Resinol Stops Itching Instantly HaJ KniptJons iui1 Hears Pimply, Blotchy Complexions. It ia a fact that hn lirsinnl Ointment touches it'-hlnfr skins, the Itrhinn slops Instantly and healing lx-Rlns. With ths Kid of Rpj-inol Soap. It nlmiwt alaya Wears a. nay every traca of orini. rlnt worm. pimples, or other tormertlnc. un alKhtly eruption quickly, leaving tho akin clear and healthy. Tteslnol Is not an experiment. It la a. doctor's prescription which rroved ao wonderfully successful for akin troubles that It has been vised by other doctor all over tha country for nineteen years. No other treatment for the skin now be fore tha publlo can show audi a record tt professional approval. Every druggist sells Resinol Ointment and Resinol Hoar. !-ut. for free aamplea writ to Dept. K-R, Keslnol. Baltimore, Md. . , f J I I HIE BEE: OMAHA. FJflDAV. NOVEMBER 1:1. 1!H4 r. Omaha's Greatest SALE OF MILLINERY Continues Here Friday. Many New Items Added for Friday's Selling. A J C W 'Tit-1" '' ' TRir.1F.lED HATS 57.50, $3.50 to $10.00 Values Se$2.97"c" 250 spick and span new hats added to the fine as sortment remaining from Thursday's sale for Friday. All fine silk and "Lyons" velvet frames, artistically trimmed with ostrich plumes, ostrich bands and garnitures, novelty, feathers, furs and flowers.x .Although most of these hats are black a good assortment of colors are shown,, including , pur ples, greens, blues, browns, King O e or g ej red,' wind (Monsoon), ete., the greatest values ever. "Lyons" Velvet Shape $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50 values, all at one price, A J ft each A big special purchase from Edson, Keith & Gage Bros., hand , bloc k ed shapes, in large, medium and small styles; mostly black but a nice assortment of colors. Nobby Velvet Turbans To $2.50 values, choice. . .49t Made of nice 'quality fcilk velvets in a. dozen close fit ting turban style's, in black only. Misses'. Hats,' $2.5) values, at ........ .........98c Silk, plush and velvet shapes, prettily trimmed with IJoman stripe ribbons! Children's $2.00 and $2.50 values at .......... .49c Plush and velvet shapes, trimmed with ribbons and flowers. $5.00 Ostrich Plumes; black or white, at ... .. . .$2.49 $4.00 Ostrich Plumes; blaek or white, at ....... $1.G9 $2.00 Ostrich Plumes; black or white, at G9f BBIEF CITY NEWS XJfbttag- riatnraa, nurgc-(lraitton Oa Itdalltj Storsg Co- Pong. BBS. Iiti Boot Frtnt It Now l'.eacon Treja j Beantlfnl AU Kodera Somas for Bala ' on the easy payment plan. Rmikera Ileahy InVmtmtnt Co. I'hone loug. 2:. A Battar location lor your office can not bo found when yoil aelect Tb Mee inilldlnr. the builitntc that , la always new. office room 1"3. Todays Complata Kol Ingram-' elnatlfied aectlon today, and appears In The Bee EXCI.L'SIVI-XT. Find out what tha vnrloua moving picture thentcra offer. Will Da-aoa for Bad Croat A benefit liaJl Is to bo Riven next Sunday night at Mets' hall fur the (iermAn-Austrliwi-HuriRarlan Red Crf fuml. Hungarian gypsy music Is promised for the dancers. Mrs. aiamcafelA Backs Sanarti Mm. Gussle Bluineiifeld. wife of Arthur, has brought suit against Meyer Klein. Harry RoaenMiini and Morris V. Prisman for JlO.OfO damages for selling her husband liquor. Aaks Xsary Samaras for Black Sjrs Alleging that Kay and Dallas Baker gave him a black eye as he whs leaving the Christian church at Trvlngton. Charles K. Smith ha brought suit against them for Jl.dX) in district court. Tea Join Army In One Day The Omaha army recruiting station had a l lg day Wednesday, when ten men were sent to Fort Ingan, Colo. Iist June the record mark was made with eleven. Of the ten sent six are from Omaha, four from IJncoln. Nebraska Hitchcock Says Was Good-Victory (From a Staff, Correspondent.! LINCOLN. Nov. 12. (Special.) The democratic victory In Nebraska la looked upon by Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock as an endorsement of President Wilson, while the big democratic loss In the lower house of congress Is also given by the senator as an Indication that the people endorse the policies of the president, all of which goes to show' that Nebraska's senior senator believes In taking things good-naturedly. ! ' Senator Hitchcock was In Lincoln tndav and cabled at tho elate house to pay hit respects to Governor Morehead and to congratulate htm upon his re-election. The senator believes the reduction in the big democratic majority In the house of representatives to be due entirely to tho effects of the war In Europe, and that the democratic administration was not 'responsible for the- loss in congress men. Tho coming back of Uncle Joe Can non and the rest of the republican con gressmen who went down In the Teddy veltsn disaster two years ago, hn nays Is Just the result coming in an "off year," and really was not as bad as the sx-.iator had expected. EXPENSE LISTS ARE FILED Candidates on State Tickets Reveal What Campaign Cost. MORE DEPUTTSHirS TO GIVE OUT Report t.alaa Cavrenrr that Oe feateal hf mnrni t a re to Re t.lren Place fcy 4ke More ereaafal Uiri. QUEER QUIRKS IN CASS ELECTION EXPENSES WKKl'lNlS WATKH, Nen . Nov. 1 (SiwIaJ -S.nne !ntcr-s'lng figures ate allowing UP in the pjmhw mvminlii ! which are being filed lth the county ! clerk of tlil county by the v arious mer who ran for ol'ilce In the county at the recent election. The highest amount I shown ty the repmts that are In so far ta Sim reported by William I'uls of " in lay, defeated rtemmrutlc ramilrtate for representalh a from the I'lghth district. i ne lowest amount la S reported by H. I. Clement o. EIor1, defeated r-puh'tcan andiilato for county coroner, t'rn of the tnoat Interest'Tig com) arlson In the items listed by the various candldstea Is the hntig of $22 silent for poster by one randldate and 2: centa spr it for lli some purpiwe by another candidate, rer un pa the most curious thing shown by tho recorda la the fact that the S'Mallt candidate fr county commissioner. H. I .-"tine, of Cnlon. did what in ght be co'mt'd quite antl-eocaltlc -peld the high prlr nt over rente apiece for the votes he reciircd. lie reports an errna of 113. an. I the record show tit t he re ceived but vot. I in ORGANIZED AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES TO HAVE BANQUET (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 12. (Special.) The ban quet to be given by tho twenty-five so cieties ' composing Organized Agriculture will be a distinct feature next January. The respresentatlves . of ' the various so cieties voted to combine their efforts In the banquet line and unite in one demon stration in the interests of agricultural, horticultural, live stock and dairy pro duction. H. yv. McGlnnis of Lincoln la the' chair man of the banquet committee and will plan the event. Leading agricultural, fruit, dairy and live stock experts from all parts of the country will be pre Rent and will attend the meetings of Organ ized Agriculture Janury 18 to S3.!' Notes from Broken Bow. BROKSN.BOW, Neb.. Nov. 13.r Spe cial.) Judge Hosteller is sitting in dis trict court this week. The term is a Jury one, but there are few criminal cases on the docket. The cane of Frank Jacquot against the Burlington railroad In which the plaintiff asks damages for the burn ing of a grain elevator at Ansel mo aome time ago, occupied two daya of the week. After the evidence was in. Judge Hoa tetler tock over the case and Instructed the Jury to find for the defendant. The city council has decided to give the young people' plenty of recreation th's winter and ordered that portion of the North Side park be flooded when cold weather sets In so as to form a large skating ( rink. Electroliers bave lately been placed In the park so there wrlll be plenty of Illumination. The city. will con duct the rink" st Its 'own exprf ie. : A proposition has been submitted by the electric light people that If the coun cil will give them the contract of pump ing the city water for- the balance of their franchise they will put- In a S10.0O0 municipal aewer system. .The matter is being considered. ' News Notre ( McCook. M COOK. Neb.. Nov. 12. (SpeclaU Ira L. Clark of Freedom, Neb., and Mrs. Lena Cover of Boulder, Colo., were mar ried here t'jday by County Judge F. M. Colfcf. The Burlington company has a force of men here employed In disinfecting Its btix'k cars on thin division as a rrecau. t'on against the foot and mouth dijeae prevailing In the east, and stock dis case 3 found to prevail in limited parts of northwestern Nebraska. Notes from base C'oaaty. BEATRICE, Neb.. Nov. i:. (Speclal.) Mrs. Olive Tllton. wife of A. C. Tllton. a prominent farmer of the Filley vicinity, died suddenly at her home Wednesday afternoon. She was born In Ogle county, IllinolH, August 13, IViT, and had lived In Gage county since 1S78. She Is survived by her husband and seven children The claim of John Hurts against the estate of his father, the late Peter llurtz ot I:arneaton, was disallowed by Judge Pembcrton In the district court Wednes day. The case hud been appealed from the county court and may go to' the su preme court. Peter Hurts left an estate valued at S4j.Pt) to six of his children, and claims amounting to nearly thai sum were filed against the estate some tiim ago which were disallowed by the county court. County Winners Sherman County Count Judge. K. A. fcmitti; clerk. L. ti. Polska. d-m.; sheriff. I.. A. V;11ihi:i. reo. : treasurer. K. M. Henry, rep.; superv isors. Wenzel J cl ips!,!. cVni.',YV. O. Hrowti. rep.: K. K. Kisl. rtp.: and F. F. Richmond, rep.; eoroner, lr . 8. Main, rep. : surveyor. V. B. O'MT.lmr. dciri : Lwriitend-iit, V '1. ''ur.-ier. dem.; attorney, LaJlunt 1-t-ritiers. dem. I .cup County County Judge. C. J Cc,pr, lerl;. P. 1. Cheesnnan. d-.n.; flieiiff, li. A. Evan, dem.: treHurr. II. A. Adams rep.: aur-ervlsors. John Bnie, rvp. : T. It. 1 ergus. n. iKin. ; roruner. T (From a ft aft Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 1?. SpeclaU Candi dates for office 'ai beginning to make their statements of expense for election purposes, the following being filed today: Thomas L. Call (rep.), railway commissioner Sid4.J O. S. Sptllmnn dep.). congress, Third district 63fi.? W. M. Maupin (dem.), railway com missioner 316.04 Piin Stephens tdcm.l. congress, Third district M.St A. O. Thonia (rep.), state superin tendent tS.91 C. F. Keavis (rep.), congress. First district 2t.i0 8. R. Barton (rep.), congress. Fifth district . o2r..u0 A. )l. Blgelow, treasurer progresnlve congressional committee. Second district, received S- and Snt 12-40. Otbeira May tiet Look la. The early snnouncemcnt of Oeorge Hall, treasurer-elect, that he had tendered the deputyshtp In his office to Mr. Eaatham, defeated candidate for land commissioner, gives rlre to the rumor that all three democratic candidates on the state ticket who failed to land will be taken care of. These are Will M. Maupin. who was a candidate for railway commissioner, and P. M. Whitehead, defeated candidate for state superintendent. Mr. Maupin was tabor commissioner under Governor Shallenberger and la quoted as saying that he would accept tho sanm position again and the only one he would cans to monkey with. Juat what position would go to Mr. White head Is not known. Mr. Whitehead la now superintendent of the cltj- school at Gothenburg, dra ing a salary of S1.400 a year. A deputyshtp pays $1.W a year and there are Juat three left, attorney general, auditor and secretary of slate. Candidates for the speakership are still getting Into the race, the last being Fred Hoffmelaler of Chase county. Mr. Hoff melster 'was one of the few really good presiding officers during tho last session of the house and feels that he stands a show. We're Selling Cotton Felted Mattresses Far Cheaper Than the Regular Prices Asked (or Mattresses of Equal Grade THIS SALE IS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY $16.75 for This Brass Bed Guaranteed Satin finish lacquer 2-Inch rontlnuotig posts, a quali ty never before sold for such a pric. Special Prices on Brass Beds at S8.75, $12.75,' $14.75, 316.75, $29.50. Come ta and see them. 4"i lb. Cotton felt mattivssos, mil odpo $5.75 45 lh. Cotton felt mattresses, roll edge $7.00 50 lb. Cotton felt mattresses, Imperial roll edge, 4 rows of st itching $S.75 50 lb. Cotton felt matt resses, Imperial roll edgetJ 4 rows of twitching, extra quality ....$10.50 Ostermoor mattress, regular $15 and $18 grades . .$9.75 GO lb. Oslermoor, regular $30 quality .$13.75 Orchard & Wilhelm Go. mm ews' Votes of Edgar, EDGAR. Neb.. Nov. 12. (Fr.erlnl tR,w Gllpen, driver on W. U Hochrltncr's gro cery wagon, was painfully Injured this afternoon as tho result of a runaway. .Samuel Currenthas bought the Wal roth stock of funilti're of A. II. Barker and will take possesion immediately. Miss Vera Linstrom gave a piano re cital in the Presbyterian church ll right, the occsslon being her graduation iroin the tenth grade In Instrumental piano music under Mrs. Johnson. TVhea Baby Has tho Cronp. When a mother is awakened from sound Bleep to find her child, who has gone to bed apparently In the beat of health, struggling for breath, she Is naturally alarmed. Tet If she can keep her presence of mind and give Cham berlain's Cough Remedy every ten min utes until vomiting is produoed. quick re lief will follow and tho child will drop to sleep to awaken in the morning aa well as ever. This remedy has been In ns for many years with uniform success. Ob. tainable everywhere. Advertisement. Do You Pant a Really Ex- traordinary Piano Bargain? Not speaking particularly from a standard of low price, but from the exceptionally high qualities at the low prices. Friday VJo Begin Our Annual Pre-13oSiday Piano Olearance Sacrificing pries on present stocks to make room for heavy ship ments soon due. Come in as soon as possible, let us show you what we count some of the best piano values shown in Omaha for many months. Critically examine and test the quality of our of ferings. Compare them with instruments shown elsewhere we know the result will satisfy us both. HERE ARE A FEW OF MAtlY SPECIALS i 1 Bush & Qert . ..$100 I Chickering & Son $125 1 Baldwin ........$195 I Weiler .$175 I Wegman .$150 1 Steinway $300 1 Wellington .....$175 1 Carlton . $125 Sale of Women's Gloves i Next Saturday Many other new and used Pianos shown at remark able bargain prices for quiek clearance. Don't delay Come now. No matter what your selection we guarantee you satisfaction Harmaa files Report. LINCOLN, Nov. 12. (Speclal.)-Tha re port of C. E. Harman, commissioner of the oil, food and dairy department, for the month of October shows receipts of 13,124.57. Most of this Came from oil In spections which amounted to $7,029.94. There were 1,601 Inspections made in all during the month, fifty-five sanitary or ders written and eleven complaints received. Real Relief from suffering means true hap piness. The trouble due to indi gestion and biliousness, ia removed quickly, certainly and safely by 'THAT ALL woiiien will profit by waiting for. A sale in which such big. values will be offered that it will be an evidence, of real friendship to advise one another about it. 1)200 Pairs of Women's Kid Gloves Worth Up To $2.25 Pr., $n 0 0 17i.ii r .ia viuji.. s. . 1. 8 TIF"" - i I it I aPr. Will Be Sold Saturday at n These gloves are of real French kid, made in Grenoble. France, by the fore- Ri most Glove Makers of Europe. (We are not per- K mitted to publish the name.) S They are full pique sewn, with smart 4-row silk em- 3 broidered barks; The embroideries oorae in the same ? color as the glove and also in contrasting shades. Every pair Is u clean, frettli, new, desirable and ponltlvely guaranteed. Please put 3 tbis sale down in your notebook as the ftrn thing to attend to Bat 1 iifila. mnrnlnir Eiaydon Oros rasa w" Vp,i'iv d. n urn. rli. : s'lfirl n y, rev uViu : s-irveyr. V. K. l!ol Ifllf'rl.l lli.liol 'I U. miuriicy, a. a. U'juti, rey SAFETY FIRST Alamito Pasteurized Milk is SCIENTIFICALLY PASTEURIZKD every day. this meaus heating to 150' holding at this temperaturo for a given length of tame aud then, immediately cooling. Nothing is added to the milk, nothing is taken from it. , . Pasteurized Miik is just as WHOLESOME and Di gestive as raw milk and it also, renders you absolute MILK INSURANCE at NO ADVANCE COST over ordinary milk. Call Donglas 400 NOW. ALAMITO DAIRY Is the name of the doll we will give this week ISP t"'"' V-''--'' """"""" mu,m,Z n. IT." ' TO'sjWllaWIMW Sold varywkera. la ba . 10c., XSe. ni-- - i.iii..i. i mmmi i 0. . .. II T I I in tj si as S4 n i iis - . i AS .11 laMaaiMaiiiMM. II lujiiusuaji nit in i i I j ( The wonderful RIBBON Number OneWa'e which opens at 9:30 ( Friday morning. No Woman Should Miss This f ( Another of the great Kid Number Two 1 Glove Sales for which this (store is famous. This Sale Starts at 8:30 A. M. Saturday The distressing condition' in Europe affecting the glove indu.stry Feriously, should druw the special attention of women to this remark able offering. QUALITY CONSIDERED, it is likely to bo many a long dav ere such values are offered again. 4 I i I ) i Our Busy Little Bees A ? hi "e. 'k kaWMM BsteSBtsSSII 1 ' Slio is 25 inches high', j hris beautiful eyes and hair aud clothes that will make any little girl delighfed YirriuU wUI a. givsa i ' ta tbs Uttia rttl. uafltr 10 7ars of ' aa, ' tbat brtng-s bt mails as tba larrst anmb.r of oU's plotar.s eu oul of tbs Bally aa Basaar Saa b.fsra 4 p. sn. Batur- ' .ay, rovamb.r 14. . ... Her picture will be in The Dee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask 'yout; friends to save the pictures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures r ir; i: - i 1 ut ii ujiu. ) uu cau get. W vj and be sure to turn them in i'j xnt; ifu 01 nee ue fore 4 ) in., Saturday, November 14. , If you don't win this Dollla. pcrhapa you n set on next wtalt. Only ondoU will l given to any on paraoav 4 ll You can see Virginia at The Bee Officc