Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    Till: HKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY, XOVKMHKR. 12, 1514.
BRIEF CITY NEWS i Twenty-Five Days
For Stealing Bread
Xarbtln naturae, Burg-e9-(.tram!on Co. ,
rtd.Uty Stora. Ysa Co Don, ass. 1
T Boot Prist It Now Deacon Frum.
B.aotUnl All Kodarm lonti for Bala
on th easy payment flan. Hankers
Realty Investmint Co. Hwiie L'nug. :92.
A B attar Xoatloa for your offica cun
not be found when you select Tlie Hen
Hulldlng, the builJIng that Is always
new. Office room 103.
"Today'! Complete KOTie Program"
classified section today, and appears In
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Kind out what
the various moving; picture theaters offer.
O'Heara Has Typhoid John O'Hearn,
Council Bluffs boy, who Is a junior at
the Crelghton Medical college. Is confined
at Mercy hospital. Council Bluffs, with
typhoid fever.
Blaekwell Back from Trip Assistant
Superintendent N. II. Blaekwell of the
local railway mall division has returned
to Omaha from Colorado, where he has
been establishing changes In the mall
Bead to Caicafo C. X Reed, superin
tendent of the local rallwuy mall sen-tee,
has gone to Chicago, where he will spend
h week conducting a serlee of ventilator
tests, prior to the Installation of such
cciuluctent. on the mall care which run I
west on tines out of Chloa-eo.
Britons to JaTeet Omaha citizens of
P-rttlsh Unease will meet with the British
Umpire association next Saturday even
ing at S o'clock in Jacob's hall, l.'lo
Dodge street. John L. Kennedy will pro
side. ' This association hua already re
mitted H.Oul 10 Belgian and British suf
ferers through the British embassy at
Oooa Future for Colorado R. &
J'.uble. assistant genera! passenger ngent
of the Union Pacific at Denver, is in
town for a d.y. He la enthusiastic over
(he future outlook for Colorado, assert
ing that the state has raised the best all
luound crop In Its hlvtory, and that busi
ness la showing decided signs of Improve
ment. While Colorado wont dry, Mr.
Rubel assert that the law does not be
come effective until 'January, 1916, and no
one can forecast what may happen prior
to that time.
Wants Kltohoook to Speak Now thut
Jerry Howard Is elected to the legisla
ture, he has not stopped circulating peti
tions. He circulated a petition anj. se
cured thjrty-ftve names of what lie
t ailed the executive committee of the
poony-pald and unemployed. Tho petl-
i inn i n m m m an homa.ah 11 . . i ,
asking him to speak at.McCrann's hall
at 3:30 Sunday afternoon In South Omaha
on the "Industrial Unrest."
James Morton, a juMloe character, stole
three loaves of bread from an Ames
avenue baker, and .va sentenced to serve
twenty-five dny in the county Jit 11 for
the n t in enlencltiK Morton, Jinlao
Foster declared th:it he was sure tha
Mirwni stole froiji force of hnWt nml not
le. aiise the biead was needed. "There's
absolutely no reason to show sympathy
to y u. ' the court dt -'Uied.
Fee M ailt Ads Produce Results.
Representatives from Kansas, Iowa
and Nebraska will be present ' st tha
board meeting of t:ie rst central district
of tbe Woman's American Baptist For
eign M s.-.lonary soviet y, which meets
this morning at 1 o'clock at the
Young Women's Christian association.
Mrs. Fnatd Johnson of Omaha Is" the
i linlrmmv
Among the distinguished visitors will be
Mrs Am'.tew MacUelsh, vice president
of the lioine nrtmlnirtratlon department
and M s I.IU l. Ma.-I.anrln. field sevre-
tary, hoili from Chicago. Mrs. Marbelsh
Is enroute from Ienver and will arrive
this morning In time for tha all-dny
Fee Ppratlen, connected with the execu
tive offices of the Tturlington, Is over
from Chicago to remain a few ilnys.
For (he AVrsk and Merroaa.
Tired out. weak, nervous men anJ
onirn ned F.lectrk" Hitlers; helps th
nerves nnd tones tip the system. 60c nd
lino Alt diMgKisls. Advertisement.
Soliciting of Funds
For Newsboys' Home
Is Not Authorized
Referring to a report In one of tho
Omaha papers to the effect that lie was
supporting the efforts of certain news,
hoys to raise money for a newsboys'
home, Truant Officer John B. Carver has
issued a flat denial. He says he has not
endorsed the project, is not in favor of
it as it is now being conducted by some
of the boys and has nothing to do with It.
Probation Officer Mogy Bernstein
makes a similar statement. He says trmt
there la a regular, committee of newsboy
leaders, consisting of Mike Barto, Tony
Costanso, Sam ZlgmSn and himself,
which has raised some money for a news
hoys home. That committee, is not be
hind the soliciting, and warns bustnes
men that -It is unauthorised, and .'being
done by irresponsible boys, some of whom
are said to be -only temporary residents
of Omaha.
It la alleged that certain boys collected
a little money from business men. sup
posedly tor tnetr . proposed home, and
then spent the money for a big "feed."
"I do not share the view of eome that
"Rev. Mr. Sunday's meetings In Denver
were largely Instrumental in closing up
the. saloons of Colorado," aaid Rev.-K. R.
Currie, P. D., of Boulder, formerly paa-
u :vmvujt xiuudi cnurco ui umaaa,
who stopped In the city returning from
"Mr. Sunday's meeting may have been a
great success, but other conditions In
Colorado had much more to do with
making the state dry than any influence
wielded by the evangelist. Of that there
is no question. In some of the mining
towns, such as Trinidad, which went dry,
people had a brief experience with pro
hibition. When the federal government
Interposed its efforts at effecting peace
and order In the strike region, the saloons
were closed. Business men In those places
set- up the common wail that this would
ruin business. Time proved the contrary,
however. Business waa not ruined, but
vastly benefited, so were the people. This
is one thing that helped along prohibi
tion. ' Another thing was the determina
tion on the part of so many people to
rebuke the shameful abuse of privilege in
Denver and other places. Colorado Is fac
ing the future with a clear vision, not
fearing the consequences of what it did
on election day.
"The new law gives the liquor people
one year In which to get rid of their busi
ness, which seems to us very fair and rea
sonable. At least, it Is plenty long."
An unusual suit has Just been started
In district court setklng to quiet title to
the old Poppleton homestead on North
Sixteenth street. In spite of the fact that
the property has been in tha possession
of the Poppleton family since 1879. The
tract extends from Sixteenth to Eight
eenth streets on the south side of Spruce
street. Is 327x545 feet square, and Is said
to be worth over jO.OOO.
Mrs. Caroline Poppleton, widow of the
late Judge Andrew J. Poppleton, and
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Helen 8. Popple
ton, widow of the late William 8. Pop
pleton, and her daughters, Mrs. Elisa
beth E. Shannon and Mrs. Mary D.
Learned, are plaintiffs In the suit, which
is filed against the unknown heir and
devises of Samuel Mahon, deceased. Ma
hon owned the tract in the early days
before the Poppletons bought it, and a
slight cloud Is believed to obstruct Clear
title to th tract-
Hack I Hack I Hack!
With raw tickling throat, tight chest,
sore lungs., you need Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound, and quickly. The first
dose helps. It leaves a soothing, healing
coating as It glides down your throat,
you feel better at onec. S. Martin, Bas
eatt, Neb., writes: ' I had a severe cough
and cold and waa almost past going. I
got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar
and am giad to say tt cured my cough
entirely and my cold soon disappeared.
Every user a friend. For sale by all
!rrs eveiy where. Advertisement.
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M.i-
Lace Curtains at 95c
Loom lace, 36 inches wide and
2V yards long, while, Ivory and
ecru, worth $1.50, Thursday,
pair, 5c.
"everybody's store"
50c Jointed Dolls, 3Cc
16 Inches tall with sleeping
eyes, Btocklngs and bootees, gold
en and dark brown hair, 50c val
ues, aoc.
Wednesday, November 11, 19l
-Phone Douglas 137
An Extraordinary Sale Thursday of the Surplus Stocks of Wanted
Winter Merchandise of All Kinds
Bought From St Louis, Eastern and Local Manufacturers and Wholesalers
at a Tremendous Price Reduction and Offered to You the Same Way
rpHE adverse weather conditions throughoift the. country naturally brought a Mowup in the wholesale markets and manufacturers nnd wholesalers alike found themselves greatly
i. overstocked. Our way of merchandising keeping our stocks at n point that permits of taking advantage of every underpriee opportunity when the merchandise is right placed
us in a position to buy freely. Practically every department of this big "Economy" Supply Center is represented, so you can look for a break in prices all along the line! The mer
chandise is all new and the prices are all of a most unusual nature.
Every Blanket Strictly First Quality. No Seconds.
Full size double cotton bttl blankets, "white, gray, tan;
also blue, pink, tan and gray plaid combina- C
tions. Hotels and boarding houses should TflC
take advantage of this remarkable sale. Pair
$3.G0 Blankets at $1.50
Here are the largest and best cot
ton blankets made. Heavy weight
and have no equal for service.
Wool finished fancy plaids and
checks, also white, gray and tan.
After seeing them you will agree
that $3 would be a J Efl
low regular price, pr P X OU
$5.00-$6.00 Blankets, $3.98
These blankets wholesaled by one
of the largest St. Louis Jobbers
to sell at $." and $6 a pair. Fancy
checks, plaids, also gray, tail and
silk bound white blankets. Size
Gfx80 and 72xS2; guaranteed to
be made from the finest wool
and Is manufactured JQ QQ
in best manner, pr. J)5i0
Cotton Blankets at 30c
White, gray and tan double bed blankets for children's
and three-quarter beds. St. Louis jobbers wholesale Mf
them at 52 He a pair. Sale price, pair tl
Men's Shirts. 48c
Big lot of soft and stiff cuff neg
ligee shirts. Light and dark pat
tern; all sizes, 14 to
18, a few 19 and
19. Worth $1.00 to
$1.50. at ,
89c Jersey Sweaters, BOc
Jersey sweaters with turtle neck
and glove snap fasteners, In blue,
gray and black. Would be good
quality to retail at 89c
some of them more. Price
$1.00 Sweater Coats, 50c
Heavy shaker ; knit
sweater coats. The
kind that usually re
tails at $1. Gray only
$1 and $1.50 Underwear, 43c
Underwear in odd lots and broken
lines. -Wool and cotton two-piece
garments. Ecru and natural gray
color. Some of the
garments are badly
soiled. $1 and $1.60
values. Per garment.
25c to 50c Suspenders
10c to 10c
Suspenders, the kind that retail
at 25c and 50c. Good elastic, light
and dark patterns. Some fire and
policeman braces that always sell
at 60c. In this sale, at
10c, 15c and 19c
Union Suits, 08c
Heavy cotton fleece union suits.
All sizes; gray only. A splendid
garment. The satisfac
tory kind, at. ....... .
$1.00 Union Suits, 70c
Ecru color. Slightly Imperfect.
Spring needle garments, worth
regularly $1.00. Hl
Sale price
Men's 10c Hose,
Black and tan hosiery
The 10c kind. Thurs
day, at thig sale, per
Women's $3.50 and $5.00
-a, cago.
If "
HE surplus of a big wholesale milliner in Chi-
The hats , are all late shapes and
trimmed in a variety of the newest
styles. AVould sell regularly for
$3.50 to $5.00. Thursday thev are
to go at $1.00.
$1.05 Untrimmed
Hats, 42c
All good, desirable
shapes, in black and
colors. $1.95
values, at...
$2.50 Untriinim-d
Hats, 2c
Latest shapes In black
and colors; regular
$2 50 values, A0
for OZC
42 c
$2.05 Untriinmed
Hats, 72c
Black and colors; new
est shapes. Regular
$2.95 values,
Ostrich Feathers
A big assortment for
selection. Black, white
and colors. Very de
sirable for trimmings.
$1.50 and $2.00 val
ue at,. ,nc and 08c
84e Linen Crash, So
Linen finish crash, very
absorbent. Fast colored
border; 8V4c quality.
Special, yard
12 Uc Huck Towels. 7ttc
Huck towels, colored border, siie
18x?6. Extra good
weight. 10c quality, ea.
$1.00 Spreads, 70c
Bed spreads, double
size, good quality, $1
quality. On Bale
Thuisday, at
$1.25 Spreads, 08c
Bed spreads. Double bed size.
Extra weight, assorted QO
patterns. $1.25 values.. ?OC
5c Tablets, 2 for 5c
Large size lead pencil n
tablets. Regular 5c
kind. On sale Thurs- f.
day. at 1UI
5c Ink, 2 for 5c
Carter's famous black letter ink.
5c bottles at 2 bottles
25c llox Taper, 10c '
Linen finish box paper, correct
letter size. 24 sheets
paper with envelopes.
Kegular 25c kind. On
sale Thursday, at. . . .
5c Knvelopes, 2 lkg", 5c
Business size envel- n
opes, 25 in a pack
age. Regular 5c kind, fnrftjl
ai .........
tl.n Corset . 70n
Women's corsets and waists for
house wear. Very com
fortable. Both steel
front or buttoned
Keg- $1 and $1.50, at.
80c Brassieres, 25c.
Brassieres made of good long
cloth. Perfect fitting, neat edge;
all sices. Regular 39c quality;
botn back, front. or cross
back. Special ....
Hoys' Pants, 40c
Boys' corduroy knickers and
heavy all-wool knick
ers, extra well made,
all seams taped and
reinforced. Special..,
Hoys' Glovex, 15c
Boys gloves and mittens, made
in reindeer, buck and horsehlde,
heavily fleece lined, also all-wool
golf loves and mittens. Very
specially priced, at
49c, 39c, 25c and 15c
Boys' Overcoats, $1.50
Boys' Juvenile overcoats, sizes 5,
6, 7, and 8 only. Very Ai Cf
specially priced, at.. 3lOU
2 for 5c Moss, lc
Princess embroidered floss. Rope
ana loaia, an colors.
Regular 2 for 5c. Spe
cial, 12 skeins for 10c,
or, skein
Knibroltlery Hoom, 3c
cmuroiaery noops, with Q
springs. Special, pair OC
Any Woman's Coat in the
Basement Section, Formerly
Priced, $10, $12.50 and $15
They are made in a great variety of
good styles, good, warm, serviceable gar
ments, Including such splendid materials
as plushes, broadcloths, mixtures, novelty
cloths, Perslana cloth, chinchilla, etc.
$15 Tailored Suits, $9.98
Latest styles, made of serges, fancy
weaves and mixtures. In a splendid selec
tion of new styles; good range of colors;
positively worth $15.00.
Thursday, choice
75c WalMs, 40c
Lawns, mercerized mad
ras, trimmed in lace and
embroidery collars. Good
76c values, AC
$1.00 Waists, flOc
Crepes, lawns, sateens
and linen; trimmed with
lace and embroidery with
fancy cords. $1 f?Q
values, at .... OUC
$1.25 Waists, $1.00
Fine black soisette waists, very
latest styles, set in sleeves, roll
collar. All sizes. $1.25
values. Sale price
70c Sateen Petticoat, 40c
Splendid quality of black sateen
with 12-in. pleated flounce. Worth
79c' A big value, 49c
Children's $1.25 Dresses, 08c
Blue cotton serge with white
stripe, fast colors. Trimmed in
plain blue and red braid. Ages, 5
to 14. $1.25 dresses,
Thursday, price . . .
Houha Ihesses at 08c
Fleece lined, all sizes; dark col
ors. Well made and trimmed neat
ly. High neck with long AO
sleeves. Thursday, at.. JOC
25c Neckwear, 15c
Vesta, yokes, fichus
ruchsand flat crepe
collars, in colors and
white. Rog. 25c val..
25c Ribbons, 15c
Batln, taffeta and flowered, from
3 to 4V4 inches wide f
25c values, at, yard.... IOC
25c Veilings, 15c
Veilings. Black, white
and colored. Regular
price 25c, Sale price,
Dress Trimming, 1 (e
Including Persian bands, edges
and appliques. Special, 4 f
at, yard 1UC
Child's Gloves, 5 c
Children's yarn mittens and jer
sey gloves. Sale price, pair
5c, 10c, 15c and 25c j
Jersey Gloves, 25c '
Women's Jersey fleece lined
gloves. AH black golf
gloves, pair
Hoys Gauntlets
Leather and Jersey, also all
leather. Sale
price, pair.
Notion Bargains
Women's and
Children's hose
supporters, at,
pair .... 7Hc
Silk finish cro
chet cotton; all
colors. Spool Sc
Hooks and eyes,
card lc
Pearl buttons,
dozen .... 2c
K ni b r o
twist, all col
ors, spool, le
Nickel plated safety pins, 3
dozen 5c
4-p 1 y darning
cotton, 4 for 5c
Cotton tape, 8
yard bolts. 5c
Hair pins, 10
packages . . 5c
Linen finish
thread, spl 5o
Storm Serge, 39c
..25c and 50c
All wool storm serge In navy blue,
brown, Copehagen,
wine, tan and black.
Full 36 ins. wide; on
sale at, yard
$1 to $1.50 Dress Goods
Thursday, 69c
Including a great variety of col
ors and weaves, such as 50-lnch
wool brocades, 44-lnch granite
weaves, 64-in. plaids In blue and
green, 54-ln. diagonal suitings.
5 4-ln. stripe suitings,
50-ln. tailor checks.
Values $1 and $1.50,
Wholesalers' Stock Women's
and Children's Underwear
1 springs. Special, pair xJ U t. holce. inursoay. at
ssiSisiEureegs-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.ii
Women's $1.00 Union Suits at 69c
"Women's white cotton union suits, Dutch neck,
elbow sleeves, ankle length. $1.00 values, 69c.
Women's white cotton union suits, high neck,
long sleeves, ankle length. In regular and
extra sizes. $1.00 values at 69c.
Women's S1.00 to $1.50 Ms, 6c
Women's natural or camel's hair flat
wool vests and pants. $1-$1.50 vals, tide. . LZQ
Women's stiver gray ribbed wool vests II III,
and pants. $1.00 to $1.50 values. OUc
Child's Sl.OO I'nlon Suit. 60c
Boys' and Girls' union suits. Natural, sliver gray;
part wool and fleece lined. Open and CQ
drop seats. $1.00 and $1.50 valnes. . . . OtC
Women's 54)c tta and Pants, BOc
Women's white cotton fleece lined vests and pants,
and women's white cotton fleece lined union suits,
In regular and extra sites. Slight Imper- nn
fectlons. 50c values., 0C
Children's 75c VeU and Pant. 25c
Children's white ribbed wool vests and pants. Most
all sizes. Values up to 76c. OC
Choice. Thursday, at AiJt
10c Outing Flannel 6c Yard
A N OVKKSTOCKKD Chicago Jobber sold to us at a great loss his
a. ontiro slock of 10 to 20-yard lengths or the
finest, fluffiest, warmest. Including Amoskeag, An
derson and 8wlss outing flannels. Fancy stripes,
c hecks and plald-i. Light and dark ground; without
doubt the best outing flannel bargain ever offered, yd. ..
12 He Kden Cloth, OHc
Looks Just like the Imported
wool Scotch flannels. Light and
medium colored Gray grounds
with fancy" stripes, also heavy
pink, blue and gray mottled
flannels. Very spe
cial, at, yard
25c Mercerised Poplins, 12 Hi
These Lortex poplins are highly
mercerized. The weave is for
1914 and 1916 wear. Black,
white and all wanted colors.
Ytu will be pleased with this
delrable bargain, Ql
at, yard liSC
5c Cotton Challie. 2 He
Not a few remnants, but hundreds of perfect holts.
Persian, oriental, figured and floral rotten challies.
They were bought by us at a great loss to an over
stocked eastern Jobber. Plenty of salespeople. YaYd..
8Uc Kliaker Flannels, 5c
Bleached and unbleached shaker
flannels that are always
so much In demand, yard.
H)c Ulnicham, Yard tic
Everett classic ginghams;
stripes, checks and plain col
ors. The best standard dress
gingham made. Worth 10c f
yard. Sale prlcft, yard... OC
12 He Percales at 5c .
You will want thse percales for
aprons, house dresses, etc, light,
medium and dark colors, f"
Yard wide at yard OC
12 He Zephyr Ginghams, 7c
12 Vic Red Seal Zephyrs, all the
fancy checks, stripes and colored
effects. Fast colors. Per- rj
feet mill lengths, at yard f C
Remnant of Fleece Flannels, 3Hc
Mill remnants of Duckling fleece flannels. Light
and dark outing flannel remnants, etc. Many
pieces to match, at, yard
27c Sheeting, 19c
Arcadia sheeting has for many
years been a leader with a great
St. Louis wholesaler. Thousands
of bolts have been re
tailed the country over
at 27c a yd., 9-4 wide.
full bleached, at, yard.
25c Sheeting at 17c
The 9-4 unbleached Arcadia sheet
ing is worth 25c yard.
Sale price here, yard. ... 1 C
$1 and $1.50 Hot
Water Bottles,39c
A lot or 1,000 hot water bottles,
known to the trade as "factory
seconds," but which are In real
ity perfect except for
an oil spot or the like.
Regular $1 and $1.50
values, all guaranteed.
Women's $3.50 Dress and
Street SHOES, at Pr., $1.95
Two thousand pairs of high shoes for dress and street
wear in button and lace styles. Patent, gunmetal, kid and
tan calfskin leathers with mat kid and cloth
tops. Flexible sewed soles, all sizes OC
represented. These shoes wero ) n IO
made to sell at $3.50. Thursday, H
at, pair
Women's $.1.00 Shoes at 80c
350 pairs of women's shoes. Button and lace styles;
patent gunmetal and kid leathers, plain and tipped
toes; flexible soles with Cuban and military heels.
$3.50 to $4.00 values. Sices 2 hi to 4V&
only. Per pair
Children's Shoes, $.30
Button style, gunmetal
leather. All sizes, 8 V4 to
Misses' Shoes, $1.69
Button style, in gunmetal
leather. All sizes. 11 Vi to
Soaps, Toilets, Etc.
Diamond "C"
soap. Sale price
William's shav
ing soap, Q
10c cake.
cum 1 O
Sale Trice,
Talcum p o w
ders, 10c o
cans for. OC
Household am
monia, 1 O
1-qt... 1ZC
House Furnishings
iBurgess-Nash Co.-
1.50 Cajvinii Set
Special pair carver's
knife and fork. Are
worth $1.60. Thurs
day, for. .'
40c Koaster, 10c
Brownie pattern double
Is worth 40c. Special,
S1.50 1 toaster, DHc
Square aluminum roaster. It Is
worth $1.50. Special,
Hoaxer "t tic
Savory roaster. The best made
Salf basting, seamless
and sanitary. Small
size. Special Thurs
day, at
Roaater at 08c
Large size Savory steel AO
roaster, at UOC
$2.50 Casserole, 91.60
Extra high grade Casserole. Gen
uine Guernsey dish and 4 A
cover. Ntokle elated $ I 07
frame for tome. Worth I f
12.50. Special
-Everybody's Store 16tU and H&rney
25c Jewelry, 10c
Bar plas, cuff pins, hat pins, V
pins, bead cnains, hair
pins, cuff links, scarf
pins etc. 25c values,
25c Coin Holders, 5c
Coin holders of German sliver on
a finger chain. Also vanity
cases- neguiar Z5c values
Pillow Tom.
Stamped pillow tops and scarfs on
roou quaiuy cratm, witn
6 skeins of floss for
working in floral and
conven'al designs. Spc'I.
10c Hand Ram. 5c
Linen hand bags wlih lining and
iiosB ror Boraing. A very
attractive novelty for
Christmas. Stamped and
tinted. Special, each
5c Crochet Hooks, lc
Bone crochet hooks, 5c ea.
All sizes, per hook
Delta at 10c
Belts and girdles, pat
ent leather and silk.
Values up to 50c and
69c, at
All-leather bags with coin A
purse. Fancy frames. . . lOC
Curtain Holms, 10c
36 Inches wide, also voiles, with
fancy borders, cross
bars and colored ef
fects, make dainty and
attractive curtains, yd .