14 TIIIv BEK: OMAHA. SATl'KDAY, XOVEMBKK 14, 1914 A .'KrToV''i'H- By MELL1FICIA. Friday, November 13, 1314. IT sometimes happens that we are called upon to b impromptu host esses, but Tareiy dos a newspaper Hera develop a real party. Such a condition Ha red blandly at one of Omaha's wall known tuatroni the first of the week. An announcement In the social calendar of one of the dally papers had Mrs. A. scheduled for a bridge party at her home on such a,od such an af ternoon, eren discovering for her an honor guest. No such party had been . Intended at all. It was father disconcerting, to Bay the least for the hostess, and so ciety edltoresees as well, who tore madly to the telephone to avoid a "scoop" and found a In pre foursome with no decorations. What could be more tan talizing when "scoops' are such nerve-racking things? This matron Is fortunately possessed with a keen sense of the ludic rous, and I think really enjoyed her party as well as any oMhe guests. To make things Interesting she decided o;i the Instant that one of her well disposed friends should become the nondescript honor guest. However, the party occured. But I never did find out whether they had decorations or not, though they must have had the dalnCy refresh ments that were so inadvertently "Wished. on them." MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN CALIFORNIA Miss Clarice Uret( 18, brown-eyed and with hair the color of gold, selected by Jules Guerin, the Americin'piinter, who 13 the director of color of the Panama-Pacific exposition, as the prize winner of a molded golden apple, the beauty prize offered by the California Apple show. OMAHA THEATRICAL CENTER Buildings Should Reflect Character Of. the Citizens Lang-Miller Company to Place Stock Companies in Other Citiei. SZCUEE A DENVER THEATER Deoulante Rceptidn. .Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith (Ave a Urge reception at her home ,on Park venae Thursday afternoon frum 4 until 7 o'clock to Introduce her daughter, Miss Harriet Huntington Smith. Miss Elesnor ' Mackay, dauKhter of Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Mark ay, received with Mr. Kmlth and Mini b'tntlh. -" The drawing room, where the guests . m'tr rerdvtd, n abloom with the debutante' a gift of flowers. These were artistically fastened to a large screen, which was stretched aero one eni of the room, and on either side were huge baskets filled with American beauty roses. In this room the niantlepleoe was ' banked with pink roses and orchid. Wla Harriet Smith was attractive In a gown of pale gron satin, with green tvillo overdress, embroidered In sliver and finished with a wide sliver girdle. Mr, fynlth's gown waa of midnight blue satin maJe over a pleated tulle skirt, which was fringed with cut btuo bead. . The bodice was of tult. with long sleeves oC the tulle. Both Mrs. Smith and Miss Pmlth war ' without v gloves. . , . ., ,, ... Mia Eleanor Mackay wora a' girlish gown of white satin., with deep flounces of chentllly lace, embroidered with pink and green beads. In a roe design, and finished with a . nueslan aaah of pink satin. She wore a corsage bouquet of pink rosebud and lilies of the valley. . The illnlna room, which la A red, followed the same shade with bunches or roaes. Tho table decorations were a ii.oiind of rle Marshall roses and red- -ahndctl candelabra. Here coffee and tea were served by; ( ' M.'xdame Mesriamea C Will Hamilton, Ward Hurges. .-!.. i IT,, v r.usHr moraman, - Leonard Kverett ' K. W. IMxon. uf Ootino:i liltiffa. I. V. Crofoot Hoyd Smith, ' Clement Chase. N. P. DndnOr.i ; ' Warren Rogers, Harold MrComflck. Frank Hamilton, ' . Ilobcrt Modifier. Charle Of fut. Hnry Wj min, . M'a Jessie MIHnr-l. Tho sun raom. where punch was served, t-Bit it own decoration of potted plants. Presiding here were the debutante's girt 'f'londs. Including: M Misses l .... I- llarl. lAlan ar.nt.1 i"" ll Macon, Harriet Mets, , Btelln Thumniel, ,.' Katherlne Wilbur, nnOilford. Mem he Deuel. . s, Krnnoea Hochsfetler, eta If'ildrege. , ' MIMred Roaers, - - ' ' ,-A attractive Innovation at this, the Jirat of tho winter debutants receptions, was the surprise daneanta awaiting, the guevte. Mrs. Bmlth had ' an orchestra, placed In th wuste room and Just at 6 o'clock th dance, strains started andean ottrA Anne nrnnm was anlo-.'ftd .by the guests. The music room waa vtr attractive, with a profusion ot autumn lesvs heaped with - yellow chrysanthe mums. for Nostoii, where she vlll be the guest of lier sunt, Mrs.' fteorge Putnsm. ' and either relatives, who lmv planned a ' number of social affair In her' honor. Mrs. Floyd Smttn will give a luncheon for Mlu .Smith Saturday at tTTa Omaha Club, and Mr. 'asi Mrs. Ward Burgess ' are entertaining at, dinner this 'evening . iny mr win nimiii. " Juliet Orlffln. A new leader will b elected, as Mrs. Ilateman leaves Decem ber 1 for Cleveland, her future home. Following ith meeting a buffet luncheoa will be served. Visitor Entertained. The visiting women In Omaha fo th base bkll magnatea' convention were en trrtained at luncheon at the Commercial club Thursday, and In the evening niadu up a theater parly at the Royd., Those present were: Mesdamea John K. Klnwln, of Oshkoah, Clyde Hhropnhlre of Naahville, J. Anilrew of Waterloo, Jamea Cruel nberry of Chlcano, J. T. Haye of Davenport. Arthur Thomason, W. A. Autrey. Fdward Hanlnn, iV. A. Itourke. Meadanies Jamea MctHII, of iJenver. D. HI. IniKiiale of fieattle, Chafles Khbets of Ilrnnklyn, C. C. Ellia of MiiKktisee. ! A. M. Pulford. of Winnipeg, Pstrlek lUsan, of Brooklyn, J. M. 8h1 of Memphis. B V. Parrlah. Miss Irene Ktank of Jackson Mich. To Honor Bride. ' Miss Kathleen Ttusaell entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at her home In tha Helen apartments In honor of Miss Nell Creedon, who will be married No vember to Mr. Walter Kronek. The table decorations were of pink roses and covers were placed for Sight guests. Linen Clnb Organised. The S. W. I c. Unen club was organ ised at the home of Mrs. J. Milnn Khay In Benson Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent In playing lilch five. Mrs. C. B. Roberta will unleitaln th net meeting of tha elub Wednesday, November , at her home . 2438 Ellison avenue. Members of this club ar resi dents of Florence, Benson snd Omaha. They are: MesiJnmes J. J(. CWIna, . O. W. Iredale. J. A. Young, J. Milton Hhsy. B. P, Fyre. R. N. Ulover, Mesjatnes William Ileal d, P. Mehrens. W. M. Mack. H. Holierts, r. Q. Pulllvan C. W. Waterman. Plewurei pait ' Miss Ethel Miles was honor guest at a surprise party Thuraday evening. Muslo and various games were the entertain ment of the evening. Later th guests attended, tha theater. Those present wers: . i 4 v'- 4 ft f , X ' - i . '-. i H .- - Miller aar Moarr In Heraree! Have HI l.aua.MIUer lrrl, with Omaha as llead-qaariera. tn 3) Omaha l to be the hull of a big the atrics' eloi k c rcult within a short time, accord, ng to an announcement msile by Charles AM!e'. leading n-.nn in ti.e I-ang-l;ller stock compsm', now playing st the Boyd theater. Negotiations are nw on to establish stok conipanle in six or eight large cities, -Including Omaha, Dcn- Omaha should reflect Its Individuslity snd the character of its people tn Its buildings, in its parks snd boiaevsrds. In a rystem of city p'.enn ng In general, ac cording to Outson Ttorglum, th noted xcjlptor f New Yoik, who spoks at the Commercial club at noon. Tha members of the O.uoha Fine Ana society were out in force and the house waa crowded. John ! Kennedy Introduced the speaker. "You here in , Omaha ar l.l miles farther away from Europe than we nr tn New Tork, and there In New York we are ao cloeo to Europe that our hhlU Inas 'airly reek with the architecture of ver. letro!t. phi'ndelphla. The other! ancient Egypt. Greece snd ltom. But cities whore Lsng-.VIller houses will beihr yci ar away from that '.nfi'tcnee. cutabllshed will b announced as avjti as deals now pending for theatrical prop erties are conMimmated. The efilei'pHee will call for an Immense I amount of capital, but this Is alrest!? pro vided and the Lang-Miller stock circuit Is already an araured fact, Mr. Mllier de clared. The I.ansMiller company here will be a fixture, but Mis Lang and Mr. Miller, will divide their time among the various Lang-Miller theaters. "The public wants aubstsntial dramatic offerings," declared Mr. Mllier, when naked about the project. "This much Is sufficiently proven by our success since I the opening of the engagement at the I Boyd. In the last two or three seasons there hus boen a deuith of good road st tractions. i "One vital phase of the new enterprise will be the production of new ptays. The win oe our exclusive property and win o produced only on our circuit." The big' Broadway theater In Denver is the latest Lang-Miller acquisition It la announced that the present Inten tion Is to niaks Omaha tha headquarters of the circuit. You rheuld get away from It. More you have a great fertile stste, with a vondr ful history. Tou have or shouid have a great Individuality In your rwl- from tha Influence of the east and of Kurope. Let this be reflet 1 in your puhlle works. In your public bvildlnsf. In your parks. The life of a -Ky ought always to represent the life of Its ' peo ple. . "Go at It. Plan, lay out your city. You have a wonderful opportunity. It Is not a difficult thing. Th'a city has men and women of character. It has men and women who have a story. Yhat story and the character of the people of the city should get Into the city a billillngs." TRANSGRESSORS FINED IN THE FEDERAL COURT Federal Judge Morris sentenced Emesf Brown to sixty days 'In the county JU snd gsve him, a tlCO fine for sending opium through the mails. John Flts glbbon and Oeorge Casey were sentenced to sixty days snd fined 1150 and costs each, as was slsa W. 8. Wagner, charged with us'ng the malls to defraud. ECONOMIC LEAGUE TO - ELECT NEXT TUESDAY V .Sk 'a , 4 r;' 1 5 Mr. and Mr. E, Mlssea , Lulu Thompson. Maria .Thompaon. Holen Prenarry, tuadys Duhrsen, iithel Miles. - Messrs. Fdward Moore, Norval Petersen. Miles. Misses , Me'en Noon, Ethel Mortarlty. Alice Irwin. . Leola Petersen, Mers. to Wndswnrth, Aerna Haughman. For Mr. Winp. Mr. Walter Roberts entertained ' at bridge thla afternoon at her home- for Mrs. Frederick Wing of Hartford, Mloh., who is visiting at the home of hr par ents, Mr. and Mrs. a. P. Moorhaad. Bouquet of pink rosea and tha rom pom chrysanthemuma decorated the rooms. Mrs. Ilobeiis had four tables of players. Phi Eho Eiffm Reception. Tha Tota chapter of tha Thl Rho 0lgma fraternity win give a reception thla even to and Saturday evening at th chapter Fashion Hint Colleee Hero" Rehearsal. . Knthuslasm Is 'growing dally tn tha re- hearsals of "The College Hero." Several ' new groupa hava' teen added. ' An at tractive one formed last night, and led '"by'-Mlaa rVhlndrl waa tha group of so- rorltles and fraternities, Th French maids and the bellboys- rehearsed last ' twnirta. -"This group I headed by Miss Mildred Todd. ' This afternoon tha ten- n's jroup of boys snd girls, tha small joikrya, Mr. Kh'liards' group of ropho ' mores and Miss Kugrnia Vatteraqn's group of cafe girls rehearsed. The welt. erg and tea maids, led by Mr. Charlss " MaUon, 1 rehearse tonight, as also will ' Hin ttuse and her group of freshmen. ' Biandris Theatsr Partiei. The following reservations have been ir.ndu for tonight a perrormanoe at the , Brandcls, when May Itobaoo will t aeen for th firt time 1n' her new play, "Maitha-by-the-Dsj Mr. and' Mra. ' Ward Burgess, lox party for I If teen gutsts; Mr. and Mr. II. P, Whttroora. box party for ten guest a; A. B. Warreti, five; W. H. Clarke, four: J. W. Uodlck, four: JL M. Braunlng, four; J. A. Cav cr. four; C. J. Piatt, four; Joseph rSmlth, ti.t: W. A. Redlck. four. "rftl psrties also hsve been made P the afternoon performance of thla ' wall Vnown success. Reservationa hava been mad a follows: E. J. Brown, four; Mrs. Zacnary, four; v. J. O Brian, lour; Mr. Craig, four: Mra. Prgau, four; E. EL brure. four. ' ' Mrs. F. D. Wead will entertain sis gvcata at a bos party. M'aa Katherlne Moorhrsd will gtva a theater party. Saturday afternoon at tha Brandela In honor of Miss Augusta Mao ' Olafson, w ho la a gueat at the home of Mi, and Mrsy .Charles McDonald. ,Mlss M(Hrhesd will have six guests. Informal Luncbeoni Mrs. liumer Itobluaon entertained at luncluon today at her bom la honor of l.er sister, Mrs. Chambers of Columbus, . Nu.a wiiu Is her house guest Covers tvere laid for sis. Mia. RHis 13. Towl had four guests at . lunil'eon tolay for Mra. Frederick Wing of Heat' rd, Mich., Praraa Section to Meet Th drama seotloa of th Assooiatloa Af ,'lt.L.i.ta ilnmn.a will m.at tk. , , - ,.f .h. I.... ii J v. h... . . f" ACO!,TEl IB. k. Dundrs festurdsy mornlag at : of gold colored pussy willow taffeta la 6lock. IWn'i "Per Oynt" will be read this dame frock with a double tunle of b Mias Alice Coffman aed Btrlndliergs shadow aie. A sliawj collar of chllfoo Titrre Arc Tune and Tlms" by Mis Is ruffled with shadow lac. ' house at Forty-first street' and Dewey avenue. Thla affair Is the fraternity's house warming. ,.' . ' ' . i Maok-Mayer Wedding. The wedding of Miss Rose Mayer, I youngest daughter of Mr. and Mra. Adolph Mayer, and Mr. r. Charles Mack of Omaha took place Thursday morning at 9 O'clock at Ht. Bernard's church, Ben son. Rev. Father Buckles .officiated. Miss Carrie Mayer, sister of the bride, and Mr. John Mack, brother of tho groom, wera the attendants. After tha ceremony, a wedding break fast waa served at the home of the bride's parents rtt Sixty. sixth and Bryan streets, to a large number of guest. Mr. and Mra. Mack will be at home after December 1 In ttenson. Tha bride was gowned In a blue cloth suit with ha,t to match. Informal Dancing Party. Mrs. J. K. Traynor will entertain at an Informal dancing party this evening at her home for Miss Florence Martin, who leavea - Sunday , afternoon .to make her home In -Denver. There will be thirty guests. With thif Bridge Playert. V Mr. and Mrs.' Webster Mills will nter- tala at bridge thla evening at their horn. There wilt be eight tables of players. With the Dancing: Clubs. Tha Blxty-fflx club will give a dancing party tjila evening at Chambers' acad emy. Twenty couple living in Dundee have organised a dancing club ' to meet on altarnata Friday ewnings at Dundee hall. Tha first of the seilea will be given this evening and supper will be sarvud in the Intermission. Luncheon Thursday. Misa Catherine Moorhead was hosteaa at a, 'beautifully appointed luncheon at tha Ley a I hotel Thursday In henor of her Mich. "Tha centerpiece was a mound of 7 m Iff la.-' I r t to v n '. 1 t . w aw . V A $ For Women Am sister. Mrs. Frederick Wing of Hartford. Shawyer rosea and there were twelve guests. Dinner This Evening. 1 Mr. and Mi-s. Wnrd M. Burgess will entertain at dinner this evening at their home In lion lr of Miss Harriet Smith. The dinner w'll be followed by a theater party at the Brandels. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess will entertain for: . Miaaes Harriet Smith. Ann tllfford. Blanche Deuel, Meaara. Ben UallaRher, John Caldwell, Charlea Hamilton, Misses Kleunor Mackay, Frances tlochstct- ler. Measrs. Raymond Lowe, Frederick Dougherty. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bateman and family of Dundee will leave Omaha December 1 to make their home la Cleveland. Mrs. Bateman Is leader of the drama section J of the Astoclatlon of Collegiate Alumnae. Mr. Bateman a now in Cleveland, lint will return next week to make arrange- ' ments for tholr departure. Next Tuesday evening Prof. A. E. Sheldon, director of the Nebraska legis lative reference bureau, will speak before the Economic league at the court house on the Torrens' system of registering evidence , of land ownership, At this meeting the annual election of officers will be held. ' . rsisnrc sr 1 1 M 'B a a i tt. .W I I II III A II a a n i ' m s! . id a ja.h ri -"tv. viiti j ScM at tk TVrt Shops in Town Received Too Late For Friday Sale 75 Beautiful Trimmed Hats which will be placed on sale SATURDAY 00 at They are positively (food values that sll ordinarily the city over for $15.00 se?w.', WEAVE A FEW hats left from our. various sales that will be placed on sale Saturday. Some of these hats have been in stock for some time. CI AO THEY WERE MADE TO SELL PROM $6.00 TO $7.00, AT. ........ $1. tfO In and Out of the Bee Hive, t Mlis Florence Martin will leave Sunday afternoon for Denver, where she will make her future home. J. A, Murvroe haa gone to California and on his return will , be acoompanled by Mrs. Munroe, whq haa been spending the summer lat Long Beach. Miss Mao.Engler left this afternoon for Lincoln to attend th KanasNebraaka game. While In Lincoln aha will be tha guest of Mr. and Mi g. Warren Victor at the Lincoln hotel. ' MONSIGNOR COLANERI 'j ARRIVES AT NEW YORK; ! Blshup Scannell has leielved a mes- snge from Monslgnor C'dancrl at New t York, notifying him of his safe arrival" I from Euroae, wliere he has been 1 spend-j lug a number of month. He will arrlva tn Omaha about Monday. l!xi-' a4-44 Just Arrived "Nigger Brown" fawn, putty gray, "blue, jjnvn and ; black Over gaiter Button Boots. New Short Vamp Ef- Tbe tylt? creators' last look in ort the scaaon'ri latest footwear. Walk-Overs and know you aro correctly tlressed. i Q M JJ Bargains All Day Saturday at Hospe's Hundreds of brantl new--and many slightly used instruments specially priced in. plain figures. This is our 40th Anniversary Sale, and we are sure to win yocr confidence, if you will come and see these pianos now. A. Ml OS PE CO. - 1513 DOUQWA9 ST. , Get a family party Vatargay areata com iewa a ad ea taeaa Utstnuaaata. Bring this el wltk yon amd gt a Bio aoayaair. mmm l v ' v A 'lecti rALK YER S3.50 to $7-00 lhoeni Guaranteed Ht. For Men Walk-Over Boot Stiop 317 South 16th Street. j illllte j of all your 'Tor Rent" siens . Dy advertising ui uie rui Rent" columns of Sunday's Bee. You could well afford to spend one weed's rental in 3ecurin tenants, rather than lose 4 week's rent, but it won't cost you that much, merely a few cents, too trifling to mention. And yet it is the quickest and .the best known method of renting. Place your ad by telephone TYLER 1000 3 . . or we will send a solicitor if you wish to take advantage of the cash rates. THE OMAHA BEE "Evtrybody reads Be Want Add.'