THK HEK: OMAHA. TIirKSDAV. NOVKMBKR 12. 1014. Bringing Up Father Copyright. !!. Internstlous ,'es t-ervte. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus ' f 1 Vn SlCKMESFLr- HOSPITAL-1 HOSPITAL HL PICK A FHT ( . 0 17- IJP E H r ny r pwht and l j i uiseej , v 5 y , s ' ' tJS1 ) ir-JT p 4$gv f OUT HE 1 0 , ; 1 r : ' 1 ! - i ! r. : - . - GILMORE SEES f PEACE AT HAND 3 I s u president of Federal League Looki for Settlement of J1m Ball War Today. SEW CUBS TO BE ALL STABS WE3TERN LEAGUE MOGULS ATTENDING BASE BALL CONVENTION Front row, left to right: Mike Cantillion, manager Minneapolis team; Frank Isbell, owner Des Moines team; Pa Rourke, owner Omaha team; Ed Hamlin, owner Sioux City team; Hugh Jones, owner Lincoln team; Archie Catlin, owner Topeka team; Dan Breese, owner Wichita team. Back row: Sandy Griswold, official scorer; Jim Rourke, Grand Island; Josh Clark, man ager Sioux City team; Jack Holland, owner St. Joseph team; Norris O'Neill, president Western league; J. J. Epstein, secretary Denver team; Tom Fair weather, secretary Dts Moines team. , ! t Be Made t's) f Brat Pl)fn la IVatloaal aad Federal Lri 1 J Teaaae Makes Other tateaaeat. .mm. . CHICAGO, Nov. 11. In an Interview her today President James A. Ollmor of th Federal lfasjue expressed tho opin ion that pesee between the outlaw league and Organised ' base bull was near and that negotiation might be concluded at a conference scheduled for tomorrow In t'hkago between M-rry Herrmann of the National commission. Preeldent It. K. Johnson of the American league and President rhar'ea It. Weeghman of the Chicago Federal league club. ' He declared that If the plan undar con sideration toe. through control of the Chicago team will be acquired by Charing H. Weeghman and hi. business sssorl- . aUa and that the club will t'.Y on the rYderal league grounds, which wilt be en ' targed and Improved. tlllmor 'o raid ; that the new Cuba would he made up of j the beet player In the present National! ;. league team and the Federal loagv club. ; Gil mere's Desna ads. Amcng other atatemenU made by Pres. tdent Ollmore were: and would nave no part In the one That no city would hev more than; be held today In C'nlcago. two clubs-next aeaion under ti e raorgati- Aa for the dlsbandment of the lnterna ' Uatlon. . 1 tlonal league, that can be done only That the Kedcral league tcami not ab- through the prenent membera of that orbed by the major lenguea In tha reor.; league and not- through th-i national ganlcatlon would be Incorporated .Into commlaalon Itecf, The InternatUmal another league, with perhaps a new , teaifue franchise are good In their ter name. (rltory. ' Th.i there would he no International i'r. Iletrmanii also declared that the leacua taama In Baltimore. Buffalo or.m'nor bodle.i would all be asked fori Pittsburgh." ' , nc,lon f ny action taken, and nego- That Carry Herrmann did not act """ cannot ne. completed until every a prlvata Individual In hie recent confer- member of tho Nations! association haa 1 encea with President Wecghman at whlcli conseiuea. . j peace plana wrra discussed. Ilkrll tir 1 tta 3 That the American association and the Mlllpr WnrKS HIS ln'.ernanonai league win oo a" higher claasiflcatlon under the new plan. White President Ollmore declined to go Into further -details of the proposed paace plan, tt la sold that It will provide o( far tha merger of tha Chicago, t. Loula and Brooklyn Federal Irague cluba with tha atlonal league teama in these cltlea 42 h4 m, r -tsJ i'kv ir Vr :?? :-r.r ' K'sri I-,'. V.- i'. V- . ;. WESTERN'S LIMIT FIXEDAT $2,800 National Association Practically Settles Big; Question in Dispute in. the League. MAGNATES MAY CUT IT DOWN to J Men at Practice Barney Oldf ield Leads on Last Leg ; of Race to Phoenix PRRSCOTT. Aril" Nov. 11. Barney Old Mold., with a twenty-minute lead, streaked out of Prescott at 10 o'clock today on the last lag, 134 miles, of the Los Angeles-Phoenix automobile road race. The race Is expected to be finished at Phoenix. t73 miles from the starting point, at about 2 o'clock. Olln Uavts, winner of last year's trans-desert con test, waa second out, and Nlkrent, No. t. third. Kleven of the twenty cars that started from Ixs Angeles were still In the race. Heavy rain In the vicinity of Phoenix MINORS WILL HAVE WORD IN ANY PEACE - PAGTIN BASE BALL (Continued from Page One.) probable that tha board will not finish up ita work today and may be forced to remain' over another day after the con vention la over. aiy limits and th number of players carried by each club. The committee arranged the following scale and suggested Its adoption by the cotiventkm: Salary-LlmltB-Player. Clnss A A leagued iS.Wt) l IS Class A leaKues 3,lf 2615 Clnns U leuKUea i.UiO 2414 'lass C. lenKues :'-12 Clasn D leagues l.UO 22-12 President Harrows jf the International league and President ChlvinBton of the Record Crowd Will See Ames-Iowa Game AMES, Ia Nov. 11. (Snecial.)-The Amea alumni bureau, on account of the limited hotel accommodations In Ames, yesterday published an appeal for rooms SHOftTSTOP MARANVILLE MARRIED AT SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, Mass.. Nov. U. Wal ter J. Maranvllle, ahortototr of the world's champion Boston National league baae ball team, and Miss Elizabeth Renette thea were married here today in the Church of the Sacred Heart. Ravenna Defeats Mason City. RAVENNA, Neb.. Nov. 11. (Special.) in a iooi Dan game on tne local grounds Coach Harry Miller of the Crolgliton , made the roads heavy and dangerous for . ... ,. . ,u.. vaUy returned yesterday from Chicago j th, flnal .prlnt The carl reared with ! " " " " ? and put hi- crew through the hardest ,ud from their dash over mountain food , , ,fc t!)J clt., , signal practice of the year. He is dls- roads to this point, rapidly accumulated ...v. ., i.. i Km a aa.. U.tL.M n aillt.tna itr 1 T)lfB kiAll AUP (hit VaVfi V hill mn hSVA hlrn adIUInnal -w allnlrif n aW tnAav f I uw " "v -1 - ... .. . tt " -t.v, v.T ara cumuAl Ins aualnut each other. Am a K&lXUVA. On in mt na una in me priiwimun unu uiiioti mui kh-io wn may aiwa over me noamni ruu iauin cential, made up of tha preaent American aasoclatlcn and what is left of tha ; Federal league and tha Inter national league. Wkat Herrasaan Maid. Oarry Herrmann, whlia in Omaha Tues day and Wednesday, emphatically de clared he waa acting only as Herrmann, tha individual and not aa a representative of the National committee, when ha held conference with the Federal league of fldaia. Herrmann also asserted that Ollmor bad n part fn tha conferences some startling changes In the lineup If I more life does not evince itself in the squad. Hart) practice will continue for ! the rest of the week and until the final t game with South Dakota, Thanksgiving I day. Wise took sick after the practice yeg Iterday, but it Is thought ho wlU be with ' th ..fn.,1 .aln trA m v Mhnwallffr tackle, will be unable to play Saturday because of a sprained back received In the Marquette game. Warren, who waa hurt In the 8t Thomas game, will also be out of Saturday's contest. Not much Is known of the Baker squad. I toward the stato capital. WEATHER IS PERFECT FOR BEATRICE COURSING RACE BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. H.-(8peclal ductlon m thelr llmlu' legram.)-A larger crowd than on yes-! ,n their cities t ei alt tho Class A A lOaigues were Klven permission to make their own salary atid piayer limits. . . , Pretest the Redaction. The Class C and D leagues, through several members, protested at the re- declaring that the were educated to i better base ball than the lower selarlea tlan Brothers beat the Haskell Indians, a team whloh beat Crelgliton, 3S to 0. Sustsms 7cr Id l iMcIntvre toManaere Ro" Lincoln Next Year ; Btaxaavra uisuts isim Winner. 4: uulrkMeo. b KreckleH. B: White except its showing against the Ch Istian . Kaclng Rhyme 4; Hard Pine, f; Ulster Krothera college of St. Loulm. Baker held, Neversettle. t; Joe Griffin, ; lr. Rout. 4; lll i.m t.i . . ,,r ,i Mn,i rhrl- Klsora, t; Fnbuloua Fortune. 0 Town Talk, mis team to a a.uru. ot 4to , anil inns- - ,,,,. ii,,n. i. u ,r Knrtiino. t- Tel lAtilitv gattsftnHa! thai fmirtrsT mMt her today. The weather was perfect for thecoul1 provide. Several members admitted sport The winners in all-age and conso- even xceod.U the preseot UnHts. latlon stake are aa followa: ' h" 3 and D men asked for All Age Btake-Calverone. 8: Rosebud. 1 1 nie salary limit, which la 1.400 for 7; Mr. Cannon, S; Fortunate Neversettle, . Class C and H.200 for Class D. The C 2: The Midget. 0: Miss Can Trip. 6; uol.j r m,.. .i rmi..i..n n ill! b r N Hambllnir Roue. S: Plxlo. jr.. Flower. 7: Grace Rockwell. 14. Convolution L.ailvlHig, ; The Ksitfer. 5; I.nnesomp Trail. 0: Red Willow. 1ft; Mr. (ivti'hcll, 7; B'M-lety Whirl. S: Klttie Par ton, i: The Tax payer. 0: Rambling. 2: Irfive Trail. 4: Million Dollar Mystery, Uolden Fleece, &. The finals will be run tomorrow. Forest S: GOPHER-WOLVERINE STARS NOT TO MEET given convene and talk the matter over until this morning, when It will be brought before the convention again. Tha Class A and B leagues agreed to accept the reductions for their circuit and the convention passed tho amendment The Southern association will have 13.200 for lta salary limit, and the Western 1 Bee Want Ada Are the Best' Business Boosters. Northwestern Will Play. SPOKANE. Wash., Nov. 11. Owners of the Spokane Northwestern league base ball franchise, commenting on me news league. 12.100. The Class B leagues will , from Omaha that ' there Is v"y 'mil- One, submitted MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. ll.-Plans for! by President Tearney of the Three-I . I... KB. nM Knnei A g I All-star teama of Mlnneot and Mlchi-; h'-- ... . m i &rhltrtinn ta glalAt. to oonaint of fiv sraM nnnirtnK.-'il nf I) IVri AIM! lOrmen - - ' i players, to Way a . 1 Wa Xlmrfli aiaularn lanvlln IftV 111 accept 12.000 as the maximum limit for ,"u"lay h,oi this year." said they had any league in that class. , no reaaon to believe that the Nortnweal- ust before the rneetb,, m-v?" tSytifeitS.- Kavanaugh gave out that tha committee guBpnd. was still delibtraling on other suggestions I In 'he way of changes. Froai the very fct test 8. 8. 8.. the J faoious blood purlDer Is a natural medl- j Hugh Jenes hss announced the signing of Matty Mclntyre to act ui manager of the Lincoln club next year. Jones had been dickering with Mclntyre fur some time, but finally signed him yesterday. Jones had a chance to nail Matty last year, but preferred Charley Mullen. Mullen la In th bif liru. . -. .... . . 1 Th.Hk..l.-li, Aav fnr th. tonWIt nf Mcintyre was wttn rroviuence tan ""'"7 '"Z- Z' . ,. u. .i ,.h '.! tta Clan C u cm tram Um I year. n was for many ar. a big '" "V""""" h ,. li 7 A permanent chairman leaguer. Maying In th. outfield for th to be appointed and that chairman inaiieiroit Tigers and Chicago v, mte sox. ,i . KlVen a i.lace as a member of the Na- I.. , . m i mi. vu u. ni. i nr ih-r. nlavers foot bail game here members, ono from the Class AA, one rrom tne i ias a, ono irora tne mas JJt clae, It U opposed by these wbo can sot Rl UFFS "Y" BASKET BALL t! tin up mercury actl otUcr DtUfrd I DAdlVCI DUU I'll drug-, n.b.t I. .'.range FIVE TRIMS CHRISTI Dieted pcupkt ' ; lorce ox usuiu Datum toey n. ii th tIir.:l Not t.arofd by the rJiec- I a) aretnd tben, a: I Playing In early season practice game. Tiesdav nlitht the Council Bluffs Young 1 I tsladful of the locetiow r ataxia, paraly- S t sis sod ether dreaded results of mineral I Ven's Chr.stlm essoclatlon team defeated l; polsuaiag. th'y c:icg t tJO fast dlsap- , (, r-lrn-christian chur h team of Omaha ! rasss r, mfi v..d t. t. on th. r M.... chr,.. . tba light atrlirt Ix a. P. H. U rait oe- ( romlr.g tt warl s re 11 era for all Mood . trouble. Leceaiie tt is weicom. to a weal: I ' stomach, is takes taturally Into the ( bleed, i. a cf parlfyloT tnfloeaee ! .' ; kocwa ty lit remarkable euratlre results, i"; aad la tbe 'standby ff a hft of people. J : It go, into Uie blood and rcainlni a strnni; !- meOlciaal U3ueace te the end sad tills 1 without aay ether efort tic a that of a i r'"""' rlvaasinj proper!. J It - to the - moat universal'? reroaj- " I aiesdcd blocd - remedy Icarwa. and has i . J aasialaed lv refiutatica fcr half a rea- ' 'I ' t.ry. It. ingredient, are Nature's dell- i ,f Bit aatldntea fr errisa tbat crest, aur ; ' t worst alBietlrna. Get a bottle today ef t ", aay druacist. Ref all -ebatltute. ' : i tVriie tbe medical department, Tb. Swift " fperific Co., o'J Hvlft Bldg., Atl.oU. Ga.. i Ut llinlnary recruiting ha id. and workout, it was teasel Hooka with a. Outfielder Charley .-tengel haa signed with the Brooklyn club fur 1J16-U. Foley albartle Tablets. Are wnolcaome, thoroughly cleansing, and have a stimulating tffect on the stomach, livtr and bowels. Regulate tlan association floor. The game was x-j vou -i.i. crlnlns and ro unDleasant ceedingly fast for an early season con-! f to ,fffM t. cutout tieople find they give obtaining all players from minor lea- test, the first half ending with the Bluffs ml.R.n0 reitc; and comfort. Antl-blllous. :" flubs. Thus all semi-pros. amatars. men seven points to the ChrUtlans' 0. ; barren Sfoffoi-d. :ren Bay. Wis.. J college players, et cetera, must serve At the beztnning of the second half lhC ri,-.. "Ko'ev a rtl arilo Tablets are time In th. Illinois before admission to ; tlonal commission, which at preaent con- slsts entirely of major leaguers. . Cornea I p Thl, Morslag. The committee was - willing to pass Judgment on that resolution and sub mit It this morning at the session at 10 o'clock, either with or without recom mendation for It. passing. ' The other suggestion came from Mr. Davidson of the Houth Atlantic loop, and Is that the major league be rratrlcted to mm church lada started In a whirlwind style.! ,ne iax;ive I have ever used evening up the score, out were tinaoie thc work pr0nrtly and, with no bad at and the pace, and Council Bluffs again j, flcr ef,eots.- Try them. For aalo by took the lead The two guards of the Council Bluffs team were evident at all times, the entire tekm playing a defensive game. For the Christians, Carl WelgeU "Hoby" Hobaon and Miles played a hard, consistent game. all dealers everywhere. Advertisement Baeklra'e Aralra Salve should l in every home ready to ap- ; UT free advice oa bioM trouoies. s.u s , , u bur ruUfBi .o,,. cut, ..j 'y le evMcooiB tkern.' Thla departmvst la ea. r ' , .. . . , . 3 the taeat btlp. te aira to be guiu.4 :-; heal, quickly. Uc. All druggist, eujwbere, and It la arei Irea. -Adverttsem. nt. LIX'OLX FOOT BALI. SPKCIAl. For the KansaainrasWa Uaane, Burlington special leavea Omaha Satur day, Novemler 14, at 12:15 noon, stop, only at Ashland .arrives Lincoln L4S p. m. Game called t SO p. m. Return spe cial from Lincoln 6:30 p. m. Be Want Ad. Produce Results. They I the big leagues. The purpose ot tnat lumitian is to assure the minora a reenue. At present the major, are at liberty to pick up a player, farm him to a minor, where he obtains experience, without coat to the major league club. This resolution will also be acted upon by the committee and placed before th cenvention this morning. Two aeaalon. will be held today, one at 1" o'clock thla morning and one at t o'clock thla after noon. Th national board of arbitration la till meeting at selected hour, and many eases are yet to be acted upon. It to SANFORD i4n dollar , Tor aia by tk rvUoviif rtrssa 503-510 SO. 10th? AND i Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. ISO 7 Douglas Strt r a EL i-JaUlL.. SAY "CHARGE IT" in private home, to take car of the un- & to 0 t"" provlded-for surplus of the enormous crowd of alumni who are expected here for the Ames-Iowa foot ball battle in State field Saturday. The ticket office for the state-title clash, with Director Clyde Williams In charge, has had no rest since Monday a week ago in disposing of the inpourlng j stream of mall orders for seats. While j a great crowd Is anticipated, a record breaker for foot ball In Iowa, Director! William haa asked publication of the I Ames management's intention to find! room somewhere on the field for every spectator, and that none will be turned j wr. . ! Coach Hawley of Iowa haa sent word ! that ho will bring 'with .'him hi. entire j varsity squad of forty men and the fresh-j man squad of -thirty. Although the: CycLin varsity squad 1. only a little j more than half a. big as Hawley. varsity, t th Cyclone coaches evidence no dismay at th opposing array. Coach Hubbard find, consolation In being outnumbered n that1 "only eleven can be In at on time." IMrector William, aay. h la "not worrying over th lame." " Meeting: Postponed Until Today When Owner. WlU Take Definite 'Stand Ipon tne Proposition Vital to Some Member. The Western league meeting schedule for yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock was not held. The convention of tha national association waa not concluded until after 4:30, arjd the Western league mogul, de cided that the busings waa too Impor tant for them to miss. Thua tho meeting was postponed until thla morning at 10 o'clock. Th question of salary limit, which had been occupying the Western leaguers' time for the most part was practically settled hy th National association. It waa agreed that the maximum salary limit for th Western should be 13.800. That means that the players' salaries must com under (2,800 per year. One- half of the manager' salary Is to be Included In that limit. The Western league. In session yester day morning, was talking in favor of a 13.500 limit That limit may yet b de cided upon by. the league, but It is prob able that the higher will Mand. The Western league will be permitted to carry fifteen men after the season la) under way. For twenty days after the opening of the season the Western clubs will be permitted to carry twenty-five players. Th new salary limit will permit Wich ita and Topeka to remain In the league Dan Breese, owner of the Wichita club, at the morning session declared the mag nates could not force his club out of thc league. II asserted tha only way to make him quit was for a majority to agree and then buy his franchise. Bee Want Ad. Are th Best Buslneat rioostera n iV- '" --'' lli!r' 'HT.'Sri'.' You'll Enjoy Wearing One of These , SMART, WARM A Priced as Low as $8.50 - And never mind the bill you can settlo. that in small payments arranged to suit your own personal cont"enience. Simply say, "CHARGE IT." We are proud of onr Coats-they. reflect the very latest fashion, and we bought them right and can give you advantage of our spe cial low costs. $1.00 a week: pays for any Coat or Suit you select. Ask .to see the pop xxar College Coat That is winning the younger set so completely BMP Pi We clothe the entire family Clildren's Clothes At 50c a Week FOR GIRLS We sell th cele brated Perfection" line of Suits and Overcoatg for boys. Stylishly built and full of wear. Suits and Overcoats pric low as. . $3.50 FOR BOYS A big assortment of warm and sty lish Coats and Dresses for little girls of all atres. Our low prices and easy terms will pleas you. WORLD'S GREATEST CREDIT CLOTHIER 1417 DOUGLAS ST. 1 I 1