Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1914, Image 1

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War News Cables
In Addition to
The Omaha Daily
VOL. XI.1V xo.
Oa Train and at
Hotel Raw Standi, Bo.
Schedule to Call for Fourteen Games
Less of Playing This Season
Than Last
Western Magnates Agree to Live Up
to the Salary Allowance for
Each Team.
Will Also Cut Down the Number of
Umpires to Five.
Wichita and Toprk Will Still Be
In the Lrafgr Brrftr, to Keep
Wichita, bat Topeka May
Have .New Owners.
The final meeting of the Western
league. was held at the Paxtou hotel
yesterday and all business ni ad
Justed for the Inauguration of the 1915
season. The must lmj ortant legislation
ai the rediu'tlon In the number of
games. It was agreed to play 154 games
this year, instead of 165 as last year.
The season will open on April 23 and
close September 19. Fourteen game' dit
f rence In the. schedule will cut ex
penses considerably, reducing player
salaries and lowering traveling expenses.
The league agreed to abide Btrlctly by
the salary and player llrrlt rulings, pro
vided by the national association. The
Western limit U $2,800 and fifteen flayers,
except the first twenty days of the sea
son, when they will be allowed to carry
twenty-five players.
Cat Down I'raplm, Too
Practicing further economy. It waa de
cided to carry but five umpire Una year,
one to work In each game and one held at
some central point, probably Omaha, for
reserve in case of Injury or sickness to
one of the regular staff. The Idea is to
work but one umpire, but to obtain
better quality of workmanship. One
umpire, who was In this league last
J ear, waa unanimously agreed upon by
the clubs) to be a desirable umpire. That
waa Charley Van (sickle, who came to
Continued on Page Three, Column Six.)
Germans Helping
Americans Give Out
Relief to Belgians
LONDON, Nov, 14-Jarvl B. Bell of
New 'York, the first member of tha
American commission for relief In Bol
guirn to return from Belgintn sine the
distribution of relief began, states that
instead of hampering the efforts to re
lieve the starving population, the German
authorities are doing . their utmost to
assist the commission In Its work.
In Belgium the shipments of food
stuffs consigned V the American min
ister. Brand Whltloe'. and In care of
tha commission, " are permitted to pro
ceed with minimum delay.
Mr. Bell praises equally the Dutch of
ficials for their assistance in the matter
of food shipments, in the caae of Cob
Unx, the first American relief ship to
arrive, ' the officials suspended the law
momentarily and for the first tine In
history a ship was permitted to discharge
Its cargo at a Dutch port on Sunday.
gun in position. Photo last to be taken before assaulting j
action of the Japs. j
I I'"""1 , f
ataxia $84
.-- v's; . 'jAliit ,A xi
Passport Carried by Lody Taken from
Chicagoan by German Foreign Office
PI PAR (V FNPMY' 1 ,n,'A,i- Nv ,:v '"''-irs a . ti.kus.
vjJjLflll lr DllDllll jthe Chl.-amwn whoso American pnairt
. was lound on the prison of tarl linns
Official T.rJ l.v Wear!. tfly. x nitcd in the tower of london as
Vtiv(i vinu 1 1 1 1 V c o i v i j axi(u t
quarters Asserts Allies Driven ,r"",M "''
I Ills niMnrl In
ACrOSS ItlVCr. ; rates the tiernian f(. reign office sn.l Is
j bring investigated hv the State depart-
700 FRENCH SOLDIERS TAKEN ! " l wsi,inKton.
InsMls. who returned to his home here
... , 4 .; few dnvs aso after a pnilonned sojourn
Attacks of Confederates in Forest of i , ,,M-. caught m h. nm when
lod;t told how he loal
Herlln. Ills story tnipll-
Argonne SaiM to Be Beaten
Back. by Teutons.
Hie war broke out He took his pass
port to the tiermnn foreign office to have
It approved, lie Imniled It to a rlerk,
rxpertlnc that In due course of routing
it would be returned to the American
riulia shy
It failed to reappear, however, and
after considerable delay lie got a sec
ond document, by means of which he was
able, to leave Uermnny.
The paper contained a description of
Inglls, which Is said also covered the
features of the spy
French War Office Declares
Positions Maintained.
Ittisftlnn t'nmtniinicntlon Telia of
llattles of Si-eonilnry lutpiirt
anee tieourrliiw lit llealon
flf KnIIsk.
HKH1.1N. Nov. ('ia Loiplon.) -tier-man
g'iirrjil lietpl'piiirters I-uhuo the fol
lowing: "The enemy advanced from Nlriiport
as far ns l.oinbai Ttzyde, but was driven
ftSross tin) Yri'. The eastern bank of
the Yser as fu" n the sen la now clear
Of the enemy.
"Our attack a roiiH the Yser canal to
Bolltli IMxinude Is proKrcsainii.
'In the region cast of Vines we have
Reports from Paris Indicate that
Bloody Struggle is Yet Some
Distance from Decision.
Frenrh I'laore l.lvlna: I p One I'oal.
tlon I llepaid hy I'mgrrM of
llelalans tlimu Meuport
Oatrml Host.
PA III 9. Nov. li-Tho battle In Flan
ders Is as far as ever from a derision.
according to the official enmmunleatliina
and Judging iront stories told hy eye
witnesses arriving from the battle front.
The Or rmn ns have given an emphatic
,. . , , . ,, . i twiiiai oi wi reporia inai tnejr were in
advanced lurtlu r and captured TOO Wrench I ... ,,, K ... , ..
....... , , ,, retreat by carrying IMxinude, on the Yser,
Five Crews of Government Men Ex
pect to Have All Located at
Least by Friday Noon.
Spvculatojra Do Little Business
with the Expectation of Being
In Strong; When the Market
Oprai Next Monday.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 Cablegram
direct from the commander of the cruis
er North Csrollna and Tennessee to
day brought word to the Navy depart
ment that all was well aboard these two
American warships In the Mediterranean
and denied that marines or bluejackets
had been landed by the North Carolina
at Beirut, Syria.
' For three days the department had been
flooded with messages from friends and
relatives of men on the cruisers who
were alarmed by published rumors that
the North Carolina had been blown up
hy a mine In Turkish waters. On ac
count of Interrupted cable service there
had been no communication with the ves
sels for more than a week.
By this noon the last of the suspected
Chicago cattle In Nebraska will have been
traced down and reported upon to the
Bureau of Animal Industry In Washing
ton.' Free erews vf government men are
out within a radius of 150 miles tracing
down a load of cattle which came through
Nebraska from the Chicago yards within
the last six weeks. Bo far the cattle of
this shipment inspected have proved to
be In first class condition and It Is gen
erally admitted now that Nebraska will
come through the sjege without ono caae
of the foot and mouth disease.
As coon as the suspected shipments
have been canvassed and reported on to
Washington It is expected that the bureau
of animal Industry will be In a mood to
receive a request for the raising of the
quarantine In western Iowa.
However, the quarantining of western
Iowa has had Its good side as far as the
Nebraska and Wyoming Institutions
Object to Allegiance to Kansas
City Reserve.
twelve miles north of Tpres, and on the
road to liunklrk. which the Herman are
striving to aitatn. French bluejackets
at IMxmude had held the town against
soldleit. four cannon and four machine
"The enemy' nttaekx in the forest of
Argonne were n pulsed.
irive mirk II .Inn.. jthein in the fa.e of floree attack for
"In the eastern theater of the war our,thp n8t wpki but wpro flillUly compH,.j
cavalry operating near Kalis have driven to sive wv. Thn -Hie.- ....
which made a;,,,.ivo thr (jprn,anB oui ftKnln nave thui
far failed.
back the HiiMaian cavulry.
fresh advance.
"Vienna headcpiarterfl report that In thel
On the rest of the front, a far a the
.,v,k,,i . hkhhihi i I.ys river, the situation, according to
the Avians between November 6 and 11. Iatt tactically un-
4, AW prisoners were taken. j r,RnK(Xj
.b"t.'T,B.',t,n"'," hP'l',,',,:,r,:,;" , r;''; A. I! principal action latterly ha
second line of the Hussian tHisltlons. Ac
cording to reH)its of prisoners the morale
of the Russians Is very bad.
Two Hundred and Five Oat of the
Two llondred and Eighteen In
State Ask Board to Chsnie
the Jurisdiction.
"Turkish troops which have crossed the
Egyptian frontier have occupied El Arlsh
and Hhelkzar."
Hold All Positions.
PARIS, Nov. 11-The orrirlal communi
cation Issued by the French war office
tonight wafl as follows:
"To the north wo have held -all our
positions. The enemy has sought to de
bouch from IMxmude by a night attack,
but has been repulsed.
"We have resumed the offensive against
the enemy, who had crossed the River
Yser, and have driven him hack at all
points except at one place, where ho or
Of the 218 national bank In Nebraska
3i have signed a petition to the federal
reserve board aaking to be removed from I cupPB tr(tm 300 to 300 meters on the right
ino xvansas ' uuy reserve aisirici ana
placed in the Chicago district. Of the
the center we have gained some
thirty national banks In Wyoming twenty. ,round ln tlMI n.Kion of Tracy-I-e-Val. to
eigne nave signed tno same petition, me
petition has been formally prepared and J (Continued on Fage Tw
has Just been forwarded to Washington.
Five days after the petition is filed a
brief must be, filed. The federal reserve
board will then probably set a date upon
which the Omaha and Wyoming bankers
will be given a hearing on this matter.
Judge W, D. Mcliugh has been retained
to make the argument for the Nebraska
and Wyoming bankers when the case
comes up for hearing.
In the meantime the first Installment
of the percentage of Omaha deposits has
been forwarded to the reserve bank In
Column Four.)
Every Turkish Ship
Is in Command of
German Officer
I centered to a large extent around lMx-
mudo, the Germans arc entitled to claim
the advantage, but the French are
stmngly posted In the vicinity, and the
possession of the village so far has
avrJled ihem but little.
The setback at IMxmude, In the opinion
expressed here. Is somewhat compensated
for by the progress made by the Belgians
along the Nleuport-Ostend road. if fol
lowed up, this advance apparently would
threaten the Qemisn flank.
East and soutn of Vpres the Germans
seem to have found fresh masses of
troops to hurl into the murderous fray,
but the allies seem to be holding their
own. The country here Is undulating,
well wooded and covered with a multi
tude of farms, which are surrounded by
large emis. Th village are few and
small and most of the population I cen
tered on these farms, which are distant
from each other, at the most, frr: COO to
.".00 yards.
These innumerable and solidly-built
(Continued on Page Two Column Four.)
IvONDON. Nov. 12. An Englishman
long a resident of Constantinople, which j
city ne leu on .ovemoer i, lias arnveu
In London, lie says that In addition to
the crews of the cruller Ooeben and Bres
lau nearly 3.000 German officers are In
Two months
Labor Federation
is Asked to Act on
Colorado Situation
Blow cattle market. This is partly due
Kansas City in compliance with the cur
1 I I. i nnonniu1 T riw avan U'ltn l trill IT 1 tx, TV . I ciiuil k liitJ in a 1 ill., v iiit 11 1 a
.u ...TV ' .,. to determine whether Omaha is to re- " Turkish naval service
m nu me " "-j- I L. o t. Buv. nil Iho llnrmnn rlrla of
have been a number of holdover due to main in m rwanHas .ny uisinci or 10 ,-"" - - ... Z '
removed to me intcago district, tne
Omaha banks will comply with every re
quirement of the law in forwarding their
percentage of deposits and reserves to the
reserve bank at Kansas City.
No Chans; at Opening.
When the reserve banks open next Mon-
(Contlnueo. on Page Two, Column Five.)
Albert Law. Upheld
Save on Two Points
By Supreme Court
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. in. Friday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Partly cloudy; cooler.
Tempera tores at
na Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
rO It.' St 6 a. in 4T.
V 't(5L'2y 7 a. m 4i
ifiXl' " W
V W , W a. m !
rS) 10 a. m 62
3-vSrl' 11 a. m R7
frZlJ pv. 12 m 3
y ' 1 P- m "i
i oCLOUW ) a p. m 1
V . .if 4 p. m .
i V jf 5 u- m M
ri-4&'- 7 p. m ,vt
S p. m 59
(Frohi a Staff Correspondent.)
I.INCOIN. Nov. 12. (Special Tcle
gram.) The supreme court reverses It
self and the Douglas county district
court in the Unit hotel case. In 'Omaha,
In which both had held that the p'ace
had been conducted as. place of prosti
tution. The supreme court now holds that the
I A warn nnl llfflrbnt And Mimflll I
the case back for furtber trial. The ho-V"" P"" ? h,!lr
tel had been closed by the former order
of the court.
The court expressed Its approval of
the Albert law, under which the suit
was brought, except as to two points,
neither of which would Invalidate the
In the opinion the court efers to the
police officials, and wonders if they were
sincere in attempting to start in on the
worst houses in the city by saying:
"It may be the authorities of Omaha
have begun with the most shameless
bawdy houses In the city, but the evl-fact."
day. November 16, no change will be wit
' nessed In the local banks. Iocal hankers
1 say there will be nothing to Indicate that
I the federal reserve banks have opened,
I as there will be no bands playing and no
! demonstration of any kind,
j "The people will not know there Is a
. federal reserve hank In existence," said a
1 local banker," and the banks themselves
! will not know It so far as any Immediate
local effect Is visible."
When the Kansas City reserve bank
finally gets all Its allotted reserve from
its member banks together with the ul-
it win;
1 have some $20,000,000.
Omaha bankers say If the rate of Inter
est Is made- low enough by the reserve
bank, some Omaha banks may borrow
soma of the money.
public and private establishments were
taken over by the military authorities
and placed in rhargn of the telegraph
and postal departments and the censor
ship. He adds:
"Kvery Turkish "hip has a German offi
cer In command. It waa a mistake that
the khedlve was not allowed to return to
Egypt some time ago, where he could
have carefully watched developments,
whereas In Constantinople he Is the ren
ter of Intrigues of discontented Arabs of
the nationalist party and Germans."
nun 1 1 1 nmn rn Dii(uri C
iiwu nuixuncu ouont-uo
Comparative. Local Record.
1914. 1913. 1912. 1911.
vmterdav 71 M 4 1
Lowest yesterday 44 37
iAUn temnerature "S 44
' Art
.00 .U0
TemDerature and precipitation depar
ture from the normal:
Normal temperature
Excess for the day 1
Total excess since March 1 M
Normal precipitation 01 Inrh
l.eflrienry for the day 04 Inrh
Total rainfal since March 1... .34. 40 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 3.44 Inches
Deficienc y for cor. period. IMS. . 7.4i Inches
lielrlency for cor. period. 191?. . 3.23 Inches
Brporta from Mtattoua at T t. M.
Mat ton and Slate. Temp. High- Raln-
of Weather. 7 P- m. est. fall
Cheyenne, clear W 0 .
Davenport, clear 4 00
Denver, partly cloudy M . .()
I Moines, clear 6 .ft)
Dodge 'ltv. clear W 71 .
North Platte, clear '! iA .01
Oman, clear & l .
Rapl 1 City, partly cloudy 44 51 .01
Sheridan, cloudy SS 4i ...1
Sioux City, clear 4 s .
Valentine, clear H. .Vi 0)
U WKLH. Local Forecaster.
Austrians Repulse
Russians in Fight
Near Czernowitz
BERLIN, Nov. lZ-(Via London. )-The
Frankfurter Zeltung has received the fol
lowing dispatch regarding the 'reported
defeat of the Russians near Czernowltx,
capital of the AuMrli prlvince of
"The Austria made an unexpected
MACON. Ga.. Nov. 12-Four brothers, movement crossing tne i-rut, a rew kiio-
Kr. r.f ik. b,.' pr, rlnh of r.enr. ' meters iiortnward or ccertiowitz, and
gla. produced S24 bushel of corn on four i """Wenty attacked the Russian right
.nr.. f l.nd thl. vear. Luther Allred I wing. The Russians Were completely
snort reaihiance
surprised and after a
derided to fall back
which seemed free. 1
then takfn under fire hy Austrian artil
lery, which caused terrible losses among
the Russian detachment. The battlefield
i ws covered with corpses.
of Pickens county, one of the brother,
today won first prise at the state fair
for the greatest yield from one acre. He
produced 227 bushel.
Clarence Allred raised JfJO bushels,
Elmer 210 and Arthur 117, according to the
nnnlini'vm.nt nt IiiHuom
,,, ,. . 1 .. . .... 1 "The Russian were beaten yesterday T cm I lutiAon nf A U tinder I II v i
., . ,. ... . ... ! In East liallcia, being repulsed In
Am., nuign ifi- u.uuiiai icuim Willi
No Jurisdiction
InBelangee Case,
Says High Court
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 12. (Special Tele
gram.) The Pouplas county district
court hail no Jurladlrtlon when It tried
and sentenced Charles Belangeo to six
months In Jail and pay a fine of 7i,
according to an opinion hanlrd down by
the supreme court late this afternoon.
Judgo Reeae wrote tho opinion, with
Justices Rose and Sedgwick dissenting.
The caso was on the sufficiency of the
complaint growing out of the suit of
Cadet Tuylor Hgalnts The lice Publishing
company. Tho charge was thhat H lan
gee had attempted to bribe one of the)
Russ Crew Dies
to Save Cruiser
IIMiO.N. Nov. 12.-A dispatch from
Petroprad to the Times says:
ine correspondent or rinulHh news
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 12 A resolu
tion waa presented at today's convention
of the American Federation of Labor
urging President Wilson to Insist that
the Colorado mine owners accept the
federal plan for peace and If they fall
to comply that the president take steps
to have tho coal mines operated under
government supervision.
The resolution was filed by William
Greene of the United Mine Workers of
America, acting for the mining depart
ment of the federation. It was referred
under the rules of the convention to
The resolution recited the history of
the struggle between tne mine owners
snd miners In that state and asserted
that Investigations hsve shown the Jus
tice of the miners' cause. Continuing,
the resolution says:
Resolved. That the thirty-fourth an
nual convention of the American Feder
ation of Labor call upon the president
of tlm Cnited States to Insist that thr
( olorado coal operator Immediately
comply with the fedoral plan of settle
ment, and In the event they refuse ho
take such stepa as are necessary to havx
a receiver appointed for the pur pone of
taking over the mines and oiierating
tlieni In the Interext of the people, under
federal supervision until such time as
the civil snd political rights of the peo
ple are r ntsl'llshed.
North Carolina Safe
in Beirut Harbor
WASHINGTON. Not. 12. -The armored
cruiser Tennessee, In the Mediterranean,
reported today It ha been In wireless
communication with the cruiser North
Carolina yesterday and that the ship wus
ssfe In Beirut harbor.
The message waa sent hy Captain Hen
ton C. Decker of the TeuncHsee and
reached the United State by relay of
wireless snd cable. It simply announced
the safety of both ships, making no men
tion of the reported landing of blue Jack
ets from the North Carolina at Beirut.
Thn Tennessee's reiairt dispones of er
siMtent rumors of tin, last three days,
untraceahle to any ource and widely
upon their base, pBIWr. rrport the h,.rol,. ,u,.,.m,.H of ,he circulated through the county that Ih
fowever. they ere ' .w f R ,,,, KPl )n or,iPri North Carolina had been sunk by a mine
The Day's
War News
Over the long battle lines of
Kurope comparative quiet prevails
today, except In HoIrIuiii. where
the Hllll undecided conflicts go on
wlih deadly fury.
On the Servian border sharp
fighting Is In progress and the
Turks are In action against the
HtiRHlans, hut on the main posi
tions through France, along the
east Prussian border and In ual
lcia there apparently Is a lull. On
tho success or failure of the Ger
man attempt to force a way to the
Kngllsh channel at whatever cost,
may depend the future of the
rampnign, not only in Belgium but
The official French statement,
the only authoritative word yes
terday afternoon, .sketched out
a battle line which adhered closely
to that previously reported.. In
contrast with Wednesday's frank
admission of a German advance.
Including the rapture of Dlxmude,
the French statement was non
committal. Fighting continues with violence
on the western end of the lino, It
Is said, but there are no Indica
tions whether the Germans have
succeeded In pushing further their
advance. It Is assumed In all
quarters that the utmost energy
of the allies will be expended In
efforts to halt the German move
ment west of Dlxmude, as the
road lies straight to Dunkirk, on
tha channel.
Along the Servian border tha
only point from which heavy fight
ing is reported, 'the Austrian! are
making a determined effort to
crush Rervla and complete the
campaign before the opening of
winterr jrf-
The Russian pursuit of tho Ger
man alonf tho Blleslan frontier
hag slackened, and tho Germans
are strengthening their positions
along the line of border fortresses
In expectation of an attempted
Russian Invasion.
Wave of Optimism Which Hai Been
Sweeping England Checked by
Newt of Dixmude'i Fall.
Fighting of the Most Desperate
Character Going On in Town
and Immediate Vicinity.
Destruction of Gunboat by Subma
marine in Sight of Hundred!
of Ships Causes Panic
I Germans Reported Strengthening
t T.i n in TT a f a
"'t-o All auaok A A UOIlOi
Aastrlan Commaadera Are Bald to
Have Refused to Farther Co-Opej-ate
with German Staff
Crown I'rlnce Blamed.
General Dankl is Reported to Have
Refused to Co-Operate Further
with the Germans.
tier man 4 row a Prlnee Failed
Hold Ills Position la the Cen
ter and Thas Made (iraeral
Iletreat Necessary.
LONDON, Nov. 12. Tho wao of
optimism, which has been sweeping
Kngland for the last week, was
checked today by news of the occu
pation of Dlxmude by German forces,
and the renewed indication of tho
peril from German submarine! by tho
fate of the torpedo gunboat Niger,
which yesterday morning waa de
stroyed by a torpedo launched from a
submarine of the enemy. This oc
curred within sight of tho English
shore, in the narrow part of the
channel, w here several hundred ships
lay at anchor.
The importance of the fall of Dlxmude
1 difficult to estimate without an exact
knowledge of how the opposing force are
disposed In thl locality, but the town Is
on the direct toad to Dunkirk, and If the
German force can debouch from it, the
allle probably will b compelled to fall
back to new positions In their effort to
block the war to the coast.
The allle still hold Vpre. where the
flghtlnj evidently Is of the most desperate
character, gliells constantly are falllnr
In the town, which also 1 the object of
aeronlana u H ,L l .v. t ... -L
- 'k 1 winoi
has bn constantly tha bone ef conten
tion, being- first occupied by the Invaders
and then by the defenders, now has be
come too hot for occupation by either
Ida. The German ai on the hills on
'one side vf the town and tha allies are
attacking It unceasingly from the other
! side.
j The official communication a-lven out
In Paris last ntcht claim that the In
vader throughout the day continued
their effort of the day before without
achieving any fresh result, and doclares
that the Germans are making vain 'at
tempts to move out from Dlxmude along
the left bank of the Yser.
t'ainpalan In the East.
For the moment the Russian pursuit
along the Blleslan frontier has slackened.
The Germans are reported In London to
be making efforts to further strengthen
their present Una of fortresses, anticipat
ing a Russian invasion, and the mar
velous system of strategic railroads, ex
tending alone the line of fortresses be
tween Grauden. Thorn, Posen and Cra
cow, will enable them to bring up rein
forcements so quickly that the German
center Is not likely again to be exposed
to the same weakness which led to tha
retreat before Warsaw. The rumor still
continues persistently In London that the
German crown prince was In command
of the German center which gave way
! yield of Zi! bushels on one acre.
repuisen in an
action between Hosnlow and Jahlonow.
From a Staff Correspondent)
IJNCOIA'. Neb.. Nov. It (Special Te!
srajn ) Arrordinir to figures compiled by
V. HI. Coffey tndav, the workmen's com
pensation art carries by a majority of
about l.iM). These figures were made
from official returns from ninety-one
rounties and unofficial from Douglas and
KKW VOHK, Nov. lr.-Lehlh Valley
train No. I. running; from Buffalo to
New York, left tho tracks at S 45 o'clock
th!s niorniig near Mud Run, Pa., U--t
wee 11 Allentown and Wllke-Karre. No
one n killed. The engineer, fireman
and six passengers were Injured and
taken to hospitals. A soore or more per
sons were hurt by shattered glass and
were bruised, but not seriously.
to save a Kuaxian cruiser which was un
willingly a iproarhing a mine in the llulf
of Finland.
"HealialnK it was too late to slKnal the
danger, the ooal deliberately rushed nt
the mine at full sieed A terrific ex
plosion followed and six out of the crew
of seven perished. The survivor, who
was severely wounded, has been awarded
the decoration of Ht. (ieorKe."
I).S'lxN( Nov. 12. A Turkish tor
pedo boat, which escaped from the
I lardanelles, hss he : captured off
the northwest roen of Asia Minor, ac.
rordiiiC t an Atncns dinpatrh to the
Exchange Telegraph company.
gates to the annual convention of the
Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs to
dav adopted the following resolutions:
Favoring a constitutional convention
for the purpose of providing for com
plete woman suffrage.
Abolishment of hoiiice of Ill-fame and
the dlxiriliution of wi hvglcne pamph
lets by the slate university.
Favoring peace In Furope.
Fiidorsiug the Lincoln highway.
KndorHlng the (lillett bill making polyg
amy h federal offense.
F.ndorsing the Fashion Art league! in
its movement for American-designed
The convention will close tomorrow with
the election of officers. I
of Hi nee, WaLdeok ami Heuss.'
Turkey Reports
Defeat of Russians .
in Two Days' Battle
KL'ULIN. Tuesday, Nov. 10 (Hy Wire
leas) A Turkish official report received
here from Constantinople and given out
today say that the Kusstana have been
completely defeated on the Caucasian
frontier after a fight which lasted tw-
days. The positions of the Itusalans now
are occupied by the Turks.
A Turkish fleet pursued the Russian
ships which took part in the bombard
ing of Kcslu. on the Flack Sea. but the
Russians escaped In a fog.
Stand up
for Omaha
LONDON, Nov. L'. According to thel
Daily News, I'etrngrad correspondent,
Central Dankl, with the remainder of tire I
Austrian army, Is moving due south ! (Continued on Page Two, column Ono.)
across Ualtcls. General Dankl. the cor- ,
respondent adds, has refused further ro- '
operation Kith Ucueral Von lllndenburg
or the Oerman staff. '
The I'etrograd correspondent of the I
Dally Mail sends the following: i
"It la now admitted seml-of f Iclally, but'
not yet mentioned In the official cuinmu-:
nirations, that It waa the failure of the!
German crown prince to hold his position'
In tho renter which compelled a retreat!
along the whole line. While tjeneral Von'
ilindenlierg. on tho left, and the Aus-i
trlans, on the right, were both maintain j
Ing their pavilion the crown prince's armj I
was fleeing to tho fatherland. j
The Russians poured In between the'
wings thus left in danger and attacked J
Ihem, each on two sides, forcing themi
to scramble hack to the frontier and lo-!
Ing terribly all the way, (
Ksruae indicated. j
"The excuse made In tPrniany of bad;
roads la ridiculed here, alnce In spite ofj
bad roads the Russian accomplished'
marvels In marching. The Russians, un-
like the Cierinar.s, do not depend upon!
the resource of the country they are'
traversing, but bring ample provisions i
with them.
"It appears that six German primes!
were killed in this battle, three of the!
Llpie family and one each of the houses!
All we hack is just a lit
tlo moro confidence at this
cxtniordinary time. We
are more nervous than
there is cause for, that's
I jet us stand up for
Omaha all together. "We
have a beautiful city of
splendid homes, large bus
iness buildings, our stock
yards, smelters and so on,
all of which are shown in
striking effect in "Pano
ramic Views of Omaha."
Help to advertise Omaha
by sending this booklet to
your friends.
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