go out Into tlie automobile world. THE NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL- "The Practical School." Pbona Douglaa Soli. 141S-1&-17 Dodga St Get Catalogue "C." LEARN to play ragtime In 30 lessons. Call or wrlto Chrlstenaen Cchcol, 4i.D Cuming Stj Phone Harney 337; o WANT EI Young mart who lives home. Apply Aarona' Jewelry Store, ltith A Far ni HELP WANTED MALE! AND FfcilALK. WANTED Colored couple to live at ne gro Woman's home. Apply UM No. 84th fit. Web. 440. MEN, WOMEN Oet government Jobs; ttio to 1W) month; 2,000 appointments monthly. Write for list. Franklin lnsu tute. Dept. tq T, Rochester. N. Y. OET government Jobs. f6$ to UW a month; 2.ouO appointmenta each month. For list of positions obtainable address Y 23. Be. MEN WOMEN Got government Joba Itii to lau month. Write for Jist of po sitions avallabla , Franklin institute. Desk 80, Rochester, N. V. WANTED Dramatic 2 men, 1 young . lady; clever amaiedrs considered. Road show. Call S. PceL Room 217. Savoy hotel. , WANTED SITU ATIOAS WANTED Wotk as chambermaid In liolei tn Ouialia or auuiu umaua. Pboaa a MAN that wants to go to work will do anything; needs the money and rs will ing to work for It. Call WeNder 2157. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes domestlo position where ana can go home nighta K-4ki0, care Bee. WANTED Position as housekeeper by refined Widow. Phone Harney 7i04. WANTED Position aa city collector; A-l leferencea. Pbona Harney 74. TRUSTWORTHY, experienced house keeper deal tea position in email, reliable family. Box Griawold, la. lH.ii.NG man wauta place to work (or board while attending Loylss' cuilcga Trie. lione lougiss lfxja. girl for general housework. VoCNtJ II. li-J. WANTED EiLOeitenced nurse girl, pot unuer JA; iart;e laimiy. Mia. Dixon. 4J N. Mih St. GIRL for genural houaework, small fam ily. H. Iw.t. WANTED 4 iood girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing. Wages 7 per week. Cad -v4 Harney St. tl laawilauteaaa, " YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young tVouiett a Christian Association balldiug at dt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where they ell be dlrwted to suitable boarding o'acea or othera iso aastated. Look for out travelers' guide at Urdon station. 1NTEL1JGE.NT woman over au. aa trav eling manager. Pvroianent. IjQ brandela Theater Bidg. YOUNG ladles, good addreaa pleaaaat outd.xir work, good compenaation. Room 8M Bee Bid g. LAIili'.S' A mlsnes' coals, suits, dirsaes A skirt famplea at wholeadle pi less, lion cft'a New York Sample Store. 4 N. lsta. fiO VERNM ENT JoDs for woiu7n. Iia month. Lbst fiee. Franklin Institute, DvtL a'-T. Roibcster, N. T. HEU WANTED MALE 4 lerl.-al aad Ufftoe. IlI'llM. R .n curuurrciai positions W r f'rniN P. El', i BOND ASSN. Ul Odiaba Nat. iiank Bldg. SITUATION wanted aa caiatakcr rooming home. Address A I3, Bee. of EXlrERlaNCED cbaudeur wiibea to drive private car; careful driver; know city very well. Addreaa F St2 Bee., aii-arouna, rirst-ciasa man on urcad and pastry, wants position, city or country. Aooreas M im, t-ee. WANTED Cooking povltien by colored person: day aork preferred. Web 737i SI HANGER In city wan Is day work. It y'ra' experience. 11 er usy. Walnut SM. YOUNG lady with two yeara' experience aa alenoiirapher wanta position ; caa fur mail good references aa to character and ability. Addreaa J CUi, care Bee. RELIABLE colored woman wants gen eral housework, to go noma in even. Ini! Douglas KV WANTED Position aa porter, by colored nan:, can furnish good referencea Ad dreaa Y 27, Bee WANTED position In or near Omalia by young married maa with six yeara' re tat, lumber experience. Would consider other bualnesa. Addreaa Y 378, Bee. GOOD, coir relent, strong and willing to work colored lady wants day work; washing an I Ironing a specialty. Cull Webnter 2 1 .7. 4 OMPETKNT Salesman desires a posi tton vithcr for city or travel. Adrese L. 1 C .. EXPERIENCED nurse girl desires posi tion. Cull Walnut 27l7. EXPERIENCED second girl desires posi tion. Douglas 8X4. AUTOMOBIXE8 KOil RALE , Jlnrellnaenas. i". On Buys best coal for the money r"-w It. Web. aw. Harmon A Veeth. try f-rand mch. Gross W'rerk Co.. n tk Haul 1x7 GRAKLKX newspa.r camera, wlin 11 plate holders, carrying rase for camera and carrying case for plate hold era. The outfit In good condition and a blK bargain for the lot at IU0. Address A Bee. ANTIQUE artistic Inlaid, drop-leaf card table; bargain. 1012 Webster. Bakery and furnace mood. lei. Flor 401 FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket blll'ard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Palke-Collender Co.. 407-4CH 8. 10th St FOR SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship in Boyles Business roHege, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office oT The Omaha Bee, BICYCLE fo- sale. A bargain; In good condition. 23S Hee Building. FOR SAL--Three-nreii Jewel gas stove, cheao. Harney :!!. BASE burner, good condition. 10. Webster St. 1717 10-GAUGE Parker gun. auto robe. 2-stone diamond ring. Friedman, 1528 Dodge. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call un the office of th Dmaha $100 forfeit for any magneto e catt't re-lA Council Bluffs Street Railway company pair. Coll repar'g. O. Bsydorfer 310 N, II FOR 8AL1-1 4-cyllnder Maxwell runabout. 1K12 model. Presto tsnk, new tires, Just overhauled: 1X0 if sold this week. Call Harney 1344. Lindborg Bros.. 1"m2 mv tFly'ng Mcrkle). TRY PELTON'8 GARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements tiow. !2W Farne.m. Oreerough Omaha Rsd. Reu. Co.. tf2t Far. FORD care palnt'i J"; other cats accord ing to else: work gtd. Phone 8. 3f90. tc aaccrtatn whether they left It In the Birrci cars. Many Artlolos each day are turned In and the company la anxlou to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. IS. LOST-Leather handbag- on Sixteenth be tween Harney and Famam. Finder please return to Bee office: reward. Baby ring wanted most. LOST Diamond ring; reward for return; call Walnut 256. ' FOR BALE Wayne roadster, two pas senger. In good condition, all new gears and new tires, forty, horsepower. Phone lt3. 211 S. Main Ft.. Council Bluffs, la Co3 Irdustrlal C-arase ifllh At Hsrnev Sts. MODEL B-6 Detro.ter touring car with self-starter, run less than 600 miles; genuine bargain at 7uo. Tha T. O. North wall Co.. I4 Jones St Doug. 1707. Motorcycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE! Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth. 114 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready, bargains In used machine a OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago O. 3721 BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of bustneaa Call on GANOEBTAD 404 Bee Bldir. D. 247T GROCERY STORE tor aale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling. Address,. care Bee, GARAGE FOR SALE I wish to sell the supply and repair cart of my garage; doing good business. Object, want to give all my time to the sale or cars, in pros perous town of 2,000. Only three garageg In town. Address Y 277, Be LIST YOUR BUSINESS with tut for quick action and gquare treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 41 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 82M. Just Vacated A Choice Location. 17th St 1 Exposure 11x20 FT. AT 120.00. The Bee Building (Tha Building that la Always New) Office Room, 103. RESTAURANT One of best In Omaha. Completely fitted. Oood location. Un able to operate properly account other business. Worth double. Cost me 24,600; will sacrifice. Consider trade, balance paymenta. Agt, Mr. Myers, 418 Bee Bldg. SIGNS, show cards. Clark A Son. D. 1371. THEATKRS Buy, lease or sell your the- ter, macmne ana supplies inrougn Theater Exchange Co., 1408 Farnam St. Douglas 1W7, .frt reproof, 7 60 a hundred at The Bee office. TO the Merchant who needs money quick, write ua at once; we are now In a po sition to turn vour stock to big money with our special sale plans. United Sales Co.. 204 First Ava., Cedar Rapids. Ia YOUR business or real estate quickly sold. Write Jim Wray. floux City. FOR SALE Moving picture theater In good location; bargain If taken at once. F 142. Bee. - laveatsaeata. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about Ij.OIO In an old established general merchandise bualness; will run It Willi my own help. A good Investment for the man that haa some money to loan out. Stock about $10,000., German, preferred. Addreaa Y 2M. Bee. EDUCATION Ati Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed classes In business, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good posit Una Place a pro vided for young people to work for board. For fria catalogue addresa Mosher-Lampman College 1S13 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. . BOY1.ES college NIGHT SCHOOL DAY SCHOOL Complete butineii coursa; complet shorthand or alenotyp coura; compIt tciciiaiii.r uvuinn, UVll vrtlQijn9V and KTiKlUh. Write, phone or caU tor Itila aaluloeiia leal Vlevisa ivn BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Buiimng. Omaha. Nebraska, H. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT. . Tho Van Sant School Stenography Day school. 00 to 4 00. Night achool, l:l& to H:li 18th and Farnam Sta Doutrlaa 1147. EXPERT lady etenograpner will take pupila. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, auelllng, punctuation, etc.. tuughtand complete 'training given tor buMneea ca reer. Private instruction if desired. I." Douglaa St. Tel. Walnut 2TJ7. FOR SALE at a discount, a full- unlim ited scholarship In Boylea Business col lege, Omaha: good for either shorthsnd or buoinkss coursoa Apply at tas office or omar a uee. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months. 4 0 THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO.. Douglifk 2l. 1WS Farnam. FOR BALK Faraltara. BEvERAL van loada of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and btoras BARBER wishes work-in Omaha; don't drink and steady. Addres G Di. IV. D. married NCKSE wanta care of children. CHAUFFEUR. sfed. six pertenc driving ami repairing: rcial, wife is ai'Hni New A Id-bend furniture. U or term; reaaonable. Ainer. Furn. o.. COS N. leth. A NEARLY new quarler-aawed golden oak buifet. used but short wbila sull Cuming St. M aate PIANO player: il laotrnaaenea a bargain. Tel. H. Ml TrpeeriKra. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, renal.ed Central Typewriter Exchange. H7 S. ifta All makes l) pwr tors rented, sold, terms. Rims Tynea rlter. IkOO Knrram t? MxiL LOST Between Omaha and Lincoln, two new .T7x5 Non-Skid - casings, two 37x5 red tubes and two 3x4'.4 rlmn. Finder return tires and rims and receive re e.ard. Standard Auto Tire Co., Lincoln Neb. FOUND Purse at Hth and Dodge. D. WIS. LIVE STOCK ftiK SALE. He re re and Vehicles. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons A harness: larsre atock A attractive nricea. Johnson-Danforth Co.. 15:9-33 N. lfith St. GOOD work horse. 1,400 lbs., 2o5; 1,000-lb. horse, 260. 3322 Harrison St., South Omaha, Telephone South IWJS. HAY. IS per ton. Wagner. 801 N. lith. MEDIC Ii Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. X R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgtcal op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on-rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R, TARRY. B40 Bee. Riinfnra Cured In a few days without uuI'luic pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, 308 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Established I8M.-0 MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY 7 See ua tjulok servico. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. tOk Paxton Block. Douglaa 141L PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture ms se rines. We collect. We Clstrlbnte. Phone Douglaa 41C5 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect' our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodre St. ' YOUNG women coming to Omaha as atrangera are Invited to. visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaooa Or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. rOL'LTRI AND BLTPLTES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. T hey are 17x23 Inches, stronger, and more durable than tarred felt and practically FOR SALE Silver Champion Cockerels, cheap, Phillips, Fort Crook. Neb. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live atock to South Omaha. 6av mileage and shrinkaga Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Lira Hack Cosaaalaaiaa Merchants. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, 1207 Earners. Doug. tu46. WE BUY id-band clothes, till N. MUs. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILES don t eat hay but they depreciate over winter. I need a good maoalne in my business, 6 passenger, 1914 model preferred; will exchatfa good 7 100m house for such a car. If you need a house for your auto, answer describing fully, I will make cash' price and mean business. No money needed. House well rented. Address Owner O ,H7, Bee. o AUTO My a-passenger, 40-horsepower touting car, 1MJ Auburn; electric lighted and all In good condition, for aale or trade for clear property; cost new with sll equipments about $l,t76.. Addreaa 8. C . Bee. AUTO CASE Want to awap for auto casings and tubes. 34x4V. for other per sonal property. I have a Stanley rup about steamer In perfect condition and latest style, and a classy looking car. What hava you? S. C. 234, Bee. NO. .111 80 acres of Irrigated land, north of Sacramento City, all under culti vation. Will exchange for Nebraska ranch or good farm up to ll&.Ouo, and " assume aorae. This Is an extra good M acres of land. Price, .'00 per acre, cash. No. 104 We have t ' modern houses In Omaha, located "southwest, that are mortem, up-to-date, with an equity of tti.OOO, whloli we want to exchange for good . Nebraska or Iowa farm about same value. No. 115-3.360 acrea In Utah, near Ocden. Price, $10 per acre. Will exchange for eaatern Nebraska or Ioaa land or Omaha property or merchandise stock. This land is clear of encum brance, and we will make someone a good deal on it. No. l -Some good town property and acreage In (ine western Iowa town, clear of encumbrance, for an Omaha house, about K.OuO. No. kl A substantial modern home of I rooms, lltiucom park district; full also lot; barn. To exchange for northwestern Nebraska land. No.- Flour mill, main line U. P., ele vator, warehouse, etc. Will ex change for good Nebraska land. No. 23 10 acrea, 6 miles northeast from Alnrtota, Colo. Full-paid-up water right, in Saa Luis canal. Land la level and easily tilled. Will ex change for Omaha property. W. T. SMITH CO. D. 1. 1111-13 City Net'l Bank o AUTOMOBILE tCoupe) Id firat-cWa condition: -). Will exchange for p.ano player or diamonds Add reu s. C. 24a, Bee. AUTOMOBILES r'or uincr uutouibaii4 bargains see lb --A corajbile" tlju, rstiun AUTO Light auto truck, ail overhauled, tdrire. S. C. Ml. Lie Y CLE One year old. 242. Be. Addresa b. C. BUSINESS CHANCE 12, OuO to liiuO stocs new .groceries and fixturea In South Omaha.- doing strictly cash bjsir.esa Will take suod autu on same. Addreaa S. C. 244, Bee. , til-NT Rcuinigtona Aionarcha and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 14. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest aad highest grade ma- g to 1 chines sent out. Ratea three monihs for b tor understroke machines or II years ex cars rnaiu r i-oininrrr . rk : ex.el ent coo:.. r . P. Waaliinglou Ave.. Council Blufls, Iowa. ' uoaik fur latest n.odel visible writers. t C. J. CAN AN. Reai Estate and Exchanges DUE blil for tJ; good aa raaU aa firat payment on a biano: sell for l-o cash. or trade for grot tr its. furniture or auy- Aourraa a. c. ta. oe par 1 DIAMOND Will trade diamond and pay cash difference for Ford car, runabout or touring, or runabout Hup. or would trade piano or player piano for automo LUa Addreaa S. C. M&. Bea w SWAPPER'S COLUMN ' ELK 'Tl; lC i-ook trce wit'i coflee per colator, griddles, rag boiler, etc.: com plete with electric Iron, room heater and separate Attachments ; vmue l.i; want Vlctrola, sewing machine, motorcycle or electric iSbrerv lamp. Address S. C, 23".. EQU1 PMENT of pl oto gailcrv; will trado or sell. Price, ll.TO. s. C. 214. 1 1 a 1 ORAFLEX newspaper camera, wltn 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying rase for plate hold ra The outfit In good condition and a glaTbargaln tor tne lot at Ilia Addreaa l!T--Two lota, char. between Co. Blufrs and Omiiha. for anything I can use, t all. Web. 3ao. OFFICK Fl'RNITURE VMM buy some good recond-hnnd office furniture; muet bo cheap for cash. Address S. C. 1240, f tee. PLAiKR PIANO-.W player piano with, 15 rolls, used six month. Will trade for good mito or sell very cheap, or would also give terms of payment to responsible people. Address S. C. 249, Bee. PIANO To swsp for Virginia farm land; B-tll ,( . . . . . . ii, mj uiiiriTin-o; win iraae tor 101 In Omaha or Indianapolis, Ind.. or Clave- 1 I . . . . . n csiiu, v-,. , win pej uiuerroi-e, Aouress o. C. 21. Bee SHOTGL' N Will exchange practically new IC-gauge Winchester repeating shot gun for typewriter worth the money. Ad dress S. C. 243, Bee. SIGNS, showiniov -lark A Son D 137a SUIT 120 blue serge suit, new, sixa IS-3S. Will sell lor 110 or will trade for some chickens, a hog, or anything I ran. use on a farm. Address B. C. 23a, Bca , TYPEWRITER Brand new typewriter, for billiard or pool table. S. C. 1071 Bee..1 WATCH A 21-Jewel, 2.Vyear, eolld gold case Hampilen movement watch for dia mond ring. Will pay some cash. Address S. C. 240. Bee. WILL trado for land, or what have yo i to offer? 2 houses and 2 lots, Council Bluffs, mortgage 11.000, straight loan, per cent; want 11,000 for equity. What have you to offer for them? J. I Dowd, HIS Woodman of the World Building. Phone Red SSfr- WILL trade equity in good lot for cowl chickens, horse or pig. 8. C. CO. I, FOR RENT Apartments and Flats, 4-Room Apartment Athlone Choice apartment, beautiful oak finish throughout. Large living, dtntaa and bedrooms; complete kitchen with Icebox and gas stove and tiled batb, Convenient and quiet location at 2Cth and Douglaa Sts. Call us and we will take you to see It. Rental 140 and 145. Peters Trust Co. 1R22 Farnarl Bt. Tel. Douglas m. 5-Room Apartment Georgia All the rooms are large. boautWul oak! finish, two bedrooms, gas stove and plot box; excellent location at 1040 Georgia Av. Rental, 110 tho year round. Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St. Doug. S9S. MODERN heated it-room apartments at - 25th and Leavenworth Sta., I3&. Call Douglaa 3576 or 410 Bee Bldg. V Eight-room brick flat corner 8U1 and William; most desirable in Forest Hill park. Douglaa 2040. 115 o-room apartment, modern except heat. 2638 Davenport St Walnut 435. Steam htd flats, lgth A Web. Tyler 2023. Gordon Van Co. tit N. 11th St. Storage. Phone D K4 or Web. 138S. OQDEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, eooms with kitchenette, steam heat Phone tn. Rental Service Free We can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We can tell you what houaea and apartments each real estate office haa for rent Phone us, Douglaa 281. Fidelity Storage and Van Co. STEAM heated, handsome, 6 and I-room apartments now ready. Webster 741. VERY choice 6-room. steam heated aparl- meul on t rni k iuuu ... r JOHN W. ROBBINB. 18o2 FARNAM ST. Board aad Rooms. 701 B. 18. board A rm.. 120 per month. R.5625. WANTED Nice clean room, breakfast and evening dinner; by week by gentle man. P 1S8, Bee. - Furnished Hoasaa. LARGE front room, neatly furnished. modern; references required; private family. H. 4273. FURNISHED room, private family, on Harney car line. Harney 6341. 707 No. 33d tit. FURNISHED room for lady or gentle man; breakfast if desired. W. ESa, FURN -rooms by day or wk.: modern; steam nest; si.w up. ivi p. ii. mj. 7 190 DOUGLAS Steam heat; 1280 up. 636 Park Ave- Room, alcove, coay. ri. 4ofc. FUUNlnHED room for rent uaar Creuu- lon univBriuy. ruuuw wu,... 126 S. 29TH Futnianed rooms, private family. Harney 4008. HANS. PARK district furn. steam heat- ea room, pnvaie wiu.y. ... FUR. rooms, prlv. family. Web. 77H. LARaE, beautiful rooms, every conven ience, walking distance; genUemen pre- rerrea. ej'j d. iiin inr PLEASANT room In modern Dundea home; every convenience. 60lT Cumins; St Phone Walnut 1273 Hwasckceplasx Koosna.. 726 8. 18th, mod. housekeeping rooms and sleeping rms, furnace heat. Tyler loa W. Pnrnlahed llvsMkniilag atnaaaa. FUR. h'k'p'g rooms. 1807 Leavenworth. DlTvENPORT. il TWO NICELY FUR NISH ED FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ; Famished Honses. tVR.. 639 So. !WU Ave., modern, $30.06. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1S14 Harney Bt Hotels aad Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel, lb and California. Weekly rates 12 and up. Doug'.as 70IX OO D F.N HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steam healed rooms. 12 per week. Phono Ml. DODGE HOTEl-r- Uodern Raasonabla lluaar. aud t'ottngea. lIrncoQ 1 all parts of the city. IlOUSeR Vrf.ifh so,,, 4 Co., Bee building. FOR RI'.NT Res dence at 414 South !U St.. hall, 4 ro-ms 1st floor, 4 bedrooms 2d floor, sen-ant's room. 2 bath rooms; hot water hol; fine location and In fina condition. BHN 8. BAKER. City Hall. ' ' Phone Doug's 4. Harney W7. TOR RENT K-rootn new modern bunga low, in 'the bent location of the city. H. Fisrber. Attorney at Ijiw. 41 City Nat Bank.Omalia. f U3 X. 21 ST. 5 roomi. 118. R. l''l iTrCOM modern house. $30. Il 80. loth Ave. can iianwjji x-R. modern cottage. H5 N. 7th Ava OnTouse. mud745o8 N. 28th Ave. W. 1049. ELFVEN-ROOM bouse. 114 N. 24th St Crawford. 4"! Ware Hlk. Wal. 117. FTvE rooms, partly modem. -25tli and Plondo. Water paid. $15. Phone eb- ster Ti2. Maggard's i Large van, t men 1125 per hr. ; dray. S nien. I r.e Ir. in Webster. Doug. 149. J" " T" J Exp. Co., moving I . IVPPQ pacing A storage lVWt,U fA7 Kamam. D. 1144. Globe Van&Storage Stores, mo. ea. pucWs, ships; S-boraa van ard t men, 4125 ptr hr. ; atrage tl per ire Satisfactory guar. D. 4Att A Ty. 210. i-ROtM collu ks. muderj fxeept furnaca 7W 8. 17th St.. tM. Phone Harnev 171. ViOliLhN -ruoiii hoimk, a jtttb Ave., Vacant November a. Inquire T. J. 0'briea.Vhoue Uaruejr 1M4 or Doug,