Advertising is the pendu lum that keeps buying and selling in motion. Omaha Daily THE WEATHER. . Cloudy VOL. XL1VNO. 120. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 19U -TWELVE PAGES. Oa Traiaa a 114 at oUU Hm Stents, Bo. SINGLE COPY" TWO CENTS. MINORS WILL HAYE WORD IN ANY PEACE . PACT INBASE BALL Clubi from Majors Down to Thoie . Playing ia Class D Mast Ap- 1 prove Action. PASTING WORDS OF HERRMANN Chairman of National Commission . Before Leaving City, Gird Ad vice to the Magnates. EVERYBODY MUST BE SATISFIED Committee on Revision of Constitn r tion Reports to the Convention. SALARY LIMITS ARE FIXED Two Tkonannd, Bla-fct Hundred Dol lar la ltlh Water Mark for Play era In the Weatern . Lrtnc v "No matter what action we may take with retard to the Federal league and peace with that organisation, that action must be approved by all organized ball, not only by the major leagues, but the National Association of Professional Base Ball Leagues, from the biggest minors down to the smallest Class D club." ' - That was the parting word of Garry Herrmann, chairman of the National commission, to the Minor League conven tion yesterday, Just before he departed "for Chicago. Herrmann spoke before the convention in session at the Rome hotel. "I hare met with Mr. Wecghrrfenn of the Federals four times," asserted Herr mann. "Monday last I was In conference with Mr. Weeghmann. Robert E. Ward of Brooklyn and Colonel Robertson of Buffalo. Tomorrow morning I will meet with them again. "I am for peace. That much I will definitely state; I am for peace If it can be obtained through and .sensible lines. I believe that the Federals think dlffer ntly now than they did at the start of the season. They were encouraged to en ter the base ball war by the promoters tt the league. And I am sure that if the Federals had enjoyed double the business they dd they would still be far shy the predictions of the promoters f "Before the Introduction of our com petitors, I believe organised boll was Played in too extravagant manner. We must In the future practice economy; w ' have carried too many players, and ouri salaries have been too large, from the majors to the lowest minors.- Henceforth I believe we shoald take precautionary measures to obtain our standards In- ac cordance to what the money taken in at the gate will permit N Moat All Be Satisfied. 'But, be It remembered, no matter what the attitude of the national commission THE RUSSIANS Czar's men being marched as prisoners of war to internment camp in East Prussia. J rLo X sH : T fGA 7r -JCilv a , .. ! - a .a a i I ; I t 1 . .11 J Innrminn nrtnnn ucniica awn OF OPERATIONS OF THE BANKS Federal Reserve Board Makes Clear How New Financial System Will Be Run. CAN EXERCISE ALL FUNCTIONS Acceptance of Deposits of Reserves from Member Institutions One of Rales. V Ji .1 1 .Vjr J J ... aL.i. T . ... its i " body in organised ball must be satisfied. v . i Atter Mr. Herwaann'a talk the commit tee appointed on the revision of the con stitution -was called upon. President Kavanaugh cY the Southern association acted as chairman and recommended sev eral changes. The first . change ap proached concerned tho reduction of sal- (Contlnued on Page Eight, Column Four.) Mr. Wait Concedes r defeat by About 800 LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Secretary of State Walt at noon today concedes the election of his demo cratic opponent, Charles Pool, by at least SO .majority. The exact figures cannot be given until the total count Is In. There are yet fourteen counties to report. FOUR GERMAN WARSHIPS ' ARE SIGHTED OFF PERU LIMA, Pern. Nov. 11. A telegram from Taltal, Chile, says that a steamer arriv ing there reports that when off Co qulmbo, Chile, it sighted four German warships, steaming north. . Ooqulmbo is about S00 'miles south of Taltal, and allowing for the time of the steamer's passage between the two ports, the warchtps may have been seen on Saturday or Sunday. Coquirabe is about 4o0 miles north of Coronel, off which the naval engagement of November 1 was fought. . The Weather Forecast till T p. m. Thursday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Cioudy. Tempera tares at Oaiaka Yeaterday ' Hours. i S s m.... a. m.-r... DISEASE IN IOWA KEEPS QUARANTINE New Caje of Foot and Mouth Tronble Located in Jones County - Bar is Still Up. NEBRASKA IS STILL FREE Railroads Are Kreatnc Vp Their Fight to Prevent the Appear- aaee of the Traable ta This State, 7 a. m.m. t a. mM- a. m.... 10 a. m.... 11 a. m.... 12 m. . 1 p. m.... 2 p. m.... 3 p. m.... 4 p. m.... 6 p. m.... p. m. Discovery of another case of - the foot and mouth disease In Jones county, Iowa, has caused the Washington authorities to indicate that a request for the raising of the quarantine on Iowa .will not be met favorably at this time. "It is a policy of watchful waiting now," according to E.' Buckingham, gen eral manager of the Union Stock yards. The local yards had Intended to formally request the raising of the quarantine on western Iowa and to that end ordered 1 A. Stryker, secretary ot the Live . StobH exchange to "proceed .-. t rom BostoA.'itb Washington to present the demand. 'Be fore making a formal ' request Stryker was directed to reel out the situation.- A private conversation with A. D. Melvln, chief of the Bureau or Animal Industry, gave the yards 'to understand that a re quest for a discharge of western Iowa from quarantine, at this time would not be favorably received. In consequence ft will not be asked. Moat Trace Disease. Before such" request would be con sidered every state will have to be can vassed by the Bureau of Animal Industry and all disease centers located. All live stock that has passed through the Chicago yards since October, 6 must be traced to its final ' destination and carefully ex amined for traces of infection. I Infected cattle at Olendlve, Mont., yes terday . were discovered and 106 head killed and 800 other cattle were placed under stringent observation by the au thorities. Railroads Still Active. Local officials of the roads operating into and out of Omaha are proceeding rapidly with - the disinfecting of stock cars and expect to complete their labors by the last of the week. Up to this time none 'of them has any advloe indicating that the foot and mouth disease Is spreading Into Omaha territory. On the other hand, they are advised that It is being held in the localities where It broke out. ' Assistant General Western Agent Du val of the Milwaukee has returned from Michigan,: one of the quarantined states, and asserts that while the farmers and stock raisers there are considerably alarmed, ' co-operating with state and government officials, they are holding the disease In check. The disease Is not general throughout the state, but has ap peared in a number of localities. Cattle Are Stepped.. Burlington off icials . find themselves confronting a problem , that they are un- ...tfi Oregon, on .the .Montana line, they re ...'.39 celved a trainload of sheep consigned to Bloody Hand to Hand Battle Contines in West Belgium LONDON, Nov. XL The hundredth day of the war, "which engages virtually half the world,' both in respect ta land area and population finds the Teutonic slllos practically on the defensive, . according to opinions expressed today by English students of the situation, at least tempo, rarlly, in bpth the main areas of hostil ities. This role Is, perhaps, more pronounce In the eastern field of operation, where the Germans have been thrown well back behind their own frontier linns at several points m Bast Prussia and Posen, than in the western field, where, although the successes of the last two weeks have enabled the forces of Great Britain, France and Belgium to Inaugurate a vig orous offensive, the Germans are atlll disputing every foot of ground with, bloody hand-to-hand fighting, which is proving more deadly than has any pre vious phase of this most sanguinary war. The names of some towns and vil lages occurring with .monotonous reg ularity day after Any In the official reports,' show how stubborn ' has been the struggle in the country centering around Tpres, In this land the opposing armies have ' burrowed until It has be come a veritable human rabbit warren. The report of renewed tentative! for peace' on' the part of Germany, which, however, has not been confirmed, with the purpose of detaching Russia from the other allies, as Germany is believed previ ously to have tried to detach France, is accepted in London as an indication that Germany is becoming aware of the difficulties of the task it has un dertaken in prosecuting an offensive war fare against foes on two fronts, and the supposed' failure of these overtures, If any have actually been made. Is coupled with the continual movement to. the east of German troops front Belgium. DISCOUNT EXCHANGE BILLS Circular Gives Expected Definition ' of Commercial Paper. LANGUAGE" OF CURRENCY ACT Conditions that Have Ariaen In This Conntry and Thronithoat the World by War Are Iliaenaard. WASHINGTON, Nov .ll.-The scope of the operations of the twelve federal re serve bunks to be opened for buslnees next Monday was do fined for the first few months of their extstem-e. In a circular Issued today by tho Federal He serve board. For the present the banks will not exercise all the functions given thenr by congreaa The board, concur ring with the directors and governors of the twelve banks in recent conferences here. Indorsed this plan of operations: Acceptance of deposits of reserves, from member banks. Dlecount of bills of exchange and com mercial paper. ' Acceptance of deposits of checks drawn by member hanks on any reserve bank or member 'bank In a reserve or central reserve city within their federal reserve districts. Other powers msy be called Into play as the establishment of safe and effi cient organisation permits. Defines Commercial Paper. In its circulation the board gave the long expected definition of commercial paper, which is to be the life blood of the new system, the basis for the new federal reserve currency and the means by which the nationals circulating med ium is expected to meet the expansl6ns and contractions of trade and Industry. The rate ot rediscount was not an nounced. ' This step probably will not be taken until Monday. The rata will not be uniform In all the banks. ' , . The . definition of commerce. I; paper is. .broad sna relies-to' a targe degree upon the language of the currency act The board declines at present to discuss j (Continued on Page Two,- Column One.) T- .40 the Omaha market.' When the canslrn- !!.'!"to west was free from the foot and mouth i M disease, but when the sheep arrived at J Billings Nebraska and Illinois had quar- !""!! antined against . Montana . and the states !"'.!!&) farther west had followed suit. This M fact made It Impossible to ship he ?i sheep on to market and' made it Vjually 7 p. m 67 i impossible to return tliem to the points ' p. W 64! from whence they came. As a -result Comparative, Loeal Record. . ! there is nothing to do but hold the sheep 1814. 1913. 1912. mi. land In the meantime the expenses for . 64 52 ag 4i feeding and care at the Billings ' yards ' 50 40 s? J ' re running up rapidly. . .00 .00 WILSON WISHES HE - HAD AJST NAME President Sorry He Hasn't Front One that Admits of Shortening Like Phil Kearney's. PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE GENERAL Executive Says There is Something Very Noble and Admirable la Causes for Which War la Undertaken Occasionally. GERMAN - FORCES : STORM DIXMDDE . j Teutons Capture Over Fire Hundred Men and Nine Machine Guns , with Belgian Town. , s FARTHER SOUTH CANAL CROSSED Highest yesterday.. I.o west yesterday.. Mean temperature.. Precipitation ....... Temperature and tures from the normal: Normal temperature Kimu for the day. .00 .06 precipitation depar- 60 y HI Total excess. since March 1..; 731 1 Russians Ready to Advance on Cracow WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. President Wilson, speaking today at the unveiling of a statue to General Phillip Kearney at Arlington National cemetery, declared that ."there la nothing noble or admirable in war In Itself, but there 1 something very noble and admirable, occasionally, in the causes 'for which war Is under taken, and there is something very noble and admirable in the characters which war develops. "If a man's character can go through the fire and come out resplendent," said the president, "then you know that It Is of the true quality of the best human stuff." . , Typified Best Leadership. Mr. Wilson said General eKarney typi fied the best kind of a leader produced by the United States, adding that "there has been many another man who. stood alongside of him with the same qualities and the same distinction of service. "The government of a great people,", he added, "can always count upon great services ; and the beauty of our govern ment, the pride that we all feel Is that -It is a government of a great people, prodigal in their gifts of service, always ready to provide those things which con stitute the stuff of heroism and elevate a nation in the annals of- mankind." , Speaking of the habit of General' Kear ney's soldiers of . effectlonately calling him "Phil," the president , said, he had always been sorry he did not have a "front name Which admitted of shorten ing." . Waits la the Cold.. '. Because of the lateness of a special train bringing suo civil war veterans from New Jersey for the unveiling ceremonies, f resident W'.lsoti waljed In the cold at tho cemetery for more . than an hour. He spent the time examining the graves or noiea soaiers ahd sailors. . The statue was unvoiled by dependents Ipt General Kearney, while a field. bat- f i rum rort aiyer Tired a major gen eral's salute of seventeen guns. i PETROGRAD, Nov. lL-Via London.) Normal precipitation ot inch I 'JefU'lenoy for the day 04 men I i i . , . i. . ts i . I iui ruiiaii Biuw muni. i,,.n.iv ncnei . , , . . Deficiency since March 1 1.40 inches That lvance on Cracow, Ga- Deflctency for cor. period, MIS.. 1. 41 inches licla, is imminent, seems to be confirmed .Deficiency for cor. period. W12.. S.60 inches by a report that the commandant of the Temp. High- Katn- lall. 7 p. m. est Reports front Stations at T P Etation and State. of Weather. Cheyenne, clear Davenport, cloudy Ixnver, clear Iea Moines, clear iKxlRe t'tty. clear North Platte, clear Omaha, clear Puablo. ilear Kapld City, partly cloudy. eO a.U Lake City, clear &0 Burn (a, cloudy s fheridan. cloudy 63 Moux City, clear. ...... ...B4 Valentine, rirar &z .46 . .60 ..64 ..&4 ...51 ..67 .61 M 72 61 6 70 4 64 s 68 64 M S4 64 .00 L. A.,yJk.UilV Local Forecaster. Austrians had Issued an order expellng all noncorabatanta from the city. This report is printed In the Russkof Blovo, which also announces that the '.00 Gerroaa generals. Von Makenge and Von 00 ; Llebert, were made' prisoners In the JJj fighting around Bleredxl. .00 According to the evening 'newspapers. OJ the action of the Persian government In banishing Sheik Abdul Nabl Lowla for '.0,;' alleged agitation in favor of a Mohara .00 meran holy war against Russia is con- jjjj sldcred In Russian official circles as proof i of Persia's friendliness to Russia thus far. PLAGUE SPREADS AMONG ,y- FINE DAIRY CATTLE CHICAGO. Nov. It-Spread of foot and mouth disease among the S36 prise cattle under quarantine at the Chicago Union Stock yards assume! such alarm ing proportions today that it was feared ths Infection could not be ' prevented from spreading to every animal in the herd. The cattle arc valued at 12,600,000. Dr. 8. K. Bennett of the federal bureau of animal Industry, said that forty new cases were discovered In the herd yester day. The newly infects 1 cows were taken to the veterinary hospital where fifty-two other cases from the dairy are under treatment. j Tnrkiah Offenaive oa Cancaaloa Frontier Is Maintained, According- to Reports front Constantinople. i LONDON, Nov. U.-Tlto following Ger man official statement, issued this after noon, contained in a dispatch from Ber lin transmitted by the Marconi Wlrele4 company: "We made good progress yestei-day on the,Tser branch of the .Yprea and look Dlxmude by storm, capturing more thin 500 prisoners and nine maoli'.ie guns. "Farther south of Dlxmudo our tr.'i.TS crossed the canal and went o' Langn-tre captured the first line of the enemy's position. About 2,000 infantry were taken prisoners and six machine un were rap tured. South of Tpres we have driven the enemy out of St. Elol. Hold the Heights. "Despite fleroe counter attacks ly the British the dominating ne ghts to the north of Armentleres temaln in our hands, "Our attack has mode progress to th southwest of LlHe. The French suffered heavy losses while attempting to recap ture commanding heights to the north of Vienna Le Chateau In the forest of Ar gonne and to the northeast and south of Verdup French attacks were everywhere-repulsed. ' i "No Important Information Is at hand from the eastern theater of the war. "It is officially reported from Vienna that heavy fighting at tfhabata andiLes nltxa wasi continued through the night and some of the . enemy's positions ' war taken: To the east of Kupanje, the pur suit . of ' the. enemy is being .continued. ' Meveaaeata of Haaalana. ''' '.'There' are movements of strong Rus sian, forces In east Gallcla and in Bes sarabia a government of -southwestern Russia this apparently being In connec tion 'with' the Turkish war. ' '"General headquarters - at Constanti nople report that although snow is falling and lns pita of a heavy atmosphere, our offensive, on the Caucasian frontier is maintained." Part of Strait Near ,' Vancouver Island is k Closed to Navigation OTTAWA Oht Not. !l.-. was of ficially announced todty . that the .west ern .portion ot Brouglftod strait, hear Voncouver llsand, has been closed to navigation for purposes of defense. Shipping has been notified that vessels between Johnston strait and Queen Char lotte sound must take the Weynton pass age and Blackflsh sound. ' ' Vessels going by way of Ellen Point chan nel are In danger of being fired upon, ' it Is announced. While no reason has been assigned officially for this action, it Is popularly t believed to be due to appre hension as to possible attack from the German fleet lhat defeated British war ships recently off the coast of Chile. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 11. The closing of Broughton strait, north of Vancouver Island, by the Canadian government will Oblige all shipping using the Inside pas sage to Alaska to deviate from the course hitherto followed. ' " Although no German .vessel has yet en tered, tho north Pacific, and the British cruiser New Castle, Swlftsure and Rain bow and the Japanese cruiser Idtumo are patrolling the coast, the people of Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert have been extremely nervous over re ports that the way was operi for a Oer- man naval attack on British cities. The Strait of Fuca, near, Victoria, has been mined, guns have been placed command ing the narrows near Vancouver and other defensive steps have been taken. The Day's War News The German war machine has battered Its war Into the Belgian town of Dlxmude. The official French statement contains the ad mission that the allies were obliged to fall back from thin point of vantage In the great bat tle for possession of the eastern bore of the British channel. As an offset, the "French war offico states that the allies' forces have advanced along the North Sea coast, pushing back the Germans and taking I.onibnertrtede, a small Delglan town a few miles north t east of Nleuport. Along the remainder of the battle lino, says U French war office, there Is no change, except for slight progress by the allies at a few points. The Berlin view of the situation, hoVever, is op timistic, comment is madeathere of the use of the expression "good advanens" In the latest official German reports concerning the fighting In the west, being .the first occasion on which such terms have. been employed In this con nection. Paris also Is hopeful as to the outcomo In Belgium. Military critics there take the view that the Germans aro faced with, the Imperative necessity of defeating the allies,' In order that they mar turn their attention to the menac ing armies of Russia. The German crown prince is re ported to have been placed in su preme command of the German ' and Austrian forces In , the east. Petrograd contradicts the Ger man claim to an Important victory along the northern border, assert-' ing that a brilliant, success has been won there and that the Rus sians have begun aTKlnvaslonvof ' east Prussia. On the southern ' end of the line Cossacks are ap proaching Cracow, while the In- . vestment of Prxemysl, from which the Russians were swept back sev eral weeks ago, Is said to have been completed for a second time. There were further indications yesterday the Turks were offer-, ing determined resistance to-the Russian advance. Official Turk Russian advance. Official Turk ish statement laid claim to con-' slderable success Jn operations In the Caucasus, as wejl as on the ; ' Jiyptlan, 'frontier.' The Turks an nounced also Jhat thay had occu pled a fortified position at El Arlnh, Egypt, a point On the Med ittiranean, near the boundary of Egypt and Palestine. ' . GERMANY MAKES MOVE LOOKING TO PEACE PROPOSAL Kaiier Said to Have Approached Cc&r with Suggestion of Negotia tion for an Armistice. POPE MAY TAKE INITIATIVE Eumor from Cologne Hit Holiness Will Attempt to Get Power to Discuss Terms. r BUSINESS HOUSES WIPED OUT BY. SPREADING FIRE IOWA CITY. la.. Nov. 11 rsuicui t.i. egrem.)-Over 600 men. woman ami nhti. dren fought an unsuccessful bsttle against iiamesvwnicn today wiped out, the busi ness section of Hills, seven mHes. so. uh of here causing a Ions of over toO.100. There was no Insurance. " RESTAURANTOne of the best In ' Omaha. lomplete!y flttad Good lixatton. Unable to operate properly on account other businrss. Worth double. Cost me K.iOO; will sacrifice. Consider trade, balance payments. ror farther laformsMoa about this opportunity, see the Want A4 aeeUuB of today's Bee. One Progressive May Hold the Balance of Power in Idaho BOISE. Idaho, Nov. 11. Whether the republicans will control the Idaho house of representatives, or the one progressive member will hold the balance of power, Is to be decided by tot when the state canvassing board meets November U. In tah county, the republican and demo cratic candidates for representative each received 1.M5 votes. The stste law pro vides that tie votes shall be decided by the casting of lots. , - If the republicans gsln the Latah oounty member they will .have SI mem bers to 28 democrats snd 1 progressive. If, however, the seat goes to the demo cratic candidate, the republicans will have 30 members and the democrats 29, giving the lone progressive the balance of power in thes haplng of legislation. ANTI-TEUTONIC RIOT JN TURKEY Mob Excited by the Defeats of Sun day Attacks the KaiseT's Army Officer. PLOT AGAINST THE WAE PABTY lira Promoting Movement Aimed at Germans and Vossg Turks Are, Arrested and Shot- War , Beeomlnsr L'apopnla. LONDON, Nov. ll.-A dispatch to the i i nirti of ii vuuife,njr I rum Atnens says: "It Is learned that a conspiracy was discovered at Constantinople against the I Germans and young. Turks. The chief conspirators ware arrested and shot. "The population of the Ottoman capital becoming very excited, as a result of th Turkish defeat on Sunday, visited re sent ment on a number of German non commissioned officers, whom they at tacked." A dispatch from Athens to the Post says: ... "According to dispatches received .here Turkey is much depressed by the dam age already inflicted by Russians and by the unpromising nature of the present situation. It . la v already repenting Its rash adventure and . may refrain from further military action. . "The general Balkan situation is still obscure, with Bulgaria as the key to the situation. , Nothing definite Is yet known as to the proposed Balkan understanding, which it is admitted in well-informed circles Is on the verge of conclusion.". RUSSIANS ADVANCE IN PRUSSIA v . German Report that They Had Been " Checked at the Fronier Denied v by Petrograd. PR2EMYSL IS INVESTED AGAIN Jap Sea Fighters -' Leave Honolulu - HONOLULU. T. U.r Nov. lL-The Japanese battleship Hlsen and Cruiser A same, which entered this port yester day for coal anj provisions, left here early today for an unknown destination. - Rumor has It in the Japanese colony that the warships will rendesvoua with a Japanese fleet now nearlng the roust of Chile, where It Is supposed to be seek ing the Oerman omlsers which defeated Itear Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock's squadron. . Two Japanese merchantmen at Illlo are due to clear shortly, but in view of the sinking of the Emden and known presence of the remainder of the Oerman Paclfio squadron off the coast of South America, It la not believed the Hlsen and the Asama will be detailed to convoy them. Raiding Parties of Cossacks Re " ported' Near Cracow. v " GERMAN GENERAL IS CAPTURED Commander ( Seventeenth Corp ' and Staff Taktsn by Caar'a Troop Resorted Transfer of Oer sua as to West Unconfirmed. BVlXhTIX. ' LONDON, Nor. ,11. Telegraphing from Copenhagen, i a correspondent of the Central News says; "A dispatch received here front Cologne affirms ' that the ' pop shortly will endeavor to initiate nego tiations for peace through the me dium of a pastoral letter. ; "The Oerman view of this Is that any such action' by his' holiness would raise the question of the popes temporal power and force Italy Into taking an attitude against the proposal." LONDON, Nov. 11 Coincldont with the news that every Oerman soldier baa been swept from Russian soil, come a whisper of peace negotiations in ' tho ; report from Petrograd that Berlin has approached Russia with overtures looking toward a cessation of hostilities. . " Contrary, to German report that the "gtusalans had been checked on the fron tier of Cast Prussia, Petrograd declares that a brilliant success n that , region has been succeeded by, 'an actual Invasion ot Oerman territory. An equal triumuh Is reported from ths other end of the long Russian battle tine. With Cos sacks raiding within twenty miles of Craoow, the commandant of that fort ress has ordered the civilian population of the city to leave. Prtemyat Is said to be fully Invested again and its reduction Is likely to pre cede any further advance by the Russian left wing. Petrograd is not wholly satisfied . with the scope of the victories reported against the Germans for the belief prevails in military circles ' that ' if the Russian strategy of the Naponeonlo era had been followed ' fjurther, even to the extent of the surrender of Warsaw, the invadera would never have remained in their own country with intact fighting prganlsa tlons. Others fori that political motives quit Justified the government In Its de termination to defend Warsaw. Rnsslnns Use Bayonets. . Contrary to practice, infantry and not artillery has been the dominant force used by the . Russians along the western battle front In pushing tho invaders back across the border.' Showing disregard of I the Oerman . batteries, superior forces of Russian infantry time after time hava advanced and won positions by the dm ot .cold steel. . i From Moscow comer a report that dur ing the . fighting near Aerods, en the Warthe river, the . Russians captured Oeneral von Maksnge, commander of the , oT7.uivciti(i urnmn . army corps, ic- i gether . with members of his staff. It la .reported also that Oeneral von Uebert, (Continued on Page Two, Column Four. SHRINERS ARE IN CONTROL ' FOR DAY AT SIOUX FALLS BIOUX KALLS, R 1).. Nov. ll.-Hpe-clal Telegram.) The Mirlners of this part of the northwest temporarily are In con trol of Hloux Kails, they having gath ered to attend a big Hhnne mooting in the .focal Masonio Temple. Biuux City sent a delegation of more than 100, winch was headed by tho national. y famous souave patrol. Headed by the patrol the delegation marched to its headviarters at ono of the hotels. The ceremonial aaeaton of the rihrimrs waS held tonight In the Orpheum theater, when a large number of new candidates became full-fledged members. i TRAMPS STARTED FIRE THAT BURNED BABY TO DEATH i 4 MASON CITY. Ia.. Nov. . ll.-poclal Talegram.) Officers today have decided to accept the story told by little John and Panlel Bhlmp, that tramps sat the barn on their father's place on fir yes tardsy afternoon, which cost their baby brother's life. Neighbors saw men an swering to descriptions given by the'boys.i Would You Swap if You Had a Good Offer? Since The Bee started the Swappers Column, thousands of people have used it with considerable profit. : It . has proven to be n most popular feature. Those who, want to swap that which they have for that which they want will find many ready offers through the Swappers'- Column. ; Bring your od to The Bee office nnd we will put you inj touch . with ' the ' right ieople for a very -few cents. Do it now while you are in the mood. Telephone Tyler .W00 The OmahayBec rV Raads WaUi Ada