Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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o A
Tuesday. November 10, 1914.
LKCTION" stories are- still making tho round.
Friends of wtnln prominent politician have been greatly
i mused by the following; story.
A young swain of one cf Omaha's wcll-lmown families, who
bas always found h! cffluAnt trrteg never -oncM",ndinn; with hi allow
ance,, discovered thnt the r'fr.t election could bp niado a boon to a
lean purse-. Tho lad's father is an ardent ilemotrat and makes fre
quent visits to the !iat;v:'.n capital, nr.d vliin tho bov rjw Ms name to
pass republican circulars at tho recent election, the. offi.inl In charge fn
queried, "Isn't fnthcr Mr. So-and-so, r d"'iiorrnt ?" Tito boy promptly
replied, "Yes, but that's not my fault, pnd besides I prod the dollar and the
democrat lime no circulars."
Corri(ran-Becker "Wcddintr. j
The home of Mr. and Mm. A. i:. i.ccaet j
vii the scene of a very pielty m-urt.nt
thin ifternocn ft t o'c '!. w''.r:i thnil I
daughter. Mbs Ke.thcrlno, 1er:iin the .
bride of Mr. Alfred Corrignn of cleve-
Isnd, O. The cfrcniony performed ,
before in improvised :tr of ps!ni-- rl 'or the UtUre
sojthcrn smilsx. Hv. K.lwin II.
of tin First Prraby terlan chur h ofli-c!a'ed-
The bride wore hr (to-awiy (torn ot
tetre d nrgrc velvet, with hit to initcii
Her only ormmrnt was a ijinriond Inv
aller. the gift of tin- groom. Mn. flecker.
v. ere the only guests it the, ceremony.
Aftrr the. t,rri. mot;y supper wan rcrvfd at
the homo of Mr. find Mrs. Wldait M.
Ityin. Mr. r.rnl 11m. I "vpliin left Ust
night, for the v. est and wcl he at home
aftrr Iiocmh-r 1 hi maha.
The ladles ,,f tro r-'ntil'i Md I'roerc
five Cmi fluti will enlerta'n Wednesday
evening Pt the'r hull on I'mtrl ar street.
The hirleaep-i on thin occasion will bo:
MfedmiU'i. Mcrrintcee -).
'vmiuwh. M. r. Sharmhan,
C. Kelley, J. n. l'nil.
1. Si:ie.i, C. "niing.
the brlde'i mother, wni gowned l.i
green crepe claborMe'y trimmed wiii.
gold laro. Mrs. Floyd 1 avld.rn played
the Lohenirln weddlna innnh. The liv
ing room, where the eddlnn toolt i-lacn,
Ittnrtlvrly derorated with Inrge
bunrhei of yellow end wlilie ehryianthe.
mum ind basketi filled with pom-pom
i-hryitantliernuma. In tho dln'.n room
rink Klllarney were nn-d.
Mr. md Mn. t'orriRnn imve pon cam Rummy Clnb Entertained.
on a lidding trip md will he at home, Mr M. M. Kllno wn hoateii nt the
fter December 1 In f'leveiind, o. ; meetlnic of (lie Rummy clnh thli uftrr-
With the Vi.-.itor.
Mi.n Ami'i'n It. MadJlnreon of Mit
tenv.nii. ,. V., I a Knot at tho home
of Mr. mid Mm. f'hf.rlr U. MePonald. In
her honor Mr. md Mia .Mi-Uii,m w
entertain at :inner Katntd.iy evening.
.Ml .VIal!Bfron will he with Mr. Me
I'nnuld peveral weeKn.
The gueat were limited to
and very neir frlenda of the faml'y. Tli'
out-of-town -guet were;
Mr. and Mn. Albert Gaylord Dnvln of
Mr. and Mn. Wilier rtobert. Lincoln.
Mr. and Mm. A. M. I'avie. Lincoln.
Mr. and Mr. J. W. W'hnrt.m. Lincoln.
Mm. W. l!rindall, I'inadn.
Mini Vlnlnta rrindnll. Can.ida.
Mill flarih Heeker, feorlu. HI.
Miei Alice Mei ker, I'eorhi.
Mr. R. it. Decker, l'eorln.
.Master Thnmaa Anion Hecker, I'eorla.
Kensington Club Meets.
The Deborah Franklin KonnlnKUw club
held the ft rut mettliifi of thn yuar thia
afternoon a I the homo of Mm. C
Howe. There aro thirty-two membera of
thia club and the meeting are huh). the
4cond Tuowluy of the month.
Debutante Bridge Club.
The Itbutinte lir'dse club met thia
. ifternoon with Mlaa Hinnehe Detict. Tho
membera aro;
noon at her home.
Fnncei llo halet
ler. Alice JadiultU.
Li.cil'.e Hhcod.
Eleanor Mackay,
ilnrfon Kuhn,
KiiRinln I'atlernon,
Mclla Thumniol,
Ann tiltioid.
.Imict liad.
liWiiciic l.'eiicl.
Helen t-'latae.
Creighton Activities.
The Court ol Merry Maker, ruinpcacJ
ot the itiioVnta of Crelghton I.iw college
and frienda. convened at Chambcri'
dancing ocadeiny Monday evening and a
very pleasant, program won irrlad out.
Koch itudent'of the college wn rtim--irx.ned
to apponr on tho uhove mentioned
late with onu tomp5tent vvltneka to take
pirt Itt a dinr beforo the court. The
Foster Makes More
Gains Over Madden;
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. I'liirleM W. (Slave of fie-ivcr wni
the gucKtM or omnhn frl"nN Monday.
Mln llch-n Wullwork of Denver, Tf.r
mrly of iin;tlia. who lia iHen viKltlnt?
friend here, left lor her l.omo fqtur-
Mia. W. J .McKltrick und daughter.
Mlra Orpha. left Monda 'vcirmj for At
lartn, f.Jii., and other point In the souih.
to 'iv Kone rever.l woek.i. .
Mr. It. U. Welch left the lutler part of
the week for HoNtnn. Maa.. ivhere she
will vppnd the winter with her daughter. I vote.
IManche, who in In ( hool there. tniofflelally and now correctod thiougli
Mrr. David 15. Tuiivy, fornmrly o.' ' tho flrat alx warda and five preclncti ot
Omaha, but now of Lo Angele. hn ar
f-- 4 vj -v.- .A
Needlework Guild
Taking Care of the
Needy Here at Home
While sewing circle for the relief o j
war uf ferer . are aprlnRlng up all ovet
the city the Omaha branch of the Needle- j
work Guild of America continues it work!
of taking care of tne needy at home. The!
f ill jr a many garment will be g
til year
i The annual buslne meeting and el
tinn of off leer will take place Wednesday
. rmrnlng at 11 o'clock and thi annual ro.
I ceptinn Thursday afternoon in the church
j rarlora.
,vc"ou,i Suffrage Wins in
Thirty-Two, Loses in
Forty-One Counties
The Quarterly Reminder of the Sacred
Heart church. Rev. P. J. Judge paator, la
annual collection and distribution of gar-i ,,ff the prease and being distributed. The
mentg by thia organlTatlon will take placi paper contalna a number of Interesting
Wednesday and ThurFday, with the First
Congregational church as the base.
Last year over 3, MO garments were dis
tributed through the channrl of the Vti
itlng Nurse awocintlon and the t'lty Mis
sion principally, and it la thought that
squibs and short itorlei of Interest to
pariahoneri and others.
Sacred Heart school come n for Its
share of publicity and a list of the honor
students In the vattoua grade of the In
stitution la given.
In thirty-two counties or the strut
woman suffrage carried and In forty-ona
It lost of the total number of countlea
so far heard rrom. In Adame county the
proposition tied, with l,6ofl vtea for and
1, '' against. It was In some of the far
western counties that suffrage ran best
proportionately. In Brown county It car
ried by 611 to 440. In Box Butte county it
carried by 631 to 470.
The most decisive county defeat It re
ceived wa that In Cuming county, where
the vote wai almost three to one against
suffrage. The vote was 671 for auffranu
and 1.627 against It.
Meat Prices Are
Being Boosted in
Omaha by Packers
Packer have sent the meat prleei soar
ing In Omaha.
Since last Saturday the price of pork
loin ha tieen boosted from 13 cents to
17 cent today. The price of dressed
lambs Snturday was B'.J centi. loday
the pickers are charging 13 cents a po
for dressed lanih.
Headache Stops,
Neuralgia Gone
Police Judge f'harles li. Foster ha
Sained additional l'W vote on Tuesday a
official canvass of the poll hooka, which
Mvei him a total lead over his cleino-
.... uwun-ni, iv. j. jnanaeji, ot xis ,,,ho r.,ief In the whole world.
Tho vote on pollen Judge, returned itclvc the acony and
Nerve-racking, spitting or dull, throb-
hlng headaches yield in Just a few mom
ents to Dr. James' Headache Powden I
which cost otdy 10 cents a package at j
any drug Rtore. It'a the quickest, surest i
olatresa I
rived lo lw the gueat of her sister, Mr.'.
Ted Nelson, until lifter Christmas.
.Mr. ieor McKltrick rt'Jnifd t d:.y
from St. I.ou-iwhcre he hni een visit
liirf frierida and relative,. Mr. McKltrick
expect to leave the latt-r patt of the
week for Oakdnle and Na"iivll!. 111., for
a Ihreo weeks' stay.
Mr. rml Mrn. J. A. C. Kennedy are In
New Vork City.
-miss .ayi Thompson will leave this i
evening for Lee. Neb., where ihe will be
niald of honor at the wedding of Mias i
Gladys Munger and Mr. Carl Neafui of
Elton. Neb.. whl.Mt will be celebrated
Thursday evening at tho home of the
bride In Ie. Tho brido to In ia a niece
of Judge. W. II. Munger.' Mlaa Thompso.i
will return the list of tho week.
now! You ean. Millions of men and
women have found that headache, or ntu-
tho Seventh ward, shows for Fouler : r.lffla mlr n needless. Get what vou
.Bk for Advertisement
and 7,7V for Madden.
Drives Dick Headache Ammy.
Agonising ilik headache curd by uains j
Ir. King ! New Life Pills regular. v:
Uee liver and bowels In healtiiy cond:-
tlon. 85c. All druggists. Advertisement. :
Personal Mention.
Mr. Kiiiinu n. Manchester
n. Guy M. Jackson, of tint cltv. to
whom a son wai born list week.
nttenaance inn me evening "i i'i'iiuuhh io It aiud f'Jnday with
vnjoyea l-ore lesumony mn none m i ner ciaugnier nnd son-in-law. Mr. and
kludculi were guilty ui connjmpi n Mn
t'tudonli of the Cre.Rhton Modlial col
lege, will give the'r second dance of the
priaint hool year nt Clianibera danc
ing academy thli evening. The com-J
inlltee haa been hard ut work for the or-j
caa'.un aod a large attendance la cx-1
pec ted.
Had ( old Ualcbly rtrokea I p.
Mn. Mnrthn' Wilcox, Gowanda. N. V
writes: " rirt uuel Chamberlaln'a
Coniilt Remetiy almut eight yeara ago. At
thut time I hnd u luird i-old and rough -d
moat of the time. It proved to be Just
pnai i peeiteu. it broke up tho cold In
Story Tellers' Section. a few dnys, nnd Ihe cough entirely dl-
The opening meeting of Hie itory toll- j arpenied. 1 have told many of my
era' lection of the Association ul Coilo- i friend of tho good I received through
late A'lOmn&e will be held Wetineailaw u!ng thia medicine, and -all. -who -ha,ve
afternoon at 4 o'clock nt the homo ot Mlaa used it apeak of It In the hlghcat terma."
Hslen gomtnrr, 614 Pirk ivenue. The j Ohtulnabio everywhere. Adve:tliement.
. program will be on "Italy." the follow-
lug Holies to be told: "Vli oH of
Mlaa Lultl. llalkht; folk etc
Ijorothy I'Vantx. and eelcted story. Mls
Ruth McDonald. Mr. Martin Dlmcry
mill be leader of the program.
e i'iuow-.
JjDads'Sot Hearing
of Anderson's Case
Policeman A. C. Anderson, charged
with beating a prisoner while the man
waa handcuffed. untieHreit liefore the eliv
j l iK met vealerdav afternoon at the : ... n . .
.... ..... . , - - j .-uuie ii mr a Hearing, declared tne. man
Plenum Put
The Carter Laki Hwlinm'.ng and Bowl-
A special train over the Burlington.
whch will rarry between TOO and X.TUi
Omahuna to tho Nehraska-Kaniai gime., '
will leave the Burlington station Satur
day at 12:15 noon and arrive In Lincoln ,
at 1:411. A return sinclal will leave Lin
coln at t:.10 p, m., making only one stop,
during the return trip, and will arrive '
here It 7 p. in.
Metropolitan club. The high acoso waa
made by Mr a. Cattln'i bind, ind those
pieaent were:
ti. j. I'nderwood,
It. O. Ilierman.
Alex Jetes,
W. II. Gould, jr.,
J. A. Freeland,
J A. Dimmick.
Hnry Keating.
C. M. Johnaon,
W. J. Cattln. .
S. W. H roil p.
Charles Meyen,
A J. Pleraon.
Frank Carpenter,
L. A. lerniody.
11. B. Whltehouae,
N. Biliett.. - ....
V. ot. lorrince
A reception wai given. Friday after-
noon at the home of Mrs. V. D. Kelly l
In honor of her birthday. Mr. Kelly e-
ed many gift and each guest waa '
vn a pretty souvenir ot tne occasion, i
Those preaeru were.
whom hn ii alleged to have "mauled" wai
toady to teattfy that there waa no beating.
"Tho man (a a floater. He will not
vtay hero long, but he la here In thia
room ready to testify that 1 did not beat
I tin." aald tle pollcenMn,
Tile "floalor" showed no slgna of a
beating. The council Hel a hearing for
Wednesday morning at o'clock.
Even Cross, Sick
Children Love
Syrup of Figs
Don't acold your fretful, peevish chHd.
See if tongue Is coated: thli Is a euro
sign Its little stomach, Mver and bowela
are clogged with sour wuate.
When llallesa, pale, feverish, full of
cold, breath ba1. throat sore, doeen't
eit. sleep or act naturally, haa stomach
ache, tndlgeitloh, dtsrrhoea, give a tea
poonful of "California Syrup of Figs."
and In a few hours all the foul waste,
the aotir hlle and fermenting food peases
out of the bowela and you have a well
and playful child' again. Children love
this hirmlesi "fruit laxative,'; and moth
era can reat easy ifter giving It. because
It never fails to make their little "In
aldea" clem and s,weet.
Keep It handy. Mother! A little given
today aivei a ilck child tomorrow, but
t the genuine. Ask your druggist for
a -cent bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs." which direction! for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly en the bottle. Remember there
are counterfeit! aold here, so surely look
nd see that yottra Is nude by-the "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company." Hand back
with contempt any other fig syrup.
Missouri Pacific
Leave Omaha Ar. Kansas City
8:15 A. M. S:55 P. M.
2:00 P. M. 8:35 P. M. '
11:15 P. M. 7:07 A- M.
IS a
1:8 T-
b.i LJtljLiiMa? Jil j
d T.,7 :i ,d!l J
. In
Mammoth Sale of
For Women and Misses
1 Thursday, Nov. 12
(J . Over 900 beautiful Dresses bought
at a fraction of their actual value
from a prominent Philadelphia
Dress Manufacturer.
Evening Dresses
Afternoon Dresses
Party Dresses
Dancing Dresses
Street Dresses
Modern Equipment
Observation Sleepers
Superb Dining Car Service
Meals a la Carte
Direct connections in Kanaas
City Union Station for points
South Kast WVst.
14 211 Furuam St.
t nlon Station.
Thos. P. Godfrey
General Ageut, Passenger Dept.
400 of These
Dresses Are
Samples No
Two of Them
Every, new style and
model is shown. Velvets,
Chiffons, Laces,. Crepe
de Chines, Charmeuse,
Crepe Meteor, Serges.
Every good color of the
season. All sizes for
women and misses, in
cluding extra sizes.
Blanket Remn'nts
Sale Wednesday
in Basement
Kemnants of F.xtt-a Heavy Wool
Nap Cotton Blankets Half tu
full size blankets, equal up to
four yards of 15c outing flannel.
All these remnants, are )
marked at one pr'ce kp
.Wednesday. Choice for. . "aJl
Two Big Blanket Specials o
Extra Fine Cotton Blankets,
Worth -Ueacon and Wool r
Nap Blankets, very soft finish. Cn
large size; in white, fA
gray and tan; spe- $ I S In
cial Wednesday, rr. . . qJ
4-kIz Btd Hlanketf. up to 73c
Grade Short Nap Blanketa, in
white, gray and tan; fine for
and single beds; spe
cially priced for Wed
nesday, per pair
Extra Heavy Winter
Full SizeCovered with good silk
ollne; medium grade of cotton
filling; fancy scroll stitched.
The regular fl grade, stfi
on sale Wednesday In
basement at, each tJ
For Making Christmas Presents as '
Well as for Your Own Use
Our stocks are absolutely complete and selection ia
bound to be the most satisfactory. If you intend giv
ing Cretonnes for Christmas gifts you undoubtedly
want to buy them early, anyway, so as to have that
part of your Christmas list settled, and these special
values for Wednesday, on our Third Floor, should be
an Incentive to have you buy early.
90 Pieces of Cretonnes fen8eBnad8:
sortment of patterns. Very specially
priced for Wednesday at, a yard
Cretonnes Jaf feta.Victoria Damas k,Poritan Cretonne
And dozens or other printed materials. Jfl OA
Very specially priced for Wed., yard47Cail7C
Cedar Chests 40 inches
long; price
at, each . .
Imported and Domestic
Cretonnes 50 inches
wide; beautifu 1 lines;
very specially priced
atthe1 J or 7c
yard $ la&U-f 0
Art Ticking Dozens ot
1 w preuy stripes and
floral designs; on
per yard. LtUC
Matting Boxes 42 ins.
long; worth $6; special
ly priced for no
Wednesday. . . .y4l70
Room-Size Rugs
9x12 Size and Seamless
Beautiful Brussels Rugs. Big
line to select from. Floral ami
Oriental patterns. Many of these
rugs are worth up to $18. Not a
plngle one worth leas than 15.
They are really wonderful values
at our special price
Axminster Rugs
Size 9x12 ft. Beautiful
new designs and color
ings. They are excel
lent wearing rugs.
Many are worth up to
$25. Special- nr
ly priced... plO.O
Wilton Rugs
Size 9x12 ft. Beautiful
Oriental designs. Me
dallions and Allover
patterns; worth up to
$45. Priced tOQ QO
specially at. p70
Linoleum, 12 Feet Wide, 45c
Square Yard
Beautify the Complexion !
Nadinola CREAM
Th Unequalcd Buutlflcr
Guaranteed" to remove
tan, freckles, pimples,
liver i pots, etc. Extreme
cases about twenty days.
Rids pores and tissues of impurities.
Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy.
Two sises, 50c. and $1.00. By toilet
Counters or mail.
Bol4 br Sherman St McConoelt lirug htorcs. Baa
toa Drug Co.. Braadetg lirui bept. and ethara.
J In b
J celv
( glvi
Mredarm a -M.
11. C. Kdgl.l l,
F. W. F.dcnill.
A. 1.. Itun hum,
K. Meyrra.
I'i'l h iJilvvln.
K. Sr.illh.
A. C. l.ohrea.
Mrh.e Clary.
I. . A. F .luiiea, ,
II. A. J.thnron.
.1 linen Tlltull.
W. A. Hinith.
ilinU, w. It. Iel.i-y,
A. M. Carter, o. 11. Cupp.
ti. I. Woolt. . .
Mux iMtiothy Hunfle'id.
Mn. K. Ilawley ontortnlned at
luncheon toJay It honor of tho k'Tino
Literary club. Following 'bo jachar
thi regular monthly prostrtin wa ulven.
!. WtkeOeld.
I L. Knee.
11. C. Marsh.
A. I.. F.wlng. -Mart
K'hel Ah'etraud.
Irma Wills.
j AV. 1. lngfoid,
A. J. Johnaoit.
I IHniald Knee.
. riariy r-umivv,
I , K. 'i. Olaon.
t ; I. K. Itamicae.-n.
C. H. Cot eland,
To Honor Bride.
lira. Robert A. Flnley and Mlaa tClixa
beth Fin ley ei.lerLulne 1 at a kenainglon
thia afurnorn it tho homo of Mrs. Fin ley
lo honor oC M si Florence Weiternsan. ;
who 1J be married ThJisday evening.
The rooms weie decoratetl with buncha,
of pink roses an) those present were:
MlKM-S .
We t.rma n,
Iaiay Fry,
Alt Fr,
Onici Northrup,
I A Wilaoci,
fUll h Uusacll.
Kutli Iltlon.
Charlotte T mi.klra.
K.l.lh liar llt n.
Fl irence lalt i.
C..r VII-i,ll.
G or;e BheparJ.
Weddinjr Annotuirerrriit.
Tbe weeding of Mlaa Jennie lirewmin
iiul Mr. Frank F. Devlni . took place
Monday irieiT.oon. The Itev. Patrick
Flanagan of Holy Atigli church offl
(laud. Mr. and Mrs- U Uevlne, and
wi, of Lincoln, ind Omaha relative!
Advance No tic
e of Sale
big special purchases made by our
buyer, now in New York.
Beautiful GOWNS i DRESSES From fiio Cti
Goldstein's, To $30 Values, at ... pJL6,dV
Grade, Worth Up To $45.00, at tpiO.Jl
Watch our windows and ads., Bigger bar
gain opportunities were never offered.
Is the name of the doll we
will give this week
To Our Busy Little Bees
She is 2.j inches high,
has beautiful eyes ami
hair and clothes that
will make any little girl'
YlrglMla will be rlTin
hn to thi Uttli gin.
nadir 10 of ag.,
that bring or mails ua
tbu laxgut stuBtar of
doll'i ptotons eat eat of
th. Daily and Baaday
In b.fon 4 p. m. Satur
day, HoTimber 14.
Her picture will be in
The Bee every day this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures in
their paper for you, too.
See how many pictures
of Virginia you can get,
and be sure to. turn them
in to The Bee office be
fore 4 p. m., Saturday,
November 14.
If you don't win thli Dollle,
perhipi you can get one next
week. Only on. doll will ba
given to any on. perion.
Dorothy was won by Ruth Curran, who sent us 1299
of her pictures. Somebody must have sat up nights
working for that little girl. Never mind don't give up
maybe you ean get VIRGINIA and she's just as sweet as
6he can be.
You can see Virginia at The Bee Office
-f3 i)
TV v
I "IV;:)lUfif;a 8
' Jsl
Bargains in
practically new
articles in "For
Sale column: read