Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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I 4.
By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, November 11, 1914.
OMAHA may boast of a few precocious specimens among the repre
sentatives of the next generation.
This lad Is the son of a brilliant young attorney possibly
that accounts for It. Believers In former Incarnations will be
positive of the fact.
His mother was rrepsrlng to celebrate his twelfth birthday, when he
protested, saying. "I don't want any birthday party. I Just want to take
my girl to the theater."
"Oh, you mean the matinee," the mother replied.
"No," said Charles, Junior, "I thought we would go in the evening, and
I would aik Bob to take his girl, and then, maybe, we would have aoda
water later."
In the trend of this progressive age, ehlldren's parties have become
J?ase. Nothing but a theater party now satisfies.
Whether or not Charles, Junior, will be enrolled as the first student
of the Monteasorl school, which a number of Omaha women are seeking
to establish In Omaha, Is the question.
For the Future.
The Cacti rlub will jtlve a dance Tues
day evening, November V, at Chambers'
academy. ,
Mr. J. J. Sullivan will give lunchaon,
followed by a theater party. Thursday,
Id honor of Mra. Chambers of Columbia,
the surst of Mrs. Homer Robinson.
Mrs. Homer Robinson will entertain at
luncheon Friday In honor of hcr aialer,
Mm. E. Chambers of Columbus, Neb.,
who Is her guest.
Tba Research club will hold lla annual
nee ting Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock
at ft Beri'hman'a academy. The di
rector will continue tils talk on the
"EffecU of Divorce.
Mra. Walter Roberta will entertain at
brldre Friday for Mrs. Frederick Wing
of Hartford, Mich.
Gs&ntner-Merz Wedding.
A quiet home wedding was celebrated
at 6 JO o'clock last evening, when Miss
Bertha May Mers became the bride ot
Dr. Hayes Osantner at the home of the
brldo's parents, Mr. and Mra. John O.
- Mers. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenka of the
First Presbyterian church officiated.
The bride was gowned In white duchess
satin with trimmings of ('handily lace
and seed pearls. '8he m-ore a corsage
bouquet of bride's roses.
There were no attendants, only the Im
mediate families of the bride and groom
being present. The young people will be
at home In Omaha. Vr. Osantner la a
popular member of the KIks' Dancing
club and thu Diets rlub.
Pleasure, past.
Mrs. M. M. Kline Vntertalnrd the mem
bers of the Rummy club at luncheon
Tuesday. A mound of yellow rlirysan-
Blakeney-Eowley Wedding".
A wedding of Interest to many was that
of Miss Ann Uenevltve Rowley and Mr,
James Richard Blakeney, which was cel
ebrated last evening at the home of the
bride's mother, Mra Annie Rowley, UK
Pouth Thirty-second avenue, at 7:10
The Rev. Father McCarthy of Ht Peter's
church performed the ceremony. The
bride was gowned In white Trench crepu
faille, made with court train and elab
orately trimmed with char.tllly lace and
ropes ot pearls. Her tullo veil was
caught with lilies of the vallsy and she,
carried n shower bouquet of bride's rosea;
and lilies of the valley. he wore the
groom's gift, a diamond and pearl lav.
alter. The bride was given away by
her mother, who wore a gown of pak
green brocaded crepe.
A color scheme of gold and white was
carried out In the gowns of the attend
ants. Miss Matllua Atleren of West Point.
Neb., was maid of honor and wore cloth
of gold with overdress of chantllly lace.
She carried yellow chrysanthemums.
Three brides of this year were Miss
Rowley's other attendants. Mrs. A. A.
Daly,' a sister of the brldo, was matron
of honor and 'wore her wedding gown of
white satin and carried Mra. Ward roses.
Mrs. It. B. Condon and Mrs. Dalss Muf
fltt stretched the ribbons, and also wore
their wedding gowns of white satin and
wreaths of pompom chrysanthemums.
The ceremony took place In a bay win
dow of the living room, decorated with
autumn leaves and on either side a large j
basket filled with chrysanthemums and i
autumn leaves. The reception room and!
dining room were decorated with bou
quets of the yellow and white rhrysanthe-
Eaxriion-Stereni Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Estelle Belle
Stevens, daughter of Congreman and
Mrs. Daniel V. Pleven, and Mr. llenja
mln Harrison of Omaha was celebrated
at noon Tuesday at the home of the
bride's parents In Fremont. Rev. W.
Ellldge of Weeping Water, an uncle of
the bride, officiated. Following the cere
mony a wedding breakfast was served to
the Immediate family.
Mr. Harrison Is a relative of the late
President Benjamin Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison will reside In
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. John W. Battin has returned
from a visit to Kieelslor fpr'ngs. Mo.
Mrs. E. Chambers of Columbus Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Homer Robin
son, for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Ix-ary have
returned from their wedding trip and
are located in their -home on North For
tieth street.
Social Settlement Benefit.
The Social Settlement Is richer by $1.1
through the luncheon given for Its bene
fit by the women of the First presby
terlan church laat Friday.
Entertains at Bridge.
Mrs. Frank Keogh was nosfws at a
small bridge party In her apartment In
the West Ferns m today. I-arge bunches
of pink and white chrysanthemums dec
orated the rooms and there were four
tables of players. Mrs. Frederick Wing
of Hartford, Mich., formerly Miss Ruth
Moorehead of Omaha, was the honor
Wednesday Bridge Club.
Miss Msry Burkley waa hostess at the
meeting of the Wednesday Dllge cljb
IM afternoon. The members are:
MeMarcee Mends mes
Prltchett. John Potter Webster
TMjhne Peter.
CilS'lys peters,
Mildred Butlor.
Katherlne Thummell
Harold H
Ben Wood,
Venle Davis.
K'llxaboih Dnvts,
Mary Burkley.
lOiil IMnnlnc.
Kllzabeth Bruce,
Subscription Dance Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountze will en
tertain at dinner this evening preceding
the subscription dance at Turpln's acad
emy. The table decorations will be Mrs.
Ward roses and covers will be laid for
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paid ripe will have
ten guests at dinner this evening, as
also wlii Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Oalnes. Fol
lowing the dinner, both parties will at
tend the subscription dance at Turpln's.
With the Bridge Players.
Mrs. Shelby A. Fowler entertained one
of the Wednesday bridge clubs nt her
home this afternoon. There oere four
tablet of players present.
Personal Mention.
Mr. James R. Bcoble if ronflned to bis
home In the West Farnam, suffering
from a sprained ankle.
Mrs. C. J. Chlsam i. returned from
several months spent In southern Cali
fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Chlsam have taken
apartments at the Maples, where they
will remain this winter.
Prof, and Mra. Charles Oreely Abbot of
Washington, D. C, were guests of Mrs.
C. D. ScMt snd family Monday and Tues
day. Prof. Abbot is the successor of
Piof. Lorgley of the Atro-pfiyslcat de-J
partment of the "-mlthionlan Institute.
Mrs. Ahbot Is an artist and sptnt the
summer at Csrmel with Mrs. Pent.
The social settlement department of the
Association ot Crileglnte Alumnae will
meet at the Social Settlement house. 2311
Houth Thirteenth street this after
noon at 3 o'clock. The afternoon will bs
spent In sewing for the settlement
Lady Give. Simple Home Recipe
That Hhe Vsed to Darken Her
- Gray ' Hair.
For years I tried to restore my 4gray
hair to its natural color with the pre
pared dyes and stains, but none of them
gave satisfaction and they were all ex
pensive. I finally ran onto a simple
recipe which f mixed at home that gives
wonderful results. I gave the recipe,
which is as follows, to a number of my
friends, and they are all diilxhted with
It. To 7 ox. of water ndd a small box
of Barbo Compound, 1 oz. of by rum
and '4 oz. of glycerine. L'ae every other
day until the hair becomes the I squire I
shade, then every two weeks. It will not
only darken the gray hair, but removes
dandruff and scalp humors, and acta as
n tonic to the hair. It Is not sticky or
greasy, does not 'rub off and does not
color the scalp. You can prepare It at
home at very little expense. Advertisement.
When You Call
The Same's Expected
of You
The "Pantoriam" Has Won
Omaha with Satisfaction.
Dry Cleaned at
"Good Cleaners and Dyert"
1515-17 Jones Street
' irr ii none
i J Douglas
tl fjasa ess a ........ . a. mm - m W m m WW
Pretty Vestees for the New Gowns
Wo show the most bountiful linos in Swiss
Embroidered Net and Embroidered Piques . Most
desirable finishing touch to the pretty Efi
gowns. Excellent selection, each OUC
900 B
eautiful Dresses
t . . , ,T;:r,r:fr
at Less Th
Women's Mercerized Lisle Hose
Full Fashioned. Fine quality. Double soles,
heels and toes; double garter tops. Black and
colors. 35c value- Thurs- or.
day, pair , sW5C
an Half Price
themums formed the tnble centerpiece, I mums. The brluVa gift to her matron of
and the place cards were of Thanksglv- 1 r was a ainner ring set with a sneu
ing novelties. Three tables of playera 1 cameo and to the maid of honor a cameo
were present and the pr'res for thu game
Were awarded to Mesdcrnes W. A. Smith.
M. M. Kline and Thomas lieelan. Mrs.
C. H. Kuhn wss a guest of the club.
Mrs, Alex Jctes will outtrtnln the club
III two weeks. Th mcrvbora ate:
Mesdamna: Meadamer:
K. 11. Oaka,. O. K. l-oveluy,
Thomas lieelan, F. H. HoRim.
M. M. Kline. F. O. Browne,
Alox Jett-s, I'. Mehrens,
W. A .Hmlth, Dr. Newton.
J. W. Root. 11. W. Harney.
TI19 "O-At-Ka" club waa very pleas
antly "entertiUnocl at the home of Miss
Mary Hayes Monday evening. The next
meeting will be at the home of Miss
Roso Hurth Monday evening, November
M. The members present were:
Mlssea Misses
T.utia Caasil, Hulila Klllson.
Roe Bhcan, Mildred Hanson,
Can la Hanson, Kuthryn lawless,
Rose Hurth, Mary Hayes.
Omahani in New York.
registering at the Hotel McAlpIn In
New York City during the laat week
were Mrs. A. Rogera, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Btryker and Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Schafer.
Fashion Hint
pendant set with diamonds and pearls
The other attendants received half moon
friendship pins.
The groom's gift to the best man was
diamond studded cuff links. A recep
tion waa held following the ceremony
to about 100 guests. Mr. and Mrs.
Blakeney have gone east on a wedding
trip and will he at home in Omaha.
Pleasure! Fait
Miss Gertrude Keating wss hostess at
luncheon at the University club Wednes
day, when covers were placed for seven.
Br LA RsroXTEl'lE.
This design In black and white shews
the Roman effect used so strikingly In
the season's designs. Tbe creation la of
white silk mallne. with ruffled skirt over
white aatln. The Roman body is of black
rbitfon velvet, laced with silk cords at
tbt ldes. The ateves are long and ot
white aniline, and the white mallne
ruffled coiur sets off tbe gown.
And Player Pianos
Liberal Discounts on All Pianos
fcxeept fontract Instruments.
Ninall alae
ThU little grand: flu
into jour roat room m
aHjr aa g,a upright.
Here la m grand to be
proud of, at a price no
higher than a good np
right instrument.
All Down (he Una.
You kaow the Hospa
Una of pianos we. have
had thera specially priced
for this occasion, t'otue
in now and tee them.
Every piano In the house
priced down to Interest
you all marked in plain
(Contract instruments
"Slightly used," "good
aa new" and "rsbullt" In
struments a whole floor
of them specially labeled
now at $78 to 1316 and
there are a few good
players on the list. too.
Terms a low as $6 a
A, llospe Go,
1313 Douglas At.
Our 40th Year.
A Sale That Will Arouse the Greatest Enthusiasm Among Omaha's Smart Women
g A PROMINENT Philadelphia Manufacturer of Dresses has sold us his entire overstock and
samples at the most unheard-of-prices. The collection includes dresses for all occasions.
Many of these fine dresses cost the Manufacturer double the price we now ask for them.
We have divided the entire purchase into several lots in order to enable us to ha
S die the crowds that will be here Thursday, to every one's best advantage and make
easier for you to select.
I 69c Chamoisette
Gloves at 50c Pair
m sen
-a. -A
it mm mm m mi m
c ! r.f v jiri.-.'ivt.i hi mis', ai.-r.i 2 I 1 11 ill lie 11 in ill 'J it
HS Crepe de
mi n mm mi
tffn"-Ms m IJ I i I I parallel -tev-sew?
DISPLAY li in U y
There are all sizes for Women and
Misses (including some extra sizes).
The collection includes:
Party Dresses
Evening Dresses
Dancing Dresses
Street Dresses
Afternoon Dresse
Salt on Stcond Floor, with
pltnty of txtra $alespeopU to
wait on you promptly.
materials include the w
- - rv
mo6t wanted fabrics of tho
season. There are Dresses in
For Afternoon and Street
Dresses worth up to $25.00
Velvet and net tunic combinations.
Borne with chiffon waists, others in stilt
and serge combinations. Every desir
able color, inluding many in all-black.
Velvets Satins
Serges Chiffon
Chines, Taffetas
Crepe Meteors
Good Color: Pink, Light Blue, Lavender, Maize,
Wisteria, Navy, and many other popular shades.
Also Black and White.
For Choice of a Lot of After
noon Dresses worth to $20.00 S
Many dresses in this lot are of 5j
O U aw good velvet and satin, velvet and a
. 1 2 ' 1 I
frerge comDinauons; pretty crepe
de chine, charmeuse and all-satin dresses. Every good
color and size.
fjasa a . - sa
7rrl tor All the Lvening
LZ" and Party Dresses
worth up to $35.00
OfJ Including all the pretty
dancing and party effects,
made in the dainty colorings and materials, with lace and
chiffon trimmings. All fresh and pretty.
A very special value in our Glove
Section for Thursday. About 30
doten of these 69c Chamoisette
Gloves that have been selling at
6te a pair, and are excellent val
ues at that price, will be ottered
at 60c per pair. They are white
only, with attractive black backs,
' two-clasp style. Guaranted wash
able. Half pique
a e w n Tint ers.
Vary special
Thursday, pair. . .
We kava ay far tha lareast t
aaoft cempUta stock of olovas of
aay store west of Caioaao. Oeu
a tucks ef iaapertaa rlovaa era vary
oouplsts, at ae aavaaoe la prtoe.
More New Crepe de Chine
Blouses at $1.98
Exquisite pretty Blouses have juat arrived. It la
no exaggeration whatever to eay that they are easily
13.00 values, but our Blouse Section is Justly famed
not only for the excellence of style shown and the
originality displayed, but also for tbe fact that we are
constantly offering tbe very beat values. These
Blouses will be offered Thursday at SI. OH.
frVme are serai-tailored, others are embroid
ered aud trimmed with Venice Lace around
collar and revere. Th colors
are pink and navy. Also
black and white. Ue aure to
see theae Blouses Thursday.
They will go at
fince L.ace around
New Spat-Top Shoes for Women
Very Stylish Very Popular
CIS. avw r leuiu
Either lace or button. Fawn, gray or black
cloth tops. High, full Louis heels. New French
broad toe last. Thts Is one
of the new models of short
vamp and wide toe lasts. All
sites. Per pair
Infants' and Children's Shoes All white
calfskin. Also white tops. Hand-turned
soles. Worth up to 1.75. All
sizes up to 8. Per pair. .......
Women's White and Black Satin Slippers
High and low heels. Splendid
assortment. Per pair
. $2.48
Demonstration and
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi mmmmmm
Sale of The Famous
Wear-Fver Aluminum
A special demonstrator, direct
from factory, will exhibit the com
plete line and give instructions on
the uses ot aluminum and also on
how to save time, gas and labor.
Two Special Value Thursday
Two-Quart Double-Cooker or Rica
Holler Regular price, 1 JO Bale price $1.4(3
2 14 -Quart Double-Up Sauce Pans
Regular price 0c. AQ.
Sale price HOC